November 13 Eastwind

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November 2013

Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives.

The Four Ps of Leadership by Bob Hopper, Interim Senior Pastor Many years ago I learned about the “Four P’s” of leadership: PERSON, POSITION, PERFORMANCE, POWER. Perhaps some reflection on each of these would be useful to you individually, as families, and as a church family. PERSON refers to the character (being) of the leader in general and the adage that we “lead by example” in particular. Scripture, of course, places a great emphasis upon the character of the church leader (Titus 1, I Timothy 3) who are “examples to the flock” (I Peter 5:3). PERFORMANCE (doing) refers to the gifts, abilities, effectiveness, and productivity of leaders. Do they get the job done (assuming they know what the “job” really is). Often, this performance component can be tangibly measured as there is often a “bottom line.” In the church world, the most common barometer of a successful performance is measured in “nickles and noses” (church budget and attendance). Scripture knows no such measurements as these but does exhort “bearing much fruit” for the glory of God (John 15:8).

After observing and serving with them for the past 18 months, I can happily affirm that the elders and the staff of Eastminster are faithfully seeking to be biblical servant-leaders. They seek to lead by example as they understand the importance of the “person” (character) of a leader. Their “performance” over these months has not been flawless, but has been faithful and fruitful. The “power” they exert is to serve this church in humility, not to control this church with pride. They are leading us to “glorify God, follow Jesus, and transform lives.” The Lord is at work in our midst. May he continue to raise up more leaders who will put their hand to this plow of purpose and not look back.

Congregational Meeting To elect the class of 2016 officers Sunday, November 17, 10:30 a.m.; Sanctuary

POSITION (occupying) refers to the role and/or title that the leader holds within the larger organization (vice-president, comptroller, manager, senior pastor, etc.). Scripture lists various positions in the church, commonly referred to as “offices” (Ephesians 4:11). POWER (influencing) describes the way the leader shapes, controls, motivates, and empowers others in the organization to perform their tasks and meet their responsibilities. This manifestation of power can include: persuasion, intimidation, coercion, motivation, etc. Scripture contains dozens of examples of leaders who abused their power (the kings of Israel and Judah sadly illustrate this). The biblical model for the exercise of power is called “servant-leadership” (Mark 10:42-45). Here is a critical question for every Christian to consider: what kind of leader are you? Well, you may say, I don’t hold any leadership title or position – I don’t see myself as a leader. Of course you are! Do you set an example (person) for anyone? Do you seek to influence others in any way? Do you attempt to use your gifts and passions in your vocation, family, or avocations?


Eastwind Newsletter

As a Presbyterian Church, we have a representative form of government. This means leaders are elected by the congregation to lead and serve the church. On November 17, we’ll vote on the class of 2016 elders and deacons. Elders are the ruling body of the church, who serve for a threeyear term. Deacons carry out member care and support, and also serve for a three-year term. You can learn about all of our elder and deacon candidates online at or by picking up an elder/deacon booklet at the church kiosks.

Embark toward stewardship Celebration Sunday is November 17 On Sunday, November 17, we’ll remember all God has blessed us with, both as a church family and as individuals. This is a day of celebration! As we praise God for his work in our lives and church, we’ll also pledge to give him our very best. The best of our time through relationships and service. The best of our talents by using our gifts, personalities and training to glorify him. And the best of our treasure by pledging our tithes and offerings to him. We’ll acknowledge the commandment in Proverbs 3:9, which says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops.” On November 17, everyone who calls Eastminster home will have the opportunity to present the Lord with their pledge for 2014 during worship that day.

How to Give Pledge cards will be available at the church in the weeks leading up to Celebration Sunday, or in the pews during worship that day.

Trust is Key By giving of our tithes and offerings, we affirm that we trust who God is, and that we trust our church. In Malachi 3, God says to test him on his faithfulness. “‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it ... Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,’ says the Lord Almighty.” Do we trust that God will do this for us? Do we trust that he will indeed bless us in return for giving the tithe he requires? In the weeks leading up to November 17, let’s search our hearts, spend time in prayer, then faithfully return what God has given us in an act of trust. He promises it won’t go unnoticed. Join us Celebration Sunday as we take a leap of trust together, one pledge at a time.


Following Jesus in the Journey Ahead Message Series with Rev. Bob Hopper Before you embark on a journey, you must plan, prepare and pack for the road ahead. We’re doing just that during October and November as Pastor Hopper shares special insights to prepare us for the coming of a new senior pastor (whenever God decides that will be). We’ll learn simple but powerful truths to prepare us as individuals and a church for the next chapter of life at Eastminster. November 3 Be Prepared 1 Peter 3:13-18 • Rev. Bob Hopper November 10 Ten Lepers Luke 17:11-19 • Rev. Bob Hopper November 17 • Celebration Sunday • Congregational Meeting at 10:30 a.m. Shepherds 1 Peter 5:1-4 • Rev. Bob Hopper November 24 True Thankshowing Philippians 4:10-20 • Rev. Bob Hopper

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Gathering Generations Eastminster’s Christmas family event – Chili Christmas – returns this year. Kent & Cheryl Cooper, their daughters and families share their story of gathering three generations to create holiday memories. What’s special about Eastminster’s Chili Christmas?

Kent Cooper: The thing I love and the reason people should attend is that on this particular day the people of Eastminster are one congregation. It doesn’t matter what time you normally attend church or whether you wear a blue shirt or yellow dress. On days of combined services, we are just Eastminster, one body of believers, one community of faith! Stephanie Brown: I think Chili Christmas is a fun event for our family. I also believe it’s a wonderful event for the church family. Our children benefit immensely from the opportunity to spend a lot of time with their grandparents, and I think they also benefit from the examples set by the older members of our congregation. I think it’s a wonderful thing to have a huge church family! I think it’s even more wonderful when we are given the opportunity to ALL come together no matter what service we usually attend. And by the way, the chili is seriously delicious. Lindsey Bledsoe: Chili Christmas is one of my favorite events at Eastminster. Gathering together with three


Eastwind Newsletter

generations of my family for an afternoon of community and fun with our Eastminster family is the perfect way to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season. Why should people attend Chili Christmas?

Kent: On Chili Sunday we have the rare chance to be together as families, kids, grandparents, parents, everyone! It’s fun to see how kids have grown and how families have matured. The fact that we celebrate together the coming of Christ’s birth makes this day a wonderful way to begin the preparations for Christmas. Lindsey: If you have never attended Chili Christmas, I can’t encourage you enough to come! It is a fun event for your entire family and a wonderful opportunity to get to know and spend time with other Eastminster families. Do you have a favorite memory from past years?

Kent: Our family, especially our grandkids, loved last year’s meal and crafts. This year we are especially excited because we have two more grandkids and our daughter Ashley and her husband, Jay, who will join us. We are looking forward to a great family time!

Stephanie: We’d gone to Chili Christmas as a family growing up, but I have to say my favorite experience was last year when we took our children (Cooper, Mia and Jack) and my parents were there with us. Jack was a little baby, so I really got to sit and watch my parents do crafts with the kids. They did EVERY craft offered, maybe even multiple times. I think we were among the last to leave and the kids didn’t want to go. They relish the time they get with Mimi and Papa and the Chili Christmas is a great way to kick off the season as a family. Lindsey: My favorite memories from past Chili Christmases are watching all of the children create their adorable Christmas crafts! I can always count on my niece and nephews to make us something beautiful to decorate our house with for Christmas! How has your family been impacted by attending Chili Christmas?

Lindsey: Chili Christmas has been a special event for my family over the years. It has served as a time for us to come together and prepare our hearts for celebrating the birth of Christ. All too often, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this busy time of year. Taking the time to spend an afternoon together as a family, with our church family, to reflect on the true meaning of the Christmas season has been a wonderful tradition for our family. We look forward to Chili Christmas every year!

Chili Christmas Sunday, December 1, 10:30 a.m.; Sanctuary

Eastminster’s traditional Christmas celebration continues! We’ll start Chili Christmas with one worship service at 10:30 a.m. featuring blended worship, carols by our children’s choir, and a special message. Then, chili and hot dogs will be served in the Gym and Fellowship Hall. Be sure to bring a dessert to share! After enjoying the chili lunch, families will be able to complete special crafts together. (Note that Sunday school is offered for children, students and adults at the 9:30 hour. No classes at 8 or 11 a.m.)

Kent Cooper holds his grandson, Jack, at last year’s Chili Christmas event.

Other Family Events Thanksgiving Food Drop

November 23, 9 a.m.; Gym We’ll fill and deliver boxes full of delicious food to those in our community who may not otherwise have a Thanksgiving dinner. This is a great opportunity for families to serve together, and even the littlest hands are welcome.

Christmas Food Drop December 21, 9 a.m.; Gym Eastminster Presbyterian Church


A Warm Welcome Warren Snyder joins the Eastminster team as Director of Membership Development New Eastminster staffer Warren Snyder sat down with us recently to talk life, ministry and welcoming others like Jesus did. As Director of Membership Development, he’ll lead our Guest Services team, welcome

guests, help those new to Eastminster get connected, connect members to service opportunities, and lead our Discovery Path classes. He’s a seminary trained leader with a heart for Jesus and making others feel significant. Be sure to welcome him to the Eastminster team! Tell us a little about yourself and your family. When did you meet Jesus? My parents, siblings, and I moved to Wichita in 1965. My father had just finished his residency at KU Medical Center and we were making a new home for ourselves. I attended Buckner Elementary (along with a couple other people who currently attend


Eastwind Newsletter

Eastminster, Kedre Wellshear and Cheryl Paisley), Robinson Jr. High, East High, and Wichita State University. I cherish the longevity and friends I have here. When I was 15 years old I went over to a friend’s house on a Friday night. We were going to hang out. He wasn’t quite ready when I got there so his mom said I could go to the basement and wait there for him. The only furniture there was a 10-inch black and white TV sitting on a chair, and another chair facing it. So, I turned on the TV and the only program I could get was a Billy Graham crusade. Not my idea of Friday night fun! So, I watched. When Billy Graham came to the end of his message he gave an altar call. He looked straight at the TV audience and directed the gospel message to me. It was just me, the sparse furnishings, a concrete floor painted grey, the furnace, and God. I bowed my head and in prayer, responded to the wonderful call of God. I thought to myself, “What have I just done?” I had no idea. I didn’t tell anyone for a year. nothing changed in my life. Then, one year later I found myself sitting in the front seat of a car with a friend of my older brother’s. He was telling me about Jesus and the God-shaped vacuum in my heart. When he asked me “Is there any reason why you can’t accept Jesus right now” I couldn’t give him one. The decision to trust Jesus with everything changed my entire life, who my friends would be, who I would marry, my future occupation, everything! What was different this time than what I had done a year ago? Discipleship! A man named Buck began to spend time

with me – frisbee football on Sunday afternoons, Scripture memory, attending church, and fellowship with others. I met my future wife, Diane, at Younglife when we were sophomores. She thought I was pretty cool! We didn’t date until seven years later. Then after the second date I told her I thought we were going to get married. We did! Now, after 35 short years, five children and five grandchildren God tells me I am a wealthy man. I believe him! Why do you have a passion for membership development and ministry? During my college years I began to learn who I was and where I wanted to make a contribution to society. I was pre-med when I entered WSU. Then, after my freshman year I threw caution to the wind and moved to California with a friend to continue college and increase my understanding of the Scriptures. It was during that wonderful year that I felt God’s call in my life to enter full-time ministry. So I returned home to Wichita and began preparing for seminary.

“Jesus sought out individuals who did not know him and brought them in direct contact with himself. Some people would have been overlooked, some were well known. But he reached out. He loved. He accepted.” How did you get connected with Eastminster? Soon, I had the great opportunity to become a youth director at a thriving church in Wichita called Eastminster Presbyterian Church. I ministered under and with Frank Kik, Jim Toney, Buck Oliphant, Kent Adrian, Wendell Miller and many others until it was time for me to go to seminary. I am grateful for the role Eastminster has played in our city over the years to further God’s kingdom and instruct many in the Reformed faith. I did not thoroughly identify my passion for membership development until six years ago when I was able to start an

assimilation/shepherding ministry in a neighboring church of about 1,100 where one did not exist before. After the worship service was over I couldn’t stop myself from reaching out to anyone who appeared to be new to the church. But, if truth be told I didn’t want to stop myself. It was what made me thrive. Jesus sought out individuals who did not know him and brought them in direct contact with himself. Some people would have been overlooked, some were well known. But he reached out. He loved. He accepted. So several of us started formally contacting new people and inviting them to pot lucks and lunches. We were encouraged because we received many positive comments of how nice it is to be noticed and appreciated. I would later see them involved and connected with others in the church. What are your goals and dreams for Membership Development? My goals and dreams at Eastminster are to develop a process whereby everyone new will be welcomed and enveloped into the mainstream where they will be able to minster and be ministered to by others. I also look forward to the relationships Diane and I develop as we get involved in the life of the church.

What is God teaching you right now? God is teaching me some life-changing principles that apply to so many areas of human perspective. I have come to realize that God has made all of us so limited and therefore dependent on him. I have come to learn that prayer is the most powerful and sacred activity that I can do. I want to pray always. What’s currently on your reading list? I have been reading one of my favorite books of all time, Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson. I have also been struggling through works of great minds like Aristotle, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke on the subject of politics. Ministry can be tough. What do you do to relax and have fun? The one thing I know I can do to relax is to spend a month in Monaco. But since that will never happen I enjoy exercising, playing golf, spending time with family and friends talking about the issues of the day.

Contact Warren He can be reached at 634.0337, ext. 242, or Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Investing in Your Marriage We spoke with a few Eastminster couples about the marriage retreat, and why it’s such a great investment of time with your spouse.

How did the Eastminster Marriage Retreat impact your marriage and family? Shelly and Charlie Green: We have attended four

Eastminster Marriage Retreats. Each time, I try to think of a million other things that I’d rather be doing that weekend, but upon arriving at the retreat each year, I realize there can be nothing more important for our marriage and our family. It is very healthy for our children to know that we are spending time together, investing in our marriage and our family. It is a great time to get away from everyday life and focus entirely on us as a couple. Angela and Jake Ramstack: The marriage retreat allowed us to have wonderful quality time together and also gave us opportunities to communicate about important issues. We were so much closer after the retreat. Abby and Corey Bevan: For Corey and me, it is an opportunity to focus on keeping the core of our marriage strong and safeguarded. Of course being able to start and finish a conversation without stopping for trivial 3–year–old questions is a bonus! What did you take away from the retreat? Shelly and Charlie: Last year’s retreat had a different

vibe than others. Don and Renee Worcester have a gift for ministering to couples. We laughed together, prayed together, and left the retreat excited for next year knowing that Don and Renee would be returning in 2014. We enjoy getting to know other couples, both young and old, that we regularly see on Sunday mornings. Angela and Jake: The most important thing I took away is that God uses my husband to shine a light on my sin. This allows it to then be dealt with and brings forgiveness and healing to this area of my life.

Why should couples attend? Shelly and Charlie: It truly is an opportunity to

completely devote an entire weekend to each other. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to spend the weekend with Don and Renee. Your marriage will thank you! Angela and Jake: The retreat is such a great opportunity to reconnect with your spouse, hear fabulous teaching and fellowship with other great couples! Abby and Corey: It is a lot of work to get our son settled with grandparents and for us to get to Kansas City. But we have realized that one of the greatest gifts we can give him is for his parents not only to love the Lord, but to also enjoy spending time together and to work as a united team. We return home refreshed and charged up! It makes for a pretty special weekend for our son too!

Marriage Retreat 2014

February 28 – March 2; Overland Park, Kan. Earlybird Registration: November 17 through January 15. Earlybird price: $189/couple. Registration deadline: February 1 ($219/couple) Our marriage retreat is for married couples of any age and stage of life. In each of our sessions, we will receive marriage-changing principles that you can take home and apply to your daily lives. We want you to leave the weekend with encouragement, hope, and practical tools to build and grow your relationship. Special guests Dr. Don and Renee Worcester will lead our retreat as they share biblical insight and real-life stories on how to make your marriage the best it can be.

Give Your Marriage a Gift What was your favorite moment or session? Angela and Jake: My favorite moment was a time called

“knee to knee.” During this time spouses sat knee to knee and discussed important issues and were given a chance to forgive each other for previous hurts or mistakes. Each couple then ended the session by praying together. It was such a healing and connecting experience. 8

Eastwind Newsletter

We know the cost of a weekend away can sometimes be a hinderance in getting to the Marriage Retreat. We’ve opened registration early so you can save on the overall cost. Plus, we encourage you to ask for funds toward the retreat as a Christmas present this year. There’s no better gift than investing in your marriage!

Reaching the Community Through Music John Shaft and Kay Grissom share about Eastminster’s annual Christmas Concert This is a special outreach event for Eastminster, why should people attend and invite others? John Shaft: Often I like to repeat the quotation, “Music washes away from the

soul the dust of everyday life.” The Eastminster Christmas Concert affords us the dual opportunity to offer praise and worship while focusing our attention on that pivotal event which God provided for all mankind. What better way to celebrate than with friends and community? Joy, we know, is contagious, and our invitations provide an opportunity to witness the manifestation of this on a much broader scale. How easy it is to say “come join us”? Kay Grissom: People should attend the Christmas Concert because the music is incredibly beautiful and uplifting, and a perfect venue to introduce others to the love of Christ.

The Gift of

Christmas Sunday, December 8, at 9:30 & 11 a.m. services (no 8 a.m. worship that day) and Monday, December 9, at 7 p.m. (concert only) Eastminster Sanctuary

What are some of your favorite moments from the concert? John: My acquaintance with the concert began long before I joined the

choir seven years ago. While attendance offered distinct pleasure – active involvement served to magnify these feelings. In this context I began extending invitations – no one was immune – friends, family, co-workers. My favorite recollections surround these invitations and subsequent responses as now I receive numerous inquiries. The list of attendees grows annually as the past attendees are now an invitation source. Kay: I’ve been involved with the concert for three years and probably my favorite moment was when I looked out from the chancel spotted my husband, my daughter and her boyfriend (who are not regular church attendees), and my little sister from Big Brothers Big Sisters seated together in the second row. It’s a physical reminder of why I love participating in the Christmas Concert each year. What makes the Eastminster Christmas Concert special? John: When characterizing this concert event as “special,” the singular word

to surface in my mind is “quality.” This abounds! It is well-known that direction from Tom Wine and Anna Jeter will provide high quality results. Couple this with a large choir consisting of many rich and talented voices, orchestral accompaniment producing symphonic sound - and all the ingredients are in place for a memorable Christmas event. Eastminster and Wichita are wellblessed and God is well-served with these remarkable gifts. Kay: The Eastminster Christmas Concert is so special because people from varied faiths and ethnic backgrounds can celebrate together through music the true joy of Christmas!

Join us for this musical celebration of the greatest gift ever given, Jesus Christ. This unforgettable concert features familiar Christmas carols and hymns with the Eastminster Chancel Choir, Hand Bells, full orchestra, piano and organ. Artists include Anna Jeter (piano and organ), Deborah Harris (hand bells), and Tom Wine (choir director) with a special message by Pastor Bob Hopper. Eastminster Presbyterian Church


2-4 Years Old

Mark the correct age category:

Use These Labels

whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the child’s age category: and a photo of yourself or family. RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100 CMYK 20 Samaritan’s Purse has delivered 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14.For Print out theyears, (If you include your name and RED: C:0 M:100 Y:100 K:0 appropriate boy/girl label by cutting address, the child may write back). shoebox gifts packed by caring people like you GREEN: C:100right. M:0 Y:100 K:0 out the artwork to the Mark Do Not Include:around Used or the correct age category onto the hurting children the world. damaged items; war-related items label, and tape the label to the top such as toy guns, knives or military of your box. figures; chocolate or food; out3. Fill with Gifts: Fill the of-date candy; liquids or lotions; box with a variety of gifts that will medications or vitamins; breakable bring delight to a child. Use the gift items such as snow globes or glass ideas provided at samaritanspurse. containers; aerosol cans. org/occ. Please include at least one item a child can immediately Questions? Contact Bonnie Cut out the appropriate label and tape it on top of your embrace such as a stuffed toy, doll, Dakan (733.5399 or 734.2313) shoe box. If you need additional labels, make copies or download from or visit ball or toy truck.


Eastwind Newsletter

10-14 Years Old

5-9 Years Old

2-4 Years Old

Mark the correct age category:

RICH BLACK: C:30Y:100 M:20K:0 Y:10 K:100 RED: C:0 M:100

RICH BLACK: C:30Y:100 M:20K:0 Y:10 K:100 RED: C:0 M:100 CMYK

band around each closed shoebox and drop it off at the church November 3, 10 or 17.

You May Include a Personal Note to the child

spread the word!

RICH BLACK: C:30Y:100 M:20K:0 Y:10 K:100 RED: C:0 M:100

RICH BLACK: C:30Y:100 M:20K:0 Y:10 K:100 RED: C:0 M:100 CMYK

GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100

GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

RED: C:0C:100 M:100M:0 Y:100 K:0K:0 GREEN: Y:100

RICH BLACK: C:30Y:100 M:20K:0 Y:10 K:100 RED: C:0 M:100

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GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

RED: C:0 M:100 Y:100 K:0




RICH BLACK: C:30Y:100 M:20K:0 Y:10 K:100 RED: C:0 M:100 CMYK

RED: C:0C:100 M:100M:0 Y:100 K:0K:0 GREEN: Y:100

RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100 CMYK

GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

RED: C:0C:100 M:100M:0 Y:100 K:0K:0 GREEN: Y:100

RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100 CMYK

GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

RED: C:0C:100 M:100M:0 Y:100 K:0K:0 GREEN: Y:100

RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100


GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

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RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100



GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

10-14 Years Old

5-9 Years Old

2-4 Years Old

Mark the correct age category:

2-4 Years Old 2-4 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 10-14 Years Old 10-14 Years Old

Mark the correct age category: Mark the correct age category:

2-4 Years Old 2-4 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 10-14 Years Old 10-14 Years Old

Mark the correct age category: Mark the correct age category:

Gift-filled shoeboxes are a powerful way to introduce children to God’s greatest gift, salvation through Jesus Christ.

RED: C:0 M:100 Y:100 K:0

RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100

GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

RED: C:0C:100 M:100M:0 Y:100 K:0K:0 GREEN: Y:100

RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100 CMYK

GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

RED: C:0C:100 M:100M:0 Y:100 K:0K:0 GREEN: Y:100

RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100


GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0



2-4 Years Old 2-4 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 10-14 Years Old 10-14 Years Old 4. Include $7 Donation:

2-4 Years Old 2-4 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 10-14 Years Old 10-14 Years Old

RICH BLACK: C:30Y:100 M:20K:0 Y:10 K:100 RED: C:0 M:100

RED: C:0C:100 M:100M:0 Y:100 K:0K:0 GREEN: Y:100

RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100


GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

Mark the correct age category: Mark the correct age category:

2-4 Years Old 2-4 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 10-14 Years Old 10-14 Years Old

Mark the correct age category: Mark the correct age category:

Please donate $7 or more for each shoebox you prepare to help cover shipping and other project costs. You can give online by using our “Follow Your Box Donation” Photo Courtesy Operation Christmas Child option, or you can write a check to Samaritan’s Purse (note “OCC” on memo line) and place it in an envelope onBut top of Jesus the gift items called them to Him, saying, inside your box. If you or your “Let the children come to Me, and do family are preparing more than one shoebox, make one notplease hinder them, for to such belongs the combined donation. kingdom of God.” —L U K E 1 8 : 1 6 , E S V CMYK

5. Drop Off: Place a rubber

Mark the correct age category: Mark the correct age category:

2-4 Years Old 2-4 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 10-14 Years Old 10-14 Years Old

2. Boy or Girl: Determine

Mark the correct age category: Mark the correct age category:

RICH BLACK: C:30Y:100 M:20K:0 Y:10 K:100 RED: C:0 M:100 RED: C:0C:100 M:100M:0 Y:100 K:0K:0 GREEN: Y:100

RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100


GREEN: C:100 M:0 Y:100 K:0

RED: C:0 M:100 Y:100 K:0

shoebox (standard size, please) or a small plastic container. You can wrap the box (lid separately), but wrapping is not required. Most importantly, pray for the child who will receive your gift.

2-4 Years Old 2-4 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 10-14 Years Old 10-14 Years Old

RICH BLACK: C:30 M:20 Y:10 K:100

1. Shoe Box: Use an empty



10-14 Years Old

5-9 Years Old

Since 1993, more than 100 million boys and girls in over 130 countries have experienced God’s love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child. Eastminster is working with Samaritan’s Purse to deliver the gifts and share the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ. Learn how to pack your shoe box below.

Mark the correct age category: Mark the correct age category:

2-4 Years Old 2-4 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 5-9 Years Old 10-14 Years Old 10-14 Years Old

Mark the correct age category: Mark the correct age category:

10-14 Years Old

5-9 Years Old

2-4 Years Old

Mark the correct age category:

Good News. Great Joy. For 20 years, Samaritan’s Purse has delivered shoebox gifts to children around the world.

November Calendar Friday, November 1 – 3 High School Fall Retreat Sunday, November 3 Operation Christmas Child Collection 8, 9:30, 11am Worship 8, 9:30, 11am Adult Classes 9:30am Children’s & Student Classes 11am Kid’s Worship

11am Kid’s Worship 12:30pm Missionary Lunch & Update 7pm High School Youth Group Monday, November 11 9am For Mothers of Young Children 7pm Prayer for Pastor Search Teams

6:45pm Boy Scout Troop 524 Tuesday, November 19 6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 9:30am Women in Action 6:30pm Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 7pm Piece Sewers, Session Meeting

Tuesday, November 12 6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 9:30am Women in Action 6:30pm Contemporary Worship Rehearsal

Wednesday, November 20 9am SHICK Insurance Counseling Monday, November 4 9:30am Mothering from Cradle to Graduation 9am For Mothers of Young Children 10am Women’s Ephesians & Philippians Study 6:45pm Boy Scout Troop 524 4:45pm Connect Card Prayer Group 5:15pm EDGE Dinner Wednesday, November 13 Tuesday, November 5 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal, 9:30am Martha-Priscilla Circle 6:15am Men’s Life 9:30am Mothering from Cradle to Graduation Kid’s Choir, Middle School 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 10am Women’s Ephesians & Philippians Study 6:30pm EDGE Adult Discipleship Class, 9:30am Women in Action Kid’s Quest 1pm Rebecca-Ruth Circle 9:30am Women’s Book Club 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 4:45pm Connect Card Prayer Group 6:30pm Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 5:15pm EDGE Dinner 7pm Piece Sewers Thursday, November 21 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal, 9:15am Hannah Circle Kid’s Choir, Middle School Wednesday, November 6 10am Senior Singles 6:30pm EDGE Adult Discipleship Class, 9am SHICK Insurance Counseling 6pm LAFS 9:30am Mothering from Cradle to Graduation Eastminster 103, Kid’s Quest 10am Women’s Ephesians & Philippians Study 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Saturday, November 23 4:45pm Connect Card Prayer Group 9am Thanksgiving Food Drop Thursday, November 14 5:15pm EDGE Dinner 9:30am Abigail Circle 6pm Chancel Bell Choir Rehearsal, Sunday, November 24 10am Senior Singles Kid’s Choir, Middle School 8, 9:30, 11am Worship 6pm LAFS 6:30pm EDGE Adult Discipleship Class, 8, 9:30, 11am Adult Classes Eastminster 103, Kid’s Quest 9:30am Children’s & Student Classes Saturday, November 16 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 11am Kid’s Worship 8:30am Becoming a Contagious Christian Thursday, November 7 Monday, November 25 Sunday, November 17 9:15am Hannah Circle 7pm Prayer for Pastor Search Teams Operation Christmas Child Collection 10am Senior Singles Celebration Sunday 11am Senior Luncheon at Crown Uptown Tuesday, November 26 8, 9:30, 11am Worship 6pm LAFS 6:15am Men’s Life 8, 9:30, 11am Adult Classes 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 9:30am Children’s & Student Classes Saturday, November 9 9:30am Women in Action 9:30am Faith Journey Event: First Grade 7:30pm Singing Quakers Alumni Concert Noon Prayers for Our Nation 10:30am Congregational Meeting 6:30pm Contemporary Worship Rehearsal 11am Kid’s Worship Sunday, November 10 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7pm High School Youth Group Operation Christmas Child Collection 8, 9:30, 11am Worship Thursday/Friday, November 28–29 Monday, November 18 8, 9:30, 11am Adult Classes Eastminster Offices Closed 9am For Mothers of Young Children 9:30am Children’s & Student Classes Eastminster Presbyterian Church


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Eastminster Presbyterian Church 1958 N. Webb Road • Wichita, Kansas 67206 316.634.0337 •

Worship Services Sundays at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

The goal of Eastwind is to support the mission of Eastminster Church: Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives. Director of Communications: Courtney Browning ( Associate Director of Communications: Meg Foreman (

Up & Coming Singing Quakers Alumni Concert Directed by Dr. Cecil J. Riney and featuring Joseph Martin, guest conductor and pianist Saturday, November 9, 7:30 p.m.; Sanctuary This special evening features familiar anthems and spirituals sung by the Singing Quakers Alumni from Friends University. Tickets are $12 at the door ($10 for seniors and students).

Senior Ministries SHICK Insurance Counseling November 6 and 20 Assistance with selecting a prescription drug plan through SHICK (Senior Health Insurance Counselors of Kansas). Call 660.0100 for an appointment. White Christmas November 7 at Crown Uptown Holiday Dinner December 8; Crestview Country Club Sign up in Fellowship Hall beginning November 24.

Christmas Eve Services Tuesday, December 24 • Children’s Services: 3 & 4:30 p.m. • Contemporary Service: 6 p.m. • Traditional Service: 8 p.m.


Eastwind Newsletter

Saturday, November 16 • 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with dale & Bob Coleman • featuring the acclaimed curriculum from Bill Hybels, Lee Strobel and Mark Mittelberg People matter to God. This foundational truth leads us to share a clear, contemporary presentation of the gospel in our personal lives so others can hear and respond to the life-changing good news of Jesus. Authors of the Contagious Christian curriculum Bill Hybels, Mark Mittelberg and Lee Strobel believe effectively communicating our faith should be the most natural thing in the world. At this special one-day retreat, presenters Bob and Dale Coleman will help us discover why we are called to be Contagious Christians, how authenticity, compassion and sacrifice help us relate to seekers, and how to clearly share the gospel with those you love in a way that “fits” the unique personality God gave you. We’ll learn how to develop a contagious Christian character, to build spiritually strategic relationships, to direct conversations toward matters of faith, and to share biblical truths in everyday language. Register in Fellowship Hall on Sundays or at Questions? Contact Marcia Davis at 634.0337, ext. 231, or Child care is available for children up to 5 years with advance registration.

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