Annual Report 2010-2011

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e their time These residents all giv ing our and energy to improv oversee the neighbourhoods. They d Lawrence Hill running of Easton an ement and Neighbourhood Manag s for the work help decide the prioritie are looking for of the staff team. We es to join us more volunteer truste and St Judes. from Newtown, Easton chat with us If you’d like to have a please contact about getting involved us on 377 3640.

Who are we? rd Meet our resident Boa in terested “I am in services for g n improvin nants in Barto te Council d the Board so ine Hill. I jo ld influence u that I co across the s decision s been a good ha area. It a lot of change h year wit structure the t o re rI ave had r the next yea h e w s e a v work. O s working to u way we e e hoods k e to s ighbour would li e n r u o ur e make s ng better.” tti keep ge

on Hill t r a B s k Tony Hic ay 2009 M d e t c e l E

“I have always been keen on having a clean and tidy environment for people to live and work in and I have been a Neighbourhood Champion for many years. I joined the Board to have wider input and I hope residents will get to know that there is someone who cares about our local environment.”

Jo Curtis - Redfield Elected March 2011

“I’ve work ed area for th in the re and feel p e years assionate ly about sup porting residents to improve s help erv really look ices. I’m ing forward to bringing my profes s the Board . I’d like to ional skills to assist communit yb develop th ased organisations eir to and enviro ideas on sustainab nmental is ility su particularl y intereste es, which I’m d in.”

Terry Black - Elected Ma rch 2011 Sovereign S outh and W est “It really ha s been a pleasure to chair the Board. Ove r the last year I think we have made huge strides both in takin g forward the work of the past ten years and in developing our approa ch to puttin local people g in charge o f their own neighbourh oods.”

Dominic Mu rphy - The D ings Elected May 2005 “I have been involved in the community for ten years. I enjoy telling people what’s happening locally. I have been really pleased with the Forums and it’s great to see so many people attending and speaking to officers. I’d like to see this grow over the next year.”

Mike Pickering - Easton Elected March 2011

d in en involve e b e v a h “I ine unity for n my comm y it! I I still enjo d n a rs a e y f member o am also a munity Dings Com I think it’s n. Associatio t neighbours tha important r their look out fo nd each ya communit ome ee n s y re have b e h T r. e e are read w th t o u b s e g issu l challengin in to sorting out rea k to get stuc sidents.” re r issues fo

- The Dings Sally Caseley Elected 2002

f o Chair o “I am als d Action oa Church R ined the jo Group. I re make su e to d r a o B wer ps’ views rly this grou la m particu e a I . d r a he s I feel romote th keen to p in Church Road a a in our es business est shopping are rd to b a this is the rhood. I look forw p our neighbou the Board to kee ant with pleas working rant and ib v a e tr local cen lace to shop.” p

dfield e R s i t r u Richard C ch 2011 r a M d e t c Ele

“I joined the Board because I wanted to be actively involved in the community in which I live and you can’t do that unless you have a voice to sing.”

J Austin - Barton Hill Elected May 2009

“I joined the Bo was concern ard as I ed about the state of parks for my daughte r. joining I hav Since e become interested in improving the safety a nd cleanliness of the comm unity. One challen ge was lettin shops on A g the vonvale Ro ad. I’d like to see resid ents who w ork hard get the reco gnition they deserve.”

Joyce Clarke - Redfield Elected May 2009 “I like working with people from all different backgrounds. I think the Board is a good way to keep track of what is happening and I want to bring my experience from living around the world to this area. I am particularly interested in improving career opportunities for young people.”

Manzoor Unar - Easton Elected March 2011 ain “One of my m g kin o lo concerns is Park. I after Netham ally have been re work on proud of our ad over Stapleton Ro onths. I the past 12 m rum feel that the fo t to lo has done a uld ’ issues. I wo ts n e id s re s s addre Road s on Church like us to focu t.” nex

edfield Alex Milne - R 007 Elected May 2

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