ELH NM Annual Report 2011-2012

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Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management is a resident-led voluntary organisation working in much of Easton and Lawrence Hill (Barton Hill, Easton, The Dings, Old Market, Redfield, Whitehall, Greenbank, Newtown and St Judes). We were formed as the legacy of two regeneration programmes - New Deal for Communities programme in Barton Hill (Community at Heart) and Neighbourhood Renewal in Easton (Easton Community Partnership).

What will we do? Take the time to understand the needs, problems and priorities of local people. Support local people and service providers to make well informed decisions, solve problems and plan for the long term together. Identify problems quickly and take action to prevent them escalating. Target resources where there is a need. Share information between residents and organisations. Disseminate accurate information and discourage rumour and speculation. Foster positive and trustworthy relationships.

What do we hope to achieve? Very practical things which improve people’s lives will get done. Local people will be better informed and have the confidence, knowledge and skills to get things done. There will be more fruitful and trusting relationships (between residents, between residents and service providers and between service providers). Make better use of public money. The community will be stronger.

Penny Germon - Neighbourhood Manager François Jensen - Neighbourhood Facilitator Tracy Parsons - Finance and Office Manager Mandy Furlong - Client Support Worker (until June 2012) Mubarig Bodleh - Client Support Worker (until June 2012) Sorrel Parsons - Communications Officer (until August 2011) Stacy Yelland - Communications Officer (from September 2011)

The past year has seen everyone at Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management start to get to grips with what neighbourhood management actually means. As the economic situation for the country got progressively worse, of great concern for us on the Board was the affect this was having on local people, particularly young people and local businesses. During the year, as funding declined, we were forced to close the Neighbourhood Shop and we lost our Client Support Workers, Mandy and Mubarig. I would like to thank both of them very much for their excellent work over the years. In November we took on the running of the Neighbourhood Forums and this meeting is now proving to be one of the best attended (and liveliest!) in the city. Our Annual General Meeting was very well attended, mainly because we included our Thank You Awards, where local people nominated 39 residents for an award. Another landmark occasion was when we handed over the deeds of the Wellspring Healthy Living Centre to their committee. We wish them every success for the future. Volunteering is an important aspect of neighbourhood management and last year saw volunteers improving the area in roles too numerous to mention here. We could not have achieved any of our objectives without the sheer hard work and commitment of everyone involved. If you are interested in becoming a Board member, please get in touch.

We will listen and take your concerns seriously. We will give our full support to people who want to work with others to make a difference. We will be honest and realistic about what we can do. We will do what we say we will do.

Balance sheet Year ended 31 March 12 Fixed assets Current assets Debtors Cash at bank and in hand Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Net current assets Net assets Funds Restricted funds Unrestricted funds Total

2012 ÂŁ 420,706

2011 ÂŁ 3,053,355

3,534 521,527 525,061

17,689 688,055 705,744

(14,326) 510,735 931,441

(57,769) 647,975 3,701,330


2,663,868 1,037,462 3,701,330

1,102 930,339

All residents and partners who have worked with us to make Easton and Lawrence Hill a better to place to live and work. Thanks to our funders Bristol City Council, Community Development Foundation, Burges Salmon, Sovereign Housing Association, Quartet, Pak Butchers and Barton Hill Settlement.

The Old Bank, 108 Church Road Bristol, BS5 9LJ 0117 903 9975 officemanager@eastonandlawrencehill.org.uk www.eastonandlawrencehill.org.uk Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management is a company limited by guarantee under number 04023294 and a registered charity under number 1081691.

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