first woman to hold that post.
General Purposes Committee for example and the
impacted by the virus.
advent of the Deputy Vice President role reflecting
Since the start of the lockdown LLS has
with the number of women admitted annually now
a longer run in period for a workload of increased
continued to offer training and social events by
exceeding the number of men but issues do remain
volume and complexity.
Zoom and that will continue in 2021. Training
The feminisation of our profession continues
such as a high attrition rate, sexual harassment,
My Charity for my term of office will be our
events already announced for the New Year cover
the gender pay gap and low representation at the
profession’s own Solicitors’ Charity formerly known
the Stamp Duty Land Tax holiday and Litigation
top for example. I intend to do an event in 2021 for
as the Solicitors’ Benevolent Association. ***
Funding. An event with the JLD is in the pipeline,
our lady members hopefully including our several
It is a charity working for solicitors both past
fantastic local female role models in both the public
and present and their families. Every year the
and private sectors.
Charity helps hundreds of people of all ages and
What has changed since 2005 when I first wore the LLS chain of office? Almost everything! Regulation, firm structures, the demise of legal aid, the return of the paralegal, Court closures and now of course remote working are examples. For
online Murder Mystery… Hopefully by the time I write this column again
backgrounds who are unable to support themselves
we shall be back to “normal”. Meanwhile keep going
financially, due to ill health, life-changing disabilities,
everyone and thank you all for your support during
unemployment, low or no income, family crisis or
this difficult time.
older age. The Charity provides welfare grants and other
me the most significant development is the decline
support grants, assistance with getting back into
of the traditional High Street partnership business
work and access to advice on welfare benefits and
model and the emergence and success of the
managing personal debt. The Charity also works
“niche” specialist practice. In addition Leicestershire
closely with partners such as Law Care and the
Law Society now welcomes Barristers’ Chambers
Solicitors’ Assistance Scheme offering general well-
into Associate Membership for example and the
being support plus regulatory and legal advice.
formal black tie sedentary Annual Dinner has been
together with the Book Club and perhaps a ghostly
Christl Hughes President of the Leicestershire Law Society
During the current pandemic and in its aftermath,
replaced by music, dancing and fancy dress at the
the Charity is making more funds available,
* Obituary Issue 19 Winter/Spring 2020.
Awards. The structure of LLS has also changed with
widening the support provided and offering
** Peter Smith Award - Leicestershire Law Society
the Executive Board replacing the old Finance and
information and support to help any solicitor who is
*** https:/thesolicitorscharity.org.uk