Nnls 22

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Norfolk Law Magazine of the Norfolk & Norwich Law Society - www.nnls.org - Winter 2014

page 6

AGM Results page 7

Lawyers @ The Red Lion page 8 - 12

CPD Reviews page 13

Countdown to Countdown 2014 page 14-15

Member News

New era dawns... The Norfolk and Norwich Law Society are delighted to welcome Christopher Cubitt, Hatch Brenner to the position of President and James Hunter, Mills & Reeve as this year’s Vice. The Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank Jeanette Wheeler for her dedication, achievements and many improvements to the society during her time in the President’s seat. Jeanette will be staying on the committee in the position of Immediate Past President and will continue to assist in the society’s progress. Meet your new President and newly elected committee members on pages 3 and 4.

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