Eastrea Village News For all Eastrea residents.
No 7.
December 2001.
From: Rothay House, Mayfield Rd, Eastrea.
Your choice for the pedestrian crossing On 10 December the report on the chosen site for the pedestrian crossing was submitted to the Council. The site almost everyone chose is between the bus stops, and there is a copy of the map shown below. One of the newspapers said it was by the Nag’s Head, but this is wrong. The report actually said that a site by the pub was “too far from the bus stop and would encourage people to cross at the conventional site, i.e. by the bus stop” so we are not sure how they were confused. But they have said they will publish a correction.
Meanwhile, we will be signing our contract with the architects for the Village Hall within a week or two. They are Ellis Miller of Cambridge. We can now announce the winners in the lucky draw from those who sent in Village Hall questionnaires. The draw was conducted at the Nag’s Head on 14 December 2001, and the first prize (a meal for two at the Nag’s Head) goes to Mr Catnach and Ms Stringer of 12 Coates Road. The bottle of whisky goes to Mr Peter Norton, 11 Mayfield Road, and the box of luxury chocolates to Mr and Mrs Brown of 18 Mayfield Road. The prizes were selected by the Eastrea Village Hall Foundation, but we are delighted to say that they are all being given by the Landlord of the Nag’s Head -- many thanks to Nog for his very kind gesture. The Village Hall Foundation wish everyone a happy Christmas, and we hope to have more news about the Village Hall for you in the New Year. Any questions? Ring Brian J Ford, tel: 350 888 or e-mail: hall@eastrea.net