Eastrea Village News For all Eastrea residents.
No 10.
January 2004.
Published from Rothay House, Mayfield Road, Eastrea.
State of Play Waiting, waiting; the Executive is so fed up with waiting! Currently our plans have been finalised for many months and as you know we have a fine, highly efficient design for an excellent building that will fit well into the local landscape. Our architects and design team have been working long and hard to help us in a host of useful ways, and the Trustees have maintained close contact with the developments at every stage. And as a result of our consultations in the village, some final changes were made to the plans. For example, many of the residents of Kelful Close came out firmly opposed to our planned wind generator, so
The Trust is helping the landowners’ case in any way that we can. We share their concerns, and we have advised on a specialist in planning law who is uniquely well placed to sort the problems out. We shall know more in six weeks.
Trustees and funding We are worried that the delays could compromise our funding, but we have a list of 30 agencies who can help with finance. And, as a safeguard, we do have some alternative sites in mind. Our Secretary (tel 205323) is always keen to hear from villagers who’d like to join us - anyone who can help with time, ideas, enthusiasm or
it was removed from the final design.
local knowledge will be warmly welcomed!
The long, legal road . . .
The Storers
All the Trustees are agreed: if we had our way, the hall would be up and running by now, but (as people warned us from the start) the official side always takes far
Villagers should always remember that the Storers (the Herds and Bulls Grass Trust) can offer small grants to residents of Eastrea who face unexpected bills that they can’t afford. The Trustees have agreed to support a lunch at Easter-time this year, which is always a great occasion for all our Senior Citizens. We are already planning this Easter lunch at the Nag’s Head. Villagers who haven’t been before (but are now of retirement age) should drop in their details to the Secretary (address below).
longer than you expect. Although the local authority have voted to grant planning permission, the landowners have not yet agreed terms with Fenland. Currently there are discussions going on to reach a final conclusion, but as Trustees we cannot move any further until that final agreement has been reached.
Drop in letters to The Secretary, 103 Coates Road, Eastrea. E-mail: hall@eastrea.net