Eastrea Village News For all Eastrea residents
No 12 August 2005
Published by Brian J Ford, Rothay House, Mayfield Road, Eastrea.
Remember ‘The Storers’ The Storers were founded in 1717 to provide help for the villagers in the days when Eastrea, in winter, was an island in the fens. The trust was established to ensure that villagers had enough money to buy fodder to maintain their livestock. That’s why the fund is also known as the Herds and Bulls Grass. These days The Storers is a registered charity, and has a modest income from land down on The Roods (alongside the ‘back road’ to Whittlesey) and can still use this to make grants that will benefit Eastrea residents.
Support for villagers Any resident of Eastrea can apply to the Trustees of The Storers for a grant. You can ring the phone number below and speak in confidence to the trust’s Chairman. Or you can approach any of the trustees - Cllr Pam Potts, Cllr Dee Laws, Cllr Ralph Butcher, Mr Russell Wright or the Clerk to the trustees Mrs Jan Ford. Every application is always dealt with in the strictest confidence.
Grants for Eastrea students All new students from Eastrea are eligible to apply for a Storers’ Grant; applications need to be in by 10 Sept. Drop in letters to: 6 Mayfield Road, Eastrea
All applicants should send (a) a letter of application that sets out their social, academic and spare-time activities, (b) a financial summary demonstrating their needs, (c) copies of examination results, (d) a copy of the letter of acceptance from the university or college and (e) a letter from their headmaster, tutor or other supporting authority. These will be assessed by academic referees and the decisions are then announced by the Trustees in late September in time for the new term.
Village Hall volunteers We have a great range of talent in Eastrea: designers and administrators, web-masters and people from public relations. We will need a new group to continue our campaign for the village hall. Since our site was withdrawn, we have been discussing with Fenland which plot can be authorised for the development. The local authority did agree to grant planning permission and our plans are waiting to be turned into reality. Funds are available, and further grants need to be arranged; so as soon as Fenland have agreed on our new site the campaign will resume. But we will need new committee members. Can you volunteer? Phone or email us (details given below) if you’d like to know more.
Telephone: 350 888
E-mail: hall@eastrea.net