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Published by Rothay House, Mayfield Road, Eastrea

Eastrea Village News No 23: September 2010

THREE BURSARY WINNERS FLOOD MAP Do not let your insurance company charge you extra for ‘flood risk’. Eastrea means ‘east isle’ and our island rises above the floods! The UK Environment Agency made the first flood map below (top picture) but, after some mistakes were notified, they had to revise it (bottom picture). Eastrea can be seen to stay well above the flood waters and your house insurance company should be told if they try to charge you an extra premium for flood risk.

DR Peter Forster presents Miss Sarah Smith with her award (above). For the first time in its ten year history, The Storers’ student grant scheme is making three major awards. The scheme generally gives one Bursary plus support grants, but this year the Trustees decided to grant three Bursaries. Dr Forster said that he highly recommended all of the three applicants, so each has been given a grant. Sophie Abbott is not taking hers until 2011, as she wishes to pass some extra examinations first. TATIANA GABRI (left) with Dr Peter Forster as he presents her with the 2010 Storers’ certificate. Tatiana is now starting work on her BSc (Hons) course in Ipswich.

Tatiana has already earned a professional reputation as a counsellor and the degree will help her advance her understanding. Sarah will use her Bursary for her studies for MChem (Hons) at University of Manchester. She has studied mathematics and is already a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry in London. Dr Forster is a distinguished geneticist from Cambridge University who reviewed the applications for The Storers’ trustees.

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Fund raising Sarah hopes villagers will donate LOCAL resident Sarah Wells is taking part in the Great Eastern Half Marathon to raise money for the Thorpe Hall Hospice. The run takes place on Sarah’s birthday, 10 October, and villagers can sponsor her run. Sue Ryder Care, which operate the hospice, are the largest provider of specialist hospice care in Britain. Sarah has a special reason to support this cause: “I am doing this for my beloved Mum Carol Wells who had such great care from Sue Ryder after she was diagnosed with cancer.” Carol lived in Eastrea for many years and was an active part of village life. She was particularly well known in the dog walking community and was one of those who helped to revive the traditional lunch funded by The Storers. Sarah says: “Mum loved Eastrea and hated the idea of staying in the hospice, but the relaxed and friendly atmosphere soon put her at ease. She really liked their wonderful home cooked meals and they cared for us, the children, as well as mum. I want to succeed in raising money!” Donations can be delivered to Sarah on the corner at 95 Wype Road, and you can also donate at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/SarahWells

HOMES FOR YOUNG LOCAL FAMILIES EASTREA needs new homes if the community is to meet the needs of young local families, and alongside the new Eastrea Centre will be 14 new homes. You can put your name down now. One has already been allocated and the remaining thirteen homes will be offered for sale after the hall has been completed and handed over to the Village Hall Trust. If all goes according to plan, marketing of the new homes will be in the Spring of 2011. The guide price is from £129,000 so that these houses are realistically priced for young families. An exceptional feature is that the starter homes will have two en suite bedrooms. Eastrea residents are invited to register their interest and will have details prior to release of the houses on the market. The brochure will list the pre-release sales prices. Let us know at the address below (and on page 1) if you would like to go on this ‘early bird’ list and we will pass the details to the builders, or contact Rose Homes directly and your details will be held on file ready to contact you. Rose’s already have received some initial enquiries and at least one resident has returned to Eastrea ready for one of the new homes. If you would like to have a look at some of the other projects that Rose Homes are developing, look on their web site at: www.rosehomes.co.uk Roses have recently completed the homes shown on the right. These are modern houses built with traditional care and attention to detail. The homes for Eastrea will also be well built using brick of the traditional local colour, each house being highly insulated and easy to maintain. No other housing development is likely to be built in the village in the foreseeable future since the ‘development area boundary’ (DAB) is now fully developed.

Contact by telephone: 350888

Published by Rothay House, Eastrea, Cambridgeshire

Email: mail@eastrea.net

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