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Innovative Methods and Practices of Academic Writing and Writing Instruction


Alicja Pitak

European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany

Presentations, seminar papers, essays, lesson protocols, text summaries, exams, tests … These are well known and often applied forms of students’ knowledge assessment performed in academic writing assignments. We all know them both from the standpoint of a student and of a teacher. The traditional assessment methods are a relevant part of academic writing teaching. But are they the only possible assessment methods? Are there any other measurement instruments which allow to estimate whether learners have made progress in their knowledge or if their academic writing skill has developed? Which alternative writing assignments can be applied in various courses and what are possible difficulties with their implementation? What are potential benefits of alternative writing assignments? The answers for the above­mentioned questions will be delivered during the workshop regarding alternative writing assignments as a way to develop the writing skill. The aims of the workshop are to sensitize the participants to the fact that seminar papers, essays, lesson protocols or text summaries are not the only way to measure students´ knowledge and assess their academic writing skill as well as to encourage them to apply alternative methods. In order to reach these aims the participants will be confronted with exemplary seminars and lectures. Their task will be to search for new writing assignments which both allow to measure learning progress, trigger students´ interest and develop academic writing skill.


1. BRÄUER, G. (2014): Das Portfolio als Reflexionsmedium für Lehrende und Studierende. Opladen [u.a.]: Budrich. 2. BRÄUER, G. (2000): Schreiben als reflexive Praxis. Tagebuch, Arbeitsjournal, Portfolio'. Freiburg im Breisgau: Fillibach­Verl. 3. FREY, K. (1991): Die Projektmethode. Weinheim u.a.: Beltz. 4. DEPARTMENT FÜR INTERAKTIVE MEDIEN UND BILDUNGSTECHNOLOGIE (IMB): [accessed: 19.01.2015]. Krems: Donau­Universität Krems.

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