Writing Centre Development
Gerd Bräuer¹, Ursula Doleschal²
¹The Freiburg Writing Centre @ University of Education Freiburg, Germany ²SchreibCenter Klagenfurt @ Univeryity of Klagenfurt, Austria
In our presentation we will provide insight in the methodology, current challenges and preliminary results of an EU/Lifelong Learning project (20132016) focusing on the development of an international Online Writing/Reading Centre. The attention devoted to the shaping of writing ability in L2 Czech, German, Italian and Slovenian has so far been, more or less, rather scarce, resulting in a general lack of support material for both students and instructors on L2 writing in the languages mentioned above at secondary schools and universities. This problem is further accentuated by the recent increase of foreign students across the educational pyramide in the partner countries of this EU project. The aim of the project is therefore to develop and test instructional and (self) learning material, insight in current research on L2 writing/reading processes, training sequences for instructors and online courses that could be used locally and in international online collaboration. In our presentation we will especially focus on the need analysis we conducted based on questionnaires and interviews with instructors and students in the different teaching/learning cultures of our project partners. Based on these findings about their individual and institutional literacy management, we will draw conclusions for the design of the (digital) teaching and learning materials and its digital arrangement as an online writing and reading lab for L2 students and teachers.
Bräuer, G. & Schindler, K. (2011). Schereibarrangements für Schule, Hochschule, Beruf. Freiburg im Breisgau: Fillibachverlag.
Cope, B. & Kalantzis, M. (2009). Multiliteracies: New literacies, new learning, Pedagogies: An International Journal, 4, 164195.
Gee, J. P. (2010). New digital media and learning as an emerging area and „worked examples“ as one way forward. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Jewitt, C. (2006). Technology, literacy and learning: A multimodal approach. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.