Writing and New Technologies
Petra Hauptfeld
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, 7000 Eisenstadt, Austria
The EU funded project, first ranked in Austria within the call 2014 Erasmus+ develops an online course on Academic Writing which provides key topics like scientific writing, the composition of a paper, ICTbased administration of literature, empirical research methods, presentation of the results and the proper management of work. Every module is composed of 15 text units including exercises and videos with additional advices. The modules will be provided in Croatian, Czech, English, German, Hungarian, Slovak and Slovenian. AWO takes into account that students have to cope with part time studies, longer study periods abroad and international cooperation demanding a more flexible and personalised way of learning. As students nowadays differ in previous knowledge the course enables them to concentrate on certain modules in certain languages to catch up knowledge gaps. AWO considers different learning approaches like acceleration of learning, repetition phases and personal learning styles. The course may either be applied online or in combination with blended learning. This flexible use will give students the chance to succeed in writing their final thesis. Hence the course is a contribution to overcome the fact that “less than one person in three aged 2534 has a university degree (in Europe – P.H.) compared to 40% in the US and over 50% in Japan”[1], nevertheless if this refers to university access in general or a failure in studies .
Aschemann, B. (2007): Die Betreuung von Bachelor, Master und Diplomarbeiten. Konzepte, Ideen und Hilfestellungen für Lehrende . Graz: Karl FranzensUniversität
Kruse, O. (2010): Lesen und Schreiben. Wien: Huter & Roth KG
Macgilchrist, F. (2014): Academic Writing . Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh
Peters, N. & Girgensohn, K. (2012): Studentische Schreibberatung ist professionell und persönlich. Ergebnisse einer Studie zu Peer Tutoring im Schreibzentrum. In: Zeitschrift Schreiben 12 (1): 19. Online publiziert: http://www.zeitschriftschreiben.eu/beitraege/peters_Studentische_Schreibberatung.pdf (letzter Zugriff am 5.1.2015)