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Women’s Giving Circle Fund (WGC)
Since 2007, the Women’s Giving Circle (a Fund of ECCF) has been fulfilling its mission to improve the quality of life for women and children in the greater Eau Claire area through collective philanthropy.
The WGC began as the vision of its Founding members, a group of 100 women who pooled their money to establish the Women’s Giving Circle Fund. Since then, the WGC’s membership has grown to more than 250 members, and it has awarded over $451,000 in grants to 43 local nonprofits.
In 2022, the WGC launched initiatives to recruit 25 new members and 15 new Lifetime Members. The recruitment initiatives were a resounding success! 40 new members joined, and 15 became Lifetime Members. These new members will help the group support local women and children for years to come.
Each year, WGC members organize a free Educational Event regarding an issue that’s important to the community. Topics have ranged from Alzheimer’s disease to homelessness. In 2023, the Educational Event featured a panel of experts who discussed childcare challenges and opportunities in the Chippewa Valley.
Together, the WGC members learn, collaborate, and empower to make the greatest impact in our community. Consider becoming a member today!
Celebrating 15 years!
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