Eau Claire Area EDC 2020 Annual Report

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THE FACE OF BUSINESS 2020 Annual Report



2020 GLOBAL PANDEMIC It feels repetitive and a little tired to mention this at the start of the ECAEDC’s Annual Report. However, take this as a snapshot into our history. What did our community look like

Luke Hanson Executive Director Assists local businesses with expansion and retention, and promotes the Eau Claire Area to

during a pandemic? How was the workforce and businesses affected by shelter-in-place orders, mask mandates, social distancing, virtual work settings and (of course) rolling quarantines and the sickness? Someday, we’ll tell people about this year and how it changed policies, flow of work, hiring and services/goods offered for sale. Perhaps we’ll tell a new generation about how business leaders took over and showed courage all while every part of

external industry &

our normal life was upside down. Stories of how some

business leaders looking

businesses closed down during the 11+ months of shuttering or

for opportunities.

a decline in sales.

Becca Coleman Project & Marketing Manager Supports the local entrepreneurial and startup businesses, manages marketing & community projects.


Gateway Industrial Park projects activated, two are expanding local businesses, one prospect is new to the


There are narratives about local businesses that boomed during the pandemic, and those leaders had to navigate expansion all while keeping employees physically distant. The business challenges of 2020 run the full spectrum and there


likely won’t be a finite end in 2021. The long term effects will

Entrepreneurs assisted through EDC

perhaps be felt for years to come, from a shift to aggressive

hosted/partner initiatives and events, The

contingency planning to a future of virtual workforce, the global pandemic of 2020 has left it’s mark.

Idea Challenge, Startup Eau Claire Week


& VentureHome- Eau Claire.

COVID-19 is part of all of our business journeys. If we were

activated within Eau Claire, Altoona, Fall

lucky enough not to have lost a loved one to the virus, we can

Creek, Augusta & Fairchild.


I write this not to launch into a tale of doom and gloom.

Business Retention & Expansion calls

Businesses or employees assisted with navigating State & Federal COVID relief programs and resources.

remain grateful for the lessons learned and for the supportive employees and community who pulled together during the 2020 global pandemic. Looking towards a brighter 2021!- Luke Hanson



The Eau Claire Area Economic Development Corporation Board

Monica Obryckit

of Directors set strategies in 2020 to

Monica Obrycki

promote community collaboration, showcase value and increase investment.

Eau Claire Energy Cooperative- President

While the pandemic brought a

Gerald Bauer

tremendous amount of challenges, the

JB Systems - Past President

opportunities for collaboration and to help area businesses only increased.

Julie Thoney Xcel Energy- Incoming President

The EDC Board pivoted to virtual meetings and met more frequently to

Scott Hodek

address the ever-changing environment.

WI DWD - Treasurer

Broadband which has always been topof-mind for the EDC was launched to the

Mike Golat

forefront and opportunities arose for the

City of Altoona- Secretary

EDC to be closely involved in new broadband initiatives. Along with the

Kathryn Schauf

pandemic response, broadband

Eau Claire County

presentations and other routine EDC business, the Board also took action to streamline financial and operational

Dave Solberg

Terry Weld

City of Eau Claire

Eau Claire City Council

Joe Mirr

Sham Anderson

Ruder Ware

Towns Association Board

Board, I’m reminded of how this Board

Bruce Barker

Brad Krings

creates a unique forum to regularly


Bush Bros.

Dr. James Schmidt

Ben Trachsel


B&B Electric

commitment and participation by all

Andrew Daniels

Dale Peters (retired)

Board members is a testament to

Miron Construction

City of Eau Claire

NIck Smiar


Karman Briggs

Aaron White

Benny Anderson

City of Eau Claire

Visit Eau Claire

David Minor

Jeff Halloin

Eau Claire Area

Gateway Corporation

procedures, approve the office lease and relocation and provide feedback on the rebranding plan.

As I conclude my year as President of the

connect public and private sector community leaders and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on it. The

the important work this organization does. As we wrap up 2020 and gear up for 2021, the future is bright for the Eau Claire Area EDC. I encourage you and

Eau Claire County Board

Western Dairyland

your organization to increase your support and stay connected!

Chamber of Commerce


COVID-19 BUSINESS SECTOR RECOVERY TASK FORCE CO-CHAIR When our community was faced with so much

MISSION STATEMENT Advancing local prosperity

uncertainty while COVID-19 swept through our country, community and business leaders heard the

through business and job

call for action. In April, 2020, the City of Eau Claire


and the City-County Health Department called for leadership and guidance to navigate the countless


questions and action plans that needed addressing. The Eau Claire Area EDC got involved as Co-Chair of


the COVID-19 Business Sector Recovery Task Force.

The strategic goal of this Task Force was to assist business sectors with economic recovery that is consistent with health recommendations and best practices.













"Business leaders were looking for a place to connect











This sector of the Task Force was assigned to support local business owners in understanding and implementing guidance and best health practices to allow for a safe reopening for employees and

and talk through local and state ordinances and really dig into how to keep their workforce safe and still producing" says Luke Hanson, Executive Director at the ECAEDC. "The Task Force provided a unified resource where leaders could get answers and work collaboratively and generate creative solutions." The Business Sector Recovery Task Force continues to meet to keep communication lines open as the pandemic wears on.

2021 GOALS


Business Growth & Expansion

Economic development organizations have three traditional

Broadband Initiatives - Collaborate on expanding

investment in any market area, and the Eau Claire market is

broadband services to more rural parts of the

no different.

ways of facilitating the creation of jobs and capital

County. Partner with CINC to link the business

Growth and expansion of existing firms (business retention

community into their network of existing dark fiber.

and expansion) Creation of new firms (entrepreneurial development)

Digital Property Showcase- Publish a comprehensive

Attraction of external firms to the market area (business

map of all available industrial commercial, and large


undeveloped residential properties in the County.

Utilizing Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) outreach calls is one of the oldest and most impactful programs that the

Business Recruitment Resource- Continue to evolve

EDC engages in.

business recruitment assets including the Preferred

Over the course of 2020, the Eau Claire Area EDC has visited

Service Provider Guide. With goals to evolve and

with local businesses to identify current and upcoming

streamline the customer journey when looking to relocate into the Eau Claire market.

success and challenges. During the pandemic year, this outreach took on a new tone, but the mission remained constant; to assist with growth and business retention in this market.

Business Retention Economic Excellence Recognition- Present the Paragon Economic Impact Award, an annual award used to recognize and celebrate a local business who generates local prosperity.

In 2020, the Eau Claire Area EDC performed 104 BRE outreach calls within the County. Top challenges, as reported by those local business leaders are the following: Postponement of projects -uncertain consumer confidence

Business Retention & Expansion Calls- Increase business growth calls to foster and assist with

Supply chain disruptions and pricing

expanding existing businesses. Use digital survey outreach tool, in partnership with the Minneapolis Federal Reserve.

Regional Economic Collaboration- Host community-

Transitioning into a remote workforce

Uncertain short-term future planning

connecting events to develop collaboration between public and private entities, all with a focus

Workforce disruptions; illness, quarantine

to elevate the County.

and school closures

Entrepreneurship Connector in the Startup Community- Organize,

Critical Talent

host or support entrepreneur focused local events including; The Idea Challenge, Startup 48 (business kick-start weekend), 1 Million Cups, VentureHome Eau Claire and Startup Eau Claire Week.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Focus- Assist with the organization and implementation of Toward One Wisconsin - a State-wide Conference on Building Communities of Equity and Opportunity , host in Eau Claire in October 2021.

Emerging Industry Clusters- Partner with UWEC Career Services to develop entrepreneural

Identify Needs- Work with community partners to continue to identify

opportunities with UWEC Sience & Health Sciences

and work towards finding solutions to current workforce needs


PARAGON ECONOMIC IMPACT AWARD WINNER WIN TECHNOLOGY WIN Technology has been awarded the 2020 Paragon Award to

In 2017, the Globe University building in Eau Claire, was

recognize their positive impact on the economy in Eau Claire

purchased and serves as WIN Technology’s headquarters for


their 130 employees. WIN has diversified beyond fiber networking to Managed IT Services, Network Management

WIN Technology’s recent launch of the national live-stream,

Services, and operates two Data Centers. WIN acquired KRM’s

Perigon System, has proven a solution to so many businesses and

Engage webcasting platform in 2015 which has evolved into

non-profits, who have been required to pivot to virtual

today’s Perigon cloud engagement platform.

programming to stay connected with staff and customers. Given the overwhelming demand for virtual event platforms The Eau Claire Area EDC is proud to present the Paragon

during the 2020 pandemic, Perigon was in position to fill this

Economic Impact Award, sponsored by Royal Credit Union, to a

local and national need.

their peers within the community and each nomination is

In February of 2020, Perigon had three customers and by December they had 160 customers using the interactive and dynamic platform, including some big national names. Locally, WIN has increased its

evaluated based on economic impact.

focus on supporting the Chippewa Valley community with use

local business that has made an economic impact to our community. Businesses are nominated for the Paragon Award by

and support of virtual event services by use of Perigon. “I would like to congratulate WIN Technology for receiving the 2020 Paragon Award” said Brandon Riechers, Royal Credit Union

“The Paragon Award is an opportunity to celebrate and

President & CEO. “WIN Technology, through their hard work to

recognize the economic impact that a company makes within

upgrade and expand their vast fiber-optic network, has kept up

our community,” as explained by Luke Hanson, Executive

with and supported the increased demand for internet and mobile

Director of the Eau Claire Area EDC, “ WIN Technology is a

bandwidth. WIN Technology not only invested in improvements,

great example of how the Chippewa Valley is a great place to

but also offered its powerful webcasting platform, Perigon, to

grow a business, even during a global pandemic. We are proud

ensure students, communities and business owners don’t lose

of WIN’s business successes and humbled that they continue to

pace. Royal Credit Union is proud to sponsor this award and

call this area home.”

celebrate businesses, like WIN Technology, who are committed to strengthening the economy and quality of life in the Eau Claire area.”

WIN Technology (WIN) started operations in 1999 with one employee with the goal to build a fiber network that would enable communications diversity for their customer base, and expand with an opportunity to make bandwidth commercially available to

WIN primarily operates as a bandwidth provider, supplying high speed bandwidth services to large telecommunication providers and enterprise businesses, plus a unique focus on delivering bandwidth to rural areas. carriers and businesses. Today,


WISYS VENTUREHOME - EAU CLAIRE Eau Claire is striving to level-up and compete with

At the end of the five months, the founders

startup-rich communities like Madison, Green Bay

participated in a virtual Pitch Day. Over 70 interested

and Milwaukee. You can already find a thriving

parties, a dozen being investment prospects, attended

entrepreneurial ecosystem, with 1 Million Cups, Red

to hear the six-minute pitches. The feedback from the

Letter Grant, Startup Eau Claire Week, Jump-Start

founders is that the accountability and pitch training

Downtown and The Idea Challenge, but what more

involved with VentureHome - Eau Claire was the most

can be done? This is exactly the question that WiSys,

valuable takeaway, as well as statewide resource

UWEC College of Business and CoLab asked of this


community. From these conversations, is where VentureHome - Eau Claire was developed and

A second cohort of startups have already been

financially supported by WiSys.

selected to join in the spring 2021 seed accelerator program. An important part of the VentureHome

Launched in February 2020, WiSys VentureHome's

model is to provide each founder workspace and time

form a network of startup hubs that combine

to collaborate with other local entrepreneurs. Given

statewide resources with community initiatives to

the COVID climate, the 2020 cohort missed this

provide local entrepreneurs access to a full menu of

benefit. Moving ahead, the hope is to add that

startup resources in their community. Eau Claire is

connection piece back into the program.

the pilot city for this initiative is to facilitate scalable startups by providing local access to a state-wide

To learn more about becoming a business mentor or

network of resources in the UW System communities.

interested in joining a seed accelerator cohort or for

The first cohort of entrepreneurs went through the

more information;

five month program and finalized with a Pitch Day in

Visit www.venturehome.org/eauclaire

October 2020.

Our own Becca Coleman, Community Project

VentureHome – Eau Claire aims to provide local

Manager at the EDC, serves as Steering Committee

entrepreneurs access to statewide resources,

Member of VentureHome - Eau Claire and got to

including in the areas of legal, IP strategy,

work first hand with the local startup founders and

governance, and mentorship.

will help shape the program.

Founders who went through the VentureHome pilot

Additionally, VentureHome – Eau Claire runs a seed

program received referral connections to help with

accelerator program which requires participants to

topics such as legal/IP, mentorship and investment prospects.

Additionally, the founders engaged in

accountability and peer mentor groups, all focused on advancing the business forward each week.

apply and be selected, to receive help to level up their startup. This is a program of WiSys, in collaboration with UWEC and CoLab focused on assisting scalable entrepreneurs suceed.


THE IDEA CHALLENGE The Idea Challenge is a business idea competition open to any individual or company with an idea for a new product, process or service. For over a decade The Idea Challenge has been assisting entrepreneurs in getting connected to community resources, practicing their pitch, assisting in getting their idea into the market, and –of course- the chance to win $5000 in reimbursable business expenses to advance their idea! All finalists received $500 and several marketing and business services incentives to help launch their business idea.

The Tennis Ball Scoop is a patented rubber attachment that affixes to the end of a tennis racquet that allows the user to grab the ball without bending to pick it up. Neff has been working on iterations of this design for about two years, taking customer feedback very seriously. Consumers of the Tennis Ball Scoop are in two market

2020 Grand Prize Winner - Tennis Ball Scoop

segments; casual racquet sport players (fits on all kids of racquets)

Have you ever found yourself exhausted by

and dog owners who play tennis ball fetch.

endlessly bending to pick up a tennis ball while

Neff says he will use the prize money to pay for production equipment

playing a casual game or playing fetch with

so he can start manufacturing and then focus on sales. You can find

your dog?

the Tennis Ball Scoop on his website,

This is the problem that Kevin Neff, with new-

www.bowtines.com/tebasc.htmlowtines .

product the Tennis Ball Scoop, is trying to solve. On December 15, 2020, The Idea Challenge, a

Launched by the Eau Claire Area Economic Development Corporation

local business idea competition held a virtual

in 2007, The Idea Challenge has been supporting local entrepreneurs

pitch session for five finalists. Heard by a panel

and innovative thinkers within our community for over a decade. In

of industry experts, the Tennis Ball Scoop was named the winner and will receive $5000 to launch his business into the marketplace, thanks to a sponsorship by Northwestern Bank.

2011, Northwestern Bank became the financial sponsor, giving The Idea Challenge the opportunity to offer cash awards and reimbursements to the contest’s finalists. In addition, Co-Lab, a downtown co-working space and part of the Pablo Group, has added to the prize package for the finalists. Special thanks to The Idea Challenge Partners; Ann Rupnow, Jacob Haupt, Per Forsberg, Pam Owen and Larry Blackledge.


KYLE LEHMAN - IVY MEDIA Ivy Media owner, Kyle Lehman was an Idea Challenge finalist with his new service idea; Portable Multi-Cam and Live

BETH CROWELL - THE HIPPIE BANKER Beth Crowell is The Hippie Banker: a business loan consultant and life coach, using a holistic approach to help women get their businesses founded, funded, and grounded. Women business owners face uphill battles in starting a business, including defying social expectations, attaining funding, confronting gender inequality, and in finding balance in our home and working lives.

Streaming Service. With the rise of virtual

The Hipper Banker aims to be a coach to help entrepreneurs achieve

events and video

their dreams of business ownership. But even more importantly, to

programing. Ivy Media is

support their desires to lead their companies consciously – with equal

offering a multi-camera and Live streaming package

attention to and concern for profit, people and the planet.

to bring your event to life. The high quality and 4k

Beth Crowell, the Hippie Banker has launched her business and is now

deliverable offers crystal clear video with lighting

accepting new clients who are looking for business loan consultant

fast delivery. You will no longer have to wait weeks

services or life coaching services.

to get your video back from the editor. Ivy Media is a creative co-working space and production company located in downtown Eau Claire.



Upstream AV is a local startup with a big idea! This

Bill Lobner was an Idea Challenge finalist with

business aims to bring a

is new business idea, that has recently

wireless solution to

launched, yes during the pandemic.

traditional AV systems for

Green Fleet is a sustainable, luxury ride

(but not limited to)

service that operates within a 100 mile radius

conference centers, schools

of Eau Claire. Exclusively operating with

and retail settings.

Tesla electric vehicles to help reduce carbon

Have you ever been to a conference and the

emissions in the transportation industry.

presentation won't show or seen a blank TV at a restaurant? Why can't these things just work?

The business idea starting with goals to be a

UpStream's mission is to enable businesses to freely

luxury, carbon-friendly solution for airport transport to the MSP

engage their customers with digital content.

airport. The unexpected pandemic had the business pivot to

Upstream AV has developed content systems that

accomidate the growning demand for personal car service because

just work. Jim and his team have created the easiest

public transit wasn't as safe as it once was. Green Fleet hopes to

and most adaptable system on the market and the

increase the fleet as airport travel resumes to normal levels.

only technology that is 100% wireless.


Thank you!





Miron Construction

Group Health Cooperative of Eau Claire

Prevea Health

Market & Johnson

Sterling Culligan Water



Hovland's Inc

Bauman Construction of Chippewa Falls

Automation Displays

Huebsch Services

Cenergy, Mega Fuels

B&B Electric Inc

Kurth Heating & Cooling

Durand Builders

Baker, Tilly, Virchow, Krause, LLC

L&M Mail Service

Hoeft Builders

Banbury Place, Inc

Landmark Company

JB Systems

Bauman Associates

NEI Electric

Merchants Bank

Bourget Law

Overhead Door Company of the CV


Chippewa Valley Technical College

RBC Wealth Management

Marawood Construction

Commonweal Development Corp.

Ruder Ware LLSC


Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce

TSI Voice & Data

Plank Enterprises

Florian Gardens


Prevail Bank

Fabick Cat


Rhom Construction

Haselwander Companies, Inc


Security Financial Bank

Herrick & Hart

Weld, Riley, S.C.

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