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MDSUN Product Line "Defining, Innovating, Pursuing Total Care�




MDSUN Product Line "Defining, Innovating, Pursuing Total Care” The principal behind every product MDSUN custom-crafts for its wide range of patients and clients is to provide a total care experience. We aim to provide “The Power of medical science without the prescription”. Our products not only provide immediate, visible, and long-lasting results, but simultaneously heal and soothe the skin through a potent combination of vitamin ingredients, natural supplements, and anti-oxidants. We aim to improve the appearance of our patients and clients skin while healing and restoring.

This is accomplished through a combination of properties: • Hypoallergenic – our products are formulated to be non-irritating. • Hypocommunogenic – our products are formulated to be suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin types, a trait unusual for cosmetic/medical grade product lines. • Fragrance and Oil Free – keeping in line with our hypoallergenic philosophy, MDSUN products are fragrance free (fragrances contain a lot of allergens) and oil free. • Paraben-free – Paraben, considered a highly effective synthetic preservative, can be potentially allergenic. The vast majority of our products are Paraben free to ensure we maintain our hypoallergenic philosophy. • Natural Preservatives – our products use natural preservatives that are good to skin, provide immediate benefits, and ensure long-lasting results.

Leading Technology – MDSUN research and technology utilizes a serum/solution/gel-based delivery system as opposed to a cream-based delivery system. Serums, solutions, and gel-based products allow for increased penetration of active ingredients into the skin layer (increasing efficiency), are suitable for all skin types, and provide added protection to skin layer.


MDSUN 專 業 醫 學 美 容 保 養 系 列 創新與獨特 " 精心打造的高效能美容保養聖品 " MDSUN 專業醫學美容保養系列,重視每一位顧客獨 一無二的膚質,我們的目標是提供顧客不需“處方” 也能享有醫藥等級的高效能專業美膚保養品。MDSUN 的保養系列產品,均有臨床以及醫學根據,效果直接 並可達到持久的療效,特別組合的維生素成分,天然 營養劑,抗氧化配方,更可以達到肌膚癒合和舒緩成 效。MDSUN 專業醫學美容保養系列,適合” 多樣性 膚 質 ”,集 保 濕 ,修 復 ,防 禦 ,抗 老 的 高 品 質 全 面 護 理 。

• • • • • • •

低過敏性,無酒精,無刺激性 不阻塞毛孔 無化學香精或人工香料 無礦物油,石化工業原料,動物性脂肪 無 化 學 防 腐 劑 , 無 PA R A B E N 氫 基 苯 甲 酸 酯 採用全天然護膚成份及生化科技研究之原料的天然保鮮劑 領先技術 - MDSUN 保養系列產品,大量採用溶劑, 凝膠及精華液作為傳導媒介基底, 使其精華成分及更多的 活性分子能滲透至皮膚深層,達到更高的效果。












Active Cleanser




Active Toner

多效保濕調理水 (油性)



Revitalizing Cleanser




Revitalizing Toner

活膚保濕調理水 (一般膚質)






Super Hydration B

維他命 B 保濕素



Repair Moisturizer




Super Intensive Moisturizer




DNA Collagen Lift







Brightening Serum




Brightening C Moisturizer

維他命 C 生長素






Wrinkle Smoothener




Soothing Serum




Skin Exfoliation Pads







Hydro-Recovery Mask




Super-Brightening Mask







Intensive Eye Gel




Med-Eye Complex Cream







Acne Gel



Hydrating UV Protector ( Dry & Mature)

防曬保濕隔離乳 SPF45 (乾性及老化膚)



UV Protector ( Normal & Oily)

防曬修護隔離乳 (一般及油性膚質)






Active Cleanser

A lightweight gel formulated for deep pore cleansing, the Active Cleanser uses a combination of multi-fruit acids. Perfect for normal or oily skin, the Active Cleanser removes impurities, dirt, and make-up while minimizing breakouts. Dr. Sun Recommends: Dampen hands, face, and neck with lukewarm water. Place a small amount of cleanser in the palm of your damp hands and foam, adding more lukewarm water as needed. Gently foam wash face and neck, (do not rub) and rinse off until clean.

深層潔面露含有多種果酸成分,能深入清潔深層 毛孔,徹底去除臉部的污垢,使粉刺及青春痘得 到有效的改善,使用後清爽不緊繃,使肌膚光滑 細 緻 , 乾 淨 無 暇 , 特 別 適合 正 常及 油 性肌膚 。

孫 醫 師 推 薦 : 請 先 將 臉 部 稍 微 沾 濕, 擠 壓 少 量 的 深 層 潔 面 露 在 手 掌 心, 混 合 少 量 水, 溫 和 清 洗 臉 部 及 頸 部 , 不 要 搓 揉 , 徹 底 清 潔 後, 使 用 水 沖 洗 乾淨 即可 。




Active Toner


This antiseptic, alcohol-free tonic is packed with powerful ingredients that remove dead cells while simultaneously soothing and hydrating your skin. Suitable for all skin types, especially for oily/acne or dehydrated skin. Dr. Sun Recommends: For morning and evening use. Apply toner after cleansing face and neck. Soak a cotton pad with Active Toner and pat across face and neck, paying particular attention to the side of your nose and mouth. Avoid contact with eyes and surrounding areas.

多 效 保 濕 調 理 水 , 不 含 酒 精 成 分, 不 含 化 學 防 腐 劑。 高 效 多 元 保 濕 的 成 分, 舒 緩 和 滋 潤 您 的 肌 膚 外, 同 時 溫 和 代 謝 老 舊 的 角 質 層 , 讓 肌 膚 回 復 澄 淨 剔 透 , 水 嫩 光 澤 。 適 用 於 所 有 肌 膚 類 型, 尤 其 是 針 對 油 性 / 暗瘡 及 缺 水 型膚 質 。

孫醫師推薦 : 清潔臉部後 , 請使用保水型的化妝棉 , 將多效保濕調理水放在化妝棉片上 , 輕輕地均勻塗 抹於頸部與臉部 , 由下往上由內往外擦拭於頸部與 全 臉肌 膚 即 可 。請 避 免接 觸 眼睛 及 眼睛 周圍皮 膚 。



Revitalizing Cleanser

Remove impurities without losing the critical natural oils from your skin. This gentle yet effective cleanser is activated by water, doesn’t irritate sensitive skin, and keeps your skin hydrated while removing dirt and impurities. PH-balanced for all skin types, especially for dry or mature skin types. Dr. Sun Recommends: Apply to face and neck, gently massage and rinse with water. Follow with cotton pads saturated with preferred active toner.

活膚潔面露是滋潤溫和保水型的活化清潔品,不刺激 皮膚,在清除臉部污垢的同時,不讓皮膚天然防禦脂 質流失。使用後肌膚不緊繃,有效平衡肌膚酸鹼質, 適合所有肌膚使用,尤其是針對乾性及老化膚質。

孫醫師推薦:請先將臉部稍微沾濕,擠壓少量的活膚 潔面露在手掌心,混合少量水,溫和清洗臉部及頸 部,不要搓揉,徹底清潔後,使用水沖洗乾淨即可。




Revitalizing Toner


This luxurious, hydrating toner contains a pure hyaluronic acid solution and is specialized for after-cleaning skin rejuvenation without drying out your skin. Dr. Sun Recommends: For morning and evening use. Apply toner after cleansing face and neck. Soak a cotton pad with Revitalizing Toner and pat across face and neck, paying particular attention to the side of your nose and mouth. Avoid contact with eyes and surrounding areas.

活膚保濕調理水使用於臉部清潔後,因為含有高純度 的玻尿酸,能迅速讓肌膚滋潤補水,使皮膚恢復彈性 與活力。適合所有肌膚使用。

孫醫師推薦: 清潔臉部後,請使用保水型的化妝棉,將 活膚保濕調理水放在化妝棉上,輕輕地均勻塗抹於 頸部與臉部,由下往上由內往外擦拭於頸部與全臉肌 膚。請避免接觸眼睛及眼睛周圍皮膚。





Super Hydration B Serum

維他命 B 保濕素

The Super hydration B Serum is a pro vitamin B5 and H ya l u ro n i c A c i d fo r m u l a t h a t wo r k s d e e p ly to h e a l and hydrate your skin for significant improvement and smoothing. Hydration B has the additional ability to shrink large pores and increase your skin’s water retention. Dr. Sun Recommends: After cleansing, toning and exfoliating, gently smooth a few drops of the serum over entire face and neck. Follow with the appropriate morning or evening MDSUN products. For daytime protection, apply MDSUN broad-spectrum SPF products.

維 他 命 B 保 濕 素 的 主 要 成 分 是 維 生 素 B5 及 玻 尿 酸, 豐 富的保水配方以及微細分子,能瞬間深入肌膚,改善乾 燥 缺 水 並 同 時 收 縮 粗 大 毛 孔 ,讓 您 的 肌 膚 ,明 亮 有 光 澤 。 孫醫師推薦 : 清潔臉部後於每日早晚調理水後使用 , 取 適量精華液均勻塗抹於臉部及頸部肌膚,輕輕按摩至完 全吸收即可,之後可搭配 MDSUN 抗老,美白,及強效 護理系列產品。白天請使用防曬系列產品。



Repair Moisturizer

MD Sun’s Repair Moisturizer is the latest in nextgeneration hydrating creams. It offers a light, refreshing consistency specially formulated to restore and revitalize sensitive or compromised skin. Repair Moisturizer immediately transforms the surface of the skin, repairing and nourishing damaged skin while reducing inflammation. Active ingredients diminish the appearance of fine lines while potent antioxidants speed healing and protect against post peel or other professional treatment. Dr. Sun Recommends: Apply twice a day, morning and evening. Massage lightly into the skin, paying close attention to most affected areas.

再生保濕修護霜質地清爽,含有極高的抗氧化成分 以及強力活性保水因子,能瞬間鎖住水分,讓肌膚 多一道天然屏障,有效迅速修復和滋養敏感或因氣 候 、 污 染 、 及 紫 外 線 而 受 損 的 肌 膚, 而 強 效 的 抗 氧化成份,能淡化細紋,並加速癒合和防止舒緩換 膚,術後及專業療程後的不適。 孫醫師推薦 : 清潔臉部後於每日早晚調理水及精華 液後使用 , 取適量再生保濕修護霜均勻塗抹於臉部 及頸部肌膚,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可。可搭配抗 老,美白,強效護理系列產品以及防曬系列產品一 起使用。白天請使用防曬系列產品。




Super Intensive Moisturizer


The Intensive Moisturizer for the face and neck nourishes the skin to maintain optimal skin smoothness, elasticity, and health by restoring the hydrolipidic layer and neutralizing the free radicals responsible for premature aging of the skin. The Super Intensive Moisturizer restores health by: 1) plumping up the skin by restoring essential moisture while increasing skin cell water retention, and 2) sealing in the moisture by using an advanced combination of ingredients to mimic the physiologically natural oils that skin produces. Dr. Sun Recommends: After cleansing and toning, gently smooth a few drops of the serum over entire face and neck. Follow with the appropriate morning or evening MDSUN products. For daytime protection, please apply MDSUN broad-spectrum SPF products.

頂 級 抗 老 緊 提 霜 為 全 方 位 的 抗 老 精 華 霜, 適 用 於 肌 膚 和 頸 部。 主 要 採 用 多 種 頂 級 抗 氧 化 素 及 MDSUN 革 命 性 配 方 Ultrapack ™, 這 些 成 份 能 增 加 皮 膚 細 胞 的 保 水 度, 修 復 受 損 細 胞, 平 衡 自 由 基 破 壞 的 老 化 現 象。 長 效 的 鎖 水 保 濕 作 用, 形 成 透 明 的 防 禦 屏 障, 使 皮 膚 恢 復 飽 滿 絲 滑 、 彈 性 ,緊 實 和 健 康 。多 層 次 對 抗 乾 燥 、暗 沉 、斑 點 、 皺紋、鬆弛等老化徵兆,讓您重拾青春光采! 孫 醫 師 推 薦 : 清 潔 臉 部 後, 於 每 日 早 晚 調 理 水 及 精 華 液 後使用 , 取適量頂級抗老緊提霜均勻塗抹於臉部及頸部肌 膚 ,輕 輕 按 摩 至 完 全 吸 收 即 可 。之 後 可 依 日 常 保 養 程 序 , 搭 配 MDSUN 抗 老, 美 白, 強 效 護 理 系 列 產 品。 白 天 請 使用 MDSUN 防曬系列,以達最佳 UV 防護網。



DNA Collagen Lift (Cell Renewal)

Reveals new skin for a natural, youthful glow; helps produce collagen to smooth lines and firm your skin; and provides free radical protection to reverse and slow the aging process. Cell Renewal provides excellent results by evening skin tone, and reducing age spots, pregnancy masks, post-inflammatory hyper pigmentation and freckles. Dr. Sun Recommends: After cleansing and toning, apply a thin layer and allow for skin to absorb fully. Follow with the appropriate morning or evening MDSUN hydrating product. For daytime protection, apply MDSUN broadspectrum SPF product.

重建完美肌膚,煥發青春活力! 膠原蛋白再生素採用革命性 DNA 成份與高純度多重 膠原蛋白,蘊含多元活賦效果的提拉元素,能促進 細胞更新,提高膠原蛋白增生和自由基保護,有效 減少皺紋及細紋形成,協助更新修護老化肌膚,延 緩衰老過程,並且達到均衡膚色,淡化斑點、雀斑、 色素沉澱及疤痕的效果。

孫醫師推薦 : 清潔臉部後於每日早晚調理水後使用 , 取適量膠原蛋白再生素均勻塗抹於臉部及頸部肌 膚,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可,之後可依日常保養 程 序, 搭 配 MDSUN 抗 老, 美 白 及 強 效 護 理 系 列 產 品。 白 天 請 使 用 MDSUN 防 曬 系 列, 以 達 最 佳 UV 防護網。






Brightener Serum


MDSUN Brightener Serum is a one-of-a-kind, breakthrough formula that stimulates cell renewal, diminishes melasma, and reduces uneven skin tone. No other competing product line delivers results as quickly and effectively. The formula penetrates deep into the skin to gradually improving uneven skin tone and removing dark spots for brighter, more radiant, and healthier skin. MDSUN Brightener Serum provides immediately visible results by Ultrapack ™ a unique combination of ingredients to maximize on the serum’s efficacy. Additionally, the Brightening Serum is packed with anti-oxidant ingredients to provide relief for treated skin while restoring essential nutrients and moisture. Dr. Sun Recommends: After cleansing, toning and exfoliating, gently smooth a few drops of the serum over entire face and neck. Follow with the appropriate morning or evening MDSUN products. For daytime protection, apply MDSUN broad-spectrum SPF product.

結 合 效 果 與 效 率,MDSUN 嫩 白 亮 顏 精 華 液, 擁 有 獨 一 無 二 的 突 破 性 Ultrapack ™組合配方以及高濃度美白,抗氧化成分,此獨特的高密度配 方,能夠迅速滲透至皮膚深層,使精華液發揮極致功效。嫩白亮顏精華液 能有效刺激細胞更新,同時兼具保濕效果,全方位改善黯沈肌膚,膚色不 均,淡化斑點、曬斑與抑制黑色素形成,讓您的肌膚回復嫩白與明亮。

孫醫師推薦 : 清潔臉部後於每日早晚調理水後使用 , 取適量精華液均勻塗抹於臉部 及頸部肌膚,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可,之後可依日常保養程序,搭配 MDSUN 抗老 , 及強效護理系列產品。白天請使用 MDSUN 防曬系列,以達最佳 UV 防護網。



Brightening C Moisturizer

維他命 C 生長素

Brightening C Moisturizing Cream is enriched with Powerful EGF anti-oxidants and high percentage Vitamin C that reinforce the skin's immune functions. Correct existing damage to skin caused by overexposure to sunlight, pigmentation, sun and age spots, blemishes, and other forms of sun damage. Dr. Sun Recommends: After cleansing and toning, apply a thin layer and allow for full absorption. Follow with the appropriate morning and evening MDSUN products. For daytime protection, apply MDSUN broad-spectrum SPF product.

維他命 C 生長素含有高濃度 EGF 抗氧化成份及高濃度維他 命 C,具有高效保濕力,能強化皮膚的免疫功能。有效修 復因過度暴露在陽光下 / 紫外線而造成的的損害,改善粗 糙及乾燥皮膚,消除黑色素沉澱,曬斑,黑斑及老年斑。

孫醫師推薦 : 清潔臉部後,於每日早晚調理水之後 , 取適量維他命 C 生長素均勻塗抹於臉部及頸部肌膚,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可,之後 可依日常保養程序,搭配 MDSUN 抗老 , 及強效護理系列產品。白天 請使用 MDSUN 防曬系列,以達最佳 UV 防護網。





Wrinkle Smoothener


A lightweight formula that uses clinically effective ingredients to visibly firm and smooth the face, neck, and décolleté line. The Wrinkle Smoothener topical treatment employs a microdispersion delivery system that amplifies the effect of active ingredients while concentrating fatty acid shields to protect against aging. Dr. Sun Recommends: After cleansing and toning, smooth a small amount over face, neck, and décolleté line. Follow with the appropriate morning or evening MDSUN products. For daytime protection, apply MDSUN broad-spectrum SPF product.

抗老除皺精華液採用 Liposome 技術及獨家先進的 Ultrapack ™ 生化成分,質地清爽,藉由微細分子傳導系統,在使用的瞬間讓 肌膚表層形成一層緊緻網膜,拉提鬆垮的肌膚,明顯改善臉部, 頸部和肩部的線條。 高濃度的黃醛保濕因子,發揮驚人的修護能量,完美提昇細胞間 的緊密度及含水量,讓肌膚豐潤,細緻飽滿,解決膠原蛋白及彈 力纖維密度下降導致的問題,重建緊緻與彈力。 瞬效拉提,深層除皺!讓不同年齡的您都可擁有亮麗無痕,光滑 緊緻的肌膚!

孫醫師推薦 : 清潔臉部後於每日早晚調理水後使用 , 取適量精 華液均勻塗 抹於臉部及頸部肌膚,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可, 之後可依日常保養程序 , 搭配 MDSUN 美白及強效護理系列產 品。白天請使用 MDSUN 防曬系列,以達最佳 UV 防護網。



Soothing Serum


The advanced Soothing Serum uses a technically advanced treatment formulation that synergistically hydrates, soothes, smoothes, and firms aging skin. The active ingredients work to relax the facial tension that leads to wrinkling, provide anti-redness and anti-dryness properties to relieve post-skin treatment dryness and tenderness, increase intracellular moisture, fight free-radical damage, and provide skin with an immediate tightening and lifting effect. The Soothing Serum is designed as a “ feel-good ” moisturizer that provides immediate relief and is good for skin of all types. Dr. Sun Recommends: After cleansing and toning, apply a thin layer and allow for full absorption. Follow with the appropriate MDSUN products. For daytime protection, apply MDSUN broad-spectrum SPF product.

多胜肽修護精華液是以最新 Liposome ™技術提煉出的優質多胜肽抗皺 配方,能同步獲得潤澤,舒緩鎮靜,及緊致老化肌膚,三重特效呵護。 高效的活性成份,用以加強細胞內的保濕度及抵抗自由基的機制,能 放鬆因臉部肌肉緊張而產生的動態皺紋,同時舒緩術後的發紅,乾裂。 全面緊提活膚,有效預防動,靜態皺紋產生,修護潤澤敏感脆弱肌膚, 幫助術後的修護,解決乾紋、脫屑、及鬆垮肌膚。

孫醫師推薦 : 清潔臉部後於每日早晚調理水後使用 , 取適量精華液均勻 塗抹於臉部及頸部肌膚,輕輕按摩至完全吸收即可 , 之後可依日常保 養程序,搭配 MDSUN 抗老,美白及強效護理系列產品。白天請使用 MDSUN 防曬系列,以達最佳 UV 防護網。



Skin Exfoliation Pads


An exfoliating treatment that you can leave-on, MDSUN Skin Exfoliation pads remove pore-clogging debris, help to minimize breakouts, improve skin tone, and refine skin texture. The medical science that makes MDSUN Skin Exfoliation Pads so effective is a two-tier approach to exfoliation. The first layer of ingredients – alpha hydroxyl acid, niacinamide (vitamin B3/ B5), poly hydroxyl acid, and lactobionic acid (containing lactone) – exfoliates while simultaneously hydrating skin. The second layer of ingredients is a powerful mix of anti-inflammatory ingredients designed to reduce and control redness, inflammation, and irritation while the acids exfoliate skin and provide deep miniaturization. The sum of this process is that you exfoliate skin without realizing it. Upon application, a slight sting (which is natural) will be present. Approximately 20 minutes after application, skin will have an oily sensation; this sensation characterizes a process called skin burial where your skin produces natural oils to seal in moisture. Dr. Sun recommends: Apply pad to face, avoiding eyes and surrounding skin areas, and smooth onto skin; leave on. If necessary, can be neutralized by thoroughly rinsing treated areas with water two minutes after application. Dispose of exfoliation pads after single use.

MDSUN 修護去角質片,是高科技醫療級產品,具有去角質以及修 護皮膚的功能,利用兩層的剝離方法,讓肌膚保持均白透亮與健康。 第一層的的成分 - 阿爾法羥基酸,維生素 B3/B5,聚羥基酸以及乳 酸,能代謝溶解掉老舊的角質,清除污垢,暢通毛孔,並且加強皮 膚新陳代謝,促進細胞再生,達到去角質的同時,兼顧保濕皮膚。 第 二 層 的 成 分 是 一 個 抗 敏 感 的 組 合 配 方, 在 進 行 深 層 去 角 質 的 同 時,能有效減緩發紅,發炎反應,及緩和對酸的刺激。 塗 上 後, 若 有 輕 微 刺 痛 感 是 正 常 的, 約 20 分 鐘 後, 皮 膚 會 有 油 膩 的感覺,這個過程是肌膚產生天然油脂來鎖住水分的反應。

孫醫師推薦 : 取一片去角質棉片輕柔的擦拭於全臉 , 請避免接觸眼 睛;不需要清洗,若感覺刺痛不適,可於擦拭兩分鐘後用水沖洗臉 部肌膚 , 每片去角質棉片只能單次使用。





Hydro-Recovery Mask


Hydro-Recovery masks provide immediate relief for dry and sensitive skin, reduce skin inflammation, and speed up skin recovery after harsh facial procedures. The masks are formulated to restore skin to healthy moisture levels and are perfect for re-plumping skin and smoothing and filling in lines and wrinkles. Dr. Sun Recommends: After cleansing the skin, dry the face and put the mask over the face, avoiding eyes and lips areas. Remove the mask after 20-30 minutes. Other skincare products can be applied directly without rinsing the face. Suggested Use: 1 to 3 times per week, continued consistent use for 7 days will guarantee visible results.

保濕修護面膜是乾燥及敏感皮膚的超級救星,獨家科研 配方,加上特殊醫療級膠體面膜材質,質地柔軟舒適, 具親膚特性,使所有活性成份能深入皮膚肌理間,賦予 肌膚不可思議的的修護力量,使用後立即舒緩鎮靜,回 復肌膚保水狀態,光滑柔順。能縮短皮膚受傷後恢復期, 改善皮膚粗糙、細紋斑點、黯沈無光澤。臉部術後,脈 衝光,果酸換膚,雷射等美容療程後皆適用。

孫醫師推薦 : 清潔臉部後,將面膜層 ( 上層 ) 面向臉部, 由額頭開始向下方逐漸貼敷於臉上,面膜上半臉對準眼 部,配合鼻下部位,由上而下、由內而外輕輕敷平,盡 量將氣泡推移出去,使能完全服貼額頭及臉頰,完整覆 蓋 20-25 分鐘後,將面膜取下,用手輕拍至菁華液完全 吸收,不需清洗即可進行一般日常保養。每週至少使用 1-3 次,在敷面膜之前,可依皮膚狀況,使用修護去角 質片,可達更佳效果。 25


Super-Brightening Mask

The Super Brightening Mask treatment uses a unique formula to actively reduce the signs of hyper-pigmentation and produce noticeable skin brightening. The active ingredients of the Super-Brightening Mask are processed through LIPSOME technology. This specialized process helps skin to fully absorb the active ingredients. Multiple whitening ingredients accelerate the melanin metabolism rates for maximum brightening while natural plant extracts enhance the mask’s moisturizing effects in a way that is friendly to your skin. Dr. Sun Recommends: After cleansing the skin, dry the face and put the mask over the face, avoiding eyes and lips areas. Remove the mask after 20-30 minutes. Other skincare products can be applied directly without rinsing the face. Suggested Use: 1 to 3 times per week, continued consistent use for 7 days will guarantee visible results.

頂級嫩白亮顏面膜的多重美白保濕精華是透過 LIPOSOME 技 術完整包覆,加上特殊醫療級膠體面膜材質,質地柔軟舒適, 具親膚特性,使所有活性成份能深入皮膚肌理間,瞬間提昇 保養能量,能有效加速黑色素代謝並擊退黑色素沈澱,改善 暗沉,達到美白的效果 , 同時豐富的天然植物萃取精華,能 在皮膚表層形成鎖水膜,立即恢復明亮滑嫩。 孫醫師推薦 : 清潔臉部後,將面膜層 ( 上層 ) 面向臉部,由額 頭開始向下方逐漸貼敷於臉上,面膜上半臉對準眼部,配合 鼻下部位,由上而下、由內而外輕輕敷平,盡量將氣泡推移 出去,使能完全服貼額頭及臉頰,完整覆蓋 20-25 分鐘後, 將面膜取下,用手輕拍至菁華液完全吸收,不需清洗即可進 行一般日常保養。每週至少使用 1-3 次,在敷面膜之前,可 依皮膚狀況,使用修護去角質片,可達更佳效果。 26


EYE 眼部保養



Intensive Eye Gel


MDSUN Intensive Eye Gel is an anti-aging and hydrating treatment that combines the most effective antioxidants, vitamins, and powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients to reduce and diminish the appearance of dark circles, fine lines, and wrinkles while improving firmness and reducing puffiness around eyes.

高效眼膠主要含有抗氧化,多種維 生素與抗敏感成份,是提供眼部抗 皺,保濕緊緻的多效治療型眼膠, 能有效改善黑眼圈、眼袋、淡化細 紋及魚尾紋。

Dr. Sun Recommends: Use twice daily, morning and evening. After cleansing, toning, apply a small amount to clean finger tips and gently massage on to the skin around the eye area.

針對眼 睛周 圍皮膚 常見的 四 個主 要問題 :

MDSUN Intensive Eye Gel is specially formulated to address the 4 main issues with the skin around the eyes:

2 黑 色素 - 抗 壞血酸( 維他 C) 有 效減 少黑色 素。

1. Dark Eye Circles – high concentrations of Vitamin K work decrease the venous condition that causes dark eye circles

3 靜態 皺紋 / 動 態皺紋 - 燕 麥萃 取 物 用以保 濕, 藉由精氨 酸來 改善 皺 紋。

2. Pigmentation – ascorbic acid works to reduce melanin pigmentation

4 眼袋 - 消 炎鎮靜 成分配 方, 減少 浮 腫及舒 緩肌 膚。

3. Static Wrinkles/Movement Wrinkles – oat extracts for hydration and arginine for improving wrinkles 4. Puffiness – anti-inflammatory ingredients reduce swelling and soothe skin.


1 黑 眼圈 - 高 濃度的維 他命 K, 能 減少 因靜脈 因素而 造成 的黑眼圈 。

孫醫師 推薦 : 於 早晚 清潔臉部 肌 膚 及調理 水後 ,取適量 高效 眼膠塗抹 於眼 睛四 周 , 以 指腹 輕輕按 壓眼 周 圍肌 膚至完 全吸 收。


Med-Eye Complex Cream


Med-Eye Complex cream is a rich formula that contains Vitamins A and E and antiaging agents to visibly improve the health and firmness of delicate skin around the eyes and prevent signs of premature aging. Dr. Sun Recommends: Use twice daily, morning and evening. After cleansing, toning, apply a small amount to clean finger tips and gently massage on to the skin around the eye area.

醫 學 生 化 複 合 眼 膠 含 有 豐 富 維 A ,維 他 命 E 及 多 種 生 化 複 合 成 能 促 進 眼 部 周 圍 組 織 的 循 環, 眼 周 肌 膚 的 含 氧 量, 降 低 自 由 傷 害, 使 眼 部 肌 肉 保 持 彈 性。 效 改 善 眼 袋 、 眼 部 暗 沈, 淡 化 及魚尾紋。

孫 及 眼 按

醫 調 膠 壓

他 份 提 基 可 細

命 , 高 的 有 紋

師 推 薦 : 於 早 晚 清 潔 臉 部 肌 膚 理 水 後, 取 適 量 醫 學 生 化 複 合 塗 抹 於 眼 睛 四 周 , 以 指 腹 輕 輕 眼周圍肌膚至完全吸收。






Acne Gel


MDSUN Acne Gel is a remarkable product that targets adult acne, acne discoloration, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, and discoloration from sun damage by shrinking enlarged follicles with non-irritating ingredients to give your skin a refreshing sensation. MDSUN Acne Gel is suitable for skin of all types, restores moisture in skin to healthy levels, and remains non-oily during application. Dr. Sun Recommends: Use twice daily, morning and evening. before applying serum and moisturizer. Avoid contact with eyes and surrounding areas.

MDSUN去痘凝露透過抑菌、消炎的萃取成分, 淨化毛 囊,縮小毛孔,能有效防止及治療痤瘡及粉刺的形 成。不含任何刺激性的溫和配方,清涼調理,鎮靜安 撫,讓肌膚恢復油水,酸鹼值平衡的狀態。 針對青春痘,面皰,粉刺,痘疤,改善生理期暗瘡、 膿包、紅腫的痘痘,讓您肌膚告別負擔,再次呼吸!

孫醫師推薦: 於清潔臉部及全身或背部後使孫醫師推 薦: 於早晚清潔肌膚後,取適量去痘凝露均勻塗抹於 需要的部位,請避免接觸眼睛及眼睛周圍皮膚。



Hydrating UV Protector (Dry, Mature)

防曬保濕隔離乳 SPF45 ( 乾性及老化膚質 )

MDSUN Hydrating Sun block is a high-protection, moisturizing sunscreen that employs a physical, sun filter designed to work as a barrier to prevent cutaneous photo-aging. The Hydrating Sun block has wrinkle-smoothing capabilities as well as UVA and UVB filtering properties. The use of anti-oxidants in the formula also makes this product perfect for post-therapy treatments. Ideal for outdoor, environmental, and stress damage protection. Dr. Sun Recommends: Apply before exposure to sunlight. Apply uniformly to all exposed skin areas. Reapply every 2-3 hours and after washing, swimming, sweating, or towel drying for continued maximum protection.

MDSUN防曬保濕隔離乳,含有多重紫外線防護及抗氧化成 分,同時兼具補水保濕的功效,能減低皮膚因陽光曬傷及 環境因素和紫外線所引起的傷害,有助於保護皮膚抑制外 來的侵害,預防老化及黑斑。不含任何刺激性,特別適合 乾性及缺水膚質,雷射手術後肌膚均可使用。

孫醫師推薦: 白天於清潔臉部肌膚基礎保養後, 取適量 塗抹於臉部、頸部與手部,若長時間曝露於戶外,建 議每2-3小時塗抹一次。



UV PROTECTOR (Normal, Oily)

防曬修護隔離乳 ( 一般膚質 , 油性膚質 )

T h i s n o n - o i ly d a i ly h y d ra t o r w i t h S P F i s formulated to provide light moisture with a matte finish. It provides optimal broad-spectrum UVA / UVB coverage. Dr. Sun Recommends: Apply before exposure to sunlight. Apply uniformly to all exposed skin areas. Reapply every 2-3 hours and after washing, swimming, sweating, or towel drying for maximum protection.

防曬修護隔離乳,是非油脂性,高劑量的保 濕 隔 離 乳 , 具 有 抗 U VA / U V B 紫 外 線 的 功 效 , 讓膚質展現出水嫩效果。有效防止黑斑及曬 斑形成,預防老化。清爽不油膩,讓肌膚在 滋養隔離防護下也完全感覺無負擔。

孫醫師推薦: 白天於清潔臉部肌膚基礎保養 後, 取適量塗抹於臉部、頸部與手部,若長 時間曝露於戶外,建議每2-3小時塗抹一次。





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