Parish-based initiatives of preparation to IEC

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Parish based initiatives to prepare the way for the 50th International Eucharistic Congress 2012 As momentum builds on our journey towards the 50th International Eucharistic Congress we have been asked on many occasions for ideas as to how a parish community might mark the journey. We offer here in response some suggestions, in the hope they stimulate the creative juices of Parish Pastoral Councils, priests and laity involved in parish who might further brainstorm additional ideas for their locality or as an initiative for their cluster. This is simply an aid to the creative process. The most frequently asked questions: o Where can we get information about the Congress? o How can we create awareness of the Congress locally? o How can we register as pilgrims? o How can we become volunteers? o Where can we get the Congress Prayer o Where can we access the Congress Hymn o How can we prepare spiritually? o Where can we find out what is happening in our diocese? o If we organise something how can we invite others? o Are there ways we can support the Congress o

Where can we get information about the Congress? - The easiest place to find information about the 50th International Eucharistic Congress is from the Congress website at - In addition, addressed to every parish priest, each parish in the country has been supplied with a CD containing a digital pack of the pastoral preparation programme resources, ideal for putting together moments of reflection for small and large groups. - Watch out for information events being organised in your diocese, and articles in religious papers and magazines. - As parishioners and as Parish by subscribing to the Congress newsletter and joining the Congress on Facebook you can keep up to date on all the latest developments. - Invite someone to talk about the Congress and local initiatives at the end of the Mass.


How can we create awareness of the Congress locally? - The Congress pull-up Banner could be obtained and placed in a visible place in the church, the main porch or the sanctuary might be a good location. - Include information about the Congress and the programme of pastoral preparation in your parish bulletin. - Reference to the Congress and the themes of the Pastoral Programme could be included in homilies and prayer of the faithful on Sundays.


The Congress logo with a link to the official IEC2012 website could be included on your parish website. Congress information fliers could be ordered and made available in the church. To help and assist with initiatives in the parish a Congress Group could be set up. As a parish youth outreach project a group of young people could be trained and entrusted with delivery of the good news about the Congress by distributing fliers around the parish. Perhaps you could contact your local media with information on the Congress and how you are preparing locally. Bring your own ideas to bear on all of this!

Resources helpful to promote the Congress: - Order forms for promotional material can be downloaded from our website: - Resources for Sunday Liturgies and downloadable posters - You can request an IEC2012 web button to include on your website by email to o

How can we register as pilgrims? - The most direct way is to go on-line and follow the online registration process at this address: - If you have parishioners who do not have access to online registration perhaps as parish you could organise to register for them?


How can we become volunteers? - You can register to volunteer online at - Awareness of the call to volunteering can be created by using promotional material in the Parish – posters and fliers can be obtained. - A gathering for people inviting them to volunteer for the Congress could be held in the cluster or parish. Perhaps they could be helped register. - The invitation to volunteer for the Congress could be included in your parish bulletin. - Prayer groups, the house bound and the whole parish could be invited to pray for all who are volunteering.


Where can we get the Congress Prayer - It is easily accessed at - Prayer Cards can be ordered from the on-line Congress shop. These could be distributed around the parish, taken to hospitals, nurseries, etc. and people be asked to pray for the Congress. - The prayer could be used by Prayer groups, at prayer evenings, prayer vigils and at Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. - The Congress prayer could be used after every celebration of Mass. - There are also Congress Candles. The Parish could perhaps commission some to be brought around from home to home, accompanied by the Congress prayer and a booklet into which parishioners can write their prayer intentions? - Parishes are encouraged to create initiatives of their own – taking ownership of their journey.


Where can we access the Congress Hymn? - Visit our website under Pastoral Preparation and download the hymn in all its forms for free (listen to the hymn in the mp3 file, print the sheet music etc.) - Parish and all choirs can print out the score and lyrics of the hymn, distributing them so that the assembly or congregation can also learn and sing the hymn. - A CD of the hymn can be ordered from the Congress on-line shop: - The local schools could be supplied with the hymn.


How can we prepare spiritually? - The whole country has been invited on a shared journey through the use of the Congress Pastoral Preparation Programme: Parishes are invited, in small groups and large, to organise and participate in preparation gatherings. These are adult faith development opportunities offering the series of reflections/workshops intent on discovering the riches of the Eucharist – celebrated, adored and lived - following the four stages of preparation. The resources require adaption to your own parish. - Perhaps the catechetical and spiritual resources from our website: explaining and reflecting on the Congress Hymn and Prayer could be published in your parish newsletter. - The young people of the parish could be invited to prepare spiritually using the youth resources to be made available on our website: - The Congress Bell may have visited your area during its countrywide pilgrimage. Revisit and meditate more deeply on the Eucharistic Congress icons:


Where can we find out what is happening in our diocese? - A delegate has been appointed in every diocese to help with the preparation. You can find out who your diocesan delegate is at - Check page: to see what events are being organised in your area. Keep an eye out for posters and notices about events being held in your diocese. Tell others about these events.


If we organise something how can we invite others? - You are invited to advertise every event you are holding on the Congress website. Send information by email to to be uploaded for the world to see!


Are there other ways we can get involved in and support the Congress? - Apart from prayer and registering, those who might wish to can make a donation through our Congress website: - If in the Parish there are artists, singers, actors, choirs or others who would like to contribute to the programme of the Congress they should contact the IEC2012 office to propose an activity:

As already mentioned, these are simply ideas to get the creative juices flowing in the parish. This is not a to-do list, but could perhaps be at least a starting point. This is your Congress, mark the journey in a way that will be significant and memorable in your locality and in your Parish. May this be a time of renewal and reawakening to the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives for all in your parish!

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