Ok sa DepEd Oplan Kalusugan July 2018
strong fit & happy
Hand Washing Activity
5 page
Pantalan Elementary School / Nasugbu West District
he Department of Education launched “Oplan Kalusugan (OK) sa DepEd� campaign. It was conducted on July 11-13, 2018 and was participated by all school nationwide. Pantalan Elementary School, one of the Public Elementary Schools of Nasugbu West District, in the Division of Batangas supported the said DepEd Health week-long campaign. Mrs. Rosalina Hernandez, Health Coordinator of Pantalan Elementary School, facilitated the Tooth Brushing Activity. She provided the pupils with a video presentation showing the importance of having a clean, white and decayfree teeth. After the video presentation, she discussed and demonstrated the proper ways of brushing the teeth and inspiring the pupils to maintain the good oral hygiene. The children learned more about how importance it is to take good care of their teeth. The actual tooth brushing was done by each grade level assisted by their advisers. The said activity was done successfully
SBFP; AJoint Project of DSW
he Department of Education in cooperation of the Department Of Social Welfare and Development launched the School Based Feeding Program Project. This Project is conducting to the different schools all over the
Philippines. The School Based Feeding Program aims to lessen the number of wasted and severely wasted pupils. Pantalan Elementary School which consists of 35 severely wasted pupils and 60 wasted pupils with a total of 95 malnourished pupil organized an everyday supply of menuto
Hand Washing Activity
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WD and Dep Ed them. . Feeding program is given to malnourished pupils in order to avoid absentism, lack of interest in joining different school activities. School Based Feeding Program is a great help to all the parents and guardians of malnourished children.
he Department of Education conducted a week-long program – the “Oplan Kalusugan sa Deped” that has to be participated by every public schools in the country. As one of the Public Elementary Schools in the Division of Batangas, Pantalan Elementary School, prepared a Hand washing Activity as part of the Health Program. The main focus of the activity is to give emphasis on the impotance of having clean hands before and after meals. This Hand washing Activity was facilitated by Mrs. Rosalina D. Hernandez of the said school. She discussed the benefits pupils might get in having clean hands. It was followed by providing a short video clip showing the steps and proper ways of washing hands. The class advisers of different grade levels assisted the pupils in the actual hand washing activity. The said activity was successfully implemented through the cooperation amongst pupils and teachers of Pantalan Elementary School.
n enlightenment and cognizance on the effect and use of drugs were imparted by SPO1 Rico Alvarez De Castro, SPO1 Eugenio Dalisay Supetran, and PO1 Myra Bentir Domingo of PNP 403rd MCRMFBR4A Camp Jose Razon Nasugbu, Batangas to the Grade 5 and 6 pupils of Pantalan Elementary School last July 16, 2018. According to lecture of SPO1 Rico A. De Castro drugs are in varied forms from natural to artificial drugs, from marijuana, shabu to ecstasy and can be process in household laboratory within the duration of 4 hrs. Addiction to this will bear us nothing but suffering. It is not the only the mental, emotional and physical state of the drug dependent were being affected by drugs. It gradually deteriorate your relationship to your family, becoming burglar, a rapist
and the worst of it a murderer due to hallucination effect of seeing things which is not. Sometimes it was the family member fell prey to this delusional state of the drug addict. So why will wait to let this happen to us. Let us not become a problem to society, to our family, to our friend and especially to thyself. Do not let ourselves fell prey to the predator and of its evil. Let us not be a victim of drugs.
he Department of Education launched an Oplan Kalusugan Project last July 16, 2018. It was launched for the benefit of the pupils.
In connection with this, Pantalan Elementary School conducted the deworming to our pupils. One of the suggested activities of the Oplan Kalusugan. The deworming process was monitored and supervised by Mrs. Beth Ramos, Nasugbu West District Nurse, together with their advisers. From 362 pupils of Pantalan
Elementary School only 44 pupils dewormed. Two from Kindergarten, four from Grade -2, fifteen from Grade-3, seven from Grade 5 and twelve from Grade 6. Deworming was given to them every 6th month of the year. This project aims to lessen the problems encountered by the parents regarding the bacteria produced by worms.
zumba dance
he Department of Education, thru campaign “ Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd” , implemented a week-long Health program to all Public School nationwide that has to be done on July 11-13, 2018. Pantalan Elementary School , as one of the Public Elementary Schools of the Division of Batangas, conducted the Zumba Program to all the pupils of the said school. Through the joined efforts of the teachers of the said school, executed the zumba after the flag ceremony last Friday, July 13. The said activity was successfully done with the cooperation of the pupils of Pantalan Elementary School.
Know What’s Not, Be Safe E
very human being is the author of his own health or disease” -Gautama Buddha
Health is everything, it dictates our body to be productive and efficient. Our human boy must be in good shape to perform what every task or activities our environment requires. Everyone should know the do’s and don’ts particularly in our reproductive health. Filipinos are known to be a reserved and skittle when talking about reproductive health. It is not an everyday topic that ordinary people discussed and talked thus creating a dilemma when there is something wrong with their genitals. Sex education among youngster should starts at home with their parents as their first teacher. Lack of knowledge and reluctant to talk most
father and father had to ignore this important issues to their child producing children illiterate and unaware of this substantial to our life. The results are teenage pregnancy and innocence about sexualization. The Department of Education in cooperation with the Department of Health launched “OK sa Deped” program which promotes health practices among the pupils. One of the
focus of this program is reproductive health especially in grade five and grade six pupils about the awareness of sexual changes they may encounter during puberty at their present age. As part of the program, the school Science Teacher Coordinator, Analea A. Baque, an adviser of Grade 5 Bangus, conducts a mini symposium about reproductive particularly about puberty on grade
five and six students. The teacher tackles the different changes that a child under puberty encounters are normal and advise them to be open particularly with their parents about the problems they may meet during the drastic changes and health issues. The teacher also explains the different changes are “normal” and should not be timid and scary to talk about. Pregnancy is also discuss to make the pupils awareness on teenage pregnancy that is one of the biggest issue in our country today. With little time and limited sources the dissemination of information on reproductive health issues are successfully presented to the pupils of Pantalan Elementary School as part of the “OK sa Deped” program.