2025 Catalog_ShoalCreek

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Welcome to our 14th Anniversary Sale Event!


Welcome to yet another year of The Gathering at Shoal Creek, what a year it has been. This has been a great year across the land for beef producers of all kinds. We hope this catalog finds you experiencing these record highs the industry has given over the past 12 months. We want to take a moment to appreciate and recognize how blessed we are to take part in all this industry has to offer and share in it with you.

We are excited to bring this set of cattle for your evaluation this year. We feel the pairs and bred heifers are some of the best we have offered and are right for the times. From top to bottom, these females bring incredible genetics and a proven track record. The spring two year olds this year are calving well with more to come as this catalog hits your mail boxes. The Simmental fall bred females sell Al’d to some of the hottest bulls in the industry. The Red Angus fall bred heifers are highlighted by a group of 3 full sisters from the famed Harmony Windsong 0269. These females are the front pasture kind. We continue to provide a great sample of bulls with genomic testing and scan data for you to make the right decisions for your herd.

As usual, we are offering a select group of show heifer prospects highlighted by one of the best Red Angus females to sell and introducing the first offering of Angus calves from our new Angus donor Partisover Burgess 825, our selection from Randy Daniels’ herd in 2023. The show babies are truly a complete set. They have the right disposition for the show ring and are ready to compete. The yearling heifers are a small but mighty bunch. You’ll have an opportunity to view a red daughter of the great Onyx, this female is one you won’t want to miss. Over the years there has been a lot of success from these groups. We thoroughly enjoy watching the industry’s youth compete with their projects and have success. This set will provide much of the same.

This year also brings some consignors, both new and old faces alike. We want to welcome the Erickson family of Erickson Stock Farms to The Gathering along with our friends Kelton and Carly Diggs. Kelton comes as a long time help in the back, now bringing his own. Likewise, we have Ed Vest with Vestlane Farms and the Cowger Family of RS&T, both of which are long time friends and consignors of The Gathering. Their cattle are always a great addition with years of dedication to the Simmental breed. Join us Friday night, the 4th, for a social and cattle viewing and as always, the excellent brisket meal on sale day with sale starting at 1 pm. Please take time to view these lots and look at the videos on CCI.Live. The gates are always open if you wish to view the cattle beforehand. Once again, thank you for your business over the last 15 years. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to David or Scott. See you on sale day April 5th!

Sincerely, The Shoal Creek Team

Ed and Kathi Rule

David Vest and Scott Akey

Saturday, April 5, 2025

1:00 PM • Shoal Creek Sale Facility • Excelsior Springs, MO


Friday, April 4th

. . All Day Viewing of Sale Cattle

5:00 pm . . . . . . The Gathering Social ~ Everyone Welcome!

Saturday, April 5th

8:00 am

11:00 am

Sale Cattle on Display

Complimentary Lunch

1:00 PM . . . 14th Annual The Gathering at Shoal Creek Sale


Hampton Inn

816-415-9600: 8551 N Church Rd, Kansas City, MO (Liberty, MO.at Hwy 152 and I-35) From Hampton Inn, go east 1 mile to Hwy 291, turn right, follow out of town to Hwy 210 exit, go east on Hwy 210 - 7.8 miles to Hwy JJ, turn left on Hwy JJ, go 0.3 miles to Easley Road turn left on Easley go 0.8 miles to Shoal Creek entrance.


Kansas City International Airport (MCI) served by most major airlines. Airport is located 29 miles from the sale facility.


Announcements made sale day and from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed material associated with this sale. Anyone attending this sale attends at their own risk. Breeders or any of the sale force will not be responsible for any personal injury attending this sale.


Additional information and sale order can be found on the Eberspacher Enterprises website or Facebook page. Like us to receive all sale updates automatically.


Cattle sell under the Terms & Conditions of the American Simmental Association and American Red Angus Association.


Please note that EPDs may change from the time the sale catalog is printed until registration papers are transferred. EPDs listed are BOLT 3-3-25 numbers.

TRUCKING: Breeders and sale force will assist buyers in coordinating and making the most economical trucking arrangements possible. On bulls, $100/ head discount if picked up sale day . Contact Scott Akey (816) 835-5332 to arrange trucking or Dick Colemen (765) 461-0954.


Insurance will be available sale day through sale management.


Col. Chisum Peterson 605-730-4214


Val Eberspacher, EE Sales


Austin Brandt, Lee Agri-Media ........... 712-621-1829

Mike Sorenson, Special Assignment 641-745-7949

Bruce Bradley, Special Assignment 417-848-3457

Buddy Robertson, Consultant 580-747-7000

Matt Owen, Consultant 417-830-8180

Mike Dikeman, ASA Rep 785-770-2977

Wyatt Durst, CCI 785-541-0904


Guest Breeders

Vestlane Farms 417-399-1430

Vestlane Farms is honored to be a guest consignor at “The Gathering at Shoal Creek!” Missouri breeders take pride in being from the “Show-Me” state and we invite you to allow us to show you some elite SimGenetic lots at this prestigious event. Ed and Kathi Rule have not only been known for outstanding cattle that have thrived in programs throughout the U.S., but also for being the biggest advocates supporting and promoting both our state and the American Sim mental Association. Vestlane Farms has been a well-established breeder of Simmental cattle in southwest Missouri for over 35 years and we hope to see you at this sale to enjoy a great group of cattle and hospitality that is second to none.

Erickson Stock Farm 417-399-3292

Last year marked fifty years for the Erickson family of raising and loving Simmental cattle. Make no mistake about it, this great breed is the best it has ever been. Decades of discipline and genetic improvement, aimed at commercial endpoints have made Simm Angus bulls absolutely central to the modern beef business. We love the people and connections we have made, seeing each generation grow through the magic of kids raising and caring for animals. We believe in making functional, elegant, and productive animals with a presence that can draw any cattleman in. We are thrilled to offer four pairs, each with an exciting calf by LLSF Double Time, that combine phenotype, genetic value and cow family to a high level. We are so thankful that longtime friends, breed improvers and promoters Ed and Kathi Rule with the Shoal Creek crew have allowed us to “bring our best to town” for your inspection and approval.

RS&T Simmentals LLC 816-304-0371

RS&T Simmentals, LLC is honored to participate in the Shoal Creek Gathering Sale 2025. Please check out the awesome first calf heifer pairs we are offering and the great heifer calves alongside. We are excited about the future of these pairs and number are out of the Longs Eagle L56 herd sire that we acquired in 2024. My nephews Brendan McKnight, Tegan Turner and Ryker Turner are getting actively involved for the future as well, I am sure they will be around sale day to visit. Things have changed a little at our operation, however be assured we will be around in the future.

Diggs Family Females & Pierpont Valley Cattle Co. 660-247-5836

Diggs Family Females in conjunction with Pierpont Valley Cattle Company is proud to consign in “The Gathering at Shoal Creek” two extremely high quality Simmental heifers. From starting in the back of the barn preparing for the first annual “Gathering” sale, all the way to making our family operations what they are today, we cannot thank the Shoal Creek family enough for believing in us over the years. Everything that Eddy and Kathi have done and continue to do for the youth and furthering the Simmental breed is remarkable! Between great people and even better cattle, it truly is an honor to consign these two elite spring heifers. The Diggs and Garrett families are extremely excited and humbled to bring you what we believe to be some of our very best.

WHF/JS/CCS Double Up G365, Sire

HPF/Borne Knockout Y030, Dam


SC Onyx M3

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4368377 • BD: 3/1/24 • Tattoo: M3

Adj BW: 77 ET • Adj. WW: 721 • Adj. YW: N/A

Red Polled Purebred SM Cow

W/C Fort Knox 609F

W/C Bet On Red 481H

W/C Angel 7113E

STF Dominance T171

STF Onyx 451W

Gcf Miss Caliente


Striking from her profile, are the first words to come to mind! Elegant in her design with a great hair coat, this female is ready to hang banners and move into the donor pen. The Onyx cattle are still in demand and can be found on the bottom side of the hottest pedigrees in the country. Bet On Red in his own right has begun to sire the best females in the business. They are the good uddered easy doing kind that bring in the big calf at weaning. It may be early in his tenure as an elite sire but the results lead many to believe these females will work for years to come. All that genetic power makes M3 a great asset, she is worth the trip to Shoal Creek April 5th by herself.

SC Knockout M8

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4368376 • BD: 3/3/24 • Tattoo: M8

Adj BW: 82

Homo Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Cow

W/C Double Down 5014E

WHF/JS/CCS Double Up G365

WHF Summer 365C

JF Milestone 999W

HPF/Borne Knockout Y030 Miss Knockout 74T


Power in the blood! Top notch female here! Knockout is moving into the later years of her life at 14 years of age. She is still doing her job and producing embryos but this may become one of the last daughters available. What a calf to end on. She has a long extended front end with a dense muscle shape and added length of body. The Double Up daughters have been amazing producers and bring in big calves at weaning time. With all that, M8 may end up being the steal in the offering.

STF Onyx 451W, Dam
W/C Bet On Red 481H, Sire




Kelton Diggs

ASA#Pending • • BD: 4/7/24 • Tattoo: M2404

Black Baldy Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow

CCR Wide Range 9005A

BCLR Cash Flow C820

BCLR Miss Monica U820

Mr CCF 20-20

HBE Miss 20/20

SS Daffodil

Est EPDs

I know everyone likes the term “COW POWER” so, let’s use that here. She lacks no stoutness or substance of body, and has the same dimensions from the ground up. Good legged, big hipped with a huge bold rib cage, and enough belly to spare. We think this is a female that can work in a number of different worldseverything from raising the next heifer you’ll fall in love with or that big burly show steer that’ll go hang some banners. With the extra eye appeal and robust body shape this one has, you can use her as a stepping stone for ramping up your herd or breed her club calf for a quick return.



Kelton Diggs

ASA#Pending • BD: 4/10/24 • Tattoo: M242 Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

WS Pilgrim H182U TL Bottomline

Miss Star Above

SS On Star RJ13 LLSF Cayenne UP401 LLSF Paprika P401

Est EPDs

This one has stood out from her sisters from early on, being big hipped, long necked, and smooth in her transitions. The industry keeps accelerating towards cattle that are completely seamless in their design and composition - we think this purebred Simmental female is the absolute right type and kind that has so many options to raise elite livestock. Her mother has done it for many years, raising high caliber bulls such as LLSF Better Believe It, LLSF Charged Up, along with a long list of females anyone would want in the front pasture.

Cash Flow C820, Sire
TL Bottomline, Sire
LLSF Cayenne UP401, Dam

C-Bar Just Right 0225H, Sire

Bieber Maximus E294, Sire

Harmonys Windsong 0269, Grandam of Lot 5 & 6


SCLC Windsong M403

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#4933638 • BD: 3/6/24 • Tattoo: M403

Adj BW: 71 • Adj. WW: 767 • Adj. YW: N/A

Bieber Spartacus A193

Bieber Maximus E294

Bieber Lincoln 189A

100% AR Cow


Red Lazy MC CC Detour 2W

SCLC Windsong 7010

Harmonys Windsong 0269

What a way to lead off our Red Angus females! The more you study this female the more you’ll fall in love with her. She has the goods, huge center of rib, length of spine, fluid movement and plenty of true muscle shape. This female comes from one of the best cow families to walk the hills of Shoal Creek, Windsong 0269. The name she carries will last for generations, elegant and maternal with real world front pasture production. If you’re in the market to compete in Springfield at Junior Nationals and have a cow to hang your hat on in the future, do not overlook this one!


SCLC Windsong M510

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#5052877 • BD: 9/21/24 • Tattoo: M510

Adj BW: 68 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A 100% AR Cow

PIE Just Right 540

C-Bar Just Right 0225H

C-Bar Stony 720E

Slgn Yardmaster 125Y SCLC Windsong 6014

Harmonys Windsong 0269


Something spooked this heifer on picture day and we didn’t get a chance to take a photo. So be sure to study her video and see for yourself in person. She is a super docile, easy to handle calf from a great cow family. This Just Right daughter brings a lot of good qualities. She will come to you as one of the best future cows in the offering. This is the type that will go a long way.


SCLC Mercedes M505

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#5052873 • BD: 9/5/24 • Tattoo: M505

Adj BW: 78 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A

100% AR Cow

Bieber Hard Drive Y120

SC Hard Drive H510

Harmonys Windsong 0269

Brown Oracle B112

SC Lana J504

SC Lana G510


SCLC Lana M506

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#5052875 • BD: 9/12/24 • Tattoo: M506

Adj BW: 62 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A

100% AR Cow

Bieber Hard Drive Y120

SC Hard Drive H510

Harmonys Windsong 0269

Lacy Legacy 6097 417 Lacy Lana 7025 052E

Lacy Lana 7025

A pair of sisters sired by SC Hard Drive H510. These girls have a bright future for the discerning cattlemen. They will be fantastic cows who will work and look good doing it. M505 is a super sporty and angular female that has a show ring presence about her. She has a great back leg and nice hair coat for the Red Angus ring. M506 is super big middled and has plenty of muscle shape to complement her center of rib.

Bieber Hard Drive Y120, Grandsire

WHF/JS/CCS Double Up G365, Sire

HILB/SHER G749E “Bliss” Grandam


SCLC Grace M503

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#5052871 • BD: 9/1/24 • Tattoo: M503

Adj BW: 80 ET • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A 100% AR Cow

Lacy Collusion 115F

C-Bar Red Baron 207J

C-Bar Leanna 8141F

Bieber Hard Drive Y120

C-Bar Abigrace 122J

C-Bar Abigrace 636D


Elite Red Angus offering this year and we are starting with a bang. This is a true breeding piece who combines a set of great production cattle genetics with a show ring look and design. She’s a wicked good one who has all the bells and whistles. Big boned and complete look with dense shape along with a nice front end. I can’t wait to see this heifer in the show ring and how many banners she will hang for the new owners.


SC Bliss M106

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4491159 • BD: 9/2/24 • Tattoo: M106

Adj BW: 80 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A Black Polled Purebred SM Cow W/C Double Down 5014E WHF/JS/CCS Double Up G365 WHF Summer 365C HPF Quantum Leap Z952 SC Bliss K116



Power and Substance with a great hind leg and huge top. She’s the real deal! Long and thick female that gets out and moves like a cat. This heifer gets me excited, she will hang some banners at a high level then raise the ones to win even more. Backed by one of the best young cows in the herd, her dam’s full sister was the high seller in 2023 going to the Smith family of Iowa. Acquire this female and you are ready to hit the tan bark this summer.

C-Bar Baron 207J, Sire

HPF/Borne Knockout Y030, Dam of Lot 11 and Grandam of Lot 12


SC Knock Out M114

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4491160 • BD: 9/11/24 • Tattoo: M114

Adj BW: 79 ET • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

W/C Executive Order 8543B

LLSF High Profile J903

PSCS Alley’s Lady 902G ET

JF Milestone 999W

HPF/Borne Knockout Y030

Miss Knockout 74T


This heifer isn’t your average female selling this spring. She comes to you with true rib shape and width in her hooks and pins align with being full of muscle dimension. She has all the assets to compete, good hair and sound on the move. Backed by Knockout herself and from our herdsire High Profile, this pedigree is a great mix of the excitement of the new and proven production.


SC Knock Out M123

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4491161 • BD: 10/1/24 • Tattoo: M123

Adj BW: 76 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

WHF/JS/CCS Double Up G365

SC Swagger J3

Bramlets Sensation F800

TNGL Grand Fortune Z467

SC Knockout 212F

HPF/Borne Knockout Y030


This is the youngest heifer in the offering but don’t let that fool you, she has a great look and neat front end with a thick hair coat. She is the first calf from SC Swagger, a Double Up son from the Bramlet Sensation F800 donor making him a full brother to L2 (Lot 14) in the pair offering. She has an even better bottom side backed by Y030 and Grand Fortune.

LLSF High Profile J903, Sire

Partisover Burgess 825, Dam


SC Burgess M102

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

AAA#21202488 • BD: 9/15/24 • Tattoo: M102

Adj BW: N/A • Adj. WW: N/A

S A V Brilliance 8077

Purebred Angus Cow


PVF Insight 0129

PVF Missie 790


Partisover Burgess 825

Partisover Burgess 133


SC Burgess M105

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

AAA#21202487 • BD: 9/16/24 • Tattoo: M105

Adj BW: N/A • Adj. WW: N/A

Purebred Angus Cow

S A V Brilliance 8077

PVF Insight 0129

PVF Missie 790

Musgrave Sky High 1535

Partisover Burgess 825

Partisover Burgess 133


These next two females are the first offering from our new Angus donor Partisover Burgess 825. She was our selection from the Partisover herd in the Spring a few years ago. Randy Daniels has created some of the best Angus cattle to walk and this female is proof of his work. These daughters of 825 come to you sired by PVF Insight for added phenotype. These girls will have plenty of ability in the show ring and will make a huge impact in a breeding program for their new owners. M102 is the stouter of the two while keeping the big middle and refined elegance. M105 is a tad greener than her sister but brings you a great look and good hair. Either way you pick them I wouldn’t argue, great set of sisters.

PVF Insight 0129, Sire

Spring Calving Females

HPF/Borne Knockout Y030, Grandam


SC Sensational L2

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4211336 • BD: 2/23/23 • Tattoo: L2

Adj BW: 69 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A

Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow

W/C Double Down 5014E

WHF/JS/CCS Double Up G365

WHF Summer 365C

Colburn Primo 5153

Bramlets Sensation F800

HPF Sensation 202C


L2 starts off the one of the deepest sets of pairs we have offered to date. And what a way to start, L2 comes from the F800 donor. She embodies the extra good look and sound functionality desired in todays industry. This female comes from a long line of championship genetics, with the likes of Double Up, Primo and the incredible Sensation cow family from Bramlets. She brings you a really neat made Bold Ruler heifer calf for your appraisal. This pair embodies power in the blood.

Lot 14A: Black Purebred SM Heifer Calf

BD: 2/5/25 • Sire: KBHR Bold Ruler H152 Est. EPDs: 13 -.6 79 122 .27 7 22

SC Knockout L4

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4248402 • BD: 3/1/23 • Tattoo: L4

Adj BW: 78 • Adj. WW: 681 • Adj. YW: 973 Black Baldy Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow

Hook’s Bozeman 8B Mr SR 71 Right Now E1538

Miss SR C1538

Silveiras S Sis GQ 2353 SC Knockout 322H HPF/Borne Knockout Y030


Talk about Cow Power! This baldy female is loaded with all the bells and whistles. Deep ribbed wide based and full of muscle. This cow offers a premium with added pedigree performance sired by Right Now and from a nice made Y030 daughter. Saddle up April 5th for a chance to own this female.

AI Sire: SC Vantage Point K123 • Due 3/1/25 Est.

KBHR Bold Ruler H152, Calf Sire

ES J12, Dam


SC Lover Girl L7

Shoal Creek Land &


ASA#4248405 • BD: 3/1/23 • Tattoo: L7

Adj BW: 81 ET • Adj. WW: 489 • Adj. YW: 801

Red Homo Polled Purebred SM Cow

W/C Fort Knox 609F

W/C Bet On Red 481H

W/C Angel 7113E

Mr HOC Broker

HILB Lost N Love E44G

SS Babys Breath P035


What an opportunity to own a red hided daughter of the cornerstone donor E44G. Sired by the cow maker Bet on Red and bred to be a looker, this female hasn’t disappointed. Each daughter of E44G has not disappointed with incredible udder quality, simply put these cattle work!

Lot 16A: Red Purebred SM Heifer Calf

BD: 3/3/25 Sire: SC Vantage Point K123


ES L13

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4185385 • BD: 2/8/23 • Tattoo: L13

Adj BW: 73 • Adj. WW: 678 • Adj. YW: 923

Hetero Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 7/32 AR 1/32 AN Cow

Hook’s Beacon 56B

KBHR Honor H060

WS Miss Sugar C4 ES Statement GZ33 ES J12 ES G39


This female came on the side of her mother from Eichacker Simmentals. L13 is a hetero black daughter of Honor and is posting an incredible EPD profile. Her mother is a great cow and has provided another high quality daughter this year. Buy with confidence, she’s the real deal.

Lot 17A: Black Purebred SM Heifer Calf

BD: 3/3/25 Sire: SC Vantage Point K123

W/C Bet On Red 481H, Sire
HILB Lost N Love E44G, Dam



SC Daisy Lynn L14

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4248410 • BD: 3/1/23 • Tattoo: L14

Adj BW: 69 • Adj. WW: 626 • Adj. YW: 936

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

Ruby’s Currency 7134E

Ruby NFF Up The Ante 9171G

Ruby NFF Rhythm 2124Z

SS/PRS High Voltage 244X

SS/PRS Daisy Lynn 624A

Dmn Daisy Mae


When opportunity knocks, you better take advantage. If you studied that pedigree for any amount of time, you’ll see what the excitement is all about. This is a direct daughter of the 624A donor that has produced some legends at Shoal Creek. For example the C1 donor, who was top seller last year to the Seigle Family. Stacked with Up the Ante on the top side of her pedigree, you’ll have a front pasture pedigree with front pasture phenotype.

Lot 18A: Black Baldy Heifer Calf

BD: 3/5/25 • Sire: SC Vantage Point K123

SC Alexis L22

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4248413 • BD: 3/4/23 • Tattoo: L22

Adj BW: 76 • Adj. WW: 697 • Adj. YW: 986

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

Hook’s Bozeman 8B

Mr SR 71 Right Now E1538

Miss SR C1538

SC Pay Off D110

SC Alexus J27

SC Valentine A24


A great female is coming next. I love this female. It’s a shame we didn’t get a picture of her. The Right Now cattle are becoming very popular across the Simmental breed. This heifer is a great reason why. Long, deep and has a neat frontend. Whether you’re making show heifers or bulls, this cow can get it done.

Lot 19A: Black Baldy Purebred SM Bull Calf

BD: 2/22/25 • Sire: SC Vantage Point K123

SC Daisy Duke C1, Maternal Sister
Mr SR 71 Right Now, Sire Lot 19

EIR J120, Dam


SC Ruby L38

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4248423 • BD: 3/28/23 • Tattoo: L38

Adj BW: 74 • Adj. WW: 583 • Adj. YW: 870

Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow

Ruby’s Currency 7134E

Ruby NFF Up The Ante 9171G

Ruby NFF Rhythm 2124Z

CNS Pays To Dream T759

SC Ruby B113

Akers Ruby 2184


Several Up The Ante daughters in the sale and you can see why we are so high on these cattle. They are consistent in their type and kind while being incredibly great cows. This 3/4 blood female is also traces back to the awesome Akers Ruby cow family. She is already calved and is ready to go.

Lot 20A: Black Purebred SM Heifer Calf

BD: 2/6/25 • Sire: KBHR Bold Ruler H152

Est. EPDs: 14 -.6

EIR L203

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#4739835 • BD: 2/13/23 • Tattoo: L203

The lone Red Angus bred female in the offering, but one you won’t miss on sale day. She is a really long bodied female with so much expression in her rib shape. This female came on the side of a really well made Red Eagle daughter a few years ago. Her mother is doing a good job and has left us another nice replacement last year.

Lot 21A: Purebred Red Angus Bull Calf BD: 3/4/25 Sire: EIR LJ204 • Due 3/1/25




RS&T Dinero L160

RS &T Simmentals LLC

ASA#4284076 • BD: 1/20/23 • Tattoo: L160

Adj BW: 76 • Adj. WW: 661 • Adj. YW: N/A

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

Mr NLC Cash Flow 7125E

Rubys Cash Flow 197J

SWC Ruby Yetti 143Y

RS&T Rare Built C303

RS&T Haley H160

RS&T Vantagious 32Z


Rubys Miss Cleo

17L RS &T Simmentals LLC

ASA#4195878 • BD: 1/7/23 • Tattoo: 17L

Adj BW: 60 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A

Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Cow

Hook’s Beacon 56B

KBHR Homestead H016

WS Miss Sugar C4

Rubys Turnpike 771E

133 79

Ruby Cash Flow 197J has done an awesome job for RS&T and Tyler Doss Simmentals, MO, unfortunately we lost him last spring so help yourself to this limited opportunity. Check out the big time heifer calf alongside and her awesome EPDs as well. CE 13 Marb 0.32 API 147 TI 89. Great set of first calf heifer pairs being offered.

Lot 22A: RS&T Dinero Eagle N160

ASA#4491610 • BD: 1/25/25 • Tattoo: N160 • Adj BW: 74

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow • Sire: Long’s Eagle L56


Rubys Miss Cleo 163J

Rubys Miss Cleo 648D

Check out his moderate framed female and her outstanding calf then evaluate the EPD profile for this female. Own daughter of the EPD leading KBHR Homestead H016 owned by Ruby Simmentals, IA. Normal year this female would not be made available, but help yourself to this big time pair. Breeding options are endless.

Lot 23A: RS&T Cleo Eagle N17

ASA#4491611 • BD: 1/24/25 • Tattoo: N17 • Adj BW: 66

Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Cow • Sire: Long’s Eagle L56

EPDs: 16


RS&T Eve L019

RS &T Simmentals LLC

ASA#4284096 • BD: 2/26/23 • Tattoo: L019

Adj BW: 77 • Adj. WW: 714 • Adj. YW: N/A

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

WS Proclamation E202

LBRS Genesis G69

LBR Diana D69

CARD Uproar 49Y

HPF/JF/GF Sazerac C019

CMFM Sazerac 86Y


L019 is another outstanding daughter of the LBRS Genesis G69 bull and has the famous Sazerac family on the maternal side. Check out the growth numbers for the heifer calf alongside. If you want to set your program up for success in the future than I suggest you own this pair.

Lot 24A: RS&T Eve Eagle N19

ASA#4491612 • BD: 1/30/25 • Tattoo: N19 • Adj BW: 84

Black Polled Purebred SM Bull • Sire: Long’s

Dolly Babe L100 RS &T Simmentals LLC

ASA#4283906 • BD: 2/11/23 • Tattoo: L100

Adj BW: 81 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

WS Proclamation E202

LBRS Genesis G69

LBR Diana D69

DMCC Counter Attack 8C

RS&T Dolly G100

RS&T Rainbow Girl E164


LBRS Genesis G69 has made a big influence on the Simmental Breed and we believe in his genuine performance and power he passes to this offspring. L100 is doing a great job with her heifer calf and checkout the EPDs for that calf.Another outstanding pair that should make their new owners money for years to come.

Lot 25A: RS&T Dolly Landmark 100N

ASA#441614 • BD: 2/15/25 • Tattoo: 100N • Adj BW: 78

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow • Sire: Oval F Landmark L334

EPDs: 13 .3 87 135 .3 6 23 67 17 14.0 Carcass: 41.5 -.24 .48 -.044 .82 159 94

LBRS Genesis G69, Sire




RS&T Katy Girl L32


&T Simmentals LLC

ASA#4284085 • BD: 2/25/23 • Tattoo: L32

Adj BW: 81 • Adj. WW: 791 • Adj. YW: N/A

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

Mr NLC Cash Flow 7125E

Rubys Cash Flow 197J

SWC Ruby Yetti 143Y

W/C Wide Track 694Y

Melbys Katy

Melbys Red Kat

Est EPDs

Deep bodied, heavy boned female that goes back to W/C

Wide Track on the maternal side. Another great investment opportunity that is due March 6, so she will have a calf alongside sale day, stay tuned.


RS&T Revolting Lady 2K03


&T Simmentals LLC

ASA#4185687 • BD: 10/1/22 • Tattoo: 2K03

Adj BW: 63 • Adj. WW: 494 • Adj. YW: 1187

Black Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Cow

EGL Firesteel 103F

LCDR Revolution 214H

BCLR Miss Baldy E704

AJE/PB Montecito 63W

RS&T Georgina H313

EBA/DFS1/STN Daydreamer


Big time baldy daughter of the LCDR Revolution 214H bull and goes back to the famous Montecito 63W on the bottom side. This female is impressive from every angle, deep bodied, bold sprung and has an awesome heifer calf alongside. This pair is a win win for their new owners.

Lot 27A: RS&T Landmark Lady N03

ASA#4491609 • BD: 2/27/25 • Tattoo: N03 • Adj BW: 74

Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow • Sire: Oval F Landmark L334

EPDs: 14 -0.6 75 119

Carcass: 33.2 -0.31


FairOaks Forever Lady 306

RS &T Simmentals LLC

AAA#20740857 • BD: 4/4/23 • Tattoo: 306

Adj BW: N/A • Adj. WW: N/A

Gambles Hot Rod

Silveiras Style 9303

Silveiras Elba 2520

S A V Brilliance 8077

WB Forever Lady 707

Purebed Angus Cow


LaGrand Forever Lady 6171

PB Angus own daughter of Silveras Style 9303 and the WB Forever Lady 707 on the maternal side. Matt Jordan of FairOaks offered these two females for sale and the original intent was to retain these females. Help yourself to this halfblood heifer calf out of the Oval F Landmark bull. SimAngus™ exemplified in these two pairs, we are offering our best.

Lot 28A: Heifer Calf

ASA#Pending • BD: 2/5/25 • Tattoo: N/A • Adj BW: N/A

Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Cow • Sire: Oval F

N/A Purebed Angus Cow

Lutton E102 S&R Roundtable J328 PVF Proven Queen 786

Bravo 6313 Cardinal Rose 817H

PB Angus daughter of the S&R Roundtable J328 and carries the influence of the Coleman Bravo 6313 bull on the maternal side. Another really nice first calf heifer pair that we are making available April 5 so their new owners can reap the rewards for years to come. Heifer calf alongside.

Lot 29A: Heifer Calf ASA#Pending • BD: 2/5/25 • Tattoo: N/A •

CLRWTR Clear Advantage H4G, Calf Sire of Lot 30


Backroads Soaring High L304

Vestlane Farms

ASA#4258569 • BD: 1/3/23 • Tattoo: L304

Adj BW: 58 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

Hook’s Black Hawk 50B

Hook’s Eagle 6E

Hook’s Crystal 1C

LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194

Tylertown Melted Fbfs You Melt Me 128y


This big bodied, stout made 2 year old is sired by Eagle and is out of a Pays To Believe cow. She’s a moderate designed, easy fleshing cow that will be a top producer for her new owner for many years. She has a solid black bull calf sired by Clrwtr Clear Advantage H4G. He boasts an API of over 150 and TI of 92.

Lot 30A: VLF Clear Advantage 38D

ASA#4489680 • BD: 2/18/25 • Tattoo: 38N • Adj BW: 65

Black Polled Purebred SM Bull • Sire: CLRWTR Clear Advantage H4G

EPDs: 14 -0.9 85 126 0.26 7 25 67 13

VLF Betsy 18J Vestlane Farms

ASA#3970657 • BD: 9/2/21 • Tattoo: 18J Adj BW: 71 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

W/C Loaded Up 1119Y W/C Bankroll 811D Miss Werning KP 8543U LLSF Uprising Z925 VLF/GCHC Trudy 39E

VLF Trudy 05U


Betsy is a beautiful 3 year old daughter of W/C Bankroll. She is super elegant fronted, long spined and big hipped with a picture perfect udder. Betsy is donor quality and was campaigned successfully by the Dowling family. Her winnings included being Reserve in her division at the Simmental Breeders Sweepstakes! Betsy has a stout and stylish baldy bull calf.

Lot 31A: VLF Jackson 37D

ASA#4489679 • BD: 1/29/25 • Tattoo: 37N • Adj BW: 75

Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Bull • Sire: LLSF Jack Pot J1

EPDs: 11 2.3 79 113 0.22 6 22 61 12 14.5 Carcass: 16.2 -0.39 0.10

LLSF Jack Pot J1, Calf Sire of Lot 31

LLSF Double Time K30, Calf Sire


HILB Miss H495D Erickson Stock Farm

ASA#3690989 • BD: 2/2/20 • Tattoo: H495D

Adj BW: 74 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A

Black Baldy Homo Polled Purebred SM Cow

HTP/SVF Duracell T52

GSC GCCO Dew North 102C

Welsh’s Scarlet 161Z W/C Executive Order 8543B


HILB Be My Baby D495

ASA#3995894 • BD: 11/12/20 • Tattoo: H662 Adj BW: 72 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow

Hook’s Black Hawk 50B


If you’re looking for true presence, huge internal dimension and rib shape, and calving ease in a moderate made package, H495D is your next donor. Add perfect running gears, fine teat design, top quartile milk, and cow family backed by the HILB Be My Baby (full sister to Oracle), one like this is truly hard to find. Her coupon at side, a split blaze bull calf sports a {62} pound birth weight and top 20 percentile CE EPD, making him an incredible heifer bull prospect. Her mama is a donor, we have several sisters, and we still hate to part with this one.

Lot 32A: TESF Nelson N495

ASA#4485053 • BD: 1/20/25 • Tattoo: N495 • Adj BW: 62

Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull • Sire: LLSF Double Time K30 EPDs: 14 -1.0 70 99 0.18 5 23 58 10 9.3



TESF Free Bird F712 BRDY Liberty’s Stand 71D S A V Brilliance 8077 BGK Limitations 662D

STF Limitations X662

Balance, symmetry, functional brood cow productivity. Coming to town in her prime, her first calf was a high indexing and “first to sell” bull, her second is a keeper heifer, and her third is the cocky replacement heifer offered at her side. Top 15% of the breed for milk and rib eye area. If you are building your base cow herd, she’s the versatile, consistent, quietly does her job kind of cow you need.

Lot 33A: TESF Nellie N58

ASA#4485054 • BD: 1/22/25 • Tattoo: N58 • Adj BW: 68

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow • Sire: LLSF Double Time K30 EPDs: 14

Fall Bred Females

Rocking P Private Stock H010, AI Sire


SC Knock Out L101

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4336637 • BD: 9/1/23 • Tattoo: L101

Adj BW: 76 • Adj. WW: 697 • Adj. YW: 880

Homo Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Cow

Ruby’s Currency 7134E

Ruby NFF Up The Ante 9171G

Ruby NFF Rhythm 2124Z

CDI Innovator 325D

SC Knockout J113

SC Knockout 256G


A beautiful blaze face female to lead off the fall bred heifers. A pedigree that highlights the program, Knockout combined with Innovator on the bottom side along with the excellence of Up the Ante. Be ready for a quick return from the popular Private Stock sired heifer and a cow bred for production.

AI Sire: Rocking P Private Stock H010 on 11/21/24

Due 9/1/25 • Heifer


SC Liberty L102

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4321465 • BD: 9/1/23 • Tattoo: L102

Adj BW: 76 • Adj. WW: 622 • Adj. YW: 818

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

W/C Bankroll 811D W/C Fort Knox 609F

K-LER Dolly’s Queen 609D

SC Pay The Price C11

SC Breathe G102

Bramlets Breathe E748


Fort Knox female that has cow power. This female will be the larger framed female in the group, she has the bone and structure to carry the frame and be productive for years to come. Her mother is doing a fantastic job and being sired by Fort Knox, the maternal reward is endless. Halter broke and still has some show ring life in her.

AI Sire: Rocking P Private Stock H010 on 11/21/24

Due 9/1/25 • Heifer

Gathering at Shoal Creek
Ruby NFF Up The Ante 9171G, Sire


SC Valentine L124

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle


A practical and maternal female here, she possesses a look for longevity and production. Her mother is a super good uddered female that does her job each and every year. L124 reminds us a lot of her, moderate sized and sounded structured.


SC Shasha L119

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4336649 • BD: 9/24/23 • Tattoo: L119

Adj BW: 70 • Adj. WW: 623 • Adj. YW: 874


Shasha F146

Shasha B116

We got the chance to lease Vantage Point from Wayward Hill Farm and he did not disappoint. These next few heifers are all his daughters and they are a consistent group with plenty of power and dimension. L119 did not behave on picture day and missed her opportunity but is sure high on quality. She has an impressive number profile as well. Study her video and one you’ll want to see on April 5th, she will have a heifer calf by Just Cuz come September next year.

AI Sire: ZTGC Just Cuz 52K on 11/21/24 • Due 9/1/25 • Heifer

Urababydoll U194, Grandam


SC Imprint L132

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4336661 • BD: 10/14/23 • Tattoo: L132

Adj BW: 59 • Adj. WW: 615 • Adj. YW: 826

Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Cow

CCR Anchor 9071B

LLSF Vantage Point F398

HPF Rite 2 Luv 398D

OBCC King Pin W42Y

SC Imprint E143

MSR 7315 Of 9102 Label


A well made female with plenty of muscle shape. This heifer gets around well and does it with a nice look. These Vantage point daughters are working well for us and I see L132 doing a good job for her future owners. Carrying a heifer calf from the new sire Just Cuz as an added bonus.

AI Sire: ZTGC Just Cuz 52K on 11/21/24 • Due 9/1/25 • Heifer

Est. Plan Mating

Baby Doll L133 Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#(4336662) • BD: 10/17/23 • Tattoo: L133

Adj BW: 69 • Adj. WW: 678 • Adj. YW: 842

Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Cow

CCR Anchor 9071B LLSF Vantage Point F398

HPF Rite 2 Luv 398D

TKCC Classified SC Babydoll F17

LLSF Urababydoll U194


Another really complete and elegant female sired by Vantage Point backed by an awesome cow family. We are really impressed with the consistency of the these cattle. L133 is a long necked and ultra good looking cow, she is built for the times and sells bred to Just Cuz. Bid with confidence and be ready for the results next year.

AI Sire: ZTGC Just Cuz 52K on 12/12/24 • Due 9/21/25 • Heifer

ZTGC Just Cuz 52K, AI Sire


SC Robin’s Kiss L5

Shoal Creek Land &


ASA#4248403 • BD: 3/1/23 • Tattoo: L5

Adj BW: 74 ET • Adj. WW: 742 • Adj. YW: 978

Homo Black Polled Purebred SM Cow

Rubys Turnpike 771E

W/C Need4speed 1016H

K-LER Dolly’s Queen 609D

CNS Pays To Dream T759

SC Robins Kiss D27

LLSF Robins Kiss Ys51



A female that commands your attention when you walk into the pen. Power that comes from the great D27 donor along with a great presence about her. Her full sister sold to repeat buyer

Brandon Allen of TX in our online sale. It’s tough to let go of these D27 daughters but we believe in her ability to produce for you.

Pasture Sire: SC Up The Ante L129 from 12/20/24 to 2/4/25


Rianna 18L Vestlane Farms

ASA#4289842 • BD: 2/3/23

Talk about a cocky, choke fronted, big boned and good looking daughter of SO Remedy! She is exactly what we were hoping for when we bought a flush of PVF Dream Lady E70 from the Storck family. Dream Lady has an illustrious show career, as she was the Champion Female at the MO State Fair one year and Reserve Champion the next. She was also Reserve in her division at the American Royal and has been one of the most talked about females to come out of MO. Dream Lady had an untimely passing, so this is probably your only chance to buy a daughter of hers. Rianna is safe in calf to the Cattle Visions baldy bull LLSF Jack Pot J1.

Pasture Sire: LLSF Jack Pot J1 from 11/30/24 to 1/20/25

Plan Mating EPDs: 13 2.3 77

22.4 -.35 .11 -.07 .72 127 76

SC Robins Kiss D27, Dam
PVF Dream Lady E70, Dam
LLSF Jack Pot J1, Pasture Sire


TL Miss Mercy 122H

Erickson Stock Farm

ASA#3880172 • BD: 10/28/20 • Tattoo: 122H

Adj BW: ET • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A Black Polled Purebred SM Cow Profit

TL Ledger

Miss Star Above

SVF Steel Force S701

KDP Miss Hoya Blue

K-LER/RC Miss Hoya Saxa

Family matters, and the Hoya Blue/Hoya Saxa clan that backs TL Miss Mercy 122H is one of the best in our business with countless show winnings and donors now working in top herds. Physically, Mercy is long spined, elegant, rugged and classy. Her productivity is evident with her late fall heifer calf selling as a special show heifer prospect. Buy the factory and add her to your donor battery today.

AI Sire: LLSF Dauntless K07 on 11/24/24

Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 13 1.8 64 91 .17 6 12 44 11 9.8

Carcass: 19.4 -.35 .0 -.08 .61 109 65

Pasture Sire: LLSF Double Time K30 from 12/1/24 to 1/15/25

Lot 42A: TESF Maggie M122

ASA#4485057 • BD: 11/2/24 • Tattoo: M122 • Adj BW: 69 Red Baldy Polled Purebred SM Cow • Sire: LLSF Double Time K30

Talk about a flashy red baldy! Sweet-natured, kid-loving, matched with all the quality and deep cow family you could ask for, she is the perfect show project for a beginner or a seasoned veteran showman. Her impressive bone, angles, structure, body depth and striking profile get us excited for her future. She’s one of the younger show heifers in the offering, extend your time in the show ring, and secure a special red for the donor pen!

BGK Limitation 922G

Erickson Stock Farm

ASA#3556948 • BD: 3/14/19 • Tattoo: 922G

Adj BW: 71 • Adj. WW: N/A • Adj. YW: N/A Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow

CCR Anchor 9071B

OBCC Ships Ahoy D150

SC Lady A150

S A V Brilliance 8077

BGK Limitations 662D

STF Limitations X662


Talk about a big statured, wide topped, deep ribbed powerhouse and a fertile, milky, old-school Simmental matron. If you like the sounds of that description, this “heart-of-the herd” mama will not disappoint. She is a real world, fescue converting workhorse, and when you see what she drags to the sale, you will have her on your shortlist on sale day.

AI Sire: ES Right Time FA110-4 on 11/24/24 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 12 1.5 78 124 .29 6 26 65 15 12.9 Carcass: 34.9 -.27 .24 -.06 .68 136 81

Pasture Sire: LLSF Double Time K30 from 12/1/24 to 1/15/25

Lot 43A: TESF Mollie M922

ASA#4485058 • BD: 10/20/24 • Tattoo: M922 • Adj BW: 75 Red Polled Purebred SM Cow • Sire: LLSF Double Time K30

Mollie will find friends and you will find what you like best about her. We like that her top is “straight as a string”, she is chiseled from her brisket to jaw, deep ribbed like her mama with a surprising expansion to her lower rib. Combined with her added stature and length and her unique crimson color, she should be fun to show off the next couple summers. She is a daughter of LLSF Double Time, maternal brother to LLSF Dauntless whose dam is as complete and powerful a red cow as you will ever see.


SCLC Sierra L504

Shoal Creek Land &


RAAA#4910188 • BD: 9/1/23 • Tattoo: L504

Adj BW: 71 • Adj. WW: 635 • Adj. YW: 915 100% AR Cow

Bieber Hard Drive Y120

SC Hard Drive H510

Harmonys Windsong 0269

Red Blairs Bingo 581B

SC Sierra 8018

A-1 Siera Indeed 549X


A true sale feature! We campaigned this female last summer so if you are looking for a female to show, she has a lot of life in her. She combines depth of body, length of spine all while looking like she does. We appreciate this female for all her physical attributes but she also brings together so many breed legends like Beiber Hard Drive, Bingo and Windsong 0296. Bid with confidence on this female, she is the real deal.

AI Sire: Bieber CL Energize F121 on 11/21/24

Due 9/1/25 Heifer

Creek Land & Cattle

Merlin T179 WFL Merlin 018A WFL Commitment 042Y Lacy Cody 9006 SCLC Princess 1032 Lacy Lakota 9186

A direct daughter from the legendary female maker Merlin and backed by the great SC Ashley 1023 donor. This female is set to be a cornerstone female for years to come. Deep ribbed while still keeping plenty of muscle shape. Look for L508 to raise great bulls and even better daughters.

Pasture Sire: SCLC Collusion L506 from 12/20/24 to 2/4/25 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 15 -3.2

Bieber CL Energize F121, AI Sire

Beckton Dominor T122 Z1

3SCC Domain A163

3SCC Eucla X723

Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P

Harmonys Windsong 0269

BJR Windsong 2269

We are offering a set of full sisters this year sired by the great Domain and from the immortal Windsong 0269. These ladies are built for the long haul, domain females are long lasting generating types and 0269 daughters have been a hot commodity for years in each and every sale. These are the last ones Ed will let us sell and they are sale features. Either way you pick, it these ladies will be a great addition.

- L511 is a long bodied female who may end up being the more moderate of the group.

- L512 is bred to Energize for a quick return and I feel this one may be the best of the 3.

- L513 is the prettier fronted of the sisters and has more of a look about her.


SCLC Windsong L511

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#4876294 •


SCLC Windsong L512

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle



SCLC Windsong L513

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle


Harmonys Windsong 0269, Dam

Harmonys Windsong 0269, Grandam

C-Bar Just Right 0225H, Sire


SCLC Lilian L509

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#4876298 • BD: 9/3/23 • Tattoo: L509

Adj BW: 79 • Adj. WW: 617 • Adj. YW: 894 100% AR Cow

Bieber Hard Drive Y120

SC Hard Drive H510

Harmonys Windsong 0269

3SCC Domain A163

SC Lana H504

Lacy Lana 493 077F


SCLC Hard Right M406

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#4970598 • BD: 4/2/24 • Tattoo: M406

Adj BW:


Another daughter of SC Hard Drive H510. We are very impressed with his calves from the bulls to females, they have a great look to them. This female is backed by an awesome Domain daughter who is bringing highly marketable calves each year. I anticipate L509 to do the same for years to come.

Pasture Sire: SCLC Collusion L506 from 12/20/24 to 2/4/25

Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 12 -2.1 63 100

Carcass: 7 16

Adj IMF: 5.22 Adj BF: 0.17 Adj REA: 14.10 • Wow! This bull may very well be the best Red Angus bull we have raised. His dam is full sister to the SC Hard Drive H508 who is working for Nick and Callie Curtis with great results. When you tour the herd, she’s hard to miss and has quickly moved into embryo production. Sired by the Just Right who is our most consistent sire group for years now. Hard Right is a great calf, he has all the bells and whistles with a great hip and smooth shoulder back down to an awesome set of feet and legs. If you’re serious about raising ultra complete and consistent Red Angus calves, this is the bull for you.

SC Windsong H512, Dam of Lot 48


SCLC Hard Line L503

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#4910198 • BD: 9/1/23 • Tattoo: L503

Adj BW: 66 • Adj. WW: 768 • Adj. YW: 1176 100% AR Bull

Bieber Hard Drive Y120

SC Hard Drive H510

Harmonys Windsong 0269

Lacy Iron Mike 005E

Lacy Ruby 112F 027H

Lacy Lakota 482 112F


Adj IMF: 2.23 Adj BF: 0.20 Adj REA: 15.23 • An absolute unit to start off the red bulls. Coming from a great cow family from the Lacy Red Angus herd and the stud SC Hard Drive H510 backed up my Windsong 0269. You’ll love this bull coming or going, he has a wide base on a sound leg and thick rear end. He is neatly made through his front one-third and maintains an impressive structure from the ground up. He boasts the best ribeye on the entire offering and has a curve bending performance with 66 lb birth to a 768 weaning all the way to a 1176 yearling on a forage maintenance diet. Real world look and real world performance. Bid to win this truly remarketable stud. Halter Broke. 50

SCLC Latitude L505

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#4910196 • BD: 9/1/23 • Tattoo: L505

Adj BW: 67 • Adj. WW: 757 • Adj. YW: 1018

Bieber Spartacus A193

Bieber Maximus E294

100% AR Bull


Bieber Lincoln 189A PZC TMAS Firestorm 1800 ET

SC Windsong G519

Harmonys Windsong 0269

Adj IMF: 2.37 Adj BF: 0.20 Adj REA: 13.82 • We used a little Bieber Maximus so far but he’s quickly moving up to one of our heavy used AI sires. L505 is a great example of why, wide rear end and thick top while being incredibly flexible and easy doing. This bull is one of the more moderate ones in the group but so high on quality.

Bieber Maximus E294, Sire
Harmonys Windsong 0269, Grandam


SCLC Collusion L506

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#4910204 • BD: 9/1/23 • Tattoo: L506

Adj BW: 73 • Adj. WW: 677 • Adj. YW: 1013 100% AR Bull

Fritz Justice 8013

Lacy Collusion 115F

Lacy Lakota 8105

9 Mile Franchise 6305

SC Windsong J517

Harmonys Windsong 0269


Adj IMF: 2.32 Adj BF: 0.24 Adj REA: 12.08 • A Collusion son from a beautiful Franchise/0269 daughter is pedigree that combines so many greats. We believed in this bull so much we ran him to clean up on our replacement heifers. He has impressive design as well, you can study him and see he has the ability to create some great females.


SCLC Just Right L526

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#4910184 • BD: 10/5/23 • Tattoo: L526

Adj BW: 73 • Adj. WW: 655 • Adj. YW: 1020 100% AR Bull PIE Just Right 540 C-Bar Just Right 0225H C-Bar Stony 720E 5L Independence 560-298Y Lacy Lana 7025 097F Lacy Lana 7025

Adj IMF: 2.74 Adj BF: 0.18 Adj REA: 13.20 • The Just Right sire group is usually the younger calves in the offering but boy do they catch up quick at weaning and definitely by yearling. This bull is a prime example, he was the third heaviest in the group at yearling. He will be the type of bull that’ll throw great feeder calves and you’ll want to keep the daughters.

Lacy Collusion 115F, Sire


SCLC Tabasco L516

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#4910168 • BD: 9/15/23 • Tattoo: L516

Adj BW: 65 ET • Adj. WW: 574 • Adj. YW: 921


SCLC Red Hot L510

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

RAAA#4910176 • BD: 9/3/23 • Tattoo: L510


A pair of full brothers coming next. They are direct sons of a full sister to Windsong 0269. Here is a great opportunity to add some of her great genetics to your herd. L510 is a bigger framed bull who will add more size to a group of cows. L516 is the more moderate sire that would work great to create some replacements from a group of heifers. Due to their mother dying before we DNA, these bulls will sell as purebred but not transferable

Simmental Bulls


Ruby SC Guardian 24M Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4403510 • BD: 1/31/24 • Tattoo: 24M

Adj BW: 83 • Adj. WW: 851 • Adj. YW: 1246

Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull

Hook’s Beacon 56B

CLRS Guardian 317G

CLRS Always Xcellent

KBHR Sriracha H127

Rubys Yetti 261K

Ruby SWC Yetti 0109H


Adj IMF: 3.62 Adj BF: 0.21 Adj REA: 14.78 • We have not sold many yearling bulls in the past few years but what a way to start. This Guardian son is a stud no matter how you cut it. He has the numbers and embodies a great look and maintains all the real world performance. He came alongside our newest donor from Ruby Cattle Company last year. Be sure to be on the lookout for more prodigy to come from her in the future. This bull has a great calving ease option or simply a great new AI sire. Top 10% CE to top 5% WW and 140 lbs of added yearling weight he also brings top 2% API and the top 1% TI at 107. Curve bending genomics in a complete package, don’t miss your opportunity to own this stud. Shoal Creek is retaining 100 units for in herd use

CLRS Guardian 317G, Sire
Rubys Yetti 261K, Dam

WHF/PRS/HPF Alley 247Y, Relation

HPF/Borne Knockout Y030, Dam

SC Double Up M2

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4417573 • BD: 3/1/24 • Tattoo: M2

Adj BW: 69 ET • Adj. WW: 707 • Adj. YW: 1231

Homo Black Polled/Scurred Purebred SM Bull

W/C Double Down 5014E

WHF/JS/CCS Double Up G365

WHF Summer 365C

JF Milestone 999W HPF/Borne Knockout Y030 Miss Knockout 74T

REA: 15.57 • Here is a good looking thick made Y030 son sired by Double Up. This bull has a decent hair coat and ended up being scurred as he matured. He’s as complete as they come sound footed. This bull will add some shape and dimension to a set of calves.


SC Point Proven M9

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4417576 • BD: 3/4/24 • Tattoo: M9

Adj BW: 80 ET • Adj. WW: 817 • Adj. YW: 1127

Delilah 45D

Milestone 999W

Alley 247Y

Sierra 245s

Adj IMF: 1.39 Adj BF:0.12 Adj REA: 15.63 • This is maybe my favorite bull in terms of phenotype in the offering. Don’t let the picture fool you, you need to see this stud in person. Big hipped down to a sound leg and huge foot. He ties all that together into a thick top while maintaining a cool front end. He has a white streak on his face making him unique and a can’t miss on April 5th. The Point Provens are popular and his dam Alley 247Y needs no introduction to the historic Simmental breed. You’ll want to own him at the end of the day.

WHF Point Proven H45, Sire


SC Siracha L13

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4336501 • BD: 3/1/23 • Tattoo: L13

Adj BW: 79 ET • Adj. WW: 781 • Adj. YW: 1066

Red Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull

Full Brothers!

Pedigree for 57 & 57A:

Adj IMF: 2.48 Adj BF: 0.22 Adj REA: 16.02 • A really good red two year old bull that’s a full brother to L117. This bull has a lot of high quality attributes in a more mature package. Ready for heavy use and you’ll love the heifers you keep.

Be sure to check out the Ebersale website for sale videos online by scanning this link!


SC Sriracha L117

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4336647 • BD: 9/12/23 • Tattoo: L117

Adj BW: 79 ET • Adj. WW: 752 • Adj. YW: 1163

Hetero Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull

KBHR Sniper E036

KBHR Sriracha H127


Mr HOC Broker

HILB Lost N Love E44G

SS Babys Breath P035


Adj IMF: 2.81 Adj BF: 0.33 Adj REA: 14.04 • L117 is simply the most production oriented bull in the offering. A son of KBHR Sriracha and the prominent donor cow E44G. This bull is incredibly long in his design and packed with red meat. The quality of feeder cattle this bull will produce will put money in your pockets.

HILB Lost N Love E44G, Dam
KBHR Sriracha H127, Sire

W/C Fort Knox 609F, Relation


SC Lamar L112

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4336642 • BD: 9/6/23 • Tattoo: L112

Adj BW: 79 ET • Adj. WW: 726 • Adj. YW: 1140

Hetero Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull

Hook’s Full Figures 11F

Five Star Jackson J10


W/C Executive Order 8543B


HILB/SHER Miss Alexa 749E


Adj IMF: 2.90 Adj BF: 0.21 Adj REA: 13.97 • This Jackson son is an awesome built 3/4 SimAngus™ bull for your appraisal. He is a deep, long spined bull with a great look from the side. He was born at a moderate 79 lbs and weaned off at 726 while having one of the better IMF scans in the offering. His DNA confirmed he is hetero black so if you’re looking to make those high performance red hided cattle, this is the one for you.


SC Fort Knox L116

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4336646 • BD: 9/12/23 • Tattoo: L116

Adj BW: 80 • Adj. WW: 559 • Adj. YW: 894 Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull W/C Bankroll 811D W/C Fort Knox 609F K-LER Dolly’s Queen 609D SC Pay The Price C11 SC Sadie F105 OBCC Sadie 940C


Adj IMF: 2.79 Adj BF: 0.22 Adj REA:13.10 • This may be the best show heifer producing bull in the offering. He is a son of a fantastic Pay the Price cow and sired by Fort Knox. That pedigree combination has flat out worked year after year. L116 is correct in his structure while having an ample amount of bone going up to a huge hip and smooth shoulder. You’ll appreciate this bulls substance and overall mass while having a smooth good looking front end.



SC Up The Ante L129

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4336658 • BD: 10/12/23 • Tattoo: L129

Adj BW: 79 • Adj. WW: 776 • Adj. YW: 1135

Homo Black Baldy Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull

Ruby’s Currency 7134E

Ruby NFF Up The Ante 9171G

Ruby NFF Rhythm 2124Z

W/C Executive Order 8543B

SC Vienna E117

SC Vienna A114


Adj IMF: 1.92 Adj BF: 0.21 Adj REA: 14.72 • This baldy bull has been a farm favorite his entire life. He is backed by an incredibly maternal female and sired by one of the best female makers in the breed. He also has a tremendous data profile as well. The highest ribeye area at 14.72 and posted an impressive 776 lb weaning weight. You’re looking at a bull that gives you the opportunity to keep every daughter and sell pounds of steers at weaning.

Sale Notes


SC Vantage Point L136

Shoal Creek Land & Cattle

ASA#4336664 • BD: 10/24/23 • Tattoo: L136

Adj BW: 69 • Adj. WW: 451 • Adj. YW: N/A

Black Polled Purebred SM Bull

CCR Anchor 9071B LLSF Vantage Point F398

HPF Rite 2 Luv 398D

CNS Pays To Dream T759 SC Robins Kiss D27

LLSF Robins Kiss YS51


The youngest of the fall bulls this year but high on quality. These Vantage Point cattle are flat out impressive when you study them. This bull has the added bonus of being a son of the great D27 donor who has the history of being one of the best producers on the ranch. A lot of predictability in this young sire.

Message from Sale Management

Visit the ebersale.com website by scanning this code. You will have access to an online version of the catalog and all sale videos.

We look forward to seeing you sale day!

Welcome to the 2025 edition of The Gathering Sale! As we prepare this year’s catalog, it is amazing to listen to the Livestock Market results and rejoice for the cow/calf producer. The past 18 + months have been financially positive for all segments of beef production from pasture to plate and especially at harvest results. The time to freshen up the cowherd is now from older females to older bulls, gather up a premium and invest in new genetics.

The 2025 The Gathering offering is designed to put you in the driver’s seat with top of the industry genetics to assist in keeping you in production agriculture for many years to come. The Shoal Creek team have brought you a stellar offering in both the world of Simmental genetics as well as Red Angus. The ladies are straight out of the keeper pen, and you all know the Ed loves his cows so letting go of these ladies was not an easy task. Fancy show dolls ready for the tan bark to beautiful females ready for their production years with many toting unique babies at their side. The boys in the offering are just as impressive, carrying the breeds leading bloodlines that will meet the standards of registered breeders and commercial producers as well.

We welcome to 2025 sale our guest breeders that also dug deep in the herd to add to The Gathering lineup: RS&T Simmentals, Vestlane Farm, Erickson Farm, Diggs Family Females & Pierpont Valley Cattle CO. Feel free to reach out to them with any questions as we all love to talk cattle.

Hospitality is king with Ed and Kathi Rule so if you have not made the trip to Excelsior Springs to the Shoal facility, make this the year you do. If you have joined us in the past, welcome back! If any of us at EE Inc or the breeders can assist you, please give us a call. Looking forward to seeing you April 5th!

Sincerely, Sale Managers, Val & Lori Eberspacher Office 507-532-6694 • Val’s Cell 612-805-7405 sales@ebersale .com • www .ebersale .com

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