eBizGuides Mauritania 2.1 -English-

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Version 2.1

CREDITS This guide would not have been possible without the participation of all the people mentioned below. Their common point was their enthusiasm, their passion, their professionalism, their commitment, their perseverance and all this for a single objective: better presenting and unveiling this fabulous country and territory: MAURITANIA. Many people have contributed, upstream and downstream in order to produce this new eBizGuides and of course, the entire team of consultants present in Nouakchott, Nouadhibou or in other regions of the country. This eBizGuides Mauritania 2.1 is the second version and edition of what will be regularly updated and deepened in order to provide more precise and extensive information for the business community. PRODUCTION & EDITION Producer: Pascal Belda, Regional Director and Editor: Valérie Janczewski, Creative Director: Amira Dridi Redactor: Mohamed Lemine Ahmadou THANKS We would like to thank the following people for their help and support: The President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mohammed Ould Ghazouani for his preface, we are very much honored. The Minister of Industry, Trade, Handicrafts and Tourism , Ms. Naha Hamdi Mouknass and the Secretary General Ms. M’aiziza Kerbally for their strong commitment to the success of this guide. Our most sincere gratitude to Khadijetou mint Haky, Technical Advisor Tourism for her efficiency. The Ambassador of Mauritania to the Kingdom of Spain, Kane Boubakar and Alassane Dieng, First Secretary of the Embassy of Mauritania in Spain, for supporting us in the first place for this initiative. The President of the Mauritanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Ahmed Babe Ould Eleya and in particular Mr. Abdoul Aziz Wane, secretary general and Ms Fatimetou Bellamech, Director Support for companies and their teams Abderrahman Moulay and Chekroud who worked in close collaboration on several chapters to develop this new version 2.0. In particular the Minister of Finance, Mr. Mohamed Lemine Ould Dhehby , as well as his secretary general Mr. Yacoub Ahmed Aicha and his very kind personal secretary Hayat Ahmed. And also the Minister of Petroleum, Energy and Mines Mr. Abdesselam Ould Mohamed Saleh, and his Secretary General Mr. Abdoul Barry, the advisor in charge of cooperation and communication Mr. Ahmed Vall Mohameden as well as the Hydrocarbon Director General, Mr. Moustapha Bechir, the Director General of Mines Mr. Mohamed Lemine Moustapha. Minister of Transport and Equipment Mr. Mohammedou Ould M’Haimid thank you for you amability and commitment to our publication. The National Tourist Office and its general manager Mr. Mahfoudh Jiyid by his constant availability. We are grateful for the support of TotalEnergies and his Managing Director, Mr. Abdellatif Boumediane, as well as to ANARPAM and its Managing Director Mr. El Hachemy cheikh Sidatty Moulaye Abdellah. We warmly thank the President of the Nouadhibou Free Zone Authority (ZFN) Mr Mohamed Aly Ould Sidi Mohamed thanks to whom we discovered and covered a new region, Nouadhibou in eBizGuides, with the coordinator Mr Ahmedou Cherif Hamahoullah. We warmly thank Mr. Mohamed Vall Mohamed Telmidy , Managing Director of the National Industrial and Mining Company. The very friendly Director General of ONISPA, Mr.Aly Yahya Dartige. We loved working again with Amana Banque, Mr.Mohamed Bouna Moctar and Ms Fatimetou Zahra Bouna Moctar . Muchas gracias! The owner of the Nouakchott hotel Mr.Abdellahi Charrouck and its general manager Mr Sidi Mohamed Charrouck . The Director General of the CNSS, Mr. Sidi Ethmane Mohamed El Mamoune. A big thank you to those who taught us to appreciate and taste the excellent Mauritanian fish, The General Manager of AFRIFISH Mr. Mohameden Salama El Hafedh and the General Manager of Valencia Frigo Mr Weitat Sidi Yaaraf Dit Aziz. We are thankful to the ASML group and its CEO , Mr Echbih Ahmed Saleck Bouh and Jemal Chbih for his precious help. We appreciate the support and confidence in our project from N’Gaide Abdoulaye Abbas managing director of ANAC . LEGAL NOTICE eBizGuides is committed to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the content of this guide; however, as this has been compiled by eBizGuides from various sources,

The concept of eBizGuides The objective of eBizGuides is to offer very extensive practical information, as well as to cover the economy and the investment framework of a country with particular attention to the main company profiles while giving an overview on tourism and culture in order to encourage investment.

We are convinced that it is only in view of these two objectives that it is possible to invest and invest in the long term. We are the First Business Guide Collection with over 50 titles. This guide collection has 3 main sections: General Information, Business and Leisure.

General informations An overview of the history, culture and practical information about the country with a selection of the best local partners for your business.

Business This section of the guide begins with an analysis of the country’s legal and investment framework as well as its macroeconomics. Each sector is analyzed in detail with its main players.This section also contains exclusive interviews from the most dynamic personalities in the business world, profiles of leading companies and institutions on the market that were collected directly by our consultants.


Recommended by eBizGuides The favorite places of our team in the country, this logo mainly concerns restaurants, hotels, and practical places.

Business partners recommended by eBizGuides Our teams, having met the most important personalities of the country, attribute to some of them this mark of quality for the reception received and the seriousness of the services or information provided.

Notice Small useful remarks to take into consideration before or during your stay.

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Hobbies To make you fall in love with the country, a selection of the best places to visit and the activities on offer, the main restaurants and hotels selected for you, and much more. Unforgettable tourist and cultural attractions.













INTRODUCTION Map and General Profile


General Information


Diplomatic Institutions


Did you know ?


BUSINESS Professional Services


Economy, Investment and legal Framework


Nouadhibou Free Zone


Finance and Insurance


Hydrocarbons, Mines and Energy


Agriculture and Livestock




Tourism Trade ,Crafts and Industry


Infrastructure and Transport








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Presidential Republic Parliament composed of the National Assembly or Al Jamiya Al Wataniya with 157 seats. The Senate was abolished in 2017. President: Mohamed Ould Cheikh Ghazouani. Mohamed Ould Bilal Messoud The highest instance is the Supreme Court, divided into 1 criminal chamber and 2 civil chambers. Mixed legal system of Islamic and French civil law 15 regions (wilayas, singular - wilaya); Adrar, Assaba, Brakna, Dakhlet Nouadhibou, Gorgol, Guidimakha, Hodh El Charghi, Hodh El Gharbi, Inchiri, Nouakchott Nord, Nouakchott Ouest, Nouakchott Sud, Tagant, Tiris Zemmour, Trarza


Desert, hot, dry, dusty



1,030,700 with 754 km of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean




November 28, 1960 (from France)




Islamic Republic of Mauritania (Al-Jumhūriyyah al- Islāmiyyah al-Mūrītāniyyah in Arabic)

2.77%, one of the highest in the world. 4 inhabitants per square kilometer, one of the lowest in the world. Urban: 52% (2019) and Rural: 48% (2019). Men: 63.3 years (2019) and Women: 66.5 years (2019). Poverty rate 6%, Multidimensional poverty 31%. Men: 63.749% (2017) and Women: 43.354% (2017). 9.55%, Mauritania has a large informal economy. Arabic (also official: Soninké, Wolof, Poular). French and Hassanya being widely spoken. Islam (other religions are allowed) Ouguiya (UM) (1 USD = approximately 36.45 MRU). 8.18 billion USD in 2020 COVID-19 caused Mauritania’s real GDP to contract 3.6% in 2020, after growing 5.9% in 2019 1,683.86 USD in 2020. 5.3 months of imports in 2020 against 4 months in 2019. 2.9% in 2020 against 2.3% in 2019. Services 44.1%, Industry 27.6% and Agriculture 18.1%. Dates, millet, sorghum, rice, maize; cattle, camels and sheep. Fish processing, oil and gas production and mining Minerals, fish and gold Food and machinery China, Switzerland, Spain China, France and Morocco Nouakchott, with a population of nearly 1 million out of the country’s 4.4 million inhabitants. Nouadhibou is the second largest city in the country with 110,000 inhabitants. +222 .MR











and Libya and the peoples of the southern tropic of cancer known as the name of Sudan. Mauritania is a geographical and cultural bridge between the two. Most of the country’s population is concentrated in the cities of Nouakchott and Nouadhibou and along the Senegal River in the south of the country. At independence in 1960, 90% of the country’s population was still nomadic.

NATIONAL SYMBOLS In 2017, a referendum on national symbols changed the anthem and the flag. The new hymn was composed by an Egyptian, Rageh Daoud.

FIRST CHAPTER Land of the proud, the guided and the noble The fortress of the Book that cannot be bound Oh Mauritania, the spring of harmony The corner of tolerance, the haven of peace


We will protect you with our lives and paint your hills with the color of hope When you call, «yes!» is our answer

OVERVIEW Benefiting from large reserves of minerals (iron ore, gold and copper) and natural resources (fish, oil and gas) and a strategic geographical location as a gateway between sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa, a natural route to the Sahel region, Mauritania has experienced unprecedented changes in its politics and economy. Economically, the shift came suddenly, just two months after President Ghazouani took office, and it looked like an explosion of hope. On October 28, 2019, at the maritime border with Senegal, BP and the American company Kosmos Energy announced the discovery of a large gas field. The discovery of the Orca-1 ,unveiled a reserve that could reach up to 50 trillion cubic feet of natural gas off Mauritania, which represents about a third of Algeria’s total reserves.



Algeria is the world’s fifth largest exporter of gas. But Mauritania’s 4.5 million inhabitants are very few compared to the 42 million Algerians. In general terms, this means that Mauritania has at least 35 years of gas windfall and, hopefully, an economic take-off. This vast, predominantly Muslim desert country and in the past a magnet for Islamists, is now a safe country that is growing by more than 6% 2020. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Mauritania was worth 7.78 billion US dollars in 2020, according to official data from the World Bank, and has entered the list of ten economies the most dynamic in the world. Mauritania is considered both as part of the ArabAmazigh (Berber) populations of the North African region, which also includes Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia


Crescent moons in your sky won’t fade And the sun on your forehead won’t go down Arab nobles enriched you and the purest source is Africa

FLAG Adopted in 2017, it has two red bands framing a green field which represent «the efforts and sacrifices that the Mauritanian people will continue to make, at the cost of their blood, to defend territory, loaded with a pointed gold crescent up and a star.

NATIONAL ANTHEM The national anthem of Mauritania ( in Arabic: ), also known by its incipit « Bilada-l ubati-l hudati-l kiram» (English: Land of the proud the guided and the noble )



We drank the milk of dew and pride A nature that brought a good harvest and a fertile pasture, even when it is barren welcome us during our ascent


We made your enemy drink a bitter downpour so he couldn’t sit or rest We resist him wherever he goes Pray «Difficulties surely come easily»


We followed the prophet on the way to heaven to the tree of glory above the sky occupying the Pleiades as our staircase drawing our border there





We took you as a wish and carried you as a promise we gladly leave you to the next generation


We will protect you with our lives and paint your hills with the color of hope We will protect you with our lives and paint your hills with the color of hope


The seal of Mauritania is based on the national flag adopted in 2017. It contains red, green and gold emblems. Green symbolizes Islam, gold represents the sands of the Sahara and red the bloodshed of the peoples who fought for independence. The crescent and the star are also emblems of Islam. The edges read «Islamic Republic of Mauritania» in Arabic and French.

SITE Mauritania is located in West Africa. It is bounded to the northwest by Western Sahara (formerly Spanish Sahara) 1,564 kms, to the northeast by Algeria 460 kms, to the east and southeast by Mali 2236 kms, and to the southwest by Senegal 742 kms and in the west by the Atlantic Ocean (with a maritime frontage of approximately 700 kms).


1,030,700 square kilometers


754 km. Its Atlantic coast, to the west, stretches for 754 km from the delta of the Senegal River north to the Cape Nouâdhibou peninsula (Cape Blanc).


territorial sea: 12 nm exclusive economic zone: 200 nm contiguous area: 24nm continental shelf: 200 nm or at the edge of the continental margin


GEOGRAPHY The territory of Mauritania is immense and its immensity is exalted by its flatness and the shifting landscapes that dominate the view, all equally impressive, as it goes from the Atlantic Ocean to the heart of the desert. Its vast arid plains and long white sand beaches along the coast contrast with deep cliffs and inland inselbergs reaching 915 meters at Mount Kediet ej Jill, a huge boulder of hematite near Zouîrât. The dunes cover about half of the total land area of ​​the country stretching with the winds and sometimes reaching 90 meters high. The desert or semi-desert covers three quarters of Mauritania and is expanding due to severe droughts. Cultivation and vegetation are found to the south and southeast along the Senegal River. The heart of the country is made up of the vast plateaus of Adrar and Tagant in Trab el-Hajra, «Land of Stone». The Adrar is the highest plateau with 500 meters high and at its feet are several oases which were long ago important shopping centers in the Middle Ages such as Chingueṭṭi, Ouadâne, Tîchît, Tidjikdja and Atar. To the north and east stretch the vast desert plains identified as the “empty quarter”. which, surprisingly, is not only empty but loaded with iron ore which makes Mauritania one of the world’s leading exporters.

WEATHER Hot and desertic. The climate owes its aridity to the northeast trade winds, which blow constantly in the north and during most of the year in the rest of the country. These winds combined with the harmattan (hot and dry wind from the east) create the effect of drought that characterizes Mauritania. With the exception of some winter rains which mainly occur in summer, between June and October with very low rainfall levels. Temperatures are normally high, ranging from 30 ° C to 40 ° C in summer to 20 ° C in winter.






NATURAL RESOURCES Mauritania is one of the main producers of iron ore, copper, gold, silver, and one of the main exporters of fish, due to its very rich fishing waters.

WILDLIFE More than 500 species of birds have been recorded in Mauritania, whose coastal wetlands attract more than two million wintering Western Palaearctic waders of fifteen different species. The Banc d’arguin as a natural Reserve posses one of the best wildlife resort. About 86 species of reptiles have been recorded in Mauritania, including the West African crocodile which still exists in small numbers. Chameleons, snakes, lizards and sea turtles are some of them. Donkeys can be found all over the city: when you step out of the bank or enter a supermarket. The same happens with the goats, who run contented and carefree through the streets of the city. Camels are found everywhere. They actually greet you by road from the airport.

POPULATION AND CULTURE As for the vegetation, it depends on the area with the savannah baobabs and palm trees. The Sahelian region of Mauritania has acacias and gives way to the desert. Vegetation is limited to wadis, under which the water continues to flow, or oases. Mauritania has a population of 4.4 million people who live mainly in cities (52 percent). The country has one of the highest population growth rates in the world as well as the lowest population density with 4 inhabitants per square kilometer. The country’s population is very young and represents an opportunity. More than half of them (around 60%) are under 25 years old. Ethnoculturally, the population is composed by “white Moors” or white Arabs - Bīḍān - in the North of Berber origin, the “black Moors” who constitute less than a third of the country’s population, but dominate economically and politically.


The Harratines, the country’s largest group, are made up of descendants of black Africans, who are subSaharan ethnic groups primarily from the Senegal river valley such as Halpulaar, Soninke and Wolof. These three social strata constitute Mauritanian society today: 30% Arabs, 40% Harratines and 30% Blacks. Slavery was abolished in 1981 and in 2007 prison terms of five to six years were introduced to punish all forms of slavery. Nomadic life was widespread until the 1980s although it still exists and is felt. The movement of the population was determined by the search for water and pasture. The southerners were more inclined to settle down than the inhabitants of the north. When Mauritania gained its independence in 1960, it was the Arab Berbers who signed the creation of the country and the regulation of its borders. It was created artificially to stop Morocco’s expansionist ambitions and as a trade route for France and its colonies in Africa.

LANGUAGE Although Arabic is the official language, other languages ​​such as Fulani, Soninke and Wolof are also recognized languages, and French as recognized language. The Moors speak Ḥassāniyya Arabic, a dialect which derives the vocabulary from Arabic and Amazigh, the original language of the Berbers.

Mosque of Chinguitti

GOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURE The new constitution, approved in 1991, established a multi-party system and a new bicameral legislative structure. In 2006, constitutional amendments were introduced limiting the age of presidential candidates to 75, adjusting the presidential term and including a new legislative body. A new amendment was announced later, changing the national symbols, limiting presidential terms to two for five years each, and abolishing the Senate. The country is divided into administrative regions, each headed by a governor. The capital forms a separate district.


The government bureaucracy includes traditional ministries, special agencies and parastatals.

The official religion is Islam, but the Islamic Republic of Mauritania guarantees freedom of conscience and religious freedom to all. Almost all Mauritanians are Sunni Muslims.

The Ministry of the Interior controls a system of regional governors and prefects modeled on the French system of local administration.



Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, is the country’s main financial and political center with most of the population living there. Nouadhibou, the economic heart of the North, comes in second position but at a great distance from Nouakchott. Both cities are located on the Atlantic coast. Rosso being the third city, bordering the senegal river in the south.


Mauritania is a Republic. The president, elected by popular vote for a five-year term, is head of state and government and is assisted by the prime minister, whom he appoints.


Until 2017, Mauritania had a bicameral legislature composed of the Senate, the majority of whose members were elected by municipal leaders, and the National Assembly, whose members are elected by popular vote for five-year terms. In 2017, however, the Senate was abolished by popular referendum, leaving the National Assembly as the sole chamber of the legislature. From independence in 1960 to the military coup of 1978, Mauritania had a presidential regime. After this period, the country mainly benefited from a military administration.

HISTORY The first inhabitants of Mauritanian territory were the sub-Saharan peoples and the Ṣanhājah Imazighen (Berbers). It was the cradle of the Amazighs (singular of the Imazighen) Almoravids. The Almoravid dynasty which, born around 1040 on the island of Tidra off the Arguin bank, spread Islam throughout North Africa and ruled Spain for 2 centuries.




At the time, the lands under Almoravid rule, concentrated much of the world’s knowledge with researchers joining fervent cities like Chinguetti or Oualata where precious manuscripts from the XI century remain safe today. It was the era of camel caravans crossing the Sahara from north to south and the zenith of the Almoravid dynasty which spread Islam throughout North Africa. Mauritania was at the heart of the main trade routes. Camel caravans crossed the country carrying Saharan salt and Mediterranean luxury goods such as fine fabrics, brocades and paper in exchange for gold. Chingueṭṭi, the seventh major city of Islam or Oualâta renowned for its painted walls, concentrated most of the knowledge at the time with scholars from all over the islamic world.

INDEPENDENCE In the 15th century, Portuguese traders arrived at Cap Blanc (Cap Nouadhibou) and founded Fort d’Arguin based on the trade in gold, gum arabic and slaves. Dutch, Spanish, English and French started their trade there in the 17th century and finally in 1904 a French protectorate was created.

The French claim sovereignty «over the hinterland contested by the leaders, called emirs or commanders by the French, of the regions of Trarza and, to the east, of Brakna - named after the two Ḥassānī lineages who dominated the Senegal River Valley - and claimed territory on both sides of the river. Mauritania was for France “Le Grand Vide”.( The Big Empty ) Colonial rule came from Dakar, where the buildings and infrastructure of the French Protectorate had been constructed, but the French were little interested in ruling their new territory. It was a strategic path between their interests in North Africa and West Africa. Mauritania, like many other African countries, gained independence from France in 1960 on November 28. A new country was born when 90% of the local population was still nomadic. The new capital, Nouakchott, was created from the only colony in the country: el Ksar, a small colonial village built around a colonial military post. Mauritania became a member of the United Nations in October 1961.

Daddah, first president The first Mauritanian to graduate from university in Paris was Moktar Ould Daddah, and was also the first president of Mauritania as an independent country free from colonial rule. Back from his studies in France, he created his own political party and was elected Prime Minister in the legislative elections of 1959. After independence, he was appointed interim president of the new republic, and confirmed in his post in the first post-independence elections held in August 1961. Daddah rose to the challenge of building a new state on a vast desert land inhabited by a diverse population of Arabs and black Africans as well as a strong French influence. During his tenure, he strived to maintain a careful balance between the country’s African and Berber roots. This delicate balance, which was at the origin of the birth of Mauritania, still requires specialized political skills to manage. Daddah’s main contribution to the Mauritanian economy has been his vision to build in 1963 the 675 km railway and a mining port which remains the largest mining train in the world and has significantly improved the marketing of Mauritania’s mineral resources. .

Independence Day on November 28

Although he was praised for his ability to achieve consensus among political parties, as well as among White Moors, Black Moors and Black Africans, the three largest ethnic groups in Mauritania, he instead pursued the creation of a one regime that he formalized in 1964 with a new Constitution. Low commodity prices, recurrent droughts and mismanagement of the country’s natural resources have resulted in high tensions and discontent. Daddah had already ruled the country for ten years.




It worsened in 1975 when Mauritania annexed Tiris al Gharbiyya, the southern third of Spanish Sahara - now Western Sahara -. The Madrid agreements with Spain were concluded, under which Morocco acquired two-thirds of the northern territory, while Mauritania acquired the southern third. When Mauritanian troops occupied Tiris al Gharbiyya in 1976 under the Madrid Tripartite Agreement, they were immediately challenged in a bitter struggle with the Saharawi independence movement led by the Polisario Front guerrillas. A costly war broke out that lasted two years, draining a vulnerable economy, causing ethnic conflict and killing many. The conflict in Western Sahara contributed to the fall of Daddah who was deposed in 1978 by his chief of staff, Colonel Mustapha Ould Salek. In 1979, Colonel Mohamed Khouna Ould Haidalla replaced Salek in a new coup, and immediately renounced all Mauritanian claims to Western Sahara and withdrew from the war.

The Maaouya Regime To fully understand the politics and economy of Mauritania today, we must go back to the time of President Maaouya. Maaouya Ould Sid Ahmed Taya came to power in a coup in 1984, deposing former President Mohamed Khouna Ould Haidalla and ruled the country for more than 20 years. During his reign, opposition parties were legalized and a new constitution was approved in 1991. Although promising democracy, Maaouya will be remembered for her actions during the ethnic conflict that erupted during the «events of 1989». A border dispute between Mauritania and Senegal escalated into ethnic violence in 1989. The tension between the dominant Arab-Berber (Mauri) and the black minority has since subsided.




Maaouya was also a defender of civil power and encouraged the creation of new political parties creating a multi-party system. The International Monetary Fund or the World Bank have welcomed Taya’s structural reforms in the economy. A new constitution was adopted in 1991 and freedom of the press was guaranteed. President Maaouya was overthrown from power as he took it: by a military coup. In 2005, during a trip outside Mauritania, a group of senior military officials announced a coup in a state press agency statement: «The armed forces and security forces have unanimously decided to put an end to the totalitarian practices of the deposed regime under which our people have suffered greatly in recent years.

The Abdel Aziz era Colonel Ely Ould Mohamed Vall, a former close ally of Ould Maaouya Taya, was the transitional military leader of Mauritania. In 2006, in a widely participated referendum on constitutional reforms, Mauritania limited presidential terms to five years instead of just six and two terms. In the April 2007 elections, Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi was elected President of Mauritania. He became the first democratically elected president of Mauritania. A new military coup led by Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, put an end to Abdallahi’s regime, then a new High Council of State chaired by General Abdel Aziz, lead the nation in a period of transition towards a new presidential election. During the general elections of July 2009, Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz was confirmed in power, Ould Ghazouani remaining his chief of staff. Abdel Aziz would go on to be the president of Mauritania for the next decade, and was re-elected in 2014 for a second and final term as president with over 80% of the vote.

Powered by the security and stability that Abdel Aziz had installed in the country, the economy began to show signs of strong growth with an increase in living standards. International financial institutions hailed Mauritania’s efforts to balance its accounts and fight poverty. Internally, Abdel Aziz has also prioritized a large number of infrastructure projects expanding ports, airports, roads and starting to lay the backbone of telecommunications.

The first democratic transition of power General Mohamed Ould Cheikh Mohamed Ahmed Ould Ghazouani won the 2019 presidential elections in the first round by a strong absolute majority of 52% of the vote and a record turnout of 62.6%. Newly elected President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani has peacefully and democratically replaced former President Abdel Aziz, in a way his mentor. Ghazouani, 63, was the head of Abdel Aziz’s internal security service. With his victory, President Mohamed Ahmed Ould Ghazouani spoke of the first democratic transition of power. There were around 1.5 million people with the right to vote. Ghazouani’s closest rival, the popular anti-slavery leader Biram Dah Abeid, came second with 18.5%, while Mohamed Ould Boubacar, supported by the Islamic party, came in third place with 17.8% of the voice.

Soft Transition Serene and cultivated, Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, 63, comes from a famous Sufi religious and wise scholar from the eastern desert of Mauritania. He was a military intelligence officer for years and enjoys the respect and confidence of the majority of the members of the military institution, which he also headed for many years.

During his reign, he installed an ethnic mixture within the government. The post of Speaker of Parliament, for example, has always been offered to a subSaharan black person.


Wikipedia source 20





Considered a moderate and skillful politician with military leadership capabilities, Ghazouani entered the military in 1978. He studied at the Meknes Military Academy in Morocco, alongside his future friend Abdel Aziz. His first important post was, in 1987, as personal assistant to President Maaouya Ould Taya, who ruled the country between 1984 and 2005.

Mauritania is an amalgamation of diverse cultural groups - white Moors, black Moors and black Africans - who had faced in the past. This desert country covering the Arab Maghreb of North Africa and western sub-Saharan Africa is also made up of an Arab-Berber population in the north and black Africans in the south. Islam has always been the engine of national unity.

In 2005, he was appointed Director General of the National Security Forces (Police) and shortly after, in 2007, he was promoted to General. A year later, he was selected for the strategic post of Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.

In his inaugural speech, to show his unifying intentions, he stressed that «we have the commitment to protect the homeland, to preserve national unity and to defend our holy Islamic religion, the guarantor of this unity, as well as of promote justice among citizens. This vision is at the same time inclusive, ambitious and realistic.

In 2018, he left his post to become Minister of Defense. Only a few months after his resignation to resume the presidential race. In a clear message to his predecessor, Ghazouani showed his power and willingness to govern independently. In March 2020, an amnesty was signed with business tycoon Mohamed Ould Bouamatou, who was able to return to his home country after exile imposed by former President Abdel Aziz. A conciliatory man at the helm of a multicultural country


A vision that lays the foundations for a bright future, addressing imbalances and gaps and eliminating disparities and manifestations of underdevelopment ”



Official Airline

Affiliate Member

Embracing the world. We are Tourism.







Mohamed Ould Ghazouani

Union for the Republic



Biram Dah Abeid




Sidi Mohamed Ould Boubacar




Kane Hamidou Baba




Mohamed Ould Mouloud

Rally of Democratic Forces



Mohamed Lemine al-Mourtaji al-Wafi




Invalid/blank votes
















Minister Secretary General of the Presidency ADAMA BOKAR SOKO


Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Mauritanians Abroad ISMAIL OULD CHEIKH AHMED

General secretary Mr. Mohamed Ould Ahmed Aïda

Minister of National Defense HANENNA OUL SIDI


Minister of Finances MOHAMED LEMINE OULD DHEHBY General secretary Mr. Yacoub Ahmed Aicha





Minister of the Interior and Decentralization

Minister of the Economy and the Promotion of Productive Sectors



General secretary Ms. Zainab Mint Ahmadnah

General secretary Idoumou Ould Abdi Ould Jiyid

Minister of Petroleum, Mines and Energy

Minister of Public Service and Labor

ABDESSALEM OULD MOHAMED SALEH General secretary Mr. Abdoul Mamadou BARRY

CAMARA MOHAMED SALOUM General secretary Ahmed Ould Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Deh




Health Minister SIDI OULD ZAHAF General secretary Ms. Halima Ba

Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy

Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism

Minister of Employment and Vocational Training

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research



Minister of Islamic Affairs and Original Education




General secretary El Aliya MENKOUSS

Minister of Housing, Town Planning and Regional Planning

Minister of Digital Transition, Innovation and Modernization of Administration



General secretary M’Aiziza Bouh Kerbally

Minister of Agriculture

General secretary Mr. Abdi Salem Ould Cheikh Saad Bouh


Minister of Social Affairs, Children and Families

Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development

General secretary Mr. Memma Ould Beybatty

Minister Secretary General of the Government



DIALLO AMADOU SAMBA Deputy General Secretary Mr. Ishak El Kounti

General secretary Mr. Sadvi Ould Sidi Mohamed

Minister of Equipment and Transport

Minister of Hydrology and Sanitation



Minister of Livestock LEMRABOTT OULD BENNAHI

Minister of National Education and Reform of the Education System MOHAMED MELAININE OULD EYIH




Minister Counselor to the Presidency DR. COUMBA BA

Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports and Relations with Parliament, Government Spokesman MOKTAR OULD DAHI




Functions with Rank of Ministry Zone Franche de Nouadhibou (ZFN) M. Mohamed Aly Ould Sidi Mohamed Président de l’Autorité de la Zone Franche de Nouadhibou

Commissioner for Human Rights, Humanitarian Action and Relations with Civil Society CHEIKH AHMEDOU OULD AHMED SALEM OULD SIDI

Ville PS-485 à 488, Nouadhibou

Commissioner for Human Rights and Humanitarian Action and Relations with Civil Society

+222 45 744 176/166

BP: 1258 Nouakchott





Food Safety Commissioner FATIMETOU MINT MAHFOUDH http://www.csa.gov.mr/

Central Bank of Mauritania Cheik Kebir Moulay Taher Independence Avenue BP 623 Nouakchott +222 / +222 infos@bcm.mr https://www.bcm.mr/ M. Mohamed Aly Ould Sidi Mohamed

General Delegate for National Solidarity and the Fight against Taazur Exclusion Mr. MOHAMED MAHMOUD OULD BOUASRIYA http://fr.ami.mr/









Pr Kane Boubacar

Mohamed Ould Ahmed Salem Ould Mohamed Rara



Ba Samba



Cissé Cheikh Boïda





Africa Actual




French Embassy Rue Ahmed Ould M’Hamed Tevragh Zeina Nouakchott, +222 45 29 96 99 +222 45 25 69 38 ambafrance.nouakchott-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr mr.ambafrance.org Gambian Embassy PO Box 1202 Nouakchott, +222 4529 8032 gambia.embassy-nktt@hotmail.com / gambia.embassy@hotmail.com

EMBASSIES IN MAURITANIA Algerian Embassy Ilot A, Tevragh Zeina BP 625, Nouakchott +222 4525-3569 - +222 4525-4007 ambalg@opt.mr German Embassy Rue Mamadou Konaté, Tevragh Zeina BP 372, Nouakchott +222 45 25 17 29 - +222 45 25 10 32 info@nouakchott.diplo.de nouakchott.diplo.de Saudi Arabian Embassy Las Palmas District - Zinat PO Box 498 Nouakchott +222 4525 2633 mremb@mofa.gov.sa Chinese Embassy Villa 209 - module F Emetteur center, Route de Nouadhibou PO Box 176 - Nouakchott +222 4529 2026 - +222 4525 2192


Brazilian Embassy RE nº 502 Tevragh-Zeina Nouakchott +222 4529-4982 - +222 4525-0541 brasemb.nouakchott@itamaraty.gov.br nouakchott.itamaraty.gov.

Embassy of Libya Tevragh Zeïna BP 5534 Nouakchott, +222 45 252 584 Iraqi Embassy In front of the Olympic Stadium, 777 Lot Nouakchott, +222 45 243 277/8 - +222 45 253 251 nokemb@mofa.gov.iq www.mofa.gov.iq/nouakchott/

Embassy of South Africa ILOT 135/137, Tevagh Zeina P.O. Box 2006 Nouakchott +222 4 524 5590 chokoes@dirco.gov.za

Embassy of Japan Lots 861, 862, and 519 Ilot E Nord Tevragh-Zeina BP 7810 Nouakchott, +222 4525 0977 info-nc@nc.mofa.go.jp www.mr.emb-japan.go.jp

Embassy of the United Arab Emirates ZRA 742 BIS, Tevragh Zeïna BP 6824 Nouakchott +222 4452 2200 - +222 4524 2201/0 nouakchottemb@mofaic.gov.ae

Embassy of Kuwait Nouadhibou Street BP 345, Nouakchott+222 4525 4150 - +222 4525 4111

Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Tevragh Zeina Nouakchott, +222 45 25 28 36 ambardc.rim@caramail.com


Embassy of Mali Tevragh Zeïna BP 5371, Nouakchott+222 45 25 40 78 ambmali15@yahoo.fr / ambmali@hotmail.com


Embassy of Nigeria Ilot P9 BP 367, Nouakchott, +222 45 25 23 04/14 - +222 45 25 57 54 nignkt@yahoo.com Moroccan Embassy 569 Avenue du General de Gaulle Tavragh Zeina BP 621, Nouakchott, +222 4525 1411/1327 sifmanktt@gmail.com Representative of Palestine Territories Avenue Kennedy BP. 408 Nouakchott +222 45 25 39 93 mremb@mofa-gov.ps Russian Embassy Rue Abou Bakr BP 221 Nouakchott, +222 45-25-22-72 - +222 45-25-19-73 ambrussmaur@mid.ru mauritanie.mid.ru Syrian embassy Tevragh Zeïna BP 288 Nouakchott, +222 45 25 27 54 amb-syrie@toptechnology.mr Tunisian Embassy Tevragh Zina Nouakchott +222 45 241 447 - +222 45 252 124/45 252 871 at.nouakchott@diplomatie.gov.tn Turkish Embassy Bordering Marocco Embassy Nouakchott, +222 4525 7400 embassy.nouakchott@mfa.gov.tr




Embassy of Yemen Tevragh Zeïna BP 4689, Nouakchott, +222 45 25 55 91 - +222 45 29 17 34 Senegalese Embassy ZRB, Villa no. 500 Tavragh Zeina BP 2551, Nouakchott, +222 45 25 72 90 - +222 45 25 72 30 Embassy of Sudan Nouakchott +222 4524 3216 sudan.nouakchott@yahoo.com Iranian Embassy Nouakchott, +222 20 20 62 44 emrani110@gmail.com Embassy of Spain Rue Mamadou Konate PO Box 232, Nouakchott, +222 4529 86 50 - +222 4525 20 80 emb.nouakchott@maec.es www.exteriores.gob.es/Embajadas/Nouakchott


INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN MAURITANIA Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Mauritania TevraghZeina BP 665, Nouakchott +222 45 25 31 57 www.fao.org United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 203, rue 42-133, Ilot K, opposite the Tevragh-Zeina Police Station BP 620, Nouakchott +222 45 25 74 14 www.unhcr.org World Health Organization (WHO) Mauritania ILOT K 140-141 Tevragh-Zeina, Route de la Corniche Ouest BP 320, Nouakchott +222 45 25 24 02 - 45 29 52 25 - 45 25 99 51 www.afro.who.int


INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION Lot 551E Nord, Tevragh Zeina BP 620, Nouakchott +222 45 24 49 99 www.iom.int United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Mauritania Route de la Corniche N ° 159-161 Tevragh Zeina BP 620, Nouakchott +222 45 25 24 09 - 45 25 24 11 www.mr.undp.org World Food Program Ilot K Lot No. 217A Nouakchott +222 45 25 27 93 www.wfp.org United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Mauritania Ilot K, Parcelle 146/151 Nouakchott BP: 620 +222 45 29 98 00 www.unicef.org


UNITED NATIONS Tevragh Zeina BP 620, Nouakchott +222 45 25 24 09 www.un.org French Development Agency (AFD) Rue Mamadou Konaté extended BP 5211, Nouakchott + 222 45 25 25 25 - 45 25 23 09 Save The Children ZRC 495 Nouakchott+222 45 25 66 93 info@savethechildren.org https://mauritania.savethechildren.net/ Oxfam International Ilot K, Extension N ° 12 BP: 4926, Nouakchott +222 45 25 19 16 tdhrim@mauritel.mr www.tdh.ch United Nations Population Fund Ilot K, Tevragh Zeina - Nouakchott BP: 620 +222 45 25 84 39 https://mauritania.unfpa.org/




Caritas Mauritania Ilot D n ° 36, Nouakchott, BP 515 +222 45 25 15 41 director@caritas.mr / secretaire@caritas.mr www.caritas.mr National Commission for Unesco Ilot V - Tevragh Zeina -Nouakchott BP: 5115 +222 45 25 28 02/45 25 46 37 www.unesco.org Technical Office for Cooperation with Spain Tevragh Zeina - Nouakchott BP: 232 +222 45 29 43 63 +222 45 29 43 62 www.aeci.mr UNESCO Tevragh Zeina - Nouakchott BP: 5115 Nouakchott +222 45 25 48 03 cnecs@mauritel.mr www.unesco.org Arab Organization for Agricultural Development Ilot 335, route de Nouadhibou Tevragh Zeina - Nouakchott BP: 3933 +222 45 29 66 00 +222 45 29 66 01 www.aoad.org/ World Bank Avenue Charles de Gaule, Tevragh Zeina - Nouakchott BP: 667 +222 45 25 10 17 45 25 13 34 www.worldbank.org German Technical Cooperation (GIZ) Tevragh Zeina - Nouakchott BP: 5217 +222 45 25 67 25 giz-mauretanien@giz.de www.giz.de


MAURITANIAN EMBASSIES AROUND THE WORLD Abidjan, Ivory Coast Boulevard Latrille, rue de l’Eglise St Jacques Cocody, II Trays 01 BP 2275 Abidjan 01, Ivory Coast +225 22-41-16-43 - +225 22-41-54-13 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Shakhbout Bin Sultan Street, Villa 726 PO Box 2714 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates +971 2 446 2724 amba.rim.abudhabi@hotmail.com

Brasilia, Brazil SHIS QI 9 conjunto 03, casa 9 - Lago Sul Brasilia CEP: 71.625-030 Brazil +55 (61) 3797-5437 +55 (61) 3365-3079 ambarimbrasilia@gmail.com

Paris, France 5, rue de Montévidéo 75116 Paris France +331 ambarimparis@gmail.com https://ambarimparis.fr

Beijing, China No. 9, Dong San Jie San Li Tun Beijing 100600 China +86 10 6532 1703 - +86 10 6532 1346 +86 10 6532 1685 ambarim.beijing@diplomatie.gov.mr

Banjul, Gambia Fajara A Section, Serrekunda, OR Kerr Serign, Senegambia Area PO Box 2592 Banjul, Gambia +220 446 1086 - +220 449 1153/997 4040 ambarimbanjul@hotmail.fr

Cairo, Egypt 114, Mohy Eddine Abou El Ezz Street Dokki Cairo, Egypt +20 2 3749 0671 - +20 2 3749 0699 +20 2 3749 1048

Baghdad, Iraq Al-Mansour, Area 609, Street 10, House 20 Baghdad, Iraq +964 770 462 5186/7/8 +964 1 543 8457 embassymauritania.baghdad2013@gmail.com ambarimbaghdad@diplomatie.gov.mr www.ambarimbaghdad.com

Madrid, Spain C / Piedralabes 4 28035 Madrid Spain +34 91 575 70 06 - (+34) 91 575 70 07 +34 91 435 95 31 ambarim@embajadamauritania.es www.embajadamauritania.es

Tehran, Iran No.12, 12th St. Pirouzan St, Hormozan St. Sahrak Gharb PO Box 1565 844815 Tehran, Iran +98 21 8612 9114 +98 21 7750 0074/21 7752 4350 ambarimtehran@yahoo.com

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Qanatir An Numan Riyadh, Saudi Arabia +966 11 269-3101 - +966 11 464-6749 mauritaniariyadh@gmail.com

Washington, DC, United States 2129 Leroy Place, NW Washington, DC 20008 United States +1 202 232 5700 +1 202 319 2623 ambarimwash@gmail.com

Rome, Italy via Antonio Bertoloni 29, III piano, interno 7 00197 Roma, Italy +39 06 853 51 530 +39 06 855 79 49 info@ambamauritanieitaly.it www.ambamauritanieitaly.it

Brussels, Belgium Colombia Avenue, 6 1000 Brussels Belgium +32 2 672 47 47 - +32 2 672 18 02 +32 2 672 20 51 - +32 2 672 88 40 info@amb-mauritania.be

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Nefas Silk Lafto KK, Kebele 03, H No. New Addis Ababa Ethiopia +251 113 72 91 65 ambarimaddis@gmail.com rimambassade@yahoo.com

Tokyo, Japan 5-17-5, Kita-Shinagawa Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141-0001 - Japan +81 3-3449-3810 ambarim@seagreen.ocn.ne.jp www.amba-mauritania.jp/en/index.html

Pretoria, South Africa 337 Brooklyn Road Charles Lord Office Park, Block B, Ground Floor Brooklyn 0081 Pretoria, South Africa +27 12 362 3578 - +27 12 362 2573 +27 12 362 3304 mauritaniaemb@iburst.co.za Berlin, Germany Englerallee 42 Ecke Königin Louise Straße 14195 Berlin, Germany +49 30 206 58 83 +49 30 206 747 50 info@mauretanien-embassy.de mauretanien-embassy.de






Kuwait City, Kuwait Al Zahra, Block 8, Street 809, Villa 119 BP 23784, Safat 13098 Kuwait City Kuwait +965 2524 5767 ambarimkoweit@diplomatie.gov.mr

Ankara, Turkey Oran Mah. Semsettin Bayramoglu Sok. No: 7 Çankaya Ankara, Turkey +90 (312) 491 70 63 moritanya.buyukelciligi@gmail.com or ambarimankara@diplomatie.gov.mr

Tripoli, Libya Dahra, Rue Issa El Wakwak PO Box 4664 Tripoli Libya +218 (21) 444 3646

Muscat, Oman Shatti Al Qurum PO Box: 177, P. C: 103 Muscat Oman +968 24 607 051

Bamako, Mali Rue 218 Porte 667 Hippodrome BP 135 Bamako Mali +223 20 21 48 15 +223 20 21 58 81 ambarim@afribone.net.ml or ambasrimbko@yahoo. fr

London, United Kingdom Carlyle House 235 - 237 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V 1EJ UK +44 20 7233 6158 info@mauritanianembassy.org.uk

Rabat, Morocco 6 rue Thami Lamdawar (Rue Thami Lamdouar) Souissi BP 207 Rabat, Morocco +212 (537) 65 66 78/9 ambarim_rabat@menara.com https://ambassade-mauritanie-rabat.net/fr/ Niamey, Niger Koura Kano, Rue 29 BP 12519 Niamey Niger +227 20 75 38 43 +227 20 72 36 73


Bamako, Mali Rue 218 Porte 667 Hippodrome BP 135 Bamako, Mali +223 20 21 48 15 ambarim@afribone.net.ml ambasrimbko@yahoo.fr Sanaa, Yemen Sana’a Yemen +967 (1) 442 378 Doha, Qatar Dafna Area Al-Rabiah Street 71 PO Box 3132 Doha, qatar +974 4483 6003 +974 4483 6015 Tunis, Tunisia 17, Rue Fatma Ennachi El Menzah V 1004 Tunis Tunisia +216 71.233.634 / 834

Moscow, Russia Bolchoi Savvinsky per. 21 , 119121 Moscow Russia +7 (495) 245 1176/1261 +7 (495) 237-3792 mauritanie@redline.ru

- Abuja, Nigeria 3, Nahau Close, Off River Niger Street Maitama Abuja, Nigeria +234 807 341 2889 ambarimnigeria@yahoo.com

Dakar, Senegal 37, Boulevard Général De Gaulle Dakar Senegal +221 33 823 53 44/9 ambarimdakar@gmail.com Khartoum, Sudan House No. 4/75, Block 1, West Gereif- Khartoum Sudan +249 183 269 128 +249 183 269 126


Damascus, Syria Abu Roumanh Karamh Street, Name 7.13 Damascus Syria +963 (11) 333 9317 +963 (11) 333 0552








• Mauritania had Africa’s first woman minister, Aissata Kane Toure in 1975.

• The territory of Mauritania doubles that of Spain or France.

• Mauritania is the natural geographical and cultural bridge between the people of the North Berber and the black population of southern Africa.

• Mauritania is home to the headquarters of the Sahel Group 5.


• Mauritania has one of the lowest population densities in the world.

• Mauritania’s Desert Eye is a huge and eerie circle in the desert 50 kilometers in diameter only visible from the sky.

• Mauritania’s economic growth in 2019 was one of the world’s top ten.

• The average age of Mauritanians is 25 years old.

• Mauritania has one of the richest fishing waters in the world and is one of the world’s leading fish exporters.

• Mauritania has one of the oldest libraries with sacred manuscrits in Chingetti dated from XI century.













PHARMACIES Pharmacy & Para Paris

Avenue Moctar Daddah Nouakchott +222 41 83 24 24 pharmacyparis.services@gmail.com FB: @pharmacie.para.paris

Republic Pharmacy

E NORD - Pre capital of the main hospital Nouakchott +222 34 62 20 00 sbaimethasbai@gmail.com FB: Republique Nouakchott Pharmacy


Central Pharmacy Tevragh Zeina


BP : 494 ZRB 561 Nouakchott +222 45 25 50 94 +222 46 77 03 48 cheikhtijani.mbaye@yahoo.fr

Smma Production The Ksar Nouakchott +222 48 01 02 46 smmap@yahoo.com


Photo Express Joussur Abdel Aziz Bookstore Immueble Mamy; Avenue Bouddah Ould Bousseiry Nouakchott +222 22 30 89 39

Studio Portrait Pro

Bon Choix Pharmacy

Avenue Moktar Ould Dadab Nouakchott +222 20 55 67 87 FB:BON CHOIX pharmacy

Kennedy Pharmacy Abou Baker Street Nouakchott +222 45 25 36 93

Vent du Sud bookstore 42-39 Avenue John Kennedy, Ould-Mamy Building, PO Box: 145 Nouakchott +222 32 07 24 24 +222 45 25 26 84 lvs. @ yahoo.fr

Apothecary Pharmacy

Rue Moctar Daddah cite-smart crossroads Nouakchott +222 27 90 00 00 - 43 80 00 00 apothecary2015@yahoo.fr FB: @apothicaireNktt

Zem Zem Pharmacy

Al Quds Bookstore

Avenue Charles de Gaule - Opposite N2B Société Générale Headquarters Nouakchott +222 48 68 06 35

Island K 122 Tevragh Zeina Nouakchott +222 45 25 79 75 pharmacy.zemzem@gmail.com FB: @Pharmacy Zem Zem

Bookstore 15 21

Pharmacy Sultana


Avenue Mokhtar O / Daddah - B01 Ecole Police Nouakchott +222 36 26 54 14 - 48 15 00 00 chrivlkaloui@gmail.com


Avenue du Roi Faiçal Ilot T n23 N11 Capital Nouakchott +222 46 40 86 14 +222 27 43 86 14 photoexpress.mr@gmail.com

Avenue Carrefour Madrid - Opposite Société Générale Nouakchott +222 44 44 41 26 petitpro15@gmail.com

Photo Lab Service 2



Island KN ° 63 Behind CDI Nouakchott +222 45 24 33 53 +222 44 06 91 26 itb@itb.mr www.itb.mr

CDI IT Distribution Center Ilot K 124 (Next to Unicef) Nouakchott +222 45 29 18 64 info@cdi.mr www.cdi.mr

Infocom IT Solutions

181- Avenue du Palais des Congrès «B Nord» TEVRAGH-ZEINA - BP: 3920 Nouakchott +222 45 25 81 99 INFOCOM@isolutionsmr.com www.isolutionsmr.com

Excellance Photo

EWIS El Wivagh Informatique Services

Rue Former Prince BMD Tevragh Zeina Nouakchott +222 46 53 67 58 africatelecom1@gmail.com

Top Technology

Avenue Palais des Congrès BP 316 Nouakchott +222 46 32 59 80 mdlemkettab@yahoo.com One of the historic names for african publication.

Rue 42-152 Tevragh-Zeina BP 19 Nouakchott +222 47 94 00 49 amadou@infolog.mr www.infolog.mr

BMD Tevragh-Zeina Nouakchott +222 45 25 29 24 +222 22 33 91 08 labophotoservice.2@gmail.com


BP 6425 El Mamy Avenue Kennedy Building Nouakchott +222 37 57 87 87/36 32 62 48 umed.mr@gmail.com


Ilot T 47, Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser, BP: 2823 Nouakchott +222 44 22 32 78 mmousa@asmlgroup.com www.toptechnology.mr


BP: 154 Nouakchott +222 36 64 15 73/48 19 20 19 elwivaghs@gmail.com

Top IT (Sales)

Opposite Immueble Najah Nouakchott +222 22 01 39 21/45 24 63 59 topinform@yahoo.fr




Avenue General de Gaulle Nouakchott +222 46 42 00 58

M Press

Next to Emira crossroads Nouakchott +222 43 27 17 07 mpress.nettoyage@gmail.com FB: @mpresspresssingnouakchott

Pressing 2000



DENTAL CLINIC Smile Dental Practice

Bouamatou Foundation Ophthalmological Hospital

Tevragh Zeina Route Mokhtar Ould Daddah Nouakchott +222 36 30 13 30 +222 34 34 51 51 bouyahmed1@hotmail.com

Avenue Moctar Ould Dadda. BP: 786 Nouakchott +222 45 29 73 78 +222 45 25 65 51 dahanfond@yahoo.fr fondationbouamatou.com/

Arabesque Dental Clinic

Street of Hope behind the Church Nouakchott +222 45 25 98 29 arabesquedentalclinic@gmail.com

National Hospital Center

BMD Next to the Central Bank Nouakchott +222 48 49 59 80 soumarebakarsouleymane@gmail.com FB: Pressing2000

Maurident The Dental World Mohamedel Habib Street Nouakchott +222 33 00 00 00 cliniquemady@gmail.com

Avenue Jamal Abdel Nasser - 612 HOPINA MNT Nouakchott +222 45 25 21 35 +222 36 62 39 22 contacts@chn.mr http://www.chn.mr/

Mauri Pressing (Becaye Messoud)

Orient Dental Center (Dr. Hussam)

Ibn Sina Clinic

Avenue General de Gaulle Nouakchott +222 43 22 88 88 +222 25 06 80 15

Couture and dry cleaning center Chez Diallo

Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser Nouakchott +222 33 32 11 11 dr.housam.arian@gmail.com

In front of the Iman Hotel Nouakchott +222 45 25 08 88

NeoDent Modern Dentistry

South of the Olympic Stadium Nouakchott +222 22 34 24 29

Tevragh Zeina Nouakchott +222 26 38 87 76 / +222 47 13 47 12 sidibeibrahima188@gmail.com

3rd right turn after Carrefour Cité Smart Nouakchott +222 34 00 02 02 neo.dent.nouakchott@gmail.com FB: NeoDent Modern Dentistry

Al Quds Press

Dr. Lemrabott Dental Office

Nouadhibou road Nouakchott +222 41 68 01 97 aissata.diallo1@gmail.com

BEN Pressing

Rue Boutique Couscous 300 meters from Monotel Nouakchott +222 20 34 37 44 /+222 32 01 54 77 touko.clement@yahoo.fr


Chiva clinic

National Cardiology Center Carrefour Sabah - Nouakchott +222 45 25 25 50 contact@cnc.mr www.cnc.mr/

Abdallaye Street Nouakchott +222 47 90 44 44 doc.lemrabott@gmail.com FB: Dr. Lemrabott Dental Practice


Mady Dental Clinic

Avenue Gemal Abdel Nasser next to the BMD 2586 crossroads Nouakchott +222 22 33 66 07 / +222 26 16 53 57 clinic.mady@gmail.com FB: Mady Dental Clinic


Airport Terminal, BP: 791 Nouakchott +222 47 39 39 39 europcar @ gmail.com www.europcar.com



Nouadhibou Street Nouakchott +222 04 52 15 550 medvall@hertz.com www.hertz.com


Avenue, Al Houriya - Azalai Hotel - Tevragh Zeina Zone - Nouakchott +222 45 25 71 72 info @ sixte .com www.sixte .com

Rim Rental

Avenue Moktar Ould Daddah next to Ezeitoun restaurant Nouakchott +222 36 26 59 91 +222 27 26 59 91 hassenkhairani@yahoo.com

REAL ESTATE AGENCIES Dioukha Real Estate Agency

BP. 6651 Nouakchott +222 26 78 91 49 diadouhagroupe@gmail.com FB: @ DIAOUHA.AGENCE.IMMOBILIERE

Real Estate Agency Tijirit

Route Nouadhibou - opposite CNAM Nouakchott +222 46 78 78 58 FB: Nouakchott Real Estate Agency

Zemmour Immobilière Agency

In front of the Chinguitel Headquarters - Tevragh Zeina Nouakchott +222 45 29 06 03 +222 36 30 30 92 hamadabbcis64@yahoo.fr



Standing Real Estate

Aboubekr Seddigh Street Nouakchott +222 26 41 57 58 FB: Standing Real Estate Real Estate Agency

ARCHITECT OFFICE Architecture and Design Workshop (AAD)


Our approach is to be constantly listening to our customers to better meet their expectations. Our objectives are to develop tailor-made solutions in the fields of studies, training, monitoring and project management. AAD -offers an adapted know-how and a good judgment combined with an intuition sharpened by the experience constitute major assets to bring a project to term. In management and construction, the office has staff specialized in all areas of project planning, engineering and construction.

Company Profile

AAD staff successfully undertake projects of all sizes. He is also proficient in software and management procedures and remains at the forefront of new construction trends to ensure the clients of the office the optimal realization of their projects. The office works with a large number of individual consultants, these consultants allow the office to engage a fairly large workload plan and give the office more leeway in terms of meeting deadlines.

Mr. Abdellahi Charrouck Architect-Director Ilot A, Lot n ° 18 Building of the Olympic stadium, 2nd floor Nouakchott +222 46 45 74 73 info@aad.mr www.aad.mr/services/

AAD is an ISO 900 certified multidisciplinary office, created in 1999 by its senior architect Abdellahi Charrouck, has obtained several quality awards, AAD provides for the benefit of public authorities and the private sector, various services in the fields of building and public works. AAD has carried out several projects that affect various areas of the buildings and public works sector. It also has a large number of partners and correspondents particularly active in the sector.


For several years, AAD has been undertaking a support program for young Mauritanians leaving training centers, schools and institutes here and elsewhere and in this context we have forged a partnership relationship in which we support the national schools of training in the fields of civil engineering and construction in general. This partnership allows the training of more than 40 young people per year and supports the students proposed in Master in their defense projects and to prepare them for the needs of the market.

TRAVEL AGENCIES Time For Mauritania Tour Operator Rue Hennoune Ould Bouccif Nouakchott +222 48 17 55 53 timeformauritania@yahoo.com timeformauritania.com

Chinguitty trips

BP : 303 Nouakchott - -rue 67-234 ksar Nouakchott +222 25 01 00 08 info@chinguitty-voyages.mr www.chinguitty-voyages.mr


Avenue Moktar Ould Daddah - BP1931- Nouakchott +222 45 25 15 36 dunair@dunair.mr www.dunair.mr


Tenadi Tours

Rue de I’Hötel Halima Nouakchott +222 45 29 42 91 +222 36 33 89 00 info@tenadi.com www.tenadi.com

Amatlich Tours

Tevragh Zeina Avenue Moktar Ould Daddah Nouakchott +222 20 42 43 42 info@amatlichtours.mr https://www.amatlichtours.mr/

BP 826 Nouakchott, Mauritania. +222 22 22 00 09 mm@mts.mr www.mts.mr/fr





Company Profile


M. Seck Boulkheir

Thanks to our expertise and our knowledge of the field, you can experience the Saharan and African adventure in complete safety while being immersed in the nomadic culture within the noble Sahara. We have recent Hilux 4X4 vehicles, all airconditioned, and comfortable small sedans for urban journeys. We also offer the possibility of hiring vehicles without driver.


“In the coming years, Mauritania will continue its tourist expansion. More and more travelers are looking for authenticity and real encounters in a preserved and wild landscape, which offers a complete change of scenery. Mauritania therefore has everything to offer this type of traveler ”. ATAR VOYAGES is a travel agency with all compulsory insurance and guarantees, registered with the Mauritanian Ministry of Tourism. We have a 100% local team and work with local partners. Our staff are trained and very experienced (solid experience of almost 20 years in tourism) support you. It is made up of an accompanying guide, a cook, camel drivers and drivers. We provide multilingual guides for non-French speaking groups.


Avenue Moctar Dadah Ilot O lot ZRB111, Nouakchott +222 45251536 salesnkc@bintercanarias.com www.bintercanarias.com

Agence Sénégal Airlines

We also take care of all the organization and logistics of 4X4 ​​raids, motorcycles, off-road ...

Tiris travel

Turkish Airlines

BP 1043 - Avenue Nasser Nouakchott +222 22 31 63 41 saharakerkoub@yahoo.fr www.tiris.voyages.free.fr/

33 Ave du General de Gaulle, Nouakchott +222 45 24 20 12 www.turkishairlines.com


Avenue Moctar Ould Daddah, Street n ° 2601 Nouakchott +222 45 25 37 18 info@hades.consulting www.hades.consulting

Exco GHA-

N ° 80 Ilot C, Rue 26-014 KSAR-Ouest - BP489 Nouakchott +222 45 25 30 61 youssoupha.diallo@excoafrique.com www.bsdassocies.net

Willis Towers Watson



Khnumrit Quarter - Atar


Binter Mauritanie (Agence Dunair)

Nouakchott +222 45 25 12 09 sales.mauritanie@airsenegalsa.sn www.flyairsenegal.com

Managing Director

+222 46 57 67 61


Mauricenter Supermarket

Royal Air Morocco

Avenue Charles de Gaulle Angle Avenue of National Unity- Nouakchott +222 45 25 30 94 +222 45 25 35 64 ramnouakchott@royalairmaroc.com www.royalairmaroc.mr

Air France

Avenue Al Quds - BP662 Nouakchott +222 45 25 18 08 www.airfrance.com

119, Boulevard Mokhtar Ould Daddah- Carrefour Cité SMAR Nouakchott +222 36 64 16 14

Tata Gallery

Avenue Charles de Gaulle Nouakchott +222 45 29 38 39 contact@galerietata.com galerietata.com

November 28

Mauritania Airlines

Carrefour de l’ancien aéroport de Nouakchott, BP 7991 +222 45 24 12 53 mai@mauritaniaairlines.mr www.mauritaniaairlines.mr

Agence Tunisair à Nouakchott

N°27 Imm. JAWDA, Av. J.F. Kennedy Ilot M78 BP. 5359 Nouakchott +222 525 87 62/63 samba.adama@hotmail.com www.airtunisie.info/


Rue de I ‘Embassy of Senegal Nouakchott -

Sky Rim Market

Avenue Moktar Ould Daddah Nouakchott +222 45 25 12 61

Bon Prix

Route des Ambassades - opposite the Olympic Stadium - Nouakchott +222 20 96 96 97 bonprix@gmail.com


BP 2713, Quartier Tevragh Zeina Nouakchott +222 45 29 19 29 www.willistowerswatson.com

GAH Lawyers

Avenue Gamal Abdel - Nasser, BMCI 5 Floor Building - App 501 - Nouakchott +222 45 29 57 15 cabinet@gahavocats.com www.gahavocats.com

Brahim Ebety

BP: 2570 - Socogim - Ksar 141 Nouakchott +222 45 25 16 07 hamdyfr@yahoo.fr

Société de suivi des Dossiers Administratifs et Fiscaux -SDAF Mr. Yacoub El Alem General Manager Tevrah Zeigna Road hôtel Aziza, Guichet unique - Nouakchott +222 22 49 23 84 -22 22 59 01 Whatsapp: +222 22 49 23 84 sdaf.services@gmail.com

behind the

Consulting services for Company set up and all administrative and fiscal procedures .



Abdel Kader Old Med Said Opposite National Staff School Nouakchott +222 36 30 30 31 abdelkaderhamad@gmail.com

Abdellahi SEYIDI

BMCI building - Apartment 502 Nouakchott +222 36 30 35 00 maitreseyidi@yahoo.fr

Sidi O. Taleb Boubacar BP : 2939 Nouakchott +222 46 41 11 67 +222 22 41 11 67 stboubacar@hotmail.com

Nour Lilmphamatt study

U20 building 3rd apartment 31 Av. Gamal Abdel Nasser BP : 6867 Nouakchott +222 45 25 11 75 etudehindy@yahoo.fr

TAXIS Taxi Rose

Directrice : Mme Mina Mint Hamdi Ould Habib +222 45 25 48 00 / 45 25 48 1O Private company to run a group of taxis, which they named «The Roseride Women’s Taxi» or (the pink race taxi for women).

Alló Taxi

Nouakchott +222 37 61 00 12

Abdul Taxi

Nouakchott +222 36 20 33 40 Speaks perfectly french and knows very well the city.



6th Sense Communication

56 Charles De Gaulle TVZ. Nouakchott +222 45 29 37 30 contact@nationalexpressmr.com www.fedex.com

Island ON ° 63 Tevragh Zeina Nouakchott +222 46 57 57 02 6 msenscom@gmail.com moulayenajim@gmail.com www.6msens.com

DHL Express Mauritania Boulevard Median Nouadhibou +222 45 25 47 06 adelgallao@gmail.com www.dhl.com


TVZ, Rue Mamadou Konté. Island Z 0030 N ° 8 Nouakchott +222 41 12 36 16 www.3dcube-rim.com

TNT Express

Ets Groupe Azize. 56 Avenue du General de Gaulle, Socogim Teveragh Zeina Nouakchott +222 36 11 33 90 ouldabdelaziz95@yahoo.com www.tnt.com

Crea Comm


Blue Communication Agency

Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser Rue Ministère BP 10000 - Nouakchott +222 45 25 72 27 mauripost@mauripost.mr www.mauripost.mr

Island Z 0023 / BP: 3306 Nouakchott +222 45 25 66 85 contact @ crea .net contact.creacom1@gmail.com

Alioune Ben Ebi Taleb Nouakchott +222 45 24 01 02 info@agenceblue.com



Zrb 430 - BP: 1272 - Nouakchott +222 45 24 36 58 Dg@butterfly.mr responsable.com@butterfly.mr www.agencebutterfly.com

BP: 1238 Nouakchott +222 45 25 37 70/45 25 16 49 ems. @ laposte.net www.laposte.net


Azizi Group

BP: 40031 Nouakchott +222 45 25 56 56 contact@groupeazizi.com www.groupeazizi.com

Mauritania television

Avenue Moktar Ould Daddah Nouakchott +222 43 43 07 11 tvm@tvm.mr www.tvm.mr

Fallu taxi

Nouakchott +222 46 99 03 70







Mohamed Lemine Sakho Street Nouakchott +222 45 25 93 94 www.radio .mr

Sahara Media Nouakchott Island K- 4 Nouakchott +222 45 25 51 81 booking@saharamedias.net www.saharamedias.net

Mauritanian News Agency - AMI Kasr 1540, 006-22, Habib Bou Rugiba Nouakchott +222 40 29 4525 +222 70 29 45 25 +222 16 29 4525 www.ami.mr

Nouakchott Information Agency (ANI) BP: 1905 Nouakchott +222 45 25 02 71 agenceani@yahoo.fr


Tevragh Zeina Nouakchott +222 33 33 35 98 cridem.webmaster@gmail.com www.cridem.org

SCHOOLS AND GARDENS FOR CHILDREN Le Petit Center extension Island K Nouakchott +222 45 29 89 20 +222 45 29 73 34 +222 45 29 73 34 lepetitcentre-extension.com



Ecole des Cadres


Island-k Extension 3 Nouakchott +222 45 24 33 33 +222 33 04 61 19 direction.edc@gmail.com www.ecoledescadres.net

American Mauritania



Nouakchott Hotel



Avenue Moctar Ould Daddah, Block 1; Nouakchott Olympic Stadium - Nouakchott +222 25 00 00 30 +222 25 00 00 31 +222 25 00 00 32 reservation@nouakchotthotel.com contact@nouakchotthotel.com www.nouakchotthotel.com

US Embassy BP: 3107 Nouakchott +222 45 25 29 67 +222 32 17 86 23 director@aisnmauritania.com www.aisnmauritania.com

Probably the best conference service provider.

TLC International School

Monotel - Dar El Barka

The Company SOMELEC



47, Avenue de l’Indépendance BP 355 Nouakchott +222 45 25 41 71 somelec@somelec.mr www.somelec.mr

The National Water Company - SNDE Rue de I Embassy of Senegal. BP: 796 Nouakchott +222 45 25 22 70 +222 45 25 23 31 Celullemarches.snde@yahoo.com Dg.snde@yahoo.com www.snde.mr




Avenue Moctar Ould Daddah - ZRF NB 858A Nouakchott +222 36 17 12 12 +222 45 29 53 54 contact@mattel.mr www.mattel.mr

Dar El Ichha

Mohamedel Habib Street, Nouakchott +222 41 61 77 81 darelichhar.com www.darelichhar.com

Al Khaima Hotel


563, Avenue du Roi Fayçal, PO Box: 7000 Nouakchott +222 45 25 76 00 webmaster@eljawal.mr www.mauritel.mr


BP 1336 Embassies Zone Nouakchott +222 45 24 23 33 contact@monotel-mr.com www.monotel-mr.com

Rue Chrif Ahmed Ould Abderrahmane Nouakchott +222 46 04 15 32 tlcmauritania@gmail.com www.tlcmauritania.com

Moov Mauritel

10 BP 5219, Rue Mamadou Konate, Nouakchott +222 45 24 43 95 / +222 45 24 00 12 hotel@alkhaimacitycenter.com www.alkhaimacitycenter.com

Digital print

Chinguitti 1 conference room - Mauricenter Hotel

Avenue Moctar Daddah Rond Point Cite Smar, BP. 3469 - Nouakchott +222 27 09 25 96 info@hotelmauricenter.com www.hotelmauricenter.com


Avenue du Roi Faiçal Nouakchott +222 36 20 37 70 contact@digiprint-mr.com http://www.digiprint-mr.com/

Al Mazaya Imprimerie

Guillaume Oumar Diakite General Director Avenue El Hadj Oumar Talle. Nouakchott, +222 41 21 59 56 | +33 6 60 95 42 29 bonjour@imprimerie-mazaya.com www.imprimerie-mazaya.com A real start of the art printing company in Mauritania. Matching international standards with the products it offers.


Yasser Arafat Street Nouakchott +222 20 00 24 60 chinguitel@chinguitel.mr www.chinguitel.mr




Avenue Moktar Ould Daddah, Nouakchott +222 45 29 57 58 +222 22 80 65 05 resourcing@africar.4sg www.g4s.com

MSS Security Office Tevragh-Zeina NOT 667 Nouakchott +222 46 97 71 83 info@mss.us https://mss.us/fr/accueil/

Argus Security

Tevragh-Zeina, block A 534 Nouakchott +222 42 00 11 17 info@aspgroup.com www.aspgroup.com

MSP Taxi

Nouakchott +222 80 00 16 16 www.msp-taxi.com


Villa 097 Nouakchott +222 45 25 31 48 infos @ af .org www.annalindhfoundation.org

French Language Institute in Nouakchott Nouakchott +222 49 46 64 04 ilfn @ .com https://institutfrancais-mauritanie.com/ @InstitutfrancaisdeMauritanie




Sahara English

Pour the Kissy Clinic Nouakchott +222 46 78 23 43 saharaenglish@gmail.com FB : Sahara English

Intensive English Center (IEC) F Nord ZF 203, Tevragh-Zeina Nouakchott +222 45 25 82 87 iec.infos@gmail.com


BP 5556 - 126, rue 42-098 Nouakchott +222 25 25 46 32 +222 25 25 46 33 www.sgs.com


FESAD - Spanish Center Côté Hôtel Tfeila 26212260 Nouakchott +222 46 22 22 60 nkt@selefesad.org


El Mourabitoune Change SA Island Z n ° 11 Charles de Gaulle Nouakchott +222 22 04 21 53

construction architects and engineers bring to the market construction and decoration solutions for the creation of original atmospheres and spaces. The trust and testimonials of our customers on our products reinforce our efforts and give us more confidence in the commitment developed day after day for an organization devoted to the service of our customers and partners. Our mission is the development of our products and relationships with our customers, thanks to our ability to adapt to new market contexts and new regulatory requirements. We always keep innovation and quality in mind as the center of all our business decisions. Our policy focused primarily on competitiveness in our market, improving profitability, meeting customer requirements and complying with legal and regulatory conditions.

Company Profile

Nouakchott +222 33 96 81 70

We rely on suppliers known on the international market for the quality of their products and their compliance with the most demanding standards. Our products come mainly from countries of the European Union, approved by monitoring laboratories and quality control offices. Triangle Construction through its showroom installed in a modern building on four levels in the center of the Sukuk area, exhibits over 1600M² of construction materials of more than 500 items starting with elevators and ending with accessories. Our catalogs give customers a wide choice of comparison and help decision makers in

CURRENCY EXCHANGE OFFICE Western Union and Moneygram

In recent years, the construction market has been invaded by low-end materials that do not meet standards, hence the majority of the problems in the construction and development sector. Construction triangle, this new creation comes to fill a manifest deficit of the Mauritanian market in materials and quality equipment.

El Mithagh Change

Mamadou Konaté Street ILOT 05 Nouakchott +222 36 38 36 36

Africa Change

Island P n ° 17 Charles de gaulle Nouakchott +222 36 15 94 46

Associate traders

Mr. Abdellahi Charrouck General Manager Sukuk, Nouakchott +222 25 00 00 87 info@tc-mr.com www.tc-mr.com

Island Z n ° 23 Charles de gaulle Nouakchott +222 46 45 91 96



Sukuk57 Nouakchott/Mauritania

+222 25 00 00 87

www.tc-mr.com info@tc-mr.com www.ebizguides.com



+222 31 41 41 56 hasshamed@gmail.com Home visit, medical consultation in the office, home infusion, blood test and laboratory analysis and health check-up.


+222 45 25 02 00 info@doctoapp.mr DoctoApp is the first platform providing services in the health sector, and which allows doctors, laboratories and pharmacies to be in contact with users. We make it possible to: -make remote appointments with general practitioners and specialists; - look for drugs; -provide information on medical examinations.


+222 28 58 28 58 - 28 58 28 59 info-mr@carapp-africa.net www.carapp-africa.net CarApp now offers a premium car reservation service by simply adding your starting point, destination and you will instantly get the price and estimated time of arrival of the car and the captain. CarApp has a large number of captains available 24/7 to get you where you want to go. Whether visiting family, commuting or just exploring your city, download CarApp now for a reliable, safe and comfortable commute.



+222 42 20 20 73 / +222 42 20 20 75 contact@neldam.com www.neldam.com Neldam is the first digital platform offering an ordering and delivery service in Mauritania. A dedicated team will take care of your orders with diligence and professionalism. All you need to do is register to take full advantage of it. With Neldam, your daily life is simplified.


+222 41 75 42 42 @ lemsaver.app The practical solution that allows drivers and passengers toand passengers to share their car journey Discover new cities at small prices.


+222 41 10 42 42 tfagapp@gmail.com The TFAG company is the first carpooling application (transport service between cities) in Mauritania.


info@sehdini.com sehdini.com/app Sehdini is an application that allows you to find any address with a few clicks


I tested in Nouakchott ... I recommend it / or not! : https://www.facebook.com/groups/ jaitesteanouakchott/

French Expats in Mauritania

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Almersoul is an online delivery application: choose your meals in the application, place the order and we take care of the rest.

Good corner Nouakchott

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Alliance Francaise : https://www.facebook. com/groups/AllianceFrancaiseNouakchott/


+222 31 35 35 14 / +222 42 78 01 01 almersoul.mrt@gmail.com www.almersoul.com

+222 42 42 90 20 / +222 32 42 90 20 Jibli.nkc@gmail.com














The Orca-1 exploration had thus become the largest deepwater hydrocarbon discovery in the world in 2019 and signified a worldwide quality of the Mauritania gas basin. According to KosmosEnergy, one of the partners of the BirAllah gas hub which also includes BP and the Mauritanian Hydrcarbure Company (SMH) , the Orca-1 and Marsouin-1 wells have reduced the risks by up to 50 TCF from GIIP, which is a sufficient resource to support a large-scale LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) project.

The current account deficit reached a record level of 17.6% of GDP, due to a one-third drop in iron ore exports and a halt in exports of fishery products. Official foreign exchange reserves remained stable in 2020 at US $ 1.135 billion, enough to cover 5.1 months of imports. Inflation, estimated at 2.7% in 2020, remains below the target of 4% set by the monetary authorities, but it is slightly above the rate of 2.3% in 2019.





Inward FDI flows (million USD)




FDI stocks (million USD)




Number of greenfield investments *




Value of Greenfield Investments (million USD)




Source: UNCTAD - Latest data available Note: * Greenfield investments correspond to the creation of ex-nihilo subsidiaries by the parent company.

OVERVIEW The deterioration of the global economy in 2020 following the COVID-19 pandemic caused Mauritania’s real GDP to contract 3.6% in 2020, after growing 5.9% in 2019. The balance The budget posted a deficit of 4.1% of GDP in 2020, compared to a surplus the year before. This deficit is due to the significant drop in tax revenues following the economic slowdown, the decline in export earnings, the relaxation of taxes on certain basic necessities and the significant increase in health expenditure to combat against COVID-19 infections.

Foreign direct investment

Mauritania remains relatively marginalized from foreign investment flows. According to the UNCTAD World Investment Report 2021 , FDI inflows to Mauritania increased by 10% in 2020, to reach USD 1.0 billion, due to investments from China, despite the crisis global economy triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. The total stock of FDI reached USD 10 billion in 2020. The majority of investments have targeted the oil exploration and exploitation sectors, iron ore and gold mining, telecommunications with the acquisition of mobile phone licenses and the construction sector. The country is trying to promote its strategic geographical position to attract new investors. It is rich in mineral and fishery resources and has great energy potential (gas, renewable energies). In October 2019, the big British oil company BP made a major gas discovery about 125 kilometers off Mauritania in the BirAllah region.


In addition, the country is trying to strengthen its strategic position and develop its port infrastructure and connectivity with investments in transport and telecommunications infrastructure. After receiving a USD 10 million grant from the World Bank in 2016 to develop and promote the Nouadhibou free zone, Mauritania is on the way to becoming a multipurpose service platform in the sub-region. In the 2020 edition of the World Bank’s Doing Business ranking, the country reached 152nd out of 190 economies for the ease of doing business. According to the report, Mauritania has improved access to credit information and facilitated contract enforcement. The Mauritanian authorities have also shown their interest in re-establishing their membership in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which will allow the country to exploit existing trade advantages,


including the creation of a zone trade, free trade, a common market as well as the Cotonou Agreement, a 20-year trade package signed between the European Community and 77 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries which serves as a platform for integration into global trade.


A booming oil market

The establishment of a policy of privatization and trade liberalization, in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund

Facilitation of FDI and equal treatment between foreign and national investors.

Support from donors and international organizations.

Freedom of establishment is guaranteed by Mauritanian law.

With a few exceptions, foreign investors can obtain a majority stake in a local company.

Rich mineral and fishery resources.

Favorable energy prospects (gas, renewable energies).

Increase in political stability and decrease in security problems.





Inadequate infrastructure.

A very young population with little qualifications for managerial positions (more than 64% of the population is under 25).

The impact of climate change with an increase in desertification.

A high level of poverty (40% of its population) and a large informal economy.

Eligibility Criteria for the Benefits of the Investment Charter The company must meet the following conditions: Be registered with the Trade and Personal Property Credit Register (RCCM); Create permanent jobs, which are exercised for at least 280 days per year; have a share capital equal to or greater than 1/5 of the investments; Use as a priority the local raw materials necessary for the manufacture of the finished product; Use the services of local businesses as a priority, on equal terms of quality, price and completion time compared to the services of external companies, in the case of service companies; Be registered with the national social security fund; Open an account in a local bank or in any other duly established financial, savings and credit institution; The Mauritanian government has set up a onestop-shop system to facilitate the procedures for foreign investors. You can deposit files there to obtain licenses, complete administrative procedures, establish companies and obtain work permits for foreign workers.


Procedures relating to foreign investment - Freedom of establishment : Freedom of establishment is guaranteed by Mauritanian law. Privatization and market liberalization have also made it possible to restore equality between companies and ensure equal access to the market and to credit. - The regulations concerning the acquisition of holdings : Foreign investors can take a majority holding in the capital of a local company. The investment code does not provide for any restriction based on the origin of the investment with regard to access to business capital in Mauritania. - The body to which to declare the investment : Mauritanian Court of Accounts. - Request for specific authorization : It is possible to invest in all sectors. However, in the field of mining and oil, telecommunications, insurance, banking and telecommunications, specific authorizations issued by the ministry to which these sectors are attached are required. Likewise, in the field of fisheries, a foreign investor cannot hold more than 49% of the shares of the company.

Tenders Info, Tenders in Mauritania https://www.tendersinfo.com/global-mauritania-tenders.php Africa Tenders, Tenders & Projects from Mauritania https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/33803 DgMarket, Tenders Worldwide https://www.dgmarket.com/tenders/list.do Mauritanian Development Webportal http://www.pmd.mr/pages/fr/?rand=E4F223A1-C8E9-4FE2-810D-8503E9A0454A UNCTAD’s Bilateral Investment Treaties signed by Mauritania https://investmentpolicy.unctad.org World Bank’s Report on Mauritania https://www.banquemondiale.org/fr/country/mauritania


The main types of companies recognized in Mauritania are: • Sole proprietorship • General partnership (SNC) • Limited partnership (SCS) • Limited liability company (SARL) • Public limited company (SA) • Simplified public limited company (SAS) • Partnership limited by shares (SCA)

RECOMMENDED WEBSITES The Court of Auditors www.cdcmr.mr Single Window website http://www.guichetunique-mr.info/ Invest in Mauritania (in French) www.investinmauritania.gov.mr http://apimagency.com






Photo 3

Photo 2

Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Tourism



The Mauritanian economy is dominated by extractive industries (oil and mining), fishing, livestock, agriculture and services. Half of the population still depends on agriculture and animal husbandry. Recently the GDP has increased, in particular due to foreign investments in the mining and petroleum sectors.

In 2016, Mauritania was among the ten most reforming economies in the world, and to continue this process, the government created several national commissions responsible for improving the business climate, in collaboration with international institutions specializing in the field. .

Mauritania’s vast mineral resources include iron ore, gold, copper, gypsum and phosphate rock, and exploration continues for tantalum, uranium, crude oil and natural gas. Extractive raw materials account for around three quarters of Mauritania’s total exports, subjecting the economy to price fluctuations on world raw material markets. Mining is also a growing source of government revenue. The country’s coastal waters are among the richest fishing grounds in the world, and fishing accounts for about 15% of budget revenues, 45% of foreign exchange revenues. Mauritania processes a total of 1,800,000 tonnes of fish per year, but overexploitation by foreign and national fleets threatens the sustainability of this key source of income. The economy is very sensitive to the international prices of food and extractive products. Other risks to the Mauritanian economy include its recurrent droughts, its dependence on aid and foreign investment and insecurity in neighboring Mali, as well as significant shortages of infrastructure, institutional capacity and capital. hn.

Islamic Republic Of Mauritania Honor - Fraternity - Justice

Adress: B.P. 387 Nouakchott Mauritania Phone : (+222) 525 7266 / 635 0275 E-mail: sidimd66@yahoo.fr WebSite: www.commerce.gov.mr


Mauritania is making steady progress in terms of the business climate. It has gained about 20 places since the 2016 ranking of the World Bank’s Doing Business report, reaching 152nd out of 190 economies in the 2020 report. Investment in agriculture and infrastructure has been the main component of public spending. of the country in past years. The outlook invites optimism: the potential revenues that will be generated by gas exploitation should result (if reforms to guarantee public governance are implemented) of large public sums to be reinjected into the economy by the State.



Thus, the country has implemented several policies and reforms to encourage foreign investment: the creation of development poles, and the updating of the commercial code, the investment code, or the creation of a one-stop shop. companies as well as an arbitration center or the Nouadhibou free zone illustrate the government policy to attract more foreign investment. The country has natural resources attracting a lot of foreign investments such as fishing, oil and mining exploration. However, it has great potential to develop, particularly with regard to agriculture and animal husbandry, tourism, trade and industrial or tertiary services. Mauritania has achieved sustained growth over the past 5 years and by virtue of its position also offers privileged access to the markets of the ECOWAS, (Economic Community of West African States) the AMU ( arab maghreb union), the EU and the USA due to the various agreements it has. It is also a member country of the WTO.(World Trade Organisation )

REGULATION OF INVESTMENTS The Mauritanian legal framework is favorable to private initiative and the country is open to foreign investments. The Constitution guarantees the right to property, freedom of commerce and industry. The investment code guarantees the freedom of establishment to any natural or legal person wishing to invest in Mauritania in compliance with the regulations in force. The code does not provide for restrictions on the freedom to invest for foreigners. The sectors of hydrocarbons, mining, insurance and banking are however excluded from the scope of the code.




On the other hand, they are subject to sectoral regulations which do not impose restrictions on the entry of foreign investors, except that investment in these sectors is subject to prior approval. This restriction is also applicable to domestic investors. Thus, the conditions for obtaining an authorization in the mining and hydrocarbons sector are identical for foreign and national investors. There is no sector closed to foreign investment but restrictions in certain sectors such as fishing where only Mauritanians are allowed to have a fishing wharf or water or electricity which remain under the jurisdiction. national companies.

INVESTMENT LAW The investment code provides for 3 privileged regimes which benefit from incentives: • The category of enterprises governed by the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) regime, which applies to any investment between 5 and 20 million Ouguiyas and generating at least 10 direct jobs. These investments benefit from tax and customs advantages during the installation phase limited to three years and during the operation phase:

Industrial inputs are subject to the rates listed in the customs tariff throughout the approval period. The regime for companies established in “Special Economic Zones”. This regime includes two types of companies: those established in export processing zones and companies established outside Nouakchott and which aim at regional development. Companies established in free zones are subject to the collection of income tax at the rate of the common law regime. Losses will be carried over to the next five years. o Companies having invested at least 50 million Ouguiya (1.4M USD approx) and generating at least 50 permanent jobs in free zones and which can prove an export potential of at least 80% are exempt from taxes linked to the hired staff (excluding social security contributions) and major land contributions:

The installation conditions as well as the specific advantages to be granted are defined within the framework of an agreement negotiated with the competent departments in conjunction with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development and the Ministry of Finance. Establishment Agreements are granted for a period of 20 years.

There are no sectors closed to foreign investment, on the contrary there are general incentives for investment. However, limitations are established: -Only a person of Mauritanian nationality may have a fishing dock; the sale of water and electricity remains the exclusive domain of national companies and it is necessary to provide a share of capital for the Mauritanian State within the framework of mining, oil or gas activities (from 10% to 20%) . Certain activities require prior authorization from the government (hydrocarbons, mines, water, electricity, fishing, etc.) -In protected sectors, partnership with a Mauritanian partner is imperative (i.e. to have the right to the Mauritania flag, a fishing boat must be owned at least at 51% by a Mauritanian natural person or a company whose capital is held at least 51% by people of Mauritanian nationality; a security / guard company must necessarily be managed by a former Mauritanian soldier).

- the License (capped); - the Land Contribution on Built Properties; - the Land Contribution on Unbuilt Properties;

The payment of 3.5% import tax, excluding any other duty or tax payable at the customs cordon on capital goods, the list of eligible products of which is set by the Minister of Finance’s decree

- the contribution of licenses.

Exemption from the Tax on Financial Operations (TOF) on the products of first investment loans or expansion of activities contracted with banks and financial institutions, within the framework of medium and long-term financing agreements.

total exemption from customs duties and taxes on the import of capital goods, materials, utility vehicles intended for production (the list of eligible goods is set by Order of the Minister of Finance).

o During the operational phase:

The finished products to be sold on the domestic market are subject to payment of customs duties and taxes. This procedure will be carried out in accordance with the customs regulations in force.


( iv) artisanal and coastal fishing, (v) industrial and manufacturing units, (vi) wind and solar renewable energy production and (vii) hotels and tourism outside Nouakchott.


- any tax based on personnel costs, excluding the employer’s contribution payable by the employer;

o During the installation phase limited to 3 years:

The payment of 3.5% import tax, excluding any other duty or tax payable at the customs cordon on capital goods, the list of eligible products of which is set by the Minister of Finance’s decree, as well as on spare parts recognizable as being intended for them.

The regime of Establishment agreements with the State. This regime is a novelty of the last code which targets large-scale investments (from 50 million to 500 million MRU and which aim to create between 20 and 500 direct jobs and 50 and 2000 indirect jobs) in seven broad sectors exhaustively enumerated from the national economy which are: (i) agriculture, (ii) processing of livestock products, (iii) on-land processing of industrial fishing products with the exception of fishmeal,

o Companies established in free zones benefit from:

Exemption from customs duties and taxes on export.






SECTOR MORE SUITABLE FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENT The majority of investments have targeted the sectors of oil exploration and exploitation, mining of iron ore and gold, telecommunications with the acquisition of mobile phone licenses and the construction sector. However Mauritania is a booming country where there are still many sectors to develop such as agriculture, livestock or tourism. With a view to a gradual and profound urban transformation and modernization which will probably be produced in the years to come, key construction sectors will continue to develop: high-rise construction, sanitation, roads, etc. Requirements: opening of governed by Mauritanian law.



The development of activities in Mauritania is planned subject to the creation of an entity governed by Mauritanian law for any activity carried out in the territory over more than 6 months. The legal forms most used are the traditional forms of continental law: Public Limited Company, Limited Liability Company, Joint Venture Company, Branch of a nonMauritanian company, etc. Certain sectors of activity must be subject to approval or prior authorization (water, electricity, mines, hydrocarbons, Nouadhibou free zone, etc.). The creation of an entity governed by Mauritanian law has undergone reforms in the previous years. The improvement of the system, the simplification of the procedure and the subsequent ability to control the economic data were starting points for the reforms implemented in the decade of 2010 with financing (in particular) from the World Bank. Thus, the creation of entities governed by Mauritanian law is centralized by a Single Window. TAXATION Commercial companies in Mauritania are either under the normal profit regime (BRN) for companies with a turnover greater than 5 million ouguiyas (MRU) or either under the intermediate profit regime for companies with a lower turnover. to 5 million ouguiyas (MRU). The main taxes to which commercial companies are subject are as follows:


1. Corporate tax (IS) BRN: the higher of 25% of net income or 2% of taxable income with a minimum collection of 100,000 MRU; BIS: the higher of 25% of net income or 2.5% of taxable income Payable in 3 installments on March 31 (40%), June 30 (30%) and September 30 (30%). 2. Value Added Tax (VAT) companies with a turnover of more than 3 million (MRU) are subject to VAT. The rates are 16% under ordinary law, 18% for telecommunications and 20% for petroleum products. Payable on the 15th of the following month. 3. Withholding - Simplified Taxation Regime (RSI: non residents): 15% - IBAPP withholding (IBAPP: resident individuals): 2.5% - Tax on Land Income (IRF: rents): 10% - Land contribution on Bâties Properties (CFPB: rents): 8% in Nouakchott, rate varying from 3 to 10% depending on the region. - Tax on Salaries and Wages (ITS): 15% below 9,000 MRU, 25% up to 21,000 MRU or 40% above 21,000 MRU depending on the salary; - Income tax on movable capital (IRCM): 10% Incentives and tax advantages. Various tax incentives and advantages are provided for under the mining or hydrocarbons code, the investment code, the Nouadhibou free zone or within the framework of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP).

CREATION OF COMMERCIAL COMPANIES As part of the political reforms initiated by the Government, in recent years there has been the creation of a one-stop shop for the creation of businesses in Nouakchott and for the Nouadhibou free zone, which has made it possible to facilitate the creation of businesses by bringing together the various services needed to start a business in 48 hours. In practice, the creation process rather takes between 6-10 days.


Adress: 303, Avenue de l’Indépendance. BP : 215, Nouakchott-Mauritania info line : +222 45 25 22 14 / 45 25 04 07 E-mail: 71info@cciam.mr Site web : www.cciam.mr




The State guarantees approved companies the stability of the fiscal conditions applicable to their investment for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of notification of their registration or approval.

• occupational risks (work accidents and occupational diseases)

Investors benefit from preferential rates for the concession of land for industrial or commercial use.


• pensions (old age, early retirement, invalidity and survivor pensions).


Contributions to the National Health Insurance Fund are also subject to quarterly declaration and payment.

In Mauritania, the possession of a Land Title (TF) of a definitive concession, or of a certificate of ownership confers legal ownership of a property. It is the Direction Générale des Domaines et du Patrimoine de l’Etat (DGDPE) which is responsible for issuing this documentation.

The following principles are at the head of the guarantees provided by the Mauritanian State for foreign investors. Their practical application must be understood within the framework of the points mentioned and developed above:

Import and export operations are subject to prior customs approval and must be declared in the customs system (Automatic Customs Data Processing System (ASYCUDA) in accordance with the relevant WTO nomenclature. Imports are subject to the payment of all import duties and taxes (VAT, statistical royalty, etc.) Exports are exempt from VAT but must be the subject of a specific approval for the product to be exported.

CUSTOMS REGULATIONS The customs code is governed by Law No. 2017-035 of December 21, 2017 repealing and replacing Law 66-145 of July 21, 1966. The applied customs tariffs are ad-valorem import and export duties which vary between 5 to 20% of the commercial value of the object of the transaction.

LABOR ARRANGEMENT All employers must, when opening / creating their establishment, register with the National Social Security Fund ( CNSS) and declare their employees when they are recruited. If the company has employees on permanent contracts, it must also register with the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie. The company will also have to make a declaration at the level of the National Office of Occupational Medicine as well as at the level of the Labor Inspectorate. Employees and employers pay quarterly contributions to the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) regardless of the type of contract and the nationality of the employee. These contributions cover the following three branches: • family benefits (family allowances, prenatal allowances, birth bonus and daily maternity allowance)


The recruitment of foreign employees is subject to obtaining, from the competent administration, an authorization or a work permit issued in the event that equivalent national skills are not available for the positions to be filled. Additionally, for companies which are among their workforce with more than 8 employees, a Mauritanization Plan must be agreed with the Employment Department. This Plan must consider the transfer of skills and positions held by foreigners to people of Mauritanian nationality in a progressive manner, while providing for training activities complementary to professional tasks, to ensure the replacement of foreigners by their Mauritanian counterparts after a certain period. The system of granting work permits for foreigners has been restricted in recent years, in a public logic of promoting employment and training of the Mauritanian workforce. As a result, the obtaining of work permits for foreign workers has become much more limited, which sometimes prevents the correct progress of projects, with regard to a lack of possibility of hiring foreign workers with the skills and the experience required for the positions, and the imposition by the Mauritanian administration of local staff without the necessary qualifications. Expatriate agents working for companies in accordance with the Investment Code benefit from certain privileges, it is the same under the hydrocarbons or mining code. The employment contract for a foreigner must be recorded in writing. He is the subject of a work permit, issued by the Employment Department reporting to the Ministry in charge of Employment. Ownership and access to land Non-Mauritanians can access land in Mauritania through rental, emphyteutic lease (ie a long-term real estate lease) or acquisition.


Is subject to the delivery of the land title, any parcel of which the owner has already carried out the development, in accordance with the vocation of the zone. The land title confers on the holder a definitive and irrevocable right of ownership. It is only issued if the owner of the plot already holds an occupancy permit and has completed his registration formalities in the land books of the Registrar of Land Property. The registration of buildings in the private domain of the State and that of buildings in the name of individuals is carried out by the Land Conservation Service within the General Directorate of State Domains and Heritage. - The occupancy permit: is issued to any person or owner who requests it accompanied by a copy of their authentic allocation letter, a photocopy of their identity and a fiscal stamp. - The land title: is issued to any person (or any owner) who requests it and who has completed the necessary formalities and who has carried out a development and received a building permit, issued on the basis of a file of conformity submitted by the petitioner and having obtained the favorable opinion of the competent services. International agreements Mauritania is a signatory of tax treaties (to avoid, among other things, double taxation) with France, the Arab Maghreb Union, the Community of West African States, Tunisia and Algeria. Mauritania is also a signatory to the WTO agreements and benefits for its exports from the generalized system of preferences for the EU and the US within the framework of the ACP and AGOA respectively.

Security and stability of investment ; Guarantees of currency availability; Guarantees for the transfer of capital; Equality of opportunity and non-discrimination; Business and property rights and freedoms; Employment of expatriate staff. Repatriation of capital The repatriation of capital is free after payment of the corporation tax and the tax on income from movable capital (IRCM). Freedom of exchange is guaranteed by banking regulations and is provided by means of the documentary supporting documents required by banks in the context of their activity (invoice, etc.). However, in practice, repatriation is subject to the availability of foreign currency by the secondary banks, and also to the weekly or bi-weekly transfer ceilings set by the latter.

MAIN INSTITUTIONS AND LINKS OF INTEREST • One- stop shop: www.singlewindow.info • Directorate General for the Promotion of the Private Sector : www.investinmauritania.gov.mr • Directorate General of Taxes : www.impots.gov.mr • National Social Security Fund (CNSS) : www.cnss.mr • National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) : www.cnam.mr • Central Bank of Mauritania : www.bcm.mr • Hades Consulting (ConseilLegal & Tax) : www.hades.consulting





Company Profile

The Mauritanian Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAM)

Created in 1958, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Mauritania (CCIAM) became, at the end of the law 2000/04 of January 17, 2000, a public establishment of a professional nature, endowed with legal personality and financial autonomy, whose main mission is to supervise and represent the economic interests of commercial, industrial, agricultural, fishing and service-providing companies to the public authorities. The competences of the CCIAM thus extend over the whole of the national territory. It is run by bodies elected every five years and is composed as follows :

Mr. Ahmed Babe Ould Eleya President 303 Independence Avenue. BP : 215, Nouakchott +222 45 25 22 14/45 25 04 07 info@cciam.mr

A Consular General Assembly, sovereign organ of the Chamber

An Executive Board headed by a President

A General Secretariat

Anxious to fully contribute to the economic development of the country by giving new impetus to the private sector, the Chamber, taking into account the priority needs of the local economic fabric, develops and offers a wide range of services and products focused on information, the Council, support, training, mediation & arbitration.




A RANGE OF SERVICES AND LOCAL ADVICE 1- Business support The CCIAM continues its commitment to the private sector by offering a full range of services to respond to creation initiatives and support business development. We also support companies in their internationalization as well as foreign investors wishing to set up in Mauritania. The CCIAM is called upon on a daily basis to stimulate missions of information, advice, collective and individual support and networking with companies. The CCIAM supports project leaders by welcoming, advising and supporting innovative projects. The CCIAM supports and advises project leaders throughout the various stages of development of their projects and in their various administrative, legal and commercial procedures. 2- Training The Mauritanian Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (CCIAM) is actively working to revitalize the Mauritanian private sector. We work in close collaboration with the various economic actors, national and international companies in all sectors of activity in order to improve the match between supply and demand on the labor market.


The CCIAM offers a quality and tailor-made training offer with the help of a network of local and foreign experts highly qualified and certified to international standards. The training offer of the CCIAM is adapted to the needs of companies. It revolves around the following axes : •

Continuous improvement of skills within the company

High added value business training

Short, efficient and professional training

Training sessions organized as needed and on demand

3- Arbitration & Mediation The CCIAM, within the framework of the investment promotion policy in Mauritania, has decided to contribute to the strengthening of legal security, by creating, like modern countries, an alternative tool for settling disputes in order to respond to to strong demand expressed by investors and our technical and financial partners. Hence the creation of a permanent institution called the International Center for Mediation and Arbitration of Mauritania (CIMAM), the purpose of which is to contribute to the strengthening of the bonds of trust, necessary for business development, by promoting mediation and arbitration as an appropriate mode of conflict resolution.




Company Profile

Investment Promotion Agency in Mauritania - APIM

APIM is also in charge of identifying projects, investments and partners to carry them out. The agency will continue to do the work of the one-stopshop, namely: to facilitate the registration and the realization of projects, while going a little further. Thus, the new version one-stop-shop will support investors in their installation and the effective implementation of their projects, while being responsible for monitoring the investments made.

APIM’s missions: •

Position Mauritania as an attractive investment destination;

Create investment opportunities in a climate conducive to investors;

Executive Director

Assist investors;

Avenue, Moktar Ould Daddah, in front of the Nouakchott Television Channel

Monitor the implementation of projects by the Single Window.

+222 38 81 90 05

The new showcase of foreign & national direct investments in Mauritania.

M. Aissata Lam




The Mauritania Investment Promotion Agency (APIM) is the government entity in charge of national and foreign direct investments, as well as the country’s investment climate. The Agency promotes and implements Mauritania’s new vision, led by President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, for sustainable and more inclusive development driven by stronger productive sectors.


The new executive director Aissata Lam has been leading this new agency since the beginning of 2021. Investment in Agriculture are strongly supported and welcomed by the President´s vision. The agency is under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy and private initiatives.













Historical economic city of Port Etienne and the bays of Etoile and that of Repos, Nouadhibou has always been a popular destination for economic players and adventurers. It was naturally the port of entry and exit for the mining and trade sector before the country’s independence.

The advantages and opportunities of the Nouadhibou Free Zone Nouadhibou is the economic capital of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania Population: 120,000 inhabitants

and administrative simplified procedures (Single Window), etc. Also, the State guarantees approved companies the stability of these tax conditions by virtue of a law. The Free Zone Authority guarantees overall consistency in the development of the Free Zone, the continuity and sustainability of programs and the creation of basic infrastructure in accordance with international standards. Its mission is also to promote and coordinate investments in this area and to create a climate conducive to business and attractive conditions for investors and economic operators.

Over 1,500,000 tonnes of catches per year Export capacity exceeding 12 million tonnes / year for iron Marine surface area: 60,000 ha


Company Profile

Nouadhibou Free Zone (ZFN)

Mr. Mohamed Aly Ould Sidi Mohamed

110 km seafront The Islamic Republic of Mauritania has created in the Wilaya of Dakhlet Nouadhibou, a Free Zone on the Nouadhibou peninsula which constitutes a vast priority economic development zone (more than 130,000 ha) covering a maritime and land area whose objectives are: •

attract investment and encourage the private sector,

develop infrastructure,

create new jobs and strengthen the skills of Mauritanian workers and

stimulate inclusive economic development focused on private investment and optimization of socio-economic impact .

Opening onto an Exclusive Economic Zone of 230,000 km² The Nouadhibou peninsula enjoys real comparative advantages which make it, more than any other, welcome a large panel of the most diverse industrial and commercial activities, while constituting a major crossroads of exchanges between Africa, Europe and the Americas. Among these assets, we will cite its position on the Atlantic and its proximity to the Mediterranean on the axis of the main maritime and air routes, its naturally protected bay, its position on one of the most fishrich areas in the world which it hosts. the main part of the activities, its joint ownership with particularly rich national mining provinces (iron, copper, gold, etc.) for which it constitutes the main logistics base, its temperate climate all year round, etc.

Chairman of the Nouadhibou Free Zone Authority City PS-485 to 488, Nouadhibou +222 45 744 176/166

At the regulatory level, the Nouadhibou Free Zone benefits from a specific regime that is particularly tax-incentive (total tax and customs exemption, etc.)

infos@ndbfreezone.mr www.ndbfreezone.mr






Nouadhibou Free Zone Regulation Center (CRZF) The Regulatory Center with extended powers constitutes a guarantee of legal and judicial certainty in matters relating to the ZFN and is responsible for : •

Ensure compliance with the laws and regulations relating to the free zone, development zones and support infrastructures under objective, transparent and nondiscriminatory conditions of the procedures for the selection of holders of agreements and special contracts by the Authority ; Ensure compliance with the conditions for granting and granting licenses to businesses and guarantee access for priority businesses to services and utilities within business zones under transparent and non-discriminatory conditions (Electricity, Water and security) ; Manage the conflicts between the actors of the Free Zone, relating to the application of this law, its application texts, the internal regulations of the development zones and the conventions and acts concluded in application of the said texts.

The CRZF has the following powers : Issue the instructions and internal regulations necessary for the regulation of the free zone and the regulation of services and utilities within the free zone and development zones ; Impose the sanctions provided for by law 2013001 against any developer, operator or approved company, guilty of manifest violation of laws and regulations relating to the Free Zone ; Organize conciliation procedures and render arbitration decisions on disputes between players in the Free Zone ;


Why invest in Nouadhibou? Exceptional geo-strategic positioning: crossroads of major maritime routes possible development of a deep water port, natural access to a natural logistics corridor; Incentive investment framework: tax and customs benefits and facilitation of the Free Zone system; Modern existing infrastructure undergoing full restructuring (such as a refrigerated terminal at Nouadhibou airport for the export of fresh products, fish pumping stations to guarantee the quality and traceability of fresh products landed); Land reserve available to investors for logistical, industrial and commercial development; Guarantees to investors with, among other things, an independent judicial system, the availability of arbitration and the freedom to transfer capital; Legal framework adapted to private arrangements and PPP (Public-Private Partnerships) with a portfolio of priority projects open to investors; Energy solutions available with access to 100 MW wind power and a strategic connection with Nouakchott in view; Exceptional economic potential with access to an abundant fishery resource and a developing logistics corridor; Mild climate and naturally privileged site.

Provide technical advice on the operation and development of the Free Zone and development zones.

Villa PS-485 à 488, Nouadhibou (+222) 45 744 167/166 infos@ndbfreezone.mr



www.ndbfreezone.mr 83



Finally, Nouadhibou has significant land potential on these different sites. Aware of the challenges of environmental protection and heritage protection, the Free Zone Authority has undertaken a methodical approach to real estate development for individuals and investors. A set of adapted projects have been launched in the Cabanons Zone. Among other things, the Nouadhibou Free Zone Authority has set itself ambitious objectives which can be summarized mainly as follows : •

-The development of the Zone des Cabanons which covers 145 ha of prime land remarkable for the quality of its landscape and on the internal facade of the bay ; for this, the Free Zone has already provided services to the area with more than 10 km of access ledges and advanced sanitation projects and interconnection to primary services (water and electricity connections, …); The increase in the city’s reception capacity with a modernization of the hotel infrastructure and this thanks to a special promotion policy which has already shown results. The capacity has almost doubled and several « names « have indicated the intention to have a representation in Nouadhibou.

Attractive framework for investment The legal arsenal established for the Nouadhibou Free Zone contributes to strengthening institutional capacities and improving the general business climate in the Zone. Hence the measures introduced to accelerate the conduct of administrative procedures and facilitate the procedures of economic operators as much as possible (introduction of tax and customs advantages, legal guarantees for the transfer of capital, establishment of a regulatory center for arbitration disputes, servicing of land assets, etc.).



So many incentive measures which are likely to give an additional pledge of confidence to developers and investors with a Single Window at their service.

Fiscal advantages The State guarantees to all companies the stability of the fiscal conditions applicable to their investment for a period of 20 years from the date of notification of their registration or approval.

Industrial and Commercial Profits Tax (BIC) : • Exemption until the seventh fiscal year (inclusive) following the one during which the registration or approval was issued (rate 0); • Reduced rate of 7% from the eighth to the fifteenth financial year inclusive; • Common law rate of 25% from the sixteenth year.

The Tax on Salaries and Wages (ITS) : For

expatriate employees of priority companies, an ITS cap of up to 20% is offered.

Local taxation : approved companies remain subject to local taxes and levies. Administration fee: Approved companies are subject to an administration fee of 2% of annual turnover. However, priority companies are subject to a rate of 0% for this royalty.

Customs advantages The customs territory of the ZFN is a special territory whose authorized persons have the following advantages:


Imports of goods into the ZFN from abroad or from the Mauritanian customs territory are exempt from all import duties, taxes and fees, as well as all duties, fees, taxes and duties including VAT, levied in respect of import and control operations for goods; Exports abroad of goods and products from the ZFN are not subject to any export duties and customs tax. Certain basic necessities are excluded from this advantage, fishing products as they are still subject to the regulations in force in the sector.

Foreign Exchange Regime The exchange regime applicable to approved companies is derogatory to the common law exchange regime. Transfer: Approved companies enjoy the freedom to transfer funds abroad for their various current operations or distributions of profits and dividends, after payment of duties and taxes due under the law of the Free Zone. Foreign currency accounts: Approved companies whose activity is mainly export-oriented may keep in foreign currency accounts opened in foreign banks the currencies received by reason of their activities in the proportions necessary to cover their transactions. or to be made in currency. The exemption from the tax on financial operations (TOF) only benefits priority companies.

A one-stop shop for operators’ services The main objective of the Nouadhibou Free Zone Authority is to promote the development of the Free Zone by mobilizing investors and ensuring a favorable business environment. To this end, it has created within it a Single Window whose main role is to facilitate investment and to support operators upstream and downstream.


The One Stop Shop receives and examines requests from investors wishing to benefit from the advantages of the Free Zone Regime and also ensures, in conjunction with the administrations and public and private organizations concerned, the implementation of the provisions of the Approval. The One Stop Shop of the Nouadhibou Free Zone Authority is the sole point of contact for operators and undertakes to: • Organize a reception service, guidance and handling of formalities related to investment projects in request for approval in the Free Zone and those in operation or execution under the special regime; • Communicate the list of documents to be provided according to the nature of the formality and ensure the admissibility of the files sent to the administrations and organizations concerned to facilitate the implementation of investment decisions; • Monitor investment projects that have benefited from advantages granted by the Nouadhibou Free Zone Authority; • Ensure compliance with the legal deadlines for processing files and carrying out the required formalities with the administrations and organizations concerned; • Ensure the processing of requests, in conjunction with the various Administrations and organizations concerned ; • Ensure the promotion of investments and structuring projects of the Free Zone at the national, regional and international level.

Portfolio of projects and achievements As part of the implementation of the development plan for the Nouadhibou Free Zone, the Authority has already carried out a series of development projects, land improvements and strategic studies.




Priority projects to come are: •

The development of the Fisheries Competitiveness Pole of Nouadhibou with the infrastructural and normative dimension;

The Deep Water Port with its construction and management, operation and governance methods;

Receipt of a storage warehouse for exports at the Nouadhibou international airport in accordance with international standards applicable to food products;

The construction and operation of a new international airport with a commercial vocation for export and national and regional service:

Track of 3 km extendable, width of 45 m;

Terminal with a capacity of 100,000 passengers per year over an area of 6,000 m2, expandable up to 10,000 m2;

Freight terminal.

Sanitation with the development, construction and operation of a wastewater treatment plant and a sanitation network in the city of Nouadhibou;

The construction and operation of a seawater desalination plant, with a capacity of 50,000 m 3 / day for industrial and commercial use;

The development of a tourist center with modern reception infrastructures for ecological leisure tourism;

In addition, the extensions and rehabilitations of the PAN (Port Autonome de Nouadhibou) and EPBR (Port Establishment of the Bay of Repos) ports as well as the development works of tourist areas offer a set of business opportunities to investors who so wish. , following a Public Private Partnership approach.

The Mauritania green energy hub project Aware of the extremely important assets of Mauritania in terms of renewable energy resources (wind and solar), a second investor (InterContinental Energy) presented the Mauritanian Government in early 2021 with a project relatively similar to the AMAN project which will be developed in northern Mauritania on a desert site of approximately 8500 km². The goal is to create «a stable export vector that will generate thousands of new jobs in construction, local manufacturing, operations and export facilitation.» AMAN will have a transformative effect on the Mauritanian economy, generating billions of USD in income and providing access to cheap electricity and water for the population and for operators of the economy. The first phase of the project aims to develop solar and wind farms in pre-identified areas capable of producing 28 GW of electricity. This production would be coupled with the development of desalination units (one on the eastern shore of the bay of Nouadhibou and the other north of Nouakchott), the production of hydrogen being able to be exported (possibly in the form of ammonia). ) and the implementation of various industrial programs that can benefit from cheap energy sources (mining, agriculture, etc.). The planned investment (phase 1) amounts to approximately $ 32 billion.






The Fisheries Competitiveness Cluster (PCH) The work carried out in 2016 and 2017 for the development of the Development Strategy for a Fisheries Competitiveness Cluster (PCH) in Nouadhibou makes it possible to specify the volumes linked to fishing activity in the northern zone. The prospects are all part of the national fisheries strategy which ultimately aims to land in Mauritania (mostly in Nouadhibou) all the catches to promote the development of employment and the creation of wealth in the territory. national. The total volume of products landed at Nouadhibou which interests us within the framework of the Deep Water Ports project is estimated at 895,100 tonnes per year, all species combined (small, pelagic, tuna, demersal, crustaceans, cephalopods).

Deep Water Port (PEP) The deep-water port could develop a vocation of «port of the Sahara». To achieve this objective, Nouadhibou must however offer an excellent capacity for handling container traffic (specialized terminals, equipped with quayside equipment and efficient parks) and display competitive port services and costs.


Such a capacity would open the door to an increase in essential transhipments and, in the longer term, perhaps strategic transhipments if a shipowner wants to make it a fulcrum for its policy of serving between Europe and Africa. and South America. The PEP project is inseparable: The availability of the PEP is a condition for the structuring and development of the fishing industry and the PEP could not be viable without the traffic generated by the fishing industry. The PEP strengthens and gives credibility to the country’s fisheries strategy to the point that Nouadhibou could become a place in the world of international trading for the fishing industry in addition to or in competition with Las Palmas.

New International Airport One of the important actions retained by the PDP of the Nouadhibou Free Zone is the complete transfer of the airport activity from Nouadhibou to a site on the outskirts of the city. This action will, among other things, make it possible to support and further support the actors of the Free Zone in their activities, while freeing the land with high real estate value from the current platform. Likewise, the increase in airport traffic expected in the coming years, both passenger and freight transport, requires the construction of a new airport that meets universal standards in this area, and therefore the lifting of the barrier between town and the waterfront.

Deep Water Port (PEP) Table of real investments by area and sector of activity Number of approved firms

Activity area

Amount of investments made MRU


Manufacturing activities


Real Estate Activities / Promotion


Sanitation, Roads and Waste Management


Specialized or non-specialized trade activities


ICT activities

12 585 300


Shipbuilding and repair activities

900 972 856


Civil Engineering Activities

330 671 331


Processing and preservation of fish


Hotels and restaurants


Road transport, Air and services


Refining, Storage and Transfers of petroleum products


Processing of manufactured products


Handling and storage


food manufacturing


Rental of materials


Manufacture of articles in wood, cork, basketwork, paper and cardboard

Total in Ouguiyas Total in USD

79,582,385 6,582,385 327 953 500 1 704 929 219

18 527 765 131 347 949 656 50 716 326 43 602 169 360 766 604 867 2 135 905 577 24,147,500 104,780,000 1 621 522 900

70 544 838 293 1 906 617 251

New International Airport www.ebizguides.com





Main entities

Company Profile

Autonomous Port of Nouadhibou (PAN)


The relatively landlocked town of Nouadhibou and the center of all fishing-related activities, makes PAN the main source of development for the fishing sector in general and the development of the town in particular.

A geographical position and a strategic establishment (proximity to Europe and America and quality connections).

A secular port tradition, an organized and experienced workforce.

ISO 9001 version 2015 (Quality) and ISPS (port facility security) certified, the PAN, which has a 660-meter quay extension housing two RO-RO ramps and 121,000 m2 of median, has started the implementation of an ambitious plan to modernize its facilities and equipment. It is in this context that actions are taken to: Mr. Ahmoudeitt Ould Chein

The rehabilitation and deepening of the trade wharf to allow it to double its capacity and accommodate boats with a draft of 10m;

The renewal of the beaconing system: buoys, lights and signaling lights in order to allow docking 24 hours a day and to reduce the waiting time for ships in the harbor;

Installation of a modern fish pumping system on the fishing pier;

Strengthening the lighting system;

The establishment of a modern system for the surveillance of the harbor and the management of port maritime traffic;

Installation of modern access control systems.

General manager Nouadhibou, BP: 236 +222 45 74 66 64 contact@pan.mr www.pan.mr

Dynamic economic entity, the Autonomous Port of Nouadhibou (PAN), in addition to having a large land reserve and enormous development potential, occupies a privileged geographical position and therefore enjoys exceptional natural conditions that maintain it all. year round sheltered from swells. The Autonomous Port of Nouadhibou is the main gateway to the Nouadhibou free zone and is a port platform with great potential: •

Main fishing port of the country in front of the waters of one of the most fish-rich coasts in the world (an enormous potential of 1,500,000 T / year of exploitable fishery resources within the framework of a sustainable management).

Autonomous Port of Nouadhibou (PAN) www.ebizguides.com





NOUADHIBOU FREE ZONE Port of artisanal fisheries of Nouadhibou

Port Establishment of the Bay of Repos (Port of artisanal fisheries of Nouadhibou)

From Nouadhibou, with what that implies in terms of ambition to improve, develop and modernize its services.


Company Profile

Ensure the organization and development of artisanal and coastal fishing Facilitate port services and bring them closer to the artisanal fisherman and work to improve them Manage the port infrastructure Carry out maintenance work on the port and guarantee its rational operation Create new extensions as needed and carry out dredging work Mr. Mohamed Vall Ould Youssef

Carry out organizational and security work

General manager

Ensure the hygiene of the port and the coast.

Zone Thiarka / Boulevard Maritime, BP: 518, Nouadhibou

Fight against fires inside the port area Carry out mobilization and awareness actions

+ 222 45 74 65 35 Portartisanlepbr@gmail.com

The Port Establishment of the Bay of Repos (EPBR) was created by decree n ° 071/96, dated 13/11/1996

INFRASTRUCTURE The Port Establishment of the Baie du Repos has many infrastructures including :

He is responsible for the management and administration of artisanal fishing port.

• 16 floating pontoons for embarkation, disembarkation and mooring of canoes

EPBR is a public establishment with financial autonomy and placed under the supervision of the Nouadhibou Free Zone Authority

• A 200 m long fixed quay intended for inshore fishing boats

The port is presented today as a complete economic and social infrastructure. Playing multiple roles at once and helping to provide living conditions and employment opportunities To many citizens from various segments of Mauritania. Now establishing itself as a development tool located at the heart of the more global pole that is the free zone


• A full land of more than 150,000 m 2 • 216 warehouses for artisanal fishing equipment • A fish market with 18 shops, a large hall to display and sell fish • An ice cream factory and several offices • A service station to supply boats with fuel, open 24 hours a day • A health post that provides care 92





Port services



Disembarkation / embarkation

Current projects at the Port des Pêches Artisanal :




Rental domains

Installation works of a fish pumping station (small pelagic) as part of the cooperation between the Free Zone Authority and the World Bank Group ;

Modernization Project of the Artisanal Fishing Port of Nouadhibou (Funded by German cooperation KFW). The main thrusts of the project are:

- -

Sanitation Mechanical and naval repair


Security and fire fighting


Primary care health post


● A 3,000 m2 tidal market ;

The population frequenting the port daily is estimated at 30-40 thousand people

● 680 stores for fishermen x 25 m2 ;

And is divided into different categories :

● Renovation and extension of the sewerage network ;



● 7 km of roads and a fence.




Fishing equipment sellers






Miscellaneous service providers

Suggested projects A ship repair business project inside the port allows an investor to obtain the floor on which he will build his project, which will bring him abundant profits.

Nouadhibou Maps

Nouadhibou Maps www.ebizguides.com





SAFA Mr. Moustapha Ould Ahmed Salem Marketing managers Headquarters: Zone portière , Nouadhibou


In addition, through its experience of more than 30 years, the existence of a noble raw material and its ISO 9001 certification, it has been able to acquire the approval of 1700T of wear parts and articles vital for the operation of SNIM facilities.


SAFA has accumulated 30 years of experience in the steel industry by manufacturing low and high alloy steels.

Sunrise oceanic resources exploitation company-sa

Cansado Route - Central Point BP. 528, Nouadhibou

Nouadhibou Free Zone, Nouadhibou

+222 45 74 29 74/45 74 29 79

+222 22888888




+222 45 74 61 28 mustapha.safa@snim.com safa@snim.com http://www.safa-mr.com/ SAFA is an industrial company specializing in the manufacture of foundry parts. It was created in 1984, it is one of the major national industrial companies and constitutes the nucleus of the future industrialization of the country.

Nouadhibou Desert Train (SNIM) www.ebizguides.com

Ridha sarl Industrial Area BP 8586, Nouadhibou

Construction Mécanique de l’Atlantique Activity: Manufacture, manufacture and repair of parts, frames and mechanical assemblies.

+222 25 01 50 50 / +222 36 37 01 85

Fishing, Processing, Processing, Export & Import and Marketing of Fishery Products.














Table Table 5. Mauritania: Banking Soundness Indicators, 2010–19 5. Mauritania: Banking Soundness Indicators, 2010–19 (In percent, unless otherwise otherwise indicated) (in percent, unless indicated) 2010 Balance sheet Assets / GDP Net private-sector credit / total assets Public enterprise credit / total assets Government securities / total assets Private-sector credit growth (y-o-y) Gross NPLs / gross loans Of which: accrued interest on NPLs / gross loans Of which: legacy NPLs (pre-2010) / gross loans Of which: new NPLs / gross loans Provisions / (gross NPLs - accrued interest) Provisions / loans 360+ days in arrears Deposits / total assets Private-sector gross loans / private-sector deposits

Such performances are the result of the profound changes that have taken place in many sectors of the economy, in particular the new monetary policy, the liberalization of the financial and banking sector and the opening up to foreign investment.

HISTORICAL Born around the development of the mining sector, the basic structure of the financial sector in Mauritania began 13 years after independence.


In 1973, Mauritania withdrew from the African Financial Community (CFA) and its currency the CFA franc to create its own independent central bank as well as a national currency, the Uguiyas. Foreign capital, mainly from Arab countries, has contributed to the rapid expansion of the financial sector. Years of high commodity prices have also provided local groups with enough liquidity to invest in the creation of new banks, mainly born to finance their own operations. In the mid-1980s, Mauritania’s monetary and banking structure consisted of the Central Bank of Mauritania - BCM and six commercial banks with government or BCM participation. During the 1980s, loans reached over 50% of bank assets. The lack of an appropriate framework and supervision, economic downturns and inexperience resulted in a spiral of debt, both private and public, which swept through the local economy.









30.9 48.2 10.2 11.1 10.6 39.2 11.5 13.7 14.1 31.2 90.7 60.9 105.9

32.5 50.8 7.2 11.2 15.1 25.7 8.3 13.8 3.6 53.1 88.0 59.1 110.7

35.2 52.1 3.4 5.8 14.9 20.4 7.1 12.8 0.5 52.9 88.8 57.8 113.7

42.5 55.5 6.9 5.8 21.3 23.0 10.1 9.7 0.4 52.5 87.0 61.0 137.7

43.2 57.0 3.3 2.0 8.0 30.0 5.1 9.7 0.4 78.5 93.0 60.8 134.1

45.6 54.9 5.4 2.0 8.3 25.5 7.2 9.7 0.6 63.0 58.0 59.0 110.4

52.5 43.8 5.3 1.0 7.5 22.4 6.0 … … 70.7 72.3 60.2 88.4

55.6 41.2 4.7 0.6 19.4 22.6 … … … 77.8 … 55.6 94.5

54.1 41.0 5.3 0.9 12.8 21.5 … … … 76.1 … 63.2 94.7

16.7 34.0

18.5 35.2

17.5 29.2

18.7 32.4

14.7 28.1

13.7 23.1

14.2 23.7

13.8 22.2

12.9 24.7

18.4 25.3

10.5 112.1 -16.0

10.5 135.2 -32.7

10.5 100.1 -45.9

10.6 106.6 -26.0

10.5 138.6 -70.4

6.7 108.2 -72.7

8.9 116.0 -69.8

12.0 102.5 25.0

10.1 99.5 -32.6

12.0 103.2 -31.8

Profitability and liquidity Return on assets Return on equity Liquid assets / total assets 1/

0.4 2.7 29.5

1.2 6.0 29.7

1.4 8.4 29.8

1.2 6.4 24.0

1.2 6.6 23.5

0.7 5.1 21.4

… … 17.0

… … 24.6

… … 19.6

… … 20.9

Memorandum items: Share of assets held by three largest banks Number of banks

53.7 10

50.7 12

45.4 12

42.3 15

45.7 15

42.0 16

41.0 16

38.8 17

… 17

… 18

Foreign exchange exposure Fx assets / total assets Fx assets / fx liabilities (on balance sheet) Open fx position / capital (including off balance sheet)

Mauritania’s economy has been very largely liberalized and is therefore very favorable to investment, both foreign and national. This new business environment is constantly improving, Mauritania recording very good results in the ranking of the indices of economic freedom. The country occupies the 128th place in the world with a score of 56.1 points, the 3rd place among the countries of North Africa ; it is therefore a privileged place for investments in Africa.


31.1 53.2 13.3 18.8 16.0 45.3 11.6 16.7 17.0 30.0 87.7 59.3 118.4

Capital ratios Capital / total assets Capital adequacy ratio



Sources: Mauritanian authorities; and IMF staff. 1/ Liquid assets: cash, reserves, and treasury bills.

With the collaboration of international financial institutions such as the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mauritania has started to restructure the banking system. The IMF’s economic stimulus program (1985-1988) instituted a new monetary and credit policy as well as an austerity program for the public sector. The reform recommended by the World Bank and the IMF led to the privatization of the banking sector in 1989. From 1988 to 2001, some of the largest operating banks were founded. This is the case with the Generale de Banque de Mauritanie (GBM), the Banque Mauritanie pour le commerce international (BMCI) and the Banque Nationale de Mauritanie (BNM). In 2007. Société Générale and BNP Paribas launched operations in Mauritania although BNP sold its stake in the country later.


An increased number of market players helped stabilize prices and royalties as competition intensified and the market remained limited. The banking penetration rate in Mauritania remains very low with only 15% of the total population - 4.5 million in 2019-. Thus, the still too large informal sector remains a challenge: informal credit associations continue to be the pillars of the financial survival of most of the population. Competition also contributed to lower interest rates, from 30% in 2000 to 10% in 2018. Cheaper borrowing and the expansion of the telecommunications, transport and construction sectors allowed credit expansion. to the private sector by 19% in a context of tight global liquidity conditions.







In 2018, the National Assembly passed new banking system reform laws that included stricter entry requirements for new banks; more transparency instruments and stricter rules for Islamic banks.

Table Table 6. Mauritania: External Requirements Sources, 2016–22 6. Mauritania: ExternalFinancing Financing Requirements and and Sources, 2016–22 (In(in millions of U.S. millions ofdollars) U.S. dollars) 2016 Total Requirements Current account deficit, excl. grants

External public debt amortization 1/ Of which : Saudi Arabia Arab Monetary Fund


Official grants (baseline)

Of which : European Union World Bank AfDB

United Arab Emirates



















-175 -5

-10 -10

IMF RCF (prospective) IMF ECF (prospective)

Residual gap / other donor support

-19 -15

-30 -18 -19

-47 -22 -24 -21

-273 … … … … …

-273 -11 -54 -22 -24 -20

-339 -72

-315 -72






-25 -14

-25 -9














11 26 10 40


Prospective IMF financing



-279 -9


Other flows 2/

Financing gap


-274 -8



322 100 81 51 39

Drawdown of oil account (negative = accumulation)

-179 -8


Official loan disbursements (excluding IMF) Of which : Arab Monetary Fund Arab Fund for Economic and Social Dev. Islamic Development Bank China India Saudi Fund for Development IMF ECF disbursements Drawdown of reserves (negative = accumulation)




Foreign direct investment and capital inflows (net)



China Total Sources





2020 4th Rev. Proj.

2019 Est.


Arab Fund for Economic and Social Dev. Islamic Development Bank


599 11

792 …





908 13 34 3

937 … … … …


12 35 … …

1120 … … … …

1053 … … … …

242 … 122 25 7 9 26 23 …

253 … 110 14 11 53 49 47 …

289 … 164 7 … 39 35 46 …

224 … … … … …

224 … … … …

260 … … … …

285 … … … …

… …

… …

… …

… …




















321 -93











n.a. 0








The Court of Auditors, which controls public spending, has been granted more autonomy. The National Assembly adopted the organic finance law, to improve the management of public finances by unifying the state budget and its formulation within a multi-year framework. The same year, the Central Bank of Mauritania (BCM) introduced the current Ouguiyas, replacing the previous ones at the rate of 1 new ouguiya = 10 old ouguiyas. The recent regulations adopted in Mauritania have increased the independence of the BCM and its audit powers, improved the banking resolution framework and modernized its governance structure. Measures have been proposed to address vulnerabilities in the financial sector, increase borrowing by SMEs and improve financial inclusion (women, youth and certain ethnic groups). As part of the IMF’s operating program, the BCM aligns the banking system with the Basel III principles. As a result, in 2020, banks had to double their minimum capital to reach the equivalent of around 2% of GDP. This new measure could push some banks to merge.

0 0


1/ Including central government, central bank, and SNIM.

2/ Including SNIM, SMHPM, commercial banks, errors and omissions, and exceptional financing.

Over the past decade, international financial institutions and the Mauritanian government have shared funding programs that are closely linked to financial sector restructuring processes. Certain requirements led to the closure of some of the banks in operation at the time.

www.ebizguides.com 18


The transformation of the financial system will require the birth of a money market, the application of international standards, the development of the local banking culture and capitalization.

STRUCTURE OF THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM The number of licensed banks remained at 18 in 2020, including 7 Islamic banks and 5 predominantly foreign-owned. The number of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) is 27 active institutions mainly located in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou and 3 networks (PROCAPEC / CAPEC, Caisse d’Epargne et de Crédit Djiké-Mutuelle (CECD-M), and Union Nationale des Mutuelles d ‘ Oasien Credit Investment (UNMICO). In addition, there are the financial services of the Post Office, the Caisse de Dépôt et de Développement, 17 insurance companies and 2 social security schemes as well as 7 payment establishments. The network of bank branches covers all the administrative centers of the wilaya and almost all of the Moughataa, with a significant concentration in the two large cities of Nouakchott and Nouadhibou. There are about twenty approved exchange offices and two social security institutions: the CNSS and the National Health Insurance Fund - (CNAM).

Sources: Mauritanian authorities; and IMF staff estimates and projections.

But despite the increase in market players, deposits and loans remain concentrated in the top five banks.

The main indicators of banking activity have seen marked improvements in 2020. Customer deposits increased from MRU 63.8 billion at the end of 2019 to MRU 71.6 billion at the end of 2020, an increase of MRU 7.8 billion representing 12.2%.

A timid money market, mainly interbank and treasury bills, is evolving but there is no stock or bond market. The financing of long-term projects remains a handicap in the local banking system. There are no instruments for this.

As part of the latest 3-year agreement with the IMF’s Extended Credit Facility (ECF) dated 2017 for a total amount of approximately USD 161.4 million, the central bank has committed to putting in place a new framework monetary and exchange rate policy to support economic activity. , face external shocks and preserve official reserves


The Central Bank of Mauritania (BCM) is in charge of regulating the Mauritanian banking sector. It has carried out sweeping reforms to streamline the financial sector’s compliance with international standards.





The Ministry of Economy and Finance carries out annual audits of banks as part of the mandate of the Central Bank.

,6/$0,& 5(38%/,& 2) 0$85,7$1,$

)LJXUH 0DXULWDQLD 0RQHWDU\ DQG )LQDQFLDO 6HFWRU ,QGLFDWRUV ² Broad money growth remained moderate.



The governor of the BCM has a six-year term, renewable once. He can be dismissed by the president if two-thirds of the general council of the bank votes in favor. The criteria range from professional misconduct to physical or mental illness.

While private sector credit growth accelerated... &XUUHQF\










...driven by a surge of credit to the services sector...






... credit to the central government remained stable.


International Bank of Mauritania (IBM)





Islamic Finance Bank (CIB)




While banks' capital levels remain adequate, profitability continues to be low.






Banque Populaire de Mauritanie (BPM)


Chinguitty Bank (CHINGUITTY Bank)

Ora Bank Mauritania


Bank El Amana (BEA) Islamic Mauritanian Al Wava Bank (BAMIS) National Bank of Mauritania (BNM)

Mauritanian Bank for International Trade (BMCI)

Bank for Commerce and Industry (BCI) 5HWXUQ RQ DVVHWV





,17(51$7,21$/ 021(7$5< )81'

General Bank of Mauritania (GBM)

Recent performances


Attijari Bank Mauritania (ABM)

Societe Generale Mauritania (SGM)

New Bank of Mauritania (NBM)

Islamic Bank of Mauritania (BIM)

Muamelat As Sahiha Bank (BMS)

Asset quality is recovering after the recent economic slowdown, but remains weak.

National Bank of Qatar Mauritania (QNBM)


Mauritanian Investment Bank (BMI)

According to the IMF, the Mauritanian financial sector still suffers from poor asset quality, low profitability and highly concentrated deposits and loans.



Although some progress has been made, provisioning against bad loans remains insufficient and the low penetration of banking services remains. The deterioration of the global economy in 2020 following the COVID-19 pandemic caused Mauritania’s real GDP to contract 3.6% in 2020, after growing 5.9% in 2019. The balance The budget posted a deficit of 4.1% of GDP in 2020, compared to a surplus the year before. This deficit is due to the significant drop in tax revenues following the economic slowdown, the decline in export earnings, the relaxation of taxes on certain basic necessities and the significant increase in health expenditure to combat against COVID-19 infections. The slowdown in the world economy not only affected foreign trade but also foreign direct investment in Mauritania, which rose to US $ 594 million, from US $ 937 million initially planned. The current account deficit reached a record level of 17.6% of GDP, due to a one-third drop in iron ore exports and a halt in exports of fishery products. Official foreign exchange reserves remained stable in 2020 at US $ 1.135 billion, enough to cover 5.1 months of imports. Inflation, estimated at 2.7% in 2020, remains below the target of 4% set by the monetary authorities, but it is slightly above the rate of 2.3% in 2019. Despite the country’s continued efforts to increase the resilience of its banking system as the economy grows, much remains to be done and prepared. A new large gas field discovered in 2019 and which should be operational in 2022-2023 should also have a positive impact on the performance of the local banking sector. A dramatic increase in foreign exchange will be deposited in the country’s financial system which, in turn, will have to manage it efficiently. In an IMF report published in March 2020, he underscored the need to make progress in “putting in place solid macro-fiscal and institutional frameworks to effectively manage future gas revenues”.




Central Bank of Mauritania (BCM) Independence Avenue BP 623 Nouakchott +222 45 25 00 44 / 45 20 07 22 infos@bcm.mr www.bcm.mr In addition to its main mission, which is price stability, the BCM’s mission is to: 1. Development and implementation of new general economic policies: • Define and implement the monetary policy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania; • Participate in the definition of the exchange rate policy and ensure its implementation; • Organize, monitor and regulate the foreign exchange market; 2. Issue of banknotes and coins: • Issue and manage, on behalf of the State, fiduciary money. • Hold and manage official foreign exchange reserves. 3. Establishment of systems and means of payment: • Promote the stability, security and efficiency of the Mauritanian payment system; 4. Stability of the financial system: • Supervise and regulate banks and other financial institutions in accordance with the laws adopted in this matter; • Contribute to the stability of the Mauritanian financial system; 5. Perform the function of State Cashier and financial agent for the Government;

The Mauritanian Bank for International Trade was created in 1974 under the name of BAAM (African Arab Bank in Mauritania) with a capital distributed between the Mauritanian State up to 51% and the Arab African International Bank (AAIB), Egyptian financial institution up to 49%. In 1984, the State stake was bought by the ABBAS group. The bank changes its name to become the BMAA (Banque Mauritanienne Arabe Africaine). The BMAA later negotiated the buyout of the Egyptian stake. In 1986, the bank changed its name to become BMCI. BMCI today occupies a leading position in the Mauritanian banking market. The leading bank in terms of total balance sheet, number of customers and total deposits, it also has the largest network of bank branches across the country. First Mauritanian bank to be ISO 9001 version 2000 certified in February 2002. BMCI switched to the 2015 ISO 9001 version in July 2018.

National Bank of Mauritania (BNM) King Faycal Avenue- 291 – 614 Nouakchott +222 45 25 26 02 / 45 25 27 07 www.bnm.mr

Created in 1989 from the merger of the two largest banks of the time (BIMA and SMB), the National Bank of Mauritania (BNM) has fully private capital amounting to 6 billion ouguiya.

Mauritanian Bank for International Trade (BMCI)

From 1991, its vision was that of a Mauritanian national bank, accessible to all, involved in economic development, with a strong presence in the main cities of the country. Since then, BNM has implemented a strategy of developing its portfolio with corporate clients to extend to professionals and individuals.

Avenue of National Unity - BP 622 Nouakchott +222 45 25 28 26 / +222 45 29 8000 info@bmci.mr www.bmci.mr

In just a few years, it has become a major player in the Mauritanian banking landscape with an activity focused on both geographic and commercial proximity.

6. Carry out any other task that the regulations would have entrusted to it by Ordinance or any other law entrusted to it.



Chinguitty-Bank Avenue Gamal Abdel NASSER Ilot U Lot N° 17 et 18 BP:626 Nouakchott +222 4525 2173 - 4525 2142 www.chbank.mr Chinguitty Bank was created in 1972 in order to strengthen the economic ties between its two shareholders, Libya and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania This important role has manifested itself effectively and efficiently in the preparation of historic decisions such as the creation of the national currency and the consolidation of the economic and political independence of the country. It continues today through the provision of economic operators of a wide range of financing more and more adapted to their requirements and especially the opening of documentary credits and the execution of transfers essential to the supply. of the country and thus to the happiness of the citizen. To date, Chinguitty Bank has been able to overcome all the challenges it has faced and continues to develop with confidence and competence in accordance with the objectives set for it by its shareholders. In this context, the bank’s capital was increased to MRO 6,000,000,000 (Six billion ouguiyas) of which 71.42% released by the LIBYAN FOREIGN BANK and 28.58% released by the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

Bank El Wafa Mauritanniene Islamique (BAMIS) Principal Agency (Headquarters) 758, rue 22-018, Avenue king Fayçal Nouakchott

The result of a partnership between Saudi investors and Mauritanian businessmen, Banque Al Wava Mauritanienne Islamique (BAMIS) was created on September 21, 1985 under the name of Banque Al Baraka Mauritanienne Islamique, with an initial capital of 500 Million d’Ouguiya, distributed as follows: (Al Baraka Group: 50%, Central Bank of Mauritania: 10% and Private Mauritanians: 40%). 2016 The extraordinary general meeting N ° 11 of 12/26/2016 decides to increase the share capital to increase it from 7,000,000,000 to 9,000,000,000 distributed as follows: Shareholder: Mohamed Abdallahi Ould Abdallahi (39.73%), NASR (38.94%), Various Private Mauritanians (21.33%). Thanks to the instruments and financing products that it introduced into the Mauritanian market, BAMIS has been able to win over and retain a large clientele, most of whom remain on the fringes of the banking circuit. BAMIS has actively participated in the economic development of Mauritania by financing vital sectors such as urban transport, industrial fishing, small and medium-sized enterprises, trade and services.

General Bank of Mauritania GBM Nouakchott agency 6 Independence Avenue Nouakchott - B.P. 5558 +222 37 18 98 00 dco@gbm-mr.com www.gbm-banque.com GBM´s mission is to contribute to the development of the national economy by financing industrial, commercial and other projects. However, we do not allow ourselves to fund any activity deemed questionable (directly or indirectly related to drug trafficking, weapons, money laundering, terrorism, etc.)

+222 45 25 14 24 / 45 25 22 66 www.bamis.mr





Our ambition is to bring real added value to our customers, to contribute to their performance. Our values: Professionalism, competence, availability and integrity.

Bank for Commerce and Industry (BCI) 57, Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser - BP 5050 Nouakchott +222 45 29 28 76 www.bci-banque.com As a consequence of a general policy of liberalization of the economy, the Mauritanian banking sector underwent a profound transformation at the end of the 1990s. Aware of the new challenges, and the economic opportunities that this entailed, a well-known businessman, Isselmou TAJIDINE, decided in 1998 to submit a request for approval for the creation of a new bank. In addition to Mauritanian associates, he calls on three European partners with whom he has been working for several years. The latter (two Dutch and one French), who knew both the country and the qualities of the promoter, committed to one third of the project. The Central Bank granted its approval in April 1999, and, in September of the same year, the Bank for Commerce and Industry (BCI) opened its doors in Nouakchott. In a country considered to be a link between the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa, in a narrow and competitive market, the new institution will quickly establish itself in the banking sector.


The growth of the BCI has therefore resulted in very satisfactory performance which places it among the very first banks in the country. The result of rigorous management and strict compliance with its commitments, the reputation of the BCI has been affirmed in Mauritania, as well as abroad. Finally, the bank has also been able to develop a network of several dozen financial and banking correspondents in most of the countries with which its clients work, foremost among which Natixis-Banques Populaires, correspondent and advisor from the early days, Citibank, Banque European Investment Company (EIB) or the Islamic Development Corporation (SID) which opened credit lines to compensate for the lack of long-term resources from which the country suffers.

El Amana Bank

M. Mohamed Bouna Moctar General manager Avenue Mamadou Konaté BP: 5559, Nouakchott

QNB Qatar National Bank Mauritanie AlKhaima City Center 10, Rue Mamadou Kanote, P.O BOX 2049 - Nouakchott +222 45 24 96 51 QNBmauritania@qnb.com www.qnb.com

Qatar National Bank (QNB) is a bank of Qatar headquartered in Doha1. It is listed on the stock exchange and operates in more than 31 countries around the world with more than 4,300 agencies and representative offices to its name. QNB Group is the leading bank in the Middle East and Africa and enjoys a first-rate rating with the main agencies. In 2016, it had more than 20 million customers and 28,000 employees in 31 countries. In 2016, it bought 99.8% of the capital of the Turkish bank Finansbank for 2.7 billion euros. This bank was founded in 1964 and nationalized in 2013 by the government of Qatar, which now owns 50% of the capital through the Qatar Investment Authority.


Supporting its development on proximity and societal commitment, it puts its expertise and solidity for the benefit of its customers and of the Mauritanian economy. Aware of the changes and developments experienced by the international market, the BEA is adapting to new innovations in the business, with a new organization, which reflects its strategy of modernization and digitization.

Company Profile

Our commitment to the fight against poverty has materialized thanks to the significant support we have provided to the Bouamatou Foundation since its creation. This institution is active in various fields of humanitarian action.

+222 4 529 11 01

Banque El Amana has also been able to develop a reliable network of several branded banking correspondents around the world. On the strength of its strengths, the Bank provides a relevant and comprehensive offer for all of its customers. The Bank is reinventing its brand identity with a new logo and a new institutional signature. Twenty-five years after its creation, the BEA renews itself and projects itself into the future with new values ​​based on commitment and trust.

contact@bea.mr www.bea.mr

The BEA, Universal Bank : BEA-Banque El Amana is a public limited company under Mauritanian law, created in 1996 between the State, Commercial Banks, companies and private Mauritanians. Its purpose was to promote social housing. In 2004 it was completely privatized, since it has been transformed into a Universal Bank. Today she manages a portfolio of thirty thousand accounts and owns nine branches. The BEA is recognized as one of the oldest and most stable banks. With twenty-five years of experience, it is the sixth creation among the nineteen active banks. Year after year, Banque El Amana manages to finance major projects in various fields such as real estate, trade, import and export, hydrocarbons, fishing, agriculture. The growth of the BEA has therefore resulted in very satisfactory performance, which places it among the very first banks in the country.


A new headquarters construction project for 2021 with a three-storey office building, equipped with four ATMs and a modern car park equipped with high-end surveillance cameras.

Societe Generale of Mauritania Avenue Charles De Gaulle +222 45 29 70 00 espace.client@socgen.com www.societegenerale.mr Present in 16 African countries, the Société Générale Group has a unique positioning in the region, which allows it to offer its clients the expertise and knowhow of an international bank and the proximity of a local bank. In Africa, the Group supports local economies, businesses and individuals. In January 2007 Societe Generale set up in Mauritania. Since then, it is with the strength of an international group that Societe Generale has deployed its universal banking model in Mauritania.




Mail : contact@bea.mr Web : www.bea.mr







Nowadays, SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE MAURITANIE occupies an essential place in the Mauritanian banking sector, thanks to our values: Team spirit, Innovation, Responsibility and Commitment. It makes possible the projects of private customers and supports the development of companies in several cities of the country. Societe Generale Mauritanie has made customer satisfaction its priority, and is transforming its businesses and organizations to improve its operational efficiency. To be the benchmark relational bank in its markets, close to its customers, chosen for the quality of the commitment of its teams: this is the ambition of Société Générale Mauritanie. Every day, we implement new processes, new products and services in order to guarantee our customers a long-term partnership.

Attijari Bank Rue Mamadou Konaté BP : 415 Nouakchott +222 – 45 29 63 74 adminfo@attijaribank.mr www.attijaribank.mr Since 2010 and in a logic of intra-regional integration, the Attijariwafa Bank group has extended its universal banking model in Mauritania. In order to position itself on the national market as a benchmark player, the bank has designed a strategic development plan aimed at actively participating in the banking and financing of the Mauritanian economy with innovative solutions. It is therefore with this aim that Attijari Bank Mauritanie has primarily focused on supporting and diversifying the range of services intended for private, professional and business customers through the deployment of a development plan for its network of agencies in Nouakchott and in the interior. Attijar Bank Mauritanie is: • 21 Branches across Mauritania. • 158 Employees committed to your side on a daily basis


Thanks to this membership, BIM is backed by a shareholder base with proven experience and expertise in Islamic Finance but also a network of subsidiaries covering the sub-region (Senegal / Niger / Guinea).

ORABANK Mauritanie 54, avenue du Général Charles De Gaulle Rue 42-060 Tevragh Zeïna RC 1673 +222 45 29 19 00 www.orabank.net

Orabank Mauritanie (formerly BACIM Bank) was created at the end of 2001 with a capital of 1,000,000,000 ouguiyas (old). Since its acquisition by the ECP group, this capital, which has continued to increase, has risen to 6,921,350,000 old ouguiyas in 2012. The current capital is 1,119,612,000 MRU. Thanks to this integration, the bank was recapitalized and changed its corporate name to become “Orabank Mauritanie” from September 30, 2012. The bank’s capital is 98% held by Oragroup SA. Orabank Mauritanie relies on a staff of 113 people and has 9 branches including 5 in the capital Nouakchott, one in Nouadhibou (economic capital), one in kiffa, one in Sélibabi and one in Néma in the east of the country. Orabank Mauritanie is a commercial bank whose activities are mainly oriented towards the clientele of individuals, liberal professions, SMEs, large companies and local communities. With a wide range of banking products, Orabank Mauritanie has a range of services that allow it to retain, develop and diversify its clientele. The quality of these services allows the bank today to look to the future with more serenity and assurance.

BIM is therefore, unequivocally, an Islamic Bank whose products and services are compatible with “Sharia’a”. It is in this sense that we have invested and acquired a Global Banking solution certified by the «Organization of Accounting and Auditing of Islamic Financial Institutions» (AAOIFI) which can only understand banking operations compatible with the principles. of Islamic Finance. Our goal is to become a bank of first choice for our clients in economic and social development, by offering them a service and a range of innovative and quality products based on Islamic principles. Our development strategy will be focused on the two segments of the banking market “Business” and “Individuals” in order to support our customers in their development and our individual customers in their projects.

Mouamalat Assahiha Bank (BMS) BMS Building; Island P 21; PO Box: 5243; Tevrag Zeina, Nouakcott +222 45 29 62 15 / 45 29 62 16 info@bms.mr www.bms.mr

Islamic Bank of Mauritania (BIM) 402 Avenue king Fayçal Ksar Nouakchott, 5056 Nouakchott +222 45 25 25 07 / 45 25 25 80 Bim@bim-bank.mr

Banque Mouamalat Assahiha (BMS SA) obtained, by decision of the Governor of the Central Bank of Mauritania number 012/2012 / Gr, dated April 15, 2012, approval as a bank working according to the precepts of Sharia.

The Islamic Bank of Mauritania (BIM) was created by the Holding «Tamweel Africa», itself a subsidiary of a large institution working in the field of Islamic Finance: the Islamic Company for the Development of the Private Sector «SID» ( of the IDB Group).


BMS SA is incorporated as a public limited company with fully paid-up capital in cash of 6 billion ouguiyas. The shareholders of the BMS are made up exclusively of Mauritanian businessmen, relatively young, dynamic and having succeeded in their respective businesses.


BMS SA operates exclusively in accordance with the principles of Islamic Sharia law in financial transactions. It is a universal and investment bank that caters to both companies and individuals. We are convinced that the application of the precepts of the tolerant Islamic Sharia in matters of financial transactions requires the bank to achieve a high level of professionalism, a high degree of efficiency and unwavering discipline.

Popular Bank of Mauritania (BPM) Avenue El Haj Oumar TALL, TEVRAGH ZEINA Lot n°100, BP : 3842 – Nouakchott +222 45 29 05 69 contact@bpm.mr www.bpm.mr


Popular Bank of Mauritania (BPM) is a bank created by extension of the authorization of Mauritanie Leasing, from the simple exercise of leasing activities, to that of a universal bank in 2012. It is thus developing an activity which began in 1998 and which for more than twenty years was the only leasing activity in the country, with a market share of over 23% of all medium and long-term financial assistance. . The BPM, an Islamic bank, offers individuals, professionals and businesses an innovative range of products and services, in terms of deposits, financing and participatory investments. In eight years, the bank has been able to build a dense network of branches covering most of the country’s major cities and counting nearly twenty in the city of Nouakchott alone.

BPM aims to meet the needs and expectations of its “Business and Institutional” clientele by offering services of impeccable quality and a wide range of innovative products. Business centers in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou have been specially dedicated to meet the needs and expectations of companies and large institutions.




Mauritanian Investment Bank (BMI) Socogim Tevragh Zeina ZRA 24 BP 30032 Nouakchott +222 45 25 53 58 info@bmi.mr www.bmi.mr

Based on our deep conviction that Islamic finance constitutes both a lever for socially responsible investment and a factor of financial inclusion in a context conducive to a better acceptance of Muslim ethics, we, the Mauritanian Investment Bank, we are committed to working so that everyone can enjoy the incomparable advantages of Islamic finance. This is not a fad that we are adopting, but a universal solution of finance itself and we will contribute with all our means to its generalized expansion in Mauritania and the rest of the world. We also intend to promote access to financing through direct involvement in several infrastructure projects and by supporting those who dare to invest and intend to succeed in their projects. Our main strategy is the protective and proactive support of customers! Which supposes: - Carry out savings and fundraising activities in accordance with the Chariatic principles and rules, Listening attentively, Proximity, Assistance, Promote youth entrepreneurship through the financing and support of startups and incubators in all sectors.

International Bank of Mauritania Ilot V N°14 ZRB Tevragh-zeina Nouakchott +222 45 24 94 24 +222 45 24 32 90 info@ibm-bank.mr www.ibm-bank.mr We take pride in fueling growth and expanding opportunities for individuals, families and businesses.


Many customers rely on us for all aspects of banking services for individuals and businesses. As a benchmark bank, we help our clients achieve their dream and their goal. We continue to build, invest to improve our activities and increase the performance of the bank in order to make a difference. Our raison d’être goes beyond profit. In perfect collaboration with our private or business customers; our employees and the community we serve every day with respect and professionalism, we build on our shared beliefs to create opportunities that benefit each and everyone. Because success must be mutual.

The Islamic Finance Bank supports small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as large enterprises, associations, individuals and foreign markets located on Mauritanian soil. The Islamic Finance Bank hopes to fully contribute to the development of the local economy, while maintaining the compatibility and compliance of its operations with the principles of Islamic finance. The opening of 13 points of sale in 2019 embodies the firm desire of the Islamic Finance Bank to build close, solid and lasting relationships with its customers.

Deposit and development fund (CDD) Islamic Finance Bank (BFI) Siège social à Nouakchott 78, Angle Avenue Bouddah O/ Bousseiry / Av. King Fayçal Ilot T N°31 Nuakchott +222 45 25 09 01 / +222 45 25 09 02 contact@bank-bfi.com www.bank-bfi.com

Avenue king faycal Nouakchott +222 42 16 97 96 www.cdd.gov.mr

Deposit and development fund (CDD) is a public institution with a special status enjoying financial autonomy and placed under the highest authorities of the country. It operates under the control of the Court of Auditors and the Parliament. CDD is a financial actor that makes short, medium and long term investments. Its mission is also to manage projects or funds under public mandate and can affiliate a certain number of activities. Among its responsibilities, the CDD is in charge of managing customer deposits; the management of subsidized credits and the development of microcredit, in particular in sectors not covered by public or private organizations; participate, as a long-term investor, in certain financing of projects identified as essential to the economic and social development of the country.

The Islamic Finance Bank was created by decision of the Governor of the Central Bank of Mauritania n ° 008 / GR / 2012 in 2012, however, it was not until 2017 that this financial institution became operational. Islamic Finance Bank is an autonomous bank: it provides its clients (large and medium-sized enterprises, as well as professionals, institutions, companies and properties) with high quality, flexible and innovative products designed to meet the needs of clients, at competitive prices. In just two years after its launch, the Islamic Bank of Finance has established itself as a benchmark player in the Mauritanian banking sector. Through a relationship based on a permanent and continuous exchange with all of its clients, the Islamic Finance Bank has today become a major player in the Mauritanian economic landscape.






INSURANCE SECTOR IN MAURITANIA In general, the role of insurance can be summed up in 4 essential functions, namely the protection of people, the securing of property, the collection of savings and a vital economic function. On the social level, the insurance sector and its distribution network actively contribute to job creation at the national level and indirectly stimulate several important sectors of the national economy, in particular the «Automobile» sector and the “HealthIllness”, among others. All over the world, savings collected by insurance companies irrigate the national economy through short-term investments and investment in various sectors of activity. On the other hand, the role of insurance is to prevent people from falling into poverty as a result of undesirable events, in particular, in the event of serious accidents or natural disasters. Ultimately, insurers actually encourage economic development by transferring risk and facilitating capital formation.

BRIEF HISTORY Historically, the insurance sector in Mauritania has undergone a number of changes during the period from 1974 to 2019: Until 1974, before the creation of the national company Société Mauritanienne D´Assurance et de Réassurance (SMAR), now National Insurance and Reinsurance (NASR), the insurance market was operated by insurers or French brokers (period characterized by weak economic activity); From 1974 to 1994, the insurance market was in a monopoly situation (operated between 1974 and 1994 by the public company SMAR); In 1993, the State promulgated the Insurance Code (Law 93-040 of July 20, 1993) which officially provided for the liberalization of the insurance sector. But this liberalization remained theoretical until 1998, when several private insurance companies were created;


From 1998 to 2020: period characterized by the creation of several insurance companies benefiting, with rare exceptions, from approvals in all branches, issued by the public authorities. Currently, the insurance market in Mauritania, despite its small size, is operated by 15 national insurance companies and 3 brokerage companies, one of which is affiliated with the French group ASCOMA.


SECTOR CHALLENGES In the insurance sector in Mauritania, there are significant potentialities which are not exploited both from the point of view of the structure of the market and that of the economic growth of the country. Indeed, Mauritania has many natural resources. However, the problem of the insurance sector in the country results in structural, organizational and institutional difficulties which reduce the dynamics of the sector. Among these difficulties we can cite:

The inadequacy of the pricing policy

In 2018, the supervision of the insurance sector became the Ministry of Finance whereas it was, from 1974 to 2018, attached to the Ministry of Commerce. Globally, the sector’s turnover varies from 600 to 700 million MRU and has a very low penetration rate of around 0.6% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product in 2018 is estimated at US $ 5.025 billion for a population of approximately 4.1 million inhabitants). The study of the structure of the overall portfolio of the insurance sector highlights the predominance of insurance by the Fire and all Industrial Risks, Sickness and Motor Vehicle Liability (RCA) branches. These three categories of insurance, predominant in Mauritania, two of them “Sickness” and “RCA” are structurally in deficit all over the world. Unfortunately the technical branches (Fire, Transport and Special Risks, among others) as well as personal insurance, which generally generate profits are very little developed here in the country. In terms of compulsory insurance, Law 93-040 of July 20, 1993 established the obligation to insure 3 categories of risks, namely: - L has liability of all motor vehicle owners (Article 160 of the Code); - The art faculties or the Import Goods (Article 177); - The ‘re Buildings work which is public (Article 180). But more precisely, article 199 of law 93-040 of July 20, 1993 is more eloquent explicit in matters of domiciliation of insurance all branches combined. This article stipulates that all risks located in Mauritania must be insured by a national insurance company.


The only approved tariffs are those for motor vehicle liability which are, in Mauritania, among the lowest in the world. For example, a one-year insurance for a passenger vehicle in Morocco costs the equivalent of 2,500 DH, or 11,000 MRU; while it is 3,100 MRU only in Mauritania.

The importance of claims Several aggravating factors are combined in Mauritania to be at the origin of a high loss ratio due to the frequency and severity of accidents. These factors are: non-compliance with the highway code, the absence of pre-traffic signs, the aging of the vehicle fleet, the poor condition of the roads (narrowing of the roadway), overloading of vehicles with people being transported and overweight. baggage, the carelessness of drivers and the wandering of animals.

The lack of specialization of judges The insurer must present a proposal for an amicable settlement within a period not exceeding three (3) months to the victim from the date of receipt of the claim. Some sitting judges do not understand the insurance regulations (Insurance Code - Law 93040 of July 20, 1993). This explains the irregular convictions, the execution of unjustified seizure orders and the presentation of exorbitant bailiffs’ expense reports.


The disorder of the sector (Association of Professionals, disinterest of the public authorities) The Association of Professional Mauritanian Insurers (APAM) began its activities in May 2018. Its objectives are to study, bring together operators, organize them to better defend their interests. This association has provided, in a very short time, a lot of effort and requires the interest and help of the public authorities to save the sector. To clean up this sector, the public authorities must exercise constant control in order to ensure the solvency of insurance companies. In addition to technical and financial controls, legal control should be exercised to protect policyholders, beneficiaries, policyholders, victims and beneficiaries.

The absence of co-insurance and the nonexistence of a national reinsurer The technique of all insurers around the world is to spread risks horizontally through coinsurance. In the context of a normal market, insurers trust each other, establish links between them, directly or through the professional organization, to share risks before resorting to the methods of national and international reinsurance. The vertical distribution of risks through reinsurance enables the insurer to develop its subscription possibilities, improve its production autonomy and protect its portfolio against the vagaries of the occurrence of serious claims or catastrophes.

The lack of technicians and professionals in the sector There is a real deficit of qualified and experienced human resources in insurance, particularly in actuarial science, business management, accounting and law to meet market needs. Priority should be given to training the staff of insurance operators, DCA inspectors and judges of specialized courts. Continuous training must be reinforced by the organization of internships, exchanges of specialized executives from the countries of the sub-region and participation in seminars organized in the field.




SUGGESTIONS FROM THE ASSOCIATION FOR CLEANING UP THE SECTOR In view of the atomization of the market, the multiplicity of players and the resulting anarchic competition, certain measures must be taken rapidly in order to clean up the sector in order to allow the birth of a viable and lasting market. These urgent measures include: •

To apply the laws and regulations and in particular the articles relating to compulsory insurance (art 160, 177, 180 and 199 of law 93-040 of July 20, 1993); Relevate the level of insurance premiums to improve the financial balance of operators and, therefore, improve the possibilities of compensation;

Metter up an effective supervisory authority;

Stimuler organizing APAM operators who work in the development sector for the restoration of confidence between operators and to promote trade and co-insurance;

Promote the insurance of all vital sectors of the country’s economy and particularly the important energy sector (oil and gas);

According priority to training for the benefit of the insurance operators staff and judges of specialized courts.

Insurance organizations

«We are a strong company concerned with constantly training our employees and our workers to offer the best services to citizenship» DAMANE is the largest insurance company in Mauritania created in October 2010. It is 42% owned by the State and with a capital of 600 million MRU. With a staff of only 15, their main clients are some of the largest companies in Mauritania, including SNIM, Somelec and Mauritania Airlines. They specialize in fire, engineering, maritime cargo liability, transport and aviation. They also do other types of insurance such as life insurance, but the market is not very developed. Their operating agreement excluded DAMANE from operating in the automobile insurance market. They work in insurance and reinsurance but they do not have any activity as of today because the market is once again underdeveloped. They have agreements with international reinsurance companies like Lloyds or SwissRe. Article 199 of the current Insurance Code of Mauritania specifies that it is forbidden to place risks outside Mauritania for operations in the country, but it can only be overcome by a special agreement with the regulator that for an insurance value of 50%. Damane owns one of the emblematic buildings of Mauritania and is very active in the placement of funds in the public treasury and in banks. It is a strong company with solid experience. Mauritania lacks professionals in the sector but DAMANE sends its people for training abroad with their partners. For special needs, DAMANE also has a network of advisers and claims adjusters.

Damane Insurance Mohamed Ahmedou Jeireb Director General

Make specialized industrial risk insurance our area of ​​excellence and competitiveness. Also, put our expertise and skills at the service of customer satisfaction when guaranteeing loyalty, transparency and trust to our customers. Developing our partnership with Mauritanian mining and industrial operators and foreigners is always in mind for Damane. In short, to become a key player in Insurance and Reinsurance in Mauritania and in the sub-region.

GAMA (Mauritania Insurance Group) Ksar N ° 45 Avenue BOURGUIBA BP 2278 Nouakchott +222 45 25 72 72 www.weddady.com

Created in 1998, GAMA was first acquired by the Weddady Group in 2005, four years later fully absorbed. The company started with two branches in Nouakchott, in addition to its head office and two branches in Nouadhibou and Kiffa respectively. In recent years, he has opened branches across the country. The name Weddady is closely linked to the economic history of Mauritania. Indeed since 1962 Weddady is a label which exists and actively participates in the economic and social development of Mauritania.

National Insurance and Reinsurance (NASR SA) 12 Avenue GA Nasser Nouakchott +222 45 25 26 50-45 25 27 66-45 25 68 15 nasr@nasr.mr Created in 1995, Nationale d’Assurances et de Réassurances (NASR SA), resulted in the transformation of SMAR, the first insurance company established in Mauritania. It covers all types of insurance including automobile, marine, fire, particular risks at work, travel aid, fishing or health in Mauritania.

BP 5080 Nouakchott +222 46 80 45 45 +222 45252508 medjeireb@damaneassurances.com www.damaneassurances.com


Our ambition



The company has a staff of qualified employees in the fields of insurance and reinsurance. Their know-how allows NASR to develop relationships with the world’s largest reinsurance companies thanks to the reliability of its services and the speed of its payments. The group believes that Mauritania now benefits from a growing economy with new infrastructure projects ready to welcome newcomers in a reliable market full of opportunities. The recent discovery of gas offers a new world of opportunities and also requires skilled professionals to face new challenges. NASR was the first company to have an ISO certificate in the sector and its competitive advantage is based on the company’s long experience.

CNA New Insurance Company 21, ZGE Airport Road - Ksar - Nouakchott BP: 5137 +222 45 24 04 91 cna.assurance@gmail.com www.cna.mr

PROCAPEC Immueble A59 Izvraghzeina. Next to the Chiva BP 5008 Clinic, Nouakchott + 222 45258598/525 8589 procapec@opt.mr / procapec@mauritel.mr

PROCAPEC (Agency for the Promotion of Savings and Loans) is an agency of the network of credit and savings associations created in 1997 by the Mauritanian State, with the support of donors, in particular through the Central Bank of Mauritania (BCM). Its mission is to promote credit and savings associations (CAPEC) throughout the country, to ensure their technical management and to supervise their operations. The mission of the CAPECs is to offer their members financial services adapted to their needs.




TAAMINE BP 5164 - Nouakchott +222 529 40000 info@assurancestaamin.com http://assurancestaamin.com/ The Islamic insurance company TAAMIN is one of the most reputable companies in the sector in Mauritania. It has a capital of 300,000,000 ouguiyas and operates according to the principles of Islamic Sharia law. The group develops a wide range of products in different areas: property, protection of children and their studies, health, vehicles, travel assistance, civil liability, construction sites, transport of goods, aircraft, bodywork etc., instead of insurance. automotive exclusively. The reliability and adaptability of Islamic insurance systems to the world are no longer to be dismantled. These systems have proven their worth in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore), in the Arabian Gulf (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates), in Africa (Sudan, Tunisia, Senegal) and even in Europe (Greater -Brittany, Holland) and the United States.

MEDINA Carrefour Cité SMAR, Mauri Center Building. Avenue Moctar Ould Dadah, Nouakchott info@medina-assurances.com +222 45 25 13 26 - 45 25 13 37 www.medina-assurances.com

Regarding the maritime domain, MEDINA has the capacity to cover all risks from ships to larger ships, including shipyards and industry support companies. In the aeronautics sector, MEDINA is also one of the benchmarks in insurance. “We meet the risk management and insurance needs of airlines, we are a leader in all segments of aviation insurance and we are able to offer an insurance solution whatever the nature of the risk ”, they state on their website.

At the beginning, MAR started to collaborate with AGIP (Abu-Ghazhaleh Intellectual Property). At that time, 100% of their capital was abroad and it was not until 2014 that they acquired the current capital in Mauritania in accordance with article 198 of the Insurance Code.

MAR Insurance Avenue Boubacar Ben Amer Nouakchott +222 45 24 12 18 mar@mar-assur.com

AGM employs 75 people including 45 managers and 30 subordinate employees with a capital of 300,000,000 Ouguiyas.



«Our objective is to cover the maximum of insured risks on the Mauritanian market» The Mauritanian Insurance and Reinsurance Company (MAR SA) was created on December 16, 2002 by its constitutive General Assembly. It belongs to one of the most powerful Mauritanian groups present in all strategic sectors (notably Finance, Construction, Energy), chaired by Mr. Isselmou Tajedine. Its objective is simple: «To cover the maximum of insured risks on the Mauritanian market». Currently, it has a capital of 300,000,000 MRU and selffinancing of 800,000,000 MRU. The main challenges for the future of the insurance sector are about to organize the sector and implement laws allowing insurance companies to cover a higher list of sectors. Today, MAR offers a comprehensive list of insurance services for families, workers, employers, business owners, and more. covering all types of risks (automobiles, travel, transport of goods, fires and oil risks).

This insurance company in Mauritania covers a wide range of sectors such as automotive, maritime, aviation, industry, fire, travel, health, school and social.


Their core business, which has grown from 45% initially to 65% of activity in 2020, remains automobile insurance for company car fleets. They are very selective in the choice of their partners (no taxi, no public transport) and collaborate with Africare, a non-profit organization that works for development in Africa. MAR is associated with the BCI (Bank for Commerce and Industry) and TRM (Road Works of Mauritania).

Company Profile

The PROCAPEC agency is present in Nouakchott (main capital of Mauritania) and Nouadhibou (the second commercial capital of the country). The organization also works in Boutilimitt, Magta-Lahjar, Guérou, Tintane, Timbédra and Boghé.


Mr. Sidi Ethmane CHEIKH Med Fadel General manager Place de L´OIT - BP 224 Nouakchott

General Insurance of Mauritania (AGM) Charles DE GAULLE Ilot A 667 TZ between Novotel and Carrefour Bana Blanc BP: 2141Nouakchott + 222 45 29 29 00/45 29 29 01 info@agm.mr

+222 45257584 nagi@cnss.mr www.cnss.mr

In an interview with our teams, ”Mr. Sidi Ethmane Cheikh Mohamed Fadel, who held several positions in the public sector before becoming the Director General of the CNSS, told us in substance that

The General Insurance of Mauritania (AGM), belongs to the BOUAMATOU SA Group. It was created and implemented in Nouakchott in 1998. AGM’s main activities cover different sectors such as automotive, fire, maritime transport, engineering, various risks, life and health insurance. , travel and other insurance and reinsurance. AGM is present in more than 8 cities in Mauritania and has become the first insurance company in the country to market life insurance products. All these guarantees will be assumed by the Assurance Générale de Mauritanie supported by its foreign partners who are world-class reinsurers.





These various actions are part of the implementation of the commitments of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Cheikh El Ghazouani. To this end, and with a view to making its intervention quick and efficient, the CNSS has conducted an organized and resolute policy of proximity with the aim of offering its policyholders more accessible services, thanks to the establishment and implementation of commissioning of regional agencies covering the entire national territory, to the general satisfaction of employees living away from Nouakchott. In order for this insurance scheme to function properly and meet the expectations of beneficiaries, the CNSS has put in place a mechanism to allow better access to care, to quality care for accident victims, retirees and their dependents. rights. «Aware of the challenges of the moment, of the need to meet the expectations of its policyholders and of the social service mission that the public authorities have entrusted to it, the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) is now working to implement value of its human and financial potential to commit resolutely towards sanitation, the upgrading of its structures and the improvement of its services in order to give, during the next four years, in application of its five-year action plan 2020-2021, a new impetus for social security, its reason for being and translating into action the instructions of the President of the Republic in the field of social security , specifies Mr. Sidi Ethmane Cheikh Mohamed Fadel, Director General of the CNSS .


In addition, he emphasized the actions contained in the 2020-2024 action plan, which favors the human element through continuous training, motivation and accountability, which, he added. will enable the CNSS to meet the recurring challenge of modernization. In fact, the progress made in certain sensitive areas (computerization, decentralization, draft redesign of texts, strengthening of the statistical function, prevention, etc.) are likely to lead to optimism. With regard to foreign investors,


Adress: Place of L´OIT - BP 224 Nouakchott Phone: +222 45257584 123

Mail: nagi@cnss.mr

Web Site: https://www.cnss.mr











This new discovery only adds to Mauritania’s list of already strong mining opportunities. It is the seventh largest exporter of iron ore and has decades of experience, but it also has rich deposits of gold, copper and oil. Mauritania exports mainly iron, followed by fish, petroleum, gold and copper. More than half of the extractive industry’s taxation comes from mining, which is also the state of Mauritania’s largest foreign exchange provider.

Under indirect taxes, the goods, services and equipment essential for the proper execution of the mining project, the list of which is approved beforehand by the Ministry in charge of Mines, are subject to either an exemption or a temporary admission. in suspension of VAT. In this context, mining operators can collect refundable VAT credits for local purchases and encumbered imports.

Facilities are offered in the area of ​​business creation and import and export. Mining exports are exempt from all VAT (new article 111 / law n ° 14-08).

Mining companies are subject to customs duties at a single rate of 5%. However, the levy is only effective and constant during the normal production phase. For the other phases, exemptions or exceptional temporary admission with total suspension of customs duties and taxes are granted to mining operators.

The law grants a tax holiday during the first 3 years of production, and exemption from VAT for products entering directly into production. Equipment is imported under temporary admission, with a single duty of 5% on certain products,

The level of royalties is very low and variable depending on the fixing of prices (2 to 4% for iron, 3 to 5% for copper, etc.). Reinvested dividends are exempt from all tax.

Incentive aspects of the mining legal framework The legal framework governing mining activity is one of the most attractive in the region. It guarantees the stability of the legal and fiscal conditions of economic operators.

OVERVIEW At the end of 2019, a large gas field discovery (over 80 Tcf) was made in Mauritania following an appraisal well called Orca drilled in block C8 of the coastal basin. It was the largest deep-water hydrocarbon discovery in the world that year.

Initially planned for 2020, the underwater engineering work of (GTA) entrusted to McDermott suffered a significant delay due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic but will finally begin in December 2021 for a period of between 12 months and 17 month.

The Grand Tortue Ahméyim field, discovered in 2015, is located at the maritime border with Senegal, about 125 kilometers off Mauritania Senegal and Mauritania have an ACI Inter-State Cooperation Agreement exploiting the common resources of this reservoir. Their partners in this project were BP and Kosmos Energy.

Ultimately, by 2026-2027 when phases 2 and 3 will be completed, the site will be able to produce 10 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) annually, this new discovery will transform the Mauritanian economy or, as it is familiarly said. local businessmen:

The Mauritanian coastal basin is currently one of the most monitored gas basins in the world, attracting the largest companies in the sector such as BP, ExxonMobil, Total and Shell Grand Tortue / Ahmeyim (GTA), is said to contain more than 15 tcf of gas resources discoveries that would be a sufficient resources to place Mauritania in the leading league of LNG projects on a Global scale.

It is difficult to calculate the impact this will have on the economy. But certainly, it can be as much a blessing as it is a curse. Managing price volatility in international markets and controlling local inflation, maintaining open and transparent performance and redistributing resources to the entire population are some of the key ingredients of a healthy transformation.



The Government has reformed the justice system and established an independent arbitration center for better protection of private investments. It works to establish good governance and transparency. In this context, Mauritania has been declared and continues to be a country compliant with the requirements of the EITI. Mauritania has also ratified several international conventions and multilateral agreements aimed at free trade and the protection of private investments. •

A flexible and incentive mining code has been adopted. It aims to encourage direct investment by national and foreign capital, to secure them and to facilitate the related administrative procedures.

Simplified procedures for the allocation of mining titles,In order to better define the tax and customs regime applicable to mining operations, the cycle of mining operations has been categorized into four phases: the research phase, the installation phase, the preliminary production phase known as «tax holiday» and the normal production phase.


MINING INDUSTRY The geological context of Mauritania is characterized by the presence of 4 geological groups that are the R’Gueïbat ridge, the Taoudeni basin, the Mauritanides chain and the coastal basin. Exploitation of Mauritania’s mineral wealth dates back to 500 BC with archaeological evidence found near Akjoujt, in western Mauritania, where current mining activity remains. The country has rich deposits of gold, copper, zinc, gypsum, uranium and rare earths.




Mauritania’s commercial mining activities began immediately after independence in 1960. It quickly became the main source of income for the newly established country. During boom years, Mauritania’s GDP per capita rose to $ 1,477 in 2013. Today it is around $ 1,200. Commercial exploitation began shortly after independence in 1960. In 1963, the first train carrying minerals arrived at the Atlantic port of Nouadhibou with its first cargo from the mining fields in northwest Mauritania. Mauritania’s iron ore train is the largest ore train in the world today.

Some mining resources in figures The proven mining resources in some areas already explored, show: •

Iron: 2 billion tonnes

Gold: over 25 million ounces

Copper: around 28 million tonnes of

Phosphate: more than 140 million tonnes at 21% P2O5 Quartz: over 11 million tonnes:

Salt: more than 245 million tonnes;

Gypsum: tonnes.




SNIM achieved an encouraging level of production in 2020 despite the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic. It sold 12.5 million tonnes. These sales represent a significant increase over those of 2019. Its exports mainly to China, Japan and Germany represent on average 15% of the gross domestic product, 37 % of the export earnings and provide 30% of the revenue of the state.


Ores, slag and ash


Gems and precious metals




Iron and steel


Mining quickly became Mauritania’s main source of income. Barely 2 years after the resumption of activities, mining accounted for 28% of GDP and created 92% of the value of all exports. The public company in charge of developing the sector with foreign capital was the Société Anonyme des Mines de Fer de Mauritanie - MIFERMA, originally created in 1952 and of which the World Bank and certain European countries were shareholders.


MIFERMA, the state-owned company that supported the development of the sector, was nationalized in the 1970s due to a sharp drop in the market that hit the Mauritanian economy. European ownership of MIFERMA has been transferred to a newly created company: the National Industrial and Mining Company (SNIM), one of the main Mauritanian companies in charge of operations and development of the sector.


ore at 1.14% grade; •


US $ 1.4 billion (46.2% of total exports) $ 590.9 million (20.2%) $ 5.4 million (0.2%) $ 5.3 million (0.2%)

Gold The largest mineral exploitation in Mauritania is the Tasiast mine, an open pit mine 300 kilometers north of the capital Nouakchott. Canadian gold mining company Kinross Gold acquired it in 2010 in a billionaire takeover. In 2019, following the phase one expansion, annual revenues were $ 300 million, showing a record annual production of 250,965 ounces of gold and record costs.






In September 2019, Kinross announced that it was continuing the Tasiast 24k project, a capital-efficient continuous improvement project that is expected to increase production capacity to 21,000 t / d by the end of 2021 and then to 24,000 tonnes per day by mid-2023. The project is expected to increase production, reduce costs and extend the life of the mine until 2033.

A new project: Maaden Since 2016, significant gold deposits have been discovered in this northern region of the country. The area has since been taken over by thousands of Mauritanians and foreigners. But the gold mining operations were not organized. That’s why the government decided to put it in order. The gold sites are located hundreds of kilometers from Zouerate, the capital of Tiris Zemour, and nearly 700 kilometers from Nouakchott. It was there that Mauritanian President Mohamed Cheikh Ghazouani oversaw the launch of the activities of the new Maaden company:

This artisanal and semi-industrial mining sector is a powerful lever for economic development, hence the importance and the need to invest in its supervision and to orient the economic benefits of the sector in the technical and professional training of its actors in order to ensure its development in the long term. Also the activity carried out with respect for the protection of the environment and that of human rights while taking into account the health and safety of the actors will fully benefit the Mauritanians.

Copper Mauritania’s largest copper mine is 100% owned by Mauritanian Copper Mines (MCM), a subsidiary of Canadian company First Quantum Minerals. Operations started in 2004. Currently, they produce around 15,000 tonnes of copper concentrate per month, employ over 1,400 people and contribute 5.6% to gross national income. MCM acquired an 80% stake in the Guelb Moghrein mine in 2004 and increased the property to 100% in 2010. Located 250 kilometers northeast of Nouakchott, the company produced 28,137 tonnes of copper in 2018 and 45,974 ounces. Golden. The final income for the year 2018 reached 201 million USD. For 2019, estimates indicated production of 30,000 tonnes of copper and 50,000 ounces of gold.

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Gold extraction, formal and informal sectors combined, is a significant source of income for the Mauritanian state, in the order of $ 780 million in 2020 (Ministry of Finance). The informal sector generated, out of this total, nearly $ 130 million in 2020. The opening of gold mining to traditional gold miners has also created more than 45,000 direct jobs (gold panning) and nearly 100,000. indirect jobs, according to official figures.


The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard aimed at promoting open and responsible management of natural resources. EITI seeks to strengthen the systems of governments and enterprises, to inform the public debate and to improve confidence. Announced at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002 (Earth Summit 2002), the EITI was officially launched in London in 2003. It views better transparency by the publication of tax payments from companies operating in the active sectors of the government and industries.


Mauritania has joined the EITI since 2007. Four years later (2011), it was declared a «compliant country» with the standards. «Compliance» with the EITI principles assumes that the country has put in place the essential tools of financial transparency between operators and the State to enable civil society and citizens to be better informed about the flow of payments. This transparency encourages the creation of a peaceful socio-economic environment that attracts investors and lays the foundations for sustainable human development.

Seismic surveys began in Mauritania in the 1980s by the North American company Occidental Oil Company. In 1985, seismic surveys carried out jointly by Occidental indicated a strong possibility of oil and natural gas reserves in Mauritanian waters. In 2001, the «Chinguetti field» - as Mauritania was called in ancient times - was discovered by the Australian firm Woodside Petroleum in 2001.Although modest, it was the country’s first oilfield discovery. After Chinguetti, other larger fields were found nearby: Banda. Tiof and Tevet.

The EITI in Mauritania is governed by a National Committee (CN / ETIE) chaired by an Advisor to the Prime Minister and comprising 29 members including 9 from the public sector, 8 from extractive companies and 14 from civil society. The country continues to implement activities aimed at strengthening the transparency of revenues from the extractive sector. They are contained in the work programs approved by the Multiparty Group and made available to the public (www.cnitie.mr/itie-fr). The CN / EITI publishes reports that give a complete picture of the extractive sector in the country. The last one for the 2016 financial year was published in 2018.

Hydrocarbons: A promising niche and strategic assets

OIL To better organize and optimize oil and gas activities, Mauritania has significantly improved the institutional, legal and regulatory framework. Better governance of exploitation and research activities aimed to promote the safe exploitation of national reserves, whether proven or potential, while protecting the environment and preserving the interests of the country and of private investors. In this context, the state has initiated a series of reforms that have led to: •

The adoption of a new, modern and attractive legal and regulatory framework and its implementing texts;

A new contract;

The establishment of oil and gas codes, a computerized oil register and a database for the hydrocarbons, mining and energy sectors.




Mauritania has a strong gas and oil potential which today represents a promising niche for investors. Beyond the significant gas fields identified, prospecting has not yet covered the entire territory of the country and the prospects remain promising. Also, the country has resolutely invested in recent years in promoting its comparative advantages to promote investments in particular in the field of hydrocarbons, which will constitute for decades to come an important lever of the national economy. One of the country’s notable assets is its strategic geographic position, at the crossroads of North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. Mauritania is a stone’s throw from Europe and close to American markets. This privileged position is reinforced by the existence of an important port, airport and road infrastructure base in addition to a dense communication network. In addition, the country’s economy is fundamentally liberal marked by a business environment extremely favorable to investment as evidenced by the excellent results recorded in the ranking of the indices of economic freedom, where Mauritania is comfortably positioned in the top 10 in the world. In the area of ​​improving the business climate, the country, which in just three years has gained 18 points in the global Doing Business ranking is now a magnet for investors.




Explorations The latest recent discovery of gas has overshadowed the oil outlook in Mauritania. There is also an ongoing interest in the hidden black gold opportunities that Mauritania still has to offer. The French company Total started its activities in 1999 and is currently exploring its five deep offshore licenses. Outlook 2022 - Seismic acquisition 2D seismic: speculative seismic study in progress carried out by TGS

Clarity of the tax system, treated at the contractual level;

Oil profit sharing based on the R factor: attractiveness

Decree on petroleum licenses (N ° 2011-230); -

Model production sharing contract;

Source. Directorate General of Hydrocarbons

- New players, E&P and services - New promotional strategy for the Taoudenni basin


The HC law establishes the principles of a CEP tender process but also allows direct negotiations (article 18 of law 2011-044) - Attractiveness and modernity of the legal and investment framework - Stability and security - Transparency, Mauritania was declared in 2017 to comply with 2016 EITI standards - Incentives for tax treatment of entrepreneurs and subcontractors (Source Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines)

Legal framework Hydrocarbons Law: adopted in 2010 (Law N ° 2010033), amended in 2011 (Law N ° 2011-044) and in 2015 (N ° 2015-016). New key elements: • • •


 Discovered in 2015  Resources of 15Tcf

At the maritime border between Mauritania and Senegal, at a depth of 2,850 m, BP and its partners are developing a gas field with 30 years of production potential. The Greater Tortue Ahmeyim field has around 15 trillion cubic feet of gas and is expected to be a major source of national energy and revenue. In December 2016, BP acquired the exploitation of Kosmos Energy exploration blocks in Mauritania and Senegal and entered into a partnership with them.

Subsea wells and Production system

 2.3 Mtpa LNG  125, 000 m3 storage  LNG carriers sized between 125,000 m3 and 215, 000 m3 Direction Générale des Hydrocarbures

GREATER TORTUE AHMEYIM GTA  GTA phases 2 & 3 Phase 1 will deliver first gas in 2022, and have an offtake of 2.3 Mtpa Subsequent Phases 2/3 will increase the offtake to ~9.7 Mtpa

BP has acquired a 62% stake, including the operation, of offshore blocks C-6, C-8, C-12 and C-13 - alongside partners Société Mauritanienne Des Hydrocarbons et de Patrimoine Minier (10%) and Kosmos (28%). The approximately 33,000 square kilometers of land area covered by the expanded BP and Kosmos partnership would contain between 50 and 100 tcf of gas resource potential, and includes the Greater Tortue / Ahmeyim field, which would contain more than 15 tcf of discovered gas resources. .

Approval of PSCs by decree (instead of law): flexibility;

2019 Phase 1

Possibility of authorization for non-exclusive recognition;





Phase 1 Production





Direction Générale des Hydrocarbures



Execute for Phases 2 / 3

Concept Development



Execute (Construction / Conversion)

Phases 2 / 3

Operators must join the EITI;


 505 mmscfd  10 000 bpd condenstae

Breakwater and the FLNG

All imports of materials and goods necessary for the proper execution of oil operations are subject to VAT either at zero rate, or subject to the temporary import procedure which suspends the payment of VAT for goods introduced within the framework of this particular customs practice.

- Drilling wells (2022-2023): GTA development wells and contractual wells (Shell and Total)

- Block allocation process


FID Phases 2/3

Commencement of Commercial Operations

First Gas Phase 2

First Gas Phase 3




In December 2018, BP announced the Final Investment Decision (DIF) for Phase 1 of the innovative cross-border development of Greater Tortue Ahmeyim. The decision was taken following an agreement between the Mauritanian and Senegalese governments and partners BP, Kosmos Energy and National Oil Companies Petrosen and SMHPM. This marked the start of a multi-phased BP project that included a billion dollar Big Turtle / Ahmeyin (GTA) gas project. In February 2020, Mauritania and Senegal signed an agreement for the sale and purchase of LNG (SPA) for the first phase of the Turtle offshore project (Ahmeyim gas project. This agreement will elevate the countries in the league of the great LNG exporters.

Clean energy Mauritania, with its enormous solar and wind potential and its vast surface areas, occupies the first rank of the countries of the world, naturally well positioned, to play the most important roles in the production and development of clean energy and in the process to welcome related projects. In order to initiate these transformations, Mauritania launched in 2020 the process of developing an ambitious national strategy for transforming the energy sector based on the optimal exploitation of the country’s enormous potential in gas and renewable energies at medium and long term. The solar rays which shine on all regions of the country, throughout the year, and in the vast areas suitable for the establishment of wind and solar parks, in coastal and desert areas, are important assets and represent decisive factors in attracting investment in the field of clean energy in the country.

Meteorology has confirmed that the solar energy production capacity in Mauritania varies between 2000 and 2300 kWh per square meter per year, throughout the national territory, and the force of the wind is estimated at around 9 meters per second, throughout the year onshore. When it comes to maritime areas, this wind speed becomes particularly interesting and globally competitive as it reaches 12 meters per second. Although focused on its gas projects and the prospect of becoming an LNG exporter, Mauritania seeks to make an efficient energy transition by attracting investments in clean energies, in particular green hydrogen. British oil company Chariot Oil and Gas will develop the Nour Project (which has the potential to produce Africa’s cheapest green hydrogen and make the country a key exporter), a green hydrogen facility that will have a capacity of 10 GW. The project will operate upstream with solar and wind resources which will subsequently supply electrolysers. It will also make it possible to produce oxygen, all over an area of ​​nearly 14,400 km2 for which the authorities have granted exclusive rights to the company. Mauritania is one of the pioneer countries which has really and deliberately embarked on the path of future energies, alongside Australia, South Korea and Norway, to be thus one of the countries best prepared to welcome major investments in this field, in regard to the favorable environment, the encouraging investment climate, the vast uninhabited areas and the considerable solar and wind potentialities which it enjoys.

But Mauritania’s efforts to improve transparency and adapt to international standards have been consistent over the past decade. The international board of directors of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) acknowledged that Mauritania had made «significant progress against the norm». The EITI is the global standard for promoting open and accountable management of oil, gas and mineral resources and supporting reforms in fiscal transparency and governance of the extractive industries. Mauritania joined the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in 2005 and complies with the transparency rules required by the EITI. Reforms undertaken by the Mauritanian government to improve the business climate have made Mauritania an attractive destination for long-term investments such as the Grand Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) gas project. A new investment code has been adopted and the public procurement and trade code is being improved to protect investments. In 2019, Mauritania was ranked 152nd out of 190 economies for ease of doing business, according to the World Bank’s latest annual ratings.

Towards transparency The World Bank recommended that Mauritania adopt «budgetary rules, as well as structural reforms .(.). improving the efficiency of public spending, easing exchange rate regimes and improving the business climate in order to stimulate the productivity of non-extractive sectors. Without structural reforms and budgetary rules, Mauritania’s real exchange rate would increase, its competitiveness would decrease and its budget deficit would increase ”.







ORGANIZATIONS More than half of the extractive industry’s taxation comes from mining, which is also the largest supplier of foreign currency to the state of Mauritania. There are three main taxes and royalties imposed on companies operating in the mining sector, which include one-time annual royalties, dividends from state participation and contributions to the state budget.

Mauritanian Hydrocarbons Company (SMH), receives the share of the State and the National Hydrocarbon Revenue Fund (FNRH) -, manages all oil and gas revenues. The FNRH was created in 2006 after Mauritania joined the EITI. According to the Swift Institute Fund, this sovereign fund located in Nouakchott, the current assets stand at $ 52,600,000

The government institution responsible for the development of the sector is the Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines. The sector is governed by the Mining Code and the Ministry is responsible for promulgating this law. The following public establishments and enterprises are subject to technical control by the Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines: National Industrial and Mining Company (SNIM) Mauritanian Electricity Company (SOMELEC) Mauritanian Hydrocarbons Company (SMH) Mauritanian Gas Company (SOMAGAZ) Mauritanian Company of Refining Industries (SOMIR) National Agency for Geological Research and Mining Heritage (ANARPAM) The ministry monitors the activities of: The National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNHY); The Rural Electrification Agency (ADER); Petroleum Installations Management Company; The Mauritanian Storage of Petroleum Products (MEPP).

The Treasury is the official body for managing industry finances collected by the Central Bank.

CRUDE OIL PRODUCTION Crude oil - production

4,000 bbl / day (2018 est.)

Crude oil - exports

5,333 bbl / day (2015 est.)

Crude oil - imports

0 bbl / day (2015 est.)

Crude oil - proved reserves

20 million bbl (January 1, 2018 est.)

Refined petroleum products - production

0 bbl / day (2015 est.)

Refined petroleum products - consumption

17,000 bbl / day (2016 est.)

Refined petroleum products - exports

0 bbl / day (2015 est.)

Refined petroleum products - imports

17,290 bbl / day (2015 est.)

Source. CIA WorldFact Book








Company Profile


With a turnover of 1 billion 225 million dollars in 2020 and more than 6,200 employees, SNIM remains by far the leading industrial company in the country where its contribution to the GDP reaches 11%. In addition, SNIM leaves its mark on the national industrial fabric with several subsidiaries active in fields ranging from tourism to mechanical construction, including foundry, transit, consignment, ornamental stones, oil installations, etc. .

A Strategic Business Program to resize SNIM SNIM’s teams, whose professionalism is well established, watch over its development by enhancing its enormous iron ore reserves.

Mr. Mohamed Vall Mohamed Telmidy Administrateur Directreur General Nouadhibou. +222 45 74 51 74 contact@snim.com www.snim.com

SNIM (Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière) is a mining company and a major economic player currently operating in the research, extraction, processing and marketing of iron ore. The Company manages its entire production chain including a railway line and a deep water port in Nouadhibou. SNIM has been supporting the socio-economic development of Mauritania for 60 years. It is a real locomotive for the Mauritanian economy. In 2020, its exports (13 million tonnes of iron ore per year) represented 43% of total exports.


The Strategic Business Program (Programme Stratégique d’Entreprise ,PSE), whose action plans are announced at the start of 2022, is part of this desire for a change in dimension by increasing production, excluding partnerships, to 24 million tonnes by 2026. The PSE revolves around several axes including, in particular, the promotion of human resources, capacity increase, geological research, sustainable development, etc.

Sufficient reserves for the development of new partnerships SNIM has sufficient iron ore reserves to both increase its own capacities and develop new partnerships like those already signed with Glencore, Minmetals and SABIC. EMC (El AOUJ MINING COMPANY), the JV linking SNIM to GLENCORE aims to develop the Guelb El Aouj deposit, for production, in a first phase of 11 million tonnes of concentrated iron ore; with the possibility of increasing this capacity subsequently and / or transforming it.



BP 42, Nouadhibou, Mauritania





The JV linking SNIM to Minmetals (TUM: Tazadit Underground Mine) aims to ensure the underground exploitation of the Tazadit I pit (rich haematite) whose open pit mining is no longer possible even though it still contains directly salable iron ore.

Investment opportunities in gold, copper and cobalt SNIM has research and exploitation permits for other metals, representing real investment partnership opportunities. These include copper, cobal and gold, the evidence of which is convincing and the permits cover large concessions. In addition, SNIM operates in a region where solar and wind potential is significant. A pioneer in the development of renewable energies in the country, it aims to strengthen its energy mix by considerably increasing the production of green energy on its own or in association with other operators.

Its proximity to European, Maghreb and Middle Eastern markets is also a privilege for investments.

National Agency for Geological Research and Mining Heritage ANARPAM

Company Profile

TEKAMUL (MAURITANIA SAUDI MINING & STEEL) is the result of the partnership between SNIM and SABIC for the development of the Guelb Atomaï deposit. Its objective is the production, in a first phase of 10 million tons of pellets intended for direct reduction; with the possibility of moving into a second phase to direct reduction and steel production in Mauritania.

It provides technical assistance for the benefit of the State and to third parties and the exercise of all mining services such as logistics, studies and engineering, the execution of trenches and drilling, mineral analysis, the realization of field work (geophysics, geochemistry,…), design and execution of geological and mining research programs, project management and monitoring.

Geological research, mining promotion and management of State holdings in mining companies as well as the acquisition of holdings in these companies or in mining projects, in particular by:

Improving the geological infrastructure by carrying out or delegating the work of geological mapping and geophysical surveys;

Through the missions which are now assigned to it, ANARPAM covers in particular the following services and benefits:

The valuation, promotion, development, management and exploitation of mineral discoveries and accumulations;

The promotion of solid mineral resources on the national territory;

Mr. El Hachemy cheikh Sidatty Moulaye Abdellah General manager Administrative area, Ksar, BP 654 Nouakchott


+222 45252688 / 45290073 anarpam@anarpam.mr www.anarpam.mr

Improve added value After sixty years of exporting raw iron ore, SNIM intends to move towards the local processing of part of its production for greater added value. With the prospect of the exploitation of natural gas in Mauritania, which offers cheap energy, avenues for the development of the local steel industry can be explored with strategic partners within the framework of existing or new partnerships. Major assets In addition to its enormous reserves of iron ore, especially magnetite ores, SNIM has major assets for the development of investment partnerships. Its railway (728km of track) and its deep-water port at Nouadhibou are its main advantages.


ANARPAM (National Agency for Geological Research and Mining Heritage) was created by decree n ° 2020-064 of May 28, 2020, with an EPIC status by absorption of OMRG and transfer of its assets and liabilities and subrogation to SMHPM in all shareholder pacts with mining companies, as well as in the articles of association of companies holding mining licenses relating to the State’s participation in mining companies, to which the SMHPM is a party by virtue of decree n ° 2014 -001 of January 6, 2014. The ANARPAM thus created is both a public operator in geological research and mining promotion and a mining operator in charge of the management of State holdings in mining companies.



0022245252688 contact@anarpam.mr www.anarpam.mr www.ebizguides.com



The collection, storage and updating and dissemination of basic geo-scientific data;

Management and updating of the Geological and Mining Information System (SIGM).

ANARPAM, with its combined experience of 40 years through OMRG (created in 1980 and dissolved by the new Agency) and having a proven capacity in terms of mining services, it has the technical capacities and the qualified personnel enabling it to carry out all work and services relating to mining activity, it is particularly a question of:

And welcome you to Mauritania and will accompany you while promising you to meet all your needs in terms of mining services and services able to make you discover the various and multiple treasures of which our country abounds ”.

MCM - MAURITANIAN COPPER MINES Mr. Aboubekrine Elemine Country Manager ZRA 741.BP5051 Tevragh Zeina, Nouakchott

For more detailed information visit www.anarpam.mr

+222 22 14 42 28


100% owned by Mauritanian Copper Mines (MCM), a First Quantum Minerals Ltd subsidiary.One of the private mining companies working under the aegis of the Mauritanian petroleum ministry. MCM acquired an 80% stake in the Guelb Moghrein mine in 2004 and the group increased the stake to 100% in 2010. The mining process is carried out in a single open pit using hydraulic shovels and mechanically driven transport trucks.

aboubekrine.elemine@fqml.com www.mcmnews.com

Mr. Brahim Mbareck President

A versatile team: geological engineers, geologists, structuralists, geochemists, geophysicists, geomatics specialists, mineralogists, senior remote detectors.

Prospecting equipment necessary for the realization of the cartography: Hammers, GPS, Compasses, magnifying glasses,

GIS software: ArcGIS, QGIS.

Rolling and drilling equipment: 10 all-terrain vehicles (Toyota, Nissan Hardbody, Plutus) as well as 2 trucks and a drill;

Camp equipment: tents, sleeping equipment, kitchen equipment, lighting equipment, etc.

An accredited laboratory with efficient personnel and equipment for various mineral analyzes.

In conclusion, the company invites you to: Trust ANARPAM to develop, in peace, your future mining projects in Mauritania both in metallic and non-metallic substances; Learn about its rich and diversified bibliographic database, its complete and varied logistics, its motivated and qualified staff as well as its accredited and accredited laboratory.


ZRA 741 - BP 5051 Nouakchott +222 45 20 00 08 brahim.mbareck@kinross.com www.kinrosstasiast.mr Founded in 1993, Kinross Gold Corporation is a Canadian multinational corporation and one of the largest gold producers in the world, with a diverse portfolio of mines and projects in the United States, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, Mauritania and in Russia. Kinross is headquartered in Toronto, Canada, and employs approximately 9,000 people worldwide. The group is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: KGC) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: K). The company is focused on creating value through operational excellence, financial discipline and responsible mining. The Tasiast gold mine has been operated since 2010 by Kinross Gold Corporation through its wholly owned subsidiary Tasiast Mauritanie Limited SA (TMLSA). Located in the middle of vast expanses of desert, 300 kilometers northeast of Nouakchott in the Inchiri region, Tasiast is an open-pit mining operation. The gold contained in the ore mined from the pits is recovered at a processing plant and heap leach facilities. Tasiast’s proven and probable gold reserves are now estimated at 7.861 million ounces of gold (just over 220 tonnes).


The Tasiast gold mine





It also markets:


products and services intended for general trade;


aviation fuels.

At the maritime border between Mauritania and Senegal, at a depth of 2,850 m, BP and its partners are developing a gas field with a production potential of 30 years. The Greater Tortue Ahmeyim field has around 15 trillion cubic feet of gas and is expected to be a major source of household energy and income.

Company Profile

TotalEnergies Mauritanie : In addition, TOTALENEGIE manages, via a service BP is committed to helping both countries develop contract, the transport, storage and présente distribution of dans le pays depuis 1999. their world-class resources in a sustainable manner. sur la distribution de produits raffinés. À c La filiale Total Mauritanie est Son activité principale repose products for the needs of the Tasiast mining site, the BP sees a very bright future for the Mauritanian oil 40 stations-services réparties sur le territoire national and gas industry and is committed to working in largest private mine in Mauritania. 15 installations pour les clients privés partnership to help the nation develop its resources Finally, it markets decentralized solar solutions for Dépôtspopulations miniersthrough pourour le stockage des hydrocarbures in a sustainable manner. low-income network of service stations. Dépôt de stockage pour les lubrifiants Dépôt pour l’activité de country l’aviation Total increased its exploration in the by Mr. Abdellatif Boumediane Directeur Général E Nord Lot No.110, Nouakchott

acquiring two new deep offshore licenses, block C7 (with a 90% stake) in May 2017 and block C18 (with a 45% stake) in August 2017. The Group also operates the C9 license deep offshore (with a 90% stake).

+222 45 29 00 19 Abdellatif.boumediane@total-mr.com https://totalenergies.com/fr/enmauritanie

As a large energy group, TOTAL produces and markets fuels, natural gas and low-carbon electricity. Active in more than 130 countries, TOTAL’s ambition is to become the responsible energy major. The company is involved in the exploration and production of oil and gas and markets petroleum products and related services in Mauritania. They also lead community outreach initiatives in the country to promote sustainable development and road safety. The company has been present in Mauritania for nearly 20 years and is the only oil and gas major active in the marketing of petroleum products in the country.In Mauritania, TOTALENERGIE has a network of nearly 40 service stations where it distributes fuel and associated services.


BP MAURITANIA Mr. Mohamed Limam Vice Président - Directeur Mauritanie Immeuble El EmelZRA N433Nouakchott. bpmauritania@bp.com https://www.bp.com/en_mr/mauritania/ home.html

BP is a British oil company considered to be one of the seven oil and gas “supermajors” of the world. It is a vertically integrated company operating in all areas of the oil and gas industry including exploration and production, refining, distribution and marketing, petrochemicals, power generation and trade. He also has renewable energy interests in biofuels, wind power, smart grids and solar technology.







the SMH plans to become one of the major African contributors in supplying the global energy market, with the first milestone in this trajectory, the entry into production of GTA scheduled for 2023.

Company Profile

Building on the enormous comparative advantages of Mauritania (enormous potential in renewable energies, large uninhabited spaces, abundance of seawater with an ocean frontage of more than 700 km, proximity to major markets, etc.) and as part of the strategy of the Mauritanian State in the matter, the SMH also plans to play its role in the energy transition and the green hydrogen production industries as well as the associated industries.

Mr. Turad Abdel Baghi General manager Illot K Rue 42-133 N349 Nouakchott

To support these declared ambitions, since 2020 SMH has embarked on a vast program to strengthen its human resources and upgrade technical, managerial and organizational skills (recruitment, organization chart, procedures, certification for employees. ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 standards).


Thanks to the giant gas discoveries in national offshore, like the GTA (Greater Tortue Ahmeyim) field, cross-border with Senegal, and that of BirAllah, discovered in an exclusive Mauritanian zone,


Everything is guided by our intrinsic values, the “3Rs”: Build respect: We act with respect for people, their communities, the environment, human rights and the law.

Member of the London FTSE 250 stock market index, our exploration activities are geographically focused on the North Sea, West Africa and Latin America, supported by interests in fields in production or in development. . Cairn is headquartered in Edinburgh, Scotland, with the support of operational subsidiaries in London, Egypt, Mauritania and Mexico.

Cultivate human relationships: we act honestly, transparently and with integrity in order to develop strong and lasting relationships with all stakeholders. Responsible actions: to act quietly and ethically and we are responsible for our actions. To believe in the duty to provide assistance to people, society and the environment, and act accordingly.

Responsible operator

Main national public player in the upstream and downstream sectors of hydrocarbons


SMH also has storage depots in its assets which supply approximately 80% of the national market with petroleum products.

Cairn is committed to working responsibly, thereby contributing to the strategy of creating value for all stakeholders.

Mauritanian Hydrocarbons Company (SMH)

+222 45 25 59 93

Created in 2005 with an «EPIC» status (Public Establishment of Industrial and Commercial Character), to manage the participations of the Mauritanian State in the fields in operation, of which the only one existing at the time was that of Chinguetti, the SMH, with its new “National Company” status is, in 2021, a national oil company, partner in several exploration-production (E&P) joint ventures, bringing together international oil companies, majors and independents, such as BP, Shell, Total Energies, Kosmos Energy, Cairn Energy.

Cairn is an independent European energy company among the leaders in its category. This company has explored, discovered and developed liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons in different parts of the world as an operator and partner, throughout the life cycle of hydrocarbons.

A National Company that wants to project itself into the future Cairn Energy PLC More than

Mr. Mohamed abdellahi

16 years

of experience

Country Manager Block 0, 91-92, Rue Mamadou Keita, Tavragh-Zein, Nouakchott

enriched by close partnerships with renowned operators

+222 45 20 14 22 / +222 43 15 34 83 www.cairnenergy.com

ILLOT K Rue 42-133, N°: 349 Nouakchott - Mauritania



+222 45 25 59 93





In Mauritania, Cairn has been operating block C7 since May 2021 with a 90% interest share. The license includes an initial exploration period of 2 years. The work program includes 3D seismic reprocessing and the acquisition of an environmental baseline scheduled for late 2021.

Shell’s activities are divided into different activities: upstream, integrated gas and new energies, downstream. The Projects & Technology organization manages the realization of Shell’s major projects and steers its research and innovation.


SHELL Mr. Turker Sengonul Directeur Mauritanie

Mr. Imran Abdul Kadir General manager

BP 8050.Nouakchott

BP 8050.Nouakchott

+222 41 20 42 97


mauritanie@shell.com h t t p s : / / w w w. s h e l l . c o m / a b o u t - u s / contact-us/shell-mauritanie.html Shell is an international energy company with expertise in the exploration, production, refining and marketing of petroleum and natural gas, as well as in the manufacture and marketing of chemicals. Shell is in the early stages of exploring for hydrocarbons off Mauritania in northwest Africa. In July 2018, Shell Exploration and Production Mauritanie B.V. (Shell) signed a production sharing contract with the Mauritanian government for the exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the C-10 offshore block. The block is located approximately 55 km west of the coastal area near the capital, Nouakchott. Shell is the operator, with a 90% stake, and the Mauritanian Hydrocarbons Company (SMH), the Société Nationale des Pétroles de Mauritanie, has a 10% stake. Shell’s goal is to drive progress with more and cleaner energy solutions. The group believes that rising living standards for a growing world population will likely continue to drive demand for energy, including oil and gas, for years to come. At the same time, technological changes and the need to tackle climate change mean that a transition is underway to a low-carbon multi-source energy system. Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemical companies.


Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) is one of the few national oil companies in the world to have transformed into a multinational of choice and ranked among the largest companies on FORTUNE Global 500. The growing demand for energy inspires and reinforces PETRONAS ‘goal of constantly seeking new solutions and pushing the boundaries towards a sustainable energy future. The company applies innovative technological approaches that allow it to unlock and maximize energy sources,even in the most remote and difficult environments. Their fully integrated value chain spans from exploration to marketing, logistics to technology infrastructure, with operations in more than 50 countries.

STAR OIL Mr. Tijani Ben Al Hussein

This Mauritanian oil company is one of the largest groups in the oil sector in Mauritania with a presence in Mali, Senegal, Guinea Conakry and Senegal. Working within the framework of Mauritanian law, he works directly with local actors: ABBAS family group, MAOA group, ABEIDNA group and Tidiani Ben Al Houssein. The company had the first BP station service in Mauritania in 1957. It was not until 1992 that the group took the name of Elf Oil Mauritania after the acquisition of part of BP through the Elf Aquitaine group. In 2003, the company changed its name to STAR OIL and took over the activities of BP, ELF, TOTAL and Exxon Mobil. STAR OIL has invested and focused on developing a diversified business and has achieved its goals of becoming a major player in Mauritania, a dynamic market leader in all sectors of oil distribution

PETRODISl +222.33832 75 39 / 77 450 50 55 +222.77 450 50 54 petrodisoil@yahoo.com www.petrodisoil.sn

PETRODIS OIL was created in April 2005 with two main objectives: to contribute to the development of the country and its economy and to meet the needs of consumers of petroleum products. Today, the group offers its services in the most remote and hidden regions of Mauritania, acting as one of the most important gasoline distributors in the country. Petrodis wants to offer everyone, regardless of their location, the services and benefits that a gas station can offer; it is for this reason that most PETRODIS stations are located in the regions and within the country and not exclusively in Nouakchott.

General manager Avenue Abdel Nasser BP 388 Nouakchott + 222 36 30 11 87

RIMHYDRO and SUDHYDRO Zl. Ksar North BP 4082 - Nouakchott +222 45 25 42 74 riimhydro@weddady.com www.weddady.com

The name Weddady is closely linked to the economic history of Mauritania. Since 1962, Weddady has become a label which actively participates in the economic and social development of Mauritania. Among Weddaddy’s companies in the oil and mining sector, you can find RIM Hydro, SUD Hydro, Exhym and Remm. The Weddady Group has for years played a leading role between Mauritania and abroad by being one of the leading importers of essential products for the Mauritanian and sub-regional markets. Likewise, the group acted as the main exporter of specific Mauritanian products such as gum arabic. The name Weddady was already at that time a well-known commercial and industrial brand in Mauritania. With 15 companies under its brand, 518 permanent jobs and more than 2,000 occasional and / or seasonal jobs per year, an infrastructural and mobile portfolio installed throughout the country, the Weddady Group is indeed a sure tool for the development of Mauritania.

Petroleum Installations Management Company GIP Refinery Zone - Nouadhibou + 222 45 74 52 40 / + 222 45 74 51 30 ab-dahi@hotmail.fr

Tidiani.benalhousein@staroilgroup.com www.staroilgroup.com






Petroleum Installations Management Company (GIP) is a public limited company incorporated under Mauritanian law with a capital of UM 7.3 billion based in Nouadhibou (Mauritania). As a subsidiary of SNIM, it operates the Nouadhibou refinery depot (economic capital of Mauritania). The depot has a storage capacity of over 300,000 m3 for the various hydrocarbon products and has an oil dock that can accommodate ships up to 50,000 ™. Today, one of the objectives of this public service is to provide adequate training to its staff working in Mauritania.

SOMELEC Mr. Cheikh Abdellahi BEDDA General manager 47 Independence Avenue .BP 355 Nouakchott +222 45 25 67 83

The cumulative net energy produced at the end of December 2020 is 1,305,900 MWh, including 1,296,300 MWh intended for the SOMELEC network. The breakdown at the end of December 2019, between the various production sources, is as follows: •

16.73% Hydroelectric Manantali and Félou;



65.6% SOMELEC’s own thermal park;

8.82% wind power plant;

8.36% solar power plants.

0.49% Purchase from SNIM in Nouadhibou Energy from OMVS hydroelectric facilities directly supplies the main Mauritanian towns located in the Senegal River valley. They are Rosso, Kaédi, Sélibaby, Boghé, Gouray and Diaguili. Since 2020, it has also supplied the cities of Aleg, Boutilimit, Magtaa Lahjar, Mbagne and Bababé.

somelec@somelec.mr www.somelec.mr

SOMELEC (Mauritanian Electricity Company) was created in 2001 from the split of SONELEC (National Water and Electricity Company), created in 1975 and which was in charge of activities related to the production and distribution of electricity. drinking water and electricity. SOMELEC ensures the functions of production, purchase, transport, distribution and marketing of electricity in urban and peri-urban areas throughout the national territory. It is currently present in 58 cities and dozens of localities. Its objective is to generalize access to electric energy to all inhabitants under the best conditions. Its share capital, wholly owned by the Mauritanian State, amounts to 14,736,416,000 MRU, or approximately 360 million Euros. SOMELEC is present in 58 towns and dozens of localities across the country. It manages around 325,000 subscribers through 72 shopping centers. Its staff totals 2,284 agents.


The share of renewable energies, wind and solar, reached 17.18% of total production in 2020.The overall installed capacity of the SOMELEC national park, composed of 60 production units, amounts to 490 MW. The most important thermal power station is that of Nouakchott North with a capacity of 180 MW equipped with 12 groups of a unit capacity of 15 MW which can operate as well with heavy fuel oil as with natural gas. The most important renewable energy plants available to SOMELEC are the 30 MW wind farm and the 50 MW solar photovoltaic plant in Nouakchott. A 100 MW wind farm is being built in Boulenouar between Nouakchott and Nouadhibou, its commissioning is scheduled for the end of 2021.



Train SNIM www.ebizguides.com










A cluster of industries has developed around these products creating mills, dairy factories, pasta, fruit juices, etc.

CHARACTERIZATION OF THE RURAL SECTOR Agro-ecological zones and production systems

Arid zone :

80% of the total area Dry air and very low precipitation • The reference production system is of the oasis type (palm trees and cereals, alfalfa, fruits and vegetables as associated crops) • Transhumant and extensive breeding of camels and small ruminants 16,000 ha in the oasis system, or 3% of the useful agricultural area (UAA).

Sahelian zone

OVERVIEW Overshadowed by the glamor of the oil, gas and mining industries, Mauritanian agriculture is largely unrecognized, but is a key part of the country’s economic backbone. The nominal GDP of the agriculture branch has decelerated to 11.5% to stand at MRU 16.4 billion in 2020, or 5.4% of the overall nominal GDP against 5.1% in 2019. Over the last five years, the weight of the «agriculture» branch stood on average at 24.5% of the primary sector’s GDP and at 4.8% of overall GDP.

agro-pastoral households to a serious risk of food insecurity exacerbated by the Sahel crisis. To give an example, in a good rainy year, rainfed agriculture, which is the most popular in Mauritania, can extend its land boundaries by 300 percent covering up to 200,000 hectares.

Mauritania is mainly a desert country with a long tradition of nomadic life - pastoral subsistence - so agriculture only really took place recently, when small populations began to settle. Weather conditions and climate change have long had an impact on agricultural production and livestock in Mauritania.

There is significant agricultural potential. The useful agricultural area is estimated at around 500,000 ha and a large herd estimated at around 8.5 million TLP (total livestock population) The land is mainly used for subsistence agriculture, although industrial agriculture and Commercial development is developing along the Senegal River valley where most of the fertile land is located. In this area, large local groups operate with basic infrastructure and perimeters in place up to the surroundings of Rosso.

The country experiences structural food deficits, recurrent droughts and environmental degradation, making access to food difficult for vulnerable households. Climate change has exposed many

The main agricultural products are rice, dates, corn and sorghum supplemented by camels, initially, then cattle and sheep breeding around Mauritanian territory.



• South-eastern Mauritania where a dry winter season alternates with a rainy summer season. • The production system is agro-pastoral. • In the East: Transhumant and extensive livestock farming and traditional rain-fed crops (sorghum, millet, maize) on a potential estimated at 250,000 ha, or 49% of the potential UAA. In the south: crops (sorghum, maize, vegetables) behind dams and lowlands on a potential estimated at around 60,000 ha, or 12% of the UAA

River valley area

Irrigated agriculture with total control of water over an estimated potential of 135,000 Ha (cereals, fruits and vegetables, etc.), i.e. 26% of the potential UAA 12,000 Ha, or 2% of the potential UAA Urban-type cattle rearing is developed near towns. Source: Ministry of Rural Development Natural or control Walo flood systems estimated at 40,000 ha (Sorghum and Corn) i.e. 8% of the


potential UAA which depends for approximately 50% on the management of the dam. Sedentary, semi-intensive breeding, mainly practiced in the river valley with a short transhumance during the growing season.

Maritime area

A 50 km wide coastal strip from Nouadhibou to the lower delta of the river • Possibility of developing market gardening and arboricultural crops on a potential estimated at around

FOOD SAFETY Mauritania imports most of the country’s food needs and is vulnerable to fluctuations in international prices as well as transport conditions. The country suffers from chronic food shortages and has struggled for years to ensure decent food security. With 4.4 million people growing at one of the highest rates in the world, 2.09% in 2020, food needs will only increase. In addition, as urbanization and a sedentary lifestyle change the eating habits of people, the local diet has shifted from rice, camel and goat meat, to milk and dates to include fish, potatoes. earth and other vegetables. The escalation of local consumption and the introduction of food storage, new technologies, techniques and new products like potato, introduced by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with many many other projects, increased agricultural and animal production as a whole but did not cover for the consumption of the country. Other initiatives are underway to increase the supply of dairy products, with fodder plants, the development of fodder crops and the improvement of local breeds.




LIVESTOCK SECTOR State policy considers livestock breeding as a major element in the fight against poverty as the main source of income and as a method of capitalization. Over the last two years, the breeding activity has been marked by the qua-stability of the growth rate of its real GDP around 3%, with an increase of 3.1% in 2020. This development is partly linked the availability of pastures in agro-pastoral zones following relatively satisfactory rainfall recorded in 2020. Nominal livestock GDP stood at MRU 29.5 billion, or 9.6% of overall nominal GDP in 2020. In addition, over the last five years, the share of livestock in the sector’s GDP primary level stabilized at 52% on average and around 10.3% of overall nominal GDP. Currently, it ensures self-sufficiency in red meat and covers 30% of milk requirements. The area has room for further development. There is significant scope for the development of the poultry sector and the hide and leather industry. Cereals such as millet and sorghum are produced on the other side of the Senegal River but mainly for home consumption. Wheat is mainly supported by imports and rice has great potential. There are 1.9 million palm trees, but date production is not significant. The production of fresh fruits and vegetables is concentrated during the cold season, which lasts about two months (December and January) and is limited. The rest of the year, the market is supplied by imports from the sub-region (Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal) and Europe.

REPRODUCTION Livestock play a crucial role in the fight against poverty and food insecurity, but the potential remains far from being exploited at its optimal level. There are three breeding systems: •



Extensive livestock farming mainly throughout the country except in the river zone.


Sedentary and sometimes semi-intensive breeding in the river valley with a short transhumance during the growing season.

Peri-urban breeding for milk production.

The Mauritanian herd is estimated at 1.6 million cattle, 16 million sheep and goats, 1.4 million camels. The development potential is important with the promotion of genetic improvement (selection of animal breeds), the development of poultry farming, the more rational use of natural and fodder resources and the improvement of breeding practices.

AGRICULTURE There are constraints to overcome but there is enormous potential to be exploited depending on the agro-ecological zones. The cultivable potential is estimated at 513,000 ha, all cropping systems combined. 71% of the potential is made up of exploitable land in a traditional production system heavily dependent on rainfall, water flow and therefore the quality of hydraulic infrastructure. Agriculture is strongly subject to climatic hazards, in particular rain-fed agriculture. There is a strong potential for intensification of production in an irrigated system with controlled diversification according to the production systems.

RURAL INFRASTRUCTURE Rural infrastructure is poorly developed. Water resources are scarce and a fragile soil subject to the physical effects of the climate. However, significant efforts have been made to improve rural infrastructure with irrigated perimeters, dams, dykes and dykes, small hill reservoirs, water points for human and pastoral food, vaccination parks. , etc. But it is necessary to optimize the use of resources and the implementation of a water and soil conservation policy as well as master plans for the development and application of texts (land plans, code of water, pastoral code, etc.).



Underdevelop potentiality In general, the production and export capacities of the sector are under-exploited given the strategic geographical location of Mauritania and the availability of land and conditions. Mauritania is also the closest tropical country to Europe, with weather conditions that allow it to grow off-season products at low production costs.


- The livestock and rain-fed agriculture sub-sectors are undervalued despite their importance and are exploited in a traditional way. - Lack of synergy between agriculture and livestock in the context of integrated rural development. - Inefficiency of irrigated agriculture and water control - Underdeveloped transformation ~ 75% of the poor come from rural areas

It is the Atlantic gateway to the entire Sahel market with up to 80 million potential customers and West Africa, a larger market of 300 million. Some of the companies established in Mauritania’s agroindustrial sector export their products to neighboring countries and even to Europe but still lack the knowledge and technologies necessary to cope with the leap to international markets.

~ 6 in 10 people in rural areas live below the poverty line About 48% of rural people are illiterate.

But the extensive livestock system and traditional agriculture are still heavily dependent on rainfall, human capital is not trained and the sector is underfunded.

- Saharo-Sahelian country

As elsewhere, there is a high risk of rural exodus which, in turn, will create an even greater risk of a food deficit that will require budget intensive imports. The political will is therefore aligned with the development of the sector and promotes a promising future in terms of markets, national and international. The Integrated Irrigated Agriculture Development Program in Mauritania (PDIAIM) has long supported the sector’s transition to internationalization with pilot projects that have had a considerable spillover effect on the development of the sector and paved the way for others creating a logistics channel for Europe.

-Vulnerability of agro-pastoral activities traditional crops to climatic hazards

MAIN CONSTRAINTS FOR DEVELOPMENT - Great potential which remains poorly exploited. Only 24% of the potential in irrigated areas is exploited. - Problem of control and management of surface water.


- Poor response to domestic demand 10% of rural households are chronically food insecure and 10% are very vulnerable - Increase in the use of imports of basic foodstuffs (wheat, rice, sugar, milk, etc.) - Rising food prices - Climatic instability manifested by phenomena which strongly affect agricultural production: recurrent droughts, floods, advance of the sands, ... and

Source. Ministry of Rural Development, FAO, UNCTAD

PUBLIC STRATEGY Mauritanian agriculture has not yet emerged as a modern and competitive industry, it remains essentially a subsistence agriculture. To bring the sector to its real potential, the government has outlined a long-term strategy to attract private investment, work towards self-sufficiency and eradicate poverty. This strategy acts specifically in inputs, extended credits and support for internationalization. The sector’s first rural development strategy (SDSR) was drawn up in 1998, then implemented in line with the Strategic Framework for Poverty Reduction in 2001.





This policy and the following ones have not succeeded in increasing the contribution of agriculture and livestock to the economic growth of the country and to the reduction of poverty and food insecurity. The last strategy, Rural Development Strategy for 2025, is accompanied by an agro-pastoral orientation law and an action plan for the development of livestock and agriculture 2013-2025. The main objectives of this new action plan are the development and implementation of an agropastoral orientation law (LOAP); foster innovation and human development in the rural sector by increasing research, innovation and extension and by investing in education and vocational training; determine the financing policy for the rural sector and propose public / private partnership agreements under conditions favorable to investment.

Current projects The projects / programs under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture are: •

Poverty alleviation project in South Aftout and Karakoro (PASK II), financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Project for the development of basic infrastructure in arid rural areas of Mauritania, Oasis component, financing Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (FADES)

Rural Poverty Reduction Program through Support to Sectors (ProLPRAF), financing from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Project for the Development of Resilience in the Face of Recurrence of Food Insecurity in Mauritania, financing from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB)

PAHABO-II preparation PPF, financing African Development Bank (AfDB)



Program to strengthen resilience to food and nutritional insecurity in the Sahel (P2RS), financing African Development Bank (AfDB) Project to improve the resilience of the most vulnerable populations in the municipality of Aleg, funded by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID).

The Public Establishments under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture are : National Center for Agronomic Research and Agricultural Development (CNRADA) Kaédi, the capital of the Gorgol region, BP 22

SONADER The purpose of SONADER is to contribute to the execution of the national development program for the rural sector through the implementation of investments and hydro-agricultural developments; maintenance of major infrastructure and hydraulic works; development of irrigated perimeters.

National Society for Agricultural Development and Works (SNAAT) The purpose of this company is to contribute to the implementation of the national policy in the fields of agriculture and food security, through the execution of works and the provision of services in terms of hydro-agricultural development, plowing and harvesting. The Minister of Rural Development ensures the follow-up of the agricultural works company.

+222 22 350 997

In addition, as a development project, agroindustrial sugar production projects have many advantages, direct and indirect attached to them (clean energy, ethanol, animal feed, fertilizers, jobs, etc.) which constitutes an essential advantage. in the decentralized development of the country. Goals •

Fight against poverty and food insecurity through sustainable and harmonious land use planning

Contribution to national development through sustained growth by creating added value to the national economy

Satisfy a growing demand for sugar (272,000 T in 2015) - Increasingly high foreign exchange costs (totally imported needs)

Development of the area’s potential: retention of the Foum Gleita dam at 500 million m3, extensible to 1,100 million m3

Contribute to the decentralized and harmonious development of the country by creating an economic and social development pole

Cover national sugar needs by 50% in the medium term (2020) and contribute to improving access to basic service (electricity)

Compagnie Mauritanienne de Sucre et Dérivées (COMASUD)


Ex-Siège MAEC, Ilôt C, Tevragh Zeina, Nouakchott

National School of Agricultural Training and Extension (ENFVA)

+222 25 21 06 06

Selibaby exit, BP 37 kaédi, the capital of the Gorgol region

contact@comasud.mr www.comasud.mr

+222 41 60 11 39 www.enfva.com

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania has undertaken to initiate and implement structuring development projects, able to launch the production and industrialization of the main commodities consumed nationally.

National Center for Locust Control (CNLA) www.cnla.mr

Within this framework is the Agro-industrial Complex Project for Sugar Production in Mauritania which is an integrated project including the entire chain and which is now taking shape in the field.

M’Pourié Farm The M’Pourié farm, located 204 km south of Nouakchott and built in the 1970s, is one of the most significant examples of Sino-Mauritanian cooperation in agriculture. The farm is one of the main agricultural production areas in the country, especially rice cultivation.


Such a project finds all its justification in the fact that Mauritania is the first African consumer of sugar and the fifth in the world and that the national imports of this product strain, more than any other product, the currency reserves of the country.




Rural Producers Training Center Boghé, Brakna region, Mauritania +222 22 35 11 68 / +222 46 40 30 84 cfprboghe@gmail.com amar.elysalem@yahoo.fr The Centre de Formation des Producteurs Ruraux (CFPR) is a training institution based in Boghé, attached to the Ministry of Agriculture (MA). It started its activities in 1982, formalized in 1989 by decree n ° 105 / MDRE of 12/01/89. The mission of the CFPR is to provide technical support, through the training of producers in the broad sense, in particular farmers, breeders, artisans and fishermen organized around several structures: Cooperatives, associations.





The support provided to local organizations concerns several aspects: - Design and implementation of training programs; - Monitoring and coordination of training programs; - Evaluation of the activities carried out; - Collection and dissemination of training topics.

Amane Group +222 37388700 - 6308551 general.amanee@gmail.com

GENERAL AMANE is a leader in the distribution of materials and equipment for the construction of buildings and civil engineering companies. Imports: Offer a wide range of products for this purpose: steel construction, scaffolding, metal stay cables, wooden formwork, floors, ceilings, waterproofing equipment for the production of cement and manufacture of particle boards, air conditioning, household appliances and industrial electricity , health, etc. Exports: Fish and seafood, exporters and wholesale producers. Fresh and frozen in Mauritania.



The products are 70% fish and fishmeal (100% normal). The main objective is to satisfy customers and provide them with the best quality products, to establish a strong and stable business relationship with them in the future. Groupe GENERAL AMANE is a production and trading company based in Nouakchott - Mauritania. It offers competitively priced products in the world market and also imports into Mauritania and makes prompt shipments to all customers around the world.

Elite Agro Mauritania Sarl Apartment 2d Khaima City Center Nouakchott +222 45255908 said@ehm.ma http://www.eag.ae

Weddady Group Address: ZI Ksar Nord BP 40 082 Nouakchott +222 45 25 42 74 www.weddady.com

The name Weddady is closely linked to the economic history of Mauritania. Indeed since 1962 so 49 years ago, Weddady is a label that exists and actively participates in the economic and social development of Mauritania. Created in 1962, the Etablissements (Ets) Weddady have for years played the leading role in trade between Mauritania and abroad by being one of the leading importers of essential foodstuffs for the Mauritanian and sub-regional markets and at the same time an exporter of specific Mauritanian products such as gum arabic.

The name Weddady was already at that time a well-known commercial and industrial brand in Mauritania, thanks to the scope and diversity of the activities of the Establishments that bore this name. In the continuity of this dynamism and by seeking more efficiency, the current leaders had to adapt to the new demands of international trade and to the multiple needs for the development of Mauritania and in 2000 founded the Weddady Group. With 15 companies with the name of each of them and a reference in its field, 518 permanent jobs and more than 2000 occasional and / or seasonal jobs per year, an infrastructural and mobile portfolio installed all over the country, the Weddady Group is a sure tool for the development of Mauritania.

WEBS http://www.agriculture.gov.mr/index.php?lang=fr https://www.fao.org/countryprofiles/en/ https://unctad.org/webflyer/investment-policyreview-mauritania

A subsidiary of the UAE Elite Agro group, Elite Agro Mauritania (EAM) was founded in 2015 with the aim of investing in Mauritania in the agriculture and livestock sectors due to the existence of potential and important natural resources on which the country depends to improve its national growth, the achievement of food security and the development of natural resources. Elite Agro Mauritania has developed an action plan to increase production through its management interests. We grow different fruits on each farm. Services The main products envisaged are vegetables, fruits, fodder crops and livestock (a harvest plan is in preparation). Elite Agro Mauritania employs from farm to table: The company has started the implementation of its first project in the river valley, which is located 75 km east though the town of Rosso, across the development of an area of ​​1360 ha, used for vegetables for export, high-yield fruit trees, breeding and fodder production.













Faced with the trend of full exploitation of the main commercial fish stocks of the Mauritanian EEZ, the sector is now entering a new phase of its development where the margins of progress are more to be sought in terms of economic efficiency in order to generate economic growth. sustainable development and better integration into the economy. This marine wealth comes from very favorable hydroclimatic conditions, in particular, a powerful upwelling in cold water which is at the origin of a strong primary production and a significant development of the marine trophic chain. These maritime waters are also successively stirred by the Canary Current (cold current) when it descends towards the South during the cold season (from January to May) and by the Guinea Current (warm current) when it rises towards the South. North during the hot season (August to October). The movements of these thermal fronts have important effects on the diversity (species with temperate and tropical affinity) and the distribution of surface (pelagic) and bottom (demersal) species.

OVERVIEW Mauritania has maritime coasts classified among the most fish-rich in the world and remains one of the rare areas in the world where the fishing sector still has significant development margins. This area is home to the largest marine protected area in all of West Africa, the Banc d’Arguin National Park.

Nouadhibou, which concentrates all the industrial, coastal and artisanal activity of the fishing sector (50% of the activities of artisanal boats, 75% of the octopus activity and 70% of the onshore industries), is home to the majority of seafood processing factories (freezing / fresh) in Mauritania.

The fisheries and maritime economy sector is one of the flagship sectors of the national economy, particularly in terms of wealth creation, contribution to budget revenues and the balance of payments, as well as creation of jobs and food security.

Mauritania has an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 200 nautical miles, with an area of ​​234,000 km² including a continental shelf of 39,000 km². This area is renowned for the abundance, diversity and commercial importance of its fishery resources.

The total catches made in the country exceed 1,300,000 tonnes, the vast majority of which is located in the northern zone of the country, Nouadhibou. They are mainly composed of pelagic species (around 90% of total catches in quantity), cephalopods and crustaceans.

In fact, nearly 600 species of fish have been inventoried, of which more than 200 can be exploited commercially. In terms of wealth creation, contribution to public revenue, the balance of foreign trade and job creation, fishing represents a major and strategic sector of the Mauritanian economy.

This exceptional richness could also be explained by the nursery role that the eastern part of the Banc d’Arguin shoals would play, where marine species would find privileged conditions for reproduction and development in an area virtually untouched by pollution and which is home to one of the largest Marine Protected Areas in Africa: the Banc d’Arguin National Park.

A MAJOR SOURCE OF REVENUES The fishery resources of the waters under the jurisdiction of Mauritania represent an authorized catch potential of between 1.5 and 1.8 million tonnes per year. Still below its fish farming potential of 1.65 million tonnes per year, Mauritania and its international partners are investing heavily in the processing chain. With only 10% of production processed locally, there is considerable room for improvement to provide consumers around the world with pelagic products processed in Mauritania. The country has significant seafood resources, including grassland deposits estimated at 300,000 tonnes. After the recovery in 2019, the activity of the fishing branch again experienced a sharp drop of 46.4% of its added value in 2020. This drop is mainly linked to the decline in the volume of production and exports in relation to the global health crisis. The nominal value added of the activity of the branch was also marked by a sharp drop of 32.6% to stand at MRU 0.8 billion, or 14.4% of nominal GDP of the primary sector and 2.6 % of global GDP. The ports of Nouakchott and Nouadhibou concentrate the main activity of the fishing sector. Although the port of Nouadhibou has better infrastructure and is traditionally the main export area for frozen and chilled fish, Nouakchott’s fishing activity is increasing methodically. A new 87 million USD fishing port is to be built 25 km north of Nouakchott by the Chinese company Poly Hondone Company to handle 400,000 tonnes of goods.

the Banc d’Arguin National Map







Offshore oil and gas exploration, exploitation;

Mining on the outskirts of the coastal zone;

Development of agriculture upstream of the delta posing water management problems and downstream pollution risks linked to agricultural inputs (fertilizers and pesticides).

The development of these new uses requires the establishment of appropriate regulations and the strengthening of more integrated management of marine and coastal areas. In addition to the threats and pressures of anthropogenic origins on the marine environment, there are also the risks and potential impacts linked to climate change, which are strongly expressed in coastal dynamics, particularly in the southern zone of the Mauritanian coast. All of these developments require new institutional and legal provisions.


There is also a small fishing port at Tanit, about 70 km north of Nouakchott, which started operating in 2020 and has a very advanced development plan for the coming years. The main customer for Mauritanian fish, in particular cephalopods, is Japan followed by the European market (Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, Greece) which occupies the second position. The other importing customers are China, Africa and the United States. Long reserved for the main use of fishing, the marine and coastal environment in Mauritania and its resources are nowadays subject to new forms of use which are intensifying: •

Increase in maritime transport off the Mauritanian coast in particular, the transport of hydrocarbons;

Construction of infrastructure development in coastal areas;




Mauritania’s marine and coastal environment supports the development of six main commercial fisheries of very high economic value:

Fishing for demersal resources • Cephalopod fishing (octopus, cuttlefish, squid); • Fishing for coastal and deep demersal fish (sea bream, grouper, sole, rays and sharks, red mullet, hake ...) • Shellfish fishing (coastal and deep-sea shrimp, lobster and deep-sea crab); • Fishing for bivalve molluscs. • There is a large stock of meadows, but, due to technical and sanitary constraints, this stock is not currently exploited.





Pelagic resource fishing • Small pelagic fishery (sardinella, sardines, horse mackerel, mackerel, ethmalosa, anchovies, small tuna, red mullet, croaker); • Fishing for major tuna (yellowfin, bigeye tuna) and small coastal tuna.

These resources represent a potential for authorized catches of around 1.5 million tonnes per year for an estimated value of around 1.4 billion dollars, a figure that can have a very significant impact on the social and economic development of Mauritania. .

OPERATING CATEGORIES The system of exploitation of fishery resources in the Mauritanian EEZ is classified into three main categories:

Artisanal fishing; Coastal fishing; Industrial fishing. The production structure is largely dominated by industrial fishing which represents more than 50% of catches but represents only 40% of the total value of landings. Artisanal and coastal fishing is increasing, representing 15% of catches against 4% a few years ago. About 90% of the catches are pelagic species followed by cephalopods and demersal fish at 4% respectively and finally crustaceans. Demersal species represent a little over 20% of the value of the catch and cephalopods around 30% (mainly octopus), while crustaceans represent only 10% of the value.


About 60% of industrial fishing vessels belong to foreign fleets fishing under agreement (EU) or free licenses (Eastern European countries and flags of convenience). Most of the export-oriented processing units are dedicated to the freezing and storage of whole products. It is only recently that a few factories have started sophisticated processing of fresh produce. According to an EU report, in 2012 there were 93 onshore seafood processing plants, 70% of which were approved for export to European Union markets. Although the fishing capital can move to the capital now, in 2012 most of the processing and processing units (70%) are located in Nouadhibou.

The main water exports from Mauritania • whole fresh or frozen products (frozen cephalopods, frozen demersal fish, frozen pelagic fish) • processed products (headed, eviscerated, shelled, ...)

LONG-TERM STRATEGY Although still underdeveloped compared to its neighbors, the sector has adopted a series of longterm strategies. Their goal was always to create a higher value-added industry that would generate sustainable economic growth and integrate the sector into the national economy. The new strategic development plan of Mauritania’s Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy aims to harness the country’s fishing potential and increase profits in a sustainable manner, creating an inclusive blue economy that generates wealth and jobs. . One of the main pillars to achieve this is the development of ports and infrastructure which has been strengthened and continues to improve. The major port infrastructure improvement projects reflected in this strategy include the artisanal port of Nouadhibou, the port of Tanit and a future special economic zone, the port of N’Diago and PK 28.

• Processed products (salted, dried, dried salted, fermented fishmeal and fish oil).

Fish exporters are in favor of the creation of a “Mauritanian origin” label obliging the industry to switch to quality rather than quantity. From an exporter of raw materials to an exporter of higher value processed fishery products.

Spain (30%) is the main destination for Mauritanian fish exports, followed by Japan (17.3%), Russia (11.3%), Côte d’Ivoire (8.7%) and China (6.4%). Exports of processed fishery products (fishmeal, oils and preserves) are mainly destined for Vietnam (21.9%), China (20.9%), Turkey (18.9%) and Spain (9.2%).

They all agree that transparency is a major issue to be improved in the sector. Preferential access to finance, comprehensive monitoring of fishing vessels and sustainable conservation of fishing grounds would also be needed to transform the sector.

Official Strategy 2015-2019 Mixed economy company whose shares are 70% owned by the State and 30% by the private sector, the Mauritanian Fish Marketing Company ( SMCP ) has been, since June 1984, the sole exporter of frozen fish products subject to the landing obligation. It markets around 50,000 tonnes per year of frozen fish on board and ashore. This is the production of about 74 trawlers and 46 factories on land.

The Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy has adopted a sector strategy of $ 400 million based on the need to create a public-private partnership framework structured in 4 major areas of investment: • Governance and sustainable management of fisheries • Integration of the sector into the national economy • Increase in human capital • Development of inland fisheries and aquaculture




The implementation of the program is expected to bring treasury revenues to more than 135 million USD, fishing activity + 84 million USD and downstream and processing activities + 93 million USD. The reconstitution of the octopus stock; better valuation of by-catches; the increase in landings and the valuation of landed products will increase the value of exports to + 280 million USD with a strong impact on the trade balance. The expected social benefits of these investments also concern the increase in the volume of jobs and the fight against food insecurity by distributing fish nationally and increasing local consumption by + 66%.

MAIN OBSTACLES TO DEVELOPMENT According to operators in the sector, to develop fishing in Mauritania industrially, it is necessary to create preferential access to financing, which is still expensive in the country; comprehensive monitoring of fishing vessels and sustainable conservation of fishing grounds. The main objective of the strategy of the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy is to process most inland catches before export. This requires the creation of a real value-added industry comprising factories for canned fish or semi-processed fish for which a battery of incentives would be given. The installation of factories dedicated to the production of gear or equipment related to the industry would also be beneficial, since Mauritania does not produce any of the materials necessary for the operation of fishing enterprises. The major concern is the risk of overexploitation of Mauritanian waters. To prevent this, in addition to the creation of marine protected areas, two biological seasons of two months each have been set up. Fishing is not authorized during the periods which extend for the most productive months of May and June, October and November.



MARINE PROTECTED AREAS Mauritania has 4 marine protected areas: to the north of the coast are the Banc d’Arguin National Park and the Ras Nouadhibou Park. To the south, reaching the border with Senegal, are the national parks of Chat Tboul and Diawling. The main marine protected area in Mauritania is undoubtedly the Banc d’Arguin National Park (PNBA). Created in 1976 as a breeding ground for endemic and migratory bird species, then extended to also protect marine ecosystems.


It is the competent national authority for the control of the quality, hygiene and sanitation of establishments, products and fishing production areas. The laws and regulations relating to fishing are contained in the Fishing Code of July 29, 2015 and the decree implementing the legislation. This ministerial department is responsible for the development and use of living marine resources and brackish and inland waters. The conservation, preservation and exploitation of fishery resources are an integral part of its mission.

Diawling National Park, the second most important protected area, consists of wetlands upstream of the Senegal River delta. The alternation of freshwater and seawater generates enormous biodiversity and also contributes to reproduction.

The same goes for research on activities related to fishing, oceanography, aquaculture, social fishing economy and related activities. The monitoring and surveillance of fisheries in waters under national jurisdiction also fall under this ministry and the benefits of European fishing fleets in Mauritanian waters.


Mauritania - EU Fisheries Agreement

Although Mauritania’s coastal waters have long been preserved, the country’s development and climate change can have a direct impact on the fragile ecosystem.

In September 2019, Mauritania and the European Union (EU) extended for one year the Partnership Agreement for Sustainable Fisheries (APPD), signed in 2015 for 4 years, which governs fishing conditions.

As a gas-rich country, offshore oil and gas exploration and exploitation present new challenges, including the increase in offshore shipping. Recurrent droughts have driven people from inland to coastal areas where new urban developments are taking place. Ultimately, the mining industry, one of the main sources of income for the Mauritanian economy, poses a threat when located close to the coast. The development of agriculture would also be a problem when it is linked to water management or the uncontrolled use of pesticides.

Although a new 4-year agreement is still pending approval before November 2020, this extension will avoid possible blockages of fishing in Mauritania waters.

Fishing sector regulatory authority

In return, the Europeans pay Mauritania a financial contribution of 61.625 million euros per year in the form of royalties, of which 4.125 million euros are allocated to the sustainable development of the sector, to support local fishing communities and improve governance. In addition, around 62 million USD is paid by the shipowners for the licenses.

The Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy (MPEM) is the regulatory authority for the sector in charge of designing, coordinating, promoting and monitoring the implementation of government policy in the areas of fishing, oceanography, merchant marine and maritime training.


Under the terms of the agreement between Nouakchott and Brussels, the European fleet is authorized to fish in Mauritanian territorial waters for shrimps, demersal fish, tuna and small pelagics up to 287,050 tonnes per year. The Octopus is exclusively reserved for national artisanal fishermen.


Nouadhibou craft market




Under the Mauritania / EU protocol, a total fleet of 58 vessels is authorized. Spain is allocated the majority of the shrimp quota and the total allowable catches of demersal fish, including the black hake quota. Italy and Portugal hold the remaining shrimp quota. Small pelagics, which constitute the bulk of the total volume of catches, are mainly allocated to the Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland, the remainder being distributed among Germany, the United Kingdom, the ‘Ireland and France. The protocol also provides for tuna fishing possibilities for a maximum of 40 vessels from Spain and France. For this quota, the reference tonnage is 20,000 tonnes per year. The protocol also includes measures to increase transparency. Mauritania is required to make public any agreement granting foreign vessels access to its waters. In the new negotiation, the EU will seek access to Mauritanian waters to more European vessels and include new provisions on transparency, sustainability and human rights. The fisheries agreement between the North African country and the EU has been in force since 1989. To ensure the proper application of the agreement, two bodies have been set up: the Joint Committee (JC) and the Committee Independent Joint Scientist (JSC). Fishing relations between Mauritania and a third country are regulated independently. For example, in 2010, China signed a USD 100 million agreement with Mauritania for the lease of fishing rights for 25 years. They are a major source of funding for the development of the Mauritanian fishing sector. They participated in the construction of fishing ports and other industry-related infrastructure. China is indeed one of the leading investors in the sector in the country.

MAURITANIAN FISHING FLEET According to a 2015 EU report, Mauritania’s industrial and small-scale fishing fleet totals around 4,000 national vessels, which is less than half of the total catch. A higher volume of catches comes from long-distance fleets or vessels which have access through open licensing (EU, Russia, Ukraine, China).



The fleet is divided into two parts: the industrial fleet and the small fleet. Although 90% of catches are made by the industrial fleet, its impact on job creation and added value is limited. The industrial fleet focuses on bottom fishing: octopus, crustaceans and other demersal species. It consists of 140 vessels, of which 94 are freezers and 10 fish for crustaceans. The Mauritanian fleet also includes 46 freezer trawlers. The Mauritanian industrial fleet is not involved in pelagic fishing.

The SNDP extended the networks to consumers and strengthened the refrigeration infrastructure improving the distribution of fish throughout the country. Spanish cooperation has played an important role in the development of SNDP networks

The Mauritanian Institute for Oceanographic Research and Fisheries (IMROP);

The National Health Inspection Office for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (ONISPA)

The Mauritanian Fish Marketing Company (SMCP);


The Nouakchott Fish Market (MPN);

BP: 137 Nouakchott

The National Fish Distribution Company (SNDP);

Chantiers Navals de Mauritanie (CNM).

Mr. Dy Ould ZEIN

- Vessels involved in artisanal fishing are uncovered and can measure up to 14 meters in length, and their tonnage varies between one and five gross tonnage (GRT). They use manual gear or purse seines.

These fleets have grown considerably, from 500 vessels in 1986 to 4,200 in 2007. It is estimated that 3,200 vessels are currently operational. Of this number, 110 are sailboats that operate near the Banc d’Arguin.

Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy

- Non-industrial fishing can be divided into two parts: artisanal fishing and coastal fishing.

- Vessels involved in inshore fishing may or may not be covered and may be up to 26 meters long. They do not use trawls or drag nets and do not have freezing facilities.

following audiences:

+222 45 25 99 70 mpem@peches.gov.mr www.peches.gov.mr

The Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy This ministry is the public institution in charge of fishing in Mauritania and exercises technical supervisory powers, set by laws and regulations, over public establishments and bodies, and companies with capital.

The Minister ensures the follow-up of the activities of the Project Coordination Units at the level of the fisheries sector and the maritime economy, in particular the Support Project for the Fisheries Sector (PASP) for the Regional Fisheries Program in Africa. West (PRAO).

MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION OF FISH Most of the exports are managed by the Société Mauritanienne de Commercialisation des Produits de Pêche (SMCP), which has a monopoly on frozen products. In 2020, the export value of Mauritanian fishery products reached USD 541,712,347. It is a public limited company owned 70% by the State and 30% by the private sector. Local distribution is ensured by the National Fish Distribution Company (SNDP) involved in the effort to increase fish consumption in a battle against food insecurity in the country. In Mauritania, eating fish is new and people do not yet know how to store or prepare fish.


Banc d’Arguin 175



The institute, through a rational policy of recruiting and training executives, has made its mark on the chessboard of oceanographic research organizations, thus acquiring the respect of its peers and an experience that is consolidating day by day.

Company Profile

Missions: For the purposes of the sustainable management of fishery resources and responsible fishing, the IMROP (Multidisciplinary Institute) is entrusted with the mission of carrying out all activities that contribute to the objectives of:

Mr. Mohamed el Hafedh Ould Ejiwen

Preservation of the marine, coastal and continental aquatic environment;

Sustainable exploitation, development and enhancement of the resources of the national fishery heritage;

General Manager BP: 22 / Nouadhibou +222 45 24 17 85 (Nouakchott) +222 45 33 50 92 (Kaedi branch) +222 45 01 27 51 (Mbout station) mail@imrop.org www.imrop.mr

The evaluation of the contribution of the sector.

National Office of Sanitary Inspection of Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (ONISPA)

Dr. Aly Ould Yahya Dartige President of ONISPA BP : 1416, Nouakchott


The National Office of Sanitary Inspection of Fishery and Aquaculture Products (ONISPA) is evolving as one of the scientific intelligences to boost the national economy. Laboratory operational since 1958, to assert itself as one of the essential pivots of CNROP (National Center for Oceanographic and Fisheries Research) created in 1978, developing its expertise as a culmination as an emerging component of IMROP ( Mauritanian Institute for Oceanographic Research and Fisheries), 2002 until the separation by the public authorities between research and inspection, before asserting itself as a reference in the subregion.ONISPA was therefore created on March 13, 2007 .

Company Profile

The Mauritanian Institute for Oceanographic Research and Fisheries (IMROP)


+222 45 74 05 11 - 45 74 05 12

A decade marked by laudable efforts by the State and its partners which have enabled the Office to reach cruising speed by forging, through its missions, its place as an essential pivot in the promotion of the peaches.

www.onispa.mr And, to ensure the sustainability of fishery resources and the preservation of the marine and coastal aquatic environment.

Means : IMROP is a public administrative establishment succeeding the National Center for Oceanographic and Fisheries Research, better known by the acronym CNROP, created in 1979, which itself was preceded by the Fisheries Laboratory which was created in 1950. Throughout this half-century of existence, the constant support and awareness of the Mauritanian State have made it possible to develop national scientific expertise for the sustainable management of our aquatic resources and environments.


To carry out its mission, IMROP has: •

244 agents including 159 scientists spread over four geographical locations located in Nouadhibou, Nouakchott, Kaédi and Mbout

2 oceanographic research vessels

a Center in Nouakchott

an Antenna of Kaédi

a Mbout station






This key element of « the responsible management strategy for a sustainable development of fisheries and the maritime economy « also provides technical and scientific advice to the competent authority and to all the players concerned and invested in fish production. ONISPA has four accredited analysis laboratories located respectively in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou. (A chemistry lab and a microbiology lab in Nouakchott. A chemistry lab and a microbiology lab in Nouadhibou). Mauritania is the only country in the sub-region to have obtained ISO 17020 (South Africa & Namibia) and ISO 17025. ONISPA has not only obtained its ISO accreditations but also the renewal of these following the annual audit. ONISPA can carry out Certifications for other countries of the Sahel and also the petroleum sector. ONISPA is the Reference Laboratory for all of ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) in the field of fisheries for any food dispute. Each country is a reference for a domain, for example in Europe, Spain is a reference for toxins.

This approach has made the office a benchmark in terms of fruitful, active and effective technical, financial partnership to support the sustainability of its expertise, equipment and logistics (EU, JICA (Japanese International Cooperation Agency), GIZ, SCAC (Cooperation and Cultural Action Service), COLEACP (European ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) Liaison Committee), Spanish Cooperation and PQAO (West Africa Quality Program).


Company Profile

A place that allows it to carry out its missions, namely both to apply national and international regulations in terms of quality, hygiene, product safety, at the level of establishments, fishing areas but also ‘’ organize, inspect the products of these entities.


Mr. Weittat Sidy M’borick Email: azizsidi2004@yahoo.fr

Chairman and CEO El Bountiya Industrial Zone, Nouadhibou

ONISPA is a competent, recognized and impartial authority. It focuses on the health aspect, which is very important, and the development of the ZFN (Zone Franche de Nouadhibou). It has the status of EPA (Public Establishment of an Administrative Character) and will become this month an EPIC (Public Establishment of Industrial and Commercial Character) with its own autonomous budget. An institutional mechanism was implemented with the development of a program giving priority to the promotion of benchmarks in favor of sustainable development of the sector.


+222 46 44 04 27 - 22 03 22 95 azizsidi2004@yahoo.fr

Since 1998, Mr. Weittat Sidy M’borick has been involved in the marketing of fishery products. He acquired the experience and the necessary knowhow to finally become a service provider in the marketing of fish in the interior of the country and in Mali. Over time, between 2001 and 2002, with the confidence that he was able to develop, he was able to evolve in the sector to become the privileged interlocutor of certain operators in the field.


Valencia Frigo has evolved in the environment of the Free Zone of Nouadhibou (ZFN). It benefits from all the strengths and advantages offered by the ZFN business climate as well as its tax and customs incentive regime. Valencia Frigo has equipped itself with all the means for success in the field. It already has a skilled workforce that is aware of all the standards for processing and marketing fishery products in Nouadhibou. Control of the production, treatment and storage process up to the export stage as well as hygiene standards are the values ​​that the company has mastered in order to position itself on the market.


The objective of Valencia Frigo is the realization of a global value chain (packaging, processing and marketing) of fish in Nouadhibou. On the national market, it was able to develop by creating points of sale in Nouakchott, the Mauritanian capital. With very ambitious development objectives, Valencia has been able to position itself on the African market by opening sales outlets in Dakar (Senegal), Bamako (Mali), Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Conakry (Guinea Conakry) persevering with its growth, Valencia Frigo with its trust capital and its know-how, has positioned itself on the international market through the confidence that has granted its customers of diverse and varied nationality.



Anxious to meet international regulatory requirements based on a new approach to sanitary control in the field of agrifood and particularly fishery products which define the criminal liability of producers. As a result, this responsibility is incurred vis-à-vis the consumer with regard to the safety of the product he places on the market. The VALENCIA FRIGO group and its partners are determined to satisfy, build confidence and retain its customers through constant listening; by providing consumer safety and continuous improvement in the sanitary quality of the products it processes and produces. VALENCIA FRIGO has adequate means for its promotion and that of its products at regional and international level. With the positioning of its Mercie Africa, Ocean Fresco and Union Trarza Frigo sales channels on the African, European and Asian markets, Valencia Frigo is well engaged in the regional and international market. In terms of storage capacity, which is around 12,000 tonnes, Valencia Frigo will be able to produce exceptional products by renting its storage equipment to other companies operating in the sector. It is estimated that apart from its own use, it will be able to rent monthly up to 20% of its storage equipment (around 2,400 tonnes / month).

Societe Mauritanienne de Commercialisation de Poisson SMCP (The Mauritanian Fish Marketing Company) Mr. Moctar Ould Ahmed Bouceif General Manager Boulevard Median - Nouadhibou +222 5745 281


The SMCP’s marketing and export system has always been defined by a regulation (decree), which has always been based on the legal nature of the company which has fluctuated between the public establishment of an industrial and commercial nature and the semi-public company through the status of public limited company. It should be noted that whatever the legal form attributed to the SMCP, the concern of the public authorities has been constantly to : •

Preserve the resource

Guarantee the repatriation of currencies from the sale of products ;

Ensure the recovery of export duties and taxes

Correctly remunerate the producer

Through this tool, which is the SMCP, a sales force in favor of national producers has been created to guarantee them remunerative prices and within deadlines compatible with their cash flow needs. Restructured in 2011 with a State participation now up to 70%, the Mauritanian fish marketing company took the form of a Mixed Economy Company (SMCP / wk) and was given an extended mission, namely : •

The marketing and export of fishery products and the promotion of these activities.

Product enhancement, traceability

And any other ancillary object



It should be noted that at the time of the creation of the SMCP, in 1984, artisanal fishing did not exist, while at the time of the restructuring of the company in 2011, it already represented 60% of the figure. business of the SMCP and today its weight represents about 75% of the overall value of exports.

info@smcpsa.com / info@smcp.mr www.smcp.mr






It should be noted that marketing through the SMCP has made it possible to :

Make the Mauritanian product more accessible to a wide range of foreign customers, even the most modest by the guarantee that the company offers them to have the products and the documents relating to them and to the producers to be paid for the loads of their products. Defend the quality of the Mauritanian product against foreign buyers, especially Japanese buyers, who are at the origin of quality rating systems. In fact, the SMCP has inspectors for the control and follow-up of inspections which are systematic with customers. In the absence of these, producers will be at the mercy of customers, whom they can easily dupe by demanding unwarranted downward price readjustments. Today, the constraints related to marketing impose sales by sub-markets, which often results in the presence in the same container of a multitude of very varied batches belonging to several producers, hence the need for a single exporter. (SMCP), which centralizes all pointing, weighing, customs declarations, etc.

As a corollary to its objective of promoting and supporting fishing, the SMCP has always provided assistance to producers who have expressed a request for it. The amounts granted are granted in the form of an advance on the Company’s own funds or by overdrafts granted by the Caisse de Dépôt et Développement (CDD), to producers through the SCMP. These amounts have always made it possible to relieve the producers through the financing of the tides and the support of beach prices in times of poor sales or of abundance of products. For the fishing year 2018-2019, 215 000 000 MRU were granted in producer support including : 50 000 000 MRU as an advance by the GSPC and 165 000 000 MRU as discovered by the CSD.



Also, in relation to the development and extension of its activity, and in accordance with its commitments, SMCP has participated in the capital of the companies : SEMAK and Chantier Naval de Mauritanie (CNM). At the level of the Chantier Naval de Mauritanie, SMCP is the largest shareholder with 45% of the capital, ie 135,000,000 MRU. With regard to SAMAK, the shares held by SMCP correspond to 10% of the capital, ie an amount of 34,650,000 MRU. Finally, it should be noted that the permanent concern of the SMCP is to continuously improve its marketing policy ; It is for this reason that it has always strived, in consultation with the producers, to maintain privileged partnership relations with all of its customers, based on transparency and frank collaboration.

Mauritania Shipyards (CNM)

Our clientele is mainly composed of captains but also Mauritanian businessmen wishing to acquire a boat for some and for others to set up an entire fleet dedicated particularly to artisanal fishing. To meet a very important local demand, we have a qualified and versatile team made up of technicians with great expertise and sales representatives who are always attentive. The company has fifteen executives and more than 200 technicians and skilled workers. Our production capacity has increased considerably, we plan to exceed 150 boats in 2020 thanks to: (i) significant investments made in 2019, (ii) organizational reform and (iii) real capitalization of the expertise acquired We pay particular attention to compliance with the international standards in force in the field of shipbuilding and attach great importance to the safety of our employees and respect for the environment.

Since its creation, STAR FISH aims to exploit fishing resources in Mauritania with the maximum respect for the environment. In this way, the company generates well-being in the local community in a sustainable way and ensures the constant renewal of the fishery. To adapt to market needs, the company has maintained since its foundation a vast investment program to improve its facilities. Currently, it has the necessary infrastructure for raw material processing and product warehousing, necessary to ensure a continuous supply to your customers. Over the years, STAR FISH has increased its staff. Workers have the training required to perform tasks efficiently. Since the beginning of its activity, STAR FISH’s main objective has been to ensure that consumers have a safe product that meets their expectations.


Mr. Oumar Gueye

Mr. Yacoub El Nami

Executive Director


Zone Bountiya, Nouadhibou

Nouadhibou Free Zone -BP: 110 E

+222 44069005

+ 222 45745311





The CNM is a public company created by Decree N ° 2014 - 207, on December 31, 2014. It is the first and the only shipyard in Mauritania. We are a leader in the construction and repair of polyester boats throughout the sub-region and have to our credit more than 130 boats built in less than 3 years.

STAR FISH SARL, is currently a Mauritanian company of reference in the sector of the marketing of fishery products. It was established in 2006, to export one of the country’s most valuable resources, high quality fish and cephalopods. During these years, STAR FISH has established itself in international markets as demanding as European, Asia and North America. This success is due to the company’s commercial capacity to attract and retain their customers and to the maintenance of a high level of demand relating to the quality and safety of its products, fresh and frozen.

The DT40. The 19m purse seiner. The 7m.





Company Profile

Afri Fish

Mr. Mohameden El Hafedh


During Mauritania’s National Day, the Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Industry, on behalf of the President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (RIM), handed over the Director General of Afri Fish, Mr. Mohameden El Hafedh. Regarding this event and after the visit of the European Union to the company, the inspectors noted that Afri Fish works largely under sanitary standards and that the factory effectively meets sanitary requirements,in particular with the traceability of fishery products and the monitoring of canoes, when proving the sanitary quality and products of commercial fishing. With a professional team of nearly 20 workers, Afri Fish’s main contribution to the country has been to achieve the goal of placing Mauritania in the list of the best fish exporters in the world.

General Manager Industrial Zone nº26 Fisherman’s beach Lot. # 40 - Nouakchott +222 46413698 afrifish12@gmail.com

The company also worked for a renewed image and its presence on the Internet.

Afri Fish is considered to be one of the largest and most trusted seafood exporting companies in Mauritania. Its sole client, Mercadona (first Spanish supermarket with profits of over 25,000 million euros) trusts Afri Fish as a permanent exporter of fresh fish at low tide.






FAO 34 Carlos Palomares Fishing Zone Nouakchott, Nouadhibou Industrial Zone +34 678620990 +222 20506890 info@fao34.es www.fao34.es



National Fishing Federation

Mr. Mohamed YEHDHIH

Mr. Hamady Ould Baba Ould Hamady

TZ - E NORTH No 01 - Nouakchott

General Manager


Tavragh Zeina RC N ° 8616 / GU / 9625/3846 Module F 210 - Nouakchott

Headquarters: Boulevard Médian BP: 043, Nouakchott

+222 4 529 0063 +222 222 333 51

+222 47940000 / +33 674346799

+222 5745 089 - 5475 916 +222 525 95 69

Société de Poisson Atlantique (SOPAT Sarl) is a Mauritanian company specializing in the export of fresh, frozen fish and seafood.

sgfnp@unpm.mr fnprim@yahoo.fr fnpprcc@gmail.com

SOPAT Sarl has around fifteen employees specializing in pelagic species, each with more than ten years of expertise in the field.

info@lorpexfish.com www.lorpexfish.com

FAO34, a company of Spanish origin based in Nouakchott, Mauritania, has become a local reference for the export of frozen cephalopods (octopus, “choco”, mongo and squid). In addition, it exports flat and scale fish, whole and processed (fillets, viscera, HGT ...) according to current demand and always according to its natural catch cycles. FAO34 has a team of professionals who have remained with the company from the start, from its first opening in Noadhibou until the appearance of the new office in Nouakchott. Under the supervision of this successful founder (Spanish businessman Carlos Palomares), FAO has always worked under the criteria and hygiene declarations with a qualified and specialized team in all areas of the fishing sector. Among these areas, FAO 34 covers the classification of the product according to different unified qualities, sizes and weights, preparation for freezing and final packaging for palletized loads,

Lorpex Fish, member of the Lorpex group, is a company based in Mauritania and specializing in the export of fresh and frozen fish. It offers a range of more than 50 species of fish, crustaceans and cephalopods caught in Mauritanian waters, and supports its customers in their choice of products. We market more than 50 species of fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods caught in the Mauritanian coast. The quality of our products is guaranteed thanks to the reputation of these coasts, known among the richest in the world because of several climatic factors offering very favorable conditions for the reproduction of fish. Exporting all over the world is the heart of our business with an increasingly demanding and rigorous clientele. To meet the expectations of this clientele, we prepare our products according to hygiene and food safety rules, while respecting international trade regulations.

The FNP is a professional body bringing together the majority of operators in the maritime sector, it was created on May 22, 1995 in Nouadhibou (following the merger of the old structures (FIAP, FIAPECHE), it is a member of the UNPM (the Union National Patronage of Mauritania).

We apply the proverb that “the customer is king”.

Asmak Fish Mr. Tarek Souid General Manager +222 48 10 00 00 +222 38 10 00 00 +222 25 06 06 80

- Participation in the development of strategies for the rational exploitation of Mauritania’s fishery resources .


- The impetus of maritime activities and the promotion of the initiatives of all its members within the framework of free and fair competition. - Carrying out and or participating in studies, projects or any action relating to the maritime sector.

The sincere collaboration with the Administration and with all the National Federations within the framework of the UNPM.


Our main concern is to satisfy our customers. This is why we make it our duty to provide quality products under an ethic of high professionalism.

The purpose of the FNP is: to study, defend and represent the economic, industrial, social and commercial interests of its members. It sets itself the following objectives:

- Conscious and responsible participation in any recovery effort and economic and social development of Mauritania.


Atlantic Fish Company



For more than ten years, ASMAK Fish has been working to become the 1st Exporter of Fishery Products in Mauritania. Whether for Pelagic fish, Cephalopods or seafood), our experience allows us to guarantee you a certain satisfaction. ASMAK Fish offers you: •

constant and unmatched quality,

short delivery times,

the most competitive prices.











If we analyze the productivity of the sector in Mauritania, the World Economic Forum publishes the Competitiveness Rate of the tourism and travel sector every two years. According to the report of the tourism sector of Mauritania contributed during the year 2017, a total of 22.5 million dollars, so that it has almost no impact on the contribution to GDP and employment in the country . In accordance with this rate, Mauritania ranks 135 out of 140 countries analyzed with a score of 2.7 against a score of 2.6 in the rate for the year 2017. Mauritania has a score below the average in Africa Sub-Saharan, during the year 2019, it reached an average score of 3.1. Mauritania, a truly breathtaking landscape whether inland or on the coast, is experiencing growing tourist activity, and the potential for investment in this sector concerns: The construction of hotel, tourist and leisure infrastructures; Business hotels in the region of Nouakchott (the capital) and Nouadhibou (the economic capital) ; Tourist facilities and hostels in northern Mauritania.


The historic towns and sites and natural parks (Banc d’Arguin and Diawling) and the superb desert areas in the country are under-exploited due to the lack of suitable reception infrastructures such as hotels, lodges and Encampments.

Mauritania has large natural sites that are World Heritage, it also has large extensions of dunes and oases in which there are remains of prehistoric cave paintings and, in addition, has cities that have been influential. in Islamic culture and religion. Although the weight of the tourism sector has a very low impact on the national economy, tourist statistics from the National Tourist Office estimate that the annual average of arrivals of foreign tourists in Mauritania is around 31,600 tourists during these last 25 years, that is to say during the period 19952020 and taking into account all the security and health crises.


The sectors of commerce, industry and tourism figure prominently in the government’s order of priorities. They are characterized by considerable opportunities for economic activity and direct beneficial effects on the standard of living of the populations : job creation, net generation of foreign exchange, etc.

OPPORTUNITIES AND INVESTMENTS The Mauritanian government has devised an ambitious strategy to attract 300,000 tourists in 5 years and 500,000 tourists in 10 years, so the potential for growth is exponential, although Mauritania faces challenges like the country’s suitability for aspects such as infrastructure, service, training and quality of the destination.


LOCAL TOURISM Mauritania is a country that makes you dream so much. Between sea and sand, one would almost feel at the end of the world. Belonging to Western Sahara, Mauritania does not have one but several deserts. The maritime rocks contrast with the dunes and the erg inland.


The landscape is therefore mainly made up of plains. On the other hand, we find more relief in the north of the country where there are high plateaus, culminating at less than 1000 meters of altitude thanks to the mount Kedia of Idjil. To the south, the valley is crossed by the Senegal river.


Islamic Republic Of Mauritania Honor - Fraternity - Justice



Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Tourism

Mauritania brings together many tourist sites. Travelers usually go to ancient cities like Ouadane, Oualata, Chinguitti and Tichitt. These towns bring together many historical remains. The city of Atar is also very popular with tourists who have come here. After learning, we take pleasure in enjoying the 700 km of the Mauritanian coast. The beaches are covered with white sand.

Business and congress tourism in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou ;

Ecotourism of nature discovery and relaxation in protected areas : Banc d’Arguin National Park, Diawling Park, Protected Area of Guelb ​​ Richat and Awleigatt National Park ;

Desert Tourism and Culture in Adrar with possibility of extension to Tagant in the two Hodhs and in particular in the 4 ancient towns classified as World Heritage of Humanity and archaeological sites ;

River tourism with all the themed activities that may result from it, cruises, activities in rural areas, fishing, cycling and hiking;

General manager

Responsible and united tourism in rural areas, villages with cultural attractions.


KSAR, Road 22-006 Habib Bourguiba, BP: 2884, Nouakchott +222 45 29 90 90


Created in July 2002, the ONT has the status of a public administrative establishment and is endowed with legal personality and financial autonomy. Its general mission is “to support and strengthen the institutional capacity of the State and private promoters, in the field of tourism, in particular by setting up appropriate structures capable of guiding the development of this sector in the field of tourism. the country». It also ensures “the functions of promotion and marketing of Mauritanian tourist products”.

+222 45299090

www.ebizguides.com www.visitmauritania.com

M. Mahfoudh Ould Jiyid

Coastal tourism, including health tourism with the presence of thalassos on the coast or fitness centers and themed and event tourism including sports activities, festivals, youth activities;

Ksar, Street 22-006 Habib Bourguiba,290 Nouakchott Mauritania ont@ont.mr


Company Profile

The main tourist poles are :





ONT’s budget is in the order of UM 500 million and is supplied by a State subsidy and, for about 10%, by the proceeds of the tourist tax levied and remitted by the hoteliers, however it does not ‘could not be collected since 2019 because of the health crisis. ONT has regional delegations in all the wilayas of the country and an information office in Nouakchott airport.

HOTELS Nouakchott Hotel


tea room, 2 conference rooms 100 / pax, meeting room 30 / pax, Fitness room, free secure parking, surveillance cameras, smoke detector, fire hydrant, WiFi and swimming pool. This well-located modern hotel is one of the favorite destinations for the VIP community when arriving in Nouakchott. In the middle of the embassy sector of the capital of Mauritania (Tevragh Zeina) the hotel serves to receive the visit of Mauritanian television and to celebrate conferences as well as other political and economic convocations during the year.

Al Salam Resort

Avenue Moctar Ould Daddah Bloc 1 Olympic Stadium face of Congress Palace Nouakchott - Mauritania

Company Profile

PK 13, Route de Nouadhibou Nouakchott+222 47 00 02 22 reception@al-salamresort.com www.alsalamresort.com

Mr. Abdellahi Charrouck General manager Avenue Moctar Ould Daddah, Block 1; Olympic Stadium opposite the Palais des Congrès- Nouakchott +222 25 00 00 30 / +222 25 00 00 31 +222 25 00 00 32 reservation@nouakchotthotel.com contact@nouakchotthotel.com www.nouakchotthotel.com

One of the best hotels in town, and with top notch value for money. His team will be at your service to make your stay as pleasant as possible. 15 superior rooms, 35 executive rooms, 2 VIP suites, 3 junior suites, 4 senior suites, swimming pool, restaurant,


Monotel - Dar El Barka

La Medina Hotel

Embassy zone BP: 1336 Nouakchott

Next to Carrefour - French Embassy Nouakchott

+222 45 24 23 33

+222 41 23 49 60





Located just a 20-minute walk from Marche Capitale, La Medina Restaurant & Hôtel offers accommodation with a restaurant, private parking, a garden and a terrace.

Semiramis Hotels (City Center and Moulaye Junior) Downtown Block O 18 Embassy zone BP: 4350 Nouakchott +222 45 24 00 38 / +22245240039

The property offers room services and free WiFi throughout the property. Rooms include air conditioning and a flat-screen TV. Some of the hotel’s accommodations have a balcony. You can enjoy a continental breakfast after having rested in one of its 15 modern and refined rooms.



The reference boutique hotel in Nouakchott located at the heart of the capital. you will also find the other one called BEST semiramis, it seems they have splitted.

Al Khaima Hotel 10 BP: 5219, Rue Mamadou Konate Nouakchott +222 45 24 43 95 /+222 45 24 00 12 hotel@alkhaimacitycenter.com www.alkhaimacitycenter.com

One of the capital’s historic hotels located in the city ​​center in one of the most emblematic buildings. Several embassies are also located here.






Not to mention the swimming pool, which invites you to relax after a good day’s work, and the gym, which offers latest generation sports equipment. This hotel belongs to one of the most dynamic African Chain Azalai with headquarter in Abidjan and founded by the Malian entrepreneur Mossadeck Bally.

CasaBlü Hotel Nouakchott, Diplomatic District, near European Union Nouakchott +222 45 25 30 30 book@casabluhotel.com



As another alternative you can also find furnished apartments in Nouakchott, the group that owns the Nouakchott hotel offers the possibility of renting a fully equipped apartment in the country’s capital. With different locations, customers have the option of renting multiple apartments and apartments during their stay in Nouakchott.

Azalai Hotel

Azalai Hotel Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser, 160 Nouakchott +222 45 29 50 51 reservationaha@azalaihotels.com www.azalaihotels.com

Located in the business district of Nouakchott, the Azalai Hotel Marhaba is proud of its slogan: «We will satisfy both business travelers and tourists».

2 or 3 bedroom apartments with kitchen, toilet and telephone included. All the residences are located near the center of Nouakchott (near banks, supermarkets, main restaurants ...) and have private security. A car wash service is also available.

Mauricenter Hotel Moctar Ould Daddah Avenue Roundabout City Smar Nouakchott +222 45 29 80 01/ +222 45 29 66 83 +222 22 95 18 16 info@hotelmauricenter.com www.hotelmauricenter.com

Azalai Hotel has world-class facilities ready to delight its guests: well-equipped rooms, on-site dining services, an exceptional business center and numerous meeting and banquet rooms to host weddings or galas.







Islamic Republic Of Mauritania Honor - Fraternity - Justice

Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Tourism

Sunset Hotel Avenue Moktar Ould Daddah Nouakchott


+222 45 29 87 37

+222 45 74 42 41




Moulaye Junior ILOT C ZRC N0470 BP: 4350 Nouakchott


Hotel El Medina Nouadhibou

With a total of 29 rooms, each room at El Medina offers ironing services, a telephone and a fully equipped toilet for guests. This hotel offers a food shopping service as well as private parking for cars and full internet throughout the building.

+222 45 24 68 00



El Medina Hotel Nouadhibou

Valencia hotel


Boulevard Dubai, Nouadhibou

Nouadhibou is the second largest city in Mauritania.

+222 46 69 84 89

Free Zone Hotel


Island: Ext P5 Lot: 246 1 Nouadhibou +222 22 37 31 52


Mauritalia Hotel Sis Dubai, airport road BP : 1135 Nouadhibou




Tasiast Hotel Boulevard Maritime J25. BP: 4350 Nouadhibou +222 45 74 51 07




Adress: B.P. 387 Nouakchott Mauritania Phone : (+222) 525 7266 / 635 0275 E-mail: sidimd66@yahoo.fr WebSite: www.commerce.gov.mr www.ebizguides.com



+222 45 74 32 18


Hotel Mauritalia Nouadhibou

Marbella Suite Nouadhibou




+222 45 74 77 74



Maluma «tako» Hostels Nouadhibou +222 46 64 99 10

Cap Arkeis camp The Cap Arkeis camp is located on a magnificent beach. It consists of Berber-style or Moroccanstyle tents. As in all mansions in Mauritania, richly decorated mats, rugs and cushions are the only furnishings. The camp is north of the Banc d’Arguin National Park. This park, protected area since 1976, is one of the largest in West Africa and is recognized for its richness in many species of birds and many fish / cetaceans. It is the favorite place for fishermen.

CHINGETTI GuestHouse «La Gueïla» Kom Nour Hotels (461.26 km) Chinguetti +222 46 48 25 26 info@lagueila.com www.lagueila.com

MAURITANIAN CRAFTS In Nouakchott at the market, find clothes and other fabrics (Capital, the most important market in the city, is on avenue Kennedy). Opposite, at the central women’s craft store, you can find many traditional objects designed by women. Behind the Ksar fort, visit the workshops of the Matis carpet factory, handmade. 7 km from Nouakchott, on the road to Rosso, the artisan jewelers market offers an exhaustive choice of jewelry. In Oualata, go to the Women’s House where you can contemplate artisanal products from ancestral traditions.



The Mauritanian markets are a whole world, and one can find most of the Mauritanian handicrafts there. The women’s stands offer shells, hair adornments, necklaces, bracelets, amber beads, fragrant pastes and small pendants formerly of carnelian, now often in plastic, in the shape of a mid-diamond. rounded, which protect against disease and evil spells, Boutilimit’s crosses, burns them perfumes in brown earth painted with white patterns, snuffboxes, the leathers of cushions, canaries and gourds ... Evoking the shapes and colors of Mauritanian craftsmanship may seem simple, and yet if there is in fact only a small number of object shapes, there are a thousand details, and a thousand surprises that make each cushion for example, of each garment embroidery, or of each bracelet a whole colorful or shiny poem.

COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY At the sector of Trade, as the domestic trade as the trade, the approach -from hand with the modernization of markets and points of sale- is to work to capacity building in the field of consumer protection, vigilance markets and eradication of monopolies. One of its major concerns is the implementation of external conventions and agreements to which Mauritania is a party . The country remains open to the conclusion of all other new conventions in the context of development. In 2020, the real value added of the activity of the trade branch contracted by 9.1%, after a deceleration observed over the two previous years. This decrease is also the result of containment measures aimed at limiting the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. In terms of value, the growth of the value added of trade activity also contracted by 7% in 2020 due to the drop in the volume of transactions, thus bringing the nominal GDP of the “Trade” sub-group to MRU 32 , 5 billion, representing 27.7% of the nominal GDP of the tertiary sector against 29.3% in 2019.





Trade has indeed benefited from an exceptional rise in the price of iron and gold products internationally, combined with their performance in terms of production. Official foreign exchange reserves increased by USD 405 million compared to 2019, to reach USD 1,541 million. In terms of coverage, the level of reserves improved to stand at 5.3 months of imports. At the level of the industry sector, the ministry is working on the formulation of a national strategy for industry, new edition, for the five-year period 2020-2025. This new strategy, at the same time as the “ Taahhoudaty ” Program (My Commitments) of the President of the Republic, will have to take into account the development objectives as defined in the framework of the Strategy for accelerated growth and collective well-being. Focus will be on developing the competitiveness of businesses and assisting businesses in difficulty, especially those affected by COVID 19. So this strategy will contribute to strong economic growth, generating added value and creating jobs and development. ‘gradually increase.

The main areas of development: •

Processing of primary sector products (fishing, livestock, agriculture and mining);

Improving the quality and competitiveness of industrial companies;

The creation and development of industrial zones;

The diversification of industrial production;

The relocation of multinationals to Mauritania (Nouadhibou Free Zone);

The establishment of an environment favorable to entrepreneurs.


This strategy aims to create an environment favorable to the development of national and foreign investments. The formal manufacturing sector is made up of nearly 200 SMEs (flour mills, grain processing, cement factories, fish processing, chemicals) mainly located in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou. Focused on promoting a few local products and substituting for imports, this sector, whose products are poorly diversified, employs around 5,000 people. Industrial development aims to achieve the goal of self-sufficiency in certain sectors such as food and building materials, it also aims to reduce our dependence on the import of primary products whose prices are volatile and to increase our exports for provide the country with the necessary foreign exchange. In this context, major reforms have been undertaken to create an environment conducive to the development of the industrial sector by setting up an appropriate legal, regulatory and institutional framework. Significant efforts have also been made to implement these various policies, mainly focusing on the development of human resources, the development of the country’s technological capacities, the creation of financial institutions, the establishment of a dialogue with the Private Sector in order to develop the Public Private Partnership (PPP). In 2020, the nominal GDP of the primary sector remained virtually unchanged compared to the previous year, i.e. MRU 54.2 billion, bringing the contribution to the formation of the overall GDP to 17.8% against 18.8% in 2019. The real GDP of the secondary sector experienced a slight decline of 0.1% mainly due to the drop in manufacturing activities and to a lesser extent to the reduction in the activities of the “gold and copper” sub-group, partly following the preparation of the closure of the mine operated by MCM. In value, the GDP of the secondary sector increased by 21.1% to reach MRU 110.4 billion in 2020, representing a share of 35.9% in the formation of the overall nominal GDP against 31.5% in 2019.



Company Profile

The external accounts situation was marked both by an improvement in the current account deficit and by an accumulation of foreign exchange reserves, despite the challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.


Mr. Echbih Ahmed Saleck Bouh CEO Ilot U-10, G.A. Nasser - BP 40029 +222 45 24 11 11 info@asmlgroup.mr

«The ASML Group has a real industrial vocation. For more than 40 years we have contributed to the economic development of Mauritania. We have in partnership with the Mauritanian state built the new airport «NouakchottOumtounsy International Airport». It is indeed the very first large-scale PPP (Public Private Partnership) with a Mauritanian company », CEO Echbih Ahmed Saleck Bouh.

«We are currently developing our activities in the sub-region with a view to expanding them throughout the West African area », CEO Echbih Ahmed Saleck Bouh. Construction and Public Works Pole


Ciment de Mauritanie SA Established in 1961, ASML GROUP got started in international commerce with the importation of the goods and merchandise needed to supply the young markets of Mauritania. Assisting the economic and social development of the country, ASML Group is now a major industrial group that is active in various sectors of the national economy. These strategic choices illustrate the determination of ASML GROUP to develop in a sustainable manner via its subsidiaries and also reflect its determination to make an active and significant contribution to modernising the national economy and to the economic and social development of Mauritania.


Zone Industriel WHARF, BP: 40.029 Nouakchott, Mauritanie +222 45 25 10 11 / 45 25 11 51 / 45 25 22 47 info@cimentmr.com www.cimentmr.com

CIMENT DE MAURITANIE SA, the leading manufacturer and supplier of cement in the country, was set up in 1979 and started production in Nouakchott in 1981. It is the core business of the group .It soon won the trust of the leading public works companies and has supplied cement for numerous major infrastructure projects (dams, airports, water towers, urban developments, etc.).



CIMENT DE MAURITANIE SA, a joint-stock company with a registered capital of MRO 1 billion (USD 3.7 million), opened 10% of its capital to CEMEX (CEMENTOS MEXICANOS), the third largest cement and building materials group in the world, with which it has developed a solid partnership


Maritime and Trading Pole

Top Window SA


Avenue Aéroport, BP: 40029 Nouakchott, Mauritanie


NMW SA AKCC, 10 Rue Mamadou Kinaté, BP: 5405 Nouakchott, Mauritanie



+222 45 25 22 47





A MANAGERIAL VISION GEARED TOWARDS MODERNISATION, the best testament to that success is undoubted ISO 9002:2000 quality certification that the Groups Ciment de Mauritanie subsidiary has received from the Paris office of BVQI (Véritas), the first such certification awarded to a Mauritanian company.

Z.I WHARF, BP: 40029 Nouakchott, Mauritanie


New Information and Technologies Pole

Communication Agri-Food Pole

+222 45 25 00 99 info@bmsa.mr

+222 45 25 32 70

Béton de Mauritanie SA Zone Industriel WHARF, BP: 40.029 Nouakchott, Mauritanie

Top Technology SA

Top Lait SA

Ilot T-47 Avenue G.A. NAsser, BP: 2823 Nouakchott, Mauritanie

ZGE 029 - Route de l’Aéroport, BP: 40136 Nouakchott, Mauritanie

+222 45 25 57 94

+222 45 29 32 24





+222 45 25 38 30 info@najahmajorworks.com www. najahmajorworks.com

NAJAH for MAJOR WORKS was born with the primary mission of financing, designing and executing a turnkey two million passenger per year Airport. After the success of the Nouakchott international Airport, Najah Major Works SA is positioned as a leader in the industry in West Africa and looking to bring its know how around the world.

MCE SA Mr. Mohameden Buh

Hotels & Properties

Mining Pole

Al Khaima City Center


Ilot U-10, G.A. Nasser, BP: 40029 Nouakchott, MAuritanie +222 45 24 00 12

Al Khaima City Center, 10 Rue Mamadou Konaté, BP: 5405 Nouakchott, Mauritanie


+222 45 24 11 11



Béta Conseils SA ZGE 029, Route de l’Aéroport, BP: 40136 Nouakchott, Mauritanie

AKCC, 10 Rue Mamadou Kinaté, BP: 5405 Nouakchott, Mauritanie

+222 24 25 79 15


«We are making a difference by placing sustainability and professionalism at the heart of our various activities. Our human ressources capital is the main strength of our group and is also at the heart of our business strategy.» CEO Echbih Ahmed Saleck Bouh.

Engineering and Services Pole

General Manager

+222 45 25 38 30

ASML GROUP rallies its affiliates and its employees around the following values:

beta@beta.mr www.beta.mr








Let’s build

the future together














Wearing TANIT The port of Ndiago an artisanal fishing port, and two specialized privatemanaged jetties for mineral and oil transport. The transport sector is split between, on the one hand, the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy and the Directorate of the Merchant Marine and, on the other hand, the Ministry of Equipment and Transport to which all departments are attached. other components (road transport, air transport, river transport, PANPA). The management of the sector involves central public administrations, public bodies which all have the status of public industrial and commercial establishments (EPIC) and private operators whose professions have all been liberalized.

OVERVIEW The territory of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania covers a large area of ​​approximately 1,030,700 km2, its Atlantic coastline is 754 km long. The climate is Sahelian in the South, Saharan in the North. The demographic density is very low (around 4 inhabitants per km²) and unevenly distributed. The hydrography almost boils down to the Senegal River in the south of the country. Travel over such a vast territory with a largely desert climate is therefore difficult. The national transport system includes almost all modes. Road transport is however dominant, even preponderant for internal communications. The approximately 700 km long rail network operated by SNIM links the mining town of Zouerate to the mineral port of Nouadhibou, and incidentally provides public transport for people over a distance of 460 km. River transport does not really exist, it consists of crossings of the Senegal River provided by ferries and canoes.

The airport network is made up of ten (10) airports of which five (5) airports are classified as international, the new Nouakchott International Airport «Oumtounsy» is the largest opened in 2016 has two runways of 2400 m and 3400 m respectively unique of its kind in the ASCNA area, which allow landings of large planes like the Airbus A380, located about 32 km north of the capital it covers an area of 30,000 ​​ square meters and can accommodate up to 2 million passengers per year. In addition to a freight terminal with an area of ​​4000 m² that can accommodate two large Boeing 747 type aircraft at the same time. The country also has ten (10) aerodromes spread over the territory.

Port infrastructures are made up of several ports made up of: A fishing and commercial port in Nouakchott, recently benefited from a major investment (improvement of the docks which are currently around 2000 m with a depth of 12 m, 7 berths for receiving ships). From the commercial and industrial fishing port of Nouadhibou,



The Ministry of Equipment and Transport defines and conducts national transport policy. As such, it plans investments in the transport sector, defines the applicable technical standards, monitors the state of infrastructure, regulates transport services, contracts and supervises construction and public works companies and offices. study and directly carry out construction, rehabilitation or maintenance work. The sector’s strategic objective is to provide the country with a modern, high-quality infrastructure and to develop a transport and mobility offer to promote trade, reduce costs, and contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of the economy. national: Quality infrastructure and transport services are necessary to attract private investment, promote regional and international integration, open up natural and human resources and improve the competitiveness of businesses and the economy. economy of Mauritania. Indeed, the transport sector, particularly road infrastructure, plays a key role in the economic and social development policy adopted by our country. It is, because of the vastness of the territory, obviously a fundamental lever, if not the main one for development. Hence, roads play an important role in improving social well-being and represent a factor of stability, balance and integration.


In 2020, the real value added of transport contracted by 0.3%, due to the drop in the added value of transport services by 3%. The real growth in the construction activity of “buildings and public works” (BTP) was marked by an acceleration of 5% in 2020, against a contraction of 1.5% in 2019. This increase should be compared with the increase 16.6% of the volume of imported construction materials, in particular bitumen, clinkers, cements, iron, steel and cast iron intended for basic buildings and infrastructure. In nominal terms, construction and public works grew by 4.9% to reach MRU 10.6 billion, or 3.4% of overall nominal GDP and 6% of secondary sector GDP. The majority of construction companies have the status of limited liability companies (SARL), followed by individual companies (EI) and public limited companies (SA), and finally a small proportion of semi-public companies (SEM). Almost all companies (92%) are owned by domestic private capital and a small percentage by foreign private capital.

ROAD TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE In view of the size of the territory, the road network is not yet sufficiently structuring. Although all the regional capitals (Wilaya) are linked to Nouakchott by paved roads, the connections between the capitals of Wilayas and their capitals of Moughattas are not. At the sub-regional level, with the exception of Algeria, Mauritania is linked to each of its other neighboring countries (Mali, Morocco and Senegal) by at least one paved road. The main link road with Senegal, which is on the Trans-African road Tangier - Lagos, is discontinuous at the crossing of the Senegal River currently provided by ferry, the construction of a bridge by the two countries is currently underway.



The North / South axis indicated above is part of a new international corridor running from the border of Algeria to the borders of Mali and Senegal. This axis will allow Mauritania to consolidate its position as a pivotal country in the links and exchanges between on the one hand, Europe and North Africa and on the other hand, the countries of sub-Saharan Africa and particularly of West Africa.


Projects scheduled for 2025

Construction of the Néma - Nbeiket lahwache road (120 km)

Construction of the Atar - Chinguetti road (80 km)

Mauritania attracts the confidence of many foreign partners (FADES, IDB, ADB, WB, FK, etc.) through its political stability and its significant potential in natural resources (mines, gas, oil, etc. Mauritania and its partners has for several years been reflected in dense financial and technical cooperation and a keen interest shown both by many States and by international cooperation organizations. external in the various investment budgets of the country, particularly in the field of road infrastructure.

Construction of the Nouakchott Boutilimit highway (150 km)

Construction of the Nouakchott Nouadhibou Highway (460 Km)

Construction of the Nouakchott Rosso highway (200 km)

Rehabilitation of the section (lot3) of the Nouakchott - Nouadhibou road (120 km)

Mauritania has devoted significant resources to the development of road infrastructure. These efforts, which have been intensified in recent years, have been marked by comprehensive reforms aimed at upgrading and liberalizing road transport. The national road network now covers an area of​​ 11,000 km, including 6,000 km of paved roads, 1,000 km of improved earth roads and 4,000 km of natural track.

Rehabilitation of the Boghé - Kaédi road (100 km)

Rehabilitation of the Tintane Laaouinat road (183 km)

Rehabilitation of the Akjoujt - Atar road (220 km)

Rehabilitation of the Aleg –Magtaa lahjar road (110 km)

The road network has evolved considerably in recent years, not only in length but in quality. Some 600 km of asphalt roads have been completed in the past two years, construction works of 400 km will be started by the end of 2021.

Construction interchanges Nouakchott

Construction of the Barkéwel Mbout road (90 km)

Construction of the Monguel road (50 km)

Construction of the Barkéwel Sawata road (91 km)

Construction of the Kankoussa Tenaha road (110 km)

Construction of the road Timbedra Bousteila - Adel Bagrou (200 km)


of in


8 bridges the city of







AXIS / OBJECTIVE / MEASURE / ACTION / ACTIVITY Road construction in progress

Launch date Mon 09/09/19

Responsible structure





Cost in Millions EUR

REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE DE MAURITANIE Honneur – Fraternité – Justice Ministère de l’Equipement et des Transports Direction Générale des Infrastructures de Transport

Mon 10/21/19

Construction of 300 km of urban roads

Mon 09/09/19


Construction of the Rosso bridge

Mon 09/09/19


Construction of the road from Tijikja- El goudia - Boumdeid

Wed 01/01/20

Construction of the Atar-Chinguity-Ouadan road


Mon 01/01/24


€ 63.00

The road from TijikjaEl goudia - Boumdeid is built

€ 56.00

The Atar-Chinguity-Ouadan road is built

€ 46.00

The Kiffa-Boumdeid road is completed

€ 30.00

Mon 09/09/19

Rehabilitation of the Boutilimitt-Aleg road

Mon 10/21/19


The Boutilimitt-Aleg road is rehabilitated

€ 28.00

Continuation of reconstruction of the section of the NKTT-Rosso road (PK 25 to PK 145, i.e. 120 km)

Mon 09/09/19


The section of the road NKTT-Rosso PK 25 to PK 145 esr rebuilt

€ 27.00

Regarding the preservation of the road infrastructure, the Ministry adopted a realistic approach based on the prioritization of needs, which resulted in the definition of a routine and periodic maintenance program for the upgrading of the network. road based on a multi-criteria analysis taking into account classification criteria (functional and technical), service to populations, service to areas with economic potential, national and international access. This program is entrusted to the recently created structure responsible for the maintenance of the road network (ETER).



Routes à construire Routes à reconstruire et réhabiliter Routes en cours d'éxecution Routes existantes



Regarding road infrastructure, Mauritania was able, despite covid-19 and the exceptional conditions it created, to build several paved roads, such as the rehabilitation and extension of the Boutilimit-Aleg road and the 3rd section of the Nouakchott-Boutilimit axis.




! .

€ 76.00

Continuation of construction of the Kiffa-Boumdeid road (108 km)


! .Frontière Algéro-Mauritanienne

Ain Bentili

€ 199.00

The Rosso bridge is built


Bir Moghrein ! .

Axes à construire




€ 231.00 25°0'0"N

New road constructions (Commitments and DPG)



Tidjikja – Boumdeid Kankoussa – Selibaby Keur Macén-Port de Ndiago Nbeiket Lehwache Amourj – Adel Bagrou Barkoel – M’Bout Monguel – Sawata Tintan – Ain Varba – Touil Atar – Chinguity – Ouadane Boutilimitt – R’kiz – Teikan Sawata – Barkoel TOTAL

Linéaire (km) 160 196 40 120 77 90 50 120 200 145 91 1289

Axes à reconstruire et Linéaire réhabiliter (km) Tronçon Pk 108-Boutilimitt 45 Boutilimitt – Ajouer – Aleg 112 Tintane –Aioun – Tembera – 355 Nema Bogué –Kaédi 100 Akjoujet – PK76– Atar 180 Nouakchott-Nouadhibou 120 TOTAL 912 0





Tmeymichat ! .

! .

! .Nouadhibou

! . Choum

! . Ouadane

! .Kseir Torchan

Atar ! .

! .Chami

RN4! . . Nouamghar!

! .Akjoujt ! .Benichab

! . Chinguitti Aoujeft ! .! . Timinit ! .Tenoumend ! . Lelbheir


Ain Safra !

! .



Port Tanit

Rachid ! .Tikjikja

! .


! . Tchit

. Nouakchott ! Port PK 28 ! .

Moudjeria Ghediya ! . PK108 Magtalahjar Nimjat ! .Boutilimit ! . ! .Boumdeid ! . Chegar Tamchaket Ghaira ! . ! ! Tiguent . . ! .Kamour ! Male Mederdra Aleg . ! . ! . R'Kiz ! Boulahrach . ! . Aioun Essawata ! . ! . Guerou ! Aouiviya! . ! . ! . Barkeol . Zravia ! . Keur Macen! ! ! . . . Aoueinat Zbil ! . BougamouBoghe Kiffa ! ! .Monguel . ! . Rosso ! . ! . Lexeiba Tintane Port N'Diago ! . ! . Timbedra Kaedi ! .M'Bout !Ain Farba ! . . ! .Kobenni ! Kankossa Koundel ! . Gogui .Djiguenni Toufounde Cive ! Touil . . Ould Yenge ! . Maghama ! ! . Boully Selibabi ! . Gouraye! .


The National Public Works Laboratory (LNTP)

The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC)

National Meteorological Office (ONM)

Establishment of Road Maintenance Works (ETER)

The Autonomous Port of Nouakchott known as Port de l´Amitié (PANPA)

The Mauritanian Ferry Company (SBM)

The Regulatory Authority & Road Transport Organization (AROTR)

Mauritania Airports Company (SAM)

Oualata ! . Nbeikett Lehwache ! . Nema ! . ! .Emmat Lakarich ! .Bangou ! . Gneiba ! . Amourj ! . Bassiknou ! .

Adel Bagrou

! .


! . Khabou

Km Réalisateur: DIA /DGIT/MET/SEP/2019

Companies under the supervision of the Ministry of Equipment and Transport


Aéroport Teyaret El Ouassa

F'DERIK ! . Touajil

The Establishment for the Execution of Works in Local Construction Materials (ETR - ML)

The Agency for the Safety of Air Navigation in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA)

Mauritania Airlines International (MAIL)

The Public Transport Company (STP)

But there is undoubtedly a major road project: a long road that will link the entire Sahelian territory of Chad to Mauritania. Currently under construction, this route will be a milestone in the development of the region, offering all countries a sea route across the Atlantic coast of Mauritania. This large infrastructure project will exponentially increase the transport of goods and people throughout the region, which will increase international trade interest in the region, recently hit by the humanitarian crisis and security concerns.



Road construction projects for the G5 Sahel • Construction and asphalting work on the Tidjikja - Kiffa-Kankossa - Sélibaby - Khabou road (border with Mali) (lots 1, 2, 5 and 6): 55 million euros • Construction works and asphalting of the SandaréNioro road (110 km): 51 million euros • Construction of a bridge over the Niger river in Timbuktu (Timbuktu-Douentza): 100 million euros • Construction works and asphalting of the Frt Mali -Baraboulé-Djibo road (70 km): 25 million euros • Construction works and asphalting of the Djibo-Dori road (190 km): 74 million euros • Studies and construction works and asphalting of the Balleyara-Banibangou road (160 km): 70 million euros • Construction works and asphalting of the KeitaTamaske-Kolloma-Tahoua road (50 km): 23 million euros • Construction works and asphalting of the Rig LiwaRig road (53 km): 80 million euros • Construction works and asphalting of the NGouri Mao road (58 km): 50 million euros

AIR TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE When the new Nouakchott - Oumtounsy International Airport was inaugurated in 2016 during the 27th Arab League summit to replace the old Nouakchott airport, it was the largest public works project since independence in 1960. The first plane to land at the airport, a Turkish Airlines plane, marked a milestone in the country’s aviation history. With two runways of 2400m and 3400m respectively, which allow landings of large planes such as the Airbus A380, this new airport covers an area of​​ 30,000 square meters and can accommodate up to 2 million passengers per year. The new NouakchottOumtounsy international airport is located approximately 32 km north of the Mauritanian capital.



The history of the aviation industry in Mauritania began shortly after independence with the launch of the Department of Civil Aviation. A year later, in 1963, Air Mauritania, the first national carrier, began operations. In the following years, the sector somewhat stagnated, the National Civil Aviation Agency only existed in 2004. It was created to carry out government policy towards civil aviation and apply international civil aviation standards in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). To date, Mauritania has 10 airports and 7 aerodromes. Nouakchott, Nouadhibou, and Atar are world-class international airports, while the rest focus on local passengers and air traffic. In 2002, airport traffic reached a maximum of 294,000 passengers. This figure has grown steadily since it reached 454,436 in 2018. Mauritania’s new positive economic forecasts related to the extractive sector and nascent tourism development show good prospects for growth in airport traffic over the coming years. Air Mauritanie recently increased its fleet and regionally, fleets and airports are modernizing. Indeed, Mauritania Airlines was the first airline in Africa to take delivery of an Embraer 175 in 2019. According to Embraer, a second aircraft will be delivered to the operator based in Nouakchott during the second quarter of 2020. Mauritania Airlines has an active fleet which includes two 737 Classics (both -500), two 737NGs (one -700 and one -800) and one Embraer ERJ-145. With the introduction of the E175, the airline will add more frequencies and new destinations. According to Indexmundi, the value of air transport - domestic take-offs and overseas take-offs of air carriers registered in the country - in Mauritania was 5,637 in 2018 from its minimum value of 1,114 in 2009.





The value of air transport, freight (million tonne-km) in Mauritania was 0.00 in 2013 against a maximum value of 21.60 in 1982. The total number of passengers amounted to 454,436 in 2018, for a record reached in 2010 of 524,818.


B. Diagne Airport

Bamako-Senou Airport

Conakry Airport

Gran Canaria Airport

Houari Boumediene airport

Mohamed V Airport

Nema Airport

Nouadhibou Airport

Paris Charles de Gaulle

Quatro de Fevereiro Airport

Tunis-Carthage Airport

AIRLINES COMPANIES Mauritania Airlines (national carrier) Royal Air Maroc AIR SENEGAL Air Algeria TUNISAIR AIR FRANCE Swiftair Turkish airlines Binter Canarias

MARINE TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE With 754 kilometers of coastline in the Atlantic and one of the largest fishing grounds in the world, Mauritania’s maritime infrastructure and transport have been steadily improved over the past decade.



Its strategic location, at the crossroads of the roads that connect Africa, Europe and America, has not been fully exploited but new developments show the increase in traffic and investment in Mauritanian ports.

Ports There are two main ports in Mauritania located in the two main cities of the country: Nouakchott and Nouadhibou. Most of the traffic is handled by the port of Nouakchott, although major mineral and fish traffic is handled by the port of Nouadhibou which is ideally located in the Nouadhibou free zone, located on the Cap Blanc peninsula, open over Greyhound Bay and the Atlantic. Its location makes it an active interface between Africa and the Mediterranean. The law establishing the Free Zone establishes a tax, customs and exchange incentive regime, and offers investors and economic operators a Single Window centralizing all formalities for the creation, registration and approval of companies.

Its traffic has grown exponentially since it entered service in 1986, going from less than 400,000 tonnes in 1987 to 3,664,496 in 2016, at an average rate of + 9.52% per year. Container traffic increased from 56,448 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent containers) in 1988 to ~ 122,219 TEU in 2016, an average increase of + 12.5% per ​​ year. The new berths, with a total length of 450 m and 69 m wide, have a 40 m wide Ro-Ro ramp. The south side, also developed, should be able to accommodate 40,000 DWT tankers, but the lack of stripping pipes, the implementation of which is the responsibility of the Ministry of Petroleum, is delaying its start. Thus, the port of Nouakchott now has three new dredging stations on the -12.00 coast, making it possible to accommodate third-generation container ships, tankers from 35,000 to 40,000 dwt, and an oil dock for vessels of 10,000 dwt, bringing its total capacity to 7 berths.

Handling performance at the port of Nouakchott generally varies from 1,200 to 2,500 tonnes / day for bagged freight, and 3 containers / hour. It is mainly an import port representing around 96.4% of all annual traffic to Mauritania. The overall potential traffic capacity is 1 million tonnes. Imports include supplies for the oil fields, wheat cement, clinker, flour, sugar, semolina, milk and general merchandise. Exports include plaster, animal skins and fish.

PANPA container terminal The container terminal project, currently underway, is an integral part of the PANPA development master plan and constitutes an incomparable opportunity for the modernization of handling and the improvement of the competitiveness of the port of Nouakchott.

A new port, Tanit, a fishing port located north of the capital, Nouakchott, was inaugurated in 2018 and should include a new free zone around it. The year 2020 will see the inauguration of a new military and commercial port, the port of N´Diago which will also serve the gas industry and yet a new industrial fishing port, funded by China, is expected to begin construction. in 2020. Port PK 28 should serve as a springboard for the growing creation of value-added fishery products.

Port de l’Amitié, Nouakchott, (PANPA) The autonomous port of Nouakchott, known as the Port of Friendship (PANPA), plays a central role in the national economy by managing almost all of the country’s maritime trade. It is one of the main industrial and commercial tools for the economic and social development of the country and one of the main public commercial ports in the south of the Sahara for ships from Europe.





This infrastructure will also allow PANPA to position itself favorably to serve Mali and the Sahelian hinterland. The container terminal will be located at the bottom of the basin between the north jetty and the south quay. Its length is approximately 590 m, which allows to operate two container ships of 250 m long. The quay will be founded at a hydroelectric height of -14.50 m, sufficient to accommodate container ships with a draft of 13.0 m and carrying 3,500 TEUs. The future quay will be equipped with 5 gantries allowing the rapid unloading of ships, and storage will be done practically without significant displacement due to the proximity of the median. Construction of the terminal began in July 2019 and is expected to be completed in March 2021. The oil quay, in the form of a mixed post, will make it possible to receive oil tankers of 50,000 tonnes directly at Nouakchott, which will completely eliminate the current cabotage of Nouadhibou, thus reducing the country’s energy bill and securing supply to Nouakchott and to the south. is from Mauritania.


• Temporary oil station 170 m long, dredged at -9.50 for tankers and LNG carriers from 5 to 10,000 dwt A total of 7 berths + 1 service quay and 1 oil station in service since January 22, 2012 • Total land area of ​​14,672 ha, of which • Total area of ​​leased land 35 ha • Groynes and protective dyke of more than 7000 m to the south • Coastal anti-transit wall north of the port

Port of Nouadhibou Formerly known as Port-Etienne, this port is located in the north of the country, near the borders of Morocco. The economic base is fishing and fish processing, but also the export of iron transported by train from mines in central Mauritania. It is located just 3.2 kilometers from the airport. Currently, the rehabilitation of Commerce Quay and the access dyke is on track.

Port infrastructure

PORT INFRASTRUCTURE Quays 1455m long, distributed as follows: • Old quay 585 m long, 47m large, connected to the median by a 750 m long footbridge; 10.5 m tall

- Anchor depth: 9.4 m - 10 m

- Depth of the oil terminal: 11 m - 12.2 m - Dry dock: N / A - Port size: Medium - Railroad size: Large - Port type: Coastal Natural

It will include a military port that can accommodate a quay on both sides, a naval base, a fishing port with a capacity of 7 landing docks, a shipyard with a capacity of 70 ships per year, a commercial quay that can accommodate several long boats of 180 meters and a landing bridge for artisanal fishing. The port will constitute an essential infrastructure for the operation of the Grand Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) gas project located on the Mauritanian-Senegalese maritime border, the production of which is scheduled for 2022.

This port will also promote the possibility of opening a river transport line on the Senegal River, over a distance of nearly 15 km from the port, to supply the Mauritanian towns located along the river, as far as Mali.

- Max size: Up to 500 feet in length - Repairs: Limited - Shelter: Good

Port of Tanit

• New quay 700 m long (450 m North side + 250 m South side), 69 m large (with 200m access to the quay), dredged at the coast -12.00 to accommodate third generation container ships and 40,000 dwt tankers


The construction of 352 million USD of the military and commercial port of N´Diago began in 2016 and will be completed in 2020. It is a multi-functional port located 220 km south of Nouakchott and 40 km from Keur Macène , a border department with SaintLouis in Senegal, it will soon be operational and will complete the maritime infrastructure of the country’s Atlantic coast,

Built by the Chinese company Polytechnology, this new multifunctional port, at the mouth of the Senegal River, should increase the country’s logistical support and maritime transport capacities, strengthen the operational capacities of the armed forces in the face of security challenges and strengthen the sovereignty of the country. the State in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). It complements the port of Nouadhibou in the far north and the port platforms of Tanit and Nouakchott in the center.

- Depth of loading dock: 17.1 m - 18.2 m Currently, PANPA accommodates 60 vessels corresponding to 6,000 TEUS (20’Containers) per year. 40,000 tonnes are handled by steamers and 80,000 tonnes by charter each year.

Port of N´Diago

Inaugurated at the end of 2018, the artisanal fishing port of Tanit is located 60 kilometers northwest of Nouakchott and will allow part of the artisanal fishing to be relocated to the southern zone, mainly concentrated on the coast of Nouakchott.



The new infrastructure mobilized funding of USD 76.7 million fully funded from the Mauritanian state budget. Its facilities include loading and unloading docks and cold and storage rooms, in addition to an established fish market covering an area of ​​1,740 m2. The port of Tanit also has a town for the accommodation of artisanal fishermen, with water and sanitation networks and a power plant with a capacity of 3,000 kilowatts. It also has a seawater desalination plant with a capacity of 1,000 m3. The port can accommodate 400 small and medium canoes. It also has a fish market, an electricity production station and another installation for the desalination of seawater. As well as all the other services essential to artisanal fishing. Artisanal fishing in Mauritania involves more than 6,600 canoes and offers around 46,600 direct jobs representing more than 85% of the workforce in the fishing sector as a whole. It also offers more than 250,000 indirect jobs in the upstream and downstream trades of the fish industry and gives rise to on-board production of around 300,000 tonnes per year, or 37.5% of total production. of the country in fish.

Port PK 28 This industrial fishing port was first planned in 2018 when the Mauritanian government and the ImportExport Bank of China (Exim Bank) signed a loan agreement to finance the construction project of the PK28 fishing port. south of Nouakchott, on the Nouakchott-Rosso road. This loan of 93 million dollars will allow the construction of the industrial fishing port which will bring the annual production capacity in the central and southern zones to around 400,000 tonnes, or eight times the current tonnage.



The port, whose construction is expected to begin in 2020, is the first of its kind and is expected to give new impetus to the fishing sector by creating more added value in the country’s fish exports.

WEBSITES http://www.transports.gov.mr/index.php?lang=fr http://www.port-nouakchott.com/fr http://www.ndbfreezone.mr/index.php

Autonomous Port of Nouadhibou (PAN) M. Hmeidit Ould Cheine

A geographical position and a strategic location (proximity to Europe and America and quality connections). A secular port tradition, experienced workforce.


Dynamic economic entity, the Autonomous Port of Nouadhibou (PAN), in addition to having a large land reserve and enormous development potential, occupies a privileged geographical position and therefore enjoys exceptional natural conditions that maintain it all. year round sheltered from swells. The Autonomous Port of Nouadhibou is the main gateway to the Nouadhibou free zone and is a port platform with great potential: Main fishing port of the country, facing the waters of one of the most fish-rich coasts in the world (an enormous potential of 1,500,000 T / year of exploitable fishery resources within the framework of sustainable management). The relatively landlocked town of Nouadhibou and the center of all fishing-related activities, makes PAN the main source of development for the fishing sector in general and the development of the town in particular.




It is within this framework that actions are taken to:

+222 45 74 61 03



ISO 9001 version 2015 (Quality) and ISPS (port facility security) certified, the PAN, which has a 660-meter quay extension housing two RO-RO ramps and 121,000 m2 of median, has started the implementation of an ambitious plan to modernize its facilities and equipment.

General manager Nouadhibou, BP: 236


The rehabilitation and deepening of the trade wharf to allow it to double its capacity and accommodate boats with a draft of 10m; The renewal of the beaconing system: buoys, lights and signaling lighthouses in order to allow docking 24 hours a day and to reduce the waiting time for ships in the harbor;

Installation of a modern fish pumping system on the fishing pier;

Strengthening the lighting system;

The establishment of a modern harbor surveillance and maritime traffic management system;

Installation of modern access control systems.

Établissement Portuaire de la Baie du Repos (Port des pêches artisanales de Nouadhibou)

The Port Establishment of the Bay of Repos (EPBR) was created by decree n ° 071/96, dated 13/11/1996

A 200 m long fixed quay intended for inshore fishing boats

It is responsible for the management and administration of artisanal fishing ports. The EPBR is a public institution with financial autonomy and placed under the supervision of the Nouadhibou Free Zone Authority The port today presents itself as a complete economic and social infrastructure. Playing several roles at the same time and helping to provide living conditions and employment opportunities

A full land of more than 150,000 m 2

216 warehouses for artisanal fishing equipment

A fish market with 18 shops, a large hall to display and sell fish

An ice cream factory and several offices

A service station to supply boats with fuel, open 24 hours a day

A health post that provides care

Port services

Disembarkation / embarkation


Rental domains


Mechanical and naval repair

Security and fire fighting

Primary care health post

To many citizens from various segments of Mauritania. Now establishing itself as a development tool located at the heart of the more global pole that is the free zone De Nouadhibou, with what that implies in terms of ambition to improve, develop and modernize its services.


Ensure the organization and development of artisanal and coastal fishing

Facilitate port services and bring them closer to the artisanal fisherman and work to improve them

PUBLIC The population frequenting the port daily is estimated at 30-40 thousand people

Manage the port infrastructure

Carry out maintenance work on the port and guarantee its rational operation


Create new extensions as needed and carry out dredging work


Fishing equipment sellers

Carry out organizational and security work


Ensure the hygiene of the port and the coast.


Fighting fires inside the port area

Miscellaneous service providers

Carry out mobilization and awareness actions

And is divided into different categories:

M. Mohamed Vall Ould Youssef


General manager Zone Thiarka / Boulrvard Maritime, BP: 518, Nouadhibou + 222 45 74 65 35

The Port Establishment of the Baie du Repos has many infrastructures including: •


16 floating pontoons for embarking, disembarking and mooring canoes




Current projects at the Port des Pêches Artisanal: - Installation work of a fish pumping station (small pelagic) as part of the cooperation between the Free Zone Authority and the World Bank Group; - Modernization Project of the Artisanal Fishing Port of Nouadhibou (Funded by German cooperation KFW). The main thrusts of the project are: •

A 3,000 m2 tidal market;

680 stores for fishermen x 25 m2;

Renovation and extension of the sewerage network;

7 km of roads and a fence.


First commercial public port south of the Sahara and crossroads between Europe, Africa and North America, PANPA enjoys a privileged geographical position which predestines it to play a preponderant role in international trade not only of Mauritania but also neighboring countries without a seafront.

Port of Nouakchott

The safety and security of port facilities represent a specific asset of the Autonomous Port of Nouakchott, materialized by its certification, since 2008, in accordance with the ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code) adopted in 2002 by the IMO (International Maritime Organization). ) of which Mauritania is part.

Suggested projects A ship repair business project inside the port allows an investor to obtain the floor on which he will build his project, which will bring him abundant profits.

Port Autonome de Nouakchott, known as Port de l’Amitié (PANPA) M. Sid’Ahmed Ould Raiss General manager B.P. 5103 Port Autonome de Nouakchott +222 45 25 38 59 contact@port-nouakchott.com www.port-nouakchott.com The autonomous port of Nouakchott, known as the Friendship Port (PANPA), plays a key role in the national economy and in the trade of our country, almost all of which uses the sea route. It constitutes one of the main industrial and commercial tools for the economic and social development of the country. It is called upon to adapt to socio-economic changes to accompany the rapid development of the country’s trade with the rest of the world.


To cope with constantly increasing traffic, PANPA intends to invest more in infrastructure, improve its quality and increase its competitiveness by reducing costs and diversifying its services.

The autonomous port of Nouakchott, known as the Friendship Port (PANPA)

Our traffic, which is nearly 5,000,000 tonnes per year, is constantly increasing. Each year, it increases by an average of 5%. The development of the oil and gas industries, and the prospects for mining exports from PANPA, call for it to adapt to a demand that is increasing every day. Concerned about diversifying its services and optimizing the management of its space, PANPA intends to rely on high-level expertise to develop the necessary strategy. Covering an area of ​​ 140 km2, PANPA intends to foster the emergence of modern export-oriented industries and facilitate trade with the rest of the world. A tariff study being prepared will ensure that all port operators take full advantage of the progress underway.






With highly qualified human resources, and more than 32 years of experience, PANPA also intends to serve the countries of the sub-region.

Its passenger terminal will be equipped with modern equipment essential to passenger comfort:

At the gates of Africa, and two days from Europe, PANPA is determined to play the role it should play in the development of regional trade and commerce.

A project underway with the Lagardère Travel Retail group provides for the opening of a Duty Free area at departure and arrival as well as points catering in the departure hall and in the public hall of the terminal. The commissioning of the first phase is scheduled for December 2021.


Company Profile

Afroport also operates VIP lounges and “ special assistance ” lounges for passengers, as well as the honor pavilion (reserved for the Head of State, ministers and others. government guests) A shopping center project located in front of the terminal called “ Aéroville ” will be developed over the longer term, with the assistance of the Lagardère group to strengthen the attractiveness of the airport hub. The airport infrastructure managed by Afroport includes:

Hangars and aircraft parking for general aviation (FBO) and helicopters.

A car park and technical hangar for the maintenance of the planes of the national company.

A presidential and ministerial pavilion, access to which is restricted to government guests.

A technical unit equipped for air navigation management, and managed by the ASECNA agency,

including a control tower, beaconing equipment and air navigation aids, and

a fire station for emergency services .

Afroport welcomes you to Mauritania and a safe journey when you leave the country !

Etablissement des Travaux d’Entretien Routier (ETER)

BP : 77117, Nouakchott Oum Tounsi International Airport

A terminal with a capacity of two million passengers per year.

02 airstrips. One of 3,400mx 60m and the other of 2,400 x 45m for all types of aircraft.

+222 45 20 05 43

A parking area allowing the parking of 8 planes simultaneously.

6 telescopic gangways.

18 check-in counters equipped with modern systems for handling passengers and baggage.

3 baggage delivery belts.

M. Ahmedou Tidjani THIAM

An infirmary with a doctor available 24 hours a day

Managing Director

A car park with a capacity of 600 spaces

A recently rehabilitated freight terminal to store and process all types of goods with a capacity of 3 aircraft positions and a garage position, commercial office spaces, Customs and other Authorities.


Afroport Mauritanie, is a limited liability company, under Mauritanian law, created in November 2018, to manage, promote and develop the NouakchottOum Tounsi International Airport as well as ground assistance as part of a concession agreement for a period of 25 years. Nouakchott-Oum Tounsi International Airport was officially opened in June 2017. It is located 30 km from the city of Nouakchott, 8 km from the EL MOURABITOUNE convention center and the 5-star tourist complex, REVEHOTEL under construction.



The Director General of ETER, appointed by decree taken in the Council of Ministers, has a set of powers necessary to ensure the organization, operation and management of the establishment in accordance with the missions assigned to him. The main missions of the Establishment of Road Maintenance Works are: - Maintenance and repair of asphalt roads - Repair and maintenance of defective roads - Repair of works and sanitation

Company Profile


ETER has a deliberative body called the Board of Directors and an executive body headed by a Chief Executive Officer.

- The removal of sand from national roads

Mr. ilyess kerfahi General manager

Establishment of Road Maintenance Works created by Decree 2020-148 of 19 November 2020 is a public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC) whose social purpose is the maintenance of Mauritanian national roads.

BP 7991-Crossroads of the old Nouakchott Airport. Nouakchott +222 45 25 32 34 info@eter.mr www.eter.mr/a-propos




Agence Nationale de l’Aviation

Company Profile


ANAC is responsible for: •

The execution of the State’s civil aviation policy;

Promotion of Civil Aviation in Mauritania;

The development of the technical regulations of Civil Aviation in accordance with the standards of International Civil Aviation Organizations;

Mr. N’Gaidé Abdoullaye Abass

+222 45 24 40 05

Negotiating international agreements on air law and the management of traffic rights resulting from air agreements signed by Mauritania;

Negotiation within the framework of special authorizations and mandates conferred by the State;

The application and control of national regulations in force and international conventions signed and ratified by the State ;

Prepare and implement the air transport development plan, in particular establish projects for the modernization or creation of aeronautical infrastructures and installations and plan investments, and ensure, at the request of the government, the delegated project management ;


THE PROMOTION OF THE AIR SECTOR, A NATIONAL PRIORITY AND A CHALLENGE TO BE TAKEN THROUGH A CONTINUOUS CAPACITY BUILDING AND CONSTANCY IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SUPERVISION OF THE SAFETY AND SECURITY OF CIVIL AVIATION The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) which is a public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC), was created by Decree No. 2004-079 of August 11, 2004 with the objective of providing the State with Mauritanian of a strong and better organized civil aviation authority to face current and future security and safety requirements of civil aviation activities. National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) is placed under the technical supervision of the Minister of Transport.


The development and implementation of the Civil Aviation and air transport strategy in application of the Government’s orientations;

General manager BP 91, Nouakchott


Thus, ‘Agency decided to establish a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001-2008 standard, in relying on a team trained in approach and tools of the Quality Management System. Strategic Objectives of the National Civil Aviation Agency: Continuous improvement of the surveillance system of airlines and aerodrome and air navigation service providers in Mauritania in accordance with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standards and best practices in the fields;

Achieve 80% effective implementation (EI) of international civil aviation security standards (ICAO Security Audit) ; Certification of international airports inside Mauritania after support in bringing them up to standard (Nouadhibou, Atar, Zouerate and NEMA) Significant improvement in the level of implementation of the SMS (Safety Management systems) and SSP (State Safety Program); Ensure the availability of competent Human Resources ; Acquire sustainable training capacities in aviation security and facilitation,

Quickly achieve 90% effective implementation (EI) of international civil aviation safety standards (ICAO safety audit) ;

Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile - Mauritanie

‫الوكالة الوطنية للطيران‬ ‫ موريتانيا‬- ‫المدني‬

National Agency of the Civil Aviation - Mauritania

Provides economic oversight of airports and air navigation services (ANSP).

Safe, efficient Mauritanian civil aviation at the service of citizens is our daily objective.


At ANAC, we place the highest priority to safety in all activities of civil aviation in Mauritania. We foster a culture of generative and non- punitive safety . We are determined to develop; to promote and implement appropriate regulatory frameworks, adapted strategies, relevant guidance material and effective procedures in order to ensure that the activities under our supervision meet national and international standards and achieve the highest possible level of safety.


National Civil Aviation Authority

Aviation Safety & Security Guarantor BP : 91 Nouakchott - Mauritania

229 (+222) 45244005


www.ebizguides.com anac-at-anac.mr



ANAC commits to providing all the necessary means to achieve the above objectives and committed staff has ensured the consolidation of acquired and the ‘continuous improvement of the performance of the ANAC, which should remain a reference in the field of air safety and security supervision.

The complexity of the mission of ANAC and l’importance of the strategic objectives set for it have led to the development and implementation of appropriate management tools and able to guarantee optimal performance in terms of efficiency and consistency of its action.

The ANAC as the competent authority in the field of civil aeronautics ensures supervision and control of the following air service providers :

ANAC is thus part of the socio-economic development dynamic of Mauritania through a continuous promotion of civil aviation which is essential for the development of national and international air transport. In this context, it is strongly committed to supporting all investors and promoters of promising projects in the field of civil aeronautics who will find in Mauritania a national civil aviation system backed by its satisfactory results obtained following the latest security and safety audits. security conducted by the OACI. Mauritania, in 2019 in MONTREAL, received from the President of the ICAO Council certificates of recognition in safety and security for the significant progress made in civil aviation.

AFRIPORT Mauritania benefited from the concession of ‘Nouakchott Oumtounsy International Airport,

SAM-SA, founded in 1994, recipient ‘a concession agreement for the operation and management of the Nouadhibou international airport, d’a part, and, d’a mandate to manage secondary airports, on the other hand ;

the ASECNA-Representation in Mauritania which is mainly responsible for the provision of air navigation services;

The ONM, created in 2006, which provides meteorological data including aeronautical meteorology to secondary aerodromes ;

ANAC also ensures the supervision and control of national air transport operators : Mauritania Airlines, Class Aviation and Global Aviation and foreign airlines serving Mauritania : Air France, Royal Air Maroc, Tunis Air, Turkish Airline, Air Algeria, Binter, Swifair.


Mauritania, by its strategic geographical position and its important industrial and tourist resources thus has great assets which are favorable to the development of air transport and in this context investment opportunities exist and are to be seized at all levels of the air sector including particularly in terms of air freight, helicopter transport, passenger transport on demand, domestic transport given its large territory, charter flights and also the creation of training and aeronautical maintenance centers, etc.





Shipment drop off & collection

International & domestic shipping

Account shippers welcome

Pre-printed/return label possible

+222 4525 56 56

Label printing possible


Packaging available

Shipment Insurance

Pay import charges

Receiver Paid

Transac Avenue Bourguiba BP: 40031 Nouakchott

TRANSAC is the first company of the AZIZI GROUP which has become one of the first Mauritanian companies, specializing in the maritime transport of fishing vessels, merchant vessels, air and sea traffic, handling and land transport. TRANSAC mainly concentrates in the field of heavy lift removal for large projects in Mauritania. We have been able to meet the needs of large companies operating in different sectors, including gold, steel and oil exploration. Drawing on the experience acquired over the years with large international companies, TRANSAC continues to offer its customers high-demand services. The company recently renewed and improved its occupational safety and health services. This is how TRANSAC obtained ISO 9001: 2000 certification and is currently following various updates, including IATA certification and the elimination of hazardous products. At present, the company has 15 cargo containers with twist locks, 3 thick - 20-30-40 tons, 4 forklifts, 4 thick trucks, 10 pick-ups, 2 buses and 4 kangoos.


Mauritania Airlines

+ 222 4525 4706 +222-45-254590 mohamed.Mahmoud@dhl.com http: www.dhl.com


N ° 27 JAWDA building, Nouakchott

General Director

+222 45 25 87 62

+222 45241253 - 4330 0404 m.biyah@mauritanianairlines.mr https://www.mauritaniaairlines.mr/

Angles boulevard Gamal Abdel Nasser Charles de Gaulle BP 1190 Nouakchott +222 45253564 / +222 45253094 +222 45296734 www.Royalairmaroc.com

Royal Air Maroc, better known as RAM, is the largest Moroccan airline. RAM is 100% owned by the government of Morocco and is headquartered on the grounds of CasablancaAnfa airport. From its base at Mohammed V International Airport, the airline operates a domestic network in Morocco, with regular international flights to Africa, Asia, Europe and North and South America.

DHL Mauritania DHL Service PointAvenue Mamadou Konate ILot A, 639 P.O. Box 1996 NOUAKCHOTT

M. Mohamed El Khalifa Biyah

BP 7991-Crossroads of the old Nouakchott Airport

Royal Air Maroc (RAM)

Air France

«As the national and number one airline in Mauritania, we are keen to offer the best services to all our customers and to improve the quality of flights» Mauritania Airlines is the country’s national airline with its headquarters in Nouakchott. The company was founded in December 2010 when Mauritania Airways disappeared. Currently, the company operates short and medium haul flights. Short-haul flights to major national routes between Mauritanian airports and some flights to other West African countries. Currently, the airline is connected to Benin, Congo, Cotonou, Brazzaville, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Mali, Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal and the Canary Islands. Mauritania Airlines has a modern and enriched fleet which has earned it the IOSA distinction until June 2021. Mauritania Airlines is improving the quality and offering the best flights across Africa. The airline’s traffic has remained stable at around 300,000 passengers over the past two years and has increased little until early 2020.

Avenue Al Quds - BP662- Infront Morocco Embassy. Nouakchott


www.tunisair.com The Société Tunisienne de l’Air-Tunisair (Tunisair) is the international airline company sponsored by the Tunisian state. In the Maghreb region of North Africa, sandwiched between Algeria and Libya, Tunisia has avoided the political extremes of its neighbors while developing an economy based on tourism. Tunisair, a modern airline that has achieved ISO 9002 certification, has been a key player in bringing travelers (especially from France, Italy and Germany) to enjoy the surf, sun and culture of the country . The Tunisian government owns 70% of Tunisair.

Turkish airlines Tavragh Zeina, avenue Charles de Gaulle Tewvigh building Z11 Nouakchott +222 45 24 2012 www.turkishairlines.com

Starting May 20, 1933, with five planes and less than 30 employees, our journey continues today as an airline serving most countries of the world celebrating its 87th anniversary. 87 years marked by the strength we have acquired through challenges and difficult times. In 1998, the Turkish Airlines website was launched. In 2001, TA put its call center into operation. Buying tickets became much easier in 2003 with the application of electronic tickets and registration. Turkish Airlines corporate website launched with a new interface on turkishairlines.com.

+222 4525 1808 - 4950 6714 www.airfrance.fr





Keeping up to date with technology is an essential part of innovation goals and for maintaining Europe’s youngest and most modern fleet. Their fleet has flourished thanks to the purchase of high-tech, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly aircraft that offer a high level of comfort. A growing passion over the years has earned us the title of airline that serves most countries of the world.


Binter Mauritania (Dunair Agency) Avenue Moctar Dadah Ilot O lot ZRB111 Nouakchott +222 45251536 salesnkc@bintercanarias.com https://www.bintercanarias.com/fre

Today, we fly to 120 countries from Istanbul Airport, with a young fleet of 362 planes. TA proudly carries the Turkish flag around the world, opening doors all over the world to our passengers.

On March 26, 1989, Binter Canarias, Iberia’s airline subsidiary, launched its first air service connecting the Canary Islands archipelago by air.

The first flight NT 104 took off from Tenerife North Airport at 8:00 a.m. and headed for Gran Canaria, flying over the northern coast of Tenerife after crossing the Anaga Mountains. Cabin crew Katia Fernández and captains Ricardo Génova and Alfonso García Bach had the privilege of welcoming the 40 passengers on this inaugural flight. Manufactured by Spanish company Construcciones Aeronáuticas, the Casa CN 235 was the first aircraft operated by Binter, with 36 daily scheduled flights covering the islands of Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, La Palma and Tenerife in the first few months. In January 1990, the first ATR 72 unit joined the fleet, soon becoming the company’s flagship product.




Binter has surely come a long way, going from 36 daily air services in spring 1989 to 220 daily daily flights, covering all inter-island routes, connectivity with the 8 airports of the archipelago and flights from the Canary Islands to international and, from 2018, national destinations. When he started operating in the region, Binter had an ambitious goal: to fly between his islands and to keep a fragmented territory together - no small task. Since then, the Spanish airline has become the benchmark in the transport sector in the Canary Islands, also playing a leading role on the European scene (seven ERA awards). By offering its customers quality service and being actively involved in the community, Binter shows its willingness to remain true to its commitment to the Canary Islands.





• President, National Association of Gold Tailing Treatment Factories • President of National Express – licensee of US FedEx in Mauritania

Company Profile

• Board member of the U.S-Mauritania Business Forum • Board Member at Club of Entrepreneurs of Mauritania • Co-founder and CEO of United Services SARL, A mining supply and materials company • Former President of the Mauritanian Community Network in Washington, DC. Education Eng. Sidi Mohamed Kaem General Manager 56 Charles De Gaulle TVZ. Nouakchott +222 45293730 contact@nationalexpressmr.com

Sidi Mohamed Kaem holds a BS in Agriculture Mechanization from Basra University in Iraq (1998).

National Express.sarl

In 2002, Mr. Kaem completed Advanced English Language Studies at the American Academy in Los Angeles, CA. Mr. Kaem is fluent in English, Arabic, and has an intermediate level in French.

+222 45 29 37 30


+222 20 50 00 00



Accumulation Consignment Transit (ACT) Mr. Kaem is an experienced public affairs adviser and businessman working in management consulting, services, and industrial products sectors in Mauritania (RIM), North Africa, and parts of West Africa. He is established as a respected professional with solid background in negotiation, business planning, customer relationship management (CRM), team building, and program management. Mr. Kaem’s strong sense of initiative and entrepreneurship was enabled in the USA, where he started a transportation and logistics business in Washington, D.C. By focusing on the “high-touch” transportation sector in Washington, D.C., he grew his transportation business from one vehicle and to a fleet of hundred vehicles. Mr. Kaem’s recent professional activities include: • Special advisor to the President of UPR • Senior Advisor at Albright Stonebridge Group


Rue 43065 porte 456 Tevragh ZeinaB BP: 5802 Nouakchott +222 4524 1460 info@actshipping.com www.actshipping.com

ACT Shipping is a public limited company with Mauritanian capital; the company specializes in maritime services: ship consignment activities, handling activities and customs transit. ACT shipping is managed by an English-trained staff, the staff is very experienced in the maritime field and some of its members have more than thirty years of experience in the field. ACT shipping has an excellent and reliable network among the Mauritanian port authorities, thus enabling the company to provide the best of services and to meet the strictest labor requirements.





Maurilog Mohamed Abdellahi YAHA CEO Fisherman’s beach road, Mauritania +222 45 29 70 83 / +222 36 32 68 58 info@maurilog.com www.maurilog.net

Founded in 2001, Maurilog has solid experience in difficult environments for integrated logistics services in industrial, mining and petroleum projects. We specialize in logistics solutions and support for oil and gas, mining and industrial projects to ensure the success of your project. Our local knowledge is based on DB Schenker’s global and integrated network, which has 2,000 branches in over 140 countries. This common experience is used daily by our specialists for successful logistics operations of our customers around the world. Maurilog provides you with the appropriate logistics solution to carry out your most atypical projects. Over the past 15 years, Maurilog has been able to become one of the leaders in logistics services in Mauritania.


Originally established in 1972 to provide modern ship and cargo management services in the port of Nouakchott, the company has grown into a sophisticated international service provider offering a wide range of facilities and skills. The company is dedicated to meeting and exceeding the needs and expectations of the country’s import and export markets as well as the growing number of international investors working in Mauritania. Sogeco is committed to respecting modern health, safety and environmental standards and applies an audited policy to ensure that all services meet international requirements. The company’s 250 permanent employees in Mauritania use the latest software and communication tools to manage their offices, warehouses and facilities and to interface with the global network.

Société des Aéroports de Mauritanie

Société de Transport Public (STP)

Abdallahi Ould Ahmed Damou

Mariem mint El Mouvid

Managing Director

Executive Director

BP 5605. Nouakchott


+222 45 25 83 21

+222 32 97 83 82


stp@stp.mr http://www.stp.mr

The purpose of the Société des Aéroport de Mauritanie (SAM) is to develop, operate and maintain the facilities of Mauritania’s airports through a Nouakchott and Nouadhibou concession or a management mandate for internal airports other than Nouadhibou with the exception of tasks falling under the authority of ASECNA Nouakchott Airport.

Société de Transport Public (STP) created by decree 0 ° 2010 - 046 of 01 March 2010, is a public company whose mission is to ensure passenger transport throughout the national territory. It is authorized to undertake any activity which contributes to the achievement of its mission.

In order to guarantee Sogeco’s customers the best possible service in the world, Sogeco has entered into global agreements with the Bolloré Group, one of the main transport operators in the world and the leading transport specialist serving Africa. The Bolloré Group is a 50% shareholder of SOGECO. The remainder (50%) is held by the Mauritanian leaders, thus ensuring a global service of a local company. The Bolloré Group is a major international holding company based in Paris and listed on the Paris Stock Exchange. The annual turnover of transport exceeds three billion euros. The Bolloré Group has many transport companies: the best known is SDV. Sogeco uses the SDV global network of more than 525 offices in 92 countries.

SOGECO Sid Ahmed Abeidina CEO Airport road. P.O. Box 351. Nouakchott +222 45 25 40 sogeco@sogeco-sa.mr http://www.sogecosa.com


Originally created in 1985, the Bolloré Group has grown through development and acquisition to become one of the largest transport companies in the world and, without a doubt, the first in Africa. The group encompasses all forms of transport through divisions and subsidiaries around the world. SDV and the Bolloré Group own numerous forwarding, handling, distribution and transport companies, as well as several shipping companies, air freight organizations, brokers, container management units and carriers.


Railways at Cap Blanc, Nouadhibou 239











In fact, the rupture of an undersea cable in early 2020 left the country disconnected for days. Something unthinkable for any Western economy. In 2019, the total Internet park recorded an increase of 14%, it went from 2.2 million active subscribers, in 2018, to 2.5 million active subscribers in 2019, the corresponding penetration rate is stands at 63% compared to 57% in 2018. Percentage of rural households with Internet access is 25% (2020) . Indeed, when it comes to mobile phones, and although the most recent technology is far from being in place, the situation is changing dramatically. Out of a population of 4.4 million, there are 5.07 million mobile phones, a penetration rate of 113%.

OVERVIEW MAURITANIAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY Mauritania is a very vast desert country dotted with remote villages inhabited by a very low population density. Connecting all the ends of a country that has only four million people but is three times the size of France takes time and costs money.

ICTs are responsible for overseeing the development of the telecommunications sector and implementing all necessary policies to meet the needs of the population. The activity of Information and Communication services shows a growth of 4.3% in 2020 against 2.9% in 2019. In value, the GDP of transport, Information and communications reached, in 2020, MRU 16.7 billion against MRU 16.4 billion in 2019, an increase of 1.3% thus bringing the weight of the branch to 14.2% of the GDP of the tertiary sector and to 5.4% of the overall nominal GDP in 2020 against 5, 7% in 2019.

Connectivity struggle Although the country is the landing point of the ACE submarine cable which connects 19 West African countries and 2 European countries, the broadband access speed is very low in Mauritania.



Globally, the speed offered by the fiber optic cable pushed the fixed broadband subscription to 1.1 billion against 830 million in 2015. This growth clearly shows a sign of the near future in Mauritania. Access to broadband has become a priority for the country’s development, both socially and corporately.

SATELLITE CONNECTION Indeed, the development of the country in general has been severely hampered by political turmoil, security concerns and absolute poverty. New oil and gas discoveries and exports of mining and fish products are transforming the economic nature of Mauritania into a richer country capable of undertaking large infrastructure projects. Today, the ICT infrastructure to provide universal broadband Internet access is a top priority.


Poor telecommunications infrastructure will mean that VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal), a satellite communication system, can play a key role in the development of sectors. Some of the services they can provide are: •

High speed Internet access

Toll-quality VoIP and videoconferencing with CIR

Reliable SLA via FDMA and D-TDMA with 98% efficiency on payload

Star, mesh and hybrid star / mesh topology networks

Full support for accelerated VPN, CITRIX, ERM and other business applications



Highly secure operation with optional built-in AES encryption

Global coverage in C band and sub-Saharan Ku band

Landing in premier redundant IP installations in Western Europe and USA

Sentinel-based QoS, bandwidth management and optimization platform


Create an enabling environment and strengthen institutional capacities to remove bottlenecks that limit private sector participation in the development of national and regional connectivity.

Support the implementation of the program in the country (including environmental and social clauses).

Mauritania is working with two satellite earth stations Intelsat and ArabSat. In 2019, CSS, an African satellite service provider, partnered with Forsway and Arabsat to improve broadband connectivity in Mauritania. CSS will use Arabsat’s Xtend Africa managed service and Forsway’s satellite broadband extension to provide affordable satellite internet services to support business, education and healthcare applications.

INFRASTRUCTURE PRIORITY To alleviate the infrastructure shortage, the Mauritanian government has launched a long-term national initiative. The key development has been the increase in access to fixed broadband services extending the national backbone network (optical fiber). The initiative was financed by the World Bank and the European Investment Bank (EIB), as part of a regional connectivity project, for co-financing estimated at USD 49 million, USD 30 million provided by the World Bank and 19 million USD by the BEI. As part of public-private partnerships (PPP), the missing sections of the national fiber optic backbone and a data center will be built. The so-called WARCIP Mauritania project aims to increase the geographical coverage of high-speed networks and reduce the costs of communication services in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania by: •

Improved connectivity through competitive access to international bandwidth.


ICT has already installed 1,800 km of fiber-optic cables and an earth cable of 4,000 km is to be laid within the next 3 years, linking the country to the international market. The implementation of the e-government project is expected to start by the end of 2020. A parallel security project will be the pilot test to strengthen cyber security in Mauritania.

SECTORAL OPERATORS Mauritania has three mobile telephone operators, the original monopoly, Moov - owned by Maroc Telecom of Vivendi), Mattel - owned by Tunisie Telecom - and Chinguitel, which started its activities in December 2006. All come under the regulator, l ‘Regulatory Authority (ARE), which oversees all national services that apply the law and quality standards. Due to the lack of fixed telephony infrastructure, most voice and data services are carried over mobile networks managed by mobile operators. All of its operators have recently started using the fourth generation (4G).






The Mauritanian government has taken the initiative to provide access to the ACE submarine cable in accordance with the principles of public-private partnership with the 3 Mauritanian operators and free access to the network with the Economic Interest Group called International Mauritania Telecom (IMT / GIE). Broadband connectivity, he said, must be spread across the country and across borders to give everyone the opportunity to access the information society. Some sections of the Backbone have been or are in progress by the private sector, connecting 9 of the 13 regional capitals of the country and 3 borders.

Finalization of the construction works of the national fiber optic network sections financed by the World Bank within the framework of the WARCIP-Mauritania Project The Mauritanian Government, aware of the role that digital technologies play as a transversal engine for economic growth and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),

Therefore, mobile broadband access speeds are also low. Moov is the leading company in the sector and maintains a virtual monopoly in the fixed telephony sector.


Thus, the WARCIP - Mauritania Project was set up with as one of its main components, the construction of complements to the national optical fiber network to ensure the dissemination of high-speed internet connectivity from the submarine cable at the level of Nouakchott and the transport of data collected by telecommunications operators, at affordable costs, thus reducing the prices of Internet services offered to users while improving their quality and scope. The construction of the backbone network, which required 2 years of work since its official launch and 4 months of technical audit and the lifting of reservations thereafter, made it possible to add 5 new sections, with a total length of 1,700 km, to the national fiber optic network. Thus, the length of this network has increased from 2,300 km in 2019 to 4,000 km today. The project was financed by the World Bank. ZTE Corporation won the tender for its construction while monitoring / control was provided by the Studi / ST2I consortium and Technical Audit by the TACTIS office.

National strategy for the modernization of the administration and the ICT sector Adopted in 2012-2016, is based on 6 strategic developments: •

Development of means of access for all to the information society.

Adaptation of the legal and institutional framework of the Telecoms and ICT sector.

Improvement of the quality and accessibility of the public service.


9.030 million 9.9%


2.440 million 2.0%

Burkina Faso

8.294 million 9.4%

Development of electronic administration


4.549 million 5.0%

Development of the digital economy

Central African Republic

160,000 17.7%

Sectoral technological support


7.395 million -6.1%


had requested and obtained the support of the World Bank to develop its broadband infrastructure.





In order to verify the quality of the construction of the network, a technical audit was commissioned within the framework of the World Bank financing to verify the installations. It was carried out in its first phase, during the last quarter of the year 2020 and from May to July 2021 for its second phase.


It must guarantee open, transparent and nondiscriminatory access to the Installations, in particular to the broadband capacities and other resources available to any operator of electronic communications networks or services duly authorized in Mauritania, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.

This audit was completed and made it possible to validate the conformity of the works before their acceptance. While two of the five sections were delivered in November 2020 and were inaugurated as part of the commemorative festivities of the 60th anniversary of the National Independence Day, the last three sections were delivered on August 18, 2021 and made the subject to a transfer of assets to the Société de Développement des Infrastructures Numériques on August 30, 2021. Thanks to the large capacities that this network can transport, coverage by LTE / 4G technology has been deployed in the main cities along these sections. Today, more than one Gbps of speed is served in each of these cities via this technology. The impact of the project relates to the following points : - Lower costs of Internet access ; - Improving the digital coverage of the territory by allowing authorized operators to develop a fixed (FTTx) and mobile (LTE-4G) broadband internet service offer by deploying access networks in the towns and localities served by this network.

The company responsible for empowering the paper-based strategy and dealing with bidders and investors from the private sector is SDIN Société pour le Développement des Infrastructures Numériques (SDIN). SDIN will oversee the financing, construction, ownership, management, operation and maintenance of the telecommunications infrastructure as well as the installation of all electronic communications equipment required on Mauritanian territory. SDIN is also responsible for any building and equipment necessary for its operation and for the acquisition of user rights for this purpose or for the purchase of existing infrastructures or networks.


THE NATIONAL BACKBONE SDIN will be the owner of the “National Backbone” currently under construction for the telecommunications system and also for its technical building. It will delegate its operation, maintenance and marketing to the company International Mauritania Telecom (IMT). The updating of the sectoral regulatory framework which dates from 1999 and the studies to put in place at AER level a broadband regulation in accordance with international best practices, effective and adapted to the observed and expected changes in the sector. Feasibility study for the creation of an Internet exchange point (IXP) in Mauritania. Environmental and social studies relating to the missing sections. Support for the establishment of the Project Management Unit.





CONSTRAINTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF ICT Although the main obstacle to the development of the sector is clearly the size of Mauritania and the difficult conditions it offers, there are also other barriers, particularly related to human capital. As in many other sectors, the lack of skilled labor hinders the pace of development. In the case of telecommunications, the projects the government is about to put in place will require a high number of technicians who simply do not exist in the country.


In addition, according to ICT Mauritania, “ the country will offer new licenses to investors who wish to open their own Internet service provider in a city or for a particular sector or territory. An investor can open an ISP through our simple authorization scheme for businesses ”.


Moov shareholders

Moov’s shareholders break down as follows:

Shareholders Mauritanian State

Ministry of Digital Transformation, Innovation and Modernization of Administration Mr. ABDEL AZIZ DAHI Minister

CMC (Strategic partner and Private Mauritanians) SOCIPAM (Staff of Moov)


Participation level 46%




Moov - Mauritel Mr. Mohamed baba Ahmed 563, Avenue du Roi Fayçal, BP 7000 Nouakchott +222 45 25 76 00

INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES As the sector is heavily engaged in huge investments to develop telecommunications infrastructure, opportunities present themselves throughout the development chain. “We are looking for international investors and professionals for the development of the ICT sector in Mauritania. Our legal framework guarantees equal open access to all investors. It is a unique opportunity to set up an ICT business in Mauritania ”


Creation of Mauritel The Mauritanian Telecommunications Company (MOOV) was created under Decree No. 99-157 / PM / MIPT of December 29, 1999 splitting the Post and Telecommunications Office (OPT) into two national companies. This text itself follows on from LAW N ° 99-019 of 11/07/1999 on telecommunications.

Moov Status

Moov is a dynamic, forward-looking company which, since its creation, has played an important role in the economic and social development of Mauritania.



Moov works in collaboration with the Mauritanian State and the Strategic Partner for the constant modernization and increase of the capacities of telecommunications infrastructures in Mauritania and significant progress has been made in this area, which makes Moov the leader in telecommunications. in our country and place it at the forefront in terms of offers, coverage and technological and commercial innovation. Moov is also unquestionably the operator which contributes the most to the development of culture and sports, which creates the most direct and indirect jobs and plays a fundamental role in the economic development of the country. Through the varied and high-quality telecommunications services and products that it provides to an increasing number of demanding customers, Moov effectively supports the boom in Mauritania’s economic and social development and ensures its effective openness to the world. . As a corporate citizen, Moov has created several thousand direct and indirect jobs, thus contributing to the fight against poverty, and supporting the development of culture, sports, the press and music.


It also contributes to humanitarian actions in direct relation with ministerial departments or through the charities of numerous non-governmental organizations.

Charter of values

Moov’s Charter of Values ​​reinforces the collective identity of employees around commitments to respect for specific and shared values ​​and principles. These are the values ​​and principles which form the basis of our daily action: - Client orientation - Commitment - Team spirit - Citizenship

The axes of the quality policy

Moov has introduced the Quality Management System (QMS) into its management mode and has successfully passed the ISO 9001 certification audit. Our company can therefore claim the total quality label. Better understand the expectations of our customers by attentive and active listening, respect our commitments, improve customer reception and service, improve service delivery times; * Develop the skills of our employees, retain talents, facilitate adaptation to new contexts and technological challenges; * Improve our performance, by continuously optimizing our processes and costs; Continue our contribution to the development of our country through job creation and infrastructure development; * Affirm our will as a corporate citizen through partnership actions in the sports, cultural, social and environmental protection fields; * Ensure continuous improvement of our quality management system. These are the axes of Moov’s quality policy.



Mattel Mr. Elyes Ben Sassi General manager Avenue Moctar Ould Daddah ZRF NB 858A - Nouakchott +222 36 17 12 12 / +222 45 29 53 54


www.facebook.com/mattel.mr www.mattel.mr

The Mauritanian-Tunisian Telecommunications company, Mattel, is the leading mobile telephone operator in Mauritania. Since its creation on May 11, 2000, the result of cooperation between Mauritanian and Tunisian economic operators, Mattel has always relied on the quality of its network, the professionalism of its staff and proximity to its customers. In 17 years of existence, Mattel has continued to modernize its network with the latest generation technical equipment and the expertise of its engineers and technicians trained in the management and handling of advanced technologies. Currently in the sale phase, several suitors are jostling to take over shares. Created in 2000, Mattel, number two in the Mauritanian market behind Mauritel (a subsidiary of Maroc Telecom) is owned by Tunisie Telecom (51%), the BSA group of businessman Mohamed Bouamatou (24.5%) and the Group Béchir Moulaye El Hassen (24.5% )

Chinguitel Mr. Hani Arabi Ali Karrar General manager Tavragh-Zaina ILOT, A 42-142, Nouakchott +222 25 00 00 00 www.chinguitel.mr



The Chinguitel company was created in 2006 with a capital of 2.7 billion N-UM, a subsidiary of the Sudanese group SUDATEL which recently reached 24.921 billion N-UM. The company has two licenses: License N ° 6 specific for the network for second generation mobile phones. This license covers the period from July 26, 2006 to June 27, 2021 for N-UM 26.6 billion.

In the field of work, Chinguitel has offered thousands of direct and indirect employment opportunities through its participation in the Mauritanian economy and its participation in the professional qualification of young Mauritanians.

As for the second, it is license N ° 7 which is specific to the third generation international communication network, the Internet and the prepaid card package. It covers the period from July 26, 2006 to June 27, 2021 for 900 million N-UM.

Since the launch of Chinguitel, the different parts of the company have been working seriously and creatively to make all services accessible to citizens. It offers mobile Internet service for the first time in Mauritania on a large scale, as well as communication services through classical methods in different areas of Mauritania by valuing the Arabic language as a main language similar to the French language.

In particular, we would like to present the projects that Chinguitel has carried out during the last decades:

• •

Coverage of national highways by its own telecommunications service Extending Internet coverage The development of the dynamics of communication markets through the offer of services of different technological forms.

Chinguitti Mauritania is a subsidiary of the Expresso Telecom group (Expresso Telecom Group), which is headquartered in Khartoum (Sudan). The Expresso Telecom Group currently has two subsidiaries: Mauritanie Chinguitel and Senegal Expresso.

Top Technology

And for the first time, the Arab subscriber benefits from the same advantages as his French-speaking counterpart. The company chose the second as a unified billing unit for all networks. Throughout the last decades, the executive management has followed strategies aimed at developing the operation of the company and enhancing its mission at the service of Mauritanian customers in order to enhance the quality of the services provided to them. These strategies also targeted the development of the network and the launch of two exclusive commercial brands Zaki and Mauritani. Chinguitel is still continuing its interventions in the field of social development. She has carried out considerable actions by helping the most disadvantaged and by distributing Ramadan baskets. The company also supported and organized various activities in the fields of culture, education, health and sport.


Alkhaima City Center 10 Mamadou Konate Street-Nouakchott

As an ISO 9001-2000 certified holder, Top Technology provides high quality services that can meet all the requirements, budgets and business wishes of its customers. This operator offers reliable, stable and affordable bundles (options) that give the freedom to choose the best solution at blazing data transfer speeds.

Mauritania Post Mr.Alioune Ould Issa General manager +222 45 25 51 74 http://www.mauripost.post/fr

The Société Mauritanienne des Postes (Mauripost) is the public operator responsible for providing the Universal Postal Service throughout the national territory. A network of 33 post offices spread across the country provides the population with quality postal and financial services, guaranteed and at affordable prices.

+222 45 24 24 24 info@toptechnology-sa.com www.toptechnology-sa.com

Top Technology is a technology company created in 1990 in Mauritania. It was the first ISP and equipment supplier in Mauritania, today number one. In addition, it seeks to closely follow all global technological developments to maintain their competitive advantage. The company offers LAN, WAN network technologies, Internet access provision and design, website production and hosting. It is the official distributor of international companies such as Telefónica, Portugal Telecom, Dell, HP, LG Electronics, Network Equipments Technologies, GSI and Stratex


A diverse range of products, tailored to the needs of customers in terms of mail, money transfer and the provision of financial services through savings accounts and postal checks. Mauripost can also carry out any activity which is directly or indirectly related to its object and which makes it possible to promote its services or to allow an optimal use of its infrastructure. MAURIPOST is responsible for the operation of the public postal service in Mauritania. Its field of activity covers: • The universal postal public service • Postal services • Fund transfers • Managing money orders • Foreign exchange transactions • Postal check services • Public savings • The investment of funds



Society for the Development of Digital Infrastructures (SDIN) Mr. Ahmed Salem-Tekrour General manager Villa n ° 14 Module K - Nouakchott +222 45252215

The Society for the Development of Digital Infrastructures is a national company, created by decree ° 2014-097 of 6 June 2014, whose head office is located in Its mission is to: Finance, build, own, manage, operate and maintain infrastructures and / or installation and / or electronic communications equipment on Mauritanian territory as well as any building, premises and equipment necessary for their operation, acquire user rights for this purpose or buy existing infrastructures or networks, hereinafter together the “Installations”; where applicable, rent or make available these infrastructures and / or electronic communication equipment in any form whatsoever with a view to their operation. Fund any government investment program in the electronic communications sector and, in particular, those that could be funded within the framework of universal access to electronic communications services. Guarantee the shared use of the Facilities in accordance with the principle of equality and free competition in the electronic communications markets;



Guarantee open, transparent and non-discriminatory access to the Installations, in particular to the broadband capacities and other resources available on them to any operator of electronic communications networks or services duly authorized in Mauritania, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force. The acquisition, alone or alongside other public or private investors, or the sale, of participations or interests in any entity or any company active in the electronic communications market in Mauritania, directly or indirectly; The provision of any service and the conclusion of any contract in connection with the activities listed above; More generally, all industrial, commercial, financial, movable and real estate operations relating directly or indirectly to the activities specified above or which may be useful or which may facilitate its development or the achievement of the corporate purpose as described herein. article. It is planned that the SDIN owns the National Backbone and the Technical Building, and that it delegates its operation, maintenance and marketing to the “International Mauritania Telecom” Economic Interest Group.

TIC ( Information and Communication Technologies ) Gamal Abdel Nasser Street BP 5758 Nouakchott +222 45 25 04 48 www.tic.gov.mr

ICTs are responsible for overseeing the development of the telecommunications sector in Mauritania and implementing all the policies necessary to cover the needs of the population.













OVERVIEW A good education system is a necessary condition for diversification and inclusive growth in Mauritania. Indeed, economic theory has shown that education promotes economic growth by increasing labor productivity and the economy’s capacity for innovation.

Literacy These were the words of the Mauritanian President , Mohamed Ould Al Ghazouani , in his sworn speech.

Definition: 15 years and over can read and write Total population: 53.5% Male: 63.7% Women: 43.4% (2017) Source. UNESCO In his first national budget 2020-21, to underline his determination to build a knowledge-based society in Mauritania, President Al Ghazouani increased the 2020-2021 national budget to the education system by 12% in 2020, or USD 200 million, 30 million more than in 2019, the highest figure in the country’s history,



Education expenditure 2.6% of GDP 2016 3.3% of 2019 GDP Source. CIA WorldFact Book


The literacy rate of adults (15+) in Mauritania rose from 51.2% in 2000 to 53.5% in 2017, according to the latest figures released by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and culture (UNESCO). Although indicators on educational development in Mauritania have steadily improved over the past 10 years, the figures show that there is still work to be done.




Education is the main obstacle to human development. This is evident from the fact that Mauritania is last among all its peers on all of the ICH sub-components relating to education. Indeed, Mauritania’s ranking on the ICH improves, from 34 out of 41 in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to 14 out of 41 if all countries had the same performance in education.

Mauritania’s latest Human Development Index (HDI) value was 0.527 in 2018, which places the country in the low human development category of 161 out of 189 countries and territories. Between 1990 and 2018, Mauritania’s HDI value increased by 39.4%, from 0.378 to 0.527. Most of the measures taken by the government to improve the valuation of this index are indeed linked to education.

The quality of primary and secondary education has improved over the past decade, but it lacks the funds to transform it into a universal and high-quality system. Enrollment in higher education is very low in Mauritania and, as a result, most of the workforce does not have the skills necessary to enter the labor market and support the development of the national economy. Some would even say that the lack of a skilled and educated workforce is, in fact, the worst burden of all.

For an emerging industrial economy like Mauritania, the market requires specific technical skills that the country must provide. The shortage of skilled labor has become an obstacle to development. The government’s new commitment to transform education into a new paradigm has one priority: increasing vocational schools. Large-scale initiatives to improve recruitment in technical and vocational training are currently in place, partly funded by loans from the World Bank. As part of the fight against the Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Mauritanian State has obtained accelerated financing by the Islamic Development Bank - from the Global Partnership for Education - in the amount of $ 3.5 million , aims to support :

School life expectancy (from primary to higher) total: 8 years male: 8 years female: 8 years old (2017) Source. CIA Worldfact Book


The continuity of learning through the implementation of a distance learning program (via digital platforms, television, radio and the distribution of educational materials in paper form. It will also put in the provision of content accessible offline to pupils and a system allowing them to communicate by SMS with their teachers, in order to provide them with direct support from the latter).

The development of remedial and accelerated learning programs, aimed at vulnerable groups in particular, during the school closure period.

The integration of the use of ICT / digital technologies in the education system and capacity building for the establishment and monitoring of a distance learning mechanism by the Ministry of Education.

THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN CAPITAL Although there have been improvements in terms of access, the quality of education in Mauritania is an obstacle to economic growth and to the development of human capital. Mauritania is ranked 150th among 157 economies on the Human Capital Index (HCI) with a score of 0.35. Thus, a Mauritanian child who is born today will achieve on average only 35% of his potential compared to what would have been possible if he had benefited from full and quality schooling and optimal health conditions.





The implementation of awareness campaigns for students, parents and teachers to remove barriers that prevent children from going to school and strengthen the acquisition of hygiene supplies.

Education of vulnerable children, especially of girls living in poor areas.

The teacher training in psychosocial support for students (especially girls).

The preparation of school infrastructure for a reopening of schools in good sanitary conditions.

In late March 2020, the UNICEF office in Mauritania has received funding GPE (Global Partnership for Education) 70 000 US $ to assist the Ministry of Education to plan its response to the pandemic coronavirus (COVID- 19).

DELAYS IN MODERN EDUCATION Mauritania gained independence from France in 1960, just 60 years ago. The country’s literacy rate at that time was 5%. Today, more than half of the Mauritanian population is literate. But such a large country - one million square kilometers - with a still nomadic population so dispersed, makes every attempt to meet the needs of all Mauritanians in terms of health, education and access to basic services, not only a challenge, but also a very expensive item. Before independence, public education in Mauritania was supervised by the French colonial administration which also faced the challenge of a nomadic population and fought it with «mobile schools» at the time. Their schools coexisted with traditional Islamic schools, dating as far back as the 12th century, when Mauritania was one of the world’s epicenters of knowledge.


During the first decade of existence, successive governments in Mauritania promoted constant literacy campaigns with limited but real results on people. Primary and secondary schools began to spread throughout the country, whose population and diverse backgrounds unified around Islam and the Arabic language. However, the system slowly adapted to a more secular French education.

A NEW APPROACH In 1999, the government implemented the biggest reform of the education system. The introduction of other national languages ​​other than Arabic such as Soninke, Pulaar or Wolof has been slow. The first registration for children in Mauritania is 4 to 6 years old in pre-primary. At the age of 6 and for 6 years, they attend primary education which is compulsory and supposed to be free. There are families who simply cannot afford to send their children to school, either because of distance or for economic reasons. From primary to secondary school, the dropout rate is high. Secondary education is divided into two stages, the “College” for 4 years and the “Lycée” for 3 years. At the Lycée, there are four programs: Arabic and Islam; Modern languages; Natural Sciences; and mathematics. From high school, students can access university. The country’s first modern university, the University of Nouakchott, was inaugurated some 20 years after independence in 1981. Compared to its African compatriots, Mauritania was one of the last countries to achieve status. higher education. The oldest African university in modern times is considered to be the University of Cape Town founded in 1829, followed much later by the University of Cairo in 1908.

Cities like Chinguetti or Oualata are home to important Koranic teaching centers. Later, in 1955, the Institute of Islamic Studies was founded in Boutilimit.






THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM The University has approximately 12,072 students (2016-2017) supervised by 472 permanent teacherresearchers, i.e. an average number of 1 teacherresearcher for 25 students. It is made up of five entities: the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST: 3,518 students), the Faculty of Medicine (FM: 1,009 students), the Professional University Institute (IUP: 618 students), the Faculty of Letters and of Human Sciences (3,219 students) and the Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences (3,708 students). Other centers of higher education in Mauritania include the National School of Administration, Journalism and Judiciary, the National School of Teachers and the National School of Public Health. The Lebanese International University of Mauritania is the most renowned educational institution in the private sector.



create a better network of qualified teachers and reduce the low transition rate from primary to secondary. The plan incorporates the idea of ​​equal access to education for all and better quality teachers and locals preserving the Islamic core to promote national unity. Progress is slow and it cannot be otherwise. According to international figures, 31% of the population still lives below the poverty line. It does not help improve school attendance rates. Families simply cannot afford to send their children to school. Due to distance or resources, inequality in Mauritania is the first challenge in the fight against illiteracy. During the last census of 2013, General Population and Housing Census (RGPH), the majority of the population, 64.7%, had reached primary school, 7.7% secondary school and only 5.2 % the high school. Technical and vocational education and higher education recorded very low scores, 2.5% and 0.31%.

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research PO Box 5758 Gamal Abdel Nasser rue Ministère - Nouakchott +222 45 25 04 48

Public establishments

info@mesrstic.gov.mr www.mesrstic.mr

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research develops and implements the Government’s policy on Higher Education and Scientific Research. In this context, he is responsible in particular:

The country’s population is heavily made up of very young students, which for many represents an opportunity. More than half of them (around 60%) are under 25 years old. This figure also indicates that most of the population is therefore still in its learning years. In 2011, a second edition of the World Bank’s structural program to improve education in Mauritania was introduced. The 2011-2020 National Education Sector Development Program (PNDSE II) aims to improve access and quality of basic and secondary education;

- To set the conditions for opening and access to public and private higher education establishments, the conditions for accreditation of higher education programs and courses.

- To propose the development strategies and programs of the Higher Education and Scientific Research sector which are submitted to the government for approval - To develop a higher vocational training offer adapted to the needs of the country - Develop and implement a national policy on scientific research

University of Nouakchott Al-Asriya BP 880, Nouakchott +222 45 26 52 52 www.una.mr

The University of NOUAKCHOTT AL AASRIYA (UNA) was created in July 2016 from the merger of the University of Science, Technology and Medicine and the University of Nouakchott.

Kids studying in wood tablets www.ebizguides.com





• Develop knowledge and knowledge, • Provide initial, fundamental and professional training, and continuing education and issue recognized diplomas and certifications, • Promote scientific research and offer services and expertise, • Prepare young graduates for integration into working life. • The implementation of training missions (initial and continuing) and research are based on the priority development needs of society and in collaboration with economic players. This adequacy of our two core businesses (training and research), including all other services to society, constitutes our added value.


Created in 1966, the National School of Administration, Journalism and Magistracy (National School of Administration, Journalism and Magistracy) is a higher education institution located in the middle town of Nouakchott. Officially accredited and / or recognized by the Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education, Mauritania (Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education, Mauritania), the National School of Administration, Journalism and Magistracy (ENAJM) is an institution of mixed higher education. The National School of Administration, Journalism and Magistracy (ENAJM) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education diplomas in several fields of study. •

The Higher Institute of Accounting and Business Administration (ISCAE)

Higher Polytechnic School of Nouakchott

The Higher Institute of Technological Education of ROSSO

BP 4303 Cité Cadres - Sebkha Nouakchott

The Higher Normal School

The National Center for University Works

The Higher Professional Institute Languages, Translation and Interpreting

Aioun University of Islamic Sciences,

The Naval Academy

The Higher Institute of English

The Higher Institute of Islamic Studies and Research

contact@esp.mr www.esp.mr The École Supérieure Polytechnique is an establishment under the dual supervision of the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry in charge of Higher Education which aims to train middle managers and senior managers in the fields of engineering sciences. It is the result of the merger of three engineering schools with preparatory cycle: the School of Mines École Supérieure Polytechnique de Nouakchott the National School of Public Works of Aleg.

National School of Administration, Journalism and Magistracy


Private establishments •

Modern University of Chinguitty

Cheikh Mohamed Lemine Chinguitty University

Higher School of Management and Computer Science (ESMI-Sup Management)

GEU The Academy

Abdou Ould El Bara Head of technical service and database +222 42 61 74 76 - 36 61 74 76 admin@enajm.m www.enajm.mr






Lebanese International University Route Soukouk, Ilot F-Nord, Green Belt, Tevragh Zeina - Nouakchott + 222 45 24 15 64 / + 222 45 25 18 88 + 222 44 48 39 29 / + 222 33 26 11 11 info@liu.mr


Sup Management University

ISI Komunik

E-Nord Tevrag Zeina 586 - 587 Nouakchott

Tevragh Zeina Zeine - Behind Kissi Clinic - Nouakchott

+222 45 24 05 61

+222 45 24 00 82



www.liu.mr The Lebanese University in Mauritania (LIU-Mr) will work to: • Contribute to the promotion of the level and quality of higher education. • The training of the promotions of the competent Mauritanian executives on the basis of the programs developed in the various modern scientific disciplines, in total adequacy with the needs of the national market. • Interact and collaborate with the various local production sectors and services in order to contribute to the achievement of global development plans and programs; • Ensure a positive role in scientific research in order to find adequate solutions to the demands and demands of society; • Strengthen cultural and scientific links with local higher education establishments. • Serve society through continuing education, technical consultations and scientific studies, considering that the university is an integral part of the society in which it finds itself and must act actively. The Lebanese International University in Mauritania is made up of the following faculties and centers: The Faculty of Arts and Sciences • Faculty of Engineering • The Faculty of Education and Human Sciences • The Faculty of Business Management and Law • The Faculty of Pharmacy • The Language and Computer Education Center • The Center for Continuing Education and Strategic Studies The training in several specialties is given in Arabic or French, knowing that the teaching of English is compulsory for all specialties.


The Higher Institute of Informatics (ISI) is a higher education institute with more than 25 years of experience in continuing education of an academic type and particularly in areas such as IT, management, accounting and business organization. ISI has an office which deals with design, experimentation, production and consultancy studies in various fields. It is also important to note that the group has very high-level university experts and specialists in several fields of management.

The Sup’Management Group, founded in 1995, backed by the experience and excellence of its management team and its renowned faculty, is the bearer of a major educational project, highly innovative, designed for the new generations of the Moroccan and African youth, in a complex, uncertain and constantly changing world. Training entrepreneurial leaders, endowed with the qualities of creativity, challenge, openness, and having a high sense of responsibility and ethics, is the major objective around which we have built a new school model. The Group’s Grande Ecole Program, a direct translation of this model, indeed offers excellent training organized in several poles, combining knowledge with skills, connected to the cultural and social values ​​of our societies and meeting the needs of our economic environment. The place reserved for scientific research in this Program confirms its richness and quality, which has earned the Group world-renowned awards and distinctions. The international dimension of the Group, through its presence in several countries of the African continent but also its association with the EIU Group located in the USA and countries of Latin America, makes it an almost unique case in the education landscape. Moroccan and African superior. Opening up to the international market has always been a cornerstone in the Group’s development policy. Thus, nearly a hundred partnerships have been concluded with academic, institutional, industrial and other institutions, as well as networks of excellence in several countries.













During the last comprehensive study carried out in the sector in 2018, the health sector of Mauritania showed a serious deterioration of its situation 2 years ago. In that same report, life expectancy is 64.5 years, a very low figure by global standards. Mauritania ranks 201st out of 228 countries. Mauritania ranks 7th in the world in terms of maternal mortality. It reached 766 deaths per 100,000 live births. The infant mortality rate is also high, ranking 25th in the world, with nearly 50 deaths per 1,000 births. For a country of 4.271 million inhabitants, some of whom live in very large areas, there are a total of 26 hospitals, 115 health centers and 747 health posts in a territory of more than one million square kilometers. About 70% of them are located in rural areas, but the main hospitals and clinics are in the capital. There are 21 hospitals and 37 clinics across the country. The ratio of doctors per 1000 population was 0.24. In terms of operations, the health system is pyramidal, with three levels of service namely the tertiary level (referral hospitals), the secondary level (regional hospitals), and the primary level (health centers and posts) .

OVERVIEW THE MAURITANIAN HEALTH SECTOR In view of the Perceptives of Mauritania’s economic development thanks to projects in the gas sector, the landscape of health establishments should certainly change. This should lead to the rehabilitation and equipment of hospitals but also the construction of new hospital services in Mauritania.

Ambitions of the Ministry

1. Develop the drug sub-sector. Indeed, there are no pharmaceutical companies in Mauritania whereas the content of the geographical position in the Sahel would be ideal. 2. Develop the E-health sub-sector: first of all the health information system for statistics and other data to be collected. Then the telemedicine component for all that is diagnostic, interpretation of assessment, insurance for interventions and remote care.


3. Create a University Hospital Center (CHU) and strengthen the training of doctors and specialists. It would be the King Salman Hospital, which is scheduled to start up very soon. 4. Develop the hospital service emergency system with mobile units equipped to provide first aid to the sick and injured with recourse to air transport for the most isolated populations, the response to epidemics and public health emergencies. . Density of doctors:

FOSA Level Type n °1

Public sector

Private sector


37 private




Total by type


FOSA Level Type n °2

Public health centers

49 medical

FOSA Level Type n °3

Health posts


62 private treatment offices







0.24 doctors / 1000 inhabitants (2019) Access to sanitation facilities: Total: 40% of the population (2015 est.) Source of drinking water: Total: 57.9% of the population Large urban areas - population: Population in Nouakchott (capital): 1.315

Total by sector

million (2020).



COVID health crisis At the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic affected almost all the countries of the world. Mauritania recorded its first case of COVID-19 on March 13, 2020. A first wave of the COVID 19 epidemic was recorded in May 2020, then a second wave in November 2020 marked by the resurgence of cases of community transmission and both controlled thanks to early response measures. As of July 12, 2021, the toll stands at 5 per 1,000 of the Mauritanian population infected with SARS - CoV2, i.e. 20,604 confirmed cases, the most affected of which are between 25 to 34 years old. The age of over 60 years and over is the overwhelming risk factor for serious morbidity and death associated with SARS - CoV -2 and very frequently aggravated by comorbidities (15.24% of subjects). The way out of the health crisis can only be envisaged thanks to the vaccination of a large part of the population. 2,677,870 Mauritanians or 63% should be vaccinated with vaccines approved by the WHO. They would seem to prevent severe forms, hospitalizations and deaths. Mauritania has therefore signed up to the COVAX mechanism and to activate bilateral cooperation for the acquisition of anticovid 19 vaccine. A large series of anti covid 19 vaccination campaigns has been launched since March 2021.

Currently, we are witnessing a significant drop in cases representing an exit from this 3rd wave . The third edition of the SARA survey on public and private health establishments in Mauritania launched by the Ministry of Health, was published in 2018 with the general objective of assessing the availability and operational capacity of health services. The final report on the results observed that the general services operational capacity index was 42% in 2018 against 55% in 2016. There is a significant disparity in operational capacity between hospitals (80%), health centers (66%) and health posts (33%).




This disparity is more accentuated for the means of diagnosis. More than 50% of health posts and centers have neither improved water sources nor sufficient energy source and the availability of emergency transport remains below 50%. In general, there is a deficit of both equipment and professionals.

It is compulsory and managed by two main organizations: the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) and the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) which manages the national health systems. Patients who cannot be treated in Mauritania are sent abroad to partner hospitals.

The World Health Organization (WHO), along with other international organizations, has been working in Mauritania for decades to improve the health system, starting with programs to improve the quality of water, sanitation and hygiene in schools. About 90% of the country is desert. Over the past 20 years, it has suffered from a continuous drought which is forcing a demographic transformation. Nomads are rapidly settling in rural areas, which generally lack basic services, while in major cities, unsanitary populations are growing around their outskirts. The big picture is still bleak but hopeful.

The lack of well-equipped and managed hospitals creates a heavy economic burden for the government but could present a good investment opportunity. Ongoing projects under the supervision of the Ministry of Health include, among others: The construction and equipment of the King Salman University Hospital in Nouakchott, the Nouakchott hemodialysis center, the Atar Hospital Center and other regional hospitals, and health centers.

In 2019, a new government took office. Led by Mohamed Ould Al Ghazouani, it allocated 77 million USD in its first national budget, approved in December 2019. In this budget, health allocations occupied the fifth most important place in the country’s national accounts and an increase of 2% compared to the previous year.

1. The primary level (moughataa) comprises two types of health structures: health posts and centers and the most peripheral level of basic care units.

ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Mauritania’s health sector is led by the Ministry of Health, the central directorates and their subdivisions, the coordinating bodies of programs and related services and the support structures to which a number of institutions subscribe such as the ‘National Institute for Public Health Research (INRSP), National Cardiology Center, CNAM and the Medicines Purchasing Center. At the medium level, in the districts (moughataa), the district health management teams are responsible for the operationalization, implementation and monitoring of the national health policy. The Mauritanian social security system covers all employees in the event of illness, old age, work accident and family benefits.




In terms of operations, the health system is pyramidal, with three levels of service:

2. The intermediate level is made up of two types of hospitals: moughataa hospitals, targeting the most populated or landlocked moughataas, and regional hospitals in all wilayas except Nouakchott. 3. The tertiary level is mainly concentrated in Nouakchott and includes two types of referral hospitals: general hospitals, including the National Hospital Center, Cheikh Zayed Hospital (HCZ), Friendship Hospital (HA) and military hospital; and specialized hospitals, including the Specialties Hospital Center, the National Cardiology Center (CNC), the National Oncology Center (CNO), the Mother-Child Center, the National Orthopedic and Functional Rehabilitation Center, and the specialty center of the wilaya of Nouadhibou. Other centers include the National Blood Transfusion Center, the National Research Institute, the Institute of the National Drug Quality Control Laboratory (National Drug Quality Control Laboratory, or LNCQM) and the main distributor drugs and medical supplies (Central Purchasing of Medicines and Consumables, or CAMEC).




The sector is supplemented by five educational establishments: the national public health schools of Nouakchott, Kiffa, Nema, Rosso and Séilibaby which provide training for paramedical personnel. There are also a number of military and occupational health structures that are quite developed, especially those supported by large mining companies. Along with the public system, the private health system is developing rapidly, particularly in Nouakchott and other large cities. Hospitals like private clinics like Chiva, Kissi and Ibn Sina clinics are increasing the availability and quality of health care although they remain largely unregulated. Figure 3. Health system pyramid

Central Level

• Ministry/Cabinet • Inspector General • Central Directorate

4 general hospitals + 5 specialty hospitals Tertiary

Wilaya Level

• 15 Regional health directorates

Moughataa Level

Country Cooperation Strategy of the WHO with Mauritania • 2018–2022

• 55 Moughataa health districts


2 moughataa hospitals + 15 regional hospital centres Secondary 634 health posts + 105 health centres Primary (Basic Care Units) Community Level

Presidential project in support of health Propep-Santé (Hospital emergencies, road safety, resuscitation, Obstetrical package)


PASS project to support the health sector (European Union, e)

INAYA project, in particular to support the health system in Mauritania and to expand the use and quality of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition services in the Guidimagha and 2 Hodhs regions.

Other bilateral and multilateral cooperation support aimed at improving the health of the population exists with several partisans, in particular with the United Nations system. CHAPTER 2 Q HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES



EPIDEMIOLOGICAL PROFILE Mauritania’s epidemiological profile is still characterized by infectious and parasitic diseases although cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are becoming a serious public health problem. The top ten reasons for health consultations in Mauritania are respiratory infections, malaria, simple diarrhea, wounds, conjunctivitis, ear infections, bloody diarrhea and high blood pressure.

Major infectious diseases: Degree of risk : very high (2020)

2.3.3. Health system structure Food-borne or water-borne illnesses:

2. The intermediate level is made up of two types

Administratively, Mauritania’s health sector bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A isand divided into fever three levels with central and typhoid decentrallized services. Vector-borne diseases: malaria and dengue Actors at theincentral level include the rabies MOH, Diseases contact with animals: PCOGN[ VJG OKPKUVGT U QHƂEG VJG IGPGTCN UGETGVCTKCV Respiratory diseases: meningococcal the central directorates and their subdivisions, the meningitis coordinating bodies of programmes and related Obesityand - adult prevalence rate: 12.7% (2016) services, support structures. The central level JCU C UVTCVGIKE TQNG KP FGƂPKPI RQNKEKGU UVTCVGIKGU Comparison of countries in the world: 132 21 and strategic plans. Underweight children under 5: 24.9% (2015)

3. The tertiary level is essentially concentrated in

of hospitals: i) moughataa hospitals, still limited in number,i are targeted to the most populated or enclaved moughataas, and ii) regional hospitals, numbering 15, in all the wilayas excepting those of Nouakchott.18,21 Nouakchott; it includes two types of reference hospitals: general hospitals, including the National Hospital Centre, the Cheikh Zayed Hospital (HCZ), the Hospital of Friendship (HA) and the Military Hospital; and specialized hospital centres, including the Hospital Centre for Specialties, the National Cardiology Centre (CNC), the National Oncology Centre (CNO), the Mother-Child Centre, the National Orthopaedics and Functional Rehabilitation Centre, and the and the specialities centre in the wilaya of Nouadhibou.18,21

At the intermediate level, the regional health directorates and their regional teams are responsible for Health coordinating and monitoring The National Development Plan, health PNDS structures located in their areas. 2021-2030,. At the level of the department (moughataa), district To achieve its ambitious impact results, fourfor priority health management teams are responsible programs have implementing been developed the PNDS operationalizing, and for monitoring 2021-2030. These programs are broken down into national health policy. sub-programs and are accompanied by results and In termsindicators, of its operations, health system is impact in linethe with the care results-based pyramidal, withreform. three levels of service: public finance 1. The primary level (moughataa) includes two

Program : Accelerating the reduction types of1health structures, one dependent on of maternal, newborn and child mortality the other: health posts (numbering 621) and

health centres (numbering the 105)fight (DPCIS 2014).the Program 2 : Strengthening against Added to this is the most peripheral level of disease basic care units.18,21 Program 3 : Health security and preparedness and response to public health emergencies Program 4 : Improvement of governance and equitable access to quality health services


+P CFFKVKQP ƂXG URGEKCNK\GF EGPVTGU RTQXKFG referral and support services in certain domains; these include the National Centre for Blood Transfusion, the National Institute for Research KP 2WDNKE *GCNVJ +0452 VJG *GRCVQ 8KTQNQI[ Institute of the national laboratory for drug quality control (Laboratoire National de contrôle de la qualité des médicaments, or LNCQM) and the primary distributor of medicines and medical supplies (Centrale d’Achat des Médicaments et Consommables, or CAMEC). Five educational institutions—the National Schools of Public Health i

There are still only two moughataa hospitals, at Boutilimit and %JKPIWKVK KV KU RNCPPGF VQ DWKNF ƂXG OQTG KPENWFKPI QPG KP Boghé.




Main indicators : * Maternal mortality rate: 478 deaths / 100,000 live births (DHS 2020) * Neonatal mortality rate: Total: 22 deaths / 1,000 live births * Life expectancy at birth: Total population: 64.5 years * Total fertility rate : 5.2 children born / woman (2020 DHS.)



National Institute for Public Health Research (INRSP)

Ministry of Health Avenue Gamel Abdel, Headquarters of the Ministry of Health BP 115 Nouakchott +222 22 90 33 30

Despite all efforts, the availability of essential drugs is critical, and stockouts of key commodities such as antibiotics are quite common in most health facilities. The security of supply of drugs, consumables and medical devices is weak due to the limited capacities of the Central Purchasing of Essential Medicines and Medical Consumables (CAMEC), the main importer, and the vast expanse of Mauritanian territory which makes the products expensive and sometimes even rare to find. The fight against falsified, counterfeit or poor quality drugs is at the heart of the new administrative policy aimed at ensuring rigorous and effective control of medical products.


+222 525 31 75

The National Institute for Public Health Research is the spearhead of government action in the fields of research, analysis, reference examinations, verification and detection of various epidemic diseases in general.

diopcheikhoumar@hotmail.com www.sante.gov.mr

* Contraceptive prevalence rate: 17.8% (2015)

Medicines and medical equipment One of the main goals included in all health related programs in Mauritania includes improving access to quality essential medical products. Mauritania has developed a national pharmaceutical policy and established a national list of essential drugs which is regularly updated. To regulate the sector, the government has undertaken legislative efforts. The Department of Pharmacies and Laboratories (DPL) acts as a standardization and regulatory body, while the National Drug Quality Control Laboratory (LNCQM) has been set up to ensure the quality of products introduced into the country. .

Avenue Jemal AbdeNasser BP 690 - Nouakchott

The Ministry of Health has decided to endow the country with a national health policy to fundamentally guide health actions and take advantage of the resources mobilized through mechanisms that improve the state of health of the populations. The Government of Mauritania intends to provide all citizens with universal access to essential quality health services, and protection against the financial risks associated with the disease, without any form of exclusion or discrimination, and with the full participation of populations. The main political and strategic documents drawn up in recent years (both at government and health sector level) consider health as a national priority and place it at the heart of the country’s development. It is within this framework that the Ministry of Health decided to endow the country with a new national health policy by 2030 in order to fundamentally guide health actions and take advantage of the resources mobilized to improve the state. population health. It will serve as the basic orientation for all actions carried out in the sector for the period 2017-2030. It is based on the analysis of the situation of the sector and takes into account the commitments and recommendations resulting from regular reviews and successive evaluations carried out in concert with all the players in the sector.


The INRSP supports the health department, the Regional Health Action Directorates (DRAS) and healthcare establishments by making available its expertise and its specialized laboratory and screening services. In addition, the purpose of the INRSP is to undertake and support research aimed at improving the health of populations. It is responsible, in particular for: • Coordinate and promote public health research • Carry out research and laboratory work of direct interest to public health, promote screening, epidemiological surveillance and prevention of the main diseases • Ensure the quality control and monitoring of drinking water and food intended for human consumption and contribute to the development of standards in the field. • Promote national and international scientific cooperation within the framework of mutual assistance • Undertake and promote scientific publications likely to enrich knowledge in the field of health sciences. • Gather and make available to users complete documentation dealing with the health, hygiene and toxicology situation • Ensure international vaccination and travel advice • Support technical training, development and specialization of personnel in the fields of laboratory, research and hygiene


• Contribute to the improvement of public health laboratories by setting up a program of quality control, supervision and training of laboratory personnel • Develop measures to improve public hygiene and chemical safety.

CNAM (National Health Insurance Fund) Debbe Sidi Zeine Directeur General CNAM –Ksar lot n21 bis. BP 5019 , Route of the old airport - Nouakchott +222 22 10 42 39 sdebbe@yahoo.fr www.cnam.mr

The CNAM is a public administrative establishment whose missions are to: • manage eligibility for the health insurance plan • meet the health needs of its policyholders, by improving the management of their health risks and the quality of the services they receive; • offer an additional intervention tool by the State to healthcare providers (public and private) to improve their services and optimize their operation; • contribute to the control of the allocation of resources in health care, by ensuring an efficient provision of resources. The CNAM is keen to bring its services and services as close as possible to its policyholders, it is therefore developing a proximity strategy based on: A welcoming front office available at the main office, open Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. A network of representations in the public hospitals of Nouakchott and regional branches in all the capitals of the wilayas; A telephone call center available to answer all your requests for information, reachable on the short number 19 19.



A functional website providing you with a set of documentation on the CNAM, its procedures, its texts, its payment methods. Via this site, you will be able to monitor your various files in real time (membership, reimbursement, complaints).

Groups covered by the CNAM Since its creation in 2007, the CNAM, the managing body of the basic health insurance scheme, has considerably extended its basic health coverage in recent years, targeting long-term universal health insurance in Mauritania. Today it covers: • • •

• •

Parliamentarians, civil servants and state agents. The personnel of the Armed Forces in active position. Staff of public establishments, public companies and legal entities governed by public law (provisions of the law on extension) Staff of private sector companies Retirement pension recipients from these groups.

Health insurance beneficiaries • • • •

The main insured. Her husband. His children aged 21 or over. His children, without age limit, suffering from a disability preventing them from exercising a remunerated activity.


The CHN is the country’s reference hospital, it is the showcase for curative public health and continues to fully enjoy its central role in the management of all medical and surgical pathologies. To optimize this growing activity, modern sites, adapted to standards are about to be completed, such as the Dialysis Center, the Infectious Disease Department and the Medicine and Surgery pole, the first stone of which was laid in February 2019. . The National Hospital Center of Nouakchott is a public administrative establishment, endowed with legal personality and financial autonomy. It was created by decree 89.120 / PCMSN of September 10, 1989 bringing together the former national hospital (created in 1966 by decree No. 66/020 of May 14, 1966) and the Sabah hospital in Nouakchott. In 1966, the national hospital had 120 beds, in 1977 the first extension took place, with the creation of new services bringing its capacity to 365 beds. In 2005, opening of the emergency polyclinic with a capacity of 20 beds. The current capacity of the CHN is 430 beds.

Central Purchasing of Medicines (CAMEC) BP: 5545 Nouakchott +222 45 29 66 64 secretdion@camec.mr www.camec.mr

National Hospital Center BP: 612 HOPINA MNT Nouakchott +222 45 25 21 35 / +222 36 62 39 22 contacts@chn.mr www.chn.mr


CAMEC being the tool of health policy, responsible for making quality essential generic drugs available, accessible to all segments of the population. CAMEC supplies health structures throughout the Mauritanian territory The diversification of supply sources makes it possible to guarantee Better availability of drugs. Our purchases made from suppliers of various origins: - France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Great Britain and other European countries.





Friendship Hospital (HA)

Extension of the Nouakchott national hospital Arafat District Nouakchott

The Friendship Hospital is a medical center for the treatment of infectious diseases built by China and handed over to the Mauritanian Ministry of Health by the Chinese Embassy in Mauritania. The center, which is part of the Nouakchott National Hospital, is made up of two floors and includes several pavilions with a capacity of 30 beds, large and medium-sized laboratories, as well as radiology equipment. The project was donated by the Chinese government and the hospital is located in densely populated slums in Arafat district, south of Nouakchott city.

Military hospital Department of Defense PO Box 208 Nouakchott The health service of the armed forces has recently undergone a change of direction with the creation of a general direction of the health and security service of the armed forces by decree no. 038/2011 of 02/28/2011, with the aim of bringing together all the means and resources of the various services of the constitutional bodies (army, gendarmerie, police custody, police, road safety organization) in order to maximize their output. It involves a staff of more than 100 doctors, pharmacists, dental and veterinary surgeons, as well as more than 500 paramedical non-commissioned officers. In addition, it has a specialized hospital with around one hundred beds, a sophisticated technical resources center in Nouakchott, medical centers at the headquarters level, garrison infirmaries in the various regions of the country and ‘a paramedical school. In addition to the traditional missions of the Health Service,



he participated in operations linked to internal humanitarian problems (floods, epidemics, refugees, etc.) as well as to foreign affairs, in particular the Rwandan crisis in 1994 when a medico-surgical team. , who did a remarkable job In addition, the health service deals with new terrorist threats by putting in place advanced operational support measures. Ultimately, the Health Service has embarked on a new dynamic of modernization with the aim of reconciling its beneficiaries as well as possible with a good quality medical service thanks to sustained efforts in terms of equipment, infrastructure and services. staff training.

• To serve as an internship and training ground for the various professional categories of Health. • The management of the Center and all the staff are committed to setting up a planning tool called the “Hospital Project” (PEH) of the National Cardiology Center. • This project is therefore the result of consultation and participatory planning work developed by the main actors of the profession: administrators,

doctors and nurses, in order to set up a framework plan for the strategic development of the Center, giving a clearly studied vision with a timetable. of project activities over 5 years. • This project prepared by committed professionals ensures their determination in its implementation provided that the means are allocated.

National Cardiology Center Tevragh Zeina, Nouakchott + 222-45-25-25-50 contact@cnc.mr www.cnc.mr The Center brings together the former Cardiology departments of two large hospitals in Nouakchott (CHN and HCZ). It will therefore continue to operate with two geographically separate poles, but twinned under a single administration pending the construction of an appropriate regrouping structure. • Serve as a reference structure for the country in the treatment and exploration of cardiovascular diseases; • Provide care and specialized examinations for patients with cardiovascular diseases; • Ensure the health autonomy of the country in terms of medical and surgical management of cardiovascular diseases; • Promote, in collaboration with the Department of Health, the proximity of cardiology care throughout the national territory; • Contribute to the rehabilitation of heart patients and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases • Develop research activities in this area;













THE DESERT AND ITS NOMADIC POPULATIONS In the middle of the desert, Mauritania has many desert landscapes, they are mainly found in the regions of Adrar, Tangant, Hodhs and Asaba. These landscapes are also home to areas of plant, animal and human life (camps or oases). In some cases, oases are unusual landscapes, such as the Terjit Oasis.

Some of the main tourist routes through the desert:

Adrar (oasis circuit) Adrar (White Valley) Adrar (Chinguetti dunes) Adrar and Tagant Adrar, Tagant, Ocean The north loop The large loop

The visit of the desert can be done with excursions on foot, on the back of a camel or in an all-terrain vehicle. The visit of these natural spaces is often associated with a stopover in inhabited places which allow contact with the resident populations and knowledge of their way of life. These stops also allow you to visit historical and cultural places.

OVERVIEW Mauritania is a country located in the northwest of Africa. It borders the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Senegal to the southwest, Mali to the east and southeast, Algeria to the northeast and the Sahara territory to the north, claimed by Morocco. Its capital is Nouakchott, its fishing port is very lively and colorful with its canoes, it is one of its main attractions, where you can see hundreds of fishermen, mostly from the Wolof ethnic group and Peul, dragging nets full of fish.

camel for a ride if you wish.

When Mauritania signed its independence from France in 1960, Nouakchott, the country’s capital was created from a small administrative position.

Nouakchott is a nice city with decent traffic, good hotels and most importantly good food and good restaurants, as a muslim country remember that alcohol is prohibited but it looks like the legislation could change so to authorize only tourist places. Being one of the first fishing spots in the world, the fishing markets or restaurants in Nouakchott offer the best fresh fish ready to taste. And the difference is huge!

Nouakchott Beach is located on the highway leading to Nouadhibou. It is a long, practically pristine wild sand beach where you can literally swim with the fish that paint the tops of the sea waves silver. You can also spot a myriad of migrating birds along the beach and jump on a beach.


The beach has a few restaurants along its way, but the most popular is the one where Nicolas has set up the Sultanes Resort and its beach restaurant and its 3 brand new bungalows, khaimas and sunbeds to spend the weekend by the sea. Without forgetting the Pizzeria Chez Antoine, Franco-Italian, which has become the benchmark for Pizzas in the capital.



www.ebizguides.com ROCKY POND ON THE ADRAR





Founded between the 9th and 13th centuries, the towns of Ouadane, Chinguetti, Oualata and Tichitt developed mainly thanks to trans-Saharan trade.

Known for its precious manuscripts, Chinguetti was a renowned religious and intellectual center that housed many Koranic schools and universities. Considered to be the seventh holy city of Islam, its reputation was such that the Arabs called Mauritania «Bilad Chinguit», or the country of Chinguetti. The ancient city built in dry stones, still houses a mosque whose minaret is the most famous in Mauritania.and you will find its most popular house which is a library with books from the XII century brought from Persia and many others.

Named by UNESCO as World Heritage of Humanity in 1996, and better known by their nickname of «Ancient Towns», they are the subject of numerous operations of preservation and rehabilitation of buildings. The last inhabitants have become brave guardians of the place and the excellent manuscripts they contain. The conservation of these works and their safeguard constitute a gigantic task in which UNESCO collaborates. Various international donors in cooperation and with Mauritanian associations are striving to save and rehabilitate all these rich remains.

Chinguetti Mosque

With the Spanish Cooperation, actions have been undertaken to assess and promote tourism in the city with a strengthening of its basic infrastructure.

The stones used in its construction offer a range of dyes whose decorative effect gives the whole a unique shine.


The city is developing with the trans-Saharan trade between Ouadane and Oualata, an essential relay for the rest of the caravans. Tichitt is also a place of prosperous agricultural activities based on the Phoenician culture.

Oualata has developed an art of home decoration based on clay colored red and drawn with sets of geometric and floral patterns. Equally unique is the culinary art of Oualata. Many scholars and ulemas were formed in Oualata and formed the city of Timbuktu in Mali, on the road to Mecca by the Savannah road.


Ouadane Located 80 kilometers from Chinguetti, Ouadane was a starting point for pilgrims to Mecca. It is said that Ouadane was also the first city to introduce the date palm tree to the region.

Founded in the 6th century of the Aegis (12th AD) by the great sage Abdel Moumin, Tichitt is the least known of the ancient cities. It is rightly considered to be one of the most beautiful medieval cities in northwest Africa.

ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES Mauritania has a multitude of prehistoric places dating from the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, overpopulated by the presence of many tools: carved stones, arrowheads, axes, etc. Rock engravings and paintings are mainly found in the Dhars of the Adrar, Tagant and Hodh regions.

Ancient City of Tichitt







The regions of Adrar de Tichitt and the Mauritanian coast also contain traces of a relatively evolved human presence through ceramics, rock engravings and funerary monuments. Finally, the regions of Tegdaoust and Koumbi Saleh, which housed the large cities of the former Empire of Ghana, represent the most important medieval places in Mauritania. To these two sites is added the Almorávid city of Azougoui.

THE OCEAN AND WATER SPORTS In addition to natural parks, Mauritania offers around 700 kilometers with numerous beaches that promote the development of sporting activities, including angling, windsurfing, surfing, kitesurfing and scuba diving.


Nouadhibou is the economic capital of Mauritania thanks to its mineral port which ensures the export of iron ore mined in Zouérate to industrial countries,



but also to its industrial fishing port where many ships are anchored that track their prey in the waters. the most fish-rich in the world. It enjoys a very pleasant climate, a consequence of the maritime trade winds which lower temperatures while chasing away the clouds. In terms of tourism, Nouadhibou has enormous potential, the nearby Greyhound Bay, in addition to its sumptuous landscapes sculpted by erosion, is known to all sport fishing enthusiasts, and its coast offers a superb sample of high cliffs. sandstone and immense sandy beaches.

Travel by desert train taking advantage of the longest railway in the world with a length of 2.5 km, it departs from the remote town of Zouerat, located in the middle of the Sahara, to the coastal town of Nouadhibou crossing 650 km of desert and carrying thousands of tons of iron ore. A tourist route called «Train of the desert» was set up with some restored wagons to make the trip in a tourist way, with a bivouac at the foot of the monolith of Ben Amera, which is the largest in Africa and the second in the world. .

You can enjoy scenic spots, emerald sea, sunny beaches and natural mangroves.

Cabo Blanco is a small nature reserve that houses a colony of monk seals, an endangered species reminiscent of elephant seals. There are 150 specimens out of a total estimated at 500 in the world.

Banc d’Arguin National Park


The fishing port and its many multicolored canoes. Very pretty to photograph.

The Banc d’Arguin National Park is located 165 km north of Nouakchott and covers a vast rectangle straddling the Atlantic Ocean 75 km wide and 150 km long. Its northern slope is at Cabo Blanco, south of Nouadhibou.


This park is a real attraction due to the presence of thousands of migratory birds, a real treasure for ornithologists and other enthusiasts who will also be able to discover the culture and customs of the ‘Imraguen’ populations who practice fishing with ancestral methods. The population of Imraguens , established for several centuries between Nouadhibou and Nouakchott, lives in perfect harmony with the environment of the national park. Renowned for practicing respectful and reasoned fishing for yellow mullet, part of which is consumed on the spot and another sold, but most of which will be used to make bottarga, the Imraguens employed an astonishing fishing method using dolphins to Atlantic hump. Women’s cooperatives benefit from artisanal fishing and fish processing, both for a source of food and for quality products to be marketed. Today, bottarga (dried mullet roe) from Imraguen women is well known, even beyond the country’s borders.



THE SENEGAL RIVER AND ITS VALLEY Mauritania has other tourist attractions that can be valued and exploited, such as the Senegal River valley, in which the vegetation and the way of life of the population are different from the rest of the country and which can be the subject of river cruises. : areas located in the upper part of the river (wilaya of Gorgol and Guidimakha) and where the fauna could justify the organization of hunts or photographic safaris. You still have to visit: • •

• •

The river valley: a valley of great greenery which contains a variety of fauna. The Foum Gleita dam: The largest and most extensive extension of artificial freshwater in Mauritania. Monguel Ostriches: Ostriches breed in their former natural habitat. Birds of Maghama: Large migratory birds like storks come to spend the winter in the warm near the river. Diawling National Park: is located along the Senegal River next to the Atlantic Ocean. It has an area of ​​16,000 hectares. This reserve constitutes an ecological complex of great value in terms of biodiversity. It is classified as a Wetland of International Importance according to the RAMSAR convention. It represents a tourist attraction for those interested in observing birds and other animals, such as warthogs. The creation of the transboundary biosphere reserve of the delta of the Senegal river integrating in the same framework the ornithological park of Djoudj and the National park of Diawling can indeed constitute a powerful tourist argument.


The best season to visit the Senegal River and its valley is from November to March. An all-terrain vehicle is essential to travel the savannah. Le Gorgol is an interesting stopover before going to Senegal or Mali. There is a hotel and hostels in Kaédi. In addition, you can stay in shelters or in the houses of the inhabitants.

FOOD In Mauritanian cuisine, which has a blend of tastes from the West African and North African region, couscous and camel meat, dates and tieboudien - fish and rice - stand out as dishes. typical Mauritanians. They are normally served seasoned with local spices (paprika) for the more daring palates but this can be sweetened with bissap, a local drink made from hibiscus.

TRADITIONS Mauritania is a country of traditions and despite the passage of time, there are aspects of daily life that have not changed. The 3 most important are the practice of henna, tea ceremony and local clothing. Applying henna to the hands is a mandatory part of makeup for Mauritanian newlyweds. This is why the work of applying henna is practiced by a large number of women, generally from the corporation of blacksmiths, known for their fingers with the decoration of traces of their geometric figures. Demand increases during the winter season, a privileged period for weddings and also for the celebration of major social ceremonies or political events. There are two methods of applying henna. The first call «Seir» is old, while the call «Zazou» or «Syringe» is modern. The application of «Seir» lasts 4 to 6 hours.

It lasts a long time, unlike the «Syringe», which does not require more than 2 hours, but stays shorter. Mauritanian women cover their bodies from head to toe with long scarves called “meliahfa”. Meanwhile, the men also cover their bodies with large cotton dresses very often in blue or bine white and embroidered chests, the so-called bubus or Dera’a. The head is also often covered with a carrying scarf which is tangled in the head and protects both from cold and heat and in recent times from COVID19 too.

Tea ceremony A real and authentic Mauritanian tradition with which you will get to know the country and your Mauritanian friends. It is a journey through time. Here there is always time for mint tea, and even more time for the long and delicate ceremony of its preparation. Nouakchott, there are no bars or shopping centers, but more local markets and small shops that line the streets.

and above all to experiment: •

Take tea under a Khaïma (traditional tent) to discover Mauritanian hospitality. Walk around the market and buy a craft item. Listen to traditional singers at a party.






HOTELS Nouakchott Hotel Avenue Moctar Ould Daddah, Block 1; Olympic Stadium opposite the Palais des Congrès Nouakchott +222 25 00 00 30 +222 25 00 00 31 +222 25 00 00 32 reservation@nouakchotthotel.com contact@nouakchotthotel.com www.nouakchotthotel.com

One of the best hotels in town, and with top notch value for money. His team will be at your service to make your stay as pleasant as possible. 15 superior rooms, 35 executive rooms, 2 VIP suites, 3 junior suites, 4 senior suites, swimming pool, restaurant, tea room, 2 conference rooms 100 / pax, meeting room 30 / pax, Fitness room, free secure parking, surveillance cameras, smoke detector, fire hydrant, WiFi and swimming pool. This well-located modern hotel is one of the favorite destinations for the VIP community when arriving in Nouakchott. In the middle of the embassy sector of the capital of Mauritania (Tevragh Zeina) the hotel serves to receive the visit of Mauritanian television and to celebrate conferences as well as other political and economic convocations during the year.

Al Salam Resort

PK 13, Nouadhibou road Nouakchott+222 47 00 02 22 reception@al-salamresort.com www.alsalamresort.com

Azalai Hotel

Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser, 160 Nouakchott +222 45 29 50 51 reservationaha@azalaihotels.com www.azalaihotels.com



Located in the business district of Nouakchott, the Azalai Hotel Marhaba is proud of its slogan: «We will satisfy both business travelers and tourists». Azalai Hotel has world-class facilities ready to delight its guests: well-equipped rooms, on-site dining services, an exceptional business center and numerous meeting and banquet rooms to host weddings or galas. Not to mention the swimming pool, which invites you to relax after a good day’s work, and the gym, which offers latest generation sports equipment.

La Medina Hotel

Next to Carrefour - French Embassy Nouakchott +222 41 23 49 60 reservation@restaurantlamedina.com restaurantlamedina.com Located just a 20-minute walk from Marche Capitale, La Medina Restaurant & Hôtel offers accommodation with a restaurant, private parking, a garden and a terrace. The property offers room services and free WiFi throughout the property. Rooms include air conditioning and a flat-screen TV. Some of the hotel’s accommodations have a balcony. You can enjoy a continental breakfast after having rested in one of its 15 modern and refined rooms.

Monotel - Dar El Barka

Embassy zone BP: 1336 Nouakchott +222 45 24 23 33 contact@monotel-mr.com www.monotel-mr.com One of the historic hotels in the capital which has opened a new section with first-level rooms.

Mauricenter Hotel

Moctar Ould Daddah Avenue Roundabout City Smar Nouakchott +222 45 29 80 01 +222 45 29 66 83 +222 22 95 18 16 info@hotelmauricenter.com www.hotelmauricenter.com





Semiramis Hotels Moulaye Junior) :





Downtown Block O 18 Embassy zone BP: 4350 Nouakchott +222 45 24 00 38 +22245240039 www.semiramishotels.com info.cv@semiramishotels.com reservations.cv@semiramishotels.com

With different locations, customers have the option of renting multiple apartments and apartments during their stay in Nouakchott. 2 or 3 bedroom apartments with kitchen, toilet and telephone included. All the residences are located near the center of Nouakchott (near banks, supermarkets, main restaurants ...) and have private security. A car wash service is also available.

The reference boutique hotel in Nouakchott located at the heart of the capital.

Al Khaima Hotel

10 BP: 5219, Street Mamadou Konate Nouakchott +222 45 24 43 95 +222 45 24 00 12 hotel@alkhaimacitycenter.com www.alkhaimacitycenter.com

Avenue Moktar Ould Daddah Nouakchott +222 45 29 87 37 reservation@sunsethotel.com www.sunsethotel.mr

CasaBlü Hotel

Nouakchott, Diplomatic District, near European Union Nouakchott +222 45 25 30 30 book@casabluhotel.com FB: @CasabluHotel As another alternative you can also find furnished apartments in Nouakchott, the group that owns the Nouakchott hotel offers the possibility of renting a fully equipped apartment in the country’s capital.


Valencia hotel


Boulevard Dubai, Nouadhibou+222 46 69 84 89 www.valenciandb.com

Hosts «La Gueïla»

Sis Dubai, airport road BP : 1135 Nouadhibou+222 45 74 32 18 FB : Hotel Mauritalia Nouadhibou One of our favorite places in Nouadhibou. Very calm and excellent restaurant.

ILOT C ZRC N0470 BP: 4350 Nouakchott - +222 45 24 68 00

Sunset Hotel

The camp is north of the Banc d’Arguin National Park. This park, protected area since 1976, is one of the largest in West Africa and is recognized for its richness in many species of birds and many fish / cetaceans. It is the favorite place for fishermen.

Nouadhibou +222 45 74 42 41 elmedinahotel@gmail.com FB: Hotel El Medina Nouadhibou

Mauritalia Hotel

Moulaye Junior

One of the capital’s historic hotels located in the city​​ center in one of the most emblematic buildings.

El Medina Hotel

Maluma «tako» hostels

Nouadhibou+222 45 74 77 74



Nouadhibou is the second largest city in Mauritania.

Cap Arkeis camp

+222 32 14 21 89 / +222 46 40 26 45 Whatsapp: +337 83 48 15 36

The Cap Arkeis camp is located on a magnificent beach. It consists of Berber-style or Moroccanstyle tents. As in all mansions in Mauritania, richly decorated mats, rugs and cushions are the only furnishings.

Free Zone Hotel Island: Ext P5 Lot: 246 1 Nouadhibou +222 22 37 31 52 hotelfreezone@gmail.com FB: Htzfree


10 air-conditioned bedrooms, private bathrooms, hot water, catering, WiFi, TV, large secure car park, close to the center of Atar. The only place of international standards in Atar by now.

Marbella Suite Nouadhibou


Caravan Inn

+222 32 14 21 89 / +222 46 40 26 45 Whatsapp: +337 83 48 15 36

Nouadhibou+222 46 64 99 10

Nouakchott Sultanes Beach

Kom Nour Hotels (461.26 km) Chinguetti+222 46 48 25 26 info@lagueila.com www.lagueila.com

Little beautiful INN of 4 bedrooms and 6 hard tickets, 2 shower rooms, 2 English toilets, catering, in a shady and peaceful setting. Organization of professional and tourist stays.

Tasiast Hotel

Maritime Boulevard J25. BP: 4350 Nouadhibou +222 45 74 51 07 hoteltasiast@hoteltasiast.com www.hoteltasiast.com



Touristic Desert Train , An unforgettable experience www.ebizguides.com


RESTAURANTS NOUAKCHOTT Timeless Street Yasser Arafat Nouakchott +222 45 24 24 06 timeless.nkt@gmail.com FB:@TimelessNouakchott

One of our favorites. Aly and Sam will be there to welcome you and serve you their excellent food.


403, Hassen Ben Youssef El Alaoui (next to Boulangerie Charlotte) +222 47 82 85 99 Their pizza is one of the few from NKC over a woodfired oven. Very good!

Phoenix Cafe

In front of the Saudi Arabian Embassy Nouakchott+222 41 92 05 15 FB : Café Phoenix


Café Orca Deco

At Casa Portuguesa

Island BN ° 71, Tavragh Zeina Nouakchott+222 45 24 30 06 info@orca-deco-mauritanie.com www.orca-deco-mauritanie.com

581 Tevrah Zeina A, BP: 22581 Nouakchott +222 36 34 79 86 acasaportuguesa@hotmail.com FB: A Casa Portuguesa


Turkish Tea Room and Breakfast Rue Abdel Wahab Cheiguer. Nouakchott +222 34 74 00 00

A very special and historic place in Nouakchott.


Ahmed Ould Mohamed Street Nouakchott+222 45 25 73 44 Brand new restaurant that is becoming a trendy place.


SNDE road (next to Chami Supermarket) Nouakchott, +222 32 89 88 87 FB: Fayrouz Nkc

TAFARIT Sun House Opposite the Star Station of the Olympic Stadium Nouakchott +222 44 18 18 68 Kahtanlehaf@hotmail.com FB: TAFARIT sun house

Colibri ILot K ext sector 1, n ° 114 Nouakchott+222 45 25 03 67 lecolibri.nkt@gmail.com FB: @colibriresto One of the most famous restaurants in terms of French and international cuisine. Very charming .

The restaurant for refined cuisine.


Tevragh Zeina, next to the Moroccan embassy Nouakchott +222 44 18 18 69 palacio.rim@gmail.com FB: @ palacio.nkc The trendy place especially for young people

COLIBRI Restaurant

La Medina Restaurant

Next to Carrefour - French Embassy Nouakchott +222 41 99 75 15 operations.manager@amgroupe.es www.restaurantelamedina.com Very nice hotel and restaurant run by a Spanish group from the Canary Islands. Good cuisine and a calm and select atmosphere.

O ‘Délice Fast Food

Nouadhibou road, in front of the CNAM Nouakchott +222 42 04 06 36 FB: @odelice




Al Fantasía

ZBR, 009 Tevragh Zeina, very close to the old convention center. Nouakchott +222 47 60 13 13 contact@restaurantalfantasia.com www.restauranalfantasia.com

The Maquis

Benhmeida Street, 1100 Nouakchott +222 36 40 51 05 restoolivier@gmail.com FB: The Maquis - Nouakchott

Pizza Antoine

Face au Pompier a Cite Plage. Nouakchott +222 47758405 One of the best Pizzas in Nouakchott done by Antoine himslef , a franco-italian.

The K’Fête of the French Institute Ahmed Ould Mohamed Street Nouakchott +222 30 42 42 60 lakfetedelifm@gmail.com FB: @lakfetedelifm

Nice place inside the French Embassy with French cuisine and a very welcoming atmosphere.

The SULTANES The beach and restaurant by the sea on the road to the airport Nouakchott +222 44 33 22 53 lessultanes@yahoo.fr FB: Les Sultan Beach, Nouackchott, Mauritania You will spend an excellent day by the sea with a mixed atmosphere of European and Mauritanian, always under the attentive care of Nicolas and his team.




LAMP FALL Restaurant City beach Nouakchott+222 43 52 20 30 Discover Thiéboudiène vegetables) at dialy






NOUADHIBOU Restaurant Hotel Mauritalia 212, Maritime Boulevard, Dubai Nouadhibou +222 45 74 32 18 hotel.mauritalia@gmail.com

Excellent Hotel Boutique, run by an ItalianMauritanian couple, which offers high quality Italian cuisine. Taste its very good carpaccio.

Nouadhibou +222 46 44 73 75 Nearly 9 kilometers from the city center of Nouadhibou on a track, the former Air Afrique camp is located the sport fishing and leisure center (CPSL). Le Pélican, the restaurant in the center offers seafood and fish grilled in front of you over a wood fire. This tourist complex perfectly integrates the magnificent landscape of Etoile Bay. After the meal, book a small boat to reach the bay just opposite and sunbathe.

Galloufa Restaurant

07 Maritime Boulevard Nouadhibou+222 22 16 87 79 Lively, pleasant Canary Islands restaurant with very friendly service

Tako Restaurant «Maluma hostels» Nouadhibou+222 46 64 99 10


City Beach , Nouakchott +222 20 90 33 00 contact@nouakchottspa.com FB: Nouakchott_SPA

Nouakchott, +222 31 07 45 20 Gestion.coiffure@gmail.com www.audrey-coiffure.com

Pink Belleza Beauty Longe Spa and Organic Shop Avenue Mokhtar Ould daddah, next to Mauritanian television Nouakchott +222 45 24 52 48 Instagram: @pinkbelleza

leksar and Tevrahg Zeina, 00222 Nouakchott +222 36 11 59 50 cbeautefa@yahoo.fr FB: saviya aziz center for beauty

At Diodio

Cairo March Nouakchott +222 37 31 88 43 FB: @ BEAUTY SALONS Diodiocoiffure

Abhyanga massage

Îlot K- Nouakchott +222 42 83 76 97 Whatsapp: +337 83 48 15 36 Ayurvedic and Reiki massages by Cathy a Frenchwoman who has lived in Mauritania for many years . Several options available on request and by appointment only.



Next to Big Market Nouakchott +222 41 26 87 78 raliciadiaw@hotmail.com FB: Beauty Institute La Sirène Nouakchott

Tunisia Beauty Center Audrey Hairdressing

Saviya Aziz Beauty Center (Hammam) Restaurant Hotel Mauritalia

La Sirène Beauty Institute


Abboubekr Seddigh Nouakchott +222 33 25 20 20 FB: @tunisiabeautycenter

Hammam Nila

Nouadhibou road Nouakchott +222 36 82 33 59 FB: @Hamam Nila

Hammam Nile

Tavragh Zeina, Nouakchott +222 44 30 00 10 / +222 22 30 00 10 FB: Hammam Nile

Abhyanga Massage Spa Îlot K Nouakchott +222 42 83 76 97 Whatsapp: +337 83 48 15 36

Ayurvedic and Reiki massages by Cathy a Frenchwoman who has has spent over 10 years in Mauritania. You will feel much better. By appointment only.

SPORT Elite Fitness

Mohamed Maouloud Ould Daddah Street Nouakchott+222 47 00 72 82 elitefitnessnkc@gmail.com www.elitefitnessnkc.com


Rue 44-067 TVZ Behind Embassy South Africa Nouakchott +222 36 77 88 68



Olympic Stadium Tevrag Zeina Nouakchott -

this location brings together the main active sports federations in Mauritania, in order to provide you with information from petanque to karate and offers you the possibility of jogging, walking or various sports such as tennis football or others.


The road passing between the crossroads quotes SMAR and the OULD BOUAAMATOU eye hospital Nouakchott +222 36 60 60 78

California GYM

Tvz 419 Tevrag Zeina Nouakchott +222 46 46 02 12


Total Fitness Club

PK7, in front of the NP gas station Nouakchott +222 41 73 52 92


Cineparc, Ribat Al Bahr, Nouakchott +222 37 73 80 18 contact@ribat-cinepar.com www.ribat-cineparc.com

Jamie Ravetz Room

City beach Ilot 163 Tavragh Zeina Nouakchott +222 41 02 88 19 studioholpac@gmail.com www.studioholpac.com

Bomaye GYM

Behind the Saada cinema Nouakchott +222 48 10 39 32





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