eBizGuides El Salvador

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El Salvador

PRODUCTION Producer: Pascal Belda Regional Director: Esther Posadilla Guide Developers: Xabier Garagorri (Economic Journalist) Margarita Fernández (Sales Representative) Pablo Matosas (Assistant) EDITION Written by Xabier Garagorri Tourism Sector Overview written by eBizGuides with the collaboration of the Ministry of Tourism Tourism photos: pictures by CORSATUR / MITUR Translated by Academia Europea; revised by Daniel Reynolds and Jake Ryder ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We sincerely thank the following individuals and companies: Cámara de Comercio e Industria (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) especially, Mr. Marvin Portillo for providing invaluable photographs; CEL, especially, Engineer Ramón Moreno for the outstanding photographs of the great projects of CEL in the country; CEPA, especially, Yicsi Rodríguez and Susana Ayala, for the photographic material of key infrastructure in the country; The Embassy of Spain in El Salvador and its Ambassador, José Javier Gómez-Llera for his constant and exemplary support to this guide book and the Spanish enterprises in the country; The Embassy of El Salvador in Madrid, especially Ambassador Enrique Borgo Bustamante and Minister Anabela Machuca for their support and kindness; MITUR, CORSATUR, and Minister José Napoleón Duarte for the support given to this guide book and the invaluable tourist and photographic information provided; Diario de Hoy, represented by Mr. Fabricio Altamirano and Gustavo Marín for the valuable support of photographic material from the extensive Diario de Hoy archives; Elena Martínez Cantón, Marketing Director of Acústica El Salvador, for her constant support and knowledge of the country without which, our guide book would have not been as close to reality as it is; Banco Central de Reserva (Central Reserve Bank), for the statistical material provided and for its active cooperation on the economic and financial part of this guide book; Alcaldía Municipal de San Salvador (City Hall of San Salvador) and Dr. Norman Quijano, Mayor of San Salvador; Mr. Richard Barathe, from PNUD and the UN, for sharing with us his ample knowledge on the social reality and development of the country; Journalist Pablo Balcáceres, from El Economista magazine, for helping us from the beginning of this report; Mr. George E. Saade, General Manager of Hotel Presidente San Salvador and the hotel’s staff. Always the best hotel in town where we felt not only in paradise but also at home. We would also like to thank the heads of the following companies and organizations for their sponsorship and support and without whom this eBizGuide would not have been possible: CORSATUR, Hotel Sheraton Presidente, Aeroman, TACA, InterPrice, Grupo Tropic, Myces, Consortium Abogados Centroamérica, Arrocera San Francisco, Claro, Salnet, Megavisión, Universidad Matías Delgado, Alba Petróleos, Fedecrédito, Western Union, Banco Promérica, Seguros del Pacífico, SISA, TIGO, Grupo Negocios Internacionales and Academia Europea. DISCLAIMER While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, this cannot be guaranteed and neither eBizGuides nor any related entity shall have any liability to any person or entity that relies on the information contained in this publication. This publication is not a substitute for professional advice and it should not be acted on or relied on or used as the basis for any decision or action that may affect you or your business. Any reliance is solely at the user’s risk.

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Printed by Imprenta Roal ISBN: Legal deposit: 978-84-938169-0-2



The goal of eBiz Guides is to offer extensive economic and investment information on a country, with a focus on the top companies, while offering the best tourism and entertainment information for your spare time. With this tool, we believe that our readers can get fully acquainted with the country, before investing in it long term. This book comprises three major sections, which deal with general information, the country’s economy and entertainment and leisure.

General Information


Background information on the country is coupled with a useful map and vocabulary.

eBiz Recommended These companies were particular favorites of our team during their stays; this stamp is mostly given to restaurants, hotels and so on.

Business This section of the book starts off with the main business resources available for you as well as an in-depth look at the country’s investment and legal framework and the economy itself.

eBiz Recommended Partner Our team has been interviewing the heads of many companies; when they choose to allocate this stamp to a company, it is because they have received reliable service from the company.

Through personal interviews with the most important business people in the country, we then provide our readers with privileged information and sector analysis, including introductions written by decisionmakers in the sector, such as government ministers. You will also find fact files of all major corporations, outlining their business activities, key projects and any investment opportunities.

ATTENTION! This indicates that the information is important and something to take notice of when planning, or during your stay.

Proverbs Leisure For you to fall in love with the country, we also showcase the best spots to visit, essential areas to discover, the top hotels, restaurants and much more.


These local phrases will help you to understand the popular culture in the country better. Perhaps you can use them yourself.



INTRODUCTION Map and Country Profile


General Information


Did you know?





BUSINESS Top Companies


Business Resources


Investment and Legal


The Salvadoran Economy






Industry and Trade


Real Estate and Construction


ICTs and Media Companies


Transportation Public Services






Agriculture and Fisheries


Tourism Industry






Where to Stay


Where to Eat


What to See & Do


Top Itineraries

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MAURICIO FUNES President of the Republic of El Salvador, 2009 - 2014

Dear friends, As President of the Republic of El Salvador, it is a pleasure to address a few words to you. Our country, as well as the other Central American sister nations, is located in a privileged area of the continent. Year round it has pleasant weather and there are beautiful landscapes of green mountains throughout the north range, and there are lakes and rivers in the central plateau. The coastal area has about 300 kilometers of beach front with many enjoyable options from which to choose. In addition to the natural beauty of its hills, beaches and volcanoes, the warmth and friendliness of our people make El Salvador a country that quickly enchants the visitor. It is not by chance that over two million Salvadorans, who currently live abroad, mainly in the United States, are widely recognized for their hard labor. This is without a doubt, a reason for us to be proud of ourselves. I agree with those people who state that El Salvador is a paradise to be discovered. For this reason, when I assumed the Presidency of the Republic in 2009, I committed myself to take the country in a different direction: towards welfare, security and opportunities without favoring anyone; a country where the State becomes the promoter of conditions and opportunities for private investment. Tourism is part of the effort to revitalize the economy. This is the goal of the Government of Change that I am currently conducting. My government is working very hard to expand tourist infrastructure by building roads to the beaches and other interesting sites. We also want to expand services offered so that the experience of the visitor to our country complies with their expectations. I am convinced that El Salvador has the right conditions to be an important tourist destination in both short and medium term. Since El Salvador is one of the most interesting and beautiful places left to be explored in the world, it will become as popular as many Latin American countries that are already on the mind of travelers everywhere. Finally, I want to thank eBiz Guides for choosing El Salvador as the focus of this important publication. I am sure it will provide important support to the efforts being made to attract the eyes of the world to El Salvador, where we always receive visitors with open arms. We look forward to welcoming you. Mauricio Funes President of the Republic of El Salvador





Embalse Grande

SAN SALVADOR Lago de Ilopango

Santo Tomรกs



Embalse 15 de Septiembre

Lem p


San Miguel La Uniรณn


Capital City City Roads National Park


Mountain Animal Reserve





Official name Capital City Government system President Geographical Location

Main cities Area Population Population Growth Population density Religion Unemployment rate GDP per capita External debt Composition of GDP by Sector

Employed population by sector


Official language Currency Time difference Climate

Required Vaccines

El Salvador San Salvador (1.5 million inhabitants) Republic with an elected president for a 5-year period. Mauricio Funes Cartagena. Central America Isthmus, the smallest country of Central America and the only one with no coast on the Caribbean Sea; its borders to the North and East are with Honduras; to the South the Pacific Ocean (300 kilometers of coastline) and to the West with Guatemala. San Salvador, Santa Ana, San Miguel, Sonsonate, La Libertad and Usulutån. 21,041 km2 5,744,000 (July 2007 EST.) 1,656% (2009 EST.) 273 inhabitants per km2 Mainly Roman Catholic with significant Evangelical presence 6.3% (2008 EST.) 3.610 USD 10,000 million USD (2007) Agriculture 10.7% Industry 28.8% Services 60.6% (2008 EST.) Agriculture 16.6% Industry 15.8% Services 37.6% Trade 22.3% Construction 7.6% Spanish US Dollar UTC -6 Tropical; Rainy season from May to October and dry season from November to April; Average temperature in San Salvador 24° Celsius There are no compulsory vaccines




El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta Salvadoran proverb


General Information

INTRODUCTION The Republic of El Salvador is located in Central America. It obtained its independence from Spain in 1821. During the Pre-Colombian period the west area of the Lempa River was known, in the Nahuatl language, as “Cuscatlán” or “Place of jewels and necklaces”. El Salvador is located in the heart of Central America, and is 21,000 km2. It neighbors Guatemala and Honduras, and has 300 km of coast line on the Pacific Ocean. Currently enjoying political and economical stability because of the thrust given by the Free Trade Agreement with the United States and with Europe, El Salvador is poised to play a growing role as a logistic transportation hub for the Central America region.

HISTORY Pre-Colombian Period During the Pre-Colombian Period, the current Salvadoran territory was inhabited by different indigenous ethnic tribes: Pipiles, a tribe of Nahuatl origin, settled in the western and central part of the The statue of the General Captain Gerardo Barrios, statesman and a military hero

territory and the Lencas settled the eastern part. The most extensive dominance until the arrival of the Spanish conquest was that of the Cuscatlán kingdom.

The Conquest, Colonial Period and Independence The Spanish conquerors, headed by Pedro de Alvarado and his brothers Gonzalo and Jesús, crossed the Paz River in approximately 15241525. They were coming from the area currently known as the Republic of Guatemala, after having participated in the conquest of México. During the Colonial Period, El Salvador was part of the General Captainship of Guatemala, also known as Guatemala’s Reign. Salvadoran territory was divided in two Main City Halls: San Salvador and Sonsonate. In 1811 and 1814, important rebellions took place against the Spanish dominion expressing the locals’ desire for independence. Finally, the Central American nations obtained their independence from Spain on September 15, 1821.

Central America Federation Period Immediately after achieving independence, the First President of the Federal Republic of Central America was Manuel José Arce y Fagoaga. El Salvador and the rest of the Central American countries attempted to maintain the union inherited from Spain and created the Federal Republic of Central America, which dissolved in 1839. In 1851, at the Battle of Arada, El Salvador suffered its worse military defeat since its independence. After the dissolution of the Union, a series of conflicts between liberals and conservatives emerged lasting all through 1871. During this period, the cultivation of indigo fell and the cultivation of coffee was introduced. Between 1871 and 1931, liberal governments succeeded, favoring the interests linked to the emerging elite coffee grower class. In 1882, President Rafael Zaldívar declared the abolition of communal land and other common land. That land was then sold to private individuals provoking an abrupt change in land ownership.

Military Authoritarian Period In 1929, the country’s economy faced a crisis caused by the decline of coffee prices on the international market. In 1931, civilian President Arturo Araujo Martínez, was ousted from office through a coup



General Information

led by General Maximiliano Hernández Martínez, who then establishished an ultra-conservative and authoritarian government. With the army, he suppressed a peasant and indigenous uprising in the west part of the country, resulting in the death of thousands of people. The number of casualties from this event is still debated. The death toll differs according to historians, and varies from 7,000 to 30,000 people. Historians still debate the influence of the leadership of Farabundo Martí, the Salvadoran leader of the Communist Party and its members on the uprising. General Martínez was deposed through a general strike known as the “Fallen Arms Strike” in 1944. His government marked the beginning of a series of successive authoritarian military governments. These governments ended in 1979 with a coup against General Carlos Humberto Romero by the PCN political party (National Conciliation Party) and the installation of the Revolutionary Government Union. In 1982, a Constituent Assembly was elected and the Union relinquished its power. Later, in 1984, the first democratic presidential elections were held. In 1969, a brief war with Honduras took place. Its official name is “Legitimate Defense War”, also known as the “100 Hour War” and erroneously called “The Soccer War”. The conflict was caused by the initiative of the Honduran government to carry on an agrarian reform within their borders. Such land distribution only favored Honduran citizens and obliged thousands of Salvadorans, established there, to return to their country losing their land through expropriation. El Salvador’s answer to this situation was to declare war against Honduras.

Civil War The political environment through the previous decade contributed a great deal to a civil war that began in 1980 and lasted 12 years (1980-1992). This military conflict, defined as a Low Density War or Popular Prolonged War, by the FMLN (Farabundo Marti’s National Liberation Front) guerrilla forces took a toll of 75,000 lives between those dead and missing in action. Some factors that contributed to the war were: the international fall of coffee prices, constant fraudulent elections, and elimination of the military way of governing. One of the dramatic events that led to the armed conflict was the murder of the Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Arnulfo Romero in 1980. The turbulent environment ended in 1992, when the combatants of the Farabundo Marti National


Liberation Front (FMLN), formed by five leftist groups, and the right-wing government at the time of President Alfredo Cristiani, from The Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) signed the “Peace Treaty” in January 16, 1992 in Chapultepec, México. This ensured military and political reforms, but did not elaborate upon social reforms.

Post-war Period In 1992, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) sent the delimitation of the “Bolsones” (a border area disputed by El Salvador and Honduras). Thanks to the intervention of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the ICJ in 2003, total delimitation of the land border was concluded in 2006. Also in 1992, the ICJ advised a tri-party resolution to create ocean borders at the Golf of Fonseca. El Salvador continues to claim the Conejo Island, which was not included on the ICJ decision of this case. San Salvador, the capital, is known for its many earthquakes; as a result, since the Colonial Period, it has popularly been called “The Valley of the Hammocks”. In 1986, a 10 second, 7.5 (on the Richter scale) earthquake destroyed most of San Salvador. On January 13, 2001 another earthquake, this one a 7.9 (on the Richter scale) took place, causing destruction throughout the country. One of the largest tragedies that occurred, as a consequence of the quake, was a landslide in an area known as the Balsam range in the city of Santa Tecla, Department of La Libertad, that killed nearly 800 people and left several thousand homeless. On February 13, 2001, a month later, another earthquake with a similar intensity killed 255 people and left thousands of families homeless especially in the interior of the country, where the poorest sector of society lives. Another important change was that the last presidential elections held on March 13, 2009 resulted in the victory of journalist Mauricio Funes from the FMLN party (Farabundo Marti’s National Liberation Front) winning control from ARENA (The Nationalist Republican Alliance), who had held control of the country since 1989.

NATIONAL SYMBOLS The flag The National Flag consists of two blue horizontal, equally sized stripes, interposed by a white strip;


General Information

on a rectangle. It officially measures 3.35 meters by 1.89 meters. The blue stripes, that measure 0.63, symbolize the blue sky; and the white stripe symbolizes the desire for peace and harmony that has characterized the Cuscatleca community.

El Salvador’s flag

The flag was adopted by Legislative Decree on May 17, 1912 and it is the same as the one that the Constituent Assembly of the Central America Federation decreed on August 23, 1823. The flag was sworn in at Campo de Marte on September 15, 1912 and was raised personally by Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo, the President at the time.

Chorus Salute the Motherland, proud to be called Her children And let us swear our lives spiritedly Without rest to its well-being First Verse Of peace enjoyed in perfect happiness El Salvador always nobly dreamed. To achieve this has been Her eternal proposition, To keep it, Her greatest glory. With inviolable faith, the path of progress She strives to follow To fulfil Her great destiny And conquer a happy future. A stern barrier protects Her Against the clash of vile disloyalty, Ever since the day when Her soaring Flag, Wrote Freedom with Its blood.

The Coat of Arms Chorus The Coat of Arms of El Salvador is centered around an equilateral triangle. The lower segment of the triangle depicts five volcanoes rising out of a body of water. In the upper segment The Coat of Arms there is a rainbow, and the cap of liberty emitting light ub all directions. In the shape of a semi-circle the words “REPUBLIC OF EL SALVADOR IN CENTRAL AMERICA” are embossed in gold. At the base of the triangle it reads: “GOD, UNION AND LIBERTY”. Five flags jut out of the triangle, two from each side and one from its vertex. Below the inscription “God-Union-Liberty” there are two inter-twined laurel branches in the shape of a circle that end at the two upperside flags. The National Emblem was created by the Salvadoran calligrapher, Rafael Barraza Rodríguez, who won a contest over thirty competitors, promoted by the then Ministry of War and Navy in 1912.

National Anthem The National Anthem of El Salvador was composed by General Juan José Cañas and the Italian musician Juan Aberle. It was formally played for the first time on September 15, 1879, and it was legally adopted by the Legislative Assembly, as the National Anthem of the Republic of El Salvador on November 13, 1953.

Second Verse Freedom is Her dogma and Her guide; A thousand times She has defended it, And as many times has She repelled The hateful power of atrocious tyranny. Her history has been bloody and sad, Yet at the same time sublime and brilliant, A source of legitimate glory And a great lesson in Spartan pride. Her innate bravery shall not waver: In every man there is an immortal hero Who knows how to uphold The proverbial valour of old. Chorus Third Verse All are self-denying and faithful To the tradition of warlike ardour With which they have always reaped fame By saving the Motherland’s honour. To respect the rights of others And base Her actions on right and justice Is for Her, without infamous intrigue, The constant and most firm ambition. And in following this line She persists, Dedicating her tenacious efforts In giving hard battle for battle; Her happiness is found in peace. Chorus



General Information

Government structure The Government of El Salvador is formed by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches.

The duties and responsibilities of the officials from the Executive Branch are established in the By-Laws of the Executive Branch.

Legislative branch Executive branch The Executive Branch consists of the President and Vice-President of the Republic, the Ministers and ViceMinisters of State and their dependent officials. The President of the Republic has the maximum authority of the Executive Branch and is supported by the VicePresident. Both are elected through popular vote every 5 years. The president may not be reelected for a second period in a consecutive election. The Salvadoran system is presidential. Acts such as the management of domestic and foreign policy are powers of the President of the Republic, with limited intervention by the Legislature. While there is a Council of Ministers to decide on some critical issues, it is formed by subordinates of the chief executive, by whom this body can be removed at will. Exceptionally, in the case of ministers to whom may be concerned public safety of intelligence of state, and in cases of serious human rights violations, the Legislature may recommend to the President of the Republic, on mandatory basis, the removal of those officials. The Vice President may be removed by the Legislature in situations specifically determined by the Constitution.

The Legislative Branch consists of the Legislative Assembly with 84 congressmen elected by popular ballot. Consequently, legally “they represent the entire country and are not linked to any imperative mandate.” “They are inviolable and are not responsible at any time for their opinions or their votes”; Article 125 of the Salvadoran Constitution (Conn.) To be a congressman, a person must be 25 years old, Salvadoran by birth, son/daughter of Salvadoran mother or father, notoriously honest and instructed, and may not have lost his/her citizen’s rights within the five years prior to his/her election. Their term is for 3 years but he/she may be reelected.

Judicial branch The Supreme Court of Justice is the highest decision-making power within the judicial branch and is composed by 15 judges. It is divided into 4 chambers: Civil Court, Criminal Division, Constitutional Court and Administrative Disputes Chamber, in which judges are divided accordingly. National Palace



General Information

The Civil and Criminal Courts deal with the cassation appeals and appeals against the sentences handed down from the courts. The other two courts deal with constitutional and protection appeals, habeas corpus, questions of unconstitutionality, and the Litigous Administrative Chamber, with administrative matters. On a lower level are the Courts of Appeal, each consisting of two judges, who deal with appeals, facts or revisions set against resolutions handed out by the Judicial Branch Courts according to their territorial competence established in the law. These are followed by the first instance courts. These are one-man courts that deal with the issues within the territory established by the law. They may be mixed, in other words they may deal with two or more issues. In the Criminal area, there are ‘sentence and instruction’ courts, which have three judges. Peace judges are the last in the judicial hierarchy. They are one-person courts that deal with different issues (mercantile, civil, etc.) or cases of lesser severity. This is where the initial investigation of a criminal proceeding is developed and where criminal court reconciliations are accomplished.

Armed forces and public safety It is established in the Constitution that the Armed Forces is a permanent institution to serve the nation. It must be obedient, professional, apolitical and non-deliberating. The Armed Forces mission is the defense of the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of the territory. On special occasions the President of the Republic can use the Armed Forces to maintain internal peace. National Defense and Public Safety are appointed to different ministries. The Civil National Police is the entity in charge of public safety. It is a professional police force independent from the Armed Forces and unrelated to any political party. In addition, a new police force has emerged, the Tourist Police, who are now in charge of tourist safety.

direct, popular and secret elections. The councils are economically, technically and administratively independent. They are formed by a Mayor, a Trustee and two or more Councilmen according to town size. They have the ability to create, modify or abolish fees and public contributions. Separation among taxes, fees and public contributions is very important to establish the capacity of the city hall power in tributary matters. The three terms are derived from the generic concept of contribution or tribute. The tax-free contribution is a practical consideration for the obligation to pay, namely that taxes may not have a direct benefit to the taxpayer. This type of charge cannot be decreed by the city halls. The rates are contributions where a direct service is given to the payer. Public or special contributions are those where a group of citizens receive a specific benefit for a given concrete service.

Foreign Affairs / Foreign Policy Within the general policy of bilateral and multilateral international relations with countries, country-groups and International Organizations, the Republic of El Salvador has close relations beyond its neighboring countries that work together for the efforts of the Central American integration. For instance, there are strong relations with the United States of America, mainly because of the existence of nearly 3 million Salvadorans living there and because the U.S.A. accounts for 66% of the exports and 44% of the imports from El Salvador. Another country that provides a lot of assistance is Spain, contributing 64% of the international cooperation funds. Likewise, within international relations, Taiwan together with Japan are important allies in the areas of technological assistance and external cooperation due to the Free Trade Agreement with those countries. El Salvador has also signed Trade Agreements with Panamá, Chile, México, the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Perú in addition to the Central American countries of Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala.

Political Parties Local governments The Local governments of El Salvador are the city hall councils. City hall councils are the authorities responsible for the city halls or district councils. They are elected for a period of three years through


The political system of El Salvador is pluralist. It is expressed through political parties that are the only instrument to exercise the peoples’ representation within the Government.


General Information

On the other hand, the existence of a single official party is incompatible with a democratic system and with the form of government established under the Constitution. Thus, in El Salvador one single political party cannot exist. According to the Electoral Code, a party must obtain at least 3% of the valid ballots of an election to maintain its status without disappearing. At present the Farabundo Marti’s National Liberation Front (FMLN), left wing party, has been ruling the country since April 2009, with Mauricio Funes as President of the Republic. Apart from José Napoleón Duarte (1984-1989) from the Christian Democrat Party (PDC), the National Republican Alliance (ARENA), right wing, had ruled the country for 20 years with presidents such as: Alfredo Cristiani (1989-1994); Armando Calderón Sol (1994-1999); Francisco Flores (1999-2004); and Elías Antonio Saca (2004-2009). Other political parties are the Democratic Change (CD), moderate left wing; the National Conciliation Party (PCN), center right; and the Christian Democratic Party (PDC), center. It is worth mentioning a newly emerged political party, the Great National Alliance (GANA) formed with dissidents of ARENA, upsetting the political structure that had existed until then.

ADDRESSES OF THE MINISTRIES Ministry of Economy Alameda Juan Pablo II y Calle Guadalupe Edificio C1-C2 Centro de Gobierno San Salvador Tel: (PBX:) (+503) 2231 5600 - info@minec.gob.sv Ministry of Treasury Boulevard Los Héroes 1231, San Salvador Switchboard: 2244-3000 Ministry of Education Edificio E Plan Maestro, Centro de Gobierno, Alameda Juan Pablo II y Calle Guadalupe San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2281 0044 / (+503) 2281 0077 educacion@mined.gob.sv Ministry of Public Works, Transportation, Housing And Urban Development PlanTel: La Lechuza, Carretera a Santa Tecla Km 5 ½, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2528 3000 - info@mop.gob.sv


Ministry of Agriculture and Cattle Final 1a. Ave. Norte y Ave. Manuel Gallardo, Santa Tecla Tel: (+503) 2241 1700 - info@mag.gob.sv Ministry of Tourism and Corsatur (Tourism Corporation) Edificio Carbonell 1, Colonia Roma Alameda Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo Pasaje Carbonell, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2243 7835 / 2241 3200 Fax: (+503) 2223 6120 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Calle El Pedregal, Blvd. Cancillería, 500 mts. Al poniente del Campus II de la Universidad “José Matías Delgado”, Ciudad Merliot, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: PBX: (+503) 2231 1000 / 2231 2900 Fax: (+503) 2289 8016 webmaster@rree.gob.sv

GEOGRAPHY Cities and Departments Territorial organization El Salvador is divided into 14 departments. Geographically, they are grouped in three zones. These are Western, Eastern and Central. Each department is subdivided into municipalities, which have autonomy in economical, technical and administrative matters. They are ruled by their corresponding Municipal Council that is elected every three years by public vote. In the territory of each municipality there is a head which is nominated for town, village or city. Within the district there are “cantones”, which are composed of villages. San Salvador is the capital and the largest city of the country. It has a population of 1,522,126 inhabitants. Among the main cities are: Santa Ana (pop. 202,337), center of an important agricultural region; San Miguel (pop.145, 000); and Mejicanos (pop.101, 139), one of the suburbs of San Salvador. The population by department figures are as follows Department San Salvador La Libertad Santa Ana Sonsonate

Population 1,567,156 666,652 523,655 438,960

San Miguel Usulután

434,003 344,235




General Information

Chaparrastique Volcano, San Miguel

(Department/Capital) Western zone Ahuachapán/Ahuachapán Santa Ana/Santa Ana Sonsonate/Sonsonate

Morazán/San Francisco Gotera La Unión/La Unión

Central zone La Libertad/Santa Tecla Chalatenango/Chalatenango Cuscatlán/Cojutepeque San Salvador/San Salvador La Paz/Zacatecoluca Cabañas/Sensuntepeque San Vicente/San Vicente

El Salvador is a republic located on the northwest side of Central America. It shares a border with Honduras in its north and east. With the Gulf of Fonseca extreme to the south east, with the Pacific Ocean to the south and with Guatemala to the west and northeast. It is the smallest and the most densely populated country of Central America. It is also the only country in Central America without a coast on the Caribbean Sea.

Eastern zone Usulután/Usulután San Miguel/San Miguel



The country is formed by a central plain, cut by river valleys. It sits between two volcanic mountain ranges


General Information

that run from east to west with a narrow belt on the Pacific Ocean of a width of less than 24 kilometers (less than 15 miles). There are some high elevations in the extreme northeast. The plain has an average altitude of 610 meters (about 2,000 feet). The highest elevation in the republic is the Santa Ana volcano at 2,385 meters (7,825 feet) above sea level. El Salvador is known for its volcanoes, the main ones being: llamatepec (Santa Ana), Chichontepec (San Vicente), Quezaltepec (San Salvador), Chaparrastique (San Miguel), and Izalco known, until recently, as the Lighthouse of the Pacific. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common. The country is a hub for travelers and cargo en route from North America to South America and vice versa. The Panamerican highway crosses El Salvador connecting San Salvador, the capital city, with the land borders of Guatemala and Honduras. Some other important highways are Carretera Del Litoral - (Coastal Highway), built in the 50’s, that runs parallel to the Pacific Ocean; and the Carretera Troncal Del Norte (North Branch Highway), that connects the capital city with Chalatenango.

Natural Resources Agriculture is the main natural resource. Among the minerals are gold, silver, limestone and gypsum. There are also trees that have commercial value such as oak, cedar and mahogany.

Flora and Fauna The mountains of El Salvador have templed vegetation and low forest of oaks and pines. The natural vegetation of the rest of the country consists of deciduous trees and sub-tropical vegetation. There is an abundance of tropical fruit and medicinal plants. The fauna of El Salvador is less varied and rich than other Central American countries due to high population density, however there are monkeys, coyotes, jaguars, pumas and ocelots. Among the reptiles are iguanas and boas.

The people are the best “natural� resource of El Salvador (Mitur)



General Information

Among the many existing lakes and lagoons the most important are Lake Suchitlán, Coatepeque and Olomega, Ilopango Lake and the lagoon of Alegría in Usulután.

Weather El Salvador is located in a tropical weather zone and its climate is very consistent throughout the year. However, due to the coastal strip along the Pacific Ocean, important yearly oscillations occur, related to ocean breeze, humidity and heat. The annual average temperature (estimated period 1950-1990) is 24.8°C with the lowest average temperature being in December (23.8°C) and January (23.9°C). The hottest month is April (32°C). The average annual precipitation is 1823 mm.

Treat nature well

Since the thermometers of the Meteorological Stations are influenced by the heat isle of the cities, temperature has risen 1.2°C in the last thirty years. The decade of the 80’s was one of the hottest (even although, the statistic does not cover a century) with precipitations influenced by the ENOS event.

Rivers and Lakes The main river is the Lempa, which is partially navigable along the Torola River, its main tributary. The length of the main flow is 422 kilometers, with 360.2 kilometers running through Salvadoran territory. Some of the other rivers that run through El Salvador are the Grande of San Miguel and Goascorán.

El Salvador has two seasons: dry (November-April) and rainy (May-October). In addition, El Salvador is influenced by the Caribbean hurricane season (June-November) with frequent tropical storms and hurricanes that increase the local river flows and affect some areas with floods.

Ilopango lake, close to San Salvador (Mitur)



General Information

people and culture Population El Salvador has a population of 5,744,133 million, according to the May 2007 census taken by the General Direction of Statistics and Census (DIGESTYC): 62.7% of the population is urban and 37.2% live in rural areas. Of the total population, 52.7% are women and 47.3% are men, that is, for every 100 women there are 90 men. El Salvador has an economically active population (EAP) of 2.5 million people, representing 53% of the total labor force of El Salvador. The population density of El Salvador is 276.9 inhabitants per square kilometer. It is the most densely populated country of Central America, and is surpassed only by some Caribbean countries. The grand majority of the population ranges between the ages of 10 to 14 years old, and 65% of the population oscillates between 0 and 29 years old, making this country a country full of young people.

Ethnography Over 90% of the Salvadoran population is mixed, consisting of a mixture of Spaniard and Native Central American. The rest is non-mixed white (1%) and native Central American (10%). El Salvador is the only country in Central America that does not have a native African population due to the inaccessibility to the Atlantic Ocean; in addition, General Maximiliano HernĂĄndez MartĂ­nez established racial laws in the decade of 1930 that forbade the entrance of the black population into the country. Among the immigrant groups that arrived in El Salvador were Palestinian Christians. Although

Los Andes forest in Sonsonate (Mitur)

they were few, their descendents have been able to reach high levels of economic and political power within the country. There are approximately 3 million Salvadorans living abroad as immigrants in the United States (the great majority illegal), a destination that they have traditionally migrated to in order to abandon their poor economical situation and search for better living conditions. There are also a great number of Salvadorans living in Canada, Italy, Sweden, Australia and Spain.

Language and Culture The culture of El Salvador is a mixture of Maya, Lenca, Nahuat, Ulua, Spanish and other minority ethnic cultural groups.

Have a siesta!

Less than 1% of the population speaks Nahuat. There are only two towns that still preserve their Nahuatl traditions: Izalco and Panchimalco. In Panchimalco, an indigenous town in El Salvador, there is an art and cultural center called Tonatiuh, with the sole purpose of educating youth through Indigenous art, science and traditions established in 1989. The Catholic religion has played an important role in the El Salvador’s culture. Paintings, ceramics and textiles are the principal manual artistic expressions. Important Salvadoran writers are: Francisco Gavidia



General Information

(1863-1955), Alberto Masferrer, Salvador Salazar Arrué, Claudia Lars, Alfredo Espino, Pedro Geoffroy Rivas, Manlio Argueta and the poet Roque Dalton. Important well known people from the XX century are filmmaker Baltasar Polío and Guillermo Escalón; Miss El Salvador Maribel Arrieta, the singer Alvaro Torres and the painter Fernando Llort. The most renowned artists are painters: Noé Canjura, Carlos Cañas, Julia Díaz, Camilo Minero, Ricardo Carbonell, Roberto Huezo and many others.


to 65% of the population. Different religions such as Protestant, Anglicans, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses have greatly increased since the decade of the 70’s. In the last twenty years the followers of the Salvadoran Catholic Church have diminished by 11.9%; almost the same percentage that the other religions have increased in the same period of time. Today, close to 34% of the population are of the Protestant Christian faith. There are also small Jewish and Islamic communities that have originated due to immigration.

Since the Colonial period catholicism has been the main religion, with followers making up close Right page: San Salvador cathedral



General Information


Working / Business Schedule


Government offices: Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 15:30 Banks: Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:00 – Saturday from 8:00 to 12:00 Industry: Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:30 – Saturday from 8:00 to 12:00 Commerce: Monday through Sunday from 10:00 to 20:00 Supermarkets: from 8:30 to 20:00

Salvadoran administration concentrates its mandatory vacations by closing for one week during Holy Week, one week at beginning of August (August Festival), and almost two weeks at Christmas. The rest of the working population has a 14-day annual vacation that corresponds to the same dates. January 1st – New Year Variable – Holy Week May 1st – International Labor Day August 3 - 6 – Divino Salvador del Mundo (Local Festivals) September 15th – Independence Day November 2nd – All Souls Day December 25th – Christmas Day

ATTENTION Outside the city of San Salvador it is normal for businesses to close at 6:00 p.m. Some stores maintain the industry timetable. The warehouses timetable is from Monday through to Saturday and Sunday morning.

Benjamin is gladly accepted everywhere



General Information


Credit Cards


There are many banks and ATM’s that accept the majority of mayor credit cards. Commercially their use is widely extended as a method of payment.

On January 1st. 2001, The Monetary Integration Law became effective. The US Dollar is the legal currency in El Salvador together with the Salvadoran Colón, the local currency, which has practically vanished from circulation.

Banks Since the acquisition of national banks in 2003 by international entities, there have been great changes in the financial system. Currently the country has a variety of banks such as Citibank, HSBC, Scotiabank, Banco Agrícola, Banco Promérica, Banco de América Central, Banco Hipotecario, Banco Procredit, G&T Continental, Banco Multisectorial de Inversiones, Banco de Fomento Agropecuario and most recently Banco Industrial and Banco Azteca among others. Even though there are international financial groups in operation, opening a bank account demands many requirements from a foreigner such as passport, NIT (Unique Tax Identification Number), and a residence card. You must wait six months before you can receive or send an international transfer. As a result, in case of an emergency it is better to use a money remittance service, a service that is quite developed due to the fact that Salvadorans living abroad send many remittances.

Don´t forget to call your family

Telecommunications In general, there is a telecommunications law that guarantees the area the freedom to compete and to develop itself. In El Salvador, telecommunications are very advanced.

Land lines ATTENTION Opening a bank account for a foreigner is a difficult task despite the fact there are international banks in the country.

Indicative Prices A bottle of water (500 cl): 0.75 US$ A beer: 1.50 US$ A typical plate of food: starts at 4US$ A newspaper: 1US$ Taxi: starts at 4US$ A cell phone: the cheapest costs 15US$ A Coke: 1US$

Money Exchange Due to the great number of existing banks, currency exchange is easy; money transactions are facilitated by the fact that the national currency is the dollar.


Although there are 6 land line operators that guarantee the availability of phones at a variety of locations, the main operator is Claro. The number of lines has decreased due to the impact made by cell phone usage, but still there are over 1 million lines in operation.

ATTENTION Electrical current is 110-125V and 60Hz. Plugs are “A” type with 2 flat pins.

Mobile Telephones To illustrate the huge penetration that mobile phones have had in the market, we can tell you that there are more mobile telephones than inhabitants in the country, which almost provide total coverage. Buying cell phones is easy and inexpensive given the great number of existing telecommunication stores from operators such as Claro, Movistar, Digicel and TIGO.


General Information

International Calling Cards

Salvador’s Transportation and Customs for an extension of an additional 60 days.

To make international phone calls there are calling cards, such as SALNET, that are easy to obtain.

ATTENTION Do not show your mobile phone nor use it while driving a car to avoid risk.

Internet Internet is very developed and is easily accessed. Services have reached great speeds of over 100Mbps.

Aircraft To access El Salvador by air, there is a modern International Airport named Comalapa; located exactly sixty-two kilometers from the capital, which is equivalent to a 30-40-minute drive. The aforementioned airport has car rental facilities, taxi services, banks and an exchange center. In addition, it also has daily buses that commute to the city. TACA is the national airline. TACA recently merged with the Colombian airline Avianca, thus becoming a regional flight giant. The most frequent flights come from Buenos Aires, with a stopover in Miami; from Madrid and México City, with stopovers in Guatemala City, and from New York. It is worth mentioning the American airlines United, Delta, Continental and American also fly to El Salvador.

El Salvador shares borders with Guatemala and Honduras

There is another airport close to El Salvador named Ilopango. It is used for military purposes with a civil sector for private small aircrafts.




Nicaragua and El Salvador are interested in creating a ferry to connect both countries through the Gulf of Fonseca. It would have an estimated capability of 1,100 passengers traveling between Port of La Unión in El Salvador and Port of Corinto in Nicaragua. Currently, it is in the research and development phase.

El Salvador shares borders with Guatemala and Honduras. El Salvador has the most advanced road infrastructure in Central America allowing movement to anywhere in the country. There are approximately 7,000 kilometers of road system, of which half of are usable at any time of year because they are paved and are not affected by rain or drought. The main roads of the country have several lanes in both directions.

El Salvador International Airport (CEPA)

Drivers use the right hand side of the road and for safety reasons it is advisable to travel during the day time. A person may use a national or international driver’s licence. Foreign vehicles can only be in the country for 30 days. However, it is possible to request El



General Information

Fenadesal national railway company (CEPA)

Otherwise, regular passenger traffic between coastal cities is non-existent. Currently, there are very few ferries and cruiseships arriving with tourists from abroad to the Port of Acajutla. However, this number is expected to increase as tourism develops.

Railroad The National Railroad of El Salvador (FENADESAL) provides the population of the capital city with a passenger train service.

Taxi There is a great availability of taxis in San Salvador which can cost from $3. It is recommended to negotiate the price with the driver at first. Although the vast majority of taxis are reliable, it is better to use taxis that are part of a fleet. Just raise your hand so that they stop at any point of the road. Generally the hotel taxis are slightly more expensive and tend to be inflexible when negotiating the price. As a guide, going between the aiport and San Salvador costs about $25.00 USD.

ATTENTION Last year, at least 224,727 passengers who benefited from using the train. The FENADESAL Passenger Train Service runs twice a day (round trip), leaving San Salvador to Ciudad Delgado all the way to the Municipality of Apopa and vice-versa. With the exception of this line, trains are not used. Other purposes of commuting are done on the highways. There are long-term studies being conducted for the purpose of creating a regional connecting system of high speed trains.


Use a taxi or rent a car before using an urban bus. Urban buses are more used by locals than foreigners.

Buses International Route Buses There are numerous companies such as Pullmantur, Ticabus, and King Quality that regularly commute to San Salvador from the neighboring countries


General Information

On your way to San Salvador

of Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and others. Rates depend on the type of bus. Deluxe buses are modern, with ample seats, air-conditioning and TV. They include a meal and very good service, Salvadoran style. Urban Buses Businessmen and travelers are recommended not to use the urban buses. Frequently they are robbed, even during day time; with so many taxis at accessible prices, it is not worth the exposure to risk.

Car Rentals There are numerous car rental companies with international companies expanding options. They


have a wide range of vehicles to choose from. As a guideline, you may rent an economy vehicle for 25/30USD$ per day.

BEFORE ARRIVING IN EL SALVADOR Safety Considering that the country has a bad reputation for its gangs, tourist zones and business areas are very safe. There are high levels of murders in a few locations, mainly among street gangs fighting for territorial control, drugs or out of plain rivalry. Avoid those zones and there shouldn´t be a problem.


General Information

There is the risk of being assaulted when using urban buses, which can be eliminated by using taxis.

Health Yellow Fever vaccination is not necessary unless you are coming from a risky country. You should have an immunization record up to date with the most common vaccines. It is essential to have private health insurance to facilitate access to the best clinics and hospitals of the country, such as the Hospital de Diagnóstico and Hospital de la Mujer. As for drinking water is concerned, it is better to buy it in bottles. Several hotels have their own water filters that allow drinking from the tap without problems.

Entry Requirements It is necessary to have a valid passport with at least six months validity over the estimated staying time. It is also necessary to have a round trip ticket. A visa is not required from a great number of countries. Citizens from the following countries traveling to El Salvador do not need a visa: Germany, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, The Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Chile, Cyprus, South Korea, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Vatican City, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, the United States of America, Estonia, Finland, France, Great Britain, Greece, Guam, Guatemala, Holland, Honduras, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, the Marshall Islands, the Solomon Islands, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Nicaragua, Norway, New Zealand, Panamá, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saint Kitts and Nevis, San Marino, São Tomé and Principe, Santa Lucía, Saint Tome and Prince, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Tuvalu, Uruguay and Vanuatu. Citizens whose countries are not shown in the aforementioned list need a visa that can be issued by a Salvadoran Embassy or Consulate. A 90-day maximum stay is granted. If a longer stay is desired, it must be requested from the General Migration Direction, prior to expiration of the visa. There are no exit formalities except for the $32 USD departure tax payment at the airport.


Customs El Salvador complies with the international custom standards. Nevertheless, it has its own foreign customs rules which can be consulted at the El Salvador Customs web page: (http://www.aduana.gob.sv)

Access to Real Estate Property of rural real estate may not be acquired by foreigners from those countries of origin where Salvadorans do not have exactly the same right, with the only exception being land acquired to establish an industry. The maximum extension of rural land owned by any individual whether natural or legal cannot exceed two hundred forty-five hectares. This limitation is not applicable to cooperative associations or peasant communities that are subject to special leal rules. The subsoil belongs to the State that can grant use concessions. Administrative proceedings may be seen at: http://elsalvador.e-regulations.org/

FOREIGN EMBASSIES IN EL SALVADOR Argentina Calle la Sierra 3-Ib, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 3638 / 2263 3675 / 2263 3580 / 2264 1358 / 2263 3687 - esalv@mrecic.gov.ar Belize A.I. Plaza Viscaya, final calle la Mascota Col. Maquilishuat 1015, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 8024 - embelguat@yahoo.com Brazil Blvd. del Hipódromo 305, Col. San Benito Tel: (+503) 2298 7888 / 2224 0186 / 2298 3286 / 2751 2279 3934 - brasil@integra.com.sv Canada Edificio Centro Financiero Gigante Entre 63 Av. Sur y Alameda Roosevelt Nivel lobby 2, local 6, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2279 4655 / 2279 4657 / 2279 0765 ssal@international.gc.ca www.sansalvador.gc.ca


General Information

Chile 9A Calle Poniente 121, Pasaje Bella Vista, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 4346 / 2263-4285 / 2263-4308 embachile@embachile.org.sv Colombia Calle El Mirador 5120, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 1936 / 2263 1947 / 2263 1942 Costa Rica 85 Av. Sur, Calle Cuscatlán 4415, Col. Escalón (near hotel Terraza), San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 3863 / 2264 3864 / 2264 3865 / 2264 4738 / 2264 3866 embajada@embajadacostarica.org.sv www.embajadacostarica.org.sv Cuba Calle Arturo Ambrogui 530, corner or Av. El Mirador, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2508 0446 Dominican Republic Blvd. El Hipódromo 253 Edificio Incolinas, First level, Zona Rosa, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2223 4036 / 2223 3109 Ecuador Pasaje Los Pinos 241, Entre 77 and 79 Av. Norte, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 5258 / 2263 5323 / 2264 2973 France 1a Calle poniente 3718, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2279-4016 / 17 / 18 Tel: (+503) 2298 4260 / 2298 1536 Info@embafrancia.com.sv www.embafrancia.com.sv Germany 7a Calle Poniente 3972, Esquina 77, Av. Norte, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2247 0000 / 2247 0015 / 2247 0016 / 2247 0099 Iinfo@san-salvador.diplo.de www.san-salvador.diplo.de Guatemala 5a Av. Norte 135, entre Calle Arce and 1a Calle Poniente, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2271 2225 / 2222 2904 / 2221 3019 Honduras 89 Av. Norte 561


Entre 7a Y 9a Calle Poniente, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 2808 / 2263 2296 embhon@integra.com.sv Israel Centro Financiero Gigante, Torre B, 11º piso, Alameda Roosevelt y 63 Av. Sur, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2211 3434 / 2211 3443 info@sansalvador.mfa.gov.Il www.sansalvador.mfa.gov.il Italy Calle la Reforma 158, Col. San Benito, Apdo. Postal 01/99, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2223 4806 / 2224 4161 / 2298 3050 ambasciatore.sansalvador@esteri.it Japan Calle El Mirador y 89 Av. Norte, World Trade Center, torre 1, 6o Nivel, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2528 1111 / 2528 1100 / 2264 6061 www.sv.emb-japan.go.jp Korea 5a Calle Poniente 3970, Entre 75 and 77 Av. Norte, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 8773 / 2263 9145 / 2263 0783 Malta Edificio Gran Plaza, Local 308, Blvd. del Hipódromo, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2245 4985 / 2279 1623 Mexico Calle Circunvalación, Pje. 12, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2248 9900 / 2248 9901 / 02 / 2248 9906 portal.sre.gob.mx/elsalvador/ Nicaragua Calle El Mirador y 93 Av. Nte 4814, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 8752 / 2263 8770 / 2263 8789 / 2263 2486 embanic@integra.com.sv Panama Calle Los Bambúes, Av. Las Bugambilias 21, Col. San Francisco, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2298 0773 / 2536 0600 / 2536 0601 / 2536 0602 embpan@tel:esal.net


General Information

Peru Av. Masferrer Norte, Casa 17- P Cumbres del Escalón, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2275 5566 / 2275 5567 / 2275 5568 / 2275 5569 embperu@tel:esal.net - www.embajadaperu.com.sv Qatar Hotel Real Intercontinental, Rooms 232 Y 234, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2211 3333 / 2211 4444 Republic of China Av. La Capilla y Blvd. del Hipódromo 716, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 1330 / 2263 1331 / 2263 2446 / 2263 1329 sinoemb3@intercom.com.sv www.taiwanembassy.org.sv Spain Calle La Reforma164 Bis, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2257 5700 / 2257 5701 / 2257 5703 / 04 2257 5712 emb.sansalvador@maec.es United States of America Urbanización y Blvd. Santa Elena, Antiguo Cuscatlán, Departamento de La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2501 2999 / 2501 2150 / 2501 2154 Uruguay Edificio Gran Plaza, 4a Planta, Local 405, Blvd. del Hipódromo 111, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2279 1626 / 2211 2327 / 2211 2328 / 2279 1627 Vatican City Av. Norte y 7a Calle Poniente, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Apartado postal (01) 95 2263 2860 Tel: (+503) 2263 2931 / 2263 3010 Venezuela 7A Calle Poniente 3921, Entre 75 y 77, Av. Norte, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 3981/ 2263 3977 / 2211 0027 embajadadevenezuela@tel:esal.net www.embavenez-elsalvador.com.sv

EL SALVADOR EMBASSies abroad Argentina Calle Suipacha 1380, Piso 2, Capital Federal Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: (+54) 11 4326 4190 / 4325 0849 / 4325 8588 Austria Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 72 / 2 / 1 1040, Wien, Austria Tel: (+43) 1 505 3874 / 505 3874 Belgium and Luxembourg Avenue de Tervueren 171, Segundo Piso 1150 Brussels, Belgium. Tel: (+32) (2) 733 0485 / 732 3566 Belize 49 Nanche Street, Belmopan, Belice Tel: (+501) 822 3404 - Fax: (+501) 822 3404 Canada Ottawa 209 Kent Street K2P 1Z8, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Tel: (+1) (613) 238 2939 - Fax: (+1) (613) 238 2939 Costa Rica De la Purdy Motors (Toyota) in the Paseo Colón In front of the park República de El Salvador (Green railings house), San José, Costa Rica Tel: (+506) 2257 7855 / 2257 7855 / 2258 2353 / 2258 2353 Colombia (Colombia and Barbados) Carrera 9, 8015 Ofic. 503, Edificio El Nogal, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia Tel: (+571) 349 6765 / 6771 Chile Calle Coronel 2330, 5o piso, Oficina 51, Providencia, Santiago de Chile Tel: (+562) 233 8324 / 233 8332 / 231 6370 / 231 6370 Ecuador Av. República de El Salvador 733 y Portugal, Edificio Gabriela 3, Penthouse, Quito, Ecuador Tel: (+5932) 243 3070 / 246 1883 Germany (Germany, Poland, Turkey, Czech Republic and Russian Federation) Joachin-Karnatz-Allee 47, 10557 Berlin, (Tiergarten), Alemania - Tel: (+49) 30 206 4660 Spain (Spain and Morocco) Calle General Oraá 9, Quinto Derecha,



General Information

28006 Madrid, España. Tel: (+34) 91 562 8002 / 91 562 8002 / 91 562 6802 / 91 562 6802 United States of America 1400 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel: (+1) (202) 595 7500 - Fax: (+1) (202) 232 3763 United States of Mexico Calle Temístocles 88, Col. Polanco, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11560, México DF Tel: (+52) 55 5281 5725 / 5281 5723 / 5281 5723 France (France and Portugal) 12 Rue Galilée, 75116 Paris, Francia Tel: (+33) 1 4720 4202 / 4720 8943 Guatemala Av. Las Américas 16-40, Zona 13, Guatemala City, Guatemala Tel: (+502) 2360 7660 / 7670 / 7690 Honduras Col. Altos de Miramontes, Casa 2952 Diagonal Aguan Tegucigalpa Municipio del Distrito Central, Honduras Tel: (+504) 2239 7015 / 2232 4947 India E 5/1, Vasant Vihar, New Dehli - 110 057 India Tel: (+91) 11 4608 8400 Israel (Israel and South Africa) 6 Hamada Street, NaorBuilding, 4º Piso, Herzliya Pituah, 46733 Tel: (+972) 9 9556237 / 9 9556343 / 9 9556542 Italy (Italy, Greece and Switzerland) Vía Gualtiero Castellini 13, Scala “b”, Int.3, 00197 Roma, Italia Tel: (+39) 06 807 6605 / 06 807 6605 Japan (Japan, Philippines and Singapore) Kowa 38, Building 803 Nishi Azabu, 4 Chome Tokio, Japón, 106 Tel: (+81) 33499 4461 / 33499 4461 Nicaragua Km 9½ Carretera a Masaya Residencial Las Colinas, Pasaje Los Cerros 142 Managua, Nicaragua Tel: (+505) 2276 0712 / 2276 0712 Panama Av. Samuel Lewis y Calle 58,


Obarrio Edificio ADR piso 8, PO Box 0823-05432 Tel: (+507) 223 6385 / 223 6385 / 223 3020 / 223 3020 Peru (Peru and Bolivia) Av. Javier Prado Oeste 2108, San Isidro, Lima, Perú Tel: (+511) 440 3500 / 440 3100 / 440 2655 Qatar Villa 2, Saha 72 St., District 66 West Bay, Doha State of Qatar, P.O. Box 23031 Doha, State of Qatar Tel: (+974) 411 0195 / 411 0304 / 411 0304 Holland The Hague Riouwstraat 137, 2585 HP, The Hague, Holland Tel: (+31) 70 324 9855 / 70 324 9855 United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland 2nd Floor, 8 Dorset Square, London, NW1 6PU, United Kingdom Tel: (+44) 20 7224 9800 / 20 7224 9800 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Centro Comercial (Ciudad Tamanaco ccct) Torre C, 4o Piso, 406 Caracas, Venezuela Tel: (+58) 212 959 0817 / 212 959 0817 / 212 959 6293 / 212 959 6293 - embasalve@cantv.net Republic of Brazil SHIS QL 10, Conjunto 01, Casa 15 Cep, 71630-100 Brasilia, DF. Tel: (55 61) 3364 4141 Republic of China Number 9, 2nd Floor, Lane 62, Tien Mou West Road Shih-lin 111, Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan) Tel: (+886) 2 2876 3606 / 2 2876 3606 Republic of Korea (Australia and New Zealand) 20th Floor, Samsung Life Insurance Building 150, Taepyungro 2-ka, Choong-ku, Seoul 100-716, Korea Tel: (+82) 2753 3432/33 Dominican Republic and Haiti C. Haim López Penha 32 Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Tel: (+1) (809) 565 4311 / 565 4311 / 547 2651 / 547 2651 Vatican and Malta Vía Panamá 22, Interno 2, Roma, Italia 00198 Tel: (+39) 06 854 0538 / 06 854 0538


General Information

Trinidad and Tobago 29 Long Circular Rd., St. James Port of Spain, Trinidad, Trinidad y Tobago Tel: (+1) (868) 628 4454


Uruguay (Uruguay and Paraguay) Pasaje Arq. RaĂşl Lerena Acevedo 1453, Punta Gorda, CP 11400, Montevideo, Uruguay Tel: (+598) 2 613 4143 / 2 613 4143



El Salvador is the smallest country of the Central American Republics and is known as the Tom Thumb of the Americas. It is also known as the Land of Volcanoes, causing many earthquakes. San Salvador, the nation’s capital city, lies at the foot of the San Salvador volcano. Another popular name for the country is: “The 30-minute country”, a name derived from its size, which favors commuting; tourists can enjoy a morning on the top of a volcano and a sunset at the beach, in the same day. Pupusas are the Salvadoran cuisine symbol; made with corn or rice and filled with cheese, red beans or pork meat. Locals eat this tortilla type meal at breakfast accompanied with fried beans, scramble eggs, fried plantains and coffee. Usually, pupusas are eaten with pickled cabbage and tomato sauce. Salvadoran coffee is considered among the best in the world. High altitude coffee is the best; the higher coffee is grown, the better the crop will be; the mineral-rich volcanic soil also enhances its quality. Another typical dish is yucca with fried pepesca, a tiny anchovy-like fish. This is another option for lovers of traditional food. In 1939, during the government of General Maximiliano Hernández Martinez, the “Izote” was declared the National flower of El Salvador and the “Balsamo” and “Maquilishuat” the National trees.




GREETINGS Hello Goodbye Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Evening How are you? I am well What is your name? My name is... I am from...

COMMON PHRASES Hola Adiós Buenos Días Buenas Tardes Buenas Tardes ¿Qué tal está? Estoy bien ¿Cómo te llamas? Mi nombre es... Soy de...

USEFUL WORDS No Yes Please Thank you Sorry Is it possible to ...? Is there...? No problem Where is ...? When Go away I You Money Change Let’s go Stop / finish Good Everything is ok Closed

No Si Por favor Gracias Lo siento ¿Es posible...? ¿Hay ...? No hay problema ¿Dónde esta...? Cuándo Vete Yo Tú Dinero Cambio Vamos Para / termina Bueno Todo está bien Cerrado

BUSINESS Company Meeting Available Busy Director Ministry Minister When will he get back ? Can I speak to ...?


Empresa Reunión Disponible Ocupado Director Ministerio Ministro ¿Cuándo regresa?

I live in... I want to go... Do you speak English? I don’t speak Spanish How do you say...in Spanish?

Vivo en ... Quiero irme ¿Hablas inglés? No hablo español ¿Cómo se dice...en español?

FOOD & DRINK Water Bread Coffee Milk Tea Sugar Meat Rice Potatoes Lemon Banana

Agua Pan Café Leche Té Azúcar Carne Arroz Papas / Patatas Limón Guineo

TIME & SPACE Yesterday Tonight Today Tomorrow Time What time is it? Week Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Straight Left Right Stop here Far

Ayer Esta noche Hoy Mañana Tiempo ¿Qué hora es? Semana Sábado Domingo Lunes Martes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Directo / recto Izquierda Derecha Para aquí Lejos

¿Puedo hablar con...?


SOME WORDS IN NAHUAT Yek tunal Naja Némi Némi nimumachtía náhuat Yek tiútak Yek tayúua Yek Ken tinémi Nája yek taxtáuis Ihuan tája Taxtáuis

Good morning I am… I am learning Náhuat Good afternoon Goode evening Good, right How are you? Very well, thank you And you? Thank you

Kamiak taxtáuis Nája Tája Yája Yejément Tejémet Anmejémet Ne E Inte

Thank you very much I You Him / Her They We You (plural) The Yes No

Fresco in a church



TOP COMPANIES In alphabetical order: ADOC Aeroman AES AFP Confía AFP Crecer Agrosania Alba Petróleos Almacenes Simán Arías y Muñoz Arrocera San Francisco Asesuisa Banco Agrícola Banco de América Central Banco de Fomento Agropecuario Banco Hipotecario Banco Multisectorial de Inversiones Banco Promérica Bocadeli Bodegas Generales de Depósito British American Tobacco C. Imberton Calvo CEL Cenérgica CEPA CESSA Chartis Chevron-Texaco Citibank Claro Coca-Cola COEX Comersal Cooperativa Ganadera Sonsonate Cosase Diana Digicel Distribuidora de Electricidad del Sur Dizúcar Duke Energy Durman Esso Europa Motors Farmacias Meykos Fedecrédito Fovial Fruit of the Loom Grupo Agrisal Grupo Altamirano Grupo Calleja


Grupo Campestre Grupo de Sola Grupo Dueñas Grupo Dutríz Grupo Excel Grupo Golán Grupo Hill Grupo Poma Grupo Q Grupo Roble Grupo Unicomer Hilasal HSBC Industrias La Constancia Ingenio El Angel Ingenio Izalco Ingenio La Cabaña Lactosa LaGEO Molsa Pepsi Pollo Campero Puma Quality Grains Romero y Pineda Salazar y Romero ScotiaBank Sersaprosa Siemens Sigma Q Simán S.A. SISA Stream Sykes Tabacalera El Salvador TACA Telecorporación Salvadoreña (TCS) Telefónica Teleperformance TIGO TropiGas UNEX Unilever Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) Universidad Matías Delgado Universidad Tecnológica Urbhex W&Z Constructora Zgas




Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres Salvadoran proverb


Business Resources

ADVERTISING AGENCIES Campos Art Group El Salvador Pje. Los Pinos 241 Col. Escalรณn, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2504 9405 Fax: (+503) 2504 9406 info@camposartgroup.com www.camposartgroup.com Contact Person: Mariela Miranda Position: Project Manager Apex Publicidad Col. San Francisco, Av. de la Camelias 7, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2528 1000 - info@apexbbdo.com.sv

AIRLINES TACA Urb. Madre Selva, Av. El Espino, Edif Taca, Sta Elena, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2267 8888 AMERICAN AIRLINES Alam. Roosevelt Edif. La Centroamericana 3107, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2298 0777 / 2298 0777 TRANSPORTES Aร REOS DE EL SALVADOR Ctra. Panamericana 26, Zona Franca San Bartolo, Soyapango Tel: (+503) 2295 0280

O&r Marketing Communications (Mccann Worldgroup) Paseo General Escalรณn 5454, Edificio McCann, Col. Escalรณn, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 0909 - www.mccann.com.sv Rivera & Rivera Av. La Capilla 403, San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2243 3487 Raul.contreras@riverarivera.net


COPA World Trade Center, 1er Nivel, Local 107, Calle Mirador, Col. Escalรณn, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 2672


Business Resources

Many Airlines fly to El Salvador including Copa Airlines

Continental Airlines Blvd. de los Héroes, Torre Roble, Level 1, San Salvador Sales office Continental: Monday to Friday de 8:00 a 18:00, sábado de 8:00 a 12:00 Tel: (+503) 2207 2040

ARCHITECTS Creaciones Arquitectos e Ingenieros Col. Lomas de San Francisco, Cl.1 - 9 A, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2273 3789 www.creacionesdigitales.us Fuentes Marenco Design, construction and consulting Av. Las Palmas 80, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2266 8295 Axis Aquitectura e Ingenieria S.A. de C.V. Calle y Col. Centroamérica 127, San Salvador Telefax: (+503) 2257 2475 / 2260 4252 www.axisconstruccion.com


Arquitecto Mario Peccorini Design and supervision construction and redesigning Tel: (+503) 2232 6272 Leonel Avilés & Asociados Urb. Lomas de Altamira, Col. El Talapo 139, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2248 4232 www.leonelaviles.com

BANKS Banco Promérica Edificio Promérica, La Gran Vía, Entre Ctra. Panamericana y Calle Chiltiupán, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2513 5000 www.promerica.com.sv Banco de América Central - Credomatic Alam. Roosevelt y 55 Av Sur, Edif Credomatic, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 22064000 / 22064000


Business Resources

Banco Hipotecario Col. Escalón, Pje Sda Florida Sur, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 7000 / 2250 7000 / 2250 7080 / 2250 7080 Fax: (+503) 2250 7059 Banco Citibank El Salvador Pirámide Citi Carretera a Santa Tecla Km 10½ San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2212 2020 / 2212 2020 Custom hotline: (+503) 2212 2000 / 2212 2000 The banking sector is highly developed (El Diario de Hoy)

Fedecrédito 23 Cl. Pte. Ent. 23 y 25 Av. Nte., Edif. Macario Armando Rosales Rosa, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 9611 / 2209 9611 / 2209 9696 / 2209 9696 Fax: (+503) 2226 7059 / 2226 7161

Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica Col. San Benito, Cl. La Reforma 130, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2267 6100 / 2267 6100

HSBC Col. Escalón, Ctro. Financiero Bco. Salvadoreño, No. 3550, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2214 2000 / 2214 2000

Banco de Fomento Agropecuario Ctra. Al Puerto de La Libertad, Km 10½, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2241 0800

Scotiabank El Salvador 25 Av. Nte. 1230, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 1111 / 2250 1111


Asociación Bancaria Salvadoreña - ABANSA Col. Escalón, Pje Sda Florida Nte 140, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2298 6959 / 2298 6959 Banco Agrícola Blvd. Constitución y 1 Cl. Pte., San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2267 5000 / 2267 5000 Banco Agrícola Comercial Blvd. Constitución y 1 Cl. Pte. 100, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2267 5000 / 2267 5000 Banco Azteca Alam Roosevelt y 65 Av. Sur Pje 1 Centro Financiero Gigante Edif E - 7, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2514 4500 / 2514 4500 Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador Alam Juan Pablo II entre 15 and 17 Av. Nte., San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2281 8000 / 2281 8000


COMCA INTERNACIONAL 40 years experience in packing, freight, and international moving. We provide air, land and sea import and export. Col. El Rosal Cl. El Progreso 2815, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 9300 / 2250 9300 TRANS-EXPRESS Do you need anything from the U.S.? Order it using your Trans-Express International Box in the U.S. Just select the product, search for the best price in the American stores. We provide courier service, air and land freight. Plantel Cía. Gral de Equipos Fte. al Círculo Militar, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 1511 / 2209 1511 Fax: (+503) 2298 6621 AGD Cargo S.A. de C.V. Col. Miramonte Av. Sierra Nevada Edif Xaya 2 Nvl Loc 1, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2260 1501 / 2260 1501 Fax: (+503) 2260 9413


Business Resources

Red International Logistic Import and export containers, consolidated cargo from USA, Asia, Europe and South America.We provide consulting services, merchandise insurance and handling of paperwork. Resid. Sta. Teresa 21 Av. Nte Block K - 6 Sta. Tecla, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2208 3701 / 2208 3701 / 2208 3594 / 2208 3594 FINE AIR Rpto. 2 de Abril Cl 1 de Mayo 243, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2284 2166

CATERING A & L Food Catering Col. Libertad, Av. San Martín 143, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2226 3323 / 2226 3323 Ali Catering Service Resid Montebello, Av. Los Pirineos H-38 Mejicanos, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2284 8632 / 2284 8632 Bites Lomas de San Francisco Cl 3 y 6 Bl 28 No. 6, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2248 0462 / 2248 0462 / 2248 0461

CONFERENCE FACILITIES Centro Internacional de Ferias y Convenciones de El Salvador CIFCO, the ideal place to hold fairs, forums, congresses, conventions, receptions, concerts and graduations. We also provide catering services, setting events, internet, translations and emergency electrical plants. Col. San Benito, Av. La Revolución 222, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2501 0200 / 2501 0200 Fax: (+503) 2243 3161 Buró de Convenciones Alameda Manuel Enrique Araujo, Pasaje y Edificio Carbonell 2, Local 3, Col. Roma, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2245 3004 Fax: (+503) 2245 2683 buroconvenciones@integra.com.sv


Cajamarca Ruta al Boquerón, Km 22.5, In the San Salvador volcano Oficina en San Salvador Calle La Reforma 213, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2226 8981/ 2225 4760 www.cajamarca.com.sv C&C Producciones Events hosting and renting of AV equipment Av. Sierra nevada 628, Col. Miramontes, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2261 1952 / 7165 6595 cc.producciones@yahoo.com Acústica S.A. de C.V. Designing acoustic spaces Tel: (+503) 2260 5490 - Fax: (+503) 2260 4337 www.espaciosacusticos.com info@espaciosacusticos.com

CONSULTANTS & OUTSOURCING KPMG, S.A. Calle Loma Linda 266, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2245 5500; 2213 8400 Fax: (+503) 2245 3070 Outsource, S.A. Av. Las Camelias 12, Col. San Francisco, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2530 6020 Fax: (+503) 2530 6019 Yobel Supply Chain Management Km 11 Crtra. Al Puerto de La Libertad, Parque Industrial El Progreso, Naves 7 y 8 Santa Tecla, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2288 0456 Fax: (+503) 2288 0724

COURIER EXPRESS COMCA Internacional Col. El Rosal, Cl. El Progreso 2815, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 9300 / 2250 9300 Skynet Worldwide Express 87 Av. Norte Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2521 3100 / 2521 3100 Fax: (+503) 2521 3104


Business Resources

TNT Col. Escalón 63, Av. Nte y 1° Cl. Pte. 175, San Salvador Tel: (+503) (+503) 2530 3030 / 2530 3030 / 2530 3006 / 2530 3006 Fax: (+503) 2275 3258 Trans-Express Plantel Cía. Gral. de Equipos Fte. al Círculo Militar, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 1511 / 2209 1511 Fax: (+503) 2298 6621 UPS A guaranteed international packaging and Messenger service, air, land and sea international transportation freight. Logistic service on your shipments. Paseo General Escalón N° 4910, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2236 8877 / 2236 8877 Fax: (+503) 2236 8880 DHL Express y Global Forwarding Urbanización y Blvd. Santa Elena, Av. Apaneca Oriente, Edificio DHL, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2210 0200 Fax: (+503) 2210 0200 www.dhl.com

DENTAL SERVICE Clínica Ortodental Dr. Marlon Alvarado - Centro Comercial Salvador del Mundo. Local 7 Alameda Roosevelt 63 y 65 Av. Norte, San Salvador (+503) 2245-6383 - 25 Av. Norte 712, Local 7, Segundo Nivel, San Salvador (+503) 2226-5856 www.centrosaluddental.com Clínica de Ortodoncia Dra. Ingrid Lissette Alas Orthodontics - Maxillofacial orthopedics. Adults and children Col. Médica, Av. Dr. Luis Edmundo Vásquez, Edificio Medicentro Plaza, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2266 9712 Clínica Dental Córdova Bo. El Centro Av. Juan Bertis 54, Cdad. Delgado, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2276 8530 / 2276 8530


Dental Care Dr. Ambrosio Canessa Col. Escalón, Cl. Padres Aguilar 315, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 2948

DRY CLEANER Dry Cleaning Martinizing Urb. La Sultana III, Pje. La Ceiba, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2243 5250 Dryclean Usa El Salvador Ps. Gral. Escalón, Col. Escalón Edif Bethoven 3913, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2252 0051 Jet Cleaners S.A. de C.V. Alam Roosevelt 2436, Edif Jet Cleaners, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2261 2333

ENTERTAINMENT (BARS, CLUBS & DISCOS) Stanza Centro Comercial Multiplaza, Área de las Terrazas, Antiguo Cuscatlán, Tel: (+503) 2243 7153 Envy Tel: (+503) 2243 2576 / 2243 2584 Circo Pje. Istmania 128, Col. Escalón, San Salvador

FOREX BUREAU Western Union - Air Pak S.A. de C.V. Alam Roosevelt, Col. Flor Blanca 47 Av. Sur, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 8600

HAIR AND BEAUTY Blush Hair & Beauty Av. de la Revolución, Col. San Benito. Esquina opuesta a Pizza Hut Zona Rosa, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2512 1587


Business Resources

Western Union also does a huge effort for education and school improvements

Amandas Salon Multiplaza Primer nivel, Local 26a - 26b, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2243 6302 amandasdayspa@yahoo.com www.amandassalon.com Vidals Spa Urbano La Mascota Calle La Mascota 210, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2298 2270 Estilo M Premium Services, hair stylists, image makeover, aromatherapy, chocotherapy, mudd therapy, hair straightening. Centro Comercial Multiplaza, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2243 1315 Eduardo Franco Estilista Centro Comercial Multiplaza 2 Nvl, Loc C-79, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2100 1642 / 2274 0656 Gent’s Styles Carrt. a Sta. Tecla 4½ C C y Cl. La Mascota, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2211 0833


SPA Beauty Spa 9 Cl. Pte. 4241, Ent 81 y 83, Av. Nte, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 3187 Beauty Nails Cond. Altos del Paseo, Loc 41, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2317 3480 Health Clubs Zone Fitness Center Calle la Reforma #225-B, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2279 1119 info@zonefitnessgym.com Fitness Connection Gym Paseo Gral. Escalón, Col. Escalón 3698, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2223 7408 Bally Sport Center Col. Lomas de San Francisco, Cl. Albert Einstein 10 Tel: (+503) 2273 2290 Fransheska Gym Col. San Francisco, Av. Las Amapolas 122 Tel: (+503) 2224 0175


Business Resources

Corpobelo San Benito (Casa matriz) Blvd. del Hipódromo 611, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2211 8317 / 2211 8318 / 2257 6830 / 2257 6831 www.corpobelo.com.sv Sento Luxury Spa & Salon Tercera Calle Poniente 4817, Col. Escalón, San Salvador (3 blocks down from Hospital de Diagnóstico) Tel: (+503) 2121 8021

Sheraton Presidente’s pool side


Chartis El Salvador Calle Loma Linda 265, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2298 5455 - Fax: (+503) 2298 5084 www.aigelsalvador.com

Sheraton Presidente San Salvador Av. La Revolución, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2283 4000 Real InterContinental San Salvador Blvd. de los Héroes y Av. Sisimiles, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2211 3333 Holiday Inn San Salvador Blvd. Santa Elena, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2500 6000 Radisson Plaza Hotel 89 Av. Norte y 11 Calle Poniente, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2257 0700 Suites Las Palmas Av. Las Palmas y Pasaje 6, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 0800 Courtyard by Marriott San Salvador Esquina Calle 2 y Calle 3, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2249 3000 Fax: (+503) 2249 3001 Beverly Hills San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2505 9999


Aseguradora Suiza Salvadoreña, S.A. Alameda Manuel Enrique Araujo, Condominio Plaza Suiza, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 5000 - Fax: (+503) 2209 5001 www.asesuisa.com Mapfre | La Centro Americana, S.A. Alameda Roosevelt y 61 Av. Sur 3107, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2257 6666 - Fax: (+503) 2223 7203 www.lacentro.com Pan American Life Ins. Co. Alameda Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo 1, Calle Nueva, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 2727 / 2209 2700 Fax: (+503) 2245 2792 www.panamericanlife.com Seguros del Pacífico 1ª Calle Poniente 3649, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2283 0800 Fax: (+503) 2283 0802 pacifico@salnet.net www.pacifico.com.sv Seguros e Inversiones, S.A. Carretera Panamericana Km 10½, Nueva San Salvador, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2229 9000 Fax: (+503) 2229 8187 información@sisa.com.sv servicioalcliente@sisa.com.sv www.sisa.com.sv


Business Resources

INTERNET SOLUTIONS TIGO Internet móvil Tel: (+503) 2207 4000 www.tigo.com.sv Turbonett - Claro Km 10,5 Carretera a Santa Tecla, Complejo Ex-Incatel, Building “A”, Third Nivel, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2271 7400 clientes@claro.com.sv www.claro.com.sv

ventas@navega.com www.navega.com Intercom Urbanización Santa Elena, Calle Siemens 3, Lote 1, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2278 5068 / 2113 2060 www.intercom.com.sv


Salnet Al final del Paseo Gral. Escalón, Col. Escalón 6000, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2283 1000 Fax: (+503) 2283 1090 www.salnet.com.sv Navega 63 Av. Sur y Alam Roosevelt, Centro Financiero Gigante, Trr A, Nivel 9, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2507 0700 Fax: (+503) 2507 0734


Ricardo Wauthion President 99 Av. Norte 639, Col. Escalón Tel: (+503) 2263 4430 Fax: (+503) 2243 1015 aeinternacional@gmail.com www.academia-europea.com What was once a wish has now become a necessity. Such has been the evolutionary role of learning a second language in the labor field in the last


Business Resources

years. The globalization of enterprises with the corresponding international commercial traffic has made the knowledge of more than one language necessary and fundamental for professionals. Knowing a second language is also, in some cases, a necessary requirement for the promotion and improvement of labor opportunities for career professionals. In this sense, the higher the management scale, the greater the demand for languages, and if a person wants to be promoted to administrative levels, in many cases, the proficiency of foreign languages is mandatory. However, the offers obviously, are not limited to English. Last year a study conducted by the European Commission on the effects of knowing foreign languages in the workplace revealed that companies consider English to be the most important language on an international level; although, German, French, Italian and Spanish are fast becoming more relevant in the business world. Since it is normal for many companies to provide their workers, officials and other personnel with facilities to learn languages as a key factor towards productivity, Academia Europea was born 36 years ago to professionally teach languages in Europe and Latin America. To this date it has acquired an excellent reputation; over 17,000 students have graduated in English, French, Dutch, German and Spanish, due to the successful method designed by its Director Ricardo Wauthion 36 years ago. He developed this training method; training members of the Peace Corps, with the objective of teaching them in the least amount of time possible, the languages from the different countries they were travelling to; ever since, it has been a very effective method of language introduction. Academia Europea has positioned itself as the First Language Learning Option in each of the Central American and Caribbean countries where it provides its services. Its expansion is due to the great acceptance of “the method”, European standards that characterizes the Academy and a globalization that every day requires more communication.

Speak Col. San Benito, Av. La Capilla 353, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2236 1986 Escuela Americana Entrada principal de secundaria, Calle y Col. La Mascota, Final Calle 3, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2528 8375 / 2528 8380 Centro Internacional de Idiomas 57 Av. Nte.y Alam. Juan Pablo II, Col. Miramonte Tel: (+503) 2528 8742 / 2260 3163 www.cci.com.sv Berlitz Alameda Dr. M.E Araujo y Av. Olímpica, Centro Comercial Plaza Jardín, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2223 7300 www.berlitz.com.sv

LEGAL SERVICES Consortium Abogados Centroamerica 67 Av. Sur, Pasaje 2 - 26, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 1600 Fax: (+503) 2298 3939 www.consortiumlegal.com Romero Pineda & Asociados World Trade Center I, Suite 305, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2505 5555 Fax: (+503) 2505 5553 www.romeropineda.com Guandique Segovia Quintanilla Pasaje Senda Florida Norte 124, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2245 3444 Fax: (+503) 2298 6613 gsqlaw@gsqlaw.com www.gsqlaw.com

Figueroa Cruz & Asociados The study program has been designed to teach English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Mandarin, and Spanish; the chosen language is adapted to the needs of the student and will allow them to be proficient in their business activities; the Academy also has technical programs in the following areas: Economy, Business, Finance, and Tourism.


Calle Padres Aguilar 437, Col. Escalón Tel: (+503) 2263 1587 / 2263 1133 / 2263 1594 www.figueroacruzabogados.com DLM Lawyers • Notaries • Consultants Condominio Torremolinos, Apartamento 10, 79 Av. Norte y 3era Calle Poniente, Col. Escalón


Business Resources

Tel: (+503) 2263 5828 / 5791 info@dlm.com.sv www.dlm.com.sv

MEDIA Grupo Megavisión (Canal 21) C. Pte. 85 2, entre 85 y 87 Av. Nte., Col. Escalón Tel: (+503) 2283 2121 www.megavision.com.sv Radio Corporación FM Col. Escalón, 69 Av. Nte. 213, Ent 1a y 3a Cl Pte., San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2283 2222 www.miradio.com.sv Grupo Radio Estéreo Calle y Col. Roma 3-B, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2211 0010 www.gruporadioestereo.com.sv La Prensa Gráfica Final del Boulevard Santa Elena, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2241 2000 www.laprensagrafica.com El Diario de Hoy 11 Calle Oriente y Av. Cuscatancingo 271, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2231 7777 Fax: (+503) 2231 7869 www.elsalvador.com Telecorporación Salvadoreña Alameda Manuel Enrique Araujo, Edificio Canales 2, 4 y 6, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 2000 / 2209 2023 www.esmitv.com

Canal 12 Urbanización Santa Elena Sur 12, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2121 1212 www.canal12.com.sv

Hospital de la Mujer Cl. Juan José Cañas entre 81 y 83 Av. Sur, Col. Escalón, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2555 1200 / 2555 1200 / 2263 5111 / 2263 5111 Emergencies: (+503) 255 51215 / 2555 1215 Hospital de Niños y Adolescentes Centro Pediátrico Col. Médica Fnl. Diag. Dr. Luis E. Vásquez 222, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2530 2000 / 2530 2000 Emergencies: (+503) 2530 2071 / 2530 2071 Fax: (+503) 2530 2022

OFFICE SUPPORT Office Depot Alam. Juan Pablo II, Col. Las Terrazas 49 y 51, Av. Norte, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2260 4050 / 2800 9191 www.officedepot.com.sv American Office Supplies Paseo General Escalón, Condominio Balam Quitzé, Local 2-B, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 0777 Office Avenue Col. Escalón 79, Av. Nte 422-A, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2525 8500

PHARMACIES Farmacia San Nicolás Santa Elena, Final Blvd. Orden de Malta y Carretera a La Libertad, Antiguo Cuscatlán, Depto. de La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2555 5555 www.farmaciasannicolas.com


Farmacia Las Américas Edificio Montecristo, Locales 1 y 2, In front of El Salvador del Mundo, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 7900 / 2287 3117 info@farmacialasamericas.com www.farmacialasamericas.com

Hospital de Diagnóstico Col. Médica Diag. Dr. Luis E. Vásquez 429, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2226 5111

Farmacia Guadalupe Paseo General Escalón, Edif. Atlantic Center, 1er Nivel, Local 16, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 1700 / 2264 0949



Business Resources

Meykos Parque comercial e industrial Boquerón, Lote 6, Block A, Santa Elena Tel: (+503) 2523 2323 / 2510 1500 Farmacias Beethoven Paseo General Escalón, Edificio Belén 4715, Col. Escalón, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2264 1111 Farmacias Económicas Tel: (+503) 2530 2530


Grupo Inmobiliario Col. Escalón, Cl. Padres Aguilar 145, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 6411 www.grupoinmobiliario.com.sv

Guti 83 Av. Nte. 811, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2219 1900 www.estudioguti.com

Servinsa Blvd. Orden de Malta 420, Urb. Santa Elena Tel: (+503) 2289 4356

Studio Light Paseo General Escalón 4644, Edif. Studio Light Tel: (+503) 2263 4826 / 2263 4827

Tu Futura Casa Tel: (+503) 2208 7730 / 7797 6446. www.tufuturacasa.com

Estudio Canossa Av. Olímpica 3512, half a block down from Radio Ysu, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2223 1876 / 2223 3314


Prophoto- Master Photographers & Video Calle los Bambúes 12, Col. San Francisco, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2275 7861 Mobile: (+503) 7841 6141 El Fotógrafo Oswaldo Escobar Tel: (+503) 2235 6082 / 7799 3223 www.elfotografo.org

REAL ESTATE AGINSA Tel: (+503) 2101 4017 www.aginsa.com.sv Arriaza Vega Tel: (+503) 2443 0593 www.arriazavega.com


Mudame 11 Calle Oriente 441, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2284 2775 / 2274 0859 mudame_es@hotmail.com Comca Internacional Calle El Progreso 2815, Col. Flor Blanca, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 9332 / 2250 9333 mudanzas@comca.com.sv www.comca.com.sv Mudanzas Profesionales Col. Don Bosco 2ª Calle Pte. 51, Santa Tecla Tel: (+503) 2288 0032 / 2288 7580 www.mudanzasprofesionales.net info@mudanzasprofesionales.net Mudanzas Suárez Carretera Puerto de La Libertad Km 10½, Antiguo Cuscatlán PBX: (+503) 2278 0555 Fax: (+503) 2278 7189 www.suarez.com.sv info@suarez.com.sv


Business Resources

Mudanzas Nacionales Tel: (+503) 2271 4085 / 2218 4952 mudanzasnacional@yahoo.com

RENT A CAR Grupo Tropic 73, Av. Sur B 1, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2208 6745 www.tropicelsalvador.com Interprice Alameda Manuel Enrique Araujo Km 4.5, Col. Roma, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2534 8000 www.interprice.com.sv Euro Rent a Car 29 Calle Poniente y 7a Av. Norte 1622, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2235 5232 Inter Rent Car 3a. Calle Poniente 3955, entre 75 y 77 Av. Norte, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 3933 / 2263 7499 / 7707 1778 / 7980 4602

RESTAURANTS See Entertainment section, page 226

SCHOOLS Colegio Augusto Walte Calle San Jerónimo Emiliani 3, Col. La Sultana, Antiguo Cuscatlán, Depto. La Libertad colegio_walte@walte.edu.sv


Escuela Americana Col. y Calle La Mascota Final Calle 3, San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2528 8300 Escuela Panamericana Final Pasaje Unión y Calle a Cantón El Carmen, 1348, Col. Escalón, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2209 6000 www.panamshool.edu.sv panamericanshool@usa.net

SECURITY SERVICES Grupo Golán PBX: (+503) 2264 0102 www.grupogolan.com COSASE Av. Bernal, Residencial Montecristo 21, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2500 5222 www.cosase.com G6 Seguridad 3ª Cl. Pte. 3654, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2298 5477 Fax: (+503) 2298 5512 Global Security Dpto. Los Héroes, Av. 14 de julio 5-B, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2100 9922 / 2273 1647 Fenix Resd. Bosques de Cuscatlán, Av. El Espino C 15, Santa Elena, San Salvador Telefax: (+503) 2243 5961 / 2287 1909 www.sscfenix.com


Business Resources

SHIPPING Quick Shipping El Salvador Calle El Mirador 5353, Col. Escalón, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2246 7777 Fax: (+503) 2246 7799 Pablo Avilés / General Manager: paviles@quickshipping.com Carmen Melgar / Customer Service: cmelgar@quickshipping.com.sv Maersk El Salvador S.A. de C.V. Blvd. Merliot 3, Zona Comercial 2, Jardines de la Hacienda, Ciudad Merliot Tel: (+503) 2248 5900 / 2248 5950 Interamerican Cargo El Salvador 49 Av. Sur y Blvd. Los Próceres Edificio Duraflex, Col. Monserrat, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2257 9719 Fax: (+503) 2257 9719 info@interamericancargo.net Zim Integrated Services Shipping Services, Ltd. Comca Internacional, Calle El Progreso 2815, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 250 9300 COMISA El Salvador 79 Av. Sur Edificio Plaza Cristal 3rd floor, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2226 5400 / 2263 5566

SHOPPING CENTRES Centro Comercial Las Cascadas Calle Principal El Pedregal, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2211 0887 / 2211 0887 Centro Comercial Galerías Escalón Ps Gral Escalón 3700, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 5300 Metrocentro San Salvador Col. Miramonte, Metrocentro 5a Etapa, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2260 3983 Multiplaza Carretera Panamericana, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2248 9800



Business Resources

SUPERMARKETS Super Selectos Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 2552 Masferrer: (+503) 2263 1178 La Despensa de Don Juan Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2243 1137 Cumbres de la Escalón Tel: (+503) 2264 1271 Hiper Paiz Las Cascadas, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2523 6810 Pricesmart Blvd. Tutunichapa Urb Siglo XX1, Lote 1, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2246 7400 www.pricesmart.com

TAXIS Metrotaxi Centro de compras El Paseo y Multiplaza PBX: (+503) 2225 7222 / 2235 1367

Acontaxis 10 Av. Sur 2011, Col. América, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2223 2424 / 2223 2400 www.acontaxis.com Taxis Acacya 3ª Cl. Pte. 19 Av. Nte. 1107, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2222 1202 / 2222 1203

TAILORS Trajes Monte Carlo Clothes tailored and delivered to your office Tel: (+503) 2221 7281 / 2222 0159 Tuxedo Formalwear rental service Paseo General Escalón, Centro Comercial Villas Españolas, Local A 11, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 6542 www.tuxedorent.rent Tux USA Clothing, tuxedoes 1 a. Cl. Pte. 3123, entre 59 y 61 Av. Nte., Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2260 9751

Shipping companies provide a wide range of services



Business Resources




MARTE Col. San Benito, Final Av. La Revolución, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2243 6099 Fax: (+503) 2243 1726 info@marte.org.sv General entry: $1.50 / Students: $0.50 / Sunday: free entry Hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 am a 6:00 pm

Trans-Express Global E-Commerce Logistics Km 5 carretera a Santa Tecla, Plantel: Compañía General de Equipos, behind Estado Mayor PBX: (+503) 2209-1511 Fax: (+503) 2298 6621 Collection: (+503) 2279 2600

Museo David J. Guzman Av. La Revolución, Col. San Benito, Fte a CIFCO, Ex-Feria Internacional, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2243 3927 / 2243 3750 info@munaelsalvador.com www.munaelsalvador.com/ Teatro Presidente Final Av. La Revolución, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 243 3407 Teatro Nacional Calle Delgado y Av. Monseñor Romero frente a Plaza Morazán, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2222 5689


Correos de El Salvador 15 Av. Calle Poniente y 19a Av. Norte, Centro de Gobierno, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2527 7600

TRAVEL AGENCIES Agencia Internacional de Viajes PANAMEX Av. La Capilla 622, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2524 1800 Fax: (+503) 2524 1814 rene.avalos@panamextravel.com.sv www.panamextravel.com.sv Hispana de Viajes 55 Av. Sur, Centro Rosevelt Edif. C, Local 1 Tel: (+503) 2245 0211 Fax: (+503) 2223 9418 hispana-deviajes@sv.credomatic.com


Business Resources

Agencia de Viajes Linda Travel S.A. de C.V. 67 Av. Sur y Pje Carbonell, Col. Roma, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2298 2714 - Fax: (+503) 2224 5634 www.lindatravel.com.sv U Travel Av. La Revolución 3, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2212 0566 ANNA’s Travel Service Casa Matriz - Oficina Central San Salvador 3a Calle Poniente 3737, entre 71 y 73 Av. Norte, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 8800 - Fax: (+503) 2209 8815 www.annas.travel/es/

TELECOMMUNICATIONS Claro Km 10,5 Carretera a Santa Tecla, Complejo Ex-IncaTel, Edificio “A” Tercer Nivel, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2271 7400 www.claro.com.sv clientes@claro.com.sv Tigo World Trade Center I, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2280 9400 www.tigo.com Movistar Col. San Benito, Av. La Capilla 403, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2275 0000 / 2244 0144 www.movistar.com.sv servicioalcliente@telefonica.com.sv

Digicel Alameda Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo y Calle Nueva 1, Edif. PALIC, 5o Nivel, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2285 5100 - Fax: (+503) 2285 5585 servicioalcliente.sv@digicelgroup.com

UNIVERSITIES Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado (UJMD) Campus 1: Km 8½ carretera a Santa Tecla Tel: (+503) 2278-1011 Campus 2: Calle el Pedregal y Av. Finca El Espino, in front of the entrance to the military school Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2289 3001 Escuela de Comunicación Mónica Herrera Av. Manuel Gallardo 3-3, Santa Tecla, La Libertad PBX: (+503) 2523 6500 info@monicaherrera.com Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) Blvd. Los Próceres, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2210 6600 Fax: (+503) 2210 6655 Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador - UEES Prolongación Alameda Juan Pablo II, Calle El Carmen, San Antonio Abad, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2275 4000 Universidad Salvadoreña Alberto Masferrer (USAM) 19 Av. Nte. entre 3 C. Pte. y Alameda Juan Pablo II, 1040, San Salvador PBX: (+503) 2231 9600 Fax: (+503) 2231 9601

SALNET Final Paseo Gral. Escalón, Col. Escalón 6000, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2283 1000 - Fax: (+503) 2283 1090 www.salnet.com.sv Navega 63 Av. Sur y Alam Roosevelt, Ctro. Finan. Gigante Torre A, Nivel 9, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2507 0700 - Fax: (+503) 2507 0734 www.navega.com ventas@navega.com





En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo Salvadoran proverb


Investment & Legal Framework

We will randomly list all of the positive aspects for you to get to know El Salvador as one of the most attractive countries in the area, so enjoy:

Dollarized Economy Since 2001, El Salvador uses the U.S. Dollar as its currency. This greatly facilitates foreign companies to establish themselves in El Salvador because of the trust and liquidity transmitted by a currency that is traded worldwide. It is worth mentioning that neighboring countries do not have this advantage.

Political and Economical Stability El Salvador has had over 18 years of peace, political stability and its accountability has controlled its principal economic aspects such as inflation and sustainable growth.

Freedom to Do Business The World Bank document “Doing Business� has provided an objective measure for doing business in 181 countries since 2009. Among the evaluated criteria to determine the degree of ease in conducting business in a specific country were procedures to open and close a business, property registration, and investors’ protection to mention a few. El Salvador is one of the first five Latin American countries with the greatest simplicity to conduct business, even surpassing large regional powers such as Brazil.

TRANSPARENCY INDEX TO DO BUSINESS with One of the main reasons foreign investors choose El Salvador as a destination to invest, is the transparent and fast treatment they receive from government authorities. According to Transparency International, a global institution created in 1993 with headquarters in Berlin, Germany, El Salvador is perceived as the second most transparent country in the Central America region. In this aspect, the government has made Transparency its motto and is preparing a strict law to enforce this area totally. Laws that Attract Investment El Salvador has a package of laws specifically created to directly attract and develop foreign investment.


Strategic Position El Salvador is located between North and South of America half way between Asia and Europe, which gives it great possibilities as a logistic distribution center and international hub. Free Trade Agreements The agreements it has with its neighbors such as Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, as well as with the United States, Panama, Chile, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Taiwan, Colombia and Peru open numerous opportunities for business. Furthermore, the country has just signed an agreement with Europe. The Best Infrastructure of the Region El Salvador is proud to have the best maintained and developed road system of the region. It also has the largest and most modern airport of the region, which is about to be expanded and its services enhanced. In addition, it has the ports of Acajutla and La Union; this latter has the potential of competing with the Panama Canal and making El Salvador an important point of reference in container trade. The Best Telecommunication System Covering almost 100% of the territory it is possible to talk on a mobile phone from any corner of the country. The fact that 4 international companies are competing for a market of 6 million inhabitants and over 6 million mobile phones and 1 million land lines, allows Salvadorans access to numerous telephone stores where they can get any cell phone from the least expensive to the latest model to hit the market. Skilled Labor at Low Cost The richness of El Salvador lies in its people, who are used to overcoming difficult situations and do not crumble to climatic adversities. Salvadorans are very active with lots of self initiative. They like to work and are considered efficient workers. Morover Salvadoran people are very kind and this is reflected on the global satisfaction indexes of El Salvador. From the entrepreneurs point of view, manual labor is accessible being that the minimum wage is 210USD$ per month. They are also well prepared with an educational system capable of training professionals that perform well and are proficient in English.


Investment & Legal Framework

LEGISLATION National Legislation One of the government objectives is to attract foreign investment. The country has a liberal norm. The 1999 National Foreign Investments Law offers non discriminatory treatment. There is no limit on capital cash flow or foreign capital participation, in general, there is free repatriation of funds and capital transfers. There are certain restrictions about foreign capital obtained from TV, radio or purchases of land.

The dollarization in 2001 was expected to attract more foreign investment than previous years according to IDE (Direct Foreign Investment). Important dates were 1998 because it marks the beginning of the privatizations and 2007 because of the purchases made by international bank and insurance financers. Another important foreign investment is in the textile area through “maquilas� (apparel) and call-centers, thanks to the Free Zone Law and International Service Law.

Direct Foreing Investment by Country of Origen Figures in Million of $US and their percentages

Source: Central Reserve Bank based on Private Sector and Bank Balance surveys.

The Direct Foreign Investment (IDE) figure for 2007 was USD$6,879 million according to Banco Central de Reserva (Central Reserve Bank).

municipal tax exemption for 10 years to all investment projects in the Free Zones and Service centers that have investments higher then USD$150,000

As a developing country, El Salvador benefits from the advantages applicable to the Free Zones and the 6% drawback on exports, an extension granted until 2015 by the World Trade Organization. However, it is seriously considering exchanging the drawback and other similar advantages for another series of benefits recognized by the WTO.

Also in 2007, a new incentive law was issued for renewable energy projects offering income tax exemptions for Power Plant projects generating less than 20MW.

The International Service Law approved in 2007, expanded the applicable benefits to industrial companies established in the Free Zones and considers income tax exemption for 15 years and


The main investor in the country is the United States with 29% of the total. Spain has also strongly increased its investments with the arrival of reference companies, together with Mexico and Panama. It is also important to mention that Italy is a strong investor in stock shares of ENEL in the geothermic energy plant LaGeo.


Investment & Legal Framework

By sectors there has been a sharp rise in the area of Telecommunications, commercial distribution and

the agro-food industry, and, of course the financial sector which is now completely internationalized.

Direct Foreing Investment by Country of Origin Figures in Million of $US and their percentages

Quarter or Year-End Balance Transactions

Annual Growth





1 United States 2 PanamĂĄ 3 MĂŠxico 4 The Virgin Islands 5 Spain 6 Canada 7 Costa Rica 8 Guatemala 9 Germany 10 The Bahamas 11 Italy 12 Taiwan 13 Singapur 14 Holland 15 Nicaragua 16 South Korea 17 Honduras 18 Japan 19 Switzerland 20 Aruba 21 Brazil 22 Bermudas 23 England 24 France 25 Israel 26 Peru 27 Chile 28 Ecuador 29 Venezuela 30 Other 31 Subtotal 32 Foreign Investment Loans between Companies

1358.9 144.5 647.8 356.2 195.2 130.3 67.4 70.4 89.4 68.6 26.6 58.6 36.5 55.0 21.3 26.0 21.6 14.2 16.8 15.0 0.0 12.3 8.2 5.8 1.0 22.3 0.3 9.0 0.0 29.4 3508.1

1371.8 212.3 655.0 355.9 195.3 145.3 70.1 93.4 92.2 74.9 74.0 58.3 37.3 56.3 27.8 22.0 21.8 14.2 16.8 15.0 4.3 13.3 9.7 6.0 1.5 22.3 24.8 9.0 0.0 34.2 3735.0

1870.9 1053.5 714.4 356.6 205.4 153.6 104.2 96.3 93.6 75.2 74.0 58.3 45.0 42.0 35.5 30.0 22.0 18.7 16.8 15.0 13.7 13.3 12.7 4.5 2.5 1.8 0.8 0.0 0.0 52.0 5182.5

1999.8 1374.0 722.0 361.8 205.9 162.4 111.2 102.4 98.6 75.2 105.9 59.0 45.0 43.3 45.5 25.1 22.5 17.5 18.5 15.0 22.7 13.3 13.1 4.5 2.5 1.8 0.7 0.0 0.0 52.0 5721.5

IV 2008 1999.8 1374.0 722.0 361.8 205.9 162.4 111.2 102.4 98.6 75.2 105.9 59.0 45.0 43.3 45.5 25.1 22.5 17.5 18.5 15.0 22.7 13.3 13.1 4.5 2.5 1.8 0.7 0.0 0.0 52.0 5721.5

IV 2009 2073.4 1454.3 723.9 367.1 207.8 176.5 119.0 110.4 101.6 75.2 105.9 61.4 96.3 47.5 61.5 28.5 19.0 17.5 19.0 15.0 23.4 13.3 27.6 11.7 2.5 1.8 0.7 0.0 0.0 52.8 6015.0

IV 2010 3.7 5.8 0.3 1.5 0.9 8.7 7.1 7.9 3.1 0.0 0.0 4.0 114.0 9.8 35.1 13.5 -15.8 0.0 2.9 0.0 2.8 0.1 110.6 161.5 0.0 0.0 11.9 0.0 -.1.4 5.1








33 Total








Source: Central Reserve Bank based on Private Sector and Bank Balance surveys.

Investment Legislation As mentioned at the beginning, the government of El Salvador has adopted an economic regulatory framework that allows freedom of enterprise and freedom of investment. There are no government controls over interest rates, exchange rates or repatriation of capital and profits. Investors are not required by the investment regulation to export


specific amounts, transfer technology, incorporate fixed levels of local content or comply with other performance criteria. All sectors are open to foreign investment with no participation limit except that stated within the law of commerce, industry and small service assistance


Investment & Legal Framework

and some specific services of public goods that require a prior concession by the State and financial entities. To be more concrete: • Commerce, industry, small service assistance, and deep water fishing under the terms established by law, belong exclusively to Salvadorans by birth and Central Americans. However, since 2001, foreigners are permitted to fish as long as they first request a license from CENDEPESCA.

• Investments made in banks, finance and foreign exchange establishments and stocks are subject to the limitations stated in the laws that regulate those institutions. Since 2002, national treatment has been granted to those foreigners who invest in Salvadoran Banks. • Foreign companies residing in the country will have 1.5% a month withheld from their total billing, for those foreign companies who do not not reside in the country the amount withheld will be 20%.

• The subsoil belongs to the State who can grant concession for its use.

Incentives and Benefits for Investment • The State has the authority to regulate and supervise public services rendered by private enterprises, as well as to approve their rates, except those established in accordance with international agreements and treaties. • The State’s authorization is required for the use of docks, railways, canals and other objects or properties subject to public use under the conditions stated in the law.

In El Salvador, foreign investors and Salvadorans residing abroad enjoy a stable and safe environment to carry out their investments in, since there is legislation focused not only on protecting their rights but also on granting them a series of benefits. In total there are five laws that were created to convert El Salvador into a favorable destination in which to invest.

Alba Petróleos has made an important investment in building its fuel storage tanks in Acajutla



Investment & Legal Framework

Monetary Integration Law The Monetary Integration Law, effective as of January 1, 2001, established a fixed exchange rate of 8.75 Salvadoran Colones to 1.00 US dollar and allows the use of the dollar as the official currency of El Salvador. Benefits: • Elimination of exchange controls • Elimination of the devaluation risk Investment Law The Investment Law effective 1999 clearly establishes the specific guarantees for investors. Its general objective is the promotion of investment in the country, especially foreign investment, with the purpose of contributing to the social economic development of the country. Benefits: • Equality for all investors; foreign investors and mercantile companies in which they participate will have the same rights and obligations as national investors and companies, with the exemption of those established by law, without permitting unjustified or discriminatory applications that may obstruct their establishment, administration, use, usufruct, extension, sale or liquidation of their investments. • Freedom to carry out investments; any person or corporation, national or foreign, can carry out any type of investment in El Salvador except those limited by law with no discrimination or differences by reason of nationality, residence, race, sex or religion. • Transfer of funds abroad: foreign investors are guaranteed transferring abroad funds related to their investments, which must be done with no delays through prior convertibility to foreign currency by the banking market. • Access to local financing: foreign investors can have access to the internal financing available at the financial institutions in accordance to the terms established by them. • Protection and property safety: according to what is established in the Constitution of the Republic, both national and foreign investor are guaranteed property protection and the right to the free disposition of assets is recognized and guaranteed. • Oficina National de Inversiones (NATIONAL INVESTMENT OFFICE) (ONI). The Ministerio de Economia (Ministry of Economy) created an office in charge of facilitating, centralizing and coordinating government procedures that national and foreign investors must follow in order to establish and develop their operations in the country.


Industrial and Commercialization Free Zone Law The Industrial and Commercialization Free Zone Law regulates the functioning of the Free Zones and warehouses as well as the benefits and responsibilities of the owners of the enterprises that are developing, administrating and using them. This law establishes a series of fiscal incentives and benefits for a person or corporation, whether national or foreigner, who establishes themselves and operates in the Free Zones and Warehouses operating there. National and foreign companies can establish themselves and operate in free zones and temporary, extraterritorial duty-free zones provided that their activities are dedicated to production. This includes the assembly or apparel, manufacturing, processing, transformation and commercialization of goods and other related or complementary activities to the textile industry, garment manufacture and maquila such as: dyeing, cutting, stamping, knitting, silkscreening, embroidering, washing, ironing, supervision and quality control. Benefits: • Free entry (tax exempt) of machinery, equipment, tools, parts, and accessories, implements and other devises specifically needed for the execution of the voluntary activity. • Free introduction of: raw material, parts, pieces, semi-elaborated products, intermediate goods, containers and labels, samples and patterns, which are needed for the execution of the enterprises business. • Total income tax exemption for the period they are operating in the country; if it is a company, this exemption is applicable to the company as well as the individual stockholders. • Total municipal tax exemption, Value Added Tax and Real Estate Transfer tax for the period they are operating in El Salvador. • They also have the option to sell whole or part of the production on the local or Central American market. Any foreign company can establish itself and operate from a Free Zone or a Temporary, Extraterritorial Duty-Free Zone if it is involved in the production, assembly, manufacture, processing, transformation or commercialization of goods and services; in addition to any service related to this international and regional commerce. The country has 17 free zones with services and infrastructure to develop light and heavy industry.


Investment & Legal Framework

Export Reactivation Law The objective is to promote the export of goods and services out of the Central American region. Benefits: • Reimbursement of 6% of the FOB tax on exports destined to regions outside of Central America. • No taxes are imposed on exported products. • Customs tax exemption on imports of raw material and intermediate goods for partial or temporary operations abroad. • The companies dedicated to assembly or maquila abroad and that export, commercialize and manufacture goods and services for a temporary or partial period enjoy tax exemption on those goods of an amount equal to the value of the property.

Tourism Law The objective is to promote, encourage and regulate the industry and tourist services in the country, which are provided by any person or corporation, national and/or foreign. For a period of five years, starting from the date that the law came into effect (December 28, 2005) all new investments, qualified as beneficial for national tourism for an amount at least S$50,000 that are personal investments, have the fiscal benefits contained therein. Benefits: • Tax exemption on the transfer of real estate and the acquisition of property destined for the project. • Tax exemption is granted including VAC tax on imports of goods, accessories and equipment, machinery, aircraft, coastal shipping and construction material for project construction. • Income tax exemption for a 10-year-period. • Partial municipal exemption for a 5-year-period for up to 50% of its value effective at the beginning of operations related to the tourist activity.

International Service Law The International Service Law is looking to convert El Salvador into a world class international logistic center. This law establishes a legal framework with clear rules for new opportunities to international commercialized service areas with potential such as international distribution, international logistic


operations, Call Centres, information technology, business processes, and others. The main objective of this law is to regulate the establishment and functioning of service centers and office parks as well as the benefits and responsibilities of the owners of the companies that are developing, administering and using them. Benefits: • Free introduction of machinery, equipment, tools, parts, accessories, furniture, office equipment and other goods that are necessary for the implementation of the operational activity for the period they are operating in the country. • Income tax exemption, exclusively on the returns emanating from the voluntary operations, for the period that they are operating in the country. In the case of companies, this exemption is applicable to the owner of the company as well as to the individual stockholders regarding the profits or dividends emanating from the activity of the business. • Municipal tax exemption on the assets of the company for the period they are operating in the country.

INTERNATIONAL LAWS AND AGREEMENTS In March 1991 the Accesion Agreement (MIGA) was signed; it provides guarantees and insurance to foreign investors against non-commercial losses and risks, foreign currency transfers, expropriation, war, civil disturbances, revolutions, and breaches of contract. El Salvador is member of the Foreign Private Investment Corporation, a U.S. government agency, and has subscribed reciprocal bilateral agreements for promotion and protection of investments with Spain, France, Switzerland, United States, Argentina, Ecuador, and Peru. It is currently negotiating with another twelve countries. In addition it cooperates with the following commercial and economic organizations: • Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE) - (Central American Bank of Economic Integration) • Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) – Inter American Development Bank (IDB) • Banco Mundial (BM) – World Bank (WB) • Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para


Investment & Legal Framework

América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) – Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) • Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas para el Comercio y el Desarrollo (UNCTAD) – United Nations Conference for Trade and Development. • Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) – International Monetary Fund (IMF) • Mercado Común Centroamericano (MCCA) – Common Central American Market (CCAM) • Sistema Económico Latinoamericano (SELA) – Latin American Economic System (LAES) • Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) – World Trade Organization (WTO) • Organización de Estados Centroamericanos (ODECA) – Central American States Organization (CASO)

TAX SYSTEM Description of the Taxation System El Salvador has undergone a thorough reform process in the last few years with the purpose of simplifying taxation and optimizing revenue. Despite several attempts, a definite fiscal reform has still not taken place. It has been “patched up” to increase some of the lowest existing fiscal pressures (near 13% of the GDP). One of the latest partial reforms took place in December 2009 and more changes are expected to occur. For this reason, information published herein, should be taken as a guideline, which was provided from reports published by the Spanish Commercial Office to El Salvador. The revenues received by the State from internal taxes are derived from two major sources: Income Tax and the Tax from Goods and Services. There are also taxes on the Transfer of Real Estate, tax on Soda Beverages, and tax on National and Foreign Alcoholic Beverages. Furthermore, there are the external taxes, which are on imports. El Salvador has two levels of taxation: state and local. The tributary system is based on direct and indirect taxes; although the main revenue comes from the indirect tax; Value Added Tax (VAC). In reality, very little tax is paid, and tax payers with high incomes and fortunes are the ones who, in relative terms, pay the least. Basically, there are VAC, Income Tax and import duties, since Property Tax was abolished in 1994.


Income Tax The income tax law was regulated in January 1992 to be applicable to any person or corporation. It encompasses the revenues emanating from funds obtained from products or profits received or obtained in national territory by those individuals obligated to pay taxes, whether from cash or bartar and derived from any source such as work, entrepreneurial activity, capital, any type of products, profits, benefits or royalties regardless of its origin in accordance to what is established in the Income Tax Law and its Regulation. Taxable revenues are indemnities, bank deposits, amounts payable for insurance contracts, profits received by stockholders where the company has paid the correspondent tax. Royalties for technical consulting services are subject to income tax provided that this consultation has been done in the country or territory, and in either case, they are subject to VAC. The fiscal year has been established from January 1 to December 31. Those individuals obligated to pay tax residing in the country that carry out activities in El Salvador and other countries will only pay taxes on those revenues obtained in the national territory. The resulting tax can never be superior to 25%. In the case of those individuals obligated to pay tax, inheritance, or trusteeship, non-residing in the country, the applicable imposed or net tax is proportional to 25%. In the case of limited corporations, regardless of their domicile or nationality, they must pay a rate proportional to 25% when the amount exceeds US$8,571.43. Limited corporations, whether they are foreigners residing in the country or nationals, 1.5% of the gross revenues must be withheld as an advanced tax. As opposed to non-residing foreign companies operating in the country 20% is withheld, according to article 158 of the Tributary Code. In which it is established that a 20% withholding tax is obligatory for amounts paid or credited on any type of income obtained in the country, as well as those obtained from intangible goods. The only exeptions are paid or credited dividends, provided that the payer of those funds has paid the correspondent tax. Additionally, it is established that the subsidiary or branch of a company must withhold tax for those payments made to headquarters regardless of the reason. The annual tax liquidation is based on the 25% established under article 41 of the Income Tax Law.


Investment & Legal Framework

Limited corporations not residing in the country are obliged to appoint a representative or agent before the General Direction of Internal Revenue. If there is no appointed representative or agent before said entity, the legal representative of the Limited corporations will be considered as such. Value Added Tax (VAC) (Legislative Decree No. 296 dated September 1,1992) The Tax on Transference of Real Estate and Goods and Services Rendered Tax (Value Added Tax) was added to the tributary system in September 1992. It started with a proportional rate of 10% on the transference, importation, and introduction (in the Central American area) of consumer and corporeal goods, services rendered, importations, goods cleared through customs and personal consumption services. The tax was then increased 3%to its current 13%. As an incentive for exportation, all export operations have a 0% tax. However, taxes are collected when producers buy goods and required services for the manufacturing of products or for export services. However, they have an export benefit with a refund of 6% FOB. A deduction and payment system has been established for large taxpayers of 1% withholding for (VAC) advanced payment derived from the price of goods and services acquired by small and medium taxpayers. Being (withholding) sells of the big taxpayers to small and medium taxpayers (perception), article 162 of the Tributary Code, creates the withholder and perception figures. It also defines big taxpayers as well as those taxpayers that transfer or render services through credit and debit cards, where 2% advance payment is withheld. The issuer of the affiliated credit card is regulated under article 162 of the Tributary Code. Affected by Special Regulations are the Transfers of Goods and Services to Foreign Service, exports consisting of permanent transfer domain of corporeal goods, services destined for use and consumption abroad, and the rendering of services done in the country destined to be exclusively used abroad, or have been classified as exports by the General Direction of Tax and Custom. Exports are subject to zero per cent tax. Fiscal Credit Deduction The tax credit generated when purchasing goods and services used for export activity, fiscal debit can be deducted originating for taxed internal operations that may have been carried on in the same tributary


exportation period. If the fiscal credit is superior to the fiscal debit of said period, the remaining can be deducted in the following tributary periods until its total termination. Fiscal Credit Refund In case that the fiscal credit can not entirely be deducted during the correspondent tributary period, the exporter who does not have any tributary liquidity and demands debts compensation with such a fiscal credit, can request it to the General Direction of Internal Tax, in cash, of such remaining sum. If the exporter also carries out internal transfers of goods, it can only have the right to the fiscal credit refund equal to the percentile that represents the value of the exports with relation to the total sales of the tributary period corresponding to the date of shipment of goods. The regulation will establish: requirements, documentation, terms, forms, procedures and necessary guarantees to obtain an Import Tax Refund. The Central American Uniform Tariffs Code (CAUCA) and the National Regulation of the Central American Uniform rates (RENCAUCA) establish the basic customs legislation of mandatory application of the customs activities organization for the signing countries with the requirements of the Common Market and the Central America Tariffs and Customs Agreement. Importation tax is calculated according to the Central America Rates System common to all countries of the region. Currently, it has had a gradual reduction of taxes and tariffs to make the region more competitive within the international markets. Other Taxes In addition to the three main State revenue sources, there is another tax that generates 2% of El Salvadoran revenue, for example, the Real Estate Tax, a transfer rate of real estate when its value exceeds ¢250,000.00 (US$28,571.43) with a fixed rate of 3%. Since the tax is subject to a real value that the Tributary Administration determines its application is subject to technical evaluation criteria. A tax also exists, which is paid every time the owner renews the circulation permit (registration) of a vehicle or when it is introduced from abroad that has been recently modified. Finally, El Salvador has specific taxes corresponding to alcoholic beverages, 20%; Cigarettes, 39%; Soda


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Beverages 10% that has been modified in the last tributary reform, pending to be ratified. Considering that a low percentage of the State revenue derived from this type of taxes, they are not considered an important source in the imposing system.

CREATION OF COMPANIES When considering establishing a new company, the first thing to do is to register it at the Registro de Comercio (Commerce Registry). Businessmen, who are interested in opening a company for the first time, must not forget that one of the main requirements demanded by the Registro de Comercio (Commerce Registry) is that the company be registered. They must also register the commercial establishment; in other words, the physical place where the new business will operate. The Commerce Registry is modern and totally computerized with digital systems. The institution registers over 200 companies a day. According to article 63 of the Commerce Law, it is established that the company must pay a registration fee in accordance to its assets, which is reflected on the initial balance sheet or seed capital that the company or individual business man has.

To register a company using foreign capital the minimum is 100,000 Colones ($11,429 USD) for industrial businesses and 200,000 Colones ($22,857 USD) for commercial businesses; (half in both cases for individual entrepreneurs). Registration rights range from $125.71USD to $262.43USD. Registration rights are paid in those banks authorized by the Registro de Comercio (Commerce Registry). Documentation for the registration of a company usually takes a maximum of five working days. This all depends on the company meeting all the requirements. Small and medium businesses must also legalize and register their companies with the Registro de Comercio (Commerce Registry) to operate legally. Article 86, of the Registro de Comercio (Commerce Registry) law, states that the owner of a company or commercial establishment “is obliged to register it within sixty days after opening the company or commercial establishment.�

San Salvador’s overview



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Local Company with National Capital There are 5 types of local companies: Sociedad Anónima (S.A.) – Anonymous Company; Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (S.R.L.) – Limited Liability Company; Sociedad en Comandita Simple (S. en C) –Common Limited Partnership Company; Sociedad en Comandita por Acciones (S. en C.) – Shared Limited Partnership Company; and Sociedad Colectiva – Collective Company.

Local Companies with Foreign Capital All local companies, regardless if they are using national or foreign capital, must follow the same rules of establishment. The only difference being that, if they are using foreign capital, it must be registered at the National Investment Office (ONI) at the Ministry of Economy. This is why investors are recommended to ask for a personal consultant from this entity to find out the different benefits regarding their investments.

Foreign Companies or Branches Foreign investors who are interested in carrying out commercial transactions in El Salvador and do not wish to create a local company may create a branch of their company. In this case, the headquarters is responsible for the obligations acquired by the branch. The legal requirements for the registration of the foreign company are the same whether the person wants to establish his residence or establish a branch in the country; this must be defined at the time of the application. The following documentation can be done at the same time at the Commerce Registry (RCO) of the National Registration Center, or at the National Investment Office (ONI) of the Ministry of Economy: 1. Registration of the articles of the company, local as well as foreign (if it is a limited corporation). 2. Registration of the specific power of attorney (if applicable). 3. Enrollment of the company’s registration. 4. Registration of the local, agency or branch. 5. Deposit slip with the initial balance. 6. Tributary Identification Number (NIT) and tax holder Registration Number (NRC). 7. Assignment and authorization of the issuance of tributary documents (bills, fiscal credit documents, remission notes, etc.).


8. Obtain an employer’s affiliation and card from the Salvadoran Institute of Social Security and 9. Registration of the company at the Ministry of Labor and Social Prevention. More specific recommendations: 1. Hire a reputable lawyer and an accountant who are properly accredited in El Salvador. Different types of investment and business activities may require special documentation and registrations. 2. If you are planning to open a branch in El Salvador, obtain an operations permit from the Superintendence of Mercantile Businesses and Companies of the Ministry of Economy. 3. Obtain the Tributary Identification Number form (NIT) and Tax Holder Registration from the General Direction of Internal Taxes at the Ministry of Treasury. 4. Obtain a commerce license and registration of the company at the Commerce Registry at the Department of Commerce Licenses and Commercial and Industrial Patents. This registry can also register patents, factory brands and copywriter rights. 5. Register the members of the Board of Directors at the Commerce Registry as well as the senior official of the company. 6. Obtain a Solvency Certificate from the City Hall. 7. Obtain a certification that the company is registered at the National Direction of Commercial and Industrial Establishments at the National Direction of Statistics and Census. 8. Obtain a permit from the Superior Council of Public Health if you are planning to open a company such a laboratory. 9. Present the names of the company owners, main investors, name of the business or business that you own, financial statements of the company from where it originates, to the Commerce Registry. These documents, according to law, are published in one of the commercial national newspapers as public proof. 10. A very important step is the legalization of your accounting system. Request the documentation and then present it to the Commerce Registry and also to the Superintendence of Mercantile Enterprises and Companies where you must: • Register the accounting system you intend to utilize. • Describe the inventory system that you wish to use. • Register your financial statements. • Receive final authorization to use the accounting system of your choice. 11. Finally register your investment at the Division of Capital and Technology Transfer of the Ministry of Economy.


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TRANSFER OF CAPITAL AND PROFITS There are no limits on cash flow, nor, in general, to foreign capital participation and there is free repatriation and transfer of capital. There are still some restrictions on foreign capital inflows on investments in television and radio, and the purchase of land.


Exports (merchandise that does not require prior permit). The opportunities offered by international commerce are very important. Free Trade Agreements grant tax exemption to many products and this makes them more competitive. • Land imports • Air imports • Ocean imports

LABOR REGULATIONS The minimum wage is 210 US Dollars/month.

Imports (merchandise that does not require prior permit). Currently, there are three ways of importing to El Salvador, which demand some documentation or paperwork that may vary according to the individual case. • Land imports • Air imports • Ocean imports (with or without physical inspection)

The Labor Code establishes that the schedule for day work, unless there are legal exceptions, will not exceed 8 working hours, and 7 hours for night work. For dangerous and unhealthy activities, the work schedule may not exceed 7 hours or 39 hours per week for day work, and 36 hours per week for night work. Legal representation of the company may be held by a foreigner but they must reside in the country and have

Working activity at Acajutla harbour (CEPA)



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obtained the status of resident. Foreign investors are granted residency if their investments are superior to four thousand minimum monthly salaries. Foreign companies that establish themselves in El Salvador must hire a 90% Salvadoran and Central American workforce. The executive personnel of the company are not included in this percentage.

ACCESS tO LAND Property of rural land cannot be acquired by foreigners whose countries of origin do not grant the same right to Salvadorans, exept land for industrial establishments. The maximum extension of land belonging to one individual, whether a person or corporation, cannot exceed two hundred and forty-five hectares. This limitation is not applicable to cooperative associations or peasant communities that are subject to special treatment. The subsoil belongs to the State, which can grant use concessions. Administrative process can be seen at http://elsalvador.e-regulations.org/

BUSINESS CULTURE IN EL SALVADOR El Salvador is one of the countries in Central American with more opportunities for economic investment. Direct foreign investment of the private sector is the growth engine of the country. The country’s specific focalization is centered on the agro-industry, manufacturing, capital markets and private infrastructure. Entrepreneurs who wish to establish business relationships with El Salvador must consider the following: • Business breakfasts and lunches are common activities in the entrepreneur’s agenda. Work breakfasts usually start at 7:00 a.m. and luncheons and dinners tend to last 2 to 3 hours, so it is very important not to program a tight agenda around these hours. • It is necessary to make appointments in advance and it is expected to arrive within an acceptable


margin of punctuality. Any unforeseen delays must be relayed to the other party as soon as possible. • The use of business cards is important at the moment of attending a business meeting that begins with their exchange. • It is customary for men and women to greet with a handshake; although, women often kiss each other and men on the cheek. • It is convenient to bring samples of your products with you to facilitate the presentation of their features. • Regarding dress code, at business events it is customary to wear a suit and tie; although, it is not necessary in some areas. • Cultivation of interpersonal relationships is important in the Salvadoran culture, and greatly facilitates businesses. In such a small country as this one, everybody knows each other and one is evaluated according to whom he/she knows.

Companies aNd Institutions To Turn To To Ask For Assistance CONSORTIUM CENTRO AMÉRICA ABOGADOS (CENTRAL AMERICAN CONSORTIUM OF LAWYERS) Aquiles Delgado President in El Salvador and Vice-President at Regional level 67 Av. Sur, Pasaje 2 - 26, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 1600 Fax: (+503) 2298 3939 adelgado@consortiumlegal.com www.consortiumlegal.com Activity: Legal Date of Foundation: 1991 Employees: 270 Founded in 1991 under the name of Delgado Brizuela & Asociados, They changed their name in 1998 to Bufete Delgado & Cevallos when three founding partners joined: Aquiles A. Delgado, Ricardo A. Cevallos and Jose Eduardo Tomasino; later they joined the regional group Consortium. Centro America Abogados Consortium was born in 2005 to service a new reality. Consolidated and stimulated by the approval of the Free Trade Agreement with Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic and


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the United States of America. Its creation gives you access to the five most prestigious Central American law firms of the Central American region in integral legal services. The Consortium counts on more than 150 lawyers who along with their supporting staff, surpasses 270 employees. It provides services in the entire isthmus from its 10 offices located in the five capitals of the five principal cities with the highest economic activity. The experience and size of the law firms that form the Consortium (established in their correspondent countries for several decades) has permitted them from the beginning of their operation to provide all kinds of legal and consulting services adequate to the complexity of the issues that have been entrusted to them. The services have especially been provided to the banking sector, corporate law, labor, intelectual property, taxes, acquisitions and mergers, Telecommunications, infrastructure, ports and airports, electrical energy, real estate, tourism, litigations and arbitration. In general they offer all types of services that a company might require upon


establishing itself in El Salvador with the advantage that it has representation in the region. The quality of services has been recognized by our clients in testimonials through specialized publications, interviews, referrals of new clients and above all, their loyalty to us. As an illustration, Chambers Global directory, published in London, England, has nominated all the firms integrating the Consortium as leaders in the issues of corporate law. In 2009, the Consortium won the “Best Banking and Finance Firm of Central America� prize, which is given by the World Finance UK.Magazine. Well known prestigious international publications, such as International Finance Law Review, IFLR have recognized that the banking and finance areas are Consortium’s strength in the legal practice of all law offices that make it up. Not only is it a law office that operates in the region, but also it is also involved in supporting social responsibility programs, such as the program One to One of ACTUA foundation that is an initiative that teaches values to young people.


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“El Salvador and Central America are territories with great possibilities and a promising future. We wish to be part of the investor’s plans to become part of its development. On behalf of the Consortium family of Central American Lawyers I thank the faith entrusted to us and I invite you to count on us. We invite the entrepreneurs to establish themselves in El Salvador.That is the central country of the region, with basic infrastructure facilitating investment. There is respect of the rules of the game and private enterprise. There are incentive laws to attract and strengthen foreign investment thus resulting in many business opportunities such as tourism, auto parts and maquila.” Lic. Aquiles Delgado, President Consortium El Salvador

AGENCIA DE PROMOCIÓN DE INVERSIÓN DE EL SALVADOR (PROESA) - INVESTMENT PROMOTION AGENCY OF EL SALVADOR Engineer Luis Enrique Córdova Executive Director Edificio D’Cora, Primer Nivel, Blvd. Orden de Malta Urbanización Santa Elena, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2210 2500 - Fax: (+503) 2210 2500 info@proesa.com.sv | www.proesa.com.sv Activity: Promotion of El Salvador Creation Date: 2000 PROESA, the Investment Promotion Agency of El Salvador is the government entity directly in charge of promoting foreign investment in El Salvador. It was created by Presidential decree in 2000; its main objective is to create employment through direct foreign investment. PROESA focuses on attracting sectors such as Textile, Tourism, Manufacturing of Electronic Products, Aerospace-Aeronautics Industry, Medical, Agro- industry and Call Centres. PROESA has attracted and facilitated the establishment of 105 new companies and 63 expansions making a total of 168 projects. Also, 56 contracts were worked on; this translated into over 100,000 new jobs (36,010 direct jobs and 70,234 indirect jobs) generating $1,048 millionUSD of investment. It is a specialized institution that promotes El Salvador outside of the country and provides a variety of information and technical support to potential investors in order to establish themselves and expand their operation successfully in Salvadoran territory.


PROESA provides assistance as follows: Provide extensive information on investment opportunities in El Salvador in specific areas of the Salvadoran economy; information according to the requirements of potential investors and practical advice as to how to proceed on establishing oneself as a private entity or corporation in El Salvador.; First level advisors with much experience doing business in El Salvador in the areas that PROESA promotes.; Planning of relevant contact meetings with government officials, entrepreneurial leaders, law firms, established investors, recruiters and others.; Assistance arranging visits to potential sites where investors wish to establish themselves. Our goal is that investors establish themselves in a minimum amount of time and that they remain permanently in the country. This is why PROESA has established an Investor’s Care Department (Aftercare) that in addition to assisting in the initial establishment process, works as a liaison for their later needs. This department also transfers the investor’s needs to the corresponding politicians to improve the business environment in general. A satisfied investor is the best promoter of the country. The mission is to generate employment and the transfer of technology in strategic areas by attracting foreign investment and keeping them permanently in order to contribute to the economic and social development of El Salvador. The vision is to be the best Promoter of Investment agency of the region; to be at the forefront of foreign commerce and investment trends; to be highly linked to the private and government sectors that recommend and provoke changes in the national environment.

FUNDACIÓN SALVADOREÑA PARA EL DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO Y SOCIAL (FUSADES) – SALVADOREAN FOUNDATION FOR SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Lic. Emma Arauz Director of the Promotion Program for Investment and Export Diversification (PRIDEX) Edificio FUSADES, Blvd. y Urbanización Santa Elena, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2248 5600 / 5661 Fax: (+503) 2248 5668 earauz@fusades.org www.fusades.org / www.epridex.org / www.centroamericaenvivo.com


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Activity: Social, Economic, Legal and Environmental Studies Date of Creation: 1983 Employees: 150 Created in 1983 by a large number of independent and professional entrepreneurs, FUSADES is a nonprofit organization that has never received subsidies from the state. Its objective is to improve social and economic conditions of Salvadorans through social, economic, legal and environmental studies that influence government policy. Founded with USAID funds, its own equity is derived from the the sale of Promotion Program to Small and Micro Enterprises (PROPEMY) and funds received from international organizations such as World Bank and Inter American Development Bank (IDB). FUSADES is the cradle of national thought, the place that creates fundamental programs for the country, which have resulted in the creation of the Environmental Ministry; it was a pioneer in the promotion of the country and inspired the creation of the Free Zones, Solidarity Network, The Transparency Law and many others. It is a consulting foundation for state debates, such as the recent tax reform, where its studies are taken into consideration or over the incipient “Free Trade Agreement” with Europe. This “Think Tank” reunites the best experts in the country in its Economical and Social Studies Department (DEES); the Legal Studies Department (DEL), and environmental. It has development centers that work to promote progress in El Salvador such as the Promotion Program for Investment and Export Diversification (PRIDEX); the Strengthen Social Action Program (FORTAS); the Integral Quality Laboratory (LCI), or the Promotion of Technological Innovation of Small and Medium Enterprises (PROINNOVA). “I want to invite investors to come to this wonderful country where its richness lies in its people who are hard-working and loyal to their employment, with a great work ethic. It has laws that favor investment and exports besides, beautiful places where investors can enjoy themselves in their free time.” Lic. Emma Arauz, Director of the Promotion Program for Investment and Export Diversification (PRIDEX) from FUSADES.

MINISTRY OF ECONOMY Héctor Miguel Dada Hirezi Minister Alameda Juan Pablo II y Calle Guadalupe, Edificio C-1, Centro de Gobierno, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2231 5603 - Fax: (+503) 2221 2797 hdada@minec.gob.sv / www.minec.gob.sv Activity: Ministry of Economy Turn over: $41 million USD for 2010 As part of the 2009-2014 government program called “Change in El Salvador, for better living”, the management of the Ministry of Economy will be guided to promote the equal and sustainable economic development that is compatible with democracy. It seeks to generate positive conditions in which to strengthen competitiveness in all productive areas and to introduce our country to the international economy. The widening and diversification of our business base, improvement of our business atmosphere, stronger productive capabilities for small and medium sized companies, and proper functioning of domestic markets are some of the targeted goals so that Salvadorans can have a better quality of life and more economic opportunities. The Ministry of Economy will facilitate the development of economic activities through the principles of this government: responsibility, honesty, transparency, efficiency and orientation towards results. This commitment has been developed around 6 points: • Promote in depth Central American integration through the consolidation of the custom union as a stimulant to economic growth. • Expansion and reconversion of the business base, identifying new opportunities in different economic sectors and in new geographic areas. • Explore and develop new markets abroad. • Strengthen and regulate the domestic market to promote underdeveloped sectors and areas, and a more efficient distribution of benefits if necessary. • Contribute to regional development through the creation of logistic zones in harbors and airports. • Strengthen the Ministry of Economy to guarantee the transparency and agility of their procedures and services. Some of the priorities in resource applications: The 2009-2014 budgets will be used in regional participation and extra regional commercial negotiations. Moreover, the Ministry will promote the negotiations within the World Commerce



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Organization, the Intelectual Property World Organization and to create economic and commercial blocks that bring social and economic development to the country; Modernize the institutional operative and legal framework of economic activity; develope commerce, investments and exports. Support national productive sectors to identify opportunities, design strategies to develop productive and commercial products, drive the concentration of productivity, investment and employment activities. “This is a country that is used to woriking hard to overcome difficult situations. We have the obligation to create opportunities for better living conditions for the majority of Salvadorans, regarding business conditions. All investors are welcome to join us in this effort. With the government of Mauricio Funes there are absolute legal guarantees for the investors.”

The mission of Dr. Quijano’s government is to help create local development, and satisfy the needs of the citizens by keeping the capital clean, tidy, safe, competitive and modern. The mayor has many initiatives to change the city, including a successful citizen safety program that has reduced crime. There is another project, to develop local markets and solve the difficult working conditions of the street vendors; by giving them sale’s spaces the city will look cleaner and citizens will take advantage of the lower prices that local markets offer. All successful cities have their representative park; San Salvador is preparing to have San Jacinto urban park. Another ambitious project is called “the vault project”, which aims to cover all the streams of the city with vaults. This means creating new spaces to establish parks, sport facilities, and so on.

Héctor Dada Hirezi, Minister of Economy

CITY HALL OF SAN SALVADOR Dr. Norman Quijano Mayor of San Salvador 9ª Calle Oriente y Av. Cuscatacingo 320, Tel: (+503) 2202 6005 nquijano@amss.gob.sv www.sansalvador.gob.sv Activity: City Hall Date of Creation: 1528 First founded in 1525 by the Spanish conqueror Don Pedro de Alvarado, the city of San Salvador was moved from its original location in 1528 and 1545. Its first mayor was Diego de Holguin. Today, San Salvador is still the capital of El Salvador. It is a modern city with 316,090 inhabitants just in the territorial city, increasing to 1,566,629 inhabitants when speaking of the metropolitan area of San Salvador. It is located 650 meters above sea level and has a density of 2,067 inhabitants per km2. San Salvador’s suburbs are the cities of Antiguo Cuscatlán, Santa Tecla, Mejicanos and Soyapango. There are approximately 200,000 vehicles. Starting May 1st a new city council was formed by the Mayor, Norman Quijano (member of the ARENA political party) for the period of 2009-2014, made up of a trustee, 12 official councilors, 4 other substitutes plus a secretary.


“Our slogan is cleanliness, order and security. Any given city needs those aspects to be developed, that is part of the mayor’s responsibility. Investors should know that there is a responsible local government; a government that does not create unnecessary taxes and that creates services where people really need those services.” Dr. Norman Quijano, Mayor of San Salvador

AGENCIA OFICIAL DE PROMOCIÓN DE EXPORTACIONES DE EL SALVADOR (EXPORTA) – OFFICIAL AGENCY FOR EXPORT PROMOTION OF EL SALVADOR Aldo Vallejo Executive Director Edificio D’Cora, 2º Nivel, Blvd. Orden de Malta, Urbanización Santa Elena, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2241 6400 / 2278 2285 Fax: (+503) 2241 6413 info@exporta.gob.sv / www.exporta.gob.sv Activity: Export Promotion of El Salvador We are the official promotion agency for Exports from El Salvador and we are also an integral part of the National Commission for Export Promotion and Investment. Exporta facilitates, and promotes, agile, timely and efficient, access of companies to services and support mechanisms whether public or private that allow them to successfully and sustainably compete


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in international markets, allowing them to increase exports from the country. Our focus is completely geared towards demand. We start by identifying the commercial opportunities in the international market and finish with completing the business at hand and then consolidate and expand the participating companies in their target markets. Our main lines of action are: • Market information • Internationalization strategies • Marketing Institutional objectives: • Systematically identify commercial opportunities in the prioritized markets. • Applying strategies of Internationalization oriented to adequate supply and demand. • Focalized promotion of the exportable offer geared to the identified market demand. • Facilitate the organization of the demand and the offer of necessary services for companies’ incorporation into the international market. • Permanently develop and use internal and external networks of strategic alliances. • Improve the interactive use of technological platforms of information.


emergency situations such as those provoked by Hurricane Mitch in 1998; the 2001 earthquakes and Tropical Storm Stan, to mention some cases. At the same time it was executing its development programs, the PNUD provided technical advice for the political negotiations process of the Peace Agreements. Its impartiality facilitated the dialogue between the major parties of the conflict. What PNUD contribution to the peace process: • Facilitated political dialogue and negotiation between the parties of the conflict. • Supported processes led by the civil society and its diverse democratic organizational expressions. • Strengthened local capabilities to design and implement public policies. The signing parties of the Peace Agreements (January 16, 1992) entrusted the United Nations to the compliance of the commitments that resulted in the finalization of a decade of civil war. PNUD answers to the mandate of the General Secretary of the United Nations to coordinate the operational System of the United Nations in El Salvador. PNUD provides administrative support to the System of the Resident Coordinator in El Salvador and participates in various intermanagement thematic groups; such as The Intermanagerial Gender Group of the United Nations (GIGNU); and the ONUSIDA Group that deal with the issues of gender equality and HIV/AIDS, considered core issues for human development.

Richard Barathe Resident Assistant Representative United Nations Building, Blvd. Orden de Malta Sur 2-B, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad, P.O. Box 1114 Tel: (+503) 2209 3502 - Fax (+503) 2209 3590 Richard.barathe@undo.org www.pnudo.sv

Currently, it is busy complying with international commitments that the Government of El Salvador is a part of; as well as the declarations and programs of action approved at international summits and conferences; and particularly, those assumed by the United Nations at different summits.

Activity: International Development Organization Date of Creation: 1975 (El Salvador)


The United Nations Program for Development (PNUD) is the world network of the United Nations for development, and as such, promotes change and connects countries with knowledge, experience and the necessary resources to help people have a better life. PNUD began its operations in El Salvador in 1975. With PNUD’s forty years of technical assistance, the country has mobilized the international community’s resources for national development, for example for the reconstruction during the peace process and


Roberto Romero Pineda Founder and President World Trade Center I, Suite 305, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2505 5555 - Fax: (+503) 2505 5519 Roberto@romeropineda.com www.romeropineda.com Activity: Law firm Date of creation: 1978 Employees: 90


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Founded in 1978 by Roberto Romero Pineda, this law firm is one of the most reputed in El Salvador and Central America. With a full range of capabilities in Banking and Finance, Corporate, Intelectual Property Law and Litigations, Romero Pineda & Associates provides counseling to the world’s leading corporations and financial institutions, as well as regional and domestic enterprises. 60% of their clients are foreign multinationals. They also advise governments and international organizations. They are committed to providing insightful and high value service to all their clients. RP&A is concerned with offering the best solutions and legal attention through the best lawyers in the country. Widely known for defending intelectual property, some of their most famous cases were internationally followed; such as the recognition of Pisco as a Peruvian drink; the defense of McDonald’s brand in El Salvador and the rights of the Brazilian football player Pele. Moreover, they were present during the CAFTA negotiation (Central American Free Trade Association) treaty, making RP&A the specialist in this area. Romero Pineda & Associates has exclusive Salvadoran membership in four of the world’s leading legal and business networks, Lex Mundi, Terralex, The Bomchil Group, and World Services Group. To become a member of those associations the criteria demands both breadth and depth of legal expertise, as well as leadership in the use of technology and law firm management. RP&A was selected to its membership based on status, as being among the leading local national and international law firms in El Salvador with the highest professional reputation within the professional community, and with unparalleled depth of practical experience in the region. These networks each have stringent performance standards and our access to over 25,000 legal and business experts in more than 100 countries worldwide provide our firm and clients with an incomparable resource. “El Salvador has overcome the war with huge success. Nowadays, the biggest banks and Telecommunication firms are present in the country confirming that El Salvador is going ahead. After 20 years of Arena’s government there is the beginning of a new cycle that is healthy for democracy.” Roberto Romero Pineda, President


DIRECTORY OF COMPANIES AND INSTITUTIONS Agencia Oficial de Promoción de Exportaciones de El Salvador (EXPORTA) – Official Agency for Export Promotion of El Salvador Aldo Vallejo Executive Director Edificio D’Cora, 2º Nivel, Blvd. Orden de Malta, Urbanización Santa Elena, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2241 6400 / 2278 2285 Fax: (+503) 2241 6413 info@exporta.gob.sv www.exporta.gob.sv ANEP – Asociación Nacional de la Empresa Privada – National Association of Private Enterprises Carlos Enrique Araujo President 1ª Calle Poniente y 71 Av. Norte 204, Col. Escalón, P.O. Box 1204, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 8300 - Fax: (+503) 2209 8317 comunicaciones@anep.org.sv www.anep.org.sv American Chamber of Commerce El Salvador Samadhy Martínez Economic & Commercial Advisor Edificio World Trade Center, Torre II, Nivel 3, Local 308, 89 Av. Norte, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 9494 - Fax: (+503) 2263 9393 smartinez@amchamsal.com www.amchamsal.com ASI – Asociación Salvadoreña de Industriales – Salvadoran Association of Industries Engineer Napoleón Guerrero Barrios President Calle Roma y Liverpool, Col. Roma, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2267 9253 - Fax: (+503) 2267 9251 info@asi.com.sv www.asi.com.sv Banco Central de Reserva – Central Reserve Bank Dr. Carlos Acevedo President Alameda Juan Pablo II y 17 Av. Norte, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2281 8402 Fax: (+503) 2281 8401 Carlos.acevedo@bcr.gob.sv www.bcr.gob.sv


Investment & Legal Framework

Cámara de Comercio e Industria de El Salvador – Salvadoran Chamber of Commerce and Industry Eng. Jorge José Daboub President 9ª Av. Norte y 5ª Calle Poniente 133, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2231 3000 presidencia@camarasal.com www.camarasal.com Cámara Oficial Española de Comercio e Industria de El Salvador – Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Industry of El Salvador Julio Salcedo Gener President Blvd. El Hipódromo, Edificio Gran Plaza, 5º Piso, Local 503, Col. San Benito, P.O. Box 01-565, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2245 1131 / 2298 1064 / 2221 5194 Fax: (+503) 2245 1132 Julio.salcedo@camacoes.com.sv www.camacoes.com.sv CAMTEX – Cámara de la Industria Textil, Confección y Zonas Francas de El Salvador – Chamber of the Textile Industry, Manufacturing and Free Zones of El Salvador Lic. Patricia Figueroa Executive Director Calle Liverpool y Roma, Edificio ASI (Asociación Salvadoreña de Industriales), Col. Roma, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2298 3506 Fax: (+503) 2298 3508 direccion@camtex.com.sv www.camtex.com.sv Cámara de Turismo de El Salvador – Chamber of Tourism of El Salvador Rafael Leret President 63 Av. Sur Urb. y Pje. Santa Mónica 12ª, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2298 6011 www.casatur.org

Cámara Agropecuaria y Agroindustrial de El Salvador – CAMAGRO – Chamber of Animal Husbandry and Agro-industry of El Salvador Agustín Martínez President Calle El Lirio 18, Col. Maquilishuat, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 4622 / 23 / 24 Fax: (+503) 2264 4623 www.new.camagro.com Ministerio de Turismo – Ministry of Tourism Lic. José Napoleón Duarte Minister of Tourism Alameda Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo, Edificio y Pasaje Carbonell 1, Col. Roma, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2241 3200 Fax: (+503) 2223 6120 ministrodeturismo@corsatur.gov.sv www.elsalvador.travel Oficina Económica y Comercial de La Embajada de España en San Salvador – Economic and Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy to El Salvador Blvd. El Hipódromo, Edificio Gran Plaza, Local 206, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2275 7821 / 22 Fax: (+503) 2275 7823 www.oficinascomerciales.es Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) – Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) – United Nations Organization (UNO) – United Nations Program for the Development (PNUD) Richard Barathe Resident Assistant Representative Edificio Naciones Unidas, Blvd. Orden de Malta Sur 2-B, Antiguo Cuscatlán, P.O. Box 1114 Tel: (+503) 2209 3502 Fax (+503) 2209 3590 Richard.barathe@undo.org www.pnudo.sv

CASALCO – Cámara Salvadoreña de la Industria de la Construcción – Salvadoran Chamber of the Construction Industry Engineer Ismael Nolasco Executive Director Paseo General Escalón 4834, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 5344 - Fax: (+503) 2263 6518 Ismael.nolasco@casalco.org.sv www.casalco.org.sv




Al que madruga, Dios le ayuda Vivre avec une femme, c’est vivre avec un sorcier. Salvadoran proverb


The Salvadoran Economy

INTRODUCTION OF SECTORS SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH After signing the Peace Agreements in 1992, El Salvador had an economic growth that resulted in rates of 6-7% at the beginning of the 90’s, staying within moderat ranges until the end of the decade and the beginning of the following. Economic growth has been revitalized in the last few years, reaching 4.7% in 2007, its highest level in the last 10 years. This growth came mainly from the agricultural and service sectors emphasizing communications, transportation and banking. The nominal GDP in 2008 reached USD$22,114 million and the real growth of the economy was 2.5%. From 1991 to this date, there has been a significant reduction of poverty, since in 2007 the indicator of the population living in extreme poverty diminished from 59.7% to 34.6%.

With the adoption of the U.S. Dollar (USD$) as the legal currency since January 2001, the exchange risk has been eliminated and inflation and active interest rates have been the lowest in Latin America; besides, mortgage credit terms have extended to long term, promoting the acquisition of any type of housing. Due to the healthy fiscal policy of the government, tributary revenue has increased and the fiscal deficit has been reduced. Regarding external debt, this has gone from 58% of the GDP in 2003 to 48% in 2009. Consequently, we may say, that in the last 18 years the economy has experienced a real average growth of 3.9%, allowing a 3% expansion of the real GDP per capita and supposedly reaching US$3,610 per person in 2008, thus, placing itself as an economy of average growth according to the World Bank standards.

El Salvador’s economy wants to fly (Mitur)



The Salvadoran Economy

Temporary Gap The behavior of the economic activity is closely linked to the economic performance of the United States since they are the main export market (50%), and because of family remittances sent to El Salvador from Salvadorans residing in the United States (17% of the GDP). Regarding the behavior of the main macroeconomic variables in 2009, the performance oscillated around 7%, deflation 1%, public finances deficit was over 3.1%, and public debt 35.7% of the GDP. The foreign sector registers a chronic commercial deficit, situated at 23% of the GDP; with a fall of imports of (18%) and exports of (19%) after years of growth of 12% annually, thanks to CAFTA. Immigrants’ remittances are vital to the Salvadoran economy as a counter part to the commercial deficit. Due to the freezing of the US economy, the most important country to El Salvador with more than

2.3 million Salvadorans living there, remittances have been reduced by 8%, but they still represent somewhere around 15% of the GDP. Foreign Direct Investment has fallen after having positive performance, especially, in 2007 with the acquisition of national banks by foreign investors exceeding $USD1, 400 million dollars. GDP Since 2005 El Salvador has had a clear reactivation of its economy with growth rates above 4%. In 2007 the GDP increased 4.7%, reaching $USD 20, 287 million. This favorable behavior has been promoted by the primary sector, which registered an increase of 8.6%, thanks to the international increase of coffee prices, principal export product of the country; the increase of sugar production and tuna fish exports. Exportation of Agro-feeding products to the U.S. market has had a significant increase, since the signing of CAFTA in 2006. In 2008 it was 2.5%.

Quarterly Gross Domestic Product (Constant Prices 1990) Figures in Million of $US

Percentage changes greater than 200 are omitted Source: Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador



The Salvadoran Economy

2010 The Growth Recovery Year At present, projections from the majority of analysts indicate a U.S. recovery in 2010; moving the real GDP negative growth of 3.5% in 2009 to 1% in 2010 in El Salvador. Growth provisions for the commerce and manufacturing industry are (1%), exports of goods (3%), greater level of public investment (3.1% of GDP), recovery of taxable income due to fiscal reform, imports recovery (8%); due to greater demand of intermediate goods and the recovery of the industry and capital goods sector from the reconstruction of bridges and other communication roads caused by Tropical Storm Ida in November 2009. Ministry of Treasury 2010 Provisions derived from IMF and Central Reserve Bank sources. GDP: 22,480 million Dollars Exports: 3900 million Dollars Imports: 7480 million Dollars Import of Goods Growth Rate: 8.3% Export of Goods Growth Rate: 1.6% Balance Commercial Account: -3580 million Dollars Family Remittances: 3405 million Dollars Tributary revenues: 2770 million Dollars Tributary Burden: 14.2% of GDP Public Investment: 3.1% of GDP Current Savings; -0.1% of GDP Non-Financed Public Sector Deficit: -5.0 (% of GDP) Non-Financed Public Sector Debt: 47.7% of GDP Nominal GDP Growth: 3.6% to 4.5%

Real GDP Growth: 0.5% to 1.0% Inflation Rate: 2.5% to 3.5%

Tax Reform Another important point to highlight will be the impact of the fiscal reform which is yet to be defined. The point is to improve public finances and revitalize social expenditure. Efforts must be done to increase State revenues, reduce dependency of international cooperation and improve public administration for a more efficient expenditure. The tributary reform is expected to obtain this first point. Tributary burden in 1990 was 9.1% of the GDP reaching 13.2% in 2009. It still is one of the smallest in its environment. With the first phase of the reform approved in December 2009, the Legislative Assembly expects to collect some $250USD million with the new taxes on consumption of specific products and an effort to reduce elusion and evasion, reaching 14.2% of the gross tributary burden in 2010 and through future reforms to 17% in 2013, according to the Ministry of Treasure.

International Reserves Net international reserves were 2.540 million Dollars at the end of 2008, which allows covering 3 months of imports.

Taca Airlines has its Central American hub in El Salvador



The Salvadoran Economy

Net International Reserves. BCR Figures in Million $US

Banco Central de Reserva, based on their balance sheets

Risk Qualification El Salvador is in the 4th group of risk qualification that is done by the OCDE. Investment qualification by the most important agencies is BB+.

Foreign Trade Of Goods and Services Since the 1990’s El Salvador has been characterized by its process of openness centered on the liberalization of prices, privatization, monetary, fiscal discipline, and openess to commerce. After Chile, El Salvador is the second country in terms of commerce openness in Latin America. It is due to this open mentality combined with the free trade agreements (regional and multiregional) that its competitiveness on an international level has improved in a stable manner throughout the last years. It has free trade agreements with its neighboring countries: Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua; also with the United States, Panama, Chile, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Taiwan, Colombia, and Peru opening doors to numerous business opportunities. Also, in the future it is going to sign an agreement with Europe, which currently has the Generalized Preference System. On the horizon are plans to restart negotiations with Canada, which have been interrupted since 2001. These treaties have been signed within a framework of understanding among two or more countries, eliminating rates on the included products in the free circulation program between borders. These agreements guarantee a healthy climate for direct investment. We are going to detail the six Free Trade Agreements (TLC) signed by El Salvador.


El Salvador – Mexico Effective since March 15, 2001 until 2010 for national products or services intended for Mexican territory. Exports to Mexico surpassed USD$13 million in 2000 to USD$42 million in 2006, diversifying the exportable offer from 179 products before the TLC to 231 in 2006. Investments grew from USD$67 million before the TLC to USD$652 million in 2006. Free Trade Agreement El Salvador – the Dominican Republic Effectve since October 4, 2001. In 2004 the customs tax relief program ended, leaving 99.2% of the products free from cutoms for the countries which signed the agreement. Exports to the Dominican Republic surpassed USD$12million to USD$49 million in 2006. Some of the main export products are medicines, plastic brooms, pencils, cookies, juices, and others. Free Trade Agreement El Salvador – Chile Effective since June 1, 2002. It establishes a commerce-free zone that propels the growth and diversification of goods and services between the signing countries.

Free Trade Agreement El Salvador – Panama Effective since April 12, 2003. It was the first TLC between two dollarized economies. It grants total abolition of cutoms on the products included in the treaty. By 2006 exports to Panama reached USD$63 million, a 36% increase on exports since 2003.


The Salvadoran Economy

Free Trade Agreement El Salvador – the United States of America Effective since March 1, 2006. In 2007 97.9% of national products entered the United States customs free and 77.8% of US products to the country. To emphasize the importance of this treaty, here are some figures: Annual Exports to United States: USD$2,400 million United States Annual Direct Investment in El Salvador: USD$885 million Dollars Free Trade Agreement El Salvador – Republic of China (Taiwan) Effective since March 1, 2007. It is the first treaty signed by El Salvador with an Asian country and for Taiwan it is the fourth with a Central American country. The negotiations lasted only 6 months. Some of the benefits of the TLC are: Immediate access to 64.4% of Salvadoran products to the Taiwanese market with 0% customs. The free trade commerce includes Cooperation and Investment chapters. With average customs of 7.5%, resulting from the reduction of customs on all products, which imposes very little limitations on imports of goods and services (fuel, asphalt, textiles, sugar); El Salvador maintains a mainly liberal access regimen to markets for merchandize. The type of NMF means applied to non agricultural products is 6.7%, while on agricultural products it is 12%. The customs structure is significantly progressive. All customs are consolidated, the majority with a 40% maximum rate, so there is a disparity between applied and consolidated rates that may impair the predictability of conditions of access to the markets. The influence of imports and exports in relation to the GDP shows a high degree of economic openness.

MAIN BUSINESS PARTNERS According to the information from the Spanish Commercial Office in El Salvador exports distributed by country are distributed accordingly: (2008) • 48% the United States • 13.6% Guatemala • 12.9% Honduras • 5.5% Nicaragua • 3.6% Costa Rica • 2.7% Germany • 2.3% Spain


The principal products exported are: (2008 – M$) • Coffee, tea, grass, mate 261.8 • Beverages, vinegar and alcoholic liquids 247.7 • Paper and cardboard 199 • Plastic and manufacturing 195 • Iron and steel foundry 174 • Fuel, minerals, oil 170 • Cereal based preparations 113 • Sugar and confectionery articles 111 Imports by origin (2008) • The United States 34% • Mexico 9% • Guatemala 8.4% • Honduras 3.8% • Brazil 3.3% • Costa Rica 2.6% • Japan 2% • Nicaragua 2% • Panama 2% The principal products imported: (2008 – M$) • Fuel, minerals and oil: 1908 • Machinery and electronic equipment: 618 • Nuclear reactors, boilers and other machinery 612 • iron and steel foundry: 379 • Vehicles: 350 • Cereals: 328 • Pharmaceutical products: 290 • Paper and cardboard: 280 Definitely, NAFTA and CAFTA countries are the main commercial partners. Other Iberia-American countries such as Brazil, Panama, Argentina, Chile, and Venezuela are situated as supply countries after them, but not as export markets. The European Union has substantially reduced its partcipation, while Asia’s has considerably increased. Above all, China, followed by Japan,Taiwan and South Korea.

PRODUCTIVE SECTORS El Salvador has consolidated itself as a service economy with 60% of the Economically Active Population dedicated to this area, while 15 years ago it was only 44%. Employees in agriculture reduced from 36% in 1992 to 17% in 2007; in other words farmers migrated to other more productive activities. We may say that the sectors that have lost relative importance between 2000 and 2008 are industry, construction and public administration and the ones that have increased their importance are services and commerce. Within services, it is important to


The Salvadoran Economy

The brand new harbor La Union is essential to the development of the country (CEPA)

emphasize the increase in transportation, storage, communications, financial establishments and housing rentals. Areas where greater productivity is observed are those related to the international market because of the presence of foreign companies. We emphasize industrial area as one of the most productive in the areas of malt beverages, electric energy and the chemical industry. Some of the areas that generate the most employment are services like maquila (garment production), commerce, restaurants, security, outsourcing and construction. The main challenge the Salvadoran economy has is to increase productivity and find more competitiveness. Equally, if the levels of safety and delinquency are reduced, something that transversally affects the economy, the country will have made a gigantic leap forward in its development.

INCOME DISTRIBUTION According to the PNUD (United Nations Program for Development), and in as far as economic injustice, El Salvador is one of the countries with most inequality in Latin America; in its 2009-10 report on Human Development for Central America, aimed at the economic imbalance resulting from globalization. Globalization has converted Central America as a target for the delocalization of American companies, something that has brought many benefits but also economic imbalance due to it: a) Economic instability for not depending on their own sustainable expansion of the internal market but above all on the international ups and downs. b) Insecurity of income and employment relationships characteristic of the “leading exporting sectors�(remittances and maquila). This precarious situation is less in the Central American countries that chose to attract resources


The Salvadoran Economy

(Belize, Costa Rica, and Panama) than to export labor. The model that has been used for the last 15 years has been to export labor (migration and maquila) and to attract capitals from the service sector (banking and tourism) that depend on international cycles. Between 40 to 95% of the national income is derived from exports, tourism and official development assistance.

with lower salaries and increased flexibility of working arrangements which translates to temporary contracts, ease of hiring and firing, reduction of social benefits and social security contributions among others things. Currently El Salvador has a Gini coefficient of 0.493 and out of 182 countries is in position 106 on the Human Development Index that is 0.747 according to 2007 data.

The deregulation of the work market has increased international competitiveness in Central America

Hermanos Lejanos monument, dedicated to the 2,5 millions Salvadoreans that live in the States (Camarasal)



The Salvadoran Economy

City of San Salvador by night





A veces pagan justos por pecadores Salvadoran proverb



BANKING The most notable banking investment reforms occurred in 2005 with the internationalization of all of the banks in the country. This means that nowadays, there are no national banks with the exception of the 4 official credit institutions: Banco Hipotecario, Banco Multisectorial de Inversiones, Banco de Fomento Agropecuario and Federacion de Cajas de Credito (Fedecredito). This began with the purchase of 97.1% of Banco de Comercio shares by Scotia Bank of Canada, which at that time was the third largest bank in the country. The sale was for the amount of $USD75 million. At the end of 2005, the first Banco del Itsmo (Banismo) of Panama acquired 53.62% of the shares of Inversiones Financieras Bancosal (IFB) through PAO (Public Acquisition Offer). The sale was for the amount of $USD130 million which included Banco Salvadoreño, one of the largest entities in the country. Later, HSBC purchased the Banistmo Group for $USD1770 million; not much later, CitiGroup first acquired Grupo Financiero UNO in 2006, that specialized in issuing credit cards in Central America. In December of the same year it closed on the purchase of one of the largest banks, Banco

Cuscatlán including its financial intermediaries, insurance subsidies and pension fund company. In 2007, Bancolombia bought 100% of Banco Agrícola, the largest bank in the country as far as deposits and credit are concerned, in a sale for the amount of $USD 900 million. Then, in 2008, Banco Comercial de Guatemala began its operations in El Salvador. The fact that the country has international banking is a guarantee to investors who will have a series of services and products at their disposal and also shows the attractiveness of the Salvadoran economy.

INSURANCE There are two large insurance rulers: Seguros e Inversiones S.A. (SISA) and ASESUISA. There are also big groups like Chartis (formerly AIG), Mapfre and insurance subsidiaries of HSBC and Scotiabank as well as other international insurance groups present in the Salvadoran market.

Business men also have helicopter transport if needed





Banks are everywhere, including inside shopping malls (El Diario de Hoy)



Since 1992, El Salvador has had a stock market where Salvadoran companies operate. After a long struggle, one of the achievements to develop the market of the stock exchange system was the approval of fiscal incentives. Currently, there is a new decree (780 in the legislation) which exonerates Income Tax Payments on profits, dividends, prizes, interests, earnings, capital gains or any other benefit generated from the purchase or sale of stocks and other securities registered and approved by the stock market and the Superintendence of Securities; provided the negotiations have been done legally and authorized by the stock market.

Since 2001, El Salvador has used the US Dollar. The use of the Dollar is a great advantage given the liquidity and convertibility of this currency, though the country looses a macroeconomic tool to maneuver in times of crisis, since it does not control the currency, it cannot devaluate it and improve competiveness of the industry.


APPEARANCE OF MICRO-BANKS There are many entities that are beginning to concentrate in SMES and grant credits for consumption, better known as consumable credits. Those that have developed in this area have reached a growth superior to those of the market.


Eduardo Quevedo Executive President Edificio Promerica, La Gran VĂ­a Entre Carretera Panamericana y Calle Chiltiupan, Antiguo CuscatlĂĄn, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2213 5000 Fax: (+503) 2513 5105 equevedo@promerica..com.sv www.promerica.com.sv



Activity: Bank Date of creation: 1996 Employees: 700 Banco Promerica El Salvador is a young financial group with great alliances and an experienced team to attend clients which is the main reason for the Bank’s success and constant growth. The Bank has grown consistently in all financial variables, thus, increasing its market share, and strengthening its trust and image among its clients and the financial sector. Grupo Promerica was founded in Nicaragua in 1991, with the foundation of Banco Nacional de la Producción; swiftly its financial commercial services extended to Central America, Panama, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. Banco Promerica’s headquarters

Banco Promerica began its operations in El Salvador on January 12, 1996; was founded thanks to the contributions and strong support of a group of visionary stockholders who believed in the well-being and development of the country and the region. The financial conglomerate Inversiones Financieras Promerica, include a controlling company and a commercial bank.

“At the bank we assist great entrepreneurial groups that for years have trusted Banco Promerica. After 10 years, clients now look for us.” Eduardo Quevedo, Executive President

Its assets are around $USD 400 million. Its main markets are small and medium enterprises that generate 47% of its business, and 40% consumption, thanks to 75,000 credit cards available only in El Salvador.


Banco Promerica is a bank that offers all types of services at a regional level to whomever wishes to establish themselves in El Salvador as a platform for expansion in the rest of the Central American countries.

Macario Armando Rosales Rosa President 25 Av. Norte y 23 Calle Poniente, Edif. Macario Armando Rosales Rosa, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 9611 Fax: (+503) 2226 7059 Armando.rosales@fedecredito.com.sv www.fedecredito.com.sv

The Bank’s market share is 3% but it represents an economic group with over 3,000 million in assets that is characterized by its speedy decision making. Besides, they are the administrators of the Millennium account. They were the winners in a competition against all the banks of the country. In 2009, the Financial Group Promerica modified its corporate regional image with a new logo that supports its solid service philosophy and market strategy. The new change of image of Banco Promerica reflects the growing dynamism and the cutting edge way of dealing with its internal and external clients and they remain a financial guide, illuminating its banking arrangements with its service excellence and perfection of their products..


Activity: Savings and Loan Bank Federation Date of Creation: 1943 Equity: 166 US million Dollars Employees: 1500 Although the Savings and Loan Credit banks were born at the end of the 30’s it was not until 1943 that the Federation of Savings and Loans and Workers’ Bank (Fedecrédito) was born when the Rural Credit Law was approved. In 2004 the Fedecredito System was registered as a brand and the Savings and Loans Credit and Workers’ Bank and its Federation were established.



Fedecredito was born with the objective of helping small farm producers, small businesses, and low income workers that were kept out of the financial system and could not access credit. After 67 years of history, its essence has not changed and it is a leader granting credit to Mypimes, with 115 outlets in the entire country and over 614,000 clients. All Savings and Loans in the country (48) and 7 Workers’ Banks are part of the system. The growth of the last 10 years has been over 300% with a loan portfolio exceeding $USD 556 million. Loans granted exceed $USD 32 million; deposits received exceed $USD 250 million with a growth in this latter figure of 32.5%. Its equity is around $USD166 million. It is indeed a system with all guarantees and a solvency ratio of 26% when the mandatory is 12%. Fedecredito not only provides financial services (second tier bank), but also provides finance for housing through FONAVIPO (Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda Popular) – National Popular Housing Fund). It also develops joint projects and special training. One third of the loans go to the SMES, another third of the loans go to consumption, and the other third to popular housing.

In the next 3-4 years the outlets in the country will increase with the objective of being accessible to the people and they will continue with their ambitious program of technological modernization. Fedecredito complies with its important social objective that is to help PYMES and people with very few resources. “It is very important for the preparation of our youth to not stop dreaming. It is better to aim at the moon and reach a volcano’s summit than to aim at the volcano and hit a stone. It is important to have big dreams.” Macario Armando Rosales Rosa, President of Fedecrédito

ABANSA – ASOCIACIÓN BANCARIA SALVADOREÑA – (SALVADORAN BANKING ASSOCIATION) Armando Arias President Pasaje Senda Florida Norte 140, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2298 6959 Fax: (+503) 2223 1079 www.abansa.org.sv



Activity: National Banking Association Date of Creation: 1965 The Asociación Bancaria Salvadoreña, ABANSA, is a civilian, non-profit association founded on June 1, 1965 that is governed by its own by-laws and regulations in accordance with the NonProfit Association and Foundation Laws that were published in official newspapers of the country. Its mission is to represent as a group the associated banking system and to effect the coordination and integration of deeds and ideas that will allow banks to act effectively and efficiently to the benefit of the bank and country’s development. ABANSA technical committees are made up of the highest officials of each related institution member related to the activities of the respective committee. Technical committees are created with the instructions of the Presidents and their functions are to advise, study, analyze, evaluate, propose and support ABANSA in the development issues of interest and concerns in the banking system. Each technical committee is formed and coordinated by a Board of Directors made up of a President, a VicePresident and a Secretary. Farming and Agriculture • Legal • Internal Auditing • Tributary • Financial • Compliance Officials • Operations • Security • Human Resources • Communications and Marketing • Credit Risks • Financial Education • Accountants • Construction • Costumer Service Officials Since 2008 the Salvadoran Banking Association, ABANSA has worked on the Program of Financial Education, through which it promotes an effective culture of management of family finances.

San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2206 4600 Fax: (+503) 2245 3780 rguirola@sv.credomatic.com www.credomatic.com Activity: Bank Date of creation: 1975 The Group BAC-CREDOMATIC Network intends to be the best financial option of the region where it operates according to its leadership in financial performance, the quality of its products and services, and its distinctive technological competencies, financial resource administration and means of payment. In the pursuit of this objective, the group counts on a creative and professional team passionately committed to excellence that are governed by ethical principles and act with a clear sense of financial prudence. To satisfy its clients’ needs the BAC-CREDOMATIC network operates under a unified regional approach, promoting a culture of organizational alignment and measures themselves by world-class financial institution standards. Its history: Founded in November 1975, it began its operations on January 2, 1976. In 1982 it inaugurated its Alameda Roosevelt office and in 1989 moved to the Roosevelt Center, its current office. In 1994 Financiera Credomatic was founded and on April 5, 1999 it became Banco Credomatic. In December 2003, it had a makeover at the regional level and the Bank’s name changed to Banco de America Central. In May 2005, GE & BAC signed an alliance. Banco de América Central is known for credit cards. It represents 4 brands of credit cards: AMEX, DINERS, VISA and MASTERCARD. Currently, they have over 25 branches and 30 ATM’s being a regional group with a presence in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

BANCO AGRÍCOLA BANCO DE AMÉRICA CENTRAL – CREDOMATIC Rodolfo Guirola Marketing Manager 55 Av. Sur entre Alameda Roosevelt y Av. Olímpica,


Roberto Orellana President Blvd. Constitución 100, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2267 5900 Fax: (+503) 2267 5930



rorellana@bancoagricola.com www.bancoagricola.com Activity: Bank Date of creation: 1955 Don Luis Escalante Arce was the founder of Banco Agrícola Comercial, currently the largest bank in the country.

Banpro from Honduras, Caley Dagnall in Nicaragua and a branch was opened in Panama City. Banco Agrícola also consolidated itself as the leader in entrepreneurial banking. Operations started in other important cities in the United States such as Los Angeles, and San Francisco, California. Banagrícola Financing Conglomerate was also created. To strengthen its market leadership, Banco Agrícola acquired Banco de Desarrollo in 2000, which was the fifth in the financial market.The following year, it consolidated its leadership acquiring Banco Capital, number six in the Salvadoran bank ranking. This is how it positioned itself as one of the largest banks in El Salvador. Thus Banco Agrícola became part of Grupo Bancolombia in 2006, one of the most important financial groups in the South American region. “El Salvador counts on a dollarized economy, a free financial system and efficient as well as active international banks. This gives it great stability and creates a positive environment for the creation of all types of businesses.” Roberto Orellana, President

Banks are well prepared and technologically advanced (El Diario de Hoy)

It was on March 24, 1955 that the doors of a new banking institution located in San Salvador opened. Its motto was: “A progressive bank serving a progressive country.” The genius and entrepreneurial vision of Don Luis, made this motto quickly become a reality because promoting the now popular method of saving designed to benefit the informal commercial sector –street vendors, small business owners and low-level employees– made it possible for them to strengthen and quickly grow. Since its foundation, Banco Agrícola has offered a remarkable sense of service, completely changing El Salvador’s concept of banking. In May 1992, Engineer Archie Baldocchi was named President of the Bank, who, with his ample vision and clear objective of being the best bank in El Salvador and Central America, was able to expand banking services on a national and international level, opening service centers in important cities in the country, building modern branches and creating innovative virtual agencies. On a regional level the assets of the bank were expanded through


BANCO CENTRAL DE RESERVA (CENTRAL RESERVE BANK OF EL SALVADOR Dr. Carlos Acevedo President Alameda Juan Pablo II y 17, Av. Norte, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2281 8402 Fax: (+503) 2281 8401 Carlos.acevedo@bcr.gob.sv www.bcr.com.sv Activity: Central Bank Date of creation: 1934 The Central Bank of El Salvador founded in 1934. The mission of this technical institute is to promote the stability and development of the financial system, consolidate monetary integration, create and spread economic and financial statistics, investigate macroeconomic subjects and documents that analyze the evolution of the Salvadoran economy.



The Central Bank must, among other responsibilities, contribute to the transparency of the financial system. The country needs to have a clear knowledge of the use of resources and economic stability must be developed. Since 2001, the Central Bank follows the Monetary Integration Law, which consists of the following points: • Regulations and Tracking of the financial system: The Central Bank follows and permanently studies the functioning of the financial system. It suggests new regulations that contribute to stability and development. It assures that financial institutions comply with the minimum liquidity required for reserves.

statistics and macroeconomic projects based on international standards. “The new government administration of Funes is making an effort to create a new El Salvador; with opportunities for everyone, maintaining the macroeconomic stability achieved by previous governments. It is necessary to democratize the results of economic development remembering the 2 million Salvadorans who went to the United States seeking opportunities that El Salvador could not give them.” Carlos Acevedo, President

BANCO DE FOMENTO AGROPECUARIO • International Reserves: The Central Bank manages the International Reserves, and has to obtain minimum profit levels to increase its value with foreign investments with high liquidity and an investment policy that limits its risk. • Payment system and Financial services: The Central Bank helps payments between firms and individuals through its payment system. It compensates the consigned checks and pays the operation between banks. It provides banks with banknotes and currency to respond to the liquidity needs of the economy. • State services financial agent: The Central Bank is the State financial agent. It receives government deposits and makes government payments; places debt title documents on both national and international markets. It is also responsible for timely payment of foreign debt commitments. • Export services: Through CENTREX, Export Procedure Center, part of the Central Bank since 1989, Salvadoran exporters have real-time information and an authorization service that helps them to be competitive within the CAFTA Treaty and Free Trade Agreements. • Statistics, Economic Projections and Financial Studies: The Central Bank is in contact with the main rating agencies, such as Standard and Poor, Fitch and Moody, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America) and other global institutions that advise on economic stability and payment capability. It shares with the government the economic management responsibility of the State; through technical studies,


Norma Mercedes Miranda de López President Carretera al Puerto de la Libertad, Km 10½, Santa Tecla, El Salvador Tel: (+503) 2241 0800 Fax: (+503) 2241 0815 mdelopez@bfa.gob.sv www.bfa.gob.sv Activity: Bank Date of creation: 1973 The BFA was created as an official credit institution, decentralized from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, under which the state and private sector through which cooperative associations and agricultural cooperatives, agricultural trade associations and professional associations operate. The BFA commenced operations on May 4, 1973. The different financial services offered by Banco de Fomento Agropecuario are for the use of the productive sectors of the country, mainly for the farmers of micro-agricultural and agribusiness, as well as for micro and small busines entrepreneurs in both rural and urban areas. If a person wishes to obtain credit to cultivate basic grain, vegetables, fruit, exportable products, improvement to an agricultural farm, purchase of machinery, cattle, fishing, micro-entrepreneurial and agro-industrial processes, the bank has a diversity of products at disposition that will help you to progress. Besides, the bank offers other services such as Savings accounts, Checking accounts, Fixed Term deposits, and Family remittances through Cable transfers: Money Order, Western Union, and Reciba Network.



“Our credit institution promotes and seeks to strengthen the entire productive sector, all micro, small and medium businesses. Our bank is ready to support you in any credit negotiation.” Nora López, President

BANCO HIPOTECARIO Carlos Alberto Ortiz President Pasaje Senda Florida Sur, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 7080 Fax: (+503) 2260 7069 juan.vega@hipotecario.com.sv www.hipotecario.com.sv Activity: Bank Date of creation: 1940 Last January 29, 2010 the Banco Hipotecario de El Salvador family celebrated its 75th birthday along with the distinguished presence of the President of the Republic, Mauricio Funes, the First Lady Wanda Pignato and other authorities, when it was informed publicly that Banco Hipotecario is going to become the bank that will carry the country to development in the same style as the Brazilian Banco Nacional de Desarrollo (BNDES). Since 2001 it has been working on focusing on the Bank’s business approach by assigning a specific mission. As a result of our strategic plan 2001-2004, aiming our effort at the development of the PYME Bank a philosophy based on “the relationship with the client”, where knowledge of economic activity, the environment, supply chain, customer needs and strategic alliances are essential factors for its implementation. In order for the Bank to further develop its role of assistance for small and medium enterprises and for it to strengthen its solvency, on December 23, 2009, legislative decree no. 537 went into effect, which tells FOSAFFI, to acquire assets held by the Banco Hipotecario, which should be given in exchange for securities of their property of up to $USD 18 million dollars, an operation that was performed on the same day, amounting to $USD 17.2 million. With this operation, the mortgage bank has been fully financially strengthened to be able to comprehensively address the needs of small and medium enterprises in the productive sectors of the country.


In order to safeguard the assets of the Bank, in the same decree it stipulates the principles of focus and responsibility we must set the bar in the sector in order to maintain and ensure the long-term financial stability of the Bank and the compliance of the mission assigned to it.

BANCO MULTISECTORIAL DE INVERSIONES (BMI) Ricardo Mora President World Trade Center Torre 2, Col. Escalón, El Salvador Tel: (+503) 2267 0000 Fax: (+503) 2265 0016 Ricardo.mora@bmi.gob.sv www.bmi.gob.sv Activity: Bank Date of creation: 1973 BMI is a Public Credit Institution that was created by decree number 856 in 1994 to separate Central Bank credit investments from private responsibilities. BMI offers medium and long term credit services which are granted through the local financial institutions supervised by the Superintendence of the Financial System (SSF). BMI is in charge of promoting credits to financial institutions so that they transfer these resources to final end users, for use in their vital investment projects, permanent expansion of their working capital, personnel technical training, purchase of equipment and machinery and even in the building of facilities and infrastructure at their sites. Banco Multisectorial de Inversion (BMI) takes advantage of technology to implement new communication channels that allows it be in touch with its clients. Development´s web page mainly has information on financial services and products currently offered by BMI to expand a business, update or improve work equipment or infrastructure, acquire terrain, buy a house or continue studying, among other things. There are also several calculators that better help define a person’s needs and financial options, where you can register your business in the Business Directory, the largest virtual directory of El Salvador. The Corporate BMI webpage has all of the institutional information of interest, on the Bank’s



financial situation, its financial and non-financial products as well as studies and reports of different productive sectors of the country. Furthermore, there is the most relevant detailed news of BMI such as its programs and current institutional agenda. The BMI-Intermediaries webpage provides specialized information about the BMI’s financial and non-financial instruments that intermediaries need to know. Regulations, processeses and on-line services have also been included in order to facilitate Bank operations; and a section of specific announcements and notices that are of great interest to the intermediaries is also there. BMI is expanding its capital over the next 5 years from $USD 35 to $USD 100 million to tackle the challenges that await them as a public bank. “We want to have a greater presence in the local financial market and become the instrument under which the government launches its plans.” Ricardo Mora, President

SCOTIABANK EL SALVADOR Robert Williams Vice-President Centro Financiero 25, Av. Norte y 23 Calle Poniente 1230, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2234 4809 / 2234 4508 / 2234 4577 Fax: (+503) 2234 3464 Robert.williams@scotiabank.com.sv www.scotiabank.com.sv

The bank was established in Costa Rica in 1995 and in El Salvador in 1997. In 2000 the Scotiabank Group presence in Central America was strengthened through banks in which it has majority ownership: Scotiabank, Scotiabank El Salvador and Scotiabank Costa Rica. Scotiabank El Salvador, S.A. was established on October 8, 1997 when it formalized a strategic alliance with the Bank of Nova Scotia, an international bank with over 100 years of experience and a presence in over 50 countries around the world, and Ahorros Metropolitanos, S.A. (Ahorromet), a financial institution with over 25 years of experience within the local market. In January 2005, Banco de Comercio de El Salvador and Scotiabank El Salvador joined their operations and integrated their forces to become one single bank. This new merger permitted them to offer a better, more solid, bank to their customers, with greater coverage, much stronger resources and more in-touch with their clients’ needs. Thanks to the merger, the new Scotiabank of El Salvador offers international standards of excellence being the 2nd or 3rd largest bank in the country and leading with 36% of the national mortgage market. “Our country has an excellent location that allows it to be a logistics hub on the international level and our staff is very dedicated. We love working and do not mind hard work. San Salvador has the highest concentration of businesses, but Zacatecoluca, Santa Ana and San Miguel are cities that are not yet being developed but have great potential.” Robert Williams, Vice-President

Activity: Bank Date of creation: 1997 Employees: 1800 The Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank) was founded in 1832 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada to support the booming trans-Atlantic commerce of Great Britain, North American and the Antilles. Soon, the bank appointed agents in New York, Boston and London, revealing their aspirations in the international arena. By the end of the 1800s, Scotiabank had spread throughout the United States and Jamaica, and in early 1900 had established a network of branches across Canada. Mergers with four banks between 1882 and 1919 accelerated this expansion. Scotiabank opened its first Central American branch in Belize in 1968 and later in 1974 it opened in Panama.


WESTERN UNION – AIRPAK Lic. Alberto R. Parker General Manager Alameda Roosevelt 2419, entre 45 y 47 Av. Sur, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 8600 Fax: (+503) 2298 6183 aparker@airpak.com.sv www.westernunion.com Activity: Money transfer Date of creation: 1991 Employees: 100



The world leader in courier money transfers, Western Union, has an exclusively authorized agent in Central America called AirPak, which is also number 1 on the Salvadoran “Top of Mind”. The money transfer company has an extensive network in the world with 350,000 offices, while the country works with nine Airpak agencies and 45 of its own local branches. It is very important to emphasize the full cooperation of Western Union with the Attorney General of the State to ensure the fairness and transparency of the funds sent and received through Western Union. 92% of transfers received in El Salvador come from the United States and 2% from Italy. Western Union branches receive an average of between USD$190210 monthly per remittances from over 2.5 million Salvadorans that live abroad. The company is diversifying its product portfolio through electronic payments via the Internet or cell phone, and short-term, lump-sum payments to be closer to customers. One of the main focuses of Western Union is to help Salvadoran immigrants with programs of human interest and above all, focusing on education. For a decade it has been collaborating with the creation of schools, potable water distribution programs and helping disadvantaged countries in the event of disasters such as the damages caused by tropical storm Ida. Western Union has created over 35 mobile branches in the United States to be closer to Salvadorans. Currently, the company is reviewing and evaluating those services offered to the public and has implemented the program called: “your remittance lasts longer”, with which added value is given to the remittance. Negotiations have been made for discounts and promotions with fast food restaurants, drugstores and other products of basic need. “Western Union has helped Salvadorans for the last 13 years. We not only have to look at numbers that come in but also numbers that help, which is one of the principal successes of our company. In our country, there are many businessmen that do this.” Alberto Parker, General Manager

COMEDICA – ASOCIACIÓN COOPERATIVA DE AHORRO Y CRÉDITO DEL COLEGIO MÉDICO DE EL SALVADOR – (SAVINGS AND LOAN COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION OF THE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF EL SALVADOR) Dr. Mauricio Ventura Centeno President Intersección Alameda Juan Pablo II y Blvd. Constitución, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 6800 Fax: (+503) 2209 6822 franscisco.cornejo@comedica.com.sv www.comedica.com.sv Activity: Savings & Loan Cooperative Date of creation: 1970 Employees: 180 With over 40 years of history in El Salvador, COMEDICA is a pioneer institution in the cooperative history of El Salvador. Comedica is a financial institution dedicated to providng services and financial products to its members among which are savings accounts, mortgage and personal debt credit lines. It also offers MasterCard credit cards. Since it is a savings cooperative of the medical school, its 1400 members must be medical doctors (55%) and first degree family members (45%). Since its creation it has grown year after year. 2009 was a difficult year for all financial institutions. Nevertheless, Comedica was able to grow 10% reaching $USD 140 million in assets and $USD400 million in loans. After many years pursuing this objective, in 2009 it opened its luxurious new administrative headquarters where they centralized the 22 departments in the cooperative, among which are management, credit cards, auditing, accounting, customer service and marketing. To develop its programs, it has many alliances with banks such as Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE), and the Banco Multisectorial de Inversión (BMI), besides being a member of international banking cooperative associations and being in contact with IDB and Spanish savings and loans banks to launch projects like the Ethics Bank and the future creation of their own insurance company. “COMEDICA invites investors and Salvadoran doctors living abroad to think about their country, that is an excellent area in which to carry out




medical development projects; COMEDICA totally supports their members, helping in their development, in the construction of medical buildings, in the purchase of private clinics and medical equipment investment.” Dr. Mauricio Ventura, President

SEGUROS E INVERSIONES S.A. (SISA) Eduardo Montenegro President Carretera Panamericana Km 10½, Santa Tecla, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2241 1243 / 2241 / 1355 Fax: (+503) 2229 7551 emontenegro@sisa.com.sv www.sisa.com.sv Activity: Insurance Company Date of creation: 1962 Employees: 220 Seguros e Inversiones SA, (SISA), was founded in 1962 with the goal of providing protection to


individuals and limited corporations through the issuance of insurance policies that cover the entire range of market products and the granting of bail. SISA has over 40 years of experience, solid economic and financial bases, which has allowed them to position themselves as leaders in the insurance market in El Salvador and for three consecutive years has been the largest privately held company in Central America. SISA’s solvency is guaranteed by the assets and the composition of its investment portfolio. Its availability of resources has allowed payment obligations to be met both short and medium term, in a timely manner, thereby always meeting customer requirements. The growth of the company has been consolidated over the past ten years, and its current position in the market, ranks it as the leading private company in the field of insurance in El Salvador and Central America. SISA maintains an excellent classification of risk in the insurance market. The Pacific Credit Rating Agencies, Pacific Credit Ratings, S.A. and Fitch Ratings have awarded it the AA rating, placing it as



an insurance company with one of the best credit ratings in the country. Among the wide array of products that it offers, some of these include: accident, personal, life, medical, automotive, residential, fire, travel insurance as well as bonds, etc. This diverse array of products is adapted and designed to suit its clients’ needs.

SEGUROS DEL PACÍFICO S.A. Mr. Antonio Safie President 1ª Calle Poniente 3649, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2283 0800 Fax: (+503) 2283 0802 antonio.safie@salnet.net www.pacifico.com.sv

The SISA Group has been part of Citibank Group for the past 2 years, and currently has a division specialized in life insurance that is called SISA Vida. Products: SISA has a long history covering events such as the 2007 Pan-American Sport Games in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); it was also the insurance company that provided accident coverage to the Salvadoran Olympic Team. “SISA, both because of the preference of our customers, as well as the financial strength of the group and its outstanding level of solvency, is fully qualified to fulfill the promise we made to Salvadorans, that we will be there when they need us.”

Life Personal Accident


Automobile Boats


Property Casualty Air Transportation Electronic Equipment Security

CAT Cargo Inland Transit Bonds

Eduardo Montenegro, President of SISA




Activity: Insurance Employees: 55 Founded in 1985, Seguros del Pacífico is a 100% privately owned Salvadoran insurance company, recognized nationaly and internationaly. As an insurance company, Seguros del Pacífico has insuranced thousands of satisfied clients and has supported supply and construction projects with its Central American and Caribbean insurance department. Seguros del Pacífico is associated with the most prestigious companies worldwide, which combined with its strong integrity, responsibility and service values guarantees compliance to acquired commitments to the client. Within its business portfolio, Seguros del Pacífico offers its clients life and medical insurance. Fire and allied lines; personal insurance, including CAT coverage, automobile insurance, bail and bonds, among others, bring integral coverage to its clients.

the national and international insurance business front. In 2003, ASESUISA transfered its personsal insurance operations to its new affiliate ASESUISA LIFE, with the aim of extending the coverage of this type of insurance and in the near future to offer annuities insurance. In 2007, the acquisition of the Banagrícola Financial Conglomerate, to which ASESUISA belonged, from the Colombian bank leader, BANCOLOMBIA became a reality, beginning a new stage of strength and growth for the insurance company with the support of one of the soundest financial groups in Latin America. Insurance Company Aseguradora Suiza Salvadoreña, S.A., (ASESUISA) through its board of directors and all its personnel is committed to an array of fundamental values that guide the company and its actions, which are an integral part of their philosophy and commitment to corporate social responsibility. Since its foundation in 1969, ASESUISA has developed an active role in promoting and incentivizing education and art in the country. Education is a key factor for social progress, the development of a nation depends on education to a great degree, and the permanent formation of its citizens.

ASESUISA Dr. Sergio Restrepo President Plaza Suiza, Alameda Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 5000 Fax: (+503) 2209 5001 info@asesuisa.com www.asesuisa.com Activity: insurance Date of creation: 1954 The origin of ASESUISA goes back to 1954, when Don Roberto Schildknecht was appointed General Agent for Helvetia in El Salvador, a Swiss Fire Insurance Company. In 1969 Helvetia withdrew from the country and ASESUISA was founded based on the client portfolio and image acquired by Mr. Roberto Schildknecht and with the objective of the business being to carry out the insurance business, reassurance, bonds, securities in general; and to carry out all kinds of operations and investment business. Currently it is one of the leaders in the market with almost a 20% market share. In 2001, ASESUISA merged with Banco Agrícola, S.A. and began to be part of the Financial Conglomerate Inversiones Financieras Banco Agrícola, an association that would grant it even more soundness to expand on


CHARTIS SEGUROS EL SALVADOR Pedro Artana General Manager Calle Loma Linda 265, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 3268 - Fax: (+503) 2250 3228 pedro.artana@aig.com www.aig.com Activity: insurance Date of Creation: 1975 Employees: 115 Chartis is the new brand name for the former AIG (American International Group) Inc. a worldwide leader in insurance and financial services with a presence in over 130 countries and 40 million clients. “Chartis”, is the Greek word for “map” and symbolizes the ability to communicate with clients, and navigate changing marketplaces and complex risks worldwide. The promise at the heart of the Chartis brand is problem solving and the perspective to overcome risk and deliver security. Chartis is mapping the way forward with a clear vision, to provide a choice for insurance solutions and superior customer service in every corner of El Salvador.



Chartis Seguros El Salvador is a member of Chartis International with 34 years of experience in insurance. Originally, it was the result of the merger between Seguros Union and Seguros Desarrollo, creating Union de Desarrollo Compañia de Seguros. In 1998 it became Chartis Seguros El Salvador as a result of a new brand strategy.

Entertainment, Industrial Markets, Consumer Markets, Infrastructure, Government and Health.

With 115 employees (60% women), Chartis is the 6th largest life and insurance company in El Salvador with 12% market share and $USD 47 million in premiums in 2008, in both active life and damage insurance.

Although audit services are the most demanding within advisory, information technologies and administrative processes, they are growing rapidly. These last two areas have an enormous growth potential. More exactly, KMPG certifies that businesses have safe computer transactions and that only authorized people can reach protected information.

Chartis is the only Salvadoran insurance company with a global presence in Central America. Regarding general insurance, 40% of the business is vehicle insurance; 45% business insurance; and 10% civil liabilities; in reference to civil liability insurance it is becoming very successful due to the fact that it covers environmental responsibility. Future plans: Chartis El Salvador is aimed at creating trust through its new brand. In 2009 Chartis grew 21%, and is expected to expand business through innovate and affordable products.

KPMG S.A. José Alfredo Aguirre Partner and General Manager Calle Loma Linda 266, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2245 5500 / 2213 8400 Fax: (+503) 2245 3070 aaguirre@kpmg.com www.kpmg.com

The knowledge and expertise of their professionals in varying fields contribute to the ability to see business challenges and opportunities from different angles and therefore, answer to customer’s needs.

KPMG El Salvador recruits only the best professionals, with training programs like “Employer of Choice”; KPMG professionals are very committed and identify with the company. “El Salvador is known as the Japan of Central America due to the charisma of its people, because they are hardworking, entrepreneurial and they want to excel at their work. El Salvador has been chosen instead of other neighboring countries by foreign investors, because of the quality of work of the Salvadorans. Not only the aforementioned, but also El Salvador has a strategic location, developed t elecommunications, good roads and advantageous tax conditions. This mixture is what makes foreign investors come here.” José Alfredo Aguirre, Partner and General Manager

Activity: Consultancy Date of creation: 1967 Turnover: $USD2 US million Dollars


KPMG International is a global network of professional service firms providing audit, tax and advisory services, with more than 140,000 professionals in 144 countries worldwide.

7ª Av. Norte 240, Apdo. Postal 2942, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2281 2444 webmaster@ssf.gob.sv www.ssf.gob.sv

Since 1967 in El Salvador, KPMG El Salvador has been a member of the global network through KPMG Central America; it is registered in El Salvador at the Audit and Public Accounting Professional Survey Counsel under number 422.

Activity: Financial System Controller

KPMG S.A. is within the three top main audit firms in the country, assisting more than 150 companies, both national and international. Their businesses include fields such as Finance Services, Information, Communications,


The Financial System Superintedent’s office was created as an autonomous entity, just when the international trend was that supervisory authorities should not remain dependent on central banks. El Salvador adheres to this trend, although in other countries, the supervisory body of the financial system remains under the Central Bank.



The Redefinition of the SSF was framed within the program of restructuring, modernization and strengthening of the financial system, initiated by the Government of the Republic through the BCR in the early nineties, to make it an efficient system and a promoter of economic and social development. The Modernization Program of the Financial System objectives were` the following: 1. To strengthen and reorganize the equity of the financial institutions in order to comply with the legal requirements of liquidity and solvency. 2. To strengthen the SSF to guarantee its autonomy and efficiency in the supervision of the institutions. 3. To establish a legal framework that allows efficient and competitive intermediation of the financial institutions. 4. To sell to the private sector all nationalized commercial banks and savings and loan associations shares. 5. To develop capital markets through the creation of financial instruments, the stock market and the modernization of the insurance and social security system.


The essential objective of the restructuration was for the country to have efficient banks and financial institutions in order for the State to be able to promote national economic development. The reforms implemented to the functioning of the financial system led to a complete readjustment of the legal framework, which included the enactment of the Organic Law of the Superintendency of the Financial System, which strengthened the institution to ensure its autonomy and efficiency in monitoring financial institutions. Currently, the primary purpose of the Superintendent of the Financial System is “To monitor and effectively regulate the institutions and persons subject to its control, based on ethical principles, laws, rules and international standards on financia mattes, in coordination with other overseeing agencies and protection to the consumer�.




Cuando el rĂ­o suena es porque trae piedras Salvadoran proverb




El Salvador is a country with much development in the hydroelectric and geothermic energy areas. Since the liberalization of the electricity sector in 1996, the sector has gone through major changes. The Comision Electrica del Rio Lempa (CEL) became LaGEO (Salvadoran Geothermic) in 1999; and ETESAL. The Salvadoran Transfer Company, also in 1999. The Transactions Unit that operates the contract market and the regulating market of the system was also created. In 1999 Duke Energy bought the Acajutla thermal generator installations. The mentioned companies together with the electric energy distributor AES (through its filial Fonseca Energia), INE (Inversiones Energeticas) and Cenergica (own by Nejapa Power) complete the principal private groups. In the 1940’s the country bet on the use of hydroelectric energy since it is based on the Lempa River, the longest river of the country. There are several dams throughout the Lempa that guarantee sufficient hydroelectric energy, like the November 5th dam, inaugurated in 1954, Cerron Grande in 1977

and the September 15th in 1983. The country also has the hydroelectric central Guajoyo, the thermal of Acajutla, the geothermic of AhuachapĂĄn, among others. It is estimated that CEL has a generating capability of 1450MV (megawatts). The future El Chaparral dam is currently the great energetic project of the country, with an investment value close to US$220 million, an installed potency of 66MW foreseen for completion by the end of 2013. It is being built by an Italian company, Stanley. It has also provisioned the expansion of 66MW at the November 5th dam, at a cost of US$130 million and the investment of the pumping unit of Cerron Grande estimated in US$40 million. The Energy Mix It is difficult to establish the energy apportioned by each company because during the rainy season the hydroelectric energy increases up to 60% and even up to 85% if the season is rainy. During the dry season the relevancy of especially hydroelectricity greatly diminishes to 40% and the geothermic energy output increases.

15 September dam, one of the most important




Cerrón Grande dam (CEL)

Net apportionment by company (GWh): • CEL: 26% • LaGEO: 25% • Duke: 20% • Nejapa: 14% • INE: 7% • Textufil: 4% • CASSA: 3%

Geothermal Geothermal energy is very important for the country and the region since it accounts for 25% of national energy through this natural, clean and renewable source that the country has. The only geothermal generator is LaGeo made by INE and the Italian ENEL. According to figures from Proceedings World Geothermal Congress in 2007 El Salvador, held ninth place, with installed with the capability of geothermal energy at 195,000 MW.


Renewable Energy In 2007, a new law on renewable energy generation projects was issued offering an income tax exemption for generating projects under 20MW. Solar energy (CEL) With almost 365 days of sun, solar energy has great potential for the future. CEL in cooperation with KFW German group, already has projects to develop this around the September 15th dam and the Guajoyo central terrains. As far as Eolithic generation in the country goes, after wind-mapping the country, two zones have been identified suitable for its development, but it’s not comparable to the potential of solar energy. One company involved in this is Metapan.

Oil Derivatives Distributors There was a substantial change in market share with the incursion of Alba Petroleos in 2006. Alba


currently has 14% of the market share, next to Puma and a little behind the Anglo-Dutch Shell. Due to fines for violating the Competition Law, it is going to sell its participation of Honduran group Tierra Alta. This is going to leave way to ESSO (Exxon Mobil) that also suffered fines for violation to the Competition Law, to hold second place behind the leader Chevron-Texaco.

Mining The only relevant mining operation is the Canadian company Pacific Rim that invested US$56 million to exploit the gold mines of El Dorado.

Principal Energy Companies and Institutions ALBA PETRÓLEOS DE EL SALVADOR Luz Estrella Rodríguez Vice-President Final Av. Olímpica 1029, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2526 7702 mhernandez@albapetroleos.com.sv www.albapetroleos.com.sv Activity: fuel distribution Date of creation: 2006 Turnover: 70US million Dollars Employees: 1000 Created in 2006 after many years of effort and multiple hurdles, Alba Petroleos de El Salvador S.E.M. de C.V. is the synthesis of a new cooperation concept among countries encompassed in ALBA and PETROCARIBE. It is reflected in the State of Venezuela the vision of the future concreting Bolivar and Martin’s integration and Latin American Union. One of the strongest promoters of this project is the deceased FMLN leader Schafik Handal. On the other hand, the innovating role of the City Hall Officials to use public funds and convert them into investment titles to develop one of the population’s most beneficial projects in the history of El Salvador. This is expressed in the stock participation of ENEPASA (Asociacion Intermunicipal de Energia para El Salvador) on part of the Republic of El Salvador and PDV-Caribe S.A. filial of PDVSA on part of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Alba Petroleo’s fuel storage complex in Acajutla

The juridical nature of the enterprise would be Mixed Economy Shares – S.E.M. Salvadoran and would be named “ALBA PETROLEOS DE EL SALVADOR, SOCIEDAD POR ACCIONES DE ECONOMIA MIXTA DE CAPITAL VARIABLE”, that can be abbreviated “ALBA PETROLEOS, S.E.M. DE C.V.” or simply “ALBA PETROLEOS DE EL SALVADOR. This way of association, Alba Petroleos, is 100% Salvadoran, although, 60% is Petrocaribe and 40% Enepasa. Alba Petroleos de El Salvador S.E.M. de C.V. is introducing in the country the PDVSA brand for quality fuel and lubricants, to generate new jobs and healthy competition in the commercialization of oil derived products with the purpose of benefiting companies and consumers with cheaper prices. Its contribution not only begins with the development of over 100 white flag service stations throughout the country, obtaining 14% of the market share in a few years, but it also has indirectly trained 1000 Salvadoran professionals in the qualified oil sector. Besides, Alba Petróleos is one of the main contributors to the State through taxes. Its social function is within Alba’s philosophy. It has contributed over US$2 million with the introduction of potable water, health and education projects, introduction of electrical energy and sports projects at municipalities. The main project of Alba Petroleos is the fuel storage and distribution plant in Ancajutla. The infrastructure has a capacity of receiving 355 thousand barrels of gasoline, liquid gas and aircraft fuel. This task was done with Salvadoran and Venezuelan technical support. The work comprises of the construction of nine storage tanks and the introduction of piping to the sea for the reception of fuel in its own port. There were 4 pipes, 2 eight inch for liquid gas supply and



an additional one for Jet A-1 fuel, as well as two 16 inch pipes for 91-95 gasoline and diesel. There are approximately two thousand, 880 meters of ground piping and one thousand, 100 meters through the sea to connect with a central where oil from the vessels is introduced. “Alba Petroleos is a company of a great social purpose that offers interesting projects and supports investors who want to invest in Salvadoran territory by offering fuel and lubricants at a fair price.” Luz Estrella Rodríguez, Vice-President of Alba Petróleos

AES Corporation is one of the largest global energy companies in the world, with operations on the five continents and in 29 countries. The generation and distribution installations have a capability of supplying 100 million people around the world. Our 13 regulated distribution companies accumulate annual sales for over 73,000 GWh and our generating plants have a generation capability of approximately 43,000 MW. Our global workforce is 28,000 who are equally committed to operative excellence and satisfaction to the world’s growing demands for energy. At AES El Salvador, through our four distributor companies, CAESS, CLESA, EEO and DEUSEM responds to the needs of the population, commerce and industry of the country, by complying with our responsibility of distributing electric energy that is reliable and clean. Additionally, promoting its efficient and safe use as well as promoting urban and rural projects allowing for the growth of the productive sector, improving the quality of life of the communities. The magnitude of AES operations in El Salvador places us as one of the main investors in the country. That is why, our mission is to align all efforts to reach world class levels of quality of service that facilitate industrial and commerce constant growth and contribute to improve the quality of life of the population.

Acajutla port’s pipelines (CEPA)

AES Abraham Bichara Executive President Centro Financiero Gigante, 63 Av. Sur y Alameda Roosevelt, Torre B, Nivel 5, Oficinas AES, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2528 5243 Fax: (+503) 2528 5260 info@aes.com www.aeselsalvador.com

As part of our entrepreneurial vision, AES El Salvador has consolidated its commitment to the country incorporating practices of social responsability to benefit the community we serve and to whom we owe. We serve 80% of the national electric market of energy to more than 1 million clients. 154. Companies distribute electricity to different zones: CAESS: Central zone of San Salvador, Chalatenango, Cuscatlán and Cabañas.

Activity: Energy generation and distribution Date of creation: 1993

CLESA: Santa Ana, Sonsonate, Ahuachapán and part of La Libertad department.

AES has operated in Latin American since 1993 and currently is present in 7 countries (Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic and Panama), where it has 47 generating plants and 9 distribution companies. AES has an installed capacity of 11,224 MW and has over 8 million clients in Latin America.

EEO: San Miguel, Morazán, La Union and part of Usulután and San Vicente.


DEUSEM: Usulután. Regarding renewable energy use plans we like to mention the filter AES Nejapa in El Salvador that will



own and operate a gas recollection system at the sanitized filler of Nejapa. As a result, it is expected to install and operate an electric generator plant that provides up to 25MW of renewal energy derived from the capture and combustion of methane gas.

COMISIÓN EJECUTIVA HIDROELÉCTRICA DEL RÍO LEMPA (CEL) Dr. José Andrés Márquez Rodríguez Executive Director 9ª Calle Pte. 950 entre 15 y 17 Av. Norte, Centro de Gobierno, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2211 6012 Fax: (+503) 2211 6231 amarquez@cel.gob.sv www.cel.gob.sv Activity: Energy generation and distribution Date of Creation: 1945 Profits: 140 million US Dollars Employees: 515

upon conclusion in 2013. It is being built by the Italian company Stanley at a cost of US$220 million. The second axis of CEL is the expansion of 66MW of installed power at the November 5th dam, with an estimated investment of US$130 million and the improvement project of the pumping unit of Cerron Grande of about US$40 million. In the hydroelectric area it counts with other small projects like the binational one with Guatemala at the Paz River, or the Tiger River. El Salvador has almost 365 sunny days, the reason why CEL is strongly betting on solar energy with projects at the September 5th and Guajoyo terrains for the construction of solar farms in partnership with the German KFW. CEL is not the company that uses the Lempa River water to generate energy, but the company that helps environment, people, that contributes to the well-being of Salvadorans and with the energy it produces generates job.

Founded in 1945 to take advantage of the country’s water resources, CEL currently has ventured to expand its envolvement in renewable energy. Since 1996, when the electric sector was restructured, CEL was the public company that held a monopoly in electricity generation and distribution. Even now, CEL is one of the largest companies in El Salvador managing the hydroelectric centrals of the November 5th dam, inaugurated in 1954 and the Guajoyo hydroelectric central, inaugurated in 1964. More hydroelectric centrals that are under its responsibility are Cerron Grande of 1997 and the September 15th, inaugurated in 1983. CEL generates in total, 25% of the country’s energy. If we take into consideration that it has 100% of the Energy Investment (INE), that has the electric central of Talnique, its market participation increases by 7%. At the same time INE, specialized in thermal energy, has 60% of the LaGEO. This company generates 24% of the energy base. We are stating that CEL is indirectly responsible for 55-66% of the generated energy. These figures vary according to the season of the year, since during the rainy season, the hydroelectric participation increases and compensates with the drop in thermal and vice versa during the dry season. Currently, CEL has three strategic projects. The principal one is the construction of a new dam, El Chaparral, that will have 66MW of installed power


Solar energy in a San Salvador building (CEL)

“I know Central America well and I think El Salvador is a strategic country in the region because we want to advance with the development of the country. It still is a country of opportunities where people are hard-working. We have the advantage of being close to Guatemala and Honduras. We have a good port and the best airport. Highways of the region have no comparison and we are a country that has not exploited tourism yet.” Dr. Andrés Márquez, Executive Director of CEL





Alberto Truilzi Director Edif. FUSADES Blvd. y Urbanización Santa Elena, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad, El Salvador Tel: (+503) 2210 5000 / 2214 0100 recepción@cenergica.com www.cenergica.com

Engineer Carlos Ernesto Reyes Benítez Retail Manager El Salvador/Belize Km 10.5 Carretera Panamericana, Santa Tecla, La Libertad, El Salvador Tel: (+503) 2244 5540 Fax: (+503) 2244 5598 reyesce@chevron.com www.chevron.com

Activity: Energy generation and distribution Date of creation: 1995 Central Nejapa Power began its operation in 1995. It provides 22% of El Salvador’s demand. It has a growth rate of approximately 4% a year. The thermal-electrical central functions with bunker fuel generating 144 MW. Nejapa Power belongs to an Israeli capital company, Cenergica. It began its operations in 1995 with the construction of the Nejapa Power plant located in San Salvador and the construction of the fuel terminal in Acajutla with an investment of around USD$172 million. Cenergica is proud to have a strong workforce of 145 employees, highly qualified and with ample experience in the area of electric generation and fuel management. Cenergica represents a corporate responsibility, implementing programs that watch over the environment’s well-being, its communities and employees. Consequently, Cenergica applies its social entrepreneurial policy in the areas of education, environment, health, internal public, industrial security, communitarian development, etc. To control all operations in Latin American Israel Corp. the most important energy company of Israel and owner of Cenergica, created Inkia Corp. with headquarter in Peru, Inkia Corp. has: • Presence in 8 Latin American countries. • Portfolio of diversified assets and balancing. • Hydro-electrical generation and Oil Fuel and Natural Gas based. • Electrical distribution • Fuel Sea terminal • Growth projection in its business portfolio.


Activity: fuel distribution Date of creation: 1934 Turnover: 200 US million Dollars Employees: 200 Chevron is operating in El Salvador under its Texaco brand. Globally, the Chevron Corporation is one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies, with subsidiaries that conduct business across the globe. The company’s success is driven by the ingenuity and commitment of approximately 62,000 employees who operate across the energy spectrum. Chevron explores, produces, transports crude oil and natural gas, refines markets and distributes transportation fuels and other energy products, manufactures and sells petrochemical products, generates power and produces geothermal energy. It provides energy efficiency solutions; and develops and commercializes the energy resources of the future, including bio-fuels and other renewable energy. Since 1934, Texaco has operated in El Salvador, merging with Chevron in 2001. It maintains the Texaco brand in El Salvador because is the most recognized brand in gas stations and fuel distribution. Texaco is the market leader and it invests USD$80 million every year to be the most innovative company. Techron is one clear example that Chevron develops the most advanced products. Techron is a 4th generation lubricant that helps cleaning, protecting and maintaining the engine’s performance that no other competitor can reach. The structure of Chevron in El Salvador consists of: • Fuel storage terminal at the port of Acajutla. • Lubricant installation, built in 1968 that blends lubricants and gear oils for El Salvador and distributes to Central America and the Caribbean. • San Salvador headquarters. • Texaco Caribbean markets lubricants, coolants and fuel additives through its service station network, wholesalers and industrial customers. Coinvestment with petrol station generates USD$3-4 million per year. The brand belongs to Chevron and the assets to the petrol station owner.



It is analyzing a project to create a terminal in the port of Cutuco to distribute in El Salvador and Honduras. “Despite the fact that El Salvador is known as the smiling country, the truth is that Salvadorans are hard-workers. Investors will find highly prepared people for their businesses. Salvadorans are used to challenges and overcoming difficult situations.” Engineer Carlos Reyes, Retail Manager

DUKE ENERGY INTERNATIONAL EL SALVADOR Julio Torres Central American President Edificio CESSA, 3a Planta, Urbanización Madre Selva, Santa Elena, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2500 7600 Fax: (+503) 2500 7648 www.duke-energy.com Date of creation: 1999 (El Salvador) Employees: 23,000 (Worldwide) Revenues: USD$13.2 billion (Worldwide) Duke Energy is a leading energy company focused on electric power and gas distribution operations and other energy services in the Americas, including a growing portfolio of renewable energy assets. Duke Energy is among the ten largest companies generating electricity sectors. It has assets of over US$68,000 million and provides electricity to approximately 3.9 million users in the United States. It has a generating capacity of approximately 37,000 megawatts. It is a Fortune 500 company and its shares are traded on the stock exchange in New York under the symbol DUK. In addition, the company has more than 4,000 megawatts of electrical generation in Latin America. The company’s international operations are located in the Central and South American countries of Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala and Peru. In El Salvador the company covers 38 percent of the maximum demand of the country and for this U.S. company, El Salvador is a capital market because of its continued growth and economic stability. Its headquarters in El Salvador is located in Acajutla, in the department of Sonsonate. Its Duke Energy International (DEI) business unit completed and began commercial operations of USD$75 million. Expansion and modernization of its Acajutla power generating facility were completed in El Salvador in 2001.


The plant´s modernization and expansion included the installation of an additional 100 megawatts of generating capacity, bringing the total capacity of the plant to 300 megawatts. Duke Energy’s total generating capacity in El Salvador is now some 400 megawatts or approximately 15 percent of the total country’s operation. The Acajutla power generating facility was acquired in 1999 by Duke Energy International as part of a privatization of governmentowned electric generation assets. “The political and economic stability of El Salvador offers attractive opportunities for investors,” said Duke Energy International President and CEO Bruce Williamson. “The location of El Salvador affords gateways for integration of the energy sector to both North and South- making it an ideal base for growth of our Central American operations.”

INVERSIONES ENERGÉTICAS (INE) Engineer Ricardo Quiñonez-Ávila Director Calle y Col. La Mascota 261, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2514 4200 Fax: (+503) 2514 4247 rquioneza@yahoo.com Activity: Energy generation and distribution Date of creation: 2004 Turnover: 120 US million Dollars Employees: 115 Founded in 2004, as a result of the restructuration of the energy sector, Inversiones Energeticas a subsidiary firm of CEL (Comision Ejecutiva del Rio Lempa), generates and commercializes thermoelectric power at Talnique Central. This electric central develops 100 MW after the enhancement made in 2009 that doubled its original capacity. Built by the Finn firm Wärstsilä, it was inaugurated in 2006 with a maximum capacity of 200MW. INE also owns 60% of LaGEO geothermic society. Approximately 24% of the national electricity is produced thanks to thermal energy. This source of energy does not depend on the rainy season, nor does it on oil nor its derivatives. LaGEO stores water that is heated underground to use steam power to generate clean energy. Currently, there are two geothermic centrals: in Ahuachapán and Berlin and two geothermic terrains in Ahuachapán and El Tronador in Usulután through San Vicente, 7 subsidiary firms of LaGEO. It also



manages other geothermic fields, such as San Vicente and Chinameca that are in a study phase. INE produces 7% of the total energy of the country, LaGEO 24% and CEL 26% for a total of 1200 MW installed capacity. INE benefits from the Kyoto Protocol of carbon credits. They are a key component to national and international attempts to mitigate the concentration increase of greenhouse gases (GHGs). One carbon credit is equal to one ton of Carbon Dioxide or in some markets, to Carbon Dioxide equivalent gases. In 2009 INE received 1.33 US million Dollars thanks to clean power generation from the geothermic electricity. Following its mission to diversify into clean energy, INE is experimenting different types of energy such as solar, wind, thermo-solar, bio-diesel production among others. “INE’s vision as a company is to expand its activities from fossil fuels to clean energy. The current government’s duty is to make clean energy attractive to investors. Foreign investors should know that there is a possibility to have joint venture companies with Salvadorans in this specific field.” Julio Valdivieso, Executive Director “A very interesting thing is that companies involved in CEL group like Energy Investments are as efficient as the private firms because we are competing in a free market free of costs and tariffs. Moreover, El Salvador is not an isolated island. It belongs to the Central American Electric Interconnection called SIEPAC, which allows El Salvador to buy or sell energy to neighboring countries.” Ricardo Quiñonez, Director

LA GEO Napoleón Guerrero President Col. Utila, Santa Tecla, La Libertad, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2211 6700 Fax: (+503) 2211 6745

La GEO is a mixed economic company made by Inversiones Energeticas and the Italian ENEL dedicated to the generation of electric energy based on geothermal resources that arose in 1999 as part of the decentralization of productive activities of the Comision Ejecutiva Hidroelectrica del Rio Lempa CEL). Its mission and vision has the purpose of contributing to the sustainable development of the country and of the Central American region, through investigation, industrialization, rational and sustainable administration of renewable energy resources. Activities are carried out based on a platform of values, where social responsibility and respect to the environment are an essential part of the productive operations. Worldwide electric energy generation through geothermal exploitation is qualified as clean and renewable energy compared to other energy sources such as fossil fuel based responsible for liberating the greenhouse effect gases. LaGEO maintains an independent production free of hydrological cycles and high fuel prices. Low gas emission concentration to the atmosphere during electric energy generation from geothermic resources, are less relevant than the emanations detected in the natural fume zones of volcanic origin in El Salvador. La GEO has concessions in four areas or geothermal fields, at two of them LaGEO has installed geothermal centrals on condensation and the other two are in the feasibility and exploitation phase. The two geothermal centrals are located in the Salvadoran departments of Ahuachapán (1972) and Berlin-Usulután (1976). The first one has an installed capacity of 95 MW generating and average of 58MW. Berlin has an installed capacity of 66MW counting two condensation units of 28MW each. Its current projects are the third unit for the Berlin plant, as well as the experimental operations of the Geothermal plant of San Jacinto Tizate in Nicaragua and the development project “Ciclo Binario” that is a system through which heat is transfered from a fluid of higher temperature to another of less temperature with the purpose to vaporize it and generate electricity through the use of a generating-turbine system.

Activity: Geothermal energy generator and distributor Date of creation: 1999 Profits: 140 US million Dollars Employees: 515




GRUPO TROPIGAS Mario Martínez General Manager Blvd. del Ejército Nacional Km 4½ Col. Montecarmelo, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2515 5500 www.grupotropigas.com Activity: Gas distribution Tropigas is the principal seller of propane gas with 53% of the market share. Following its growing policy, Tropigas is analyzing necessary conditions to

expand the terminal it has in La Union. The objective is to duplicate storage capacity from the spheres it currently has. This investment would require an investment of USD$4 -14 million. Currently, the spheres of La Union terminal can store 3.5 million gallons of GLP and with the expansion it would reach to 7 million gallons. Tropigas imported 2.5 million gallons at a cost of USD$3 million. The product arrived on a Panamanian flag vessel Gaz Baraka that has a capability of 111 million gallons. It is the largest capacity gas ship that has docked in the country.

Power central close to 15 September dam





Ladrón que roba a ladrón, tiene cien años de perdón Salvadoran proverb


Industry and Trade



Since 1992, at the time of the Peace Accords, the country entered into a very aggressive globalization process of commercial openness that took it to compete face-to-face with strong economies such as Mexico, Chile and the United States. This was decisive proof for the country’s industry to take advantage of developing an export platform of nontraditional industrial products and displacing Maquila as an export sector. Even though, this latter one still represents 45% of all exports.

The industry continues maintaining its participation in the Gross Domestic Product to a near 25% with 3% growth rates in the last years.This growth has temporarily been paralyzed due to the global financial crisis and the 2009 US economic pattern that is the principal extra regional market of El Salvador. Once the US economy reactivates, the recovery of the Salvadoran industrial growth will consequentially as well. The industry uses 16% of the workforce population.

The Salvadoran economy was transformed in the last two decades. The productive structure changed, moving from an export market dependent on agricultural products such as coffee and sugar, to others based on manufacturing with low technological level and minimum added value such as maquilas in the textile production and commercial and financial services.

Beverage and food bottling, manufacturing of bags and boxes, production of mineral based utensils, textiles, leather, plastic, are some of the industries that experienced a higher growth, as well as the Hilasal and ADOC companies.

The government is attempting to attract activities with greater local added value at the same time that is promoting the national industry exports to the Caribbean, the United States and Mexico. The main resource and wealth of El Salvador is its people, for being hard-working, qualified and with great initiative.

Generator at El Ă ngel sugar refinery


Soda beverage and beer industry from La Constancia Industry and cement are some of the monopolist or oligopolistic sectors. El Salvador is in the 45th position of industrial development of 122 countries belonging to the ONUDI (United Nations Organization for Industrial Development). In order to face competition between neighboring countries and Southeast Asia the country must improve its productivity. To establish a company in El Salvador, 68 days are necessary for the processing of legal paperwork. Control room in a sugar refinery


Industry and Trade

There are numerous Free Zones in the country such as: - American Industrial Park, - Exporsalva Free Zone, - Concordia Industrial Park, - Lido Free Zone, - Miramar Free Zone, - San Bartolo Free Zone, - Santa Lucía Free Zone, - El Pedregal Free Export Zone, - International Free Zone, - San Marcos Free Zone, - Free Zone 10. Weighing and packaging mussels (El Diario de Hoy)

MAQUILAS Maquila of textile products and manufacturing is the second main source of income for the country but it is confronting competition from countries such as China and the dislodging temptation of neighboring countries. Facing this risk, the industrial park is being renovated. In numbers, the textile industry and manufacturing industry represent 45% of the total exports of El Salvador, 50% of the workforce in the manufacturing industry, 18% of the Industrial Product and 4.1% of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This chain encompasses the four links: fiber, thread, textiles and garment manufacturing. The textile Industry is one of the sectors that has most benefited from the Incentive Law of the Free Zones where the great majority of the maquilas of El Salvador are located. For 20 years El Salvador has been attracting foreign investment such as garment manufacturing, one of the most important ones. In order for El Salvador to have more competitiveness as an investment destination, the Free Zone Law was created, which grants fiscal benefits to operations at the Free Zones, as well as the companies operating within it. Among those are: • Incentive to industrial activities • Permanent exemption of all local taxes (VAC, income tax, municipal taxes) and rates on imports of raw material and equipment. • Tax exemption of real estate taxes.

Industrial facilities are equipped with the latest machinery (El Diario de Hoy)

CONSTRUCTION Although El Salvador won the Millennium account and was expected to have growth in infrastructure, the construction was the most affected sector for the economic crisis. Since there is a housing deficit affecting over 1 million homes, it is expected that this sector will have a relevant growth upon US economy recovery. That is why the country is very attractive to international housing and infrastructure builders, indeed, the country is investing in improving its highway network. Jobs provided from the construction sector represent almost 8% of the workforce.

COMMERCE AND SERVICES These two sectors are very important, since 22% of the workforce of the country is employed in the commerce sector and 38% in the service area.



Industry and Trade

Salvadorans are very adept to the consumption of goods. The fact that the country receives remittances on a regular basis from Salvadoran nationals living in the United States (distant brothers) is very relevant. It is estimated that this represents17% of the Salvadoran GDP. If remittances continue, commerce prospers. The country has many malls that carry the latest electronic brands and models such as telephones, fashion, technology, IT and restoration. Big stores and supermarket chains dominate the consumption of goods, Multiplaza, Metrocentro, Galerias, La Gran VĂ­a and Las Cascadas are some of the largest malls.

ELECTRONICS AND AERONAUTICS For many years, manufacturing in El Salvador was mainly represented by the textile and manufacturing industry.

The country’s strategy in the spare parts sector is displacing from manufacturing of component to complete operational assembly, where the country has shown outstanding hand-labor skills. Since 1977, El Salvador has production lines of electronic appliances. Transfer of technology from the United Kingdom, United States, Mexico and the Czech Republic, among others. This has allowed for an increase in the number of companies that operate in the electronic sector in El Salvador. El Salvador is the only country in Central America besides Panama that has aeronautic industry. The country has developed a free-zone to serve aviation, where it is carrying out distribution and logistics, reverse logistics and a training and maintenance center focusing on learning at work, among others. El Salvador’s capabilities include glass and carbon fiber production, as well as electrical engineering knowledge. El Salvador has a successful aircraft maintenance industry, including Aeroman, the best known company established in El Salvador.

Aeroman provides airframe heavy maintenance services to North American airlines



Industry and Trade

Aeroman is a Salvadoran aeronautic company licensed by the principal licensing agencies. In 2007, it was partially acquired by ACTS (Air Canada Technical Support) and now AVEOS. • It is the only Latin American company member of the Airbus aircraft repair worldwide network; operational maintenance network (MRO’s) • It is an excellence center for the Airbus A320 heavy maintenance. • Currently, it is following an aggressive 7-year expansion plan which would quadruple its production lines and would add 3,000 more employees to its operations. It was a vital factor that TACA company had chosen El Salvador as an operational hub for all of Central America, giving a lot a thrust to the sector. Moreover, the sector benefits from government programs and support through incentives for establishing new national and international companies.

There are excellent opportunities for MRO´s electronic and spare parts, for companies in the manufacturing areas such as those dedicated to assembly and/or manufacturing of pieces and/or sub-pieces in industries such as automotive parts, metal and plastic parts. Other important factors include the closeness to the coast, competitive labor costs and total compliance with international standards, such as the “British Standard Institute”, “ISO9000, ISO 14000, QS 2000 and ISO/TS 16949”.

EXPORTS In 2008 exports reached US$4.6 billion in textile and manufacturing products, coffee, sugar, among others. The USA is the main trade partner (47% of exports) and neighboring countries such as Guatemala with 14%, Honduras 12% and Nicaragua 6%.

Trade Balance Figures in Million of $US

Quarter or Year-End Balance Transactions 2005

Annual Growth

III 2008 914.6 401.9 184.3 12.3 917.4 879.5 69.6 43.3 1576.0 420.4 5418.0

III 2009 936.6 430.8 192.5 0.0 927.9 879.5 0.0 3.1 1902.5 496.1 5891.1

III 2009 2.4 7.2 4.5




1 Industry 2 Commerce 3 Services 4 Construction 5 Communications 6 Electricity 7 Agriculture and Fishing 8 Mining and Quarry 9 Finance 10 Maquila (multure) 11 Sub Total 12 Loans between companies DFI

853.5 870.2 305.0 356.3 125.2 137.1 12.412.4 12.3 793.8 793.9 800.2 847.6 67.167.7 69.6 1.529.5 37.8 250.4 321.9 298.9 298.5 3508.1 3735.0

891.6 397.3 177.2 12.3 860.6 847.6 69.6 42.5 1489.4 399.1 5182.5

919.7 411.9 184.2 12.3 917.4 879.5 69.6 42.0 1858.9 425.4 5721.5
















1.1 0.0

20.7 18.0 8.7

1/ Excludes instant coffee (p) Preliminary figures



Industry and Trade

IMPORTS Imports reach US$9 billion in consumer goods, raw materials, capital goods, oil products, electricity, etc. The United States occupies the first place with

30% of imports coming from this country, followed by Guatemala with 9%, China with 5% and France with 4%.

Imports Economical Classification Figures in Million of $US and percentages

Yearly Accumulated Growth

Yearly accumulated flow or reference month

Transactions 2006




Apr 2009(p)

apr 2009


1 Consumer goods








1.1 non perishables








1.1.1 Petroleum oils, hydrocarbons, gas








1.2 Perishables








2 Intermediate good






2.1 Manufacturing








2.1.1 (Crude petroleum)








2.1.2 (Petroleum Oils) 1/








2.2 Agriculture








2.2.1 (Fertilizers)



2.3 Construction


2.4 Others










3.1 Manufacturing




3.2 Transportation and communications




3.2.1 Vehicles





3.3 Agriculture





3.4 Construction




3.5 Commerce




3.6 Services




3.7 Electricity,water and Services



3.8 Banking


3.9 Others

























24.1 359






















































1/ Includes petroleum oils or from bituminesce minerals excepting crude oils, or any other preparations with a superior level or equal to 70% of petroleum oils. (p) Preliminary figures Source: Banco Central de Reserva, based on the information of Direcciรณn General de Aduanas, Unidad de Transacciones (UT) y RASA.



Industry and Trade

MAIN COMMERCE AND INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES AND INSTITUTIONS ADOC ENTERPRISE Jaime Roberto Palomo President Calle Montecarmelo 800, Soyapango Tel: (+503) 2251 7148 Fax: (+503) 2227 0380 Activity: Shoes Date of creation: 1953 Employees: 3000 ADOC is the leading company in the region dedicated to shoe manufacturing and its parts, as well as the export and distribution of its products through their chain stores in Central and South America. Mr. Roberto Palomo founded the factory Calzado Salvadoreño, S.A., in June 1953, now called Adoc. With time, ADOC became one of the most relevant companies of Central America. After finishing his studies in California, in the United States, Mr. Roberto Palomo worked in different areas “doing everything”. At Bank of London and in South America, later, he tried to mass-produce shoes, more durable and comfortable, something totally opposed to what existed at that time, which were handcrafted shoes with no anatomic designs. To this date, Adoc employs over 3,000 people in the region, has 400 stores worldwide and produces 10 million pairs of shoes a year for Central America, the United States, Europe and the Middle East.

Activity: catering services Date of creation: 1999 Turnover: 4 US million Dollars Employees: 240 Alimentos Industriales Salvadoreños, S.A. de C.V. (ALISAL) is a Salvadoran company focused on the large scale food industry, in the production area, as well as service. It was founded in September 1999 by Mr. Alfredo Escalon and Alejandro F. Cristiani. ALISAL started its operation on October 1, 1999 with the purpose of offering catering services to maquilas and industrial companies. With 6 employees, it took hard work to land a contract at the Izalco Plant Lourdes Textile, Ltda. (Fruit of the Loom). On November 15th, ALISAL began providing services to Izalco employees. During the years 2000 and 2001 the company increased the volume of daily served dishes from 1,600 to 4,000. ALISAL became a work source for over 150 people and besides Lourdes Textiles, Ltda. its clients included General Magnetics Technology, Livna, Textufil, Confecciones del Valle, SISA and Picacho. Although, at the beginning it specialized in servicing maquilas, with time it expanded its services to education, call centres and events. It is a catering specialist in logistics as well as services. It is in charge of serving food and everything involved in the process. It has specialists on kitchen design, equipment providers, industrial kitchen equipment and cold rooms. It also sets operation flow organization and is in charge of transportation, accommodations, infrastructure and all entertainment coordination that may be needed in those events.


2003 was relevant because it was the year that the most modern food processing plant of the region was inaugurated, under the name of Global Food Services Corporation based on Cook-Chill technology and operated under HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) quality standards. GFS Corp. entered the regional and Caribbean markets offering specialized products and services.

Alfredo Escalón Executive Director Parque Industrial El Riconcito, Km 29½ Carretera a Santa Ana, 14 A y 16, San Juan Opico, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2317 7777 Fax: (+503) 2317 7798 info@alisal.com.sv www.alisal.com.sv

Additionally, ALISAL, together with the Salvadoran Foundation for Social Health and Development (FUSAL), provided food to athletes of the XIX Central American and Caribbean Games, El Salvador 2002. The food service of the games was classified as excellent not only by the International Olympic Committee, but of outmost importance, the athletes themselves. It served 200,000 meals in 20

Nowadays the company produces and distributes brands like Adoc, Heartland, Hush Puppies, Park Avenue, Liz Claiborne and Nine West, among others.



Industry and Trade

days. Because of this experience, ALISAL decided to continue providing catering services to similar sport events. In February 2003, the company participated and was granted the bid to provide food service to the athletes of the XIV Pan American Games, Santo Domingo 2003. It served 300,000 meals at this event and the results of this service were also excellent. Participation in these events has allowed commercial relations with various companies, such as, Sysco International and master chefs, like Rudi Sodamin, internationally known. Those events have given it an unblemished international image, which will allow us to continue growing in the sports sector. ALISAL is characterized by its pro-active and professional vision. Its daily work is based on developing more efficient and creative procedures through technology and as a company, whose main priority is food safety, with strict respect to international norms and procedures as far as food processing and handling. The way ALISAL operates is based on the HACCP international norm. “We are a company that has access to the best products, equipment suppliers and worldwide culinary know-how.”

ANEP – ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL DE LA EMPRESA PRIVADA Carlos Enrique Araujo President 1ª Calle Poniente y 71 Av. Norte 204, Col. Escalón, Apdo. 1204, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 8300 Fax: (+503) 2209 8317 comunicaciones@anep.com.sv www.anep.com.sv Activity: National Chamber of Private Companies Date of creation: 1966 The Asociación Nacional de la Empresa Privada (ANEP) was founded in September 1966 and is a non-profit entity that is integrated by the most relevant sectors of the private enterprise associations and entities. It is the most private enterprise represented union. Its fundamental objectives are to contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of El Salvador, by promoting the strengthening of the


entrepreneurial sector, democracy and the rule of law of the State. More concretely, the association has the objective of: a) Coordinating private initiative efforts to benefit economic, social and cultural development of the country. b) Develop and strengthen the free enterprise system in El Salvador. c) Carry out research, economic, social and juridical studies and propose solutions and formulate recommendations. d) Establish and maintain relations with similar organizations from the country and abroad. e) Cooperate in the solution of economic, financial, social and legal character national problems. f) Cooperate in the promotion and correct channeling of national and foreign investments that tend to strengthen the national economy. g) Advise and recommend Associated Entities related to the problems that are affecting them. h) Strengthen the unit of Associated Entities in issues of general interest; to reconcile differences that may exist among them and serve as arbitrator in an arbitrage of those issues when is required. i) Advocate for the continuance of an economic regime that responds to the principles of social justice, human respect and that provide appropriate conditions for private enterprise development and stimuli. j) Procure harmony related to entrepreneurial and labor sectors based on fairness and justice for the general interest. k) Carry out all those activities that tend to develop, benefit and strengthen private initiative. ANEP has an Entrepreneurial Social Foundation, which is the social action arm of ANEP to answer different needs of the civil society. Its goal is to promote programs and projects that contribute to integral and sustainable human development through health, professional training, environment, infrastructure, housing and culture. The Entrepreneurial Foundation for Sustainable Development of the small and medium enterprise, FUNDAPYME, emerged as an initiative of the National Association of the Private Enterprise (ANEP) and FUNDES International in response to the needs of productive modernization of the country and the consolidation of the free enterprise system. FUNDAPYME’s mission is to contribute, support and promote competiveness of small and medium enterprises of El Salvador making available an offer of quality services, internationally proven and would help and contribute to improve capabilities toward the globalization challenges.


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Engineer Napoleón Guerrero Barrios President Calle Roma y Liverpool, Col. Roma, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2267 9253 Fax: (+503) 2267 9251 info@asi.com.sv www.asi.com.sv

Andrés Tesak President Final Av. Cerro Verde, Col. Sierra Morena 2, Soyapango Tel: (+503) 2297 9000 - Fax: (+503) 2297 6574 Giusseppe.depilla@bocadeli.com www.bocadeli.com

Activity: Salvadoran Association of Industrial Companies Date of creation: 1958

Activity: Food distribution Date of creation: 1996 Turnover: 80 million US Dollars Employees: 1300

The Salvadoran Association of Industries (ASI) was founded on June 12, 1958, as a result of the negotiation of various visionary groups, that considered the need and convenience of a union in the industrial field. ASI’s objectives are: 1. To promote and protect industry in the country. 2. To defend the interest of the industries of the country in general and its associates in particular. 3. To improve the quality of the national manufactured products. 4. To promote promotion increase in benefit of the consumer. 5. To launch a campaign for consumers to prefer national products. 6. To promote the establishment of new industries. 7. To make efforts geared to increase and diversify exports. 8. To become the State’s consulting entity in all those issues related to the national industry. 9. To assure that its associates promote well-being of their employees and workers, for which it will conduct studies and generally suggest measures tending to prevention, social care and general wellbeing of the workers. 10. To train and prepare workers in the different industrial branches. 11. Any other purpose coherent with the type of Association and its attributions. ASI’s vision for the 50 years of its history has been to encourage social and economic development of the country through the strengthening of the industrial sector, promoting and protecting national industry, defending the legitimate interest of the industrials and especially its associates.


Productos Alimenticios Bocadeli is an industrial company, dedicated to the manufacturing and commercialization of salty and sweet snacks. The company is among the main exporters of El Salvador because of its high selling levels, distributing its products in Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Belize and the United States. Bocadeli is one of the most important industrial companies of the region with over 1200 employees. Bocadeli was born in El Salvador on July 8, 1996, as a result of a deep feasibility analysis of the Central American and Mexican food market. In 1997 it jumped to Guatemala with three distributors and in a few years it had become the regional leader of production and distribution of salty and sweet Snacks. Currently, it has 26 brands after a restructuration, when it handled 80. The first products launched to the market by BOCADELI were: Galapagos, Quesitrix, Totipop candy, Japonitos, Pindi cookies, etc. To manufacture the entire production line, which represent a total of 80 to 100 million bags a month, it is necessary to use specialized machinery and a great deal of distribution work. It is a constant investment on cutting-edge machinery to guarantee the quality of its products and packaging. It is necessary to have an adequate corn stock, which is the primary raw material of its products. In its 15 years of existence, Salvadoran children have identified themselves with Bocadeli and its brands. Children from 2 to 15 years old are the target market of Bocadeli. Due to the fact that its products are low cost and are sold at tenths of a Dollar, there is a constant promotion of its products at selling points. Just as vital as the low cost is the effort of distributing cereal to improve children’s nutrition.


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Currently, the Chamber has 4 subsidiaries, (Santa Ana, Sonsonate, San Miguel and La Union) and 6 business groups. 2500 companies are members of the Chamber. It has the biggest professional training center of the country, including the only board of conciliation and arbitration for commerce issues. 90% of the members are small and medium companies. It is the only Chamber that covers all sectors through assessment boards of qualified businessmen, such as commerce, industry, services, transport, tourism, finance, export, marketing, young enterprising, etc. The Chamber organizes 12 events throughout the year, for instance, marketing, tourism, women’s congress, food festivals, industry fairs, etc. Through DIESCO organization, it promotes the use and development of bar codes and electronic signatures.

Transporting sugar (Camarasal)


“Despite many years of war, El Salvador enjoys a safe investment degree given by the rating agencies. Salvadorans are incredibly hard workers and this is something external investors appreciate very much. Having the U.S. Dollar as the national currency aides its macroeconomic stability, El Salvador is very attractive to foreign investors.” Jorge José Daboub, President

Engineer Jorge José Daboub President 9ª Av. Norte y 5a Calle Poniente 133, Apartado Postal 1640, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2231 3000 - Fax: (+503) 2271 4461 presidencia@camarasal.com www.camarasal.com Activity: Chamber of Commerce and Industry Date of creation: 1915 Employees: 130 The Chamber of Commerce and Industry was founded in 1915. Originally the main activity of the chamber was agriculture. Eventually, the needs of Salvadoran businessmen evolved and so did the Chamber. After 95 years of history the Chamber of Commerce and Industry still, is the biggest, the most represented and important. Its values are the defense of business freedom and democracy, the respect of law as a developing mechanism of enterprises and the country; and the respect of people, the key for the country’s development.


CÁMARA DE LA INDUSTRIA TEXTIL, CONFECCIÓN Y ZONA FRANCAS DE EL SALVADOR (CAMTEX) Lic. Patricia Figueroa CAMTEX Executive Director Calle Liverpool y Roma, Edificio ASI (Asociación Salvadoreña de Industriales) Col. Roma, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2298 3506 Fax: (+503) 2298 3508 dirección@camtex.com.sv www.camtex.com.sv Activity: Chamber of textile and manufacturing industry The Camara de la Industria Textil, Confección y Zonas Francas de El Salvador represents more than 100 companies united to generate over 100,000 direct employments.

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Within the general industry, the textile and manufacturing industry represent close to 45% of the total exports of El Salvador, 18% of the industrial product and 4.1% of the national Gross Domestic Product. The textile industry is one of the sectors that benefit the most from the Incentive Law at Free Zones, where almost the entire maquila of El Salvador is located. For 20 years El Salvador has been attracting foreign investment on different industries, being to this date the apparel manufacturing as one of the most important ones. In order to give more competitiveness to El Salvador as an investment destination, the Free Zone Law was created, which grants fiscal benefits to the operators of the Free Zone as well as the companies that operate there among which we can mention: • Incentives to industrial activities. • Permanent local tax exemption (VAC, income and municipal) and import tariffs of equipment and raw material. • Tax exemption on real estate.

CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE FERIAS Y CONVENCIONES (CIFCO) – CONVENTION AND FAIR INTERNATIONAL CENTER Miguel Menéndez Chairman CEO Av. La Revolución 222, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2501 0200 Fax: (+503) 2501 0246 www.cifco.gob.sv Activity: Organization of national and international fairs and events Known for many years only as the International Trade Fair, the International Convention and Fair Center (CIFCO) changed to this new name in 2009. Investment done on this strategic change involves more than USD$4 million in brand new infrastructure and cutting-edge technological equipment. It is currently the largest in Central America with 36,000 m2 of covered room. It has impressive rooms, such as, the Amphitheater, the Central Farming the land (Camarasal)



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America room, or the different international ones. El Salvador is becoming the meeting point for a great number of business events. Consequently, the modernization of the center was to create the best convention center of Central America. CIFCO organizes many fairs including: CONSUMA, AUTOEXPO, AGROEXPO, among many others. In October 2009 The Central American Travel Market (CATM) fair was held at CIFCO. CIFCO is member of international associations such as: UFI (International Fair Union) and AFIDA (American International Fair Association). CIFCO is also building a 200-room hotel close to the fair to provide better service to its visitors. Moreover, it has negotiated a partnership with the Spanish Fair of Valencia. In reference to the future, the new CIFCO administration of Mr. Miguel Menéndez is considering returning to the old long-recognized name of “International Fair”. “Peace in El Salvador is very solid. Businessmen are welcome, well treated and protected. Labor and regulations have international standards. The government of unity claims that rules are equal for everyone. A relevant example is the recent opening of the Mexican Aztec Bank in El Salvador. This is proof that there is a safe investment atmosphere in the country and that the government supports, not only national, but foreign investment as well.”

GRUPO CALLEJA (SUPER SELECTOS) Francisco Calleja President Prolongación 59 Av. Sur y Calle El Progreso 2934, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2298 1927 Fax: (+503) 2298 1943 mrivera@superselectos.com.sv www.superselectos.com.sv Activity: Supermarket Date of creation: 1951 Employees: 5600 What started in 1951 as a small shop located at the 9th Avenida Sur, founded by Don Daniel Calleja, Spaniard, from Logroño and Mr. Agustín Alfaro, selling refrigerated products and basic grains at accessible prices, in addition to personalized attention, cleanliness and hygiene. It has become one of the top ten Central American enterprises and


the number 1 in supermarkets competing head-tohead with the global giant Wal-Mart. Additionally, it has the industrial area with a factory of cold meat and a bakery, also real estate with shopping malls and as investor at El Pedregal Free Zone. In 1969 the so called “Gigante” sale’s room was inaugurated at Prolongación 59 Av. Sur and Calle El Progreso. The new selling location revolutionized the supermarket concept, since it had 1600 square meters of sales area. Since then, the supermarket took gigantic steps toward development and expansion at a national level. With time, the company acquired prestige and soundness, including during the “lost decade” for the armed conflict that the country experienced. Super Selectos demonstrated its faith in the country and continued their projected goal, investing and creating new job sources at times when many companies were doubtful about investment. On the road to consolidation and expansion, Super Selectos, in the 90’s, acquired 4 existing supermarket chains: El Sol (4 branches); Todo por menos (14 sale’s rooms), Multimart (1 sale’s room) and La Tapachulteca (13 sale’s rooms). With the purchase of “Todo por menos” (Everything for less) located in the interior of the country, it expanded its services to the municipalities, towns and cities of San Salvador. After 57 years of supplying El Salvador’s cupboards with high quality products at a low cost, the company has over 82 Supermercados Selectos, Selectos Market, Supermercados “De Todo” sales rooms undoubtely operating as leaders in the country; with 100% Salvadoran working capital under the philosophy of “customer’s care our way”. Currently, it gives work to about 8,500 people and in fiscal year 2005, it paid the Ministry of Treasury close to 55 million US Dollars. We can proudly state that Super Selectos is the only supermarket that has been present for over half a century in the history of the country, thanks to the support and preference of its clients. It continues expanding to every corner of El Salvador, since “No one knows Salvadorans like Super Selectos does.” “We are the private enterprise that employs more people in El Salvador.” Francisco Calleja, President


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GRUPO EJJE Jorge Siman Director Calle los Castaños 75, Col. San Francisco, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2211 3553 Fax: (+503) 2211 3500 jjsz@ejje.com www.ejje.com Activity: software and hardware solutions Date of foundation: 1995 Employees: 150 Group EJJE was founded in 1995 by Dr. Enrique Borgo Bustamante, Lic. José Jorge Siman, Lic. Jorge Siman Zablah and Engineer Enrique Borgo W. Since its beginning, the group has constantly evolved its array of products and services gradually grown to become what is today, a company that offers its clients all types software and hardware technological solutions and different solutions, to make other businesses more competitive. The company has experienced a fast evolution since it began compiling information in the area (SCI), commercializing and renting bar code equipment and providing products and raw material inventory services in 1996. Currently, it offers an ample array of products and services that range from banking, commerce and industry, original solutions to sales of the most varied and sophisticated necessary equipment for different types of management. EJJE Group has acquired the commitment of bringing products and creative technological solutions to its clients in a culture of excellence, reliability and integrity, a factor that has currently made it one of the most trusted companies. The main supporters of the group are its 300 clients that have chosen it, as a technological ally in Latin America and the Caribbean. Among the world reknown companies established in the region are SONY, Louis Vuitton and ADOC. Under the logo “Technological Solutions that adds value to your company”, the company offers its 150 employees and experience to satisfy clients’ expectations and complete their objectives.


GRUPO NEGOCIOS INTERNACIONALES S.A. (NISA) Engineer Jorge Gerardo Daura Safie President 27 Av. Sur 756, Col. Cucumacayan, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2231 2250 / 2200 Fax: (+503) 2271 2650 igds@negocionsinternacionales.com www.grupo-nisa.com Activity: Various Activities Group Date of creation: 1954 Turnover: 40 million US Dollars Employees: 270 direct, 800 including indirect Created in 1954, Negocios Internacionales, S.A. (NISA) is a conglomerate of 5 different 100% Salvadoran companies, which underwent a distribution by sector process in 2006, before becoming a group in 2007. DeACE is the steel distributor that provides solutions to the construction industry as a steel supplier for relevant works such as Multiplaza and Gran Vía Business Mall, Hotel President, Sheraton Convention Center and Chaparral Dam. Besides steel, it distributes warehouse tools and electric material. Together with DeACE, Techos de Centro América (TCA) is the other specialized construction company providing integral solutions to rooves covered with fiber-cement sheets certified under ISO9001:2000 complying with Mexican construction norms. It also includes installing and covering roof support types or metallic structures. DISNISA was the food importing leader in the 70’s. Currently it is the most prestigious beverage importer and distributer. It has the most prestigious brands and its own sale’s room called Cheers Liquor Store at Paseo Escalon y 79 Ave Norte of the Salvadoran capital. Internacional de Lubricantes (InterLub), created 2 years ago has had a vertiginous growth as a result of its alliance with Repsol YPF, one of the principal private energy oil companies of Latin America. It works and distributes engine and transmission oil, industrial and for motorcycles. Introduction into the oil sector is a great future bet for the NISA Groups.


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ONIX Services is the company of the group that provides logistics and distribution services not only to our companies but also to third parties.

the countries its commercial malls are the most important. In El Salvador it has the three most important: Metrocentro, Multiplaza, El Paseo.

Grupo NISA is a company constantly growing and alert to market opportunities that has invested a great deal of funds in technology and implementing management software. It has a capability to comply with strong construction materials, supply demands and the receptivity to distribute new brands.

Besides that, it has built over 50,000 homes in the region since 1969, ranging from apartment buildings developed for housing to corporate centers or important offices such as Plaza Roble in Costa Rica and Torre Roble in El Salvador. Its real estate division is very complete.

GRUPO ROBLE Ricardo Poma President Blvd. Constitución 169, San Salvador http://www.gruporoble.com/ Activity: Multisectorial Date of creation: 1919 Employees: 10,000 including all countries directors It is one of the most important entrepreneurial groups, not only in El Salvador, but also in Central America. They work in many economic sectors of the country with five divisions: 1) Automotive: Group Excel The origin of the group was the importation and distribution of automobiles. Mr. Bartolome Poma was the founder of the saga, who in 1920 opened Don Bartolome Taller (Don Bartolome´s Shop) and later Casa Poma, currently known as Grupo Excel Central American leader in automobile distribution. To mention some of the brands that it represents: Toyota, Chevrolet, Lexus, Hino, Daihatsu, Mitsubishi, Kia and BMW. 2) Industrial: It was born in 1950. It has two factories: Solaire, dedicated to window frames, glass and aluminum and Unimetal, dedicated to roofing. 3) Hotel: In 1972 it began with what is currently the Real Intercontinental, with 5 Intercontinental hotels. Together it manages and operates 28 hotels in the entire region. As an example, it opened a second hotel in Colombia of the Marriott chain. It also operates in 10 other countries such as the United States (Miami), Costa Rica and Mexico. 4) Real Estate: Group El Roble has 17 commercial malls in the region from Guatemala to Panama. In each of


5) Social Responsibility Foundation Poma participates in education, health, culture and environment, the most important foundation of the country. Fundación Salvadoreña para el Desarrollo Humano (FUSAL), (Salvadoran Foundation for Human Development) and the Escuela Superior de Economia y Negocios (ESEN), (Superior Economy and Business School), are 2 fundamental institutions to carry out its objectives, together with Libras de Amor (Pounds of Love) program, to mention one. “Vision, people and passion are the words that characterize this group, vision to be able to achieve great things, the right people to achieve its purpose and the passion to do it. Ricardo Poma, President

GRUPO Q HOLDINGS LTD. Samuel Antonio Quiros Chairman, CEO Edificio Saquiro, Apartado Postal 01-55, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2273 0988 - Fax: (+503) 2273 0803 squiros@grupoq.com www.grupoq.com Activity: car and spare parts distribution Date of creation: 1952 Employees: 1600 Grupo Q began its operations in 1952 and after 50 year of success, it has become one of the most important business groups in Central America. Nowadays, Grupo Q is present in El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama, representing prestigious brands such as Nissan, Renault, Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Porsche. Regarding spare parts, it works with the best known tires, batteries, lubricants, filters, shock absorbers


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and spark plug brands, using them through its wholesale division called Grupo Q Mayoreo. As part of the strategy to deliver the most complete service to its clients, Grupo Q has specialized repair shops in El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua with the most modern facilities, technology and equipment together with fast and professional service. These services are performed at Grupo Q Auto-pits service centers. Financing is the key to offer optimum conditions to customers when buying a new car. To fulfill this condition Grupo Q has its own specialized credit division called CreditQ that, in partnership with General de Vehiculos S.A. (GEVESA), offers this service to its clients. Grupo Q manages almost 30 internationally recognized brands holding 12.5% of the Central American market share; its objective is to reach 18%. The best service and the best product quality are representative of Grupo Q’s way of working. “A visionary investor is the one who pioneers a market, who discovers a gold mine before anyone else, regardless of his difficulties, risks and financial limits. El Salvador’s natural resources, geographical location and outstanding infrastructure give the country a huge potential. Salvadorans have always considered themselves international businessmen because this is a small country and is looking to Central America as a natural market. These make us an excellent host to foreign investors who are willing to invest in El Salvador. I would say that ´all foreign investors that have come here are doing excellent business´.” Samuel Antonio Quiros, Chairman

HILASAL Ricardo Sagrera President Carretera a Santa Ana Km 32 Tel: (+503) 2338 4155 www.hilasal.com.sv Activity: Textile Date of creation: XIX century Hilasal is a manufacturer and commercializing leader of final consumption textile products in Central America. Currently, towel manufacturing only occupies one third of its production.


Hilasal’s history goes back to the 19th century when Mr. José Sagrera came to El Salvador from Spain and established a small shop where they manufactured cloth. In 1942 José’s grand-son Ricardo, founded Hilasal, a family textile company that mainly manufactured thread and cloth for the local market. In 1959, the company began to produce bath towels and became the first company to manufacture this product for the Central American region. In 1968 the company began to export its products to Europe and in 1975 under the leadership of Ricardo Sagrera III, current President and CEO of Grupo Hilasal the first exports to the United States took place. In 1976 Hilasal became the first world enterprise to print its towels in a mechanized way and later it used towel printing with reactive dye. This process was later known in the industry as “Hiladized”. Currently, Hilasal has a modern vertically integrated plant in El Salvador. At present, Hilasal is one of the main reactively dyed beach towel world manufacturer and the main towel manufacturer in Central America. In addition to towel manufacturing, the group founded in 1992 Valley Manufacturing clothing division. Currently, this division operates 6 plants with 2000 workers, providing services to prestigious clients such as Polo, Champion and Sara Lee. In 1993, the Group capitalized its efforts and founded Export Salva Free Zone, a collection of services and businesses of 40 manzanas (blocks). Currently, the park shelters 15 different services and manufacturing companies that employ 8000 people (www.exportsalva.com). The latest company addition to the Group is Blue Logistics, a specialized logistic operator of added value and distribution solutions for retail and consumption products, such as raw material. The company assists international companies that currently distribute their products in Central America and the Caribbean. (www.bluelogistics.com.sv)

INDUSTRIA CARICIA Guillermo Egan President Blvd. El Ejército Nacional Km 4½, Col. Maral y Pasaje San Mauricio,


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Soyapango Tel: (+503) 2251 7063 omaregan@caricia.com www.caricia.com Activity: Shoes Date of creation: 1971 Turnover: 20 million U.S. Dollars Employees: 800 Currently, the second largest shoe manufacturer and distributer in the region, Industrias Caricias was founded on October 19, 1971 as a small slippers craftwork. It began producing cloth slippers, which for a while, were the most profitable for the softness and comfort they provided to its clients; it was decided to call the company “CARICIA”. Since 1971, Industrias Caricia has been operating under the guidance of a constant and vigorous working culture. Throughout this time it has acquired the knowledge for the production of almost all shoe types used in the country and Central America area such as: sandals, sport shoes, working shoes, stitch out, soccer studs and dress shoes. Currently, the company has four main production lines: sandals, stitch out, direct and inject mounted. This has allowed the company to slowly buy the necessary equipment for the all shoe mass production that the factory can produce, from full plastic to high quality leather shoes. It is also important to emphasize the valuable experience that its human element has acquired in the different areas related to shoe manufacturing. The challenges for Industrias Caricia in this new globalized millennium are to be prepared for change, driving through learning curbs among our workers to produce different shoe models, so that the company is able to offer the variety and innovation of shoes the clients demand. Currently, the company is able to produce 10,000 pairs a day and was able to sell over 1 million shoes in 2009. Due to the fact that Industrias Caricia has been selected by the government to supply its Goldentag shoe brand to the country schools, it is expected to reach 1.3 million pairs of shoes in 2010. Throughout the 80’s the company expanded its distribution channels with the inauguration of its first LEE SHOES store in the Ruben Dario building. Given the rapid consumer’s acceptance of this new concept, little by little, it expanded until it became a known chain at a national level that currently comprises 56 shoe stores in the territory and is


present in 12 out of the 14 departments of the country, whose principal symbol is the well known character CHELE LICHU. Industrias Caricia decided to expand its market to the other Central American countries. Currently, the company commercializes its products to almost all Central American countries: 26 LEE SHOES stores in Guatemala and CARICIA DE GUATEMALA, S.A. for wholesale distribution, opening soon its own flagship shoe store and already with distributor ZAPATICA in Costa Rica, distributor DOS HERMANOS in Honduras and 3 stores and a wholesaler distributor in Nicaragua.

LA GRAN VÍA Coralia Guerra General Manager Carretera Panamericana y Calle Chiltiupan, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2249 3800 www.lagranvia.com.sv Activity: Mall Date of creation: 2004 Employees: 19 La Gran Vía is the only Mall of Salvadoran Lifestyle in the Central American region. It is an open space with different ambiance and has pleasant walkway that allows for the enjoyment of open-air leisure activities, in a total of 130,000 square meters on 16 blocks. Part of Urbanica, is the real estate Grupo Dueñas, a reference in the sector of shopping malls, residences, hotel , drugstores areas, among other sectors. Enjoy a day of shopping, food and entertainment at the best ambiance in the city, with the most exclusive stores and the most prestigious restaurants that satisfy everyone’s tastes at the Espino area, between the department of San Salvador and La Libertad at the heart of the new development axis, being a natural expansion sector, with more growth potential area in the country. Gran Vía is a global concept of Lifestyle Center, based on environment, style and entertainment, for a person to enjoy his/her favorite lifestyle in a safe, innovative and flexible place. It has a pleasant and social ambiance with a complete security system that allows enjoyment of a relaxing walk, colorful gardens, plazas and different international architecture. Its style is unique, elegant and modern that contrast with the own natural landscape of the


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region. Design and architecture of its streets are geared to promote pleasant open-air walks. It has a total social and cultural activity center for all ages, a 1,750-seat Cinemark chain distributed in 8 movie theaters, shows, concerts, restaurants, bars and coffee houses. It has more than 123 concepts that offer from national to international food for all ages. It offers over 2500 eating spaces in the same place, over 100 shops with the most popular brands, as well as, Almacenes Siman, the largest department store of the Central American region with 14 departments spread over 10,000 square meters. “Gran Vía is evolving to a multiuse place with the Marriott Courtyard Hotel, the surrounding construction of commercial and housing development to put together everything needed for home and decoration, an office center where Banco Promerica has its headquarters, plus, over 2000 parking spaces to provide more comfort to visitors.” Coralia Guerra, General Manager

LABORATORIOS LÓPEZ Gustavo López Davidson President Blvd. del Ejército Nacional Km 5½, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2277 8333 / 2277 6166 Fax: (+503) 2227 2783 info@lablopez.com.sv www.lablopez.com.sv Date of creation: 1949 Income: approximately 40 million US Dollars Number of Employees: 450 Laboratorio López S.A. de C.V. was founded in 1949 by Dr. Gustavo Adolfo López and his wife Doña Thema Davidson de López. Currently, Laboratorios López has approximately 19,553.81 square meters, with buildings that shelter the different departments, at Blvd. El Ejercito in the city of San Salvador. There are over 450 people among ChemistsPharmaceutical professionals, Chemists Analysts, Industrial Engineers, Business Administrators, Marketing and Finance Experts working in the different phases, to manufacture 180 products: antibiotics, anti-ulcers, eye drops, vitamins, antiinflammatory, anti-hypertension, anti-parasites, antihistaminic, mucolytic, anti-viral, antimycotic, etc. Its presentations include tablets, syrups, pills, creams,


drinkable ampoules, injections, for which the following control divisions have been established: • Éticos (Ethics) • GAL • Productos Populares (Popular Products) • OTC National acceptance of the different products, move the company to cross the national borders, beginning exporting to the neighboring countries of Guatemala and Nicaragua. Currently, Laboratorios López also exports to Mexico and is considering the possibility of export to several Eastern European and African countries. Laboratorio López, like the majority of companies, has had to adapt to the demanding changes from globalization. For this reason, it established the representation to El Salvador of a world company, BAXTER, that has a long experience in the preparation of saline solutions, production of dialysis equipment and manufacturing of surgery clothing, among others. In 2000 the company was nominated distributor of important companies such as BDF, with Nivea brand, among others and recently the house GRUNENTHAL. “Laboratorio López manages itself in pharmaceutical, (innovation, trust and excellence) looking to improve human quality.”

SIGMA Q Henry Yarhi President Calle La Mascota 979, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2254 2523 / 2277 1681 Fax: (+503) 2227 4411 Tessay@corp.sigmagroup.com www.sigmaq.com Sigma was founded in 1969 as a merger of several packing companies. It produces plastic, flexible plastic packing reels, laminates. Previously known as Yarhi, S.A. it joined other companies that had the same interests. Among them are Cartonera Centroamericana, S.A., Rotoflex, S.A. and Industrias Gráficas Salvadoreñas, S.A. The name of Sigma was selected for its relation with the Greek letter “sigma”, that describes as integration. What it was actually doing was integrating interests and companies.


Industry and Trade

The Group was founded in 1969 and comprises of 15 factories scattered around Central America and the United States dedicated to the production of packaging and 7 sales offices distributed throughout El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and the United States of America. These figures are very changeable because the group is very active in acquisitions and group reorganizations. • The conglomerate produces flexible packaging, corrugated boxes, folding cartons, plastic containers and special packaging. • Currently production is exported to 40 countries and sales to over 100 countries. • Its main markets are the United States, Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Japan, Russia, China, Israel, the Middle East, Australia, the Caribbean and South America. Henry Yarhi is the President and CEO of Sigma Corporation since 1995. He has been the principal promoter of continuous important investment on machinery and industrial equipment to take its operations to international standards.

Founded in 1890 as a Curaçäo’s Commerce and Industry Company, El Salvador, is the oldest member of Unicomer, which was founded in 1890 as well. In 2000, it bought Ceteco Group covering 18 countries in Central and North America. The group finally decided to use Unicomer as its international brand in 2005; and in 2006 it acquired the brand Courts. Currently, Unicomer is the leading retail group in Central America, specialized in selling electrical appliances and furniture under the Curaçäo brand. Other brands belonging to Unicomer are Prima Hogar, Almacenes Tropigas, Radio Shack, El Loco Luis, Servitotal, Courts and Lucky Dollar. Unicomer is a multi-target group assisting different market segments. Some of the countries Unicomer operates in are El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Honduras; Unicomer is also present, with the Courts brand in the United States with 2 offices, in Houston and New York. Besides, the Courts brand is present in the English Caribbean: Belize, Granada, Jamaica, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Kits, Saint Vincent, Antigua, Barbuda, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago.

The group has a very complete design department, reinforced with Spanish and American designers, who produce the latest fashion trends taking place in the world.

With more than 8500 employees, the group has more than 1 million active clients in its portfolio; 430 offices and 200,000 square meters of retail space, 45% market share in Central America and since 2000 it has grown by 200%.

In 2009, Sigma Q received the Export of the Year prize for selling paper, cardboard and luxury cases, etc. to over 100 markets. Sigma Q also received the Export of Central America prize.

“This is a country with legal security and outstanding workers, growth opportunities and has the foundation for investing groups coming to El Salvador.”

“The ability of packing to our diverse clients, together with the creativity that distinguish our packaging and exhibitors, continue to strengthen our business.” Henry Yarhi, President

UNIÓN COMERCIAL DE EL SALVADOR, S.A. (UNICOMER) Jaime López Calix Central America and the Dominican Republic VicePresident Edificio La Curaçäo – Unicomer, Alameda Manuel Enrique Araujo, 3er Nivel, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 2000 Fax: (+503) 2245 1999 jaime.lopez@unicomer.com www.unicomer.com


Jaime López Calix, Central American and the Dominican Republic Vice-President

ZONA FRANCA INTERNATIONAL Colonel Mario Guerrero President Zona Franca Internacional Km 28.5 Carretera a Comalapa Tel: (+503) 2366 3360 Fax: (+503) 2366 3372 Total area: 840,000 square meters Industrial Room: 90,000 square meters Available area: 140,000 square meters Zona Franca Internacional is one of the most competitive industrial developments in Central America. First class infrastructure combined with a


Industry and Trade

service oriented administration and the best strategic location, are some of the features of project Zona Franca Internacional. It combines industrial and residential developments with recreational areas and ecological reserve in a functional and efficient design offering its users an attractive and spacious work environment. The project encompasses the construction of 37 industrial buildings for manufacturing and distribution facilities and 8 supporting buildings for various shared services complemented with 2.1 million square feet of covered industrial space, on an almost 200-acre-terrain at 1400 feet above sea level. - Size and design of the building may be determined by customer’s needs. - Zona Franca International offers in its vertical integration different kinds of services. - Start up Services: Its specialized team guides companies by the hand to familiarize themselves with all aspects of setting up operations in the


country and provides full time support to the costumer’s investment. - Training Services: A modern onsite training facility for its clients. Through its Human Resources staff, companies receive assistance to coordinate and implement work programs to the workforce. - Financial Services: The largest banks of El Salvador cater to the needs of the International Free Zone clients and most of the pension fund administrative representatives, service the Zone clients. - Basic Services: In addition to the specialized service the International Free Zone counts with basic services to ensure security, a pleasant environment and well-being in the Free Zone. • Ground maintenance. • 24-hour-security at Gate and perimeter. • Fire protection. • Waste handling. • Cutting-edge Telecommunication services. • On site customs office. • Supermarket for workers.




Cada uno en su casa es rey Salvadoran proverb


Real Estate and Construction

Bridge building (Camarasal)

El Salvador has the most developed infrastructures in Central America. These are some of the key factors and projects that will improve even more the quality of the facilities:

Another strategic program refers to Rural Roads. Until now, MOP, FOVIAL, FISDL and the Ministry of Agriculture were involved in the construction of rural roads. Now, it is going to be unified under the leadership of the Ministry of Public Works.

MOP FOVIAL The Ministry of Public Works, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development has an ordinary budget close to 126 million US Dollars. The Ministry also has an additional 100 million, to be exclusively used for public investment. The Ministry has a Vice-Ministry for each competing area. Around the Ministry are 7 autonomous organisms with their own law but they have a board of directors headed by the Ministry of Public Works. The most important ones are FOVIAL, ANDA and CEPA. The Ministry has 10 goals within the 5-year housing plan. It is estimated that currently there is a minimum of USD$1 million deficit for housing programs, an area where foreign investment would be very welcome.


The Road Maintenance Fund not only is 100% in charge of maintenance of the road network, but also of its construction. Road construction includes a wide array of activities to preserve, sustain and maintain the communication land roads to guarantee an optimum service to the user. Conservation comprises activities such as routine and periodic maintenance, signaling, as well as tasks for bridge maintenance and temporary works. Road conservation activities are done through the following programs: • Routine Maintenance Program. • Periodic Maintenance Program. • Bridge Maintenance and Temporary Works Program. • Signaling Maintenance and Road Safety Program.


Real Estate and Construction

Additionally: • Pothole Repair Program on urban roads (Urban FOVIAL), on those streets where the municipalities cannot cover the needs (Art.3). • Additional Maintenance Investment Program for public interest without diminishing Road Conservation (Art. 46) Currently FOVIAL is a modern, efficient and effective institution with a horizontal organization of only 52 employees and with an execution budget where 98% of the resources are invested in projects and only 2% in operational and administrative expenditure. The institution provides maintenance to 100% of the primary national road network, paved or non-paved roads covering a total of 6,544 kilometers in El Salvador, of which 3,379 kilometers are paved and 3,165 non-paved.

Road building (Camarasal)

CEPA CEPA is a Public Right Institution of autonomous character and juridical personality, that is under the Ministry of Public Works (MOP).

ANDA The Administración Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados is an autonomous institution in charge of supplying potable water to all Salvadorans. Its slogan is “Water for everyone”, since half of the population still has no access to potable water and basic services. After years of trying to privatize it, efforts have been centered in launching a strategic plan for 2014 around water sustainable development and basic services, sewage water treatment, all in an efficient manner, helping the population that needs it the most. Consequently there is a lot of work to do, in an area where much of foreign investment is needed. La Unión harbor’s control tower (CEPA)

International Airport of San Salvador Besides counting with the most developed roads of Central America, El Salvador has the largest and most modern airport in the region. Around the airport are companies such as Aeroman, in charge of aircraft maintenance, having in its portfolio U.S. airlines that use it for its excellence.

Salvadoran roads are one of the most advanced in Central America (El Diario de Hoy)


It is foreseen that an investment of 20 million U.S. Dollars on at least 500-meter expansion of the main runway is needed in order to permit landing to cutting-edge aircrafts, like the Airbus A380, as well


Real Estate and Construction

as the modernization of the check-in sector and other airport areas.

Millenium Challenge Account – Fomilenio Cuenta del Reto del Milenio or Milennium Challenge Account (MCA) is a U.S. Government initiative whose objective is to support the development of countries that govern with justice, invest in their people and promote economic freedom. It was signed in November 2006, became effective in 2007 and is on for 5 years for the amount of USD$46.1 million. El Salvador proposed the Millennium Challenge Corporation, MCC, a program named FOMILENIO, whose objective is to reduce poverty and reach economic growth through activities focused on the North Zone of the country. The proposal has three big components: 1. Human Development Component, which includes two aspects: to increase capabilities and skills through formal and informal education and to increase access to basic social infrastructure. 2. Productive Development Component, which includes service and specialized technical assistance programs for entrepreneurial development, infrastructure and productive equipment and Modern buildings have been built in San Salvador

Ilopango airport during an air show

investment and credit programs establishing productive chains.



3. Road Linkage Component, which includes the construction of the North Longitudinal Highway and a network of structural cohesion.

El Salvador Infrastructure Objectives The country´s national objective is to become a logistic service and distribution center. Besides, it counts on ports with the potential of converting the country into a regional transfer hub. Factors that help obtaining the objectives are high energy, demand for productivity, its strategic location to access markets from Asia, Europe and the Americas and the fact that is integrated into the multimodal transportation network of the Central America bio-oceanic corridor, having a legal framework guaranteeing incentives for investment (Investment Law and International Service Law).




Real Estate and Construction

Fax: (+503) 2247 2571 Activity: water works company Date of creation: 1961 Turnover: 110 million US Dollars Employees: 2700 Created in 1961, the Salvadoran National Water Authority (ANDA) is a state owned waterworks company. It provides wastewater processing services making them suitable for human consumption. ANDA improves potable or drinking water and is responsible for its distribution in the entire country. With the arrival of the new government of Mauricio Funes the main goal is to reach 100% of the population, especially the poorest, who do not have the resources to buy bottled water. At present, Engineer Francisco José Gómez is managing ANDA acting as its President. Privatization attempts have been left behind and adopted the slogan “Water for Everyone”. Poor towns and some cities especially in the countryside still do not have good water quality service (7.4% urban communities and 17.7% of the rural areas are served by ANDA). One of the main needs is waste and sewage water treatment that is practically unattended. Example of modern building in El Salvador, Torre Futura

ANDA’s new administration is launching a strategic plan for 2014 to fulfill these needs based on a sustainability concept. It is looking at a sustainable water supply and sanitation development. “El Salvador is a small but ambitious country with coast, mountains and lakes very close to each other. It recovered from a war and now is looking forward to the future. We want to build a country for the next generations. The message to foreign investors is that El Salvador has huge investment needs in areas like potable water, sanitation, roads, etc. offering legal security.” Engineer Francisco José Gómez, President of ANDA

ASTALDI SPA EL SALVADOR BRANCH Mario Pieragostini Central America, Caribe and Mexico Branch Blvd. del Hipódromo, Pasaje 10-139, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2523 9500 Fax: (+ 503) 2523 9500 www.astaldi.com.sv

Activity: Building Founded in: 1920 Employees: 11,000 worldwide Astaldi Group is one of the most important construction companies in the world as well as a leader in general contracting and project finance initiatives in Italy. The Group is made up of high-profile managers and individuals who have helped guide the company along a path of constant growth and development. From the start, the group expanded its sphere of activity, becoming one of the best-known Italian operators abroad and developing major civil and industrial public works companies in an array of conditions and situations. Eastern Europe, South America, the United States, Africa and the Middle East are the areas where they boast the greatest presence. Listed on the Stock Exchange since June 2002, Astaldi currently has over 11,000 employees at over 100 sites in 21 countries: Italy, Algeria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Morocco, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the


Real Estate and Construction

United Arab Emirates, the U.S. and Venezuela. They have built rail, road and airport infrastructures, energy production plants and civil and industrial constructions, as well as managed transport infrastructures, car parks and hospitals in the form of concession. Astaldi is ranked 20th at the global level among “2008 ENR Top International Contractors” in the transportation sector. Activities in El Salvador commenced in the second half of the 1990s with a series of road works, such as the rehabilitation of the Zacatecoluca-San Marcos-Usulután highway (55 Km), the San MiguelGoascoran highway (53 Km) and of 35 km-section of the Pan-American Highway. The Group has subsequently been involved in the performance of healthcare construction works with projects to modernize Ilopango and San Miguel hospitals that are still in the process of being carried out. The most recent project concerns the El Chaparral dam in the River Torola valley. The contract involves the design and construction, using the “turn-key” formula, of a new 66MW hydroelectric plant and 2 bridges to the Millenium Challenge Corporation program on the northern highway.

CÁMARA SALVADOREÑA DE LA INDUSTRIA DE LA CONSTRUCCIÓN (CASALCO) Engineer Mario Rivera President Paseo General Escalón 4834, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2563 5344 / 2263 6517 Fax: (+503) 2263 6518 contactenos@casalco.org.sv www.casalco.org.sv The Cámara Salvadoreña de la Industria de la Construcción (CASALCO) was founded on November 3rd, 1964 by a visionary entrepreneurial group with the objective of integrating, unifying and coordinating efforts that would allow them to improve and defend the industry they represent. Since its creation, CASALCO has been a public use institution, according to the guidelines established under chapter thirty of the Civil Code. CASALCO is a member of the International Federation of Industrial Construction FIIC and of the Regional Organization of Central America and the Caribbean Construction Chambers ORDECCCAC. It is located in the city of San Salvador, but when circumstances require, it can have offices in the interior of the country.


CASALCO’s main function is “to watch over the Construction Interests in El Salvador according to constitutional and legal precepts.” Due to the afore mentioned, they cannot pursue political, religious goals, nor guide its activities with profit intentions.

COMISIÓN EJECUTIVA PORTUARIA AUTÓNOMA (CEPA) – AUTONOMOUS EXECUTIVE PORT COMMISSION Engineer Guillermo López Suárez President Blvd. de los Héroes, Edificio Torre Roble, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2218 1231 Fax: (+503) 2218 1380 gls@cepa.gob.sv www.cepa.gob.sv Activity: infrastructure management Date of creation: 1952 Turnover: 74 million US Dollars Employees: 2100 Founded in 1952 as the “Harbor of Acajutla Executive Commission”, the institution was responsible for developing the harbor and promoting Salvadoran export and foreign products´ importation. In 1965, because of the increasing harbor activity, the Government decided to give it more responsibility including the management of the railroad company (Fenedasal). With this new activity, the institution became officially known as the Autonomous Executive Port Commission (CEPA). In 1976 the Government entrusted the CEPA with the building, management and operation of El Salvador International Airport and in 2004 it added the construction of the biggest and most modern harbor of the region, The Central America Union Harbor, which was finished in 2008. Basically, the CEPA is an autonomous and public institution that depends on the Ministry of Public Works, Treasury, Economy and National Defense. The president of the board is appointed by the President of the Republic, currently being Engineer Guillermo López Suárez. The CEPA’s mission is to develop harbor, airport and railroad infrastructure through new management models, with private sector participation, to provide safe, efficient and competitive services to its clients, to make El Salvador a high value logistic distribution center.


Real Estate and Construction

“Despite all of the difficulties we had in the past, if we manage to give the right tools to our people, I am convinced that the country will be on its way to development.” Guillermo López Suárez, President

CEMENTOS DE EL SALVADOR – CESSA (HOLCIM) Rafael Alvarado Cano President Av. El Espino, Urbanización Madreselva, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2505 0000 Fax: (+503) 2505 0777 www.cessa.com.sv Activity: cement Date of creation: 1964 Cemento de El Salvador (CESSA) is a company with 60 years of tradition in the production and commercialization of cement, concrete and high quality aggregates for construction. For many years it had a cement monopoly and even now, it is practically the only company in its area, due to the production and technology standards CESSA has maintained. Past achievements and future successes include the value CESSA delivers to its clients, always complying with its offers, bringing excellence to its services and offering the best solutions. In 2009, Holcim, of Swiss origin and one of the principal cement, concrete and aggregates world producers with a presence in over 70 countries and on five continents, acquired over 90% of CESSA’s shares. With the transaction, Holcim is a controlling company of CESSA Group that comprises Cementos de El Salvador, CESSA and Bolsas de Centroamerica, both located in Metapan. The first has two cement plants; it also has an electric generator for its own consumption and commercialization. The second is a cement, limestone, fertilizers and consumable grain bag packing company. CESSA Group also produces aggregates for the construction industry.


DURMAN – GRUPO ALIAXIS Carlos Mejía General Manager Carretera a Comalapa Km 12½ Tel: (+503) 2220 5000 Fax: (+503) 2220 5292 cmejia@durman.com www.durman.com Activity: building material Date of creation: 1959 In 1959, Arthur Durman imported a container from Holland equipped with a type of tube that no one knew of in Costa Rica then: PVC. Those were times when construction piping was made of galvanized iron or clay. Forty-four years later, in 2007, Grupo Aliaxis Latinoamerica Cooperatiff BV was created after the merger of the Durman Esq companies and Grupo Aliaxis, two leading companies in the region in; PVC piping, spraying, irrigation, dropping, pumping systems and water treatment equipment, committed to excellence in the construction field. Efforts are focused on the development of innovative products and on the delivery of the best advice, creating efficient solutions for the needs of their clients. The company is located in over 39 countries, that includes all of the Central and South American region, with operations in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil (with the brand Nicoll – Provinil) Products: Piping and accessories Geo-synthetics Cements / Chemical Welding Pumps Canoes and Canals Hoses Water tanks Register Wells/ manholes Septic Tanks Other Rotomolding products Irrigation Water treatment Valves and hydrants Grease Traps Drainage Systems PVC Windows and Doors Golf Carriages


Real Estate and Construction

Utilitarian Vehicles Maintenance equipment

Tel: (+503) 2510 0600 - Fax: (+503) 2510 0601 www.urbanica.com.sv

“We have been able to take advantage of the merger’s synergies to be leaders in the market, in everything that is related to water transportation chain, handling a wide variety of pipes from half inch to 86 inches.”

Activity: Real estate Date of creation: 1940

Engineer Carlos Mejía, Manager for El Salvador

SALAZAR ROMERO S.A. DE C.V. José Raúl Salazar President Carretera Panamericana Km 11½ Ilopango, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2528 4545 - Fax: (+503) 2220 5293 info@salazarromero.com www.salazarromero.net Activity: construction Date of creation: 1994 This is an entirely Salvadoran construction company that was born in 1994. Its goal is to answer to human dignity and social quality, which is why it redefined the housing planning concept in the country with the construction of closed housing projects that include privacy, security and recreation. The experience of over a decade has allowed them to be more efficient, creative and innovative in the design of projects and in projects themselves. Salazar Romero has built thousands of homes in different towns and cities of El Salvador,in locations such as Metapan, Quezaltepeque, Zacatecoluca and San Vicente. The Mega-Project, called “Ciudad Real” in Santa Ana consists of over 10,000 units in different segments. It is categorized as “The First Planned City in El Salvador”. “We are proud to deliver social and economic development to the cities where we continue to be present.” Engineer José Raúl Salazar, President

The origins of Urbanica go back to the family company Dueñas Hermanos, active in the agriculture sector in the 40’s, specifically in coffee.They were famous for having the largest coffee plantation in San Salvador: “El Espino”. In the 80’s there was a State expropriation of the 1200 city-blocks of land that made up “El Espino”. The Dueñas family recovered 200 city-blocks, classified as urban land. This is the reason why in the 90’s the family entered the real estate development field with a general plan for the area. Among the first things done were the construction of avenues and streets for urban use. Currently it is a mixed use complex where several shopping malls, hotels, convention centers and offices are located. Part of Urbanica is the exclusive shopping mall “La Gran Via”, a lifestyle mall with a pedestrian format and 78 residential plots decorated in a Spanish style with access by controlled gates for the upper-middle class economic sector. Urbanica is characterized by its low residential density with big green areas and low circulation during rush hours; it is characterized by its Bostonian style, which gives the impression of being in a different environment than what the country offers architecturally. This is the reason why Urbanica is a member of the U.S. Green Building Council and has earned its certification by building unique real estate. To obtain these magnificent architectural results, national and international specialists participate in its development projects. One of the last residential developments is Portal La Rivera, a condominium also located in the El Espino district that has everything that characterizes Urbanica: privileged location, accessibility to important roads, eco-friendly environment with central common areas, exclusive American atmosphere, design and security, thanks to the bridge control access and perimeter walls which allow families to feel totally free.

URBANICA – DUEÑAS HERMANOS, LTDA. Architect Álvaro Barraza Commercial Manager Calle El Espino 10, La Ceiba de Guadalupe, San Salvador


Urbanica co-manages the Marriott Courtyard Hotel that is located in the El Espino District and has great plans to develop the hotel sector with new residential projects on the Salvadoran coast.


Real Estate and Construction

“We have always looked for differentiation as a success factor and today the market confirms that our decisions were correct.” Architect Álvaro Barraza, Urbanica’s Commercial Manager

URBHEX S.A. DE C.V. Alfredo Escalante, President Carretera a Comalapa Km 10, Col. San Antonio 1, Final Polígono D, San Marcos Tel: (+503) 2220 6750 / 0608 Fax: (+503) 2220 2235 / 4715 info@urbhex.com www.urbhex.com Activity: Construction Date of creation: 2000 Urbhex S.A. de C.V., Urbanizaciones Héctor Escalante, is part of the Group H.E. (Grupo Héctor Escalante), an entrepreneurial group dedicated to the construction and urbanization of El Salvador. Urbhex was born in 2000 to complement the services provided to other H.E.Group enterprises providing earthworks and construction previously sub-contracted. Since then, URBHEX has evolved to cover the areas of earthworks and construction, providing earthworks, dislodgement, terrain compacting, water treatment, etc. to its sister companies and the general market. Urbhex shares the vision of contributing to social development through the improvement of infrastructure in the country, with quality processes and environmental responsibility. At Urbhex they have highly-trained professional personnel with senior education and experience in different areas like administration, finance, law, civil engineering, environmental engineering and specialized trainers in the maintenance of heavy equipment and construction machinery. Earthworks: Their earthworks area has equipment in good condition and professional machinery workers that work efficiently to improve performance on the projects. Dislodgement: URBHEX´s dislodgement service has a fleet of removal trucks from 6 Mts3 to 16


Mts3 with loaders to optimize the transportation and dislodgment of materials. Terrain compacting: Besides having their own equipment for terrain compacting, they also have important strategic alliances with other companies to offer any type of equipment to our customers. Water treatment: in the area of water treatment URBHEX has highly capable professionals with senior studies in environmental engineering, specialized in water treatment with ample experience that has allowed them to develop some of the most important projects for El Salvador in this area.

W&S CONSTRUCTORA Hugo Santamaría General Manager 83 Av. Norte y 15 Calle Poniente, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 9888- Fax: (+503) 2593 9665 info@constructora.com.sv www.wysconstructora.com.sv Activity: Construction W&S Constructora is a provider of specific civil works in general, created with a social perspective of promoting employment in its own projects as well as in the private, governmental and institutional sector. It is well accepted by its demanding clients in all types of work within the sector, as an apolitical company with ample service and delivery character. The field of action of W&S S.A. de C.V. – Construction Company focuses on the general provision of services to the construction industry. The spectrum of services covered is divided as follows: General contracting sector Housing sector – Bank and Institutional Financing Service construction supplier services Rental of equipment and machinery Some of the projects it has participated in as contractor are: Multicentro Las Américas, Zona Viva de Galerías Santo Domingo, Almacenes Prado Merliot, Maquinsa, Portal Usuluteco, edificio OIRSA and Hospital de Ojos. It also has its own developed projects, sales of residential, commercial and industrial projects and participates in architectural design and financial engineering.




Por la boca muere el pez Salvadoran proverb


ICTs and Media Companies

El Salvador is an example to follow in Central America. It is extremely competitive in the ICTs market.

TELECOMMUNICATIONS El Salvador has nothing to envy from more advanced countries. It is a country with a penetration rate of 100% and with 4-5 worldwide telecommunication companies with the consequent struggle for market share. El Salvador is a country with almost 100% coverage with the ease of getting cheap mobiles with 3G technology, broadband internet, cable and satelite TV with an array of channels. Definitely, Salvadorans are demanding and sophisticated customers who want the latest technology. Great part of the success is due to the privatization of the telecommunication sector in 1998 and the creation of a specific law for the sector, which attracted the major telecommunication groups worldwide. This model is being copied by neighboring countries such as Costa Rica.

Business Services at a Distance Close to 30 call centers have installed themselves in El Salvador and this number is constantly increasing. The majority, are well-known companies establishing projects in El Salvador and providing services to Distant Service Enterprises, clients in A very common image: woman speaking with her mobile phone (El Diario de Hoy)

Many airlines choose El Salvador as a destination (CEPA)

the Western hemisphere –specially those related to Call Centres / Contact Centers and Business and Commercial Processing Centers. The dislocation and/or externalization of business and commercial services offered from abroad has turned into a good opportunity for entrepreneurs to reach high levels of productivity at less cost, since it is estimated that there is a reduction of 30-40% in El Salvador. Because of its central location, El Salvador allows strategic options to companies in regards to its location, since it permits easy access to the United States and South America. It is a serious competitor to world giants, such as India and the Philippines, since it is located 2-3 hours flying time from the United States. European companies use El Salvador as platforms for their customer care night services due to the time difference. Salvadorans are used to the American culture and their accent is well accepted by Americans in comparison to India and the Philippines. Satisfaction levels of clients taken care of by Salvadoran Call Centres are the highest in the world. The quality of its workforce, adequate infrastructure and continuous renovations, as well as its investment climate, make El Salvador an ideal destination in which to develop business and establish operations of business services at a distance.



ICTs and Media Companies

MAIN ICT COMPANIES AND INSTITUTIONS CLARO Eric Behner General Director Km 10½ Carretera a Santa Tecla, Complejo Ex-Incatel, Edificio “A”, Tercer Nivel, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2271 7400 Behner.eric@claro.com.sv www.claro.com.sv

Currently, Claro offers fixed and mobile telephone services, internet (Turbonet) and cable TV. This regional brand is present in 18 countries on the American continent with automatic roaming in over 87 countries. Claro, in El Salvador, represents the largest private company of the country with a greater number of agencies, chains and distributors, which allows them closer access to the users offering customized solutions to each client. Claro is characterized by offering the best national coverage, constant innovation of its products and services, cutting-age technology, permanent investment in the network in order to maintain responsiveness to the client 24 hours a day.

Activity: telephone services Date of Creation: 1999 DIGICEL GROUP In 1998, the historical operator of El Salvador was privatized. This privatization included, in addition to the assets of the fixed network CTE S.A. de C.V., a mobile telephone concession, with which operations began in 1999 under the name of TELECOM PERSONAL. In 2009, the commercial name CLARO was re-launched to ease the recognition of the brand and its service included land lines, mobiles, internet and cable television, including all its products and services designed for all segments of the entrepreneurial sector. In 1998, the company made a strong bet over the development of the telecommunications market attaining advancements through an aggressive investment program, which is still going on. In 2003 American Mobile, one of the 5 main telecommunication groups of the world, with 195 million mobile users and 3.8 million land lines on the American continent, acquired Telecom. The incorporation to this group opened up new regional perspectives in telecommunications and fostered the development of the sector through innovative products and services, international roaming agreements and cutting-age technology, geared to customer service satisfaction and total coverage. Claro is a leader in integrated communication services.The investment made by American Mobile has placed the country ahead in telecommunication technology thanks to a comprehensive technical renovation and the ongoing improvement of products and services.


José Antonio Rodríguez Executive President Alameda Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo y Calle Nueva 1, Edif. Palic 5º Nivel, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2285 5100 - Fax: (+503) 2285 5585 joseantonio.rodriguez@digicelgroup.com www.digicel.com.sv Activity: Telephone services Operations date: 2000 Number of employees: 800 Digicel entered Central America through El Salvador and invested USD$150 million to start the best network in the country covering 97% of the population, something Digicel does in every country it operates. Currently the investment of the company has accumulated over a billion dollars since its arrival. Within 6 months of starting operations it had spread a commercial network of 500 outlets selling top-up cards. Later the company re-launched itself with innovative promotions in Central America following an investment of USD$250 million investment, being the first company to charge all its prepaid and postpaid users to the exact second. Also, it implemented the lowest market rates for Digicel callers to users of other networks. In very little time the company moved to second place of the market share competing with three companies with lots of capital and many years of experience in the country. Currently, Digicel has over 10 million clients in its 32 markets and in nearly three years has become the second operator of the country according to various survey sources.


ICTs and Media Companies

The Digicel brand is characterized for being young, vibrant and energetic; it is known for its competitive rates, its guaranteed coverage and customer service; in addition to offering an array of products, services and the latest technology of cell phones. By March 31st, 2009 it had surpassed 2 million clients in the three Central American countries in which it operates (Honduras, Panama, El Salvador), having invested USD$900 million. Digicel is a dynamic company which has brought to the region a different and innovated operational style in the countries it operates. Not only has the company continued its growth in Central America and the Caribbean but also in the Pacific. Digicel always acquires the commitment of participating in the country’s development where it is operating. The company always gives back and performs valuable deeds for the communities where it is present, and invests in sponsoring sports such as soccer and cricket leagues as well as Special Olympics in every country where it is present. Continuing with their social responsability policy, in 2008 it launched a program together with the Foundation Fe y Alegría (Faith and Happiness), technically training a low income social group, moreover, it donated half a million Dollars to the victims of the tropical storm IDA besides creating a social program called “Soy Voluntario, Soy Digicel” (I’m a Volunteer, I’m Digicel) in response to the needs caused by the storm. It has also participated through different initiatives to help the victims in Haiti. “The entrance of Digicel to the region has marked a difference as being the new framework for other operators.” José Antonio Rodríguez, Executive President

NAVEGA Mario Méndez General Manager Centro Financiero Gigante Torre A, Nivel 9, 63 Av. Sur y Alameda Roosevelt, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2507 0700 Fax: (+503) 2279 2156 mmendez@navega.com www.navega.com Activity: Telecommunications Date of Creation: 2000 Turnover: USD$10 million


Founded in 2000 in Guatemala, Navega came to El Salvador at the end of 2005. Navega is a Telecommunications company whose core business has been developed in the data transport industry, corporate communication, land line telephone, video and internet services providing broadband connectivity with international standards of quality and customer services schemes, through modern infrastructure, fiber optics and wireless links. Navega’s mission is to build and operate reliable, efficient and secure telecommunication networks supported by a passionate team and strategic partners committed to provide an agile, flexible and world-class service. TIGO is Navega’s partner and the leading company in telecommunication services in Guatemala with more than 4 million users of mobile phones and many internet users, which is also expanding successfully in El Salvador. The other partner is Concel from Guatemala. Together with Celter (Honduras) and Telemovil (El Salvador) all are part of the Central America Milicom operations. Services: Regional /International links Metropolitan Fiber optics links Wireless links Corporate Internet Internet 1:1 Back up & Storage Placement Services at the Nap of the Americas Applications for their services: Data, VolIP, Video, Internet, Back up and Storage Navega regional coverage is huge. It owns more than 7,000 kms of terrestrial fiber optics in Central America, complemented with several STM-1 in subsea systems: Emergia, Columbus, Maya and Globalcrossing. Advantages: international capability fully redundant for various submarine cables; dual connectivity to the internet backbone with Tier 1 providers; the best highly skilled staff of engineers with the best technical resources to provide the best service, single provider of infrastructure throughout Central America and to the United States; interconnection with major carriers worldwide, since its technology suite is located within the NAP of the Americas; connectivity to multiple NAP of the Americas using its own capacity; implementing las-mile fiber optics or


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copper on its own network to access its customers; its own fiber optics network with more than 7,000 kms on a redundant ring in each country; SDH and MPLS networks implemented in parallel; quick and efficient implementation of solutions; monitoring and customer service 24x7x365. Among its clients are private national and multinational companies; fixed telephone operators, cable television operators, internet service providers, banking, submarine cable and so on.

EL SALVADOR NETWORK S.A. (SALNET) Antonio Safie President Paseo General Escalón 6000, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2283 1000 www.salnet.net Activity: Telecommunications Date of Creation: 1997


El Salvador Network S.A. “SALNET” is a Salvadoran company, which has marked since its beginning the guidelines for telecommunications in El Salvador, being the first private carrier that began operations in December 1997. That year, SALNET entered the commercial world of Internet services with the most modern technological system of Central America. In 1999 they began the installation of the first digital telephone network, thanks to the fiber optics ring that covers over 85% of the greater San Salvador area and neighboring zones as well as part of the city of Santa Ana. Currently, SALNET has fully digital telephone links. Equally, it continues installing telephone lines offering advanced digital service. Thus, its users enjoy the benefits of advanced world networks. It offers among other products and services: • Fixed residential lines: SALNET offers to its residential clients 100% fiber optics that allows quality and privacy in communication, with the most competitive market rates. • Pre-paid Fixed Line: pre-paid fixed line of Salnet, offers budget control.


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• IP Residential Line • SPEEDNET Residential: It allows the opportunity to surf internet at high speed with ADSL technology. • Carrier 147: Twenty-four hour international access, anywhere in the world with competitive rates. • Corporative: SALNET has specific communication solutions with digital telephone lines for companies. • Tarjeta Cuscatleca (Cuscatleca Card): To make international or domestic calls.

SUPERINTENDENCIA GENERAL DE ELECTRICIDAD Y TELECOMUNICACIONES (SIGET) – GENERAL SUPERINTENDENCE OF ELECTRICITY AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS Luis Méndez Menéndez President Sexta Décima Calle Poniente y 37 Av. Sur 2001, Col. Flor Blanca, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2257 4438 Info@siget.gob.sv www.siget.gob.sv Activity: Telecommunication and Electricity Controlling Office Date of creation: 1996 The General Superintendence of Electricity and Telecommunications (SIGET) was created by Legislative Decree No. 808 on September 12, 1996. It is a non-profit autonomous institution of public service with the mandate to apply regulations established in the international treaties on electricity and telecommunications currently effective in El Salvador, the laws that regulate the electricity and telecommunication sectors and its by-laws; as well as the application of the user’s protection rights according to what is established in the General Law of Electricity of all entities that develop activities in the sector. Its mission is to regulate the electric and telecommunication sectors according to the General Electricity and Telecommunications Law, in such a manner that grants the assurance to respond to general interests, the rights of the users and the operators in a transparent way. SIGET is presided by a Board of Directors that is made up as follows: 1. One Director appointed by the President of the Republic who functions as the Superintendent 2. One Director elected by legally established associations of the private sector of the country.


3. One Director appointed by the Supreme Court of Justice There are Substitute Directors appointed as in numerals 2 and 3. The Superintendent is the head of the Board of Directors and has the Legal representation of SIGET and is responsible for the administration of the institution and will perform the attributions granted in the Law and those granted by SIGET as well as those that have not been expressively observed at the Board Meetings SIGET has the following dependencies: Electricity Management, Telecommunications Management, Administrative and Financial Management, Electricity and Telecommunication Record Management; it also has the following units: Juridical Advisory, IT, Public Relations and Communications and Internal Audit.

STREAM GLOBAL SERVICES Lic. Salvador Salazar President of El Salvador and Area Vice-President for Latin American Operations 63 Av. Sur y Alameda Roosevelt, Centro Financiero Gigante, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2500 3494 salvador.salazar@stream.com www.stream.com Activity: International Contact Center Date of creation: 1994 Employees: 1400 Stream Global Service is a BPO type company (Business Process Outsourcing) that subcontracts service providers to offer a complete sale portfolio and income generation, warranty management, technical support and negotiation of the life cycle of the client. Globally, Stream has a trajectory of over 15 years of excellence in contact centers (formerly called “Call Centres”) with presence in over 22 countries. It has over 30,000 employees in 50 contact centers and negotiates over 100 million voice contacts, e-mail and chats a year. Stream arrived in El Salvador in 2008 through the acquisition of Dell and with an estimated investment of USD$10 million, becoming the main operational center in Latin America at group level.


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Its employee size has rapidly increased, currently having 1400 professionals and foreseeing a growth to 2,300. As a reference contact center in El Salvador, U.S. and Canadian companies trust its services offering a reduction of 30-40% on their costs. Another piece of information to be considered is that in El Salvador the highest client satisfaction rates worldwide can be obtained, thanks to the Salvadoran attitude: polite and professional. Group Stream continues growing looking towards countries such as Argentina, Colombia and Uruguay. Meanwhile, a decisive bet is on El Salvador investing more and adding installations to the country. “For all those people who want to invest, El Salvador is a very interesting country in the Latin American region. It is a country that offers several things that we look for in investors; such as location, a very developed talent base provided by technical schools and universities and developed telecommunication as well as highway infrastructure.” Salvador Salazar, President of Stream Global Service El Salvador and Area Vice-President for Latin America Operations

TELEPERFORMANCE Lic. Gustavo García General Manager Edif. Plaza Olímpica y Pasaje 3, 2º Nivel, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 5700 Fax: (+503) 2245 4101 Gustavo.garcia@teleperformance.com www.Teleperformance.com Activity: International Contact Center Date of creation: 1978 Turnover: $USD20 million Employees: 1000 In 2007 Teleperformance became number one of the international Call Centres worldwide. Created in 1978 by Daniel Julien, in Paris, the firm has rapidly grown; first in Europe in the 80’s and later in the United States and Asia and South America in the 90’s. In 2006 it expanded to Russia, currently a company that has over 100,000 professionals in 59 countries around the world.


The Teleperformance Group prides itself on having a sound financial situation due to the mainly organic growth of the company with cash flow to carry out specific acquisitions. It is present in the New York Stock Exchange / Euronext Stock Exchange, publicly making a profit of 1,600 million Euros in 2007. Its headquarters is in Miami (United States) and its principal unit worldwide is in Mexico. As part of a global company, Teleperformance began its activities in 2003 in El Salvador growing to reach 1000 employees in very few years. It has 1500 workstations and takes over a million calls yearly. It has numerous multinational clients, the great majority from the United States, in such diverse areas as telecommunications and transportation. Teleperformance takes care of the line of clients from multinational companies, the work culture of specific companies is adapted, complying with international laws and providing optimal service and attention to the clients; thus, they are able to generate loyalty towards the company they represent. The key to its success is organized growth with internal funding. Legislative Assembly Decree 431, which is the Law of International Services has made El Salvador a very attractive place for Call Centers due to the benefits and tax exemptions given. All this is linked to an abundant qualified labor force, low cost and English literacy. Its geographic proximity to the United States, the fact that English is spoken, the manner of understanding business and the dissemination of the American culture in El Salvador makes the country a demanded enclave by American and Canadian societies, beyond the world leaders such as the Philippines and India. It has the advantage of the time difference to provide night services to European countries. Teleperformance trusts El Salvador as an attractive country for Hispanic speaking countries. “The government gives you respect and a reason for coming here, by connecting with institutions and the necessary people to facilitate investment.” Lic. Gustavo García, General Manager of Teleperformance



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TIGO Ignacio Baratelli CEO El Salvador World Trade Center 1, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2280 9425 dsalas@tigo.com.sv www.tigo.com.sv Activity: Telecommunications Company Date of creation: 2004 Employees: 1100 TIGO is the new brand of TDMA and GSM net and services that Milicom International Cellular S.A. (MIC) launched on the market in the area of cellular telephony in its Latin American (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Paraguay) operations. TIGO not only works with mobile phones, where they are the absolute leaders with 3 million clients and 48% of the market share, but they also have fixed telephones , cable T.V. (thanks to AMNET Company) and all types of Internet services. They are also developing ways of payment for utilities and other services through mobile phones. It is a company that builds services through technology. Milicom International Cellular S.A. (MIC), with headquarters in Luxemburg, has 17 cellular operations in different countries of South-West Asia, South Asia, Central America, South America and Africa. The MIC operations link approximately 392 million people around the world. TIGO’s commitment is to bring the best signal, the most GSM coverage with the most convenient services of the market. The latest generation GSM new network on 850Mhz. frequency allows its clients to send multimedia messages (images + sound + text), send photos, surf internet, hook up a telephone to a PC and many more services. Among the services it offers is the Control Plan, which are three new hybrid plans that allow monthly expenditure control, since once the person’s balance ends he/she can recharge. Surfing plans for TIGO on-line. To surf from any TIGO phone on-line, check electronic mail, seek information, access social networks or simply to access internet from a cellular. BlackBerry™, leader in wireless solutions worldwide offers their users a wide range of applications through diverse BlackBerry cellular devices with


different mobile solutions to satisfy particular needs of different segments: Corporative: Offering options designed to satisfy company requirements; keeping executives connected who are away from their offices because of their jobs and need a solution that allows them to be connected to their e-mails and other systems within the company, maximizing time and productivity. Individual: Offering options to help maintain contact with work activities at home. This solution offers users wireless access with an array of applications.

MAIN MEDIA COMPANIES AND INSTITUTIONS EDITORIAL ALTAMIRANO MADRIZ, S.A. (EL DIARIO DE HOY) – ALTAMIRANO MADRIZ PUBLISHER, S.A. Fabricio Altamirano Director 11 Calle Oriente 271, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2231 7900 Fax: (+503) 2271 2346 fabricioaltamirano@yahoo.com www.elsalvador.com Activity: Newspaper and Publishing Company Date of Foundation: 1936 Since its foundation by Napoleón Viera Altamirano and Mercedes Madriz de Altamirano, it offers a true and correct view of reality of the country here and abroad. Currently, El Diario de Hoy is one of the two newspapers of reference in El Salvador. In a country like El Salvador, it is fundamental to have an institution such as El Diario de Hoy, a newspaper with a long tradition, which has recounted the history of El Salvador for more than 70 years. The newspaper is considered the fourth power of the country and through its best weapon, freedom of the press, has uncovered numerous corruption cases and other scandals on a national level. Throughout its history, whether during a dictatorship or now it has not given in to intimidations of the


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powers that be and has always had freedom of expression as a fundamental axis of its philosophy.


It has given Salvadorans and El Salvador the best news of the country; it is a prestigious and international renowned newspaper which stands out and has won numerous awards among which are: - Silver Medal Award SND - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of El Salvador - Golden Palm in 1985 - Salvadoran Construction Chamber Award in 1986 - Salvadoran Industrial Association in 1986 - ASEIG Award 1989 - UNICEF Award 1991; 1994; 1995; 1996; 1997 - National Press Award in Science and Technology 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000; 2001; 2002 - VI National Environment Award 2001 - Educational Journalism Award 2000; 2002

José Roberto Dutriz President Urb. y Blvd. Santa Elena, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2241 2000 Fax: (+503) 2241 1802 lpg@laprensa.com.sv www.laprensagrafica.com

It is also a member of recognized national and international organizations: - Member of the SND - Member of the Inter-American Press Association and the APC - Honorary Member of FUSADES


Activity: Newspaper and Publishing Company Date of Foundation: 1915 The Dutriz Group has 95 years of history in El Salvador as a leading newspaper group competing with Altamirano Group (El Diario de Hoy). It was founded by José Dutriz. The group is formed by different companies such as Prensa Gráfica, Graficos y Textos S.A. de C.V., the sport newspaper El Grafico, the regional economic magazine El Economista, Clasiguia and Palomitas de Papel among others.


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La Prensa Gráfica was the first newspaper in the country and it is the leader in the main cities such as San Salvador, Santa Ana and San Miguel. According to the founder, Jose Dutríz, “The main mission of a journalist is to tell the truth to the people and its most vital need is to achieve independence. The owner of a newspaper, who needs government subsidies or help from political parties, has failed in his high mission of loyalty serving the interest of the community.” This statement summarizes the spirit and objectives of this media group. It has given El Salvador and Salvadorans news for almost a century: it is a prestigious and international renowned newspaper, which is reflected through its numerous awards: - World Young Reader Prize by the WAN - Maria Moors Cabot Prize - World Silver Medal to Design by SND - World Environmental Prizes from UICN-REUTERS SIP Prize in different categories - Central American Prize ACAN-EFE - Special Mention at the King of Spain Prizes - Recognition from FNPI

GRUPO MEGAVISIÓN Mr. Freddy Ungo, General Manager 1ª Calle Poniente entre 85 y 87, Av. Norte, 85-2, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2283 -2121 Fax (+503) 2283 -2132 Freddy.ungo@megavision.com.sv www.megavision.com.sv

In 1999 Megavisión Group signed a strategic alliance with Nickelodeon, to transmit its signal on Channel 19 and since that moment Channel 19 became an exclusive children’s program channel transmitting cartoons from the aforementioned company which belongs to MTV Networks. In 2006 a new alliance, still with MTV Networks, this time with VH1 to transmit important musical programs from channel 21. Some of their programs are: - Ahora (Now) - 21 a la carta - Crónicas - El Sótano - Mi País TV - Ellas son Así - Cultura Extrema The group has the following radio stations: 97.3FM, Fuego 107.7FM, Sonso Mix Stereo 92.5, Radio La Libertad, Mi Radio, Radio Jiboa and Radio Mega among others.

MYCES Monitoreo de Medios de Comunicación – MYCES Communication Media Monitoring Lic. Coralia Carolina Cuéllar Av. Guillermo Reynaldo Cortez 134, Col. Centroamérica, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2102 4251 Mobile: 7874 0532 coralia.cuellar@myces.com.sv www.myces.com.sv

Activity: T.V. Broadcasting and F.M. Radios Date of creation: 1993 Employees: 160

Activity: Communication and media tracking agency Date of Creation: 2006 Employees: 25

Megavisión is a television company in El Salvador; it has 2 channels, Channel 19 for children and Channel 21. It has over 20 radio stations on a national level. Channel 21 was created in 1993 and later it created Channel 19 as an exclusive women’s channel with programs geared to women.

MYCES is a company that specializes in assorted areas of communication, journalism, public relations and digital media monitoring. It has a specialized team of journalists and communicators with ample experience in the best international and national media, to the point that they provide services to public relation companies that subcontract the services of MYCES. It is an efficient and professional company at the time of working with a client.

Because of the need to create an informational channel, Channel 21 created Noticiero Megavisión on October 31, 1993.In 2001 Channel 15 was created under the name of ESTV “El Salvador Television” becoming the third channel of the group but a few years later was forced to withdraw due to low production and audience levels.


It has a specialized team of technicians, journalists, producers and broadcasters with ample experience who have worked not only in national communication media but also international who currently are correspondents of magazines such as Mercados y


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Tendencias, SUMMA, Catedraticos Universitarios, among many others. MYCES has personnel not only with the technique but also the theory over different communication trends, having received in each opportunity the corresponding updated training. The company has five years experience and not only has it become the support of various institutions and companies but it has also played a deciding role in the communication business, it is not a competitor of other public relation agencies but a strategic ally providing outsourcing services for their events or media digital tracking. The company performs in seven areas: monitoring, press, investigation, consulting, training, dissemination and promotion as well as organization and setting up events. MYCES facilitates its clients (companies, private or public institutions), to distinguish or select from


an avalanche of a constant flow of messages, that information which is relevant to be processed within and consequently issue to the society its own messages. Equally, communicators, analysts, academics, consultants and all kinds of information professionals and public characters who eventually or daily require public opinion on information given by the social communication media. MYCES is a diversified company that also is able to have experienced journalists to elaborate marketing and opinion studies in a single location; allowing the elaboration of international quality written and professional reports. This has opened doors for the elaboration of annual reports, Presidential speeches, electronic magazines and bulletins.

CAMPOS ART GROUP EL SALVADOR Mariela Miranda Project Manager Psje. Los Pinos 241, Col. Escalรณn, San Salvador


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Tel: (+503) 2504 9405 Fax: (+503) 2504 9406 info@camposartgroup.com www.camposartgroup.com Activity: Producer of content for development and full service advertising agency Date of Creation: 2001 in Argentina Employees: 19 Campos Art Group is a producer of content for development and full service advertising agency, which works with international agencies (ONU, AECID) and local governments. CamposArtGroup was founded in Argentina in 2001 and relocated to El Salvador in 2005, with the objective of contributing to the communication of the public good in the Central American region and the Caribbean, working as a producer of content for development.

TELECORPORACIÓN SALVADOREÑA (TCS) Boris Eserski, CEO Alameda Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo, Km 6½, San Salvador www.esmity.com / www.tcs246.com Activity: Television Company Date of Creation: 1965 Telecorporación Salvadoreña is a television company in El Salvador. It has 4 national coverage channels and 2 radio stations. It was established with the creation of Canal 2 de Televisión, S.A. and was created as an exclusive soap opera channel. Later, Channel 4 and Channel 6 were created. In 2003, TCS (Telecorporación Salvadoreña) created a new channel called VTV becoming its 4th television channel. Each channel transmits different programs independently, most of the time. Channels 2, 4 and 6 jointly transmit women’s programs, news and general interest programs each morning from Monday to Friday. When programming is linked, it is given the


name Telecorporación Salvadoreña instead of the individual channels names (2, 4 and 6). Telecorporación Salvadoreña has an array of live programs of national production, among them are: children, youth, family, comedy, etc. Some of them are: TCS news goes back several years. Upon the recent growth of informative spaces, TCS decided to open its own news channel and on April 27, 1987 Channel 6 news was born. Later, Channel 4 News Vision on April 29, 1992; several years later, January 2, 1995 Teledos was born; after Teleprensa de El Salvador had acquired its own signal. Nowadays, TCS has 7 informative spaces, transmitting on its 4 channels from Monday to Sunday, different schedules, great coverage and all the information that make news every day. The National Soccer League is transmitted exclusively as well as the most famous leagues of the world. It has exclusive rights for the Olympic Games, World Soccer Cup and the European Champion League, etc. It also covers all sport events. Through its programs Telecorporación has a more complete coverage. Effective June 1, 2008 Telecorporación Salvadoreña created an alliance with Direct TV and Boris Eserski, together with Rafael Ferrari launched Channel 429 from Telecentro United States, which is in charge of transmitting TCS’ national programs in the United States and Canada as well as other Central American countries. This is one of the steps towards internationalization of Salvadoran television. Other factors that contribute to the exchange of information and the variety of programs are the alliances that TCS has. Strategic alliances that the TV station has: Televisa, Univision, CNN in Spanish, Telemundo, Teletoon, the Walt Disney Company and Warner Bros. TCS administers two of the most important national stations, each one in its own genre: VOX FM in the youth world and Radio Que Buena with regional Mexican music program. Additionally, TCS has an expansion program in the Salvadoran radiophone spectrum in order to have a better projection in the radio world of El Salvador.



A rĂ­o revuelto ganancias de pescadores Salvadoran proverb



TRANSPORT, INDUSTRY WITH GREAT POTENTIAL FOR FUTURE Half way between the North and South of the continent and with Free Trade Agreements with the United States, Central America and the Dominican Republic (CAFTA) and other countries such as Mexico, Chile and Panama and in the near future with Europe; El Salvador is the ideal place to become a distribution hub for all those countries. Definitely, El Salvador is a very advanced country as far as transportation is concerned. Acajutla and the flamboyant new port of La Union are going to revolutionize the country’s sea transportation and are samples of the great activity that a country with 300 km.-coast line in the Pacific Ocean is developing in the area of ocean transportation. Acajutla is currently the most important port in El Salvador, while waiting for the development of the port of La Union. Total cargo moved during 2008 at the port of Acajutla amounted to 4,435,557 Metric Tons, with an 8% increase with reference to TEU’s mobilization (Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units). Originally, CEPA stood for Comisión Ejecutiva Del Puerto de Acajutla (Port of Acajutla Executive Commission) and was created to manage the Port of Acajutla. In 1961, Dock A was inaugurated; in 1970 CEPA inaugurated Port of Acajutla’s Dock B and in 1975 expansion of the port was completed with the inauguration of Dock C. Since then it now has 8 berths distributed on three modern docks, equipped with all necessary things for the arrival of ships.

INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT OF EL SALVADOR The International Airport of El Salvador is the largest and most modern in the region. Located 42 km from the capital city, San Salvador, the national flagship airline TACA and its subsidiary Lacsa, Panamanian Copa, North American Delta, Continental and American Airlines and Mexicana all operate from it. The government of El Salvador entrusted the Comisión Ejecutiva Portuaria Autonoma (Autonomous Executive Port Commission) (CEPA) with the construction, administration and operation of the International Airport of El Salvador. Its construction began in 1976 and operation in 1980. The construction was assigned to the Japanese company Hazama Gumi and its operation is CEPA’s responsibility. Airport users can buy a large array of products at the duty free shop at good prices.Some available items are perfumes, clothes, liquor, high quality tobacco as well as a great variety of handcraft stores and typical and international food restaurants. In addition, the airport provides its services to 12 car rental companies that operate in the country. At the Cargo Terminal Building, like the Passenger Terminal Building banking transactions can be made through the following banks: Hipotecario and Citibank as well as many automated teller machines

Lorries queueing down the highway (El Diario de Hoy)




can be used with Visa, Master Card, Aval Card, American Express and Dinners Club, among others.

ROADS Highways are the pride of the country. The country has 6,500 km of roads half of them being totally paved. It has a modern infrastructure that makes El Salvador the country with the most advanced roads in the region. FOVIAL (Road Conservation Fund) is the institution in charge of its conservation and maintenance. Currently, the North Longitudinal Highway is under construction with funds from the Millennium Challenge Account.

TRAIN Despite its long history, El Salvador, only has one passenger train line. On March 28, 1882, 128 years ago, at the old port of Acajutla, arriving from England, the locomotives that would give life to the most innovative transportation means of the XIX century, the railroad, were unloaded. It was on June 4, 1882 that President Rafael Zaldivar officially inaugurated the railroad service with the arrival in Sonsonate of the first locomotive driving a convoy of passengers and cargo. From there on, Sonsonate was a mandatory stop for cargo and passenger movement that came to the country from Acajutla destined to the capital city.

Little traffic jam in the motorway

In 1975 the existing rail companies merged under the name of Ferrocarriles Nacionales de El Salvador (FENADESAL) - National Railways of El Salvador. The Comisión Ejecutiva Portuaria Autónoma (CEPA) through Ferrocarriles Nacionales de El Salvador (FENADESAL) provide train transportation service to the city’s population, which throughout the last year has benefited at least 224,727 people who used the train. FENADESAL’s Passenger Train makes one daily round-trip service leaving San Salvador train station going through Ciudad Delgado to reach the municipality of Apopa and vice versa. There are no cargo trains. A future project is the creation of a high speed intermodal train to connect San Salvador with neighboring countries, competing with air transportation.

El Salvador National Airport (CEPA)





AVIANCA – TACA Limited Roberto Kriete CEO Mario Balladares Marketing Manager Blvd. Sur y Av. El Espino, Santa Elena, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2267 8888 www.taca.com Activity: Airline Date of creation: 1931 AVIANCA and TACA stockholders have recently accomplished the merger of their businesses, creating a joined group generating an annual income of approximately 3 billion U.S. Dollars. It will service over 100 destinations around the world (including 75 Latin American cities); it has a fleet of 129 modern aircraft of short, medium and long range; directly employs 12,000 people and in its frequent flyer program, there are over 3 million members.

the airline also provides services to renown U.S. airlines like JetBlue, US Airways and other Latin American leading airlines. Aeroman ACT is one of the few maintenance centers around the world highly recommended by the Airbus industry. TACA’s REGIONAL Business Unit complements the Central American network route. This unit operates nearly 150 daily flights with a fleet of 30 (12-50 seat) propelled aircraft; these flights service small and medium destinations from Cancun and Mexico in the North, to San Blas Islands in Panama in the South. Between 2008 and 2009, REGIONAL has renewed its fleet to include 16 new Cessna Caravans (for Costa Rica and Nicaragua) and 4 to 6 modern ATR42 300s. Due to these investments in the REGIONAL fleet the airline expanded and improved the service of REGIONAL for the 800,000 passengers it served in 2009. TACA airlines closed its 2009 fiscal year with 88.89% of on time arrivals. TACA is the international airline that connects the three Americas and works to offer amiable, efficient and safe world class services for today’s modern traveler. TACA clients have recognized their effort through awards such as the Skytrax Award in the category of the best Central American, Mexican and Caribbean airline; Best Regional Airline, Best Central American and Caribbean Cabin Crew.

Founded in 1931 and with over 75 years of history, one of TACA’s main priorities is to continue offering its passengers a flight experience characterized by friendliness, respect and customer care. Nowadays, TACA flies to 39 destinations in 22 countries of North, Central, South America and the Caribbean, including daily flights to 9 main cities of the United States as well as Toronto, Canada. TACA connects the three Americas with destinations like New York, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Säo Paulo, Lima, Quito, Bogota, Caracas and Santo Domingo. With the newest fleet in the Americas (comprised of 38 Airbus 319, 320, 321 and 2 Embraer E190s), it offers the most advanced aero-space technology and customer care for the passenger’s safety and comfort. TACA has the best operational record of the industry, with on time arrivals exceeding 90% and a rate of itinerary compliance superior to 99%. TACA is certified by IOSA (IATA Operating Safety Audit in its English acronym) and Aeroman ACT that besides providing maintenance service to





AEROMAN Engineer Ernesto Ruiz Chief Executive Officer El Salvador International Airport Tel: (+503) 2312 4081 Fax: (+503) 2366 8810 ernesto.ruiz@aeroman.com.sv www.aeroman.com.sv Activity: Provides Airframe Heavy Maintenance Services to North American Airlines Companies Date of creation: 1982 Annual revenue: 60 million U.S. Dollars Employees: 1600 AEROMAN was founded in 1983 to support TACA Airlines maintenance and engineering requirements as well as to provide third party services to other airlines. In 2006, as part of a strategic growth initiative, 80% of AEROMAN was sold to Air Canada Technical Services (ACTS) which later became known as the AVEOS GROUP. AEROMAN, as part of AVEOS GROUP, has been providing Airframe Heavy Maintenance Services for over 26 years. AEROMAN is a certified FAA maintenance repair and overhaul facility providing airframe heavy Maintenance services to Airbus and Boeing narrow body aircraft. Located at El Salvador International Airport, the facility is staffed with over 1600 people comprised of aviation technicians, engineers support departments and administration. The state-of-theart facilities comprises approximately 294,500 square feet of hanger, back-shop, administration and storage space and can fully enclose 7 narrow body aircraft simultaneously. The AEROMAN team performs over 200 narrow body heavy maintenance visits annually to North America and Latin American customers such as US Airways, JetBlue, TACA, Volaris and Frontier Airlines.

El Salvador is located within 2 hours flying time from the United States, providing a relevant cost-benefit in terms of ferry flight and logistic material. Moreover, El Salvador International Airport is a designated Economic Free Trade Zone allowing all services and materials needed by AEROMAN to be tax and tariffs exempt. AEROMAN is one of the most extensively audited facilities in the world and holds ARSA, FAA 145, EASA and ISO 9001:2000 certifications. These combined with customers and continuous internal audits validate the fact that the quality of AEROMAN services is among the highest in the industry. AEROMAN has been widely recognized for its excellence in numerous engineering and business magazines. This fact supports that the company is solely focused on outstanding and world-class quality services for its customers. Throughout its time, AEROMAN has gained a respected position in the industry by strengthening core skills that have attracted desirable clients. “El Salvador’s best value is the Salvadorans. They are hardworking, creative and committed, which is an enormous help to any foreign investor to have a successful business. Moreover, El Salvador has laws and incentives making the difference when comparing it to neighboring countries.” Ernesto Ruiz, Chief Executive Officer

COPA Airlines The strength of AEROMAN is in the skill of its people and the maturity of the processes of organization and procedures gained through 26 years of providing services to some of the most demanding airlines in the industry. AEROMAN is dedicated to continuous improvement in terms of mechanic skill level, processes, procedures and technology. AEROMAN promotes continuous learning through its Basic Mechanic Course (18 months duration), advance system training and customer’s specific training. In addition, AEROMAN has a partnership with Don Bosco University to provide aeronautical maintenance technicians.


Eduardo Aguilar El Salvador General Manager Edificio World Trade Center, Torre 1, Nivel 107, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 2600 Fax: (+503) 2209 2606 www.copaair.com Activity: airline Date of creation: 1947 Copa Airlines was founded in 1947 as the Panamanian Aviation Company. Currently it has 3 daily flights to El Salvador, two of them are direct from Panama.




In the 40’s it began with 3 flights to Panama using Douglas DC-3/C47. In 1966 it already had 3 weekly flights to San Jose, Costa Rica, which was its first international destination. In 1969 it incorporated one AVRO 748 airplane to fly to Kingston in Jamaica, Managua in Nicaragua and Barranquilla in Colombia. During the 70’s it incorporated the cities of Medellin, Cartagena, San Salvador and Guatemala to its increasing network of routes. In 1980 it withdrew from the domestic market to focus on its international reach. That year it incorporated a Boeing 737-100 airplane. During that decade the airline expanded its destinations to the cities of Port au Prince in Haiti, Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, San Juan in Puerto Rico and Miami in the United States. In 1992 it began operations as the first flight hub in Latin America based in Panama, creating the “Hub of the Americas” at the International Airport of Tocumen. In the decade of the 90’s destinations to Caracas in Venezuela; Mexico City, Santiago de Chile, Cali and Bogota in Colombia; Quito and Guayaquil in Ecuador, Lima in Peru, Buenos Aires in Argentina and La Habana in Cuba were added. In 1998 a strategic alliance with Continental Airlines was created and in 1999 COPA airlines new image was launched and they adopted the frequent flyer program OnePass; at the same time it began the renewal of its fleet with Boeing 737 Next Generation. In 2000 the strategy was to focus on regional expansion. By 2005 it had incorporated the following destinations: Cancun in Mexico, Sao Paulo in Brazil, San Andres in Colombia, Tegucigalpa in Honduras and Orlando, Los Angeles and New York in the United States. Through the COPA Holding S.A. the airline entered, in 2005, in the New York Stock Exchange becoming the third Latin American Airline to be quoted in this important market. In 2006, it added more destinations: Cordoba in Argentina, Guadalajara in Mexico, Washington D.C. in the United States and Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic also increasing the frequency of its flightst to seven of its destinations. In the last few years it started operations in Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago and Belo Horizonte in Brazil and announced new destinations to Santa Cruz in Bolivia, Valencia in Venezuela and Aruba, making a total of 45 destinations in 24 countries on the American continent. Thanks to the alliance


with Air France/KLM it has routes to Europe. COPA Airlines continues adding routes and renewing its fleet with Boeing 737-700s and 737-800s and Embraer 190s. COPA Airlines has distinguished itself for its successful work and continuous development recognized by prestigious organizations throughout its trajectory: Prize for Excellency, On Time Airline, The Airline of the Year, Best International Airline, the Best 10 Latin American Employers and one of the 10 most admired companies of the region, among other awards.

DHL Eric Umaña DHL Global Forward General Manager Km 9½ Carretera al Puerto de la Libertad, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2210 8800 www.cargoexpreso.com Activity: Cargo, Courier, Logistics DHL is the global leader of Express delivery and the international logistics industry, specialized in providing innovative and personalized solutions from a single source. DHL offers professional competent Express solutions of air and land transportation and logistics solutions by contract, as well as international mail service, in addition to international coverage and a deep knowledge of local markets. DHL international network connects more than 220 countries and territories in the world. About 300,000 employees are dedicated to provide fast and reliable service to achieve and exceed clients’ expectations. DHL is a brand of Deutsche Post DHL. The group generated income of over 63 million Euros in 2007. In order to cover all its service needs with the right focus and professional level, DHL operates through four specialized divisions:

Express DHL EXPRESS is the international express global leader service provider in land, air, railway and courier for companies and private clients. It works with the most extensive network covering over 220 countries and Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Emerging Markets.



Through our three product line, Same Day (Delivery the same day), Time Definite (Definite schedule) and Day Definite (specific day) DHL offers our clients a multifaceted portfolio that satisfies all on-time transport. Global Forwarding, Freight This division comprises international air and sea transportation as well as European land transportation. DHL Global Forwarding is leader in the international market in sea and air transport. It transports articles and merchandize to specific destinations on specific schedules at a pre-defined rate. Besides, it offers personalized solutions for great logistic projects and general customs services. DHL Freight is one of the main transporters of land transportation in Europe. This business unit brings flexible and individual solutions, international and national cargo to a full container or to a container with available space, from land transportation to rail or intermodal. Our total customs intermediation services guarantee that the client can carry out shipments across the border without problems. Supply Chain, Corporative Information Solutions This division comprises logistic services by contract and Corporative Information Solutions (Williams Lea). The business unit Supply Chain provides storage services and transportation to a warehouse as well as added value throughout the supply chain for clients from various sectors of the industry, including automotive, biological sciences, technology, consumer goods, rapid transit and consumer sectors and apparel goods. The subsidiary Williams Lea is at the heart of the business unit; Corporative information Solutions, as they are an expert in outsourcing solutions to meet document creation, scan, print, archive, sort, forward, deliver and archive documents of all kinds. William Lea is also the exact place to obtain electronic, marketing and billing services.

CARGO EXPRESO Km 9½ Carretera Puerto a la Libertad, Frente a Oficinas ESSO Standard, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2210 8800 www-cargoexpreso.com Activity: Cargo, Courier, Logistics This company is the leader in the transportation of documents and packages on a national and Central American level, with guaranteed door to door pick-up and delivery services to more than 1400 destinations, 400 of them in 24 hours in over 200 countries. Envelopes An envelope includes any type of written communication, typed or printed with no commercial value. This definition includes: letters, checks or any other type of documentation and/ or paper provided it weights under 1 pound. These documents must be properly sealed in a maximum official size manila envelope. Packages All shipments that are not in an envelope are considered a package and the rate is according to the declared weight and volume. This includes all types of parcels, packages, boxes, packages, samples, etc.

Fleet Administration This is a service created especially for companies whose volume or special distribution requirements merits distribution as needed. A tailor-made service but with the standards of punctuality, safety and reliability that are characteristic of Cargo Express. This service allows us to provide shipment from a simple motorcycle fleet to a fleet of trucks.

Mail On an international level DHL Global Mail provides communication and mailing services with direct connections to over 200 countries in the world and provides integrated solutions for corporative communications.




Comca International Napoleón Martínez President Col. Flor Blanca, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2250 9300 Fax: (+503) 2250 9344 www.comca.com.sv Activity: transport, storage and moving company Date of creation: 1967 COMCA INTERNATIONAL is a company of logistic solutions in transportation and distribution operating in El Salvador since 1967. It has become the national company leader in transportation, storage and moving services. With the expansion of COMCA International as a company that offers cargo service (import and export) air, land and sea to different parts of the world, it is becomig stronger day by day. Since 1967 COMCA has carried out international moves to and from El Salvador. For 18 years it has been the exclusive agent of Bax Global network that has offices and logistics centers in Australia, Denmark, England, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa and the United States. Currently, COMCA has over 40 years of experience in the Salvadoran market and thanks to strategic alliances with first level companies and memberships to different international institutions such as IATA, AMSA and LACMA, they have been able to offer first level service with very competitive rates. COMCA has been able to establish itself as a quality agency in its different areas, as well as having the authorization to operate through a fiscal deposit warehouse to store, consolidate and distribute cargo. COMCA International is the exclusive representative for El Salvador to DB Schencker, ZIM Integrated Shipping Services and SKYNET World Wide, leading companies in their fields, with presence in over 120 countries worldwide. It is a member of the mover associations: LACMA (Latin American and Caribbean Movers Association) and NMSA (National Moving and Storage Association). As far as air cargo agents’ associations go, it works with FIATA (Federación Internacional de Agentes Transitorios) International Federation of Transitory


Agents and IATA (International Air Transportation Association). In the country, COMCA has relations with the Salvadoran Chamber of Commerce and Industry and with the cargo unions.

King Quality Blvd. del Hipódromo, pasaje 1 - 415 Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2241 8700 www.king-qualityca.com Activity: Bus transportation The Corporation King Quality, pioneer in first class service land transportation, was founded in 1992 with the objective of bringing an innovative concept for passenger’s land transportation to Central America. King Quality came to the market as the first specialized company in exclusive transportation services, with a fleet of luxurious buses, their own boarding terminals, the best logistics of connections and schedules, establishing a brand that currently is internationally recognized. Thanks to dedication, effort and over 75 years of experience in the transportation field, King Quality is known as the leading company in Central America. Routes are to and from San Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Mexico.

Pullmantur Hotel Sheraton Presidente, Local 9 y 10 Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2243 1300 / 2405 informacion@pullmantur.com www.pullmantur.com/elsalvador Activity: Bus transportation Date of creation: 1992 Employees: 70 Pullmantur is a touristic and corporative transportation company that has evolved since its foundation in 1992 until reaching a relevant position throughout Central America in the transportation of passengers. At present it has a new modern cutting-edge fleet, unique to the country, equipped with the safety technology demanded by EU regulations.



The San Salvador, Tegucigalpa and Guatemala offices offer comfort to passengers, both in purchasing tickets and boarding because it has specific waiting areas in a five-star hotel. Company routes are among those 3 countries. As Tour Operators Pullmantur sells over 1,200 nights a month to different hotels in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras and in transportation and hotel packages. Their daily operations cover 1,500 kilometer a day transporting around 7,000 people a month.

Through radio it maintains a permanent communication network between San Salvador and Guatemala and the units on the road, central administration and all agencies. Their repair shops are located both in Guatemala and El Salvador giving preventive maintenance to the units to maintain them in the best condition and guarantee the travelers’ trip. They have a large stock of spare parts and the latest technological equipment, thus guaranteeing the perfect function of the units which are subject to inspection before and after each trip.

Crane working in the Acajutla harbour (Camarasal)





Un indio menos, una tortilla mรกs Salvadoran proverb


Public Services

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE The Ministry of Health has a budget of 390 million US Dollars to improve the national health system. Principal statistics indicate that a Salvadoran’s life expectancy is 69 years for men and 76 years for women. The average Salvadoran has 3 children with an infant mortality of 22 per 1000 born. HIV/AIDS: According to the 2007 statistics, 0.8% of the population is infected, making the number 35,000.

FUNDALEV (tissue donation) is a tissue bank certified by the TIB (International Tissue Bank) which provides eye corneas and other tissues for transplant surgeries and recovery of sight. The bank will also facilitate the regeneration of bones, ligaments and tendons (skeletal muscle tissue) to restore the mobility of skin tissue for burn and reconstructive surgery, and heart valves to correct conditions cardiac conditions. VIDA (LIFE) (hospital services) is a company that provides in situ (on-site) medical services through mobile clinics able to stabilize their patients where the emergency or accident occurred.

There are several hospitals to highlight in the large public network such as: Hospital Nacional Rosales, Hospital Nacional “Benjamin Bloom”, Hospital Nacional de Maternidad “Dr. Raul Arguello Escolan”, Hospital Nacional Psiquiatrico “Dr. José Molina Martinez”, Hospital Nacional de Neumologia y Medicina Familiar “Dr. José Antonio Saldaña”, among others up to 33 public health institutions make up the public network.

Security: in general terms the country has a very high murder rate (14x1000) concentrated in neighborhoods where gang members exercise their influence. Behind these murders are drugs and drug trafficking, for a business traveler staying at a reputable hotel, use private transportation that does not venture to conflictive neighborhoods, the security rate is very high.

Although, there is a great variety of hospitals, it is recommended to go for treatment, if necessary, to private hospitals such as Hospital de la Mujer or Diagnostico. Private medical insurance is imperative for any business person.

Politur Incidents at touristic places are practically nonexistant. The Tourist Police (Politur) takes care of tourists and provides tourist information. It is a police force recently established by an initiative of the Ministry of Tourism.


Ambulances in the hospital (El Diario de Hoy)

Medical Devices The main objective of this area is to build a platform in three areas: medical services, distribution and joint venture manufacturing of raw material, having been established in the year 2007 two companies in El Salvador:


81 Av. Sur y Calle Juan José Cañas, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2555 1200 - Fax: (+503) 2563 5187 www.hospital-mujer.com Activity: Hospital Date of creation: 1989 Since being founded in 1989, The Hospital for Women has been a dynamic institution, which has maintained sustainable growth through diversification of its implementations and services with the renewal of technology and incorporation of the best level of medical ability in the country.


Public Services

The hospital continues having big challenges and its main objective is to provide the highest quality scientific and humane medical attention, with the support of specialized doctors, nursing staff and administration at the highest level, supported by high-tech equipment. Hospital de la Mujer is a comprehensive medical center with the latest cutting-edge technology. The area of expertise now extends to all fields of medicine. The move towards what they have become: a general medical center, where the entire family can access the medical and hospital services, has been a fully satisfactory labor of love, which leads to the commitment they make each time a patient needs any services To all this, add the support of medical professionals, paramedics and administrative staff to provide the users a complete service, based on the security of modern technological equipment and the confidence and attention from an experienced staff.

HOSPITAL DE DIAGNÓSTICO Villavicencio Plaza, Paseo General Escalón, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 4422 www.hdiagnostico.com.sv Activity: Hospital Date of creation 1977


Since 1977, Hospital de Diagnostico, Colonia Medica is the most respected Private Medical Center in El Salvador. Located in the heart of the medical zone of the capital, where more than 300 medical offices, clinical laboratories and pharmacies are located is the reason that in 1998 was named “Colonia Medica” by the Municipality of San Salvador. It has an ultra-modern medical center that was opened to the public on February 12, 2001. It has been designed and equipped according to international quality standards. It is located in the heart of the residential area of San Salvador and is easily accessible from hotels and offices of the largest national and international corporations. In the same building are custom-designed Medical Offices, Clinical Laboratories and a Complete Comprehensive Imaging Diagnostic Center with the latest technology, with ample parking guarded 24 hours. For the convenience of visitors and patients, also in the same building, there are pharmacies, restaurants, cafes, travel agencies, beauty salons and a gift shop. The more than 300 physicians in the hospital cover all specialties, caring for patients who visit, with the help of an excellent group of highly trained nurses and paramedics. It has all necessary services such as: Emergency and Trauma Critical Patients Suites Infant-Maternity Unit Catheterization Cardiac


Public Services

Surgery Minimum Invasive Surgery Heart Surgery Kidney Transplant Plastic Surgery Cardiovascular Unit Hemodialysis Digestive Track Endoscopy Sleep Study Unit Medical Check-ups Helicopter Evacuation

The hospital will begin operating with fifty specialized doctors, within which are selected the various specialties that will make this hospital ideal for any type of emergency, they will also have the best trained personnel and advanced technological equipment, laboratory X-rays, ultrasound, computerized axial tomography as well as other necessar equipment. It will also have eight operating rooms fully furnished with modern equipment and high technology, intensive care units, emergency room, pediatrics and hemodialysis unit.

HOSPITAL CLÍNICA SAN FRANCISCO COSASE 5a Av. Norte 204, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2661 1991 Fax: (+503) 2661 9657 info@hcsanfrancisco.com www.hcsanfrancisco.com Activity: Hospital Date of creation: 1960 Hospital Clínica San Francisco is a private hospital with 50 years of experience, located in San Miguel, which is identified by the image of outstanding service and personalized attention provided to each patient, as well as for its strategy to provide quality medical surgical care. It always tries to identify what is important to the patient and based on this, the necessary resources are provided to satisfy their medical attention expectations, always provide quality, timeliness, ability and an economical service. Services it offers: Completely equipped modern ambulances Intensive Care Unit Modern operating rooms Clinical Laboratory X-Rays, Mammogram, Bone Densimeter Computerized Axial Tomography Ultrasonography Completely equipped nursery In an effort to expand its hospital medical services Inversiones Médicas San Francisco S.A. de C.V. has begun construction of a new building. This mega project consists of a six level building for the outpatient area and eight levels for the hospitalization area, including a hospital parking lot that has the capacity for one hundred fifty vehicles

Miguel Menéndez President Av. Bernal, Col. Bernal, Residencia Montecarlo 21, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2500 5222 Fax: (+503) 2500 5252 ventas@cosase.com www.cosase.com Activity: security COSASE, the leading security company in the market, provides integral products and services of highly qualify security with cutting-edge technology. COSASE is a company committed to the quality of its services, the reason it has been certified with the norm ISO 9001:2000 by the certifying entity TÜVCERT of TÜV-SAARLAND, a certification that forces it to continue being the best. Its trained personnel work with educational institutions to provide information on Security measures to follow in case of emergency or high risk. It has alarm systems for private residences, businesses and industries with monitoring that provide an armed servie reaction; different detection devices such as infrared, magnetic, pressurized, and sound, theft, and fire systems. They also have access control systems. Alarms Electronic Control Short Circuit TV Satellite Security Security Agents Other Services Monitoring

The facilities will be comfortable and modern situated in one of the most accessible areas of the city: on Avenida Roosvelt Norte in the city of San Miguel.



Public Services

SERVICIO SALVADOREÑO DE PROTECCIÓN – SERSAPROSA Óscar Armando Rodríguez Director Alameda Manuel Enrique Araujo y Calle Loma Linda 104, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2207 5000 Fax: (+503) 2207 5007 www.sersaprosa.com Activity: security Date of creation: 1993 The commitment of its employees, throughout its career, has enabled SERVICIO SALVADOREÑO DE PROTECCION to be a strategic company in national life, providing safe and timely services to banking, trade, industry and various other institutions, and to provide and obtain the following; 1996: The Service Protección Continua de Efectivo (P.C.E.) was initiated (Continuous Cash Protection). 1998: In the month of April the service of verification, selection and classification of bills (colones) began in the area of Securties Processing. In the same year the service of Automated Teller Machines (ATM) began 1999: In March/1999 public telephone service and custody of prepaid cards was started. 2000: In February/2000 the delivery service of passports with visas from the Embassy of the United States of America began. 2001: In the month of August/2001 Administración de Cajas Generales de los Bancos (The Administration of General Bank Tellers project) was re-launched. 2002: The Securities Processing Division was consolidated, and along with continued updating

Hospitals are equipped with modern machines and instruments

of the Integrated Cash Management System, an automated control system for documents and packages being transported for on-line tracking has been implemented in all branches. 2003: In the first quarter the Treasury Administration of Banco Salvadoreño was incorporated; the Treasury Administration of Bank Promerica was 100% incorporated, and the processing of Banco Agricola Securities was partially implemented. 2004: During the months of February, March, April, it received 12 new units from Hidromex, Mexico (4 each month), according to the plan to modernize the vehicle fleet (these units are level VI, considered the best of Central America and the Caribbean).




Mรกs sabe el diablo por viejo, que por diablo Salvadoran proverb



Campus of the MatĂ­as Delgado University

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION The priority of the Ministry of Education is to support families. In particular, to contribute to the support of accessing and retaining (in the educational system) those children whose families are suffering from poverty by providing them with cost free uniforms, shoes and scholastic material, to invest in creating a harmonious, healthy and nice educational environment, and to generate programs that provide for school food and relevant improvements to school infrastructure. The government of El Salvador has focused its attention on secondary education enriching the school syllabus with elements that emphasize organization, development and business skills from an interactive perspective.

Education in Previous Decades In general terms, education in El Salvador was characterized by having very low levels of school coverage and lack of efficiency. Registration rates for grammar school was one of the lowest in Latin


America, especially in the rural areas, with a rate of 60% in 1986. Efficiency indicators showed low levels of finishing the school year and high levels of repeating years and/or dropping out. The main causes of low school coverage were mainly two: the suspension of school activities due to the civil war and lack of resources. Education was neglected as a topic of public interest, as it had remained an area of conflict between the teachers’ unions and the state. After more than a decade, the situation is now different. Education has become a priority issue in the economic and social policy of the country. Development indicators on education show a promising future. Qualitative changes are specially noticed in the management of the educational system and in the new legislation. The core program that energized and characterized the educational reform of El Salvador in the 1990s was the program EDUCO, education with community participation.

Faculty of Health Sciences

School of Law - Faculty of Legislation and Social Sciences

School of Medicine • Doctorate degree in Medicine Higher School of Nursing • Licentiate degree in Nursing

• Licentiate degree in Legal Sciences Faculty of Economics, Business and Enterprise

• Licentiate degree in Business Administration • Licentiate degree in Public Accounting • Licentiate degree in Business Economics • Licentiate degree in Business Finance • Licentiate degree in Computing Management • Licentiate degree in Marketing • Licentiate degree in Tourism

Faculty of Science and Art

School of Industrial Engineering

Communications and Electronics Engineering Distribution and Logistics Engineering Industrial Engineering

School of Art • Licentiate degree in Handcraft Products Design • Licentiate degree in Interior Design • Licentiate degree in Graphic Design School of Communication Sciences • Licentiate degree in Communication Sciences • Licentiate degree in Psychology School of Architecture • Architecture Faculty of Agriculture and Research

All our careers have the duly computing support



• Agroindustrial Engineering • Food Engineering • Agricultural Business Engineering


INFORMATION Office of Public Relations and Information, Campus 1, Building 1 Phone 2212-9400 Ext. 235 SCHEDULE Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Campus 1, Km 8/2 Road Santa Tecla 181


Education Now 34% of the population is comprised of young people under 14 years old, making 1,800,000 students. Education in general is acceptable, with a very high literacy rate in elementary school. It is estimated that 95% of 10-year-old children know how to read and write and that the great majority study until 12 years old. There are big differences between the metropolitan region of San Salvador and the rest of the departments where the rates are lower. Approximately, 80% attend private institutions and 20% public institutions. The educational system is divided in three cycles: Primary (Grammar): 1st to 6th grade of basic education; it is free and compulsory. Secondary (High school): 7th to 9th grade of basic education (Junior High) and Bachelor (High School; it is free but not compulsory). Tertiary: includes some 24 universities, 5 specialized institutes and 8 technological institutes. The tertiary (university) public institutions are: Universidad de El Salvador (UES) that has USD$ 60

million from the budget of the Ministry of Education; Escuela Militar Capitán General Gerardo Barrios, Escuela Nacional de Agricultura Roberto Quiñonez (ENA); Instituto Tecnológico Centroamericano (ITCA); Instituto Tecnológico de Chalatenango; Instituto Tecnológico de Sonsonate and Instituto Tecnológico de Usulután; the rest are private. There are many private universities that make up the educational landscape of El Salvador. Here is an alphabetical list: Albert Einstein, Autónoma de Santa Ana, Católica de Occidente, Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) (Jesuit), Cristiana de las Asambleas de Dios, de Oriente, de Sonsonate, Don Bosco, Andrés Bello, Dr. José Matías Delgado, Evangélica de El Salvador, Francisco Gavidia, Luterana Salvadoreña, Panamericana, Pedagógica de El Salvador, Politécnica de El Salvador, Salvadoreña Alberto Masferrer, Técnica Latinoamericana, and Tecnológica de El Salvador. Here they teach almost all subjects that may be available in a 1st world country. The Salvadoran universities are connected to the world through numerous international programs of cooperation. As for private institutes there is: El Espíritu Santo for Higher-education, Escuela de Comunicaciones Mónica Herrera, Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN), and Superior de Economía y Administración de Empresas. Private technical institute are: Americano de Educación Superior, Profesionales de la Salud de El Salvador and the Escuela Técnica para la Salud. ESEN and ADEN set the standard for business schools which train students and graduates with MBA’s (Master in Business Administration) or equivalent programs. It is noteworthy that because of the great cultural influence of the US, some of the Salvadoran students with sufficient funds choose to study at American universities, or at INCAE, which is the preferred Business School in Central America and is headquartered in Costa Rica.

LANGUAGE SKILLS Bilingual capabilities (English and Spanish) have been a key factor in the success of contact centers, business support centers and shared service centers established in El Salvador, known as “Business Services at a Distance”. La CEPAL, “Servicios Empresariales a Distancia”. University building (El Diario de Hoy)




represent one of the fastest growing segments of consumers in that country.

MEGATEC It is an integrated system of secondary and higher education, oriented towards training and formation in technical and technological areas. It was created in order to design and implement a modern educational alternative that takes advantage of and enhances the technical education and higher technology of students in order to form a people that will invigorate the regional economic development. Inside of a university campus (El Diario de Hoy)

El Salvador is considered one of the few countries in Latin America with a neutral accent in both languages, which increases the opportunity to answer calls from countries speaking English and/ or Spanish. Among the highlights is the Hispanic market, which is a steadily growing niche. There are currently more than 700 million Spanish speakers in the world, in addition, Hispanics living in the United States, Façade of a Salvadorean university (El Diario de Hoy)

Megatec’s are located in La Unión, Zacatecoluca, Cabañas, Sonsonate and Chalatenango. The government is carrying on continuous efforts to diversify educational options and create more opportunities to train skilled workers.

MAJOR COMPANIES AND INSTITUTIONS IN EDUCATION UNIVERSIDAD DR. JOSÉ MATÍAS DELGADO David Escobar Galindo Rector and Founder Km 8½ Carretera a Santa Tecla, Ciudad Merliot Tel: (+503) 2289 0926 / 2278 1011 Fax: (+503) 2289 0926 www.ujmd.edu.sv Activity: University Date of creation: 1977 University Dr. José Matías Delgado was founded in the city of San Salvador on September 15th, 1977, as the answer to the urgent need from Salvadoran society to have a higher-education institute that could direct its academic formation to the betterment of the busines executive capacity at that time. During the social conflict period (civil war) from 1979 to 1992, the University continued with its regular activities causing an increase in demand for higher education. During the first 10 years, the University worked with the initial branch offices –in a noncentralized manner- in different sites. In 1982, it acquired its own property where it started to build




its own installations moving in 1986, to its current premises. Formation of students is the responsibility of an average of 590 professors with expertise in their areas of moral and academic formation. Currently, the University offers 21 careers options and 8 master degrees in different specialties, with a student population of 6,418 undergraduates, with 32 students studying for a doctorate degree. University Dr. José Matías Delgado is a non-profit private legal entity of a permanent nature. Its motto is the basic principle under which generations attending the institute must be trained. The principle reads: OMNIA CUM HONORE – EVERYTHING WITH HONOR. Honor is the main characteristic of the professionals that the University prepares. This implies the moral attribute which leads to strict compliance of their duties with mankind. It is worth emphasizing that the Institution is non-profit and its economic profits are destined to obtain highereducation that is used in the interest of the country. Mission To prepare through teaching, social projection and research; professionals capable of coping in the national and international environment with high competiveness, investigative and innovative sprit, solid moral capacity, intense human sensitivity and a clear vision of the future. Vision To have projected and consolidated academic excellence within a permanent accreditation process nationally and internationally; maintaining its institutional leadership and guaranteeing that its graduates successfully compete in a globalized world.


collaboration with the private area and governments of Central American nations and the United States. Today it is the No. 1 business school in Latin America with many prestigious accreditations. The Salvadoran branch helps with promoting and recruiting new students. INCAE is a private, non-profit, multinational, highereducation organization devoted to teaching and researching endeavors in the fields of business and economics aimed at training and instructing, from a worldwide perspective, individuals capable of successfully holding top management positions in Latin America. It is more than a business school in that it promotes sustainable development in Central America. In 1964, the business community and the governments of the Central American nations founded INCAE. Since its inception it has had the technical supervision of the Harvard Business School. INCAE is presently focused on three key activities: • Masters programs in Business Administration in areas fundamental for Latin American development. • Executive training programs and seminars. •Research Projects for competitiveness and development in the region. INCAE has an applied approach that combines the best teaching practices and global frontier of knowledge with reality and the environment. • Actively promote the comprehensive development of the countries where it serves, developing leaders for key areas, improving their practices, attitudes and values through: - Research, teaching and dissemination of modern management concepts and techniques.

Rafael Castellanos El Salvador National Committee President Blvd. Orden de Malta 420, Santa Elena, El Salvador Tel: (+503) 2289 4353/54 Fax: (+503) 2289 4355 www.incae.edu

- Strengthening of analytical skills and the understanding of economic, political and social phenomenon.

Activity: Business school Date of creation: 1964 Turnover: 6-8 million US Dollars

As mentioned before, INCAE is accredited by SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) in the USA to grant its master’s degrees. It is an affiliate of AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), NASPSS (National Association of Schools of Public

INCAE was founded in 1964 with the technical supervision of the Harvard Business School in


- Facilitating dialogue, understanding and collaboration between individuals, areas and countries.



Affairs and Administration), and BALAS (Business Administration and Latin American Studies) and a member of CLADEA (The Latin America Business School Council). INCAE programs are accredited in Europe by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). Students admitted at INCAE’s MBA Programs have diverse nationalities and varied professional backgrounds. Their average age is 26 years old and typically they have around 5 years of working experience. This multinational characteristic allows a rich and varied exchange of ideas and facilitates learning through the exchange of individual experiences. “Michael Porter, a global leader in competitiveness, says that if an alien would come to Central America and El Salvador, it would think this is the richest place on earth because of its geographic placement, between the two Americas, Europe and Asia, connected through the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. El Salvador needs to compete and has a friendly investment atmosphere with transparency, clear playing rules and respect to private property.” Rafael Castellanos, El Salvador Committee President

ESCUELA DE COMUNICACIONES MÓNICA HERRERA Lic. Teresa Palacios de Chávez Director Av. Manuel Gallardo 3-3, Santa Tecla Tel: (+503) 2523 6500 info@siget.gob.sv www.siget.gob.sv Activity: Specialized school in social communication Date of creation: 1995 Since its creation 15 years ago, the School of Communications has fulfilled a vacancy in the education of professionals dedicated to communications. Large Salvadoran media groups such as Altamirano, Dutriz and Eserski, to mention a few, have been at the core of the creation of this specialized school. Nowadays, Mónica Herrera is famous on a regional level, allowing it to have agreements with European universities such as Erasmus Hogeschool Brussels, UCES, Ecole Intuit, and alliances such as the one


with the Federación Lationamericana de Facultades de Comunicación Social (Felafacs) - (Latin American Federation of Social Communication Schools), the International Advertising Association (IAA), or the International Council of Graphic Design Association (Icograda IDA). Its 350 graduating students guarantee a very low ratio of teacher / pupil and entry to the most prestigious companies in the country. Among the careers fields in which they offer a degree are: Advertising Technician, Integrated Communications in Marketing and Strategic Design. The PENSA Executive Class Continuing Education Unit which offers degrees in Finance in Marketing, Visual Communication and Web Design, Traders, etc. Innovative methodology has been the key to better prepare professionals in social communication. Classes are designed to generate cognitive learning through the students´ own experiences and emotions. The learning strategy consists of dynamic workshops, experiential processes with real and simulated customers and professionals who ensure the application of the concepts of the chosen profession. “The communications of today and the future require professionals working in diversity. These are key skills to becoming better communication professionals making them more effective in their jobs and businesses. At our School, with our distinctive approach we have not only taught them to learn to know, and learn to do, but we have encouraged them to learn to live together to develop understanding and respect for others.” Lic. Teresa Palacios de Chávez, Director

UNIVERSIDAD CENTROAMERICANA JOSÉ SIMEÓN CAÑAS (UCA) José Maria Toxeira Rector Blvd. Los Próceres, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2210 6600 Fax: (+503) 2210 6655 correo@uca.edu.sv www.uca.edu.sv Activity: University Date of Creation: 1965 The Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, known as UCA, was founded in September 1965 in the context of the optimism of a decade



of development. A group of Catholic parents approached the government and the Society of Jesuits with the intent of promoting the establishment of a second university. They wanted an alternative to the University of El Salvador to professionally train the graduates of Catholic schools. The original idea of the association of parents did not progress, but the Society of Jesuits, who had for years contemplated the possibility of establishing a university, urged an alternative; the university would be directed towards economic and social development of the region. In this vision there was a perception, not entirely clear, about the great social injustices. The college founders chose the name and symbol for freedom of José Simeón Cañas. The University of El Salvador, who felt is monopoly of higher education threatened, along with the political opposition who supported the Catholic Group, was opposed to the UCA. But the government also wanted an alternative to the The University of El Salvador and, therefore, supported the project and in 1965 the first board of directors, composed of five Jesuits, was officially inaugurated on September 15 and they began classes with 357 students on the Don Rúa premises, provided by the Salesians, in early 1966. Very important facts of Salvadoran history have happened at the UCA such as the murders of the rector, Ignacio Ellacuría, the academic vice rector, Ignacio Martín-Baro, the director of IDHUCA, Segundo Montes, the director of the Library of theology, Juan Ramón Moreno, a professor of philosophy, Amando López, who also were teachers, researchers and writers, together with another Jesuit, Joaquín López, director of Fe y Alegría, and two women, Elba and Celina Ramos on November 16, 1989, causing a huge impact on the university and society. The work of the Jesuits and the UAC itself has been recognized internationally with several awards, including the Prince of Asturias Award (the medal given to the best Spanish universities) and several Honoris Causa doctorates along with medals from various U.S. Universities. Also, the UCA has signed a series of agreements with other universities, some of which have been very important, because they have facilitated the exchange of professors. Today it is a modern university which has a wide range of university courses.


UNIVERSIDAD FRANCISCO GAVIDIA (UFG) Mario Antonio Ruiz Ramírez Rector Alameda Roosevelt 3031, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 2800 /01 Fax: (+503) 2223 1707 info@ufg.edu.sv www.ufg.edu.sv Activity: university Date of creation: 1981 Francisco Gavidia was a Salvadoran writer, educator, historian and journalist. He is considered the founder of Salvadoran literature. Gavidia fills a time and marks a stage in Salvadoran history. He practiced all literary genres, including poetry, theater, storytelling and narration and in his honor the university that bears his name was established. University Francisco Gavidia of El Salvador is one of the main universities of the country because of the number of students. It is located in the city of San Salvador, the capital of the country. Since the day the university opened its doors to the first group of students in 1981, the history of the institution has not been written but is reflected in its published work, in its academic trajectory, in its research investment, in its contribution to society training competent and responsible professionals as well as its achievements through its social projection and its commitment to needed disadvantaged areas of the population. An institutional path that covers a quarter century of serving the nation with the greatest purpose: the formation of human resources that are needed to meet the challenges demanded by the economic and social development of the country and the region, in an environment of competitiveness whose horizons are determined by contemporary scientific and technological advances. This story has been building as the evolution of events has scored points or patterns of importance in the life of the UFG. The most important periods cover cycles similar in length, but different in meaning. During that timeline, the first period is defined from 1981 to 1990, the second includes the transition in the years 1990 to 1999 and the third period starts in 2000 to the present. UFG’s mission is to train competent and ethical professionals, innovators, and entrepreneurs by implementing a process of academic quality that wil allowed them to thrive in a globalized world.



Its vision is to be one of the best universities in the country recognized for the quality of its graduates, its ongoing process of continuous improvement and applied research relevant to solving national problems. Francisco Gavidia University is committed to its students, the academic and Salvadoran society, to carry out the application of continuous improvement under the following guidelines that shape their Quality Policy: 1) Providing a quality teaching and learning process, based on the pedagogy and teaching of contemporary schools of scientific thought, which demands permanent and constructive learning, to train competent and ethical professionals, who will become innovators and entrepreneurs. 2) Develop an effective administrative management of resources and support services to achieve compliance with the requirements of teaching and learning

UNIVERSIDAD DON BOSCO Engineer Miguel Huguet Rivera Rector Calle Plan del Pino, Cantón Venecia Soyapango, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2252 5000 / 2251 8200 Fax: (+503) 2292 3051 www.udb.edu.sv Date of Foundation: 1984 During these 25 years of experience, Don Bosco University has built a wide range of undergraduate courses and post graduate courses, based on high standards of quality which enabled them to become the first accredited university in 2001, and the first reaccredited university during the period 2006-2011. Innovation, self-study and acquisition of experience have also allowed it to position itself as one of the best universities in El Salvador. Don Bosco University now offers 36 academic careers fields together in five faculties, two University campuses of study: “Ciudadela Don Bosco”, and the “El Centro de Estudios de Posgrado” (Post Graduate Study Center) in Antiguo Cuscatlán, while providing technological services to establish an initial base to support the growth of the productive area of El Salvador. Don Bosco University offers a total of 29 careers fields in the four departments that offer them.


Don Bosco University offers a wide range of careers with a special focus on advancing society, many of them unique on a national and regional level, that ensures consistent job placement training. It offers courses with qualifications for teachers, technicians, technologists, and engineering degrees through the four schools that comprise them, and two academic departments. Similarly it offers five masters programs through the Graduate Studies Center located in Antiguo Cuscatlán. The academic activity of the University finds a support base and energetic development through a series of specialized Schools and Departments that guarantee the quality of education of its programs. The university offers the following programs: - Engineering: Mechanical, Industrial, Bio-Medical, Computer Science, Electrical, Telecommunications, Automation, Mechatronics, Electronics. - Certified Professional degree: Education with specialization in Elementary School, Education with specialization in Pastoral Theology, Languages with specialization in English Teaching, Languages with specialization in Tourism, Science of Communications, Graphic Design, Industrial and Product Design, Marketing, Public Accounting, Business Administration, Multimedia. - Technician: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Bio-medic Engineering, Computer Engineering, Graphic Design, Industrial Management (PIEGI), Plastic, Orthesis and Prosthetics, Radio and T.V., Production, Aeronautic Maintenance, Call Centre. - Teaching: Pastoral Theology, for first and second year of Basic Education. - Post Grad: Master in Software Architecture, Master in Quality Management, Master in New Applied Educational Technologies, Master in Design

UNIVERSIDAD DE EL SALVADOR (UES) Rufino Antonio Quezada Rector Edificio Rectoría, Campus San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2225 1500 - Fax: (+503) 2505 5519 www.ues.edu.sv Activity: University Date of creation: 1841 The foundation of the University of El Salvador goes back to February 16, 1841. UES began its activities in 1843, teaching pure mathematics, logic, morals,



metaphysics and general physics. It was not until 1880 that it was sub-divided into schools; some of them disappeared with time, while others were created. UES is the best reputed State University. As it is public there are many students that struggle to be admitted and consequently the academic level is high. As a modern university it has a great variety of careers fields available, with a total number of 47,000 students, making it the largest of the country. UES also has a scholarship program for those students who really need it.

a strong competitive advantage. Equally UTEC has been characterized by its innovative educational offerings since its inception and now covers all the most sought after careers fields and is one of the country’s most respected universities.

The mission of the university is to be an eminent academic institute, a governing body of highereducation, a trainer of professionals with firm ethical values, a guarantor of development in science, art, culture and sports; a critic of reality, capable of proposing solutions to national problems through philosophic, scientific, artistic and technological investigation of a universal character.

Qualified Teaching staff The teaching staff consists of full-time professors, and and those who work per class hour, working in different public and private institutions in the country, providing professional and up to date academic training.

Its vision is to be a transformative university of higher education and to play an important leading role in the transformation of critical and positive consciousness of the Salvadoran society, with leadership in educational innovation and academic excellence through the integration of functions that are core to the university: teaching, research and social projection.

UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE COMERCIO Y ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS (UTEC) José Mauricio Loucel Rector Calle Arce y 17 Av. Norte, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2575 8800 Info@utec.edu.sv / www.utec.edu.sv Activity: University Date of creation: 1981 Through an agreement with the Ministry of Education the Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador (UTEC) was legally created on June 12, 1981. UTEC was preceded by the Instituto Tecnológico de Comercio y Administración de Empresas (ITCAE) born in 1979. Due to the armed conflict the University of El Salvador (UES) closed in 1981 and new universities were required, giving way to the transformation from Institute to University, along with the creation of 6 new private Universities. Originally, UTEC’s objectives were aimed at offering technical educational programs, which represented


Academic excellence The experience of more than 25 years in the area of higher education, guarantees and provides training for competitive professionals consistent with the reality of the country.

Alternative Model of Learning (MAAPRE) This is the pedagogical model of the Universidad Tecnologica (University of Technology), whose aim is to train students with the necessary ability to successfully face the challenge of global change, and to be able to contribute to the development of the country. Specialized Career Libraries Besides, having a central library, the university offers its students specialized libraries to consult material in accordance with the careers fields that the institute teaches. Pre-Specialization Project To obtain a degree from the university the student does not need to prepare a thesis,however they must take six modules in a defined specialty in each one of the careers fields, to provide added value to their training, therefore strengthening the knowledge and practice of our graduates. Specialized Laboratories and Practice Centers Labs are designed to stimulate correspondent activities of each of the careers fields that the university offers, with cutting-age technological equipment adapted to the labor reality of the country. Excellent location The university campus is strategically located in downtown San Salvador and is accessible from any point of the city by urban transportation buses. Convenient schedules that allow ample opportunitiesfor students to study and work. Tuition without additional cost. The tuition includes; examination rights, use of the laboratory and practice centers and use of the University’s facilities.



Del agua mansa lĂ­brame Dios, que de la brava me libro yo Salvadoran proverb


Agriculture and Fisheries

AGRICULTURE Traditionally, El Salvador has been an agricultural country where close to one third of the territory is cultivable. The agro-industry is going to play an important role in the development of the country. Due to the smalln size of its territory, efforts need to be focused on attracting investments that generate high value per square meter. Agro-industrial companies choose El Salvador as an ideal destination for their investments because of its beneficial climatic conditions due to its tropical weather and the capability to supply the industry with cheap raw material. Other positive factors are competitive labor costs and the proximity to the U.S. market with access to it through CAFTA.

MAG – (The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock) The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) has a $USD 49 million budget for 2010 with a decrease of 8.5%, relative to the previous year, due to the finalization of infrastructure programs in irrigation, watershed management, flood control and rural housing. The National Center for Agricultural Technology (CENTA) will be a hub in the search for diversification and modernization of agriculture. Other organisms that are dependent on Agriculture and Livestock are Instituto Salvadoreño de Transformación Agraria (ISTA) (the Agrarian Reform Institute) and la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura (ENA) (the National School of Agriculture).

ground and strictly high ground. It also exports gourmet coffee according to the guidelines of the Asociación de Importadores de Café de Calidad de Estados Unidos (the United States Import Association of Coffee Quality) as well as special brand coffees, such as rainforest, fair trade, organic and Starbucks. The country has a well kept treasure which is bourbon coffee, it is a type of coffee very hard to find outside of El Salvador and is highly regarded among expert coffee connoisseurs due to its high quality. El Salvador was the largest producer of coffee in the world per area, the 1st producer-exporter of coffee from Central America and the 4th largest producer in the world for decades, but now produces 1.5 million quintals (1 quintal=100lbs) of coffee. The main challenge is to replant coffee areas in order to increase production. COEX and UNEX are the principal exporters. SUGAR The commercial activity of sugar represents 20% of the Gross Agricultural Product and 2.28% of GDP, generating $USD 400 million. This is a market that uses extensive labor and which employs more than 400,000 people. Lately, there have been sharp increases in international sugar prices that have offset a lower production. The National Sugar Association believes that the country is ready for the use of sugar as a source of alternative energy and biofuel development, and

CENTA It is the technical-scientific institution that develops, promotes and facilitates research and technology transfer of agricultural and forestry technology for the agro-entrepreneurial modernizacion of the agribusiness. It is the leading institution of the Salvadoran system of technological innovation in Agriculture and Forestry, advising the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, in the formulation of national policy for scientific and technological development. COFFEE Coffee is the primary agricultural product El Salvador exports. Salvadoran coffee is known worldwide for its quality, purity and overall quality of consistency of the crop after harvest. The quality is always the same. El Salvador mostly exports washed and Arabica coffee in its three forms: central standard, high


Sugar cane plantation in Usulután


Agriculture and Fisheries

Sugar warehouse at El Ă ngel sugar refinery


Agriculture and Fisheries

Agriculture is developed in El Salvador

currently has a plant capable of processing it. This is supported by the Brazilian government, a country that is the forerunner of ethanol production and leaders in the field.

deciduous forests (80.109 ha), coniferous forests (73.199 ha), semi-deciduous mixed forests (48.927 ha), mixed forests (16.381 ha), and gallery forests (6.063).

CASSA, Ingenio El Angel (The Angel sugar mill) and Dizucar are the major sugar companies in the country.

The commercial deficit of forestry products of El Salvador is a central element for market analysis. Total annual consumption of sawed wood in the country is 250,000 m3, of which 80% is imported from Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua where pinewood exportation prevails. The “ordinary wood boards, planks and beams� represented an average of 90% of total imports of wood.

OTHER CROPS White corn, beans and rice are routinely used in the preparation of the main meal of the Salvadorans; therefore ensuring food self-sufficiency is critical. Currently, domestic production does not cover the domestic market and a part has to be imported.

FORESTRY 95% of active forest management plans in the country are located in the Zona Norte. According to land use North Zone concentrates more than 70% of the forested areas of the country (98% of coniferous forests, mixed forests 91%, 73.1% from 44.3% deciduous and semi-deciduous forest). The total forest area is 224.679 ha, distributed as follows:


Because of its geographical position, the shortage of the domestic market, the growth of valuable species and access to markets Salvadoran forestry has great potential to generate wealth and economic development in rural areas.

FISHING The large fishing company established country: the Spanish Company Calvo 80% of its production. Tuna is the 3rd export produced after coffee and sugar.

in the exports largest Fishing

Agriculture and Fisheries

in El Salvador is developed mainly at the level of domestic consumption. Shrimp is an export product that was relatively important economically, but which has now declined. Apart from the traditional fishing area, there is great potential for the development of the sport of fishing, such as swordfish fishing competitions. Moreover, there are market opportunities for aquaculture; the farming of ocean and freshwater plants and animals for human consumption

MAIN COMPANIES Fishing with the net (El Diario de Hoy)

ASOCIACIÓN DE BENEFICIADORES Y EXPORTADORES DE CAFÉ DE EL SALVADOR - ABECAFE (COFFEE ASSOCIATION OF PRODUCERS AND EXPORTERS OF EL SALVADOR) Marcelino Samayoa Manager Col. Escalón, San Salvador Activity: Association Date of creation: 1961 La Asociación de Beneficiadores y Exportadores del Café (The Coffee Association of Producers and Exporters) of El Salvador was created in 1961 because of the international coffee agreements that restricted production quotas of coffee. The association was created to allocate quotas to partners that limited the growth of the coffee sector. Today it has 20 partners, representing 70% of the country’s coffee exportation. It is one of the 4 associations that is part of Fundación Salvadoreña para Investigaciones del Café(the

Salvadoran Foundation for Coffee Investigation) (PROCAFE) and covers coffee related issues. The other three are la Unión de Cooperativas de El Salvador (the Cooperative Union of El Salvador) (UCAFES); Coffee Association of El Salvador and la Unión de Cooperativas de la Reforma Agraria, Beneficiadores y Exportadores (UCAPROBEX). (the Agrarian Reform Cooperative Union, Producers and Exporters) (UCAPROBEX). ABECAFE is an advocate for free enterprise and does not seek to encourage business via tax exemptions. Together with the other three associations, it defends all the institutions where they are represented and participates in the ongoing negotiations for the establishment of a free trade agreement with Europe. “The country’s main resource is its people; it’s worth it to work with them, because they are inventive and hardworking” Marcelino Samayoa, ABECAFE Manager

Fishermen boats

SAN JULIÁN, S.A. DE C.V. - AGROSANIA, S.A. DE C.V. Lic. Luis Roberto Fernández M. Director 51ª Av. Sur 1738, Col. Jardines de Montserrat, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2211 0303 Fax: (+503) 2211 0304 Julian@sal.gbnet.cc www.agrosania.com


Agriculture and Fisheries

After a long evolution, the company started exporting. Currently, about 15% of the production is exported, which for the time being, is focused on the United States and Guatemalan markets. San Julián dairy products are commercialized through distributors in New Jersey, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Houston, while in Guatemala they are sold through the Wal-Mart chain.

Fishing vessels waiting in the Jiquilisco Bay

Activity: Agrobusiness Founded: 1985 Employees: 385 Turn over: 4 million US Dollars

Among the company’s projects for the future are to establish itself in Honduras and Nicaragua upon consolidating the markets in which it is now operating. “The products of Agro-Industry San Julián, S.A. maintain their presence in the market thanks to the company’s tradition and quality.” Lic. Luis Roberto Fernández M., Director

Agro-industry San Julián, S.A. de C.V., also known as AGROSANIA S.A. de C.V., was founded in 1985, in the town of San Julián, in the the department of Sonsonate, in the westen area of the country. The company is the manufacturer of the well-known products San Julián in El Salvador, but they also have several other divisions such as a swine division, coffee production with drip irrigation, a factory that produces concentrated feed products for the nearly 2,500 fattening pigs the agricultural business has, a forestry division and they also produce coal from thinning forests of shade coffee plantations. One division serves the other, emphasizing the concept of integrated and horizontal production, so that they can use the subproducts of one division in another. Its brands are renowned for their quality internationally, their ingredients comply with the strictest health norms and the demanding specifications of clients, and they always operate with integrity, profitability and financial soundness Cheeses and creams, plus 38 other products provided in 90 different categories, are part of this thriving enterprise’s portfolio. Among the products highlighted, there are superb quality “salvadoreñísimo” cheeses such as Duroblando, Morolique, Izalqueño and Spun. Pastre cheeses such as Mozzarella, Provolone, in addition to the other fine quality cheeses such as Cheddar and Monterey Jack. Agrosania is also known in El Salvador for the special care given to its workers and the strong commitment acquired within the Salvadoran society. Eventhough they are able to automate many of their processes they prefer to hire a Salvadoran workforce leaving the impression of a handmade flavor on all its products.


ARROCERA SAN FRANCISCO Max Novoa, General Manager Km 9.9 Autopista a Comalapa, San Marcos, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2213 1100 Fax: (+503) 2213 1150 mnovoa@arrocerasanfrancisco.com www.arrocerasanfrancisco.com Activity: Rice distribution Date of creation: 1968 Employees: 700 The company was founded in 1968, by the Spaniard Don Matias Ruiz, with the aim of producing and distributing high quality rice. In 1992 there was a strategic change to focus on international rice commercialization and distribution. The company began to develop new channels through supermarkets, wholesalers, presalers, institutes and exportation. Since then, it has enhanced its distribution channels within the Central and North American regions creating one of the most important Salvadoran food companies. In 2001, “All Foods” was created to fill a very important need for ethnic products offered to the


Agriculture and Fisheries

diverse Latin American markets in the United States, with a vast portfolio of “Products from Back home” for Salvadorans, Central Americans, Mexicans, Colombians, Bolivians, Peruvians, Ecuadorians, etc.

Its future plans are the unification of its brands in Central America and to diversify in new areas such as renewable energy; at present it has built (in Nicaragua) its first biomass factory.

The current portfolio of “All Foods” supported by its prestigious brand Doña Lisa, offers many products such as rice and beans, pickled and conserved vegetables, tropical canned soups, “atole” (a cornmeal drink) powdered refreshments, refried canned beans, etc. They have 300 products and are working towards increasing their portfolio with products such as tropical canned juices, tropical concentrates, dehydrated sea food, frozen typical dishes, etc., to accommodate the diversity of the needs of the people from Latin American countries, and allowing the company to increase its variety to more than 500 food products in the United States, Canada and around the world.

“The positive attitude and hardworking skills of the Salvadoran people are the best assets to attract foreign investment.”

In 2008 it merged with the Grain Hill worldwide rice group, covering South America, Europe and other continents. As a Salvadoran company, it employs 700 people and maintains 4000 farmers. Social development is an important issue for Arrocera San Francisco.

Max Novoa, General Manager

ASOCIACIÓN AZUCARERA DE EL SALVADOR Engineer Julio César Arroyo General Manager 103 Av. Norte y Calle Arturo Ambrogi 145, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 1226 Fax: (+503) 2263 0361 julio.arroyo@asociacionazucarera.com www.asociacionazucarera.com Activity: Sugar Association Date of creation: 1949 Employees: 17

Traditional milk production



Agriculture and Fisheries

The sugar association is a non-profit union founded in 1949 to help members find opportunities in the sugar area and to solve processing and distribution issues in both sugar as well as its derivates.


It covers 5 areas: exports, logistics, purchases, The Sugar Foundation and communications. The sugar industry represents an average of 20% of the Gross Agricultural Product. Due to the fact that it is a labor extensive area, employing over 400,000 workers and generating approximately $USD400 million, it is indeed a key area representing 2.28% of the GDP.

Agustín Martínez President Calle El Lirio 18, Col. Maquilishuat, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 4622/23/24 Fax: (+503) 2264 4623 www.new.camagro.com

The association represents all sugar refineries and sugar cane producers. There are 7,000 sugar cane producers, the highest number in Latin America.

Activity: Agribusiness and agro industrial chamber

Today, the Sugar Association is looking for higher competitiveness through more efficient irrigation and fertilization techniques. It is also focusing on diversification; for instance, a wide variety of uses can be derived from sugar cane such as nutritional sources, energy generation, and ethanol for transportation. Thanks to the CAFTA (an agreement with the United States), El Salvador can export 100,000 tons of sugar (to the 5 countries involved), which is still very little for a region that exceeds more than 4 million tons in production. The Sugar Association has a foundation called Fundazucar that takes care of the rural community. They improve the living, health, nutritional and educational conditions of the workers and their families that work in sugar cane refineries. Asociación Azucarera de El Salvador is highly concerned with the environment, but fortunately sugar cane has a positive ecologic impact. The remains from sugar cane processing are used to fertilize the land. The sugar refineries create their own energy and produce ethanol, thereby saving gasoline and reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. “El Salvador has many advantages and positive conditions for businesses. For the last 25 years it has had a democracy and stable macro-economy. It has CAFTA, the Free Trade Agreement with the United States and Central American countries, and soon it will have an agreement with Europe.”

The Chamber of Agriculture and Agribusiness in El Salvador (CAMAGRO) is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan association. Its primary objective is to link to all individuals and limited corporations engaged in activities related to agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food processing and other related activities. Its vision is to be a leading and integrating union that provides strong, competitive and successful development conditions for the agricultural and agroindustry region. Its mission is to safeguard the interests of agriculture and agrobusiness and to promote their competitiveness and integration of productive chains within the industry. It follows a macro-strategy to design a short and long term agricultural policy that will lead to strategies to attain its adoptions by future governments. CAMAGRO develops union activities as representative of the interests of the Agriculture and Agribusiness industry. Its aims are: • To formulate policy proposals and draft laws concerted and relevant to the sector. • To participate in consulting forums, committees, commissions, boards of director and national and international work groups promoting sector positions • To Influence public opinion in favor of agricultural and agro-industrial sector through the media. • To keep partners/ associates informed on issues of common interest.

Julio César Arroyo, General Manager • To collect, systematize and update strategic information for the sector.



Agriculture and Fisheries

• It also provides services that promote the competitiveness of its partners/ associates. • Establish a center for agribusiness. • Facilitate market access (participation in fairs, studies). • Commercial negotiations.

of the Electricity System). Currently, CASSA is registered in SIGET and UT as a Main Generator of electricity.The use of waste for energy is an example of the energy efficiency of the sugar mills. Another aspect that would improve the environment is the development of biofuels based on sugar cane. Brazil is a pioneer in this area and El Salvador is trying to take the first steps for the development of this promising agribusiness.

• Mediate for the integration of agricultural chain. • Make arbitration for its partners.

COMPAÑÍA AZUCARERA SALVADOREÑA, S.A. DE C.V. – SALVADORAN SUGAR COMPANY Tomás Regalado Dueñas Honorary President Fermina Cárdenas Corporate Relations Intersección Av. El Espino y Calzada El Almendro, Edificio Corporativo Madre Selva 4ª Etapa, 2º nivel, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2484 1027 / 2441 5880 Fax: (+503) 2251 3608 fermina.cardenas@grupocassa.com www.grupocassa.com Activity: sugar Date of Creation: 1964 In 1994, Compañía Salvadoreña Azucarera (CASSA) was founded by Tomás Regalado González and María Regalado de Mathies with the objective of using sugar cane products and byproducts of bindustrially. Currently, it is the largest sugar company in the country.

In 2006, with the signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States, CASSA got the 33.27% share of the Preferential Markets. In addition, it invested approximately $15 million in diversification projects of new technology and equipment that increase efficiency and productivity of the mill. In 2007, for the first time in the history and industry of the country, packed sugar was exported to the final consumer. Thus, CASSA proved to be a pioneer in the industry as they exported refined sugar packed in 1 kilo presentations to the Chilean market. In 2008, Project Clean Energy Cogeneration (Central Izalco Cogeneration) has allowed this company to participate in la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas para el Cambio Climático (the United Nations Framework Convention for Climatic Change) (UNFCCC) according to Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (the Clean Development Mechanism) (CDM) based on the Kyoto Protocol. CASSA participates in the Global Carbon Market, as it showed that with this project they contribute to sustainable development, the reduction of global warming and promote climate change. The project will reduce approximately 60 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

GRUPO HILL – HILL GROUP 1993 was a significant year because of the expansion project of the sugar refinery Izalco with the objective of increasing and improving the existing production capacity of the sugar refinery. This project reaches at present more than 12,000 cubic tons per day. In addition, modern processes were implemented for environmental improvement and they launched ambitious programs to minimize environmental impact in the transformation of sugar cane. In 1999 it began to co-generate energy, to take advantage of the vegetal residue (sugar cane pulp; bagazo) leftover from production by using it for the cogeneration of electricity for their own consumption and then, they marketed the surplus to the Red Nacional del Sistema Eléctrico (National Network


Roberto Llach Hill President 99 Av. Norte, 643, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Activity: Coffee Date of Creation: End of 19th century Turnover: $USD15million Employees: 150 This well known family company of great tradition started its operations in coffee at the end of the 19th century investing in coffee plantations in the west of the country and constantly buying more farms. Since the beginning, the Hills were always considered coffee growers who used the most advanced


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technology of their time. In the 1950’s, coffee became a very well-paid crop on the international markets reaching $USD100. With all this additional money they founded Banco de Comercio (Commerce Bank), Molinos de El Salvador (MOLSA) (Grain Mills of El Salvador), they also founded a shrimp fishing company, a cement factory and an instant coffee factory called “Listo” (Ready) and assorted companies, which gives the Hill Group a reputation of entrepreneurial power in El Salvador. After the diversification stage of the 50’s, they suffered the nationalization of their assets in the 90’s, but over time they recovered. In the early 2000’s they had share holdings in the Cuscatlán Group, Bodegas Generales de Depósito (General Deposit Warehouses), AIG Unión y Desarrollo (AIG Union and Development), Seguros e Inversiones (Insurance and Investments), and other coffee export companies, marketing of goods and real estate companies. With the arrival of international financial groups the Salvadoran banking system became internationalized and the Grupo Hill sold nearly all their shares, only keeping their coffee farms and its production and Telecam, a telephone company. Hill Group currently has about 900 farms where they harvest 120, 000 quintals of coffee per year, making them the owners of 11% of the total cultivated area of coffee in the country. It is expected that they will harvest about 1.5 million quintals for El Salvador. They export to countries such as Japan, Germany, the United States and north and central European countries. Grupo Hill is the living history of El Salvador, an emblematic group that returns to its origins in coffee. “El Salvador is at a central location, thereby developing a culture of trade between the north and south. The Salvadoran is a born trader, skillful at business. Eventhough it is a country without raw materials and where agriculture plays an increasingly reduced role, the country has begun to emphasize services in Telecommunications, for instance. With the strong dollar, we have to streamline the entire method of dealing with work permit applications so that foreign companies can be installed as rapidly as possible. We need to develop the dry canal, so that all goods coming from the Pacific by land are transferred to the


Atlantic. This promises us a great future as a logistics hub. “ Roberto Llach Hill, President of Hill Group

INGENIO EL ÁNGEL, S.A. DE C.V. – (EL ÁNGEL SUGAR MILL) Juan Tennant Wright President Carretera a Quezaltepeque, Km 14½, Apopa, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2216 0074 Fax: (+503) 2216 0732 www.iea.com.sv Activity: Sugar Refinery Date of Creation: 1882 Sales: 75 million US Dollars Employees: 700 Created in 1882, Ingenio El Ángel (the Angel sugar refinery) is the oldest of the 6 current sugar refineries operating in El Salvador and the second in production quantity. It produces over 2.6 million sugar quintals and expects to reach 3 million quintaes produced next year. The total production of the country is 12 million quintals, approximately 5 million sugar tons. Its market share is 22% and it is the best yielding refinery producing 245 pounds of sugar per ton of cane. It is a sugar refinery that is constantly developing, constantly investing and improving the processes that convert sugar cane. This plant is exemplary in terms of holding certifications such as ISO and complying with ethical, legal, environmental, business and existing business. One peculiarity of El Salvador is that the sugar refinery cannot own the sugar cane land. The producer sells its production to the sugar refinery keeping 54.5% of the profit and the sugar refinery the remaining 44.5%. In this way producers have a good price on the market. It is part of the Salvadoran Sugar Association and develops projects for life improvement for the rural “sugar” rural population, thanks to Fundazucar. Through a panel “Alianzas para inversiones sociales en salud” (Alliances for social health investment), together with USAID and other organizations it supports children with problems of malnutrition and promotes volunteering programs in schools and also has mobile clinics.


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The sugar sector has enormous importance as it represents 2.28% of GDP and 20% of IPAB (Agricultural Gross Domestic Product). The mills produce their own energy through cogeneration and they also contribute to the main network. As a producer of electricity el ingenio El Ángel is able to develop 21 MW per hour, the plant consums 7 MW / hour and they provide 14 MW / hr to the power grid, which is another source of income. Not only is sugar cane sustainable energy, but sugar cane has a very promising future in the use of ethanol as fuel and as an alternative source to fossil fuels. The country has a plant dedicated to ethanol production, and thay also have Brazil as an ally in developing this emerging agrobusiness. Specifically, ingenio El Ángel, along with the Fund for Development Cooperation of Belgium, installed a photovoltaic system of 30 solar panels in the neighboring community of Petacones and Colonia Obrera, with a capacity of 750 Watts. Along with improved efficiency and increased production, ingenio El Ángel seeks to to take advantage of the extensive grounds it has, adjacent to the town of Apopa, for a real estate development. “We believe that ethanol is a key part of the future of this industry.” Juan Tennant Wright, President of Ingenio El Ángel, S.A. de C.V

QUALITY GRAINS Samuel Quirós, President Km 13 Autopista a Comalapa, San Marcos, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2220 4632 administracion@qualitygrains.com.sv www.qualitygrains.com.sv Activity: Coffee Quality Grains was created by Samuel Quirós Valladares, a hardworking man who had previously created an automotive company, when he was 20-year-old, known today and Q Group. Later he created Quality Grains, making this company one of coffee reference export enterprises of El Salvador with presence in Sweden, Indonesia, Honduras, Guatemala, the United States, Spain, Costa Rica, Germany, and even in remote countries such China. Besides its export department, Quality Grains has a coffee house chain known as Coffee Cup, currently


operating at all main malls of the country as well as Honduras and other countries. The company works with the Bourbon coffee variety known for its bean size, and its exquisite aroma. This coffee variety is one of the best in the world. Freshly picked grains have to undergo a strict process destined to maintain the desired “Grano de Oro” (Gold Grain) and guarantee the quality standards that are behind Quality Grain´s products. From their “Bourbon” best coffee grain selection three blends are produced of the highest quality and for the most refine gourmet taste under the following brands: GOLD EXPORT: Prepared to please the most demanding palate in as far as body, aroma and acidity balance are concerned. SIVER EXPORT: A blend prepared to produce a chocolate like flavor and remains after tasting a gourmet coffee. SILVER EXPRESSO: Processed for the preparation of cappuccino, latte, express typical coffees. RIKO COFFEE: The typical stimulating coffee to drink after meals or any other day activity. It is characterized by its smoothness and acidity. It is a product elaborated with 100% “Arabica Bourbon” coffee. RIKO CAFÉ EXTRA SOLUBLE (RIKO Extra Instant Coffee) Formulation “AGLOMERADA” (Gathered) has low acidity content. DON KAFE: Is a prepared coffee with the body and soul of Salvadoran mountains, has a strong taste and long lasting flavor. At Quality Grains everything such as the package comply with the United States quality standards and guarantees the freshness of their coffee. At Quality Grains coffee goes through 3 cleaning stages guaranteeing a quality result.

UNIÓN DE EXPORTADORES (UNEX) – EXPORTERS UNION Leopoldo Muyshondt General Manager Blvd. Constitución 339, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2209 8600 Fax: (+503) 2298 8608


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leomuy@unexelsalvador.com www.unexelsalvador.com Activity: Commercialization of coffee Effective date of operations: 1992 UNEX is one of the largest coffee export companies of El Salvador. In 1992, the Grupo De Sola (DeSola Group) promoted the integration of companies looking for efficiency in the coffee operations area regarding the processing and exporting of coffee, through strategic alliances with traditional coffee producers. This effort combined the expertise of five families in coffee producing and exporting with more than a century of experience. These five exporters are: H. DeSola, Cristiani Burker, the Meza family with El Sauce (Agrisal), the Kriete family and the Moratalla family with Beneficio Los Reyes (the Los Reyes Coffee Mill); none of them is a majority share holder. Later in 1997, the alliance with the Japanese firm ITOCHU, as a strategic partner, has allowed UNEX to venture into one of the fastest growing markets in the world. They are present virtually everywhere in the world. The combined effort of all the partners and executive staff has allowed UNEX to become one of the most important companies that export coffee from El Salvador, currently operating three coffee mills strategically located in the interior of the country with the processing and exporting capability of over 400,000 quintals of gold coffee of excellent quality to the international markets. To explain the UNEX business, they generate profits with the margin of exports they make. The higher the volume of exports the more profits obtained as intermediaries or coffee traders. Their suppliers are Salvadoran coffee producers and their final clients are coffee toasters from all over the world or brokers that buy gold coffee.


UNEX provides its clients with complete services, guaranteeing their total satisfaction exceeding their expectations. For example, agile and timely credit, the best local prices, specialized agriculture consulting services, daily market information, transportation from farm to the mill, sacks and rope, personalized service, agencies and coffee collectors throughout the country. They work with different qualities of gold coffee, representing brands such as DeSola Fancy, Pacamara, Punda and Shasta of strictly high ground; brands of medium high ground such as rainforest, organic and magnolia; and low ground such as Dorindama. UNEX has characterized itself by its interest in the social and environmental impacts caused by coffee processing and its effects on the quality of life, which is why it is involved in different environmental projects dedicated to improving and correcting the negative impacts caused by the production and processing of coffee. As a result of this effort UNEX was recognized in 2001 by receiving the National Environment Award in the category of entrepreneurial efforts. “We are the Tom Thumb of America, but we are an impressive country with most amicable people. We have the best roads with which a person can cross the country in 2-3 hours, allowing them to enjoy climbing a volcano in the morning and visiting the beach in the afternoon, with 365 days of sunshine per year. El Salvador is one of the best countries in which to live, invest and work.� Leopoldo Muyshondt - UNEX General Manager



Cada loco con su tema Salvadoran proverb


Tourism Industry

Message from the Minister of Tourism of El Salvador Lic. José Napoleón Duarte Durán

Greetings to all international tourists, I especially want to congratulate the readers of the International Business and Leisure Guide eBizguides El Salvador, a valuable tool with important information on our country, El Salvador. El Salvador is a country with great touristic potential and is typically one of those countries that have a touristic vocation due to its natural and historic resources, cultural heritage, gastronomy, folklore, Salvadoran’s unusual friendliness, hospitality and helpfulness for its customs and traditions. This is a nation that opens its doors to visitor’s enjoyment and delight, a country that has everything to take care of the tourist with quality standards offered by Salvadoran entrepreneurs. It is our aim to keep on promoting the same scenario that El Salvador promises in its touristic offer, so as to provide better competitiveness and adequate infrastructure in accordance to international tourist needs. We have a large array of competitive products because we know that in order to enter to the first league of international tourism it is fundamental to have adequate basic services and guarantee security to our visitors. El Salvador has a Tourist Police Force (POLITUR) distributed in 7 Salvadoran Touristic Routes such as Ruta de las Flores, Ruta de Paz, Ruta Mil Cumbres, Ruta Artesanal, Ruta de Patrimonio Colonial, Ruta Arqueológica, Ruta Sol y Playa. (Flowers Route, Peace Route, Thousand Summits Route, Handcraft Route, Colonial Heritage Route, Archeological Route and Beach and Sun Route). The Tourist Police maintain direct contact with the places tourists usually visit for fast reaction and also offer a series of recommendations to the visitor on how to behave in hotels, apartments and in public in order to comply with its mission: to bring security and protection to the tourist on the principal touristic routes El Salvador offers. The Government is headed up by the President of the Republic, Mauricio Funes Cartagena, who appointed me as Secretary of State, making the correspondng efforts to offer the world a better image of El Salvador because tourism is going to be a detonator for El Salvador’s present and future. To let you know about the good things that happen in El Salvador from the Government of Change, we are using strategic channels and alliances to help us disseminate them, thus, our contact with eBizGuides was born and they have done an extraordinary job on the development and implementation of this new and innovative touristic product that promotes El Salvador on an international level. I invite you to live El Salvador’s wonderful experience, a country that waits for you with open arms whether you want to do high level competitive business or just have fun.

Lic. José Napoleón Duarte Durán




Tourism Industry

EL SALVADOR, THE HIDDEN SECRET El Salvador is a country with great tourism potential that needs to be developed. It already has convention tourism, but it is pristine as far as mass tourism is concerned. That is why El Salvador is a great country to be discovered in Latin America, an emerging destination in the heart of Central America offering a unique combination of natural beaches and mountain richness, archeology, colonial towns, cultural traditions, great diversity of flora and fauna, a captive history and above all its amicable and cordial people. Many prestigious tour operators, wholesalers and tour guides have set their eyes on it as a tour destination for the selective tourist who wishes to venture in different routes than those currently offered.

Tourism Stopped Due to War The war in the decade of the 80’s stopped all promotion efforts the Chamber of Tourism had been doing since the 70’s. Fusades retook control and promoted the issue in the middle of the 80’s but it wasn’t until 1992 with the signature of the Peace Agreements that tourism began to develop.

establishing a series of fiscal incentives such as a 10-year income tax exemption on tourism investment in the entire country, also tariff exemption on imports of hotel equipment and machinery. The National Tourism Plan was established through 2014 and it was created by the Registry of Touristic Enterprises, a Promotional Tourist Development Fund whose revenues come from the rates charged on hotel accommodations and air and land transportation. Promotional efforts have been duplicated through the program “Pueblos Vivos” and internationally with El Salvador’s presence at the great world fairs like FITUR together with the establishment of a Central America Tourist Agency (CATA) in Madrid.

Tourist Attractions El Salvador has a dollarized economy which facilitates life to tourists; it has the largest Central American airport, the most advanced infrastructure and a great variety of buses and car rental companies that allow vehicle transportation to any part of the country. In addition, a person can travel the country from one point to the other in at most 4 hours by car. Mountains, woods, lakes, rivers and beaches are reached in a day and there are 365 days of sun. Above all, enjoy the Salvadoran kindness and humane quality. All these ingredients make El Salvador an attractive place to discover and visit.

International Promotional Efforts In a country where the Ministry of Tourism was created in 2004, the efforts towards placing El Salvador on the tourist map have been enormous. The Government considers the tourist sector a basic strategy for national economic development. Consequently, it started organizing and promoting a policy of tourism writting the Tourism General Law

Objective: to Increase Hotel Accommodation Efforts are being made to increase hotel accommodations in the country. In the capital, San Salvador, all international hotels are represented assisting convention tourism. At tourist sites, exempting the presence of the Colombian Group

Cuscatlán Bridge over Lempa River



Tourism Industry

Royal Decameron, there are many small hotels with lots of charm. There is a large potential for big hotel corporations that can establish themselves in 300 kms of unexplored beaches. The Ministry of Tourism and the Government are inviting investors to invest in the country and it’s expected to experience interesting changes in the next couple of months. Surfing is a potential attraction. Little by little American and Central American surfers are discovering the magnificent waves that break on these coasts and where some hotels are making a living off the surfer tourist.

Importance of Tourism on the Economy Currently, the importance of tourism amounts to 3.3% of the GDP and is the second sector that attracts more income surpassed by remittances from immigrants. These are from 34% Guatemalan tourist and 26% Salvadorans living in the United States who come to visit their relatives. It is foreseen to surpass 1.4 million tourists and swiftly increase to around 2 million.

2014 National Tourist Plan The National Tourist Plan is a document launched in 2006 with projections through 2014 that together with the Tourist Law look to convert tourism into the national basic pillar of the economy. The Ministry of Tourism presented the 2014 Tourist National Plan, which contemplates the guidelines to be implemented within ten years in the country with the objective of consolidating El Salvador as a quality tourist destination in the international market. Taking into account the degree of development of the currently identified tourist products the Ministry of Tourism would have as one of its priorities business and meeting tourism as the tourist development engine of the country. Consequently, the main key goal is to achieve this international position. As a complement, the Tourist Law offers fiscal incentives and other necessary measures to attract the construction of infrastructure in areas outside the capital city.

and beach, nature, surfing, ocean and sport fishing, cultural and cruise ship tourism. On that base, it is expected that by 2014, among other goals, the following will have been achieved: - Attract 2 million international tourists. - Achieve that the area contributes a sum equivalent to 7% of the national GDP. - Ensure that tourists spend over U.S. $ 140.00 per day. - Increase by at least 7,000 additional hotel rooms.

Pueblos Vivos – (Alive Towns) Alive Towns was a contest called “PUEBLOS VIVOS 2009” where 56 municipalities of El Salvador participated, the town of Alegría being the winner. Alive Towns is an integrated strategy implemented by the new administration of the Ministry of Tourism trying to position El Salvador’s culture, customs and traditions to convert municipalities into highly competitive tourist destinations. Among the objectives of PUEBLOS VIVOS are the rebirth of the Salvadoran identity, natural and cultural heritage appreciation and the touristic value of resources to become the development engine and the touristic potential that the country offers and generate jobs at the same time.

Credit Lines for Touristic Smes One of the priorities is to create a closer relation between development banks and micro-financing offices to open spaces for needed credits in this sector in order for entrepreneurs to start their hotel, hostel, restaurants and other type of initiatives that contribute to quality of life. The BMI (Banco Multisectorial de Inversiones) together with MITUR recently launched the program “Creditur” just to comply with this objective.

This way, the business and convention tourist boom –a segment of high purchasing power- would be the axis under which other tourist specialized areas would be built with special emphasis on the sun



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MINISTRY OF TOURISM Lic. José Napoleón Duarte Durán Minister of Tourism Alameda Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo, Edificio y Pasaje Carbonell 1, Col. Roma, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2241 3200 Fax: (+503) 2223 6120 ministrodeturismo@corsatur.gov.sv www.elsalvador.travel Activity: Ministry of Tourism Date of creation: 2004 Turnover: 13.8 million US Dollars The Minister of Tourism (MITUR) is the governing institution in all matters concerning tourism. It is in charge of determining the policies and enforcing the Tourism National Plan. MITUR was created by Executive decree 1 on June 1, 2004, published in the Official newspaper 100 Book 363 dated June 1, 2004. Vision: By 2014, tourist activity in El Salvador will have been consolidated as an indispensable instrument for the revival and social well-being of all Salvadorans; recognizing the importance of resources and their conservation; as well as a strategy to stimulate economy and employment in the country. El Salvador will be a competitive tourist destination in Central America. It will position itself as a leader in those unique segments that can empower a significant differential advantage. It will be a country that attracts tourists in all Central America, supported by a well-known country-brand image; it will present itself as a destiny that brings together specialized theme-based tourism in a framework of well-known political, social and economical stability. It is estimated that more than 2 million tourists will enjoy El Salvador by 2014. Mission: the tourism sector in El Salvador, both public and private, agreed to position El Salvador as a first order brand and tourist destination in the Central American region through territorial organization, offering quantitative and qualitative


service improvement to tourists and helping every single Salvadoran community with awareness and information programs to value their resource and to cooperate in their sustainability. Two big institutions depend on the Ministry: ISTU and CORSATUR. The Salvadoran Tourism Corporation (CORSATUR) is the institution in charge of developing tourism in the country. Its actions are geared toward coordinating cross-sector efforts seeking to improve jobs and income in the sector thus increasing the population’s living conditions; and the Salvadoran Institute of Tourism (ISTU) that is in charge of national parks. POLITUR is the Salvadoran Tourist Police. It is responsible for the security of the tourist roads and its expansion is one of the most important projects of the Ministry. “Pueblos Vivos” is an original way to promote tourism. It consists of a contest among Salvadoran cities and towns to show their potentials. The winner city in 2009 was Alegría which competed with 56 other cities. “El Salvador is a progressive country with unique opportunities to invest. I encourage foreign investors to come. It has a friendly legal framework and the law to give incentive to the tourism industry is currently under revision to be more attractive.” José Napoleón Duarte Durán, Minister of Tourism

LAS FLORES RESORT Architect Rodrigo Barraza Domínguez Director Playa Las Flores, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 2236 0025 / 2619 9065 / 2619 9118 ventas@lasfloresresort.com www.lasfloresresort.com Activity: Hotel Date of creation: 1989 Las Flores Resort is a unique tourist destination located in the “Wild East” of El Salvador on an impressive beach front property. It was designed by architect Rodrigo Barraza Domínguez who made the perfect mix of nature and sea, following sustainable development guidelines. The complex reconciles modernization with nature. This deluxe boutique hotel was inaugurated in 2005, it has 2 master suites with 2 bedrooms and common living-room; 5 junior suites all of them overlooking the


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ocean which have deluxe services such as satellite LCD TV, DVD, air-conditioning, hot water showers, international telephone and high speed internet. The modern and exquisite interior design is product of a local progressive designer. The hotel installations include a main swimming pool with wood-solarium, panoramic pool with aquatic bar, hot water Jacuzzi, air-conditioned lobby lounge, bar and billiard room, business center, beach front area with hammocks, gardens and walk paths, souvenir store, surfing school, yoga deck and meditation cliff with a 360-degree view of the ocean and mountains; SPA cubicles with view to Las Flores beach.

BARILLAS MARINA CLUB Juan Tennant Wright Owner Oficinas en 79 Av. Norte y 9a. Calle Poniente 4050, Col. Escalรณn, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 3650 / 3620 / 2675 / 1131 (Club) Fax: (+503) 2675 /1134 informacion@barillasmarina.com www.barillasmarina.com Activity: Club, harbor and hotel Date of creation: 2000 Employees: 50 Created in 2000 in the idyllic natural landscape of Bahia de Jiquilisco, Barillas Marina Club has won its place among navigators who come from the United States and Mexico destined to South America and vice-versa thanks to its 15-feet-dept, 80-dock vessel marina. The 80 buoys 5,000-pounds each are extremely safe for different size vessels. The Club has the required customs office, 2 gas stations, loading and unloading floating dock for passengers, dumping service and even a small shipyard with the capacity to repair ships.

Practising yoga at Las Flores Surf Resort

Barillas Club is a private club with restaurant and hotel, luxurious bungalows totally equipped to comply with the demands of their visitors where they can enjoy pure nature built on a big farm. The hotel has exactly 4 bungalows and 6 family villages surrounded by coconut woods.

At one of the best points and beaches of Central America, visitors can participate in any skill level surfing or freely swim through the waves or sea spray enjoying its invigorating and healing properties. Activities outside of the resort include eco-tourism, fishing, surf, kayak excursions and bike tours, among others.

Barillas Club is characterized by its environment of sugar cane plantations, pristine woods, coconut woods, plantain, cocoa and banana plantations. It is an ideal place to go horseback riding and mountain biking is a future activity that is being planned. In its surroundings visitors can observe spider monkeys wandering around among the trees.

Visitors can enjoy a meal near the ocean at the Entre Cocos restaurant; breakfast, lunch a la carte with daily dinner menu to choose from seafood, meat, or a selection of vegetarian dishes always using fresh ingredients. There is also the possibility of trying Salvadoran cuisine with the theme buffet. At the Mangos Bar Lounge guests can enjoy a selection of refreshing smoothies, natural juices, energetic beverages and complete bar service with national and international beer, wine cellars and renowned liqueurs.

Above all, Barillas Marina Clubi is known for offering aquatic activities in Jiquilisco Bay, declared a protected area by Ramsar International Convention. On the other hand, the Bay has the largest mangroves of El Salvador where not only birds like white herons and other species live but also crabs, mollusks, alligators and fish that develop at the roots of the mangrove. In this spectacular site visitors can take tours through the mangrove, kayak, sport fish, water ski and sail, relax on a hammock or take an aerial tour of the zone, thanks to its private airport.



Tourism Industry

SHERATON PRESIDENTE SAN SALVADOR HOTEL George E. Saade General Manager Av. La Revolución, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2283 4000 / 2283 4083 Fax: (+503) 2282 4040 www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton/ index html Activity: hotel Date of creation: 1978 Employees: 310

Sheraton Presidente San Salvador is the best place for the visitor’s stay or conference in San Salvador. It is located in a premier residential location, yet close to the financial and commercial district. Zona Rosa is within walking distance; here, one will find a great variety of bars, restaurants and boutiques. Just a short distance away there are several shopping centers such as Galerías, Multiplaza and La Gran Vía. The Comalapa International Airport is just 35 minutes away.


Its 225 rooms and suites have everything needed for a great night, including an amazing view of the city, inroom movies, 24-hour room service and the famously comfortable Sheraton Sweet Sleeper (SM) Bed. Guests can gather their friends for cocktails in the hotel’s Marquis Bar or savor exclusive international cuisine at its restaurant La Terraza, with an incredible pool view. They can also satisfy their sweet tooth in the San Benito Bistro where there is always a variety of exquisite desserts and delicious coffees. Guests


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can melt away the stress with one of the hotel’s many spa treatments or work out in its modern Fitness Center. Visitors can also spend some family time swimming in the outdoor pool or just relax poolside and soak up some sun or enjoy the hotel’s new Putting Green.

shop, jewelry shop, tobacco shop, etc. As the city’s premier conference location it is ready to transform its 13,132 sq. ft. of meeting space into a spectacular setting for any meeting, conference or celebration. The hotel’s facilities can accommodate anywhere from 12 to 2,000 guests and its highly trained events staff is ready to accommodate every need.

Sheraton Presidente San Salvador also offers a variety of services to their guests, including daily airport shuttles, car rental, valet parking, VIP limousine service, heliport, VIP lounge, a fully equipped business center, ATM, beauty salon, snack





Tourism Industry

REAL INTERCONTINENTAL SAN SALVADOR Myriam Meléndez Managing Director Blvd. de los Héroes and Av. Sisimiles, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2211 3333 Fax: (+503) 2211 4444 Miriam.melendez@realhotel sandresorts.com www.realhotelandresorts.com/rhr/info/en//RSan Salvador Activity: Hotel Date of creation: 1997 Employees: 137 The five-star hotel Real InterContinental San Salvador, winner of the Priority Club Rewards Members’ Choice 2008, TripAdvisors’ “Best Value 2008” and the 2005 World Travel Award is El Salvador’s leading hotel and is conveniently located in the heart of San Salvador’s business and commercial district; at only a 30-minute drive from El Salvador’s International Airport. The Real InterContinental San Salvador Hotel is located opposite the largest shopping mall in Central America and close to an array of restaurants and sightseeing attractions. Luxurious amenities and first-class service are the hallmark of our 228 air-conditioned guest rooms, five junior suites and one presidential suite. Two Club InterContinental floors offer upgraded amenities to the more discerning traveler. This hotel located in San Salvador offers 13 spacious conference rooms and can accommodate from 30 to 1000 attendees to meetings, banquets and receptions. Meeting planners and catering professionals are available to assist clients with every aspect of the event. Audiovisual service and state-of-the-art Business Center are available. A selection of fine dining options is offered at the Real InterContinental San Salvador Hotel with the Faisca duo Brasil Rodizio & Grill, the first rodiziostyle restaurant in El Salvador; Tanoshii Sushi Bar, Tequilas Bar & Botanas and the Salvadoran style Vertigo Bar. In-room dining is available with 24-hour Room Service. Guest can also enjoy its complete fitness facility, health club and outside pool; Business Center service and Valet parking 24 hours a day. “El Salvador is a country with many investment opportunities thanks to its advanced Telecommunications, because the national currency


is the U.S. Dollar, due to its economic stability and above all to its hardworking people.” Luis Manuel Velarde, ExSales and Marketing Director

“After visiting El Salvador, people fall in love and return.” Myriam Meléndez, Managing Director

HILTON PRINCESS SAN SALVADOR Sebastiäo Nunes Director of Operations Hotel Princess-Oficina Corporativa de San Salvador Blvd. del Hipódromo y Av. las Magnolias, Col. San Benito, Sal Salvador Tel: (+503) 2268 4903 Fax: (+503) 2268 4545 sebastiao.nunes@hilton.com www.hilton.com Activity: Hotel Date of creation: 1998 Turnover: 10 million US Dollars Employees: 215 The Hilton Princess San Salvador is a 5-star luxury hotel, member of the internationally known Hilton brand. It is strategically located within the business district of San Salvador and only 45 minutes away from the International Airport. Founded in 1998 originally, as part of the Princess chain, In 2000, the Princess Hotel decided to become partners with Hilton to take advantage of its prestige and advance quality standard in 2000. It is the most luxurious hotel in San Salvador and the best quality hotel in the region. The Hilton Princess San Salvador hotel boasts 204 elegant guestrooms and suites and 5,934 square feet of flexible function space, perfect for corporate retreats, family reunions, weddings and all type and size events. Upon checking in the visitor can begin experiencing incredible room features to make his/ her stay enjoyable. Hilton Princess San Salvador hotel accommodations include: High speed wireless internet access. Spacious working desk. Safety deposit box. Covered parking.


Tourism Industry

Medical service upon request. Bilingual staff. Traveling to El Salvador and staying at the Hilton Princess San Salvador is the ultimate experience. Clients can take a break from work or gather their kids to visit the San Salvador volcano, the Museum or any other place of interest on one of the Hotel’s tours. Business travelers will also find the convenient location easily accessible to the business district, city and state government offices and major corporations, all located within 15 minutes from the hotel. Additionally, in the surrounding area there are many entertaining places as El Salvador is the ideal location for vacation, or relaxation and the hotel can provide the visitor with the following: - Access to the Maya Country Club - Full service Fitness Center with rejuvenating treatments for mind and body - Fitness Center with state-of-the-art equipment for maintenance of the visitor’s exercise routine - Swimming, Sauna and Jacuzzi complex - One-site restaurant, room service and bar - 12 meeting rooms for productive and customized meetings & events from 10-800 attendees - Pet friendly program Travel should not be limited to just from A to B. Travel should take you places. “As operational manager not only for El Salvador but also for Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua I have to admit that El Salvador is a very attractive country, with excellent infrastructure and hardworking and polite people, making me feel at home.” Sebastiäo Nunes, Director of Operation

Tropic was the counterpart of the famous Camel Trophy Expedition organized by El Salvador in 1995 which touched Mayan territory and established investigation installations in Montecristo National Park on the Salvadoran side of the geodetic point known as the Trifinio, border line of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Grupo Tropic pays a lot of attention to each detail and is always ready to surpass client’s expectations. This company offers the opportunity to travel through unexplored territory, full of mysteries and surprises; discovering and visiting at least three different countries with lots of history at the heart of America. The main reason for the creation of Grupo Tropic was to provide exceptional quality services on the “Pacific Mayan Route”, using El Salvador as an gateway. Nowadays, it has expanded its array of services adapting them to the experience gained through the years thanks to the trust the company has received from its clients. Grupo Tropic Services in El Salvador include Rafting, Surfing, Canopy, Scuba Diving, Kayaking and Fly and Drive tour programs as well as a wide selection of vehicles for rent. Within its products are the “Maya World Circuits”, organized trips to different places of the Mayan route starting in El Salvador traveling through interesting places of the Route until reaching Guatemala, Honduras, Belize and Southern Mexico. Furthermore, one of the strong suits of the company is the guided “Off Road Trips”. Those are trips to remote areas (mountain or beach) in all terrain vehicles with all necessary equipment to enjoy an authentic adventure. Destinations are free for selection and may include the neighboring countries of the Mayan World, Honduras and Guatemala.

GRUPO TROPIC Herbert Sermeño, President Av. Olímpica 3597, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2279 3236 / 2208 6545 Airport Branch: (+503) 2339 9400 www.tropicelsalvador.com Activity: Tour operator and car rental Date of creation: 1987 Since 1987 Grupo Tropic participates in the task of offering options for receptive tourism ranging from transportation services and car rental to the creation of Adventure Touristic Tours for visitors. Grupo


INTERPRICE TOURS & RENT-A-CAR Karla Guevara, General Manager Alameda Manuel Enrique Araujo, Km 4½ contiguo a Edif. Carbonell 1, Col. Roma, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2534 8000 Fax: (+ 503) 2534 8013 karlaguevara@interprice.com.sv www.interprice.com.sv Activity: Tour operator and car rental


Tourism Industry

Date of creation: 2004 Employees: 15 Founded in 2004, InterPrice is a 100% Salvadoran company whose owner is also Salvadoran living in the United States; the company first started operations in Los Angeles, California, with the aim of promoting tourism to El Salvador. It is a tour operator wholesaler and a car rental company that mainly works in coordination with conventions. It is the only company that provides both services which is an advantage when comparing it to other similar companies.

Alameda Manuel Enrique Araujo, Pasaje y Edificio Carbonell 2, Nivel 2, Local 3 Col. Roma, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2245 3004 Fax: (+503) 2245 2683 buroconvenciones@integra.com.sv www.convencioneselsalvador.com.sv Activity: Convention Bureau The BURO or Convention Bureau of El Salvador promotes convention tourism in the country and guarantees that the events will be successful. The country has professional services with high quality standards to provide all types of services. El Salvador has the CIFCO (International Fair and Convention Center); among other advantages. The Bureau is a non-profit association and among its member are bank associations, tour operators, hotel associations and other related associations.


Wild water rafting at Apuzunga

The majority of its clients are corporations and government offices, which is a more reliable business throughout the year than seasonal tourism. Currently, it is expanding to national and international convention tourism specializing in health and engineering conventions, thus creating a special department for this purpose with a corresponding vehicle fleet increase. “We invite you to come to El Salvador not only to discover our culture but also to experience Salvadoran’s kind and humane nature. Because of its size El Salvador can be travelled in 3 hours enjoying mountains, beaches and nature. I sincerely invite you to visit this amazing country.” Lic. Karla Guevara, General Manager



Rafael Leret President 63 Av. Sur, Urbanización Santa Mónica 12A, Tel: (+503) 2298 6011 /25 - Fax: (+503) 2279 2156 presidencia@casatur.org www.casatur.org Activity: Salvadoran Chamber of Tourism Date of creation: 1978 Founded in 1978, thanks to the initiative of Salvadoran businessmen, the Chamber of Tourism (CASATUR) is a private institution that promotes tourism in El Salvador. It is also a member of FEDECATUR (Central American Federation of Tourism) and works closely with SICA (Central America Integration System) in favor of Central American integration. CASATUR has a strong relationship with the Ministry of Tourism to join public and private efforts in the tourism sector. CASATUR includes small, medium and large businesses involved in tourism that are looking to boost tourism and in return make it into the most important economic field of the nation. CASATUR defends the interests of its members, analyzing their needs and carrying out management programs to strengthen and develop the tourism sector. The Chamber publishes its own magazine called


Tourism Industry

“Revista Turismo”; it also engages in several activities such as participation at tourism fairs, seminars and tourism advisory.

Date of creation: 1991 Turnover:$USD9.6 million Dollars Employees: 60

“Salvadorans have survived thanks to their labor skills. We are a hard working people. El Salvador has been known to be the cozy country of smiling people. El Salvador is easy to access because is located between North and South America. Visitors coming to this country would be surprised by the friendliness of its people, the international currency, the economic advantages of doing business and many other things.” Rafael Leret, President

With 18 years of history El Amate Touristic Corporation has developed a wide range of touristic possibilities.

PANAMEX TRAVEL René Ávalos General Manager Blvd. El Hipódromo, Av. La Capilla 622, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2524 1800 info@panamextravel.com.sv www.panamextravel.com.sv Activity: Travel agency Panamex is the travel agency that offers tourist destinations to any part of the world backed with the guarantee of being a member of HRG and Travel Mall. It has an integral management system online: Sigo Specialtours0, to facilitate the selection of European tours to Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy and other cities such as London and Paris and other unique imperial cities worth visiting. No matter which country a person wants to visit, Panamex Travel has complete tourist packages from India and Nepal to China. Furthermore, it has flight search through e-travel, which includes the possibility of renting a car and even booking a traveler’s favorite hotel.

CORPORACIÓN TURÍSTICA EL AMATE María Isabel Novoa de Ortiz President Av. Masferrer 139, CC El Amate, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 1184 / 2510 7605 info@groupoamate.com.sv www.grupoamate.com.sv

Convention Tourism specialist: It provides full transportation services for conventions and events. L’Alianxa Travel Network, wholesalers of Amate group; offers full touristic services including packages, honeymoon trips, hotel , cruises, corporative services and events, renting of vehicles, etc. It is also a member of IATA, AVA and Global Star. Linea Ejecutiva, the executive division of Amate Group handles everything a businessman needs for his transportation and logistics. Avitours DMCL the travel agency of the Amate group. Since 1998, Avitours DMC makes El Salvador available as a unique destination for its customers, this being a great hidden treasure not yet discovered by the world, which has beautiful natural scenery, history, culture, archaeology, adventure and much more, which you can get to know with the experience and quality of services that this company can provide, thus exceeding the expectations of its visitors. Bosque de Mangle Hotel – Mangrove wood Hotel, located on the Espino beach in the department of Usulutan. Hotel Bosque de Mangle offers outstanding scenery; it has bungalows, leisure areas, swimming pool, tropical gardens and a surf camp; from the Hotel it is possible to try many activities such as surfing, visiting the mangrove swamps, the waterfalls and of course, the beautiful beaches. Olas Permanentes Surf. This is the specialized surfing division, which also offers adventure tours. El Amate Mall is the shopping center of the Amate Group. Travel Café & Bar. This is the perfect place for executive breakfasts, birthdays and other private events; it is equipped with audiovisual and wireless internet facilities. The restaurant specializes in pizzas and pasta. “The group works together as a family. Thanks to our entrepreneurial skills and business vision, many dreams have come true.” María Isabel Novoa de Ortiz, President

Activity: Tourism



Tourism Industry





Mรกs vale pรกjaro en mano que ciento volando Salvadoran proverb



INTRODUCTION El Salvador is a great Latin American country to be discovered, an emerging destination in the heart of Central America that offers a unique combination of nature and beauty: beaches and mountains, archaeological and colonial towns, cultural traditions, great diversity of flora and fauna, captivated history and above all, its amiable and cordial people.

GASTRONOMY: FOOD & DRINK The alcoholic beverage Salvadorans drink the most is beer. There are different national brands like Pilsener, Suprema and Regia. Salvadorans hardly drink wine and there is a national wine made with Jamaican flower made in Guazapa near Suchitoto. As traditional beverages these are “atol shuco” (drink usually served in “huacal” –coconut husk- or “morro” recipient –a tree which fruit husk is strong and seeds are used to make a drink); “cebada” or barley and “horchata de morro”. The name horchata comes from the Catalan “orxata”, probably derived from the word “ordiata”, made of ordi (barley). Horchata is a milkish beverage usually made from different seeds (tiger nut, morro, cocoa, rice, sesame seeds, linseed, almonds, etc.) or rice. In El Salvador, the traditional horchata is made of morro, sesame seeds, cinnamon and cocoa. Typical Salvadoran food involves a delicious mixture of indigenous and Spanish food. The word “pupusa” comes from the Nahuat language “pupushahua” meaning stuffed tortilla. Pupusas are mashed maize or rice tortillas stuffed with cheese, pork meat, beans, mixed –pork meat and beans or beans and cheeseshrimp, or tiny shrimp and fish. It is eaten with pickled cabbage and there are people who prefer them with

natural tomato sauce. Most common pupusas are made with mashed maize. Rice pupusas are general eaten outside the capital city (San Salvador).

Recipe to prepare Pupusas Ingredients 1 lb mashed maize, 2lbs. “quesillo” (a type of Salvadoran cheese), 1 lb. ground pork meat and 1 lb beans Prepare the dough, then make the tortilla, fill the tortilla with cheese, pork meat or beans, close the tortilla in form of a ball and palm it until having the form of a tortilla, place it in the “comal” (hot plate) turning it constantly until done.

Quesadilla (National Cheese cake) Ingredients ½ lb unsalted cheese ½ bottle of fresh sour cream ½ cup of sugar 2 eggs ½ lb rice flour (or wheat flour) 2 teaspoons baking soda First, shred the cheese then the add eggs, sugar and cream when these steps are done add the flour and baking soda, mix until it is smooth and homogeneous dough. Let set for an hour, mix it with a wooden spoon and pour into a greased pan, depending on their size, bake at 325° F for 20 to 25 minutes or until it gets a gold color.

Yucca with pork meat Yucca is boiled or fried, accompanied with fresh tomato sauce and small pieces of fried pork meat. It is usually served on plantain leaves.

The male of the iguana (garrobo) is a typical meat

Chicken tamales Ingredients (15 to 20 tamales) Enough plantain leaves 5 to 6 cups of corn dough (already made) 2½ margarine sticks or ½ lb of shortening 1 ounce of achiote (spice for tamale) (1 envelope) 1 chicken Salt for taste




on top put some chicken, one or two capers an olive and in case of sweet tamale, add one or two prunes, spray sufficient sauce and topped with another spoon or 2 spoons of dough. Fold the leave from the part close to you toward the front. Maintain the hands pressed to the extremes of the leaf so the dough does not spread out and fold again. Do the same with the second leaf, if you have it and finish wrapping with the chosen paper.

Woman preparing delicious “pupusas”

1 large onion Herbs Olives Capers Sugar (for sweet tamale) Prunes (for sweet tamale) Procedure Place the chicken in a pot together with the fine minced onion and herbs, add salt, when the stew is done take out the chicken from the pan, leaving the stew in it. Bone the chicken and cut the meat in small fine strips and let it stand. In the pot containing the stew, place the dough and shortening stirring constantly to avoid smoking and when ready pull it out (check if salt is OK) –To find if dough is ready, use a teaspoon full of the dough and put it on the leaves, if it is consistent and slides easily, dough is ready; if it does not slide easily, add a little more shortening and cook it for another 5 minutes. Tomato Sauce With the remaining chicken stew blend the ounce of achiote (envelope), add a little bit of shortening or oil and salt, bring it to a boil and remove it from heat Wrapping If there are not enough leaves, or the person is afraid of not wrapping it correctly, do it this way: “Place the dough one on top of the other on a 25 cms by 25 cms “polipel” square (aluminum foil or waxed paper); after one or two pieces of banana leave – without vain). On the leaf place one and a half spoons of dough,


In a big enough pot do the following: at the bottom put leaf veins somewhat rolled; if you do not have them, make small paper balls and totally cover the base. This would prevent that the tamales at the bottom are directly touching the pot and burn. Carefully place the tamales, cover them with water and let them boil. They are ready when the leaves are cooked. Remember, the leaves were the only raw ingredient you place in the pot. For the sweet tamales The procedure is the same. When the dough is ready, separate the amount you desire and add sugar to taste. As ingredient you may add is potatoes. In this case, peel and cut them sideways and cook them. When ready place them next to the chicken.

Vegetables and meat pies Ingredients 4 cups of corn dough ½ ground beef ½ ground pork 4 ounces of potatoes, cooked and cut in squares Seasoning as finely chopped onions, garlic, meat seasoning, salt, green pepper Any type of oil Turmeric, annatto, or any food colorant, yellow or red Procedure Add salt and food coloring to the dough Fry the two types of meat together with the potatoes and the seasonings of your choice. Also other vegetables may be combined. Make a tortilla with the dough, put in the middle a bit of the cooked meat and fold the tortilla in two, closing the borders so that it has a half moon shape. Fry them in hot oil or shortening until cooked and the dough is crunchy. Serve them with pickled cabbage, the same use with the pupusas. They are delicious!



Vegetables and meat pies Ingredients 4 cups of corn dough ½ ground beef ½ ground pork 4 ounces of potatoes, cooked and cut in squares Seasoning as finely chopped onions, garlic, meat seasoning, salt, green pepper Any type of oil Turmeric, annatto, or any food colorant, yellow or red Procedure Add salt and food coloring to the dough Fry the two types of meat together with the potatoes and the seasonings of your choice. Also other vegetables may be combined. Make a tortilla with the dough, put in the middle a bit of the cooked meat and fold the tortilla in two, closing the borders so that it has a half moon shape. Fry them in hot oil or shortening until cooked and the dough is crunchy. Serve them with pickled cabbage, the same use with the pupusas. They are delicious!

Tortillas They are made of corn, the base of Salvadoran food. Ground maize is mashed and circles with the same dough are made and thrown into a hot plate to cook them.

Corn Tamale Ingredients ¼ cup of whole grain corn (use frozen maize if fresh maize is not available) 1 cup corn flour 1 cup of butter ½ cup shortening 1 teaspoon of baking powder 1 cup of sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon of salt 70 corn leaves Procedure: Blend corn in a blender until reaching a mashed consistency. If mixture seems too dry add a little water or milk. Place the mashed corn into a large recipient together with the corn flour, mix with a mixer; slowly add the butter or shortening until the mixture is


homogeneous. Add the eggs, baking powder, salt and beat for about 20 minutes or until the dough is soft. Let it set for about 15 minutes.

Salvadoran Enchilada Ingredients 2 cups of dough flour ½ or 1 teaspoon of annatto 2 tablespoons of shortening 1 teaspoon of baking powder 1 lb of pork or beef meat 1 lb of chicken breast Fried beans 3 peeled and seedless tomatoes 1 green pepper 3 tablespoons of chopped onions 2 cloves of garlic 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley 1 tablespoon of chopped mint Salt, pepper and oregano to taste Shortening or oil / Hard boiled eggs / Old hard cheese To prepare the dough Mash flour by adding water little by little until obtaining a soft consistency, form small tortillas and fry them in sufficient oil or shortening. Meat and decoration In frying pan and with very hot oil, fry the tomatoes, green pepper, chopped onion, garlic, parsley and mint. Later add the meat and one or two teaspoons of tomato paste disolved in water and let it cook for 30 minutes. Eggs are cut in thin slices and shred the cheese, if want you may add avocado. Bon Appetite!

Chilate It is a beverage original from Central America, prepared from chili, toasted corn and cocoa and is added aniseed, pepper, ginger and cinnamon. Chilate is served hot and is usually accompanied with typical sweets such buñuelos or nuegados. There is another beverage for the South of Mexico (State of Guerrero) called Chilate and is prepared with cocoa, rice, corn and sometimes cookies, cinnamon, cooked sugar cane juice (piloncillo) and this one is drunk very cold. Procedure Roast the corn in a hot plate or skillet, later grind it is get and strain with a cloth; once is finely strained and while boiling add the pepper and ginger.



Chuco or Shuco Atole A beverage from the border towns of Honduras and El Salvador consisting of corn flour, water, salt, ground squash seeds, whole read beans with its sauce and a dash of salt and chili. It is served in a container made of squash shell serving the purpose of a cup or bowl and is drunk with a spoon. The shuco atole or simple “shuco” is corn based, preferable with black corn which supposedly has a different flavor; although it can be made with regular corn. Also at time of incorporating the ingredients, preferably use “monkey beans”, a smaller, round and different flavor bean variety.

MUSIC Salvadoran popular music is cumbia. Salvadoran music has very diverse genres such as salsa, chanchona, bachata. For traditional musical melodies, marimba is used. Among the renowned musicians are: Tito Flores San Vicente Orchestra, Alvaro Torres, Marito Rivera y Grupo Bravo (with over 35 years in the business), Bobby Rivas, Jhosse Lora, The Flores Brothers, Pastor Lopez and some of the most recent groups are: Prueba de Sonido (Sound Proof), Rucks y Parker, Mecate, Frigüey, Heavy Clan, Pescozada, Cosa Nostra, Son ¾, Adhesivo, La Chanchona de Arcadio, Anastasio y los del Monte, Las Nenas del grupo Caña, Alto Mando and DJEmsy, Sr. Pelon 503, Bravitos Kids, Los Vikings de Usulutan, Los Apaches de Usulután, REDD, Rocio Caceres, Eskina Opuesta, Arquimedes Reyes who stood out at the second season of Latin American Idol.

It is interesting to mention that since the 1970’s with the projection of Andean music on part of Chilean groups such as Inti Illimani, Quilapayun, folklore composer-singers like Violeta Parra, Victor Jara and Patricio Manns. El Salvador is witness the importation of the type of music Andean music made with charango, quena, zampoñas, guitar and bombos de cuero or leather drums is heard at many cultural activities and is taught at many schools and high schools to young ones. So far, there is not exact data of who brought Andean music, but it is worth mentioning that some renowned groups existed and continue existing such as: Xolotl – Tekutet – Grupo Mayas – Ecos Nativos – Nacascol – Tata Inti- Yulutecan – Sol nocturne.

PERSONALITIES Writers Francisco Gavidia (1863-1955), Alberto Masferrer, Salvador Salazar Arrue (Salarrue), Claudia Lars, Alfredo Espino, Pedro Geoffroy Rivas, Manlio Argueta and the poet Roque Dalton are among the most important artists from El Salvador. Remarkable citizens from the XX century include filmmaker Baltasar Polio and Guillermo Escalón; Miss El Salvador, Maribel Arrieta; the singer Alvaro Torres and the artist Fernando Llort; among the graphic arts are the renowned painters Noe Canjura, Carlos Cañas, Julia Diaz, Camilo Minero, Ricardo Carbonell, Roberto Huezo and many more.

Marimba music




Aerial view of San Salvador’s downtown

DEPARTAMENT OF SAN SALVADOR Introduction The capital of the Republic of El Salvador is San Salvador. It is also the capital of the Department and the Municipality. The first information about San Salvador was when the Spaniard conqueror Pedro de Alvarado tried to subjugate the natives from the capital of the CuscatlĂĄn Domain in June 18, 1524. The first village of San Salvador was founded more or less a year after that expedition, by a non-documented mission under Gonzalo de Alvarado. Since then, almost 6 centuries have gone by and currently it is the most populated city and the economic engine of the country with 316,090 own inhabitants and 1,566,629 inhabitant including Great San Salvador or AMSS (Metropolitan Area of San Salvador). Its population density is 2.067 inhabitants per square kilometer. The city changed its location a few times until moving


to its current location at the valley of the hammocks at the base of Quetzaltepec or San Salvador volcano. It is located at 600-1000 meters above sea level and is warm year around, being December, January and February the coolest months with an average temperature of 18 -35 degrees Celsius; the hottest months are March and May, from April through September is the rainy season with usual floods specially near creeks and rivers. Among the Catholic churches in San Salvador the most notorious ones are: Basilica Sagrado Corazon de Jesus and Basilica de Guadalupe. The Metropolitan Cathedral of San Salvador is located downtown and is considered a tourist attraction. The National Holidays of the City are in Honor of the Divino Salvador del Mundo.



WHERE TO STAY IN SAN SALVADOR Hotel Sheraton Presidente Final Av. La Revolución, Col. San Benito Tel: (+503) 2283 4000 sansalvador.presidente@ sheratonpresidente.com.sv www.sheraton.com Real Intercontinental Blvd. Los Héroes, Col. Miramonte Tel: (+503) 2211 3333 inter.sal@hotel andresorts.com www.interncontinental.com Hilton Princess Av. Las Magnolias y Blvd. del Hipódromo, Col. San Benito Tel: (+503) 2298 4545 reservaszr@hiltonprincess.com www.hilton.com Radisson Plaza Hotel 89 Av. Norte y 11 Calle Poniente, Col. Escalón Tel: (+503) 2500 0700 radisson@hotel al.com.sv www.radisson.com/sansalvador Hotel Courtyard Marriot Centro de Estilos de Vida La Gran Vía, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2249 3000 sansalvador.courtyard@courtyard.com www.marriot.com Hotel Beverly Hills H&S Calle Llama de Bosque Poniente 7, Urbanización Madreselva, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2212 6500 ventas@hotelbeverlyhills.com.sv www.hotelbeverlyhills.com.sv Suites Las Palmas Blvd. del Hipódromo, Col. San Benito Tel: (+503) 2250 6500 ventas@suiteslaspalmas.com.sv www.hotelsuiteslaspalmas.com.sv Hotel Mirador Plaza Calle El Mirador y 95 Av. Norte 4908, Col. Escalón Tel: (+503) 2244 6000


reservaciones@miradorplaza.com www.miradorplaza.com Hotel Terraza 85 Av. Sur y Calle Padres Aguilares, Col. Escalón Tel: (+503) 2263 0044 Hterraza@terraza.com.sv - www.terraza.com.sv Hotel Holiday Inn Urb. y Blvd. Santa Elena a 400 mtrs de la Embajada Americana Tel: (+503) 2241 4000 / 2500 6000 reservas@hotel al.com www.holiday-inn.com/sansalvador Hotel Capital Autopista Sur, Blvd. La Sultana y Pje. Monelca, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2247 7100 reservacione@hoteleselsalvador.com www.hoteleselsalvador.com Hotel y Casino Siesta Autopista Sur y Final Blvd. Los Próceres Tel: (+503) 2283 0100 info@hotel iestaelsalvador.com www.hotel iesta.com.sv Hotel Alicante Guest House Calle Las Rosas y Av. Los Laureles 1, Col. La Sultana, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2243 0889 alicante_international@hotmail.com www.alicante.com.sv Casa Las Magnolias Av. Las Magnolias 226, San Benito Tel: (+503) 2528 6500 info@casalasmagnolias.com www.casalasmagnolias.com Hotel Confort Inn San Salvador Calle El Carmen y Alameda Juan Pablo II, Escalón Plaza, 89 Av. Norte Tel: (+503) 2237 7000 confortinn.sal@realhotel andresortscom www.realhotelandresorts.com Hotel Santa Elena Blvd. y Urbanización Santa Elena, Calle Cerro Verde Pte. 10, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2247 7877 info@hotel antaelena.com www.hotel antaelena.com



Hotel Mediterráneo Plaza 15ª Calle Poniente 4319, Col. Escalón Tel: (+503) 2263 4640 / 2263 4592 mediplaz@salnet.net www.hotelmediterraneoplaza.com Novo Aparte Hotel Final 61 Av. Norte, Col. Escalón Tel: (+503) 2521 2000 / 2260 2288 información@novoapart-hotelcom www.novoapart-hotelcom Las Cabañas del Boquerón Km 20½ Carretera al Boquerón, Santa Tecla Tel: (+503) 2319 9356 / 7894 2878 Villa Florencia 3ª Calle Poniente por Puerto Bus Tel: (+503) 2221 1706 Av. La Revolución y Calle Las Palmas Tel: (+503) 2257 0236 Villa Serena Escalón 65 Av. Norte, Col. Escalón Tel: (+503) 2257 1937 hotelvillaserena@integra.com.sv www.hotelvillaserena.com.sv Villa Serena Flor Blanca 4ª Calle Poniente, Flor Blanca Tel: (+503) 2260 7545 Villa Serena San Benito Calle Circunvalación, Col. San Benito Tel: (+503) 2237 7979

WHERE TO EAT IN SAN SALVADOR Tasca-Restaurante Andalucía…y Ole (Specializing in Spanish Cuisine) Enjoy our delicious “Tapas” dishes and the house “Sangria” enjoy our flamed “Chorizos” and our delicious “Paella” 3a Calle Poniente and 77 Av. Norte 3977, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2252 9266 / 2252 9267 Andalucia_yole@yahoo.com Restaurante El Arriero Executive Buffet Monday through Friday; Saturday enjoy an “All You Can Eat”, sea food buffet, with a wide variety of fresh sea food exquisitely prepared, we also have ample parking and security.


69 Av. Norte y 1a Calle Poniente 3604, Col. Escalón Tel: (+503) 2211 0289 / 2211 0290 www.restauranteelarriero.com Tony Roma’s Enjoy our unique and original world famous warded ribs; find a perfect American enviroment with the best assistance and quality. At Tony Roma’s besides our famous ribs, we offer an exquisite variety of imported meats, hamburgers and Buffalo wings . You cannot leave without tasting our Romaritas. Zona Rosa Tel: (+503) 2298 5050 Fax: (+503) 2212 6030 Multiplaza Tel: (+503) 2243 3734 Diva (International Food) At Diva’s you will find a fusion of flavors and colors of contemporary cuisine and Asian and Caribbean mixtures. In this new enviroment we also offer our “Nouvelle Cuisine” or New Cuisine besides our usual dishes – Sushi, Sandwiches, Tapas and Deserts – you will find exquisite and sophisticated meals. Our best efforts have been used for the enjoyment of new flavors with the best quality ingredients. Av. Las Acacias, Pasaje 2 -117, Col. San Benito Tel: (+503) 2211 5446 Fax: (+503) 2243 8662 restaurantediva@hotmail.com Restaurante Dynasty (Chinese Food) A piece of China brought to El Salvador. As in China, dynasties are tradition, the purpose of creating a restaurant in El Salvador was to initiate a quality and service dynasty of renowned Chinese Food. The connoisseur of Chinese culinary art knows that in Dynasty he will find his desires met. Come to Dynasty and enjoy the best Chinese Food in El Salvador. Tel: (+503) 2263 9955 Fax: (+503) 2263 8615 www.restaurantedynesty.com Daruma (Japanese Food) Your best option in Japanese delicacies pioneers in El Salvador with a renowned chef and imported products from Japan brought to your table, in a traditional old Japanese enviroment with gardens and waterfalls. Blvd. del Hipódromo 428, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2243 9416



Downtown park

Restaurante Royal (Chinese Food Restaurant) Calle Padres Aguilares y 87 Av. Sur No.601, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 6989 / 2237 8738 Sushi Itto (Japanese specialty) This is an International Japanese food franchise. Blvd. del Hipódromo 407 Tel: (+503) 2243 1166 Fax: (+503) 2243 5502 La Hola Betos (Meat and Seafood specialty) Come and enjoy the exotic of El Salvador, our specialty dishes that lift one’s spirit, our motto “we never begin a meal without you”. - Col. Escalón: Tel: (+503) 2263 7304 - La Libertad: Kilometro 45.9 El Sunzal


Tel: (+503) 2289 6110 - Zona Rosa Blvd. del Hipódromo Av. Las Magnolias 230 - Col. San Benito. Tel: (+503) 2279 0781 www.laholabetos.com Restaurante Los Ranchos (Meat and Seafood specialty) Undoubtedly, we are the most recognized Central American restaurant, which has granted us 18 international prizes and always through our 40 years of existence we have maintain the quality, service and tradition to excellence. It is cozy elegant restaurant with good music and surrounded by gardens and fountains. Col. La Mascota entre pasajes A y 3 - 232, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 5887 / 2264 5858 Fax: (+503) 2264 5859 www.losranchoselsalvador.com



Faisca Do Brasil (Brazilian Style meat) Blvd. de los Héroes, dentro del Hotel Intercontinental Tel: (+503) 2211 3333 Inka Grill (Peruvian Food specialty) Inka Grill with its flavor, service and mystical environment has managed to transfer its clients this gastronomic cultural experience for 10 year in four countries and thousands of satisfied customers who repeat the experience. 79 Av. Sur y Pasaje A, Col. La Mascota, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2230 6060 / 2230 6070 Branch: Centro Comercial La Gran Via Local 118, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2278 7728 www.graninka.com Señor Tenedor (Gourmet food) Since its foundation in 1989, Señor Tenedor has specialized in offering its clients an exquisite selection of international gourmet food, our excellent menu include: entrees, soups, salads, sandwiches, Panini, main course dishes of beef steak with fennel; salmon with chardonnay besides delicious breakfasts and a large selection of wines to drink in the restaurant or for catering delivery. Now in Gran Vía, Señor Tenedor has developed an innovative concept of European gourmet market, restaurant, bar-lounge and the most complete wine cellar of El Salvador. Tel: (+503) 2241 0700 / 2298 1766 Fax: (+503) 2241 0718 info@senortenedor.com http://www.senortenedor.com/ Restaurante Pueblo Viejo (Salvadoran Food) At Pueblo Viejo we have the best meat and seafood, delicious dishes a la carte and exquisite desserts in a nice ambiance to enjoy with family and friends. Tel: (+503) 2261 1253 / 2261 1254 / 2262 1256 restaurantepuebloviejo@yahoo.com Restaurante Basilea Centro Comercial Basilea, Blvd. del Hipódromo Col. San Benito, Zona Rosa, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2223 6818 Restaurante Al Pomodoro Paseo General Escalón 3952, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 0017


Restaurante KamaKura 93 Av. Norte 617, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 2401 Restaurante Tumbao A new concept in El Salvador of Cuban style cousine would be installed at Las Terrazas, Centro Comercial Multiplaza with the most emblematic dishes from Latin America and the Caribbean. Centro Comercial Multiplaza, San Salvador Ciao Bella Welcome to the world of Ciao Bella! This is a place where you will find the magic of the good taste in its decoration variety of music and to put the icing on the cake good food and beverages. 79 Av. Sur Pje A - 30, La Mascota, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2264 8258 Restaurante 54 Sport Bar (Meat and Seafood specialty) 3a Calle Poniente y 77 Av. Norte 3990, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2124 6756 restaurante54sportbar@hotmail.com Restaurante El Zocalo (Mexican Food specialty) We have 18 years experience in Mexican food and have 5 branches where you can enjoy our different regional Mexican dishes: tortas, tacos,burritos, alambres and what it could never miss tortilla soup serve on a bowl made of tortilla accompanied with our six different table sauces. Tel: (+503) 2223 4655 / 2211 3233 Paseo General Escalón frente a Galerías (costado oriente), San Salvador lasfajitas@gmail.com Restaurante y Jardín Ecológico Café del Volcán This is a typical and international food restaurant for events, family and business meetings it also has children’s games and ample parking. Volcán de San Salvador, Cantón El Progreso Km 20 Carretera Nueva Merliot – El Boquerón – Quezaltepeque Tel: (+503) 2206 2001 / 7565 8778 / 7874 3637 info@restaurantecafedelvolcan.com Café Miranda It offers its visitors a complete harmony with nature. Located at only 20 minutes away from the capital city, San Salvador at San Salvador’s volcano (Quezaltepeque), here is where you can enjoy a



spectacular landscape, fresh weather and of course delicious food. (+503) 2298 4577 or (+503) 7886 9700 info@cafemiranda.com.sv www.cafemiranda.com.sv/ Las Cabañas Del Boquerón This is a new concept to relax, enjoy cool climate and admire beautiful landscape at few minutes from San Salvador. Cantón y Caserío El Progreso Km 20½, Carretera al Boquerón (+503) 2329 9356 ventas@lascabanasdelboqueron.com www.lascabanasdelboqueron.com Las Brumas Grill y Café It is located in San Salvador’s volcano at Km. 19 ½ at a height of 1,640 meters above sea level, a nice climate of an average of 18° C. Las Brumas Grill y Café guarantees you pleasant moments with your family and friends. Hacia el Volcán de San Salvador Km 19½ Tel: (+503) 2243 0485 / 2508 0454 información@lasbrumas.com www.lasbrumas.com Restaurante y Vivero www.tujardinsecreto.com/ La Estancia de Malena Carretera a Planes de Renderos Km 9 Finca Lutecia San Salvador, San Salvador (+503) 2243 0801 / 2244 0573 / 7888 5347 www.lasestanciademalena.com Restaurante Casa de Piedra Km 8½ Carretera a los Planes de Renderos, Cantón Casa de Piedra Tel: (+503) 2280 8822 / 2280 8877 www.casadepiedrarestaurante.com

A DRINK OR TWO IN SAN SALVADOR Circo It is a unique entertainment experience with a dynamic, surprising and permanent show that maintains the sensations, pleasure and entertainment of the show alive. Circo is a bar that mixes art, music and theater, culture in one single alternative, innovator and vibrant ambiance.


Pasaje Itsmania 128, Col. Escalón, San Salvador elcirco.bar@gmail.com Los Rinconcitos (International specialty) Los Rinconcitos where food, music, karaoke, painting and madness create the best ambiance, these have converted it in a classical place to enjoy our specialties: pizzas, hour d’ oeuvres and cocktails. Now you can enjoy more corners with El Callejon de los Rincones where you will find the Rincon de la Boca the one from Puerto Escondido with the specialty of seafood and Dallas with its delicious grilled steaks and all in one single place. Blvd. del Hipódromo 310, Col. San Benito http://www.losrinconcitos.com/ Stanza Centro Comercial Multiplaza área de Las Terrazas, Antiguo Cuscatlán Tel: (+503) 2243 7153 Envy A modern and innovated discotheque in El Salvador located at Centro Comercial Multiplaza. Tel: (+503) 2243 2576 / 2243 2584 Mai Thai (Thai Food) This is the only place with bamboo decoration and a spectacular illumination mixed to create an incomparable sexy and fashionable energy surrounding the entire Restaurant. Fine, handmade bamboo curtains are part of our intimate VIP room. It has an exquisite menu that combines flavors and key spices of the Asian cuisine, with traditional flavors from Thailand at the Centro Comercial Multiplaza. Tel/Fax: (+503) 2210 4763 http://www.maithailounge.com La Ventana The new VENTANA in Colonia Escalón It is the same creativity but more secure, The same ambiance but with more space, The same variety and quality offer but with ample gardens and terraces. 83 Calle Poniente 510 con 9a, Av. Norte, Frente a Plaza Palestina, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2263 3188 Fax: (+503) 2264 4885 www.laventana.com.sv Zanzibar Tel: (+503) 2279 0833 http://www.zanzibar.com.sv/



Interior of a church in downtown San Salvador


ATTENTION When visiting the downtown go by day and with the eyes opened. Never by night.

Historical Downtown

Homage to Divino Salvador del Mundo

In this aspect, the historical downtown of San Salvador is a very interesting place especially the Metropolitan Cathedral burial site of Archbishop Romero and where the National Palace is located. Very close there is The National Theater and Libertad (Freedom) plaza, houses with their old doorways, the church El Rosario recently built with a colorful interior thanks to the stain glass windows.

At the Salvador del Mundo Square you will find the Statue of the Divino Salvador del Mundo, symbol of the city; to visit it should take no more than 5-10 minutes.

Shopping is a widely extended activity within the salvadoreans.


El Boquerรณn (The Large Hole) San Salvador volcano is located in its homonym Department in El Salvador. It covers the municipalities of Quezaltepeque, San Juan Opico, Colรณn, Nejapa and Santa Tecla in the Department of La Libertad; it is located at eleven kilometers from the capital of the country. The prominence consists of two masses; one called El Picacho of 1,967 meters above sea level and the other known as the Boquerรณn of 1893 meters above sea level which includes the crater of 1.5 kilometers width. The volcano has been known by its indigenous Nahuat name Quezaltepec. Since 2008, the Government of El Salvador founded the National Park of El Boquerรณn; tourists can walk to the crater of the volcano with a guide and is a very agreeable walk. It is recommended to stop at the different sightseeing balconies found on the road climbing El Boquerรณn to have an entire view of the city. It is suggested to travel during the day and return before dark.



Man standing on the edge of “Puerta del Diablo”




Los Planes de Renderos Los Planes de Renderos is the most beautiful lookout point of San Salvador. This is a place where nationals and foreigners get together, especially on weekends because of its cool weather and the views from the south of the city. Definitely, this is a place with a lot of activity where we not only enjoy the view but also taste the delicious pupusas accompanied with a cold beer or a delicious cup of coffee.

Anthropological Museum (MUNA) The National Museum of Anthropology mission is to promote Salvadoran’s rapprochement and reflection about their cultural identity, through exhibits, investigation, publications, teaching programs in the archaeology and anthropology area as testimony of the social processes of the different humane groups that inhabited and have inhabited all across the national territory. Av. La Revolución, Col. San Benito, Fte. A CIFCO – ex Feria International info@munaelsalvador.com - www.munaelsalvador.com/

La Puerta del Diablo (Devil’s Door) Museo Militar Ex Cuartel El Zapote The Puerta Del Diablo is located approximately 6 kilometers passed Balboa Park at Los Planes de Renderos. La Puerta Del Diablo is the highest point in San Salvador with 1250 meters above sea level. This is a natural look out point of the east and west of El Salvador from where the majestic San Vicente or Chinchontepeque volcano (in Nahuat language it means the hill of two breasts), the Pacific Coast of La Paz Department, Ilopango Lake, the City of Panchimalco, etc. La Puerta Del Diablo is a rock formation that separated in three during the San Dionisio storm in 1700. The original name of the rock was Cerro El Chulo and since it broke in three each piece has a name Chulo, Chulito (the smallest rock at the center) and Chula.

Museums to Visit Marte The Art Museum of El Salvador (MARTE) is a nonprofit, private institution that began its functions in May 22, 2003 with the inauguration of its building. In a short time and thanks to the developed work it has become a mandatory reference in the cultural life of the Central American area. Col. San Benito Final Av. Revolución, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2243 6099 - Fax: (+503) 2243 1726 info@marte.org.sv General entrance: $1.50 / Students $0.50 / Sunday free entrance Schedule: Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. www.marte.org.sv/

The Military Museum of El Salvador is a tribute to the national army, that bravery protects the national territory, maintain peace and develops humanitarian missions outside the Salvadoran borders. It is located at Barrio San Jacinto and its rooms are waiting for the visitor with open arms. Ex Cuartel El Zapote, 10a Av. Sur y Calle Capitán Alberto Sánchez, Barrio San Jacinto, San Salvador Schedule:From 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m and from 2:00p.m. To 5:00 p.m. - Tel: (+503) 2250 0000

Lake Ilopango Ilopango is a volcanic origin lake in El Salvador. It measures 8 x 11 kms. It has a surface of 72 square kilometers and a depth of 230 meters. It is located at 440 meters above sea level at 16 kilometers from the city of San Salvador among the Departments of San Salvador, Cuscatlán and La Paz. It is the largest natural lake of El Salvador. It has abundant fishing of bream, guapalotes and julines and is ideal for either sailing or motor boating. Scuba Diving at the Lake Ilopango Lake has several islands that harbor endemic and migrating birds that can be observed from the boat ride to the scuba diving points. Its water has a temperature of 77° F (26° C) making the perfect place to dive year around, although if sensible to cold temperature it is recommended an isothermal suit.

Cerros Hundidos (Sunken Hills)

Llopango lake (Mitur)


Several sunken hills are an excellent attraction for divers visiting from around the world. One of these



hills is “Cerro la Caldera” (Boiler Hill). This hill did not reach surface during an eruption and its highest point is 11 meters (35 feet) depth. The name “Caldera” is accredited for its hot water geysers with temperature over 120° F coming from the volcanic magma.

Cerros Quemados (Burned Hills) Cerros Quemados is another very visited place for its uniqueness since it presents reminiscences of the war. Even today, holes caused by projectiles and aircraft machine guns that tested their weapons at the Cerros Quemados before going to combat can still be seen. Other diving points at Ilopango are Cutename, Atlantis, La Guitarra, Piedra Suelta and El Coronel among others. There are friendly animal species when diving at Ilopango Lake, a crab species, about 10 different species of fish, various species of algae and sweet water sponge.

Panchimalco A charming indigenous town in the precious colonial countryside. The church dedicated to Santa Cruz de la Roma was built in 1543. The third Sunday of May the Festival of the Flowers is celebrated. Panchimalco is one of the few places in the country where Nahuat is spoken. At the Cultural Center Tonatiuh Nahuat, indigenous traditions are taught to young one so the culture is not lost. There is only one person who can be considered native of the town.

CENTRAL REGION It is the most extensive area of the country and with more Departments these being the following: San Salvador, La Libertad, La Paz, Cuscatlán Chalatenango, Cabañas and San Vicente. At the north the central region borders with Honduras and to the south the Pacific Ocean and has many interesting places.


Chalatenango Santa Ana Cabañas Ahuachapán

San CusSalvador catlán


Morazán San Vicente

La Libertad

La Unión

La Paz Usulután


San Miguel

El Salvador by Regions

Western Region


Central Region

Eastern Region



Salvadorans enjoy visiting La Libertad pier


La Libertad Pier Only 35 Kms from San Salvador, La Libertad Pier is found. It is the closest beach to the capital. The old artesian dock dates back to 1579. The dock was renovated by the Federal Congress of the Central American Republics in 1824 for foreign commerce on the Pacific coastline. Currently, is an area that has many seafood and fish restaurants; fresh caught fish can be bought at the recently renovated dock, or enjoy a ceviche at the market in front of the dock where the Ministry of Tourism has opened an information desk.

ideal surf waves upon arriving to Salvadoran coasts. Playa de la Paz (Punta Roca) –Peace Beach (Point Rock) - has world class waves. Here is where several surf championships are held, also it has the infrastructure to accommodate restaurants, surf instructors and surfboard rentals. Playa el Tunco is another beach in the Department of La Libertad very close to San Salvador (about 37 kms) that offers appropriate waves for surf lovers and has become a bohemian paradise for the number of options of diverse entertainment offered specially from Thursday to Sunday. The area is known for live music parties, specially “batucadas”. Restaurants, Bars, Hotel , Hotel , Camping zones are all found here very close to Sunzal beach.

Get fresh fish in La Libertad pier

La Libertad area has various beaches for surfing that, although locals try not to divulge in them everyday, there are more and more surfers coming from the United States and other countries looking for waves. The waves are present year round thanks to El Salvador’s central location distant from the Antarctic and Arctic storms which create




Joya de Ceren is the most important historical remain of the country. It dates back 1400 years. This site shows the lifestyle of the Mayan people before colonization, which was interrupted by the eruption of the Caldera Volcano in the year 600 A.D. It was buried by the volcanic ash similar to ancient Pompeii. Joya de Ceren was discovered by chance, in 1976, when a tractor accidentally run into the remains, later investigations were conducted in the area. It is found 30 minutes from San Salvador on the highway to Santa Ana.

WHERE TO STAY IN LA LIBERTAD La Guitarra Km 42 Carretera El Litoral, Playa El Tunco, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2389 6398 Restaurante la Bocana It is found at one of the Top Surf Beaches of the world and we offer our visitors the best seafood, meat and poultry dishes. http://www.restaurantelabocana.com/ Hotel Casa de Mar Km 43½ Carretera Litoral, Playa El Sunzal Tel: (+503) 2389 6284 info@casademarhotelcom - www.casademarhotelcom Club de Atami Km 49½ Caserío el Palmarcito, Carretera Litoral, Tamanique, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2335 7301 clubatami@integra.com.sv - www.atami.com.sv Hotel Restaurante Las Olas Km 45 Carretera Litoral, Playa El Sunzal Tel: (+503) 2411 7553 julio@akwaterra.com - www.akwaterra.com

surf shop, surf board rental, surf classes and also have new 100% Salvadoran manufactured surf boards. Carretera Litoral Km 42 Playa El Tunco Tel: (+503) 2389 6231 papayadeltunco@hotmail.com www.papayasurfing.com Hotel y Restaurante Punta Roca Surf Resort 4ª Calle Poniente y 5ª Av. Sur Playa El Cocal Tel: (+503) 2335 3261 / 2346 1753 waves@surfingelsalvador.com www.puntaroca.com.sv Hotel y Restaurante Roca Sunzal Playa El Tunco Tel: (+503) 2389 6126 / 2389 6175 Sunzal Hills Playa Sunzal - Tel: (+503) 2300 5486 Tortuga’s Lodge Carretera Litoral Km 42, Playa El Tunco, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 7888 6225 rgtortuga@yahoo.com or www.elsalvadorsurfer.com Lost Paradise Km 48½ Carretera al Litoral (Surf route), La Libertad Tel: (+503) 7877 8468 / 2101 2080 / 2260 1529 Hotel Tekuanikal Lovely hoTelwith a nice swimming pool with beach and sea views, Km 42 Playa El Tunco Tel: (+503) 2389 6387 mpzablah@disaza.com - www.tekuanikal.com

WHERE TO EAT IN la libertad

Hotel Pacific Sunrise Carretera Litoral, Calle El Obispo, Puerto de la Libertad, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2319 2600 reservaciones@hotelelsalvador.com www.hotelelsalvador.com

Café Sunzal Café Sunzal is built on top of an enormous rock 25 meters above sea level, offering the visitor a spectacular view and an exquisite gourmet menu specialized in seafood. Km 43 Carretera al Litoral, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2389 6020 - Fax: (+503) 2528 6565 www.cafesunzal.com

Hotel Papayas Lodge Papayas Lodge offers different services, which we can mentioned: room accommodations,

Restaurante tres60 Bar & Grill Located 60 meters above sea level “Three 60 Bar and Grill” will surprise you with an incredible




panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean and a delicious ocean breeze. Km 23½, Carretera El Litoral, Centro Comercial El Faro, 5° Nivel, Puerto de la Libertad Tel: (+503) 2346 2516 / 2346 2162 La Curva de Don Gere Carretera a San Diego, 500 metros de gasolinera Shell, La Libertad

Tel: (+503) 2335 3436 / 2346 0966 info@lacurvadedongere.com.sv www.lacurbadedongere.com.sv Restaurante Punta Roca 4a Calle Poniente y 5a Av. Sur Playa la Paz, La Libertad Tel: (+503) 2335 3261 http://www.puntaroca.com.sv

Seafood can be found in the coast, like these fresh crabs in La Libertad Pier




WHAT TO SEE AND DO IN LA LIBERTAD The visitor who wants to enjoy the beach can lie down, sun bathe and eat a big dish “mariscada”( Seafood Chowder). If you likes surfing, you can rent a board for $15.00 US Dollars/day although it can be bargained to a lower rate. Who wants to learn to surf all he/she has to do is ask the locals and some of them are willing to teach for a couple of dollars.Later at night, visitors can go to El Tunco beach and live the ambiance made by foreign tourists and backpackers who know how to make lively parties while watching a batucada or a DJ playing music. It is recommended for those with a car, to enjoy the Litoral highway with the tunnels cut through the mountain and the spectacular view of the ocean and cliffs.

DEPARTMENT OF LA PAZ WHERE TO GO IN LA PAZ La Costa del Sol Coastal Line is 66 kilometers from San Salvador, is in reality divided by three beaches: San Marcelino, Los Blancos and La Costa del Sol. La Costa del Sol has the best and most varied hotel infrastructure an areas to practice boating and fishing.

WHERE TO STAY IN LA PAZ Hotel Quality Real Aeropuerto Km 40½ Carretera a Comalapa, San Luis Talpa, La Paz Tel: (+503) 2366 0000 Quality.sal@realhotel andresorts.com www.realhotel andresorts.com Hotel Tesoro Beach Blvd. Costa del Sol, Km 67½ San Luis, La Herradura, La Paz Tel: (+503) 2305 5506 tesorobeach@Telesal.net www.tesorobeachhotelcom Hotel Bahía del Sol Km 78, Carretera Costa del Sol,


Canton El Zapote, La Herradura, La Paz Tel: (+503) 2283 2019 / 2510 7248 / 2510 7200 comercial@bahiadelsolelsalvador.com www.bahiadelsolelsalvador.com Hotel Pacific Paradise Km 75 Blvd. Costa del Sol, La Herradura, La Paz Tel: (+503) 2338 0156 / 2325 8900 ventas@hotelpacificparadise.com www.hotelpacificparadise.com Las Hojas Resort Carretera a Comalapa, Km 40, La Paz y desvío Rancho Steven Tel: (+503) 2325 7000 Jaltepeque Suites Blvd. Costa del Sol, Km 70, La Paz Tel: (+503) 2338 0303 mirnaaracelyperez@hotmail.com Confort Inn – Bahía Dorada Km 75½ Costa del Sol, La Paz Tel: (+503) 2325 7500 dorada@hoteleselsalvador.com www.hoteleselsalvador.com/bahia Oasis del Sol Carretera a Costa del Sol Tel: (+503) 2354 4732 Hotel Rancho Estero y Mar Playa el Pimental, San Luis Talpa, La Paz Tel: (+503) 2270 1172 info@ranchoesteroymar.com www.esteroymar.com

WHERE TO EAT IN la PAZ La Curva de Don Gere Blvd. Costa del Sol - Tel: (+503) 2338 2753

WHat to see and do in la paz Enjoy the beautiful beaches at Costa del Sol, if you are looking for a little peace, just relax but if you are looking for beach activity there are a lot of games at the beach.



Suchitoto church

DEPARTMENT OF CUSCATLÁN WHERE TO GO IN CUSCATLÁN Suchitoto is the second most important city in the Department of Cuscatlán, in its surrounding the first village of San Salvador was founded in 1528, now known as “La Ciudad Vieja o La Bermuda”, Old City or La Bermuda. Nowadays, Suchitoto is known nationally and internationally for preserving its natural way it is solely colonial architecture, Suchitoto is located 47 kilometers away from San Salvador, about one hour by car.


Suchitoto is a town worth seeing, it is a colonial old town with cobbled streets, panoramic view, peaceful life, hotel and restaurants, customs and traditions, museums, art galleries and night life. Suchitoto is of Nahuat origin and its English translation is “Place of the Flower Bird”, maybe because it has abundant and colorful flowers as well as a great variety of birds in the area. Outside of the urban area there is a great variety of nature including Lake Suchiltlan, Guazapa Volcano, waterfalls like the Cascada de los Tercios, historical places and natural reserves.



WHERE TO STAY AND EAT IN CUSCATLÁN Hotel y Restaurante la Posada de Suchitlan Creole and Salvadoran food Final 4ª Calle Poniente, Barrio San José, Suchitoto Tel: (+503) 2335 1064 info@laposada.com.sv www.laposada.com.sv Hotel Las Puertas 2ª Av. Norte y Av. 15 de Septiembre, Suchitoto Tel: (+503) 2393 9200 reservaciones@laspuertassuchitoto.com www.laspuertassuchitoto.com Hotel y Restaurante los Almendros de San Lorenzo International Food, 4ª Calle Poniente 2B, Barrio San José Tel: (+503) 2335 1200 Hotel y Restaurante Villa Balanza www.villabalanzarestaurante.com.sv Vista Conga Bar / Restaurante Salvadoran and Mexican Food Final Pasaje Norte 8 Tel: (+503) 2335 1679 Guazapa Cafe Grill meat and more Km 43.3 Carretera a Suchitoto Tel: (+503) 2335 1823 www.guazapacafe.com

WHat to see and do in cuscatlÁn Lake Suchitlan Tour Boat ride with fantastic landscape views or use the ferry capable of transporting 4 vehicles and 100 passengers. In this tour, nearby towns can be appreciated and the lake’s beautiful flora and fauna of the Isla de los Pájaros (Bird’s Island), a protected area for national and migrating bird. Artisan fishing support of lake communities can also be observed. Suchitlan is an artificial lake formed from the construction of the Hydro-electrical Dam Cerrón


Grande on bed of the Lempa River; the lake is home to many resident and migrating bird species that during the low water level months come to grovel in the small emerging islands.

Cataratas de Los Saltos de los Tercios y los Limones (Waterfalls Los Tercios and Limones) Salto de los Tercios waterfall is located in the Animas ravine at scarcely 1 and a half kilometer from downtown Suchitoto. Its interest lies on the spectacular composition of the cascade´s vertical wall formed by hexagonal finely sculpt block rocks. Its singularity is that the bottom of the cascade has the same conformation. The height of the fall can surpass 10 meters and has a singular image during the dry season. When rainy season comes the water flows over the blocks and reaches a more valuable sightseeing. Salto Los Limones is a set of natural cascades formed at the meeting of the Chalchigue and Amates rivers. It has a height of approximately 2 meters, however, its beauty does not depend on the height but rather the constant falls throughout the length and width of the river that in some parts the width surpasses 50 meters.

Church of Santa Lucía Church of Santa Lucía was built in 1853 and is the main historical and tourist attraction of the city of Suchitoto for its original structure and colonial concept. Suchitoto is a city that in the past dwelt wealthy people with great political power, which architecture is clearly shown in the European influence especially Spanish.

DEPARTMENT OF CHALATENANGO WHERE TO GO IN CHALATENANGO The area of El Pital is a little less than three hours by car, at the border with Honduras on the road to Copan and San Pedro Sula. In the immensity of the mountains and pine woods there is no room for visible borders. Just imagine that the mountain in front of you is already another country.



Mountain cabins are usual in the Pital area

La Palma, town located before arriving to Pital from San Salvador is known for the paintings that decorate its wall and handcraft. El Pital is the highest mountain in El Salvador with 2,700 meter above sea level where great part of the Salvadoran territory can be appreciated. It is considered as one of the best places to go camping, especially if the person likes colder weather. The camping zone called Miramundo is approximately at 2,400 meters above sea level, to be exact between the two mountain summits, causing a wind funnel; in this area of the mountain the temperature is about 10° C less than the surrounding areas even if they

are a few meters away. For those people who do not wish to camp, the zone has luxurious hotels such as El Pital Highland or the cabins at Hotel Miramundo. It is definitely a zone with pine trees and cabins, which give it a Swiss style environment.

ATTENTION Pital has a very steep climb similar to the mountains traveled by the Tour de France, consequently, coming down brakes heat up. To avoid losing the brakes reduce the speed and if using an automatic vehicle switch from “Drive” to “1” or 2”. View from El Pital




La Palma’s typical paintings, in Chalatenango (Mitur)

WHERE TO STAY AND EAT IN CHALATENANGO Hotel y Restaurante el Pital Highland Cerro El Pital, San Ignacio Tel: (+503) 2259 0602 Pital20@yahoo.com - www.elpital.com.sv Hotel y Restaurante Miramundo Después del Cerro El Pital, Carretera al Poy, camino a las Pilas, a 12 Kms de San Ignacio, La Palma Tel: (+503) 2219 6251 hostalmiramundo@yahoo.com www.hotelmiramundo.com

Entrepinos Resort & Spa Km 87½ Troncal del Norte, San Ignacio Tel: (+503) 2335 9312 entrepinosresort@yahoo.com www.hotelentrepinos.com La Montaña Cabaña y Ecoturismo Km 83 desvío El Guarda, Calle hacia los Planes a 10 minutos de Miramundo, La Palma Tel: (+503) 2284 1801 lamontana@navegnte.com.sv www.lamontanaelsalvador.com

Chalate Country Club Carretera a Chalatenango - Tel: (+503) 2323 7824

Hotel y Restaurante Posada del Cielo Miramundo Tel: (+503) 2323 9761 info@hotellaposadadelcielo.com www.hotellaposadadelcielo.com

Cabañas Prashanti Km 88½ Carretera Troncal Norte, San Ignacio Tel: (+503) 2352 9304

Hotel y Restaurante Praderas de San Ignacio Km 92 Carretera Troncal del Norte, San Ignacio Tel: (+503) 2350 9331




Canopy La Montaña We are located in one of the most beautiful areas of El Salvador, the North Range, which longitudinal crosses the entire country. It has the tallest zip lines (Canopy Tour) in Central America (2,400 meter above sea level), consisting of two 220 meters stations each and upon pulling you literary have El Salvador at your feet. Our reserve comprises the hills known as “Birrinche” and “El Malcota” including both summits; from Birrinche there is a beautiful panoramic view of the entire country as well as the South part of Honduras and the east part of Guatemala. Tel: (+503) 2264 8662 / 2264 8663 Mobiles: (+503) 7886 5057 / 7319 8588 www.lamontanaelsalvador.com

WHat to see and do in CHALATENANGO The road takes you almost to the Summit of El Pital but if a person wants to climb to the Summit can do it through a cobbled road beginning at Hotel Pital Highland. The walk is about one and half hours depending on the person’s physical condition and for the lazy ones, for S$2.00 a 4x4 would drive you to the summit.

Sumpul River This is one of nature’s blessings for the towns of La Palma, San Fernando, Dulce Nombre de María, La Laguna, El Carrizal, Ojos de Agua, Nueva Trinidad and Las Flores. During the rainy season, it is a tireless water provider for daily consumption. It also favors fishing, feeds vegetable and corn plants cultivated by the nearby communities. Its source is at the high basin area of Sumpul River (Mitur)





the Lempa River, at canton El Encanto, San Ignacio and it flows to the November 5th dam. It receives inflows of six rivers and four ravines and is 77 Km long.

Cycling If someone wants to climb Pital from San Ignacio we recommend the person to be in good physical shape and have a great endurance capacity.

Hotel y Restaurante Perkin Lenka Km 205½ Carretera hacia Perkin Tel: (+503) 2680 4080 / 2680 4046 info@perkinlenka.com www.perkinlenka.com Hotel Las Margaritas Wooden Cabins in a beautiful location, Perkin Tel: (+503) 2613 1930

EASTERN REGION The Eastern Zone is the hottest in the country; this territory keeps many of the paradisiacal places that have reborn after over ten years of civil war, the Departments that belong to this region are: San Miguel, Morazán, La Unión and Usulután.


Eco-Albergue Río Sapo Perkin, Morazán Tel: (+503) 2680 4086 Hotel y Restaurante El Ocotal Km 201 Carretera hacia Perkin, Arambala, Morazán Tel: (+503) 2669 0110 / 2634 4083 Posada El Torogoz Km 195 Carretera a Perkin, Morazán Tel: (+503) 2680 1403 / 2680 5574


WHat to see and do in MORAZAN

Ruta de la Paz (Peace Route) Perkin This route has been given its name for the quietness that the zone has after 12 years of civil war, since the area was one of the main scenarios of big battles. La Ruta de la Paz is located in the Department of Morazán and includes several towns like Perkin, Villa El Rosario, Arambala, Joateca, Cacaopera and Corinto. The Department of Morazán is located in the eastern part of El Salvador. Its capital is San Francisco Gotera at 167 kms from the city of San Salvador. This route brings the opportunity of learning the complete history of El Salvador, cultural roots inherited from the old indigenous dwellers of Lenca origin. The towns in the Peace Route have their ancestral tradition deeply ingrained, which can be appreciated on their daily lives.

Perkin was the scenario of bloody battles and much fighting during the war. “Radio Venceremos” broadcasted from this location; near there the Mozote massacre occurred and now it emerges using the role it had during the armed conflict as a hook to attract tourists in the so called La Ruta de la Paz. Perkin means “Road of the Ember” and is a Lenca origin town. Nowadays, Perkin is a quiet town surrounded by coffee plantations, pine trees and rivers; it is located at 1,250 meters above sea level with a fresh and nice weather; it is about 3 and a half hours from San Salvador traveling by car.

Museum of the Revolution ATTENTION More information on Top 5 itineraries on page 266.


Perkin’s Museum of the Revolution is a gallery that recreates the history of the Salvadoran Civil War. Located 198 kilometers from San Salvador in the northeastern Department of Morazán, it has become a forgotten veil of old political and military enemies.



Cerro de Perkin


From the top of the hill, besides the trenches, it has excellent views of different parts of the national and Honduran territory as well as the ex-bolsones (former border gaps) in Nahuaterique.

Known as the granary of El Salvador, Usulután has natural wonders to discover.

El Sapo River It is a clear water river amid pine and oak tree woods. This is the ideal destination for eco-tourism lovers. It is also accessible from Perkin. The Protected Area of the river El Sapo, municipality of Arambala, also offers pristine water and a great variety of flora and fauna. PRODETUR offers visitors guided walks, camping tents rental service, an eco-lodge with six beds and rapelling activity.

El Mozote A few kilometers from the river El Sapo, you will find the hamlet the Mozote with the monument to the victims of the massacre of over one thousand civilians by Atlacatl Battalion in 1981.

WHERE TO GO IN USULUTÁN Jiquilisco Bay Located in the Department of Usulután, Jiquilisco Bay has an utmost beauty to the rest of the Central American spots. This bay is 55 kilometer long, it is a natural reserve with maritime eco-systems, it is the most beautiful of El Salvador, with sun and beach with the most extensive mangrove area where approximately 54 species of exotic birds live such as herons, pelicans and pichinche ilive alongside fish, reptiles, sea turtles, different types of snakes and crocodiles.

Little islands at Jiquilisco bay, Usulután (Mitur)




Nancuchiname Forest Another attraction near Jiquilisco Bay is the Nancuchiname Forest “Forest with ocean flavor” it is a natural refuge prior to San Juan del Gozo Peninsula where a person can be in touch with nature, see animals like spider monkies and crocodiles and appreciate the plentiful Lempa River.

Tel: (+503) 2270 1851 / 2634 9728 laestanciadedonluis@yahoo.es www.playaelespino.com Hotel y Restaurante Puerto Escobar Carretera Litoral, Puente San Marcos Lempa desvío Isla de Méndez, Bahía de Jiquilisco, Usulután Tel: (+503) 7263 5146 puertoescobar.bahia@gmail.com www.puertoescobar.com

City of Alegría It is the winner city of the contest Pueblos Vivos 2009 is the most beautiful and touristic city in the interior of the country. You can find Alegría Lagoon a jewel hidden between vegetation and mountains, hidden behind the mystery of its legend and the charm of its existence. Located in the crater of Tecapa volcano, Usulután 3 kilometers from the city of Alegría, this treasure is found waiting to be discovered. The landscape is displayed in a great oval craggy crater where a small lake of yellowish-greenish water lies over a mat of sulfur. The chilian poet and writer Gabriela Mistral called it the “Emerald of America.”

WHERE TO STAY AND EAT IN USULUTÁN Barillas Marina Club Cantón La Hacienda, La Hacienda, Usulután Tel: (+503) 2675 1131 / 2675 1132 info@barillasmarina.com - www.barillasmarina.com Bahía Sport Isla Madreselva, Bahía de Jiquilisco Tel: (+503) 2631 6653 La Montaña de Alegría Alegría Tel: (+503) 2628 1043 Hotel y Café Entre Piedras Av. Camilo Campos, opposite Parque Central de Alegría, Usulután Tel: (+503) 2313 2812 Hotel Arcos del Espino Playa El Espino Tel: (+503) 2608 0686 Hotel y Restaurante la Estancia de Don Luis Calle a Arcos del Espino, 1300 meters west of Jucuarán exit Playa El Espino, Usulután


WHat to see and do in USULUTÁN Alegría Lagoon It is worth calling it the “Emerald of America”. In the last six years the water level has diminished considerably and does not cover even half of what it used to have before the 2001 earthquakes and since then, it has not reached previous levels. The lagoon is a crater which walls absorb rain water all through the end of the rainy season.

Bahía de Jiquilisco If a person is passionate about water sports, Jiquilisco Bay is the place to enjoy them from boating, to sailing, kayaking, windsurfing, snorkeling practice, etc. At this place a person will also find a refuge for many mangrove birds; this is a fascinating place with beautiful sightseeing and tranquil water allowing the tourist to fully rest in a pleasant environment. In the Jiquilisco Bay surroundings there are 27 islands among which are: La Pirraya, Cumichin, Tortuga, Isla Mendez, San Dionisio, El Recodo, San Sebastian, Espiritu Santo also known as the “Coconut Island” for the extensive plantation of these trees; source of coconut oil. On our tour we observed two artesan docks: Puerto El Triunfo and Puerto Parada and noticed how fishermen known as “curuleros” cleverly extracting shellfish and crabs from the mangroves. At the edge of the Bay we can find an ecological park “Chaguantique” “Place of beautiful water springs”. It is a natural home where ecotourism can be practiced enjoying contact with nature at one of the most

Next page: El Triunfo harbour in Usulután (Mitur) Surfing beach (Mitur)










Church of San Miguel (Mitur)

protected areas. It has about a thousand hectares of land and is located near Puerto del Triunfo. It has several pure crystal water springs, beautiful rivers and one of the few remaining tropical woods in the zone sheltering the Spider Monkey, the Big Blue Butterfly, the Golden Web Spider and is located 110 kms Southeast of San Salvador in the Department of Usulután on the CA-2E highway.

Bosque del Nancuchinamen Another attraction near Jiquilisco Bay is the Nancuchinamen Forest “Forest with ocean flavor” it is a natural refuge prior to San Juan del Gozo


Peninsula where a person can be in touch with nature and appreciate the plentiful Lempa River. It has an extension of 637.30 hectares of costal area where naughty spider monkies and some crocodiles nest at the banks of the Lempa River; a huge diversity of fruits and trees, such as: conacaste, carretos, voladores, jocotes and pepper that hide among its branches raccoons, white tail deer, cusuco and a wide variety of migrating birds. Venture to discover crocodile nests at the mouth of the Lempa River accompanied by the park rangers who explain the necessary rules to start this adventure. To reach Nancuchinanmen take highway CA-2E after passing San Marcos Lempa Bridge known as “Puente de Oro” “Golden Bridge” take the detour to



San Marcos Lempa, later you will find a detour to Canton El Zamorano and La Canoa, the detour to Nancuchinanmen Tour is 50 meter to the right.

The National Theater It is an architectural jewel that shows the different art influence.

Sport Fishing

The East Regional Museum It has the best archaeological samples of the Eastern pre-Hispanic culture.

Lovers of sport fishing or boat rides will find an ideal place throughout the entire east coast to develop this practice.


El Cuco Beach Miguelenian’s (people that are from San Miguel city) pride and joy, El Cuco Beach is the most popular beach and the pampered in the east. Thousands of people visited on vacation and holidays. One of its attractions is the abundant commerce, above all seafood and sun-dried fish prepared on rustic bamboo tables.

The city of San Miguel It is found 138 kms from San Salvador and has a population surpassing 480,000 inhabitants. It is the most developed city in the eastern part of country. It is known as the “Pearl of the East” for its great economic and commercial activity. The city is one of the most famous of the region due to the CARNAVAL DE SAN MIGUEL which is going to be described later on. This carnival honors Nuestra Señora de La Paz. It includes small concerts throughout November and these celebrations finish with the Carnival of San Miguel on the last Saturday of November.

WHERE TO STAY AND EAT IN SAN MIGUEL La Flores Surf Club Pueblo El Cuco, Jurisdicción de Chirilagua, Playa las Flores, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 2919 9065 / 2236 0025 / 2619 9118 reservations@lasfloressurfclub.com www.lasfloressurfclub.com Las Flores Surf Resort




Hotel Tropico Inn Av. Roosevelt Sur 303, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 2661 1800 / 2662 1000 tropicoinn@yahoo.com www.hotel tropicoinn.com Tropi Club Km 3½ sobre Carretera al Esterón Playa El Cuco, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 2661 1800 / 2628 1073 tropicoinn@yahoo.com www.hotel tropicoinn.com

Surfing the waves (Mitur)

Hotel Miraflores 500 metros al occidente del Cuco Beach En la calle hacia El Majahue, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 7840 4751

Hotel Comfort Inn Real Hotel Av. Roosevelt Sur Tel: (+503) 2600 0202 Comfortinn.sanmiguel@realhotelesandresorts.com www.choicehotel .com

Pacific Paradise 500 antes del Esterón, Calle al Esterón Playa El Cuco, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 2502 2678 / 2281 2028 jramos@hotelpacificparadise.com www.hotelpacificparadise.com

Beautiful hotel are available along the coast




San Miguel’s carnivals (Mitur)

Hotel Sol y Descanso Calle al Esterito, Playa El Cuco, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 7822 1353 Hotel y Restaurante Cuco Lindo Playa El Cuco, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 2619 9012 hotelcucolindo@hotmail.com Restaurante Tacos El Paisa Av. Roosevelt, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 2661 0352 Restaurante El Sarape Av. Roosevelt Norte, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 2669 5904 Mama Gallina Av. Roosevelt Norte, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 2661 2013 Restaurante El Papagayo Bar & Grill Centro Comercial Chaparrastique, San Miguel Tel: (+503) 2661 0400


WHat to see and do in SAN MIGUEL San Miguel Carnival One of the most traditional Central American carnivals started forty-nine years ago –in 1958– in the city of San Miguel. Since then, year after year, Salvadorans gather to enjoy a fun environment that really touches fantasy limits.

Olomega Lagoon A place where many protected birds are found, called in the past Camalota for the abundant species of water grass called Calamote, is located 15 kilometers east of San Miguel. Take a boat ride and admire the beauty of this beautiful lagoon. At its south are two small islands where it is possible to disembark and spend some good time there.



Las Tunas beach sunset

DEPARTMENT OF LA Unión WHERE TO GO IN LA UNIÓN The city of La Unión It is the capital city of the Department with the same name. It is the largest city in the Department with a population of almost 26,739 inhabitants. The biggest port of El Salvador has been built there. It is also the departure point for the boats that go to the islands in the Fonseca Gulf.

Tamarindo, Tunas, Playas Negras Beaches This is the area where the three beaches mentioned before meet. This means that different types of beaches are found within a small area. Las Tunas and Playas Negras are black sand beaches with rock formations creating small pools where it is possible to enjoy a natural swimming pool. Tamarindo is a


beach with estuary characteristics, little waves and constant depth. At Tamarindo, visitors can find boats to visit El Salvador´s east coast and the islands in the Fonseca Gulf.

WHERE TO STAY AND EAT IN LA UNIÓN Comfort Inn La Unión Km 2.8 Cale a Playitas, Carretera Panamericana, La Unión Tel: (+503) 2665 6565 Confortinn.launion@realhotel anresorts.com www.choicehotel .com Joyas del Golfo Isla de Meanguera Tel: (+503) 2648 2272 Hotel y Restaurante Playas Negras Carretera Litoral, desvió hacia El Tamarindo, Km 8, La Unión Tel: (+503) 7686 4948 Kpq84@hotmail.com



Torola Cabaña Club Km 175, Carretera Litoral, Torola, Las Tunas, Conchagua, La Unión Tel: (+503) 2681 5529 / 28 Hotel Tropi Tamarindo Playa El Tamarindo, La Unión Tel: (+503) 2649 5082 / 2682 1092 tropicoinn@yahoo.com www.hoelestropicoinn.com

WHat to see and do in LA UNIÓN

WESTERN REGION The western region of El Salvador is divided into three Departments. This area borders with Guatemala to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south, being its beaches very hot and at the higher part, very cool.

DEPARTMENT OF AHUACHAPÁN WHat to see and do in AHUACHAPÁN La Ruta de las Flores

The Beaches It is worthwhile to get lost in the beaches of Tamarindo, Playas Negras and Las Tunas and spend a relaxing weekend.

El Golfo de Fonseca The majestic and impressive Gulf of Fonseca, in the Pacific Ocean is shared between three countries: El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. From there to the horizon, Nicaraguan volcanoes can be seen. According to historical manuscripts, it was discovered in 1522 by the sea pilot major Gil González de Ávila. In those days, natives used to call this water inlet “Chorotega”; however, his Spaniard discoverer gave it the current name in homage to Fray Juan Rodríguez de Fonseca, former bishop of the Spanish city of Burgos and president of the Royal and Supreme Council of the Indies.

The five towns: Apaneca, Juaya, Ataco, Nahuizalco and Salcoatitan have been called the Flowers’s Route due to its pleasant weather and exuberant beauty. The drive takes the visitor through two Departments of the western part of the country: Sonsonate and Ahuachapán. It is about one and a half hours from San Salvador.

ATTENTION There are more details in the section of the Department of Sonsonate and the specific section of the Top 5 Itineraries.

National Park El Imposible

Isla de Meanguera

The National Park El Imposible is a forest relic of one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world: the Mountain Tropical Forest of the Mesoamerican Pacific slope. This is the last refuge of many animal and plant species that are threaten or endangered in El Salvador.

Upon arriving to the port, tourists can board a boat to transport themselves to the islands, arriving half an hour later. One of the spots is Martín Pérez Island, that despite being inhabited, according to visitors, has one of the best beaches of El Salvador due to the fact that there are not many currents or waves. At the Gulf is a larger island: Meanguera that has simple places to spend the night and from where beautiful sightseeing can be observed specially for those who want to enjoy nature.

As part of its attractiveness 350 species of trees, 500 different butterfly species, over 350 birds and about 30 mammals can be found, among them we can mention pumas, porcupines, tapirs, jaguars, foxes, hares, armadillos, bats, otters, auguti pacas, petezote, raccoons, ant eaters, cotuza, trigrillo, bores, ocelots, bears, etc. Decreed protected area in March 1989 this park has the greatest biodiversity of the country in its almost 5000 hectares.





Barra de Santiago Barra de Santiago is located 96 kilometers from San Salvador, south of the municipality of Jujutla in the Department of Ahuachapán on highway CA2W border with Guatemala. Beaches with beautiful natural landscape, with calm water suitable for navigation and to observe the surrounding mangrove forest and exotic birds, also at night the tourist can find sea turtles nesting in the beach. Enjoy the salty water from the estuary where it is possible to find people fishing or swimming. Inhabitants’ huts alternate with the private summer homes and with communities.

Ausoles de Ahuachapán (Ahuachapán Volcanic Steaming Springs) It is one of the most interesting volcanic phenomena in Central America. You can find the volcanic steaming spring or steaming geyser where electric energy is generated through geothermal energy.

WHERE TO STAY AND EAT IN AHUACHAPÁN El Imposible Ecolodge El Imposible Ecolodge is located in the Caserío San Miguelito, 800 meters from San Benito, entrance to the Imposible National Park. The ecolodge has 5 cabins for 6 persons each, with a twin bed, 2 bunker beds, private bath, closet, ventilation and sheets. The cabins have efficient solar energy service and were built with certified wood. Besides the Ecolodge, it has a restaurant, reception desk, rest area, natural water pool, laundry and gardens.

WHat to see and do IN AHUACHAPÁN Chorros de la Calera Waterfalls in Juayua To visit the Flowers’ Route is a sensorial experience. At the city of Juayua, within the Flowers’ Route is The Chorros de Calera. There are three marvelous and spectacular cascades that slide over rocks to rest on dikes where anyone can take a refreshing bath. It is spectacular! From the town plaza, where the beautiful church of Santa Lucía is located, for $1.00US per person take a moto-taxi or a 4X4 to drive you until the entrance gate. Then a 5 minute walk to take a bath in these pools and refresh yourself from the heat. Juayua is located 80 kilometers from San Salvador in the Department of Sonsonate.

The Impossible Forest Travel the paths accompanied by a guide who will show you rivers, springs, ravines and rocks of this beautiful place. The park has 25 park rangers that are well trained for the security and customer care of visitors. These guides would take you through ther three main routes, which all depart from the visitors’ center, Mixtepe, at the farmhouse. The first route goes to the Mule lookout, a 2.2 kilometers walk. The second route goes to Ixcanal and Cerro León Rivers an eight kilometers circuit and the third one to the Hooks and Sealed Rock of 7-10 kilometers long. Imposible may be a big challenge for some visitors

Municipio San Francisco Méndez, Ahuchapán Tel: (+503) 2279 1515 / 2411 5484 Evelyn@salvanatura.org www.salvanatura.org

Right page: Chorros de la Calera waterfall in Juayua (Mitur) Left page: Kayak in Paz river, Auachapán (Mitur)




Mountain biking at Cerro Verde, Sonsonate (Mitur)

even the short routes which the name “Imposible” (Impossible) derives from. Imposibletours is an agency dedicated to visits and walks to the Imposible.


ATTENTION To enter this site a visitor must request permission at the Fundación Ecológica de El Salvador (Salvanatura) offices. –Ecological Foundation of El Salvador. This park is located in the municipalities of San Francisco Menéndez, Ataco and Tacuba from the Department of Ahuachapán on highway CA-2W.


The City of Santa Ana Santa Ana is the second most important city of El Salvador and it is located in the western Department of the same name. Santa Ana is one of the best preserved historical centers of El Salvador. Among its main buildings are: the Santa Ana Cathedral, the National Theater, the Municipal Palace, to mention a few. The façade of the Santa Ana Cathedral was damaged by a lighting (it used to be a colonial church like the Temple of San Juan Apostol in Metapan or Panchimalco) and it was rebuilt with a different architectural style, Neo-



Chalchuapa in the Department of Santa Ana, 80 kilometers west of the capital. Tazumal is within the Chalchuapa archaeological area which extends approximately 10 square kilometers and where are also located the archeological sites of Pampe, Casa Blanca, El Trapiche and Las Victorias. Chalchuapa was the site where the Copan, Teotihuacan and Toltec influence was present. Tazumal comprises a series of ruins that were the scenery of an important and sophisticated Mayan settlement between the years 100-1200 AD and that was built by the Pocomans. The ruins include water drainage system, burials, pyramids, palaces and utensils. Tazumal was occupied for a long time 100 AD until 1200 AD, although its main development corresponds to the Classic period (200-900 AD).

Santa Ana’s Cathedral (Mitur)

After 900 AD the Toltec style pyramid was built and a possible ball court among others.

gothic. Its reconstruction began in 1905. Its status of parish was changed to that of Cathedral by Papal bull.

San Andrés Ruins

Archaeological Ruins ATTENTION Complementary information in the Top 5 Itineraries. El Salvador has interesting Mayan archaeological sites. Many people are unaware that the Mayan empire spread all the way to El Salvador. Among the principal ruins of the region are:

Tazumal Ruins Tazumal uins are located in the core of the city of

San Andrés is a pre-Hispanic site in El Salvador which its long occupation started around 900 AD as an agricultural town in the Zapotitan valley at the Department of La Libertad. This early settlement was abandon around the year 250 due to an enormous eruption of Lake Ilopango; it was resettled in the V century along with many other sites in the valley of Zapotitan. Between 600 and 900 AD, San Andrés was the capital of a Mayan dominium with seniority over other settlements on the Zapotitan Valley. How to get to San Andrés Ruins from the capital San Salvador: the road that leads to Santa Ana (toward Guatemalan border) toward Chalchuapa passes through the entrance of San Andrés Archeological site. San Andrés is located to the right hand side. Tazumal maya arqueolical site




Signaling is visible and it does not take more than 40 minutes to get there.

Lake Coatepeque Coatepeque volcano (now Lake Coatepeque) is the big brother of Santa Ana’s current volcano and father of the rest of the volcanoes that comprise this eruptive complex which left an enormous hole of approximately 20 kilometers wide and about two kilometers deep that began a long process of water capturing and underwater to convert it into a lake. Lake Coatepeque is located among the municipalities of Santa Ana, El Congo and Izalco at about 50 kilometers from San Salvador. It is a volcanic boiler with an approximate extension of 6,500 hectares, out of which 2,500 correspond to the water mirror (25 square kilometers). At its basis 20,000 people live in the area and an average of 5,000 tourists visit the lake a month.

National Park Montecristo The National Park Montecristo is located at 125 kilometers northwest of San Salvador. This is one of the most frequent trips for people with an adventurous spirit. Decreed National Park to protect flora and fauna, it was the first protected area in El Salvador. It is a nebulous forest located in the northwest region of El Salvador, very close to the border with Guatemala and Honduras at a point called “El Trifinio”, which covers 2,000 hectares and include important mountains: Montecristo, Miramundo and El Brujo with a maximum height of 2,418 meters above sea level. Montecristo Reserve offers camping infrastructure, a botanic garden and rustic paths to venture within the always humid dense foliage. Its best attractions are the enormous and lush trees of up to 30 meters tall, like cypress, oaks and pines and the fauna that inhabits there together with the orchids in the One Hundred Year Old Garden. While walking in the forest a person can also enjoy fauna characteristics of the park: black shrew, squirrels, porcupines, white tail deer and pumas (although, you must be very lucky to see one).

Getting to the forest requires a double transmission vehicle during the rainy season. Estimate three hours to get there from San Salvador. To enter the park it is necessary to request a permit from the MARN, (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources) 48 hours prior to the trip.

WHERE TO STAY AND EAT IN SANTA ANA Quinta Torino It is a Country House located in the Ecological Paradise at the Teopan Island in the Coatepeque Lake. Tel: (+503) 7860 8244 – U.S.A. (612) 424 3887 Fax: (+503) 2263 7780 www.islateopan.com Varadero Camping This is an excellent option for nature lovers Tel: (+503) 2411 4764 Hotel Torremolinos This is a family hotel with beautiful views of the Coatepeque Lake. It has 2 adult swimming pools and one for children. Tel: (+503) 2441 6037 Fax: (+503) 2447 3020 www.torremolinoslasgocoatepeque.com Tolteka Plaza Suites, Casino and Convention Center Final Av. Independencia Sur, Santa Ana Tel: (+503) 2479 0888

Coatepeque lake, with Izalco and Santa Ana volcanoes on the left side (Mitur)

Throughout the year, birds can be seen but there is a time in the year where up to 275 endemic species fly to the park avoiding the north cold.




WHat to see IN SANTA ANA Lake Coatepeque is an excellent place to practice guapote fishing, diving, jet skiing or boat riding.

DEPARTMENT OF SONSONATE WHat to see IN SONSONATE The Flowers’ Route The five towns: Apaneca, Juaya, Ataco, Nahuizalco and Salcoatitan have been called the Flowers’s Route due to its pleasant weather and exuberant beauty. The drive takes the visitor through two Departments of the western part of the country: Sonsonate and Ahuachapán and is about one and a half hours from San Salvador.

Ciusnahuat church in Sonsonate (Mitur)

camping areas, communal cabins, excellent lookouts and a path to climb Santa Ana Volcano.

Beaches Volcano Complex It demarcates with the Santa Ana Department. To get there it is necessary to take the highway in the direction of Sonsonate and exit to the right after the town of Armenia. As the name implies, it is a series of volcanoes including: Lake Coatepeque, that originates from the volcano with the same name; more specifically: Izalco volcano: one of the world’s youngest volcanoes. It is still active since its formation in 1772 being its last eruption in 1957 its height is 1910 meters above sea level. Santa Ana Volcano or Ilamatepec: is the tallest of the Pacific volcanic range with 2365 meters above sea level; at the bottom of one of its craters is a small green emerald sulfur water lagoon with emanations of vapor and gases.

Cerro Verde The National Park with a height of 2030 meters above sea level and is connected to Santa Ana Volcano by a natural corridor called Meseta de San Blas that joins the two mountains. Natural Area Los Andes: beautiful landscapes, abundant trees and a great variety of orchids, birds, snakes and reptiles owned to the area. There are


Los Cóbanos Beautiful white sand beach located in the Department of Sonsonate, Los Cóbanos is formed by reefs. It is protected by the cliff remains that function as wave breakers. It is considered an excellent destination for scuba diving lovers. It is the best area of El Salvador.

WHERE TO STAY AND EAT IN SONSONATE Hotel Juayua Located in a privileged area of El Salvador within the Flowers’ Route, known for its delicious and fresh mountain weather with spectacular views of hills and volcanoes, this hotel is located here. Final 6a Av. Norte Tel: (+503) 7878 8011 / 2469 2109 hoteljuayua@gmail.com www.hoteljuayua.com/ Hotel and Restaurant Alicante It is located in the city of Ataco, “The Flowers’ Route” in the Department of Ahuachapán only one hour and 20 minutes of San Salvador. Km 93½, carretera entre Sonsonate y Ahuachapán, Concepción de Ataco Tel: (+503) 2433 0175 / 2433 0572 www.alicanteapaneca.com







Hotel and Restaurant Santa Lucía This beautiful 23 room hotel, centered of precious gardens, is located in the high plain of Apanaca. Km 86½ Carretera de Sonsonate hacia Apaneca, Ahuachapán Tel: (+503) 2433 0357 / 2433 0351 santaleticia@coffee.com.sv www.hotel antaleticia.com / www.coffee.com.sv Hotel El Jardín Celeste Km 94 Carretera Ataco-Apaneca Tel: (+503) 2433 0281 / 2433 0277 / 7505 8100 / 2413 9464 www.eljardindeceleste.com

Santa Leticia Apaneca - Tel: (+503) 2433 0351 Villas de Santo Domingo Ruta de las Flores Tel: (+503) 2263 2173 / 2450 5442 Café-Bar Tayua Delicious gourmet sandwiches carefully prepared Av. Central Norte 31a Calle Fray Pania, Ataco Tel: (+503) 7253 0108 / 7888 0223

Western Coast Hotel y Restaurante Las Cabañas de Apaneca Km 90½ Carretera hacia Ahuachapán, Apaneca Tel: (+503) 2433 0500 Casa Inta Concepción de Ataco - Tel: (+503) 2223-0614 Colonial Hostal Apaneca - Tel: (+503) 2433 0662 Hotel Finca El Portezuelo Coffee Park Km 6 Antigua calle hacia Ahuachapán, Juayua Tel: (+503) 2263 2211 / 2245 2614 julio@akwaterra.com - www.akwaterra.com Finca Los Andes Apaneca - Tel: (+503) 2433 0429 Flores de Eloísa Apaneca Tel: (+503) 2433 0415 Hotel Miraflores 2ª Av. Norte Barrio San Nicolás, Tacuba, Los Naranjos - Tel: (+503) 2417 4746 Kaltepet Los Naranjos - Tel: (+503) 2448 1044 Hotel y Restaurante Las Cabañas de Tacuba 50 metros de la Alcaldía Municipal, Tacuba, Ahuachapán - Tel: (+503) 2417 4332 info@lacabanadetacuba.com www.lacabanadetacuba.com

Las Veraneras Golf, Villas & Resort It is a special place to have a good time, surrounded by vegetation, comfortable rooms, an excellent golf field, a beautiful golden sand beach, all in a fun environment at the pools and the Club de Playa and Country restaurants. Carretera a los Cóbanos Km 88½ Playa los Cóbanos Tel: (+503) 2420 5000 / 7911 3362 mariaelena@lasveraneras.com.sv www.lasveraneras.com.sv / www. lasveraanerasresort.com Hotel Royal Decameron Salinitas Hotel Royal Decameron Salinitas offers all inclusive fantastic holidays to experience the pure Mayan flavor. It is located in the Pacific Coast of El Salvador; only 50 minutes away from San Salvador and 2 hours from the airport. This hotel embodies Salvadoran culture in its architectural art using many Mayan statues scattered throughout the property. Carretera del Litoral Km 84 Salinitas, Acajutla, Sonsonate Tel: (+503) 2209 3200 / 2209 3000 / 2429 9000 reservas@decameron.com.sv www.decameron.com.sv Las Veraneras Golf Club (Mitur)

Restaurante Paso de Alaska Los Naranjos - Tel: (+503) 2415 6652

Previous page: Guija, in the Santa Ana Department, close to the border with Guatemala (Mitur)




El Capricho Beach House Hotel Only 3 kilometers from the fishing town of La Barra de Santiago, located west of El Salvador, one can find the Capricho Beach House. Its unique location, close to the tip of the peninsula, with access to the Pacific Ocean and the estuary, make this place ideal to rest and enjoy nature. For more information, contact Ximena’s Guest House in San Salvador Playa La Barra de Santiago, Sonsonate Tel: (+503) 2260 2481 / 2260 7475 ximenasguesthouse@gmail.com www.ximenasguesthouse.com Las Delicias Costa Azul - Tel: (+503) 2229 1554

Ahuachapán. This resort is equipped with ECO concept which is shown in every object and in each corner of the place. Tel: (+503) 2245 3691 / 7359 5238 Fax: (+503) 2245 3691 www.lacocoteraresort.com Restaurant Acajutla Carretera a San Salvador Km 63½, Quinta de San Julián, Sonsonate Tel: (+503) 2451 2322 - www.acajutlaseafood.com Hotel and Restaurant Kilo 2 Carretera hacia Acajutla Km 2, Sonsonate Tel: (+503) 2452 3192 santimonia@navegante.com.sv

Vista al Mar Metalio - Tel: (+503) 2460 9041

WHat to see IN THE Western coast

Oasis Salinitas Tel: (+503) 2420 5265 Mobile: (+503) 7111 7113 La Parlama Beach Lodge Salinita, Sonsonate Tel: (+503) 2298 6558 / 7883 2700 Los Cóbanos Village Lodge Beachfront hotel at Los Cóbanos beach with twolevel wooden cabins; room on the second floor have beautiful view of the ocean. Playa Los Cóbanos, Comunidad Punta Remedios, Acajutla, Sonsonate Tel: (+503) 2420 5248 / 7887 1308 info@loscobanos.com www.loscobanos.com Rancho Costa Azul A Ranch with a view of the beach and access to the estuary. It is located at La Barra de Santiago and has 6 rooms with private bathroom, air-conditioning and pool. It is suitable for 23 people. It is completely equipped and the guests only have to bring their food and beverages. Barra de Santiago is a protected area located in the Department of Ahuachapán near the port of Acajutla at the border with Guatemala and the National Wood El Imposible. Tel: (+503) 2248 2267 - Fax: (+503) 2124 8975 La Cocotera Resort and Eco-Lodge La Cocotera Resort and Eco-Lodge became the touristic anchor for Barra de Santiago, the ideal place to enjoy Cuscatlecan paradise. It is located at Km 99 at the end of the Main Street and 39 Avenue in the municipality of Jujutla, Barra de Santiago,


For those people who want to climb the Izalco or Santa Ana Volcano, it is mandatory to do it with official guides and the tourist police are ready every day from 11:00 a.m. to begin the walk. It is necessary to pay a small fee for entering with a vehicle to a natural area, another fee for each person and other one for the guide.

ATTENTION It is recommended to arrive 30 minutes early. El Cerro Verde is ideal for climbing, practicing eco-tourism, hiking, bird watching, horseback riding and camping. Los Cóbanos is the best place in El Salvador for diving. It is formed by reefs and protected by cliff remains that work as wave breakers. Oceanica and El Salvador Divers are the best two diving schools for those people who want to obtain their PADI certification or go diving to los Cóbanos. At Barra de Santiago fishing is abundant and canoe or “Cayucos” navigation propelled by rows make it an unforgettable trip. Inhabitants’ huts alternate with the private summer homes and with communities. Golf If your favorite sport is golf, try playing at Las Veraneras Resort with an 18-hole field.



Colorful flowers can be inspiring

Flowers’ Route


A nice drive from Sonsonate to Ahuachapán, which comprises five destinations full of cultural traditions, history, archeological sites, natural attractions, excellent gastronomy, nice weather and beautiful coffee landscaping.

An attractive city whose name means “river of purple orchids”. It has pleasant weather and a pretty church where the Black Christ is venerated. It comprises incomparable natural beauty places such Los Chorros de la Calera natural pools.



70 Kms from San Salvador, its Nahuat name means “the Four Izalcos”, since it was founded by four families from Izalco town. It is a town with indigenous traditions, which its main attractions are the night market and handcrafts shops and stores.

El Salvador’s coffee zone by excellence, where the best quality worldwide is produced. The surroundings hava majestic landscaping and a 2,600 year-old Apaneca Mountains

Salcoatitán “The City of Quetzalcoatl” is a small coffee town. Its main attraction is its colonial church located in front of the picturesque Central Park where the gastronomic festival is held.




Los Naranjos

archaeological site. Visit Laguna Verde (Green Lagoon) and Laguna de las Ninfas (Nymphs Lagoon).

Concepción de Ataco Spend a night in a cabin in Perkin

Better known as Ataco, it is a beautiful town in the heart of the Apaneca mountain range. It has excellent restaurants where visitors can enjoy gourmet sandwiches and lodge at comfortable accommodations. You can visit the Cruz del Cielito Lindo and La Cruz del Chico.

important town and has numerous lodging places and restaurants. Do not miss Perquin Hill, Cueva del Ratón (The Mouse Cave), the Llano del Muerto (The Plain of the Death) and the camping area Bailadero del Diablo (The Devil’s Dance Place). The Cascada del Perol (The Cascade of the Pot) is located at 10 minutes from Perkin, where you can bathe in its different depth fresh water pools.

Villa del Rosario This is a picturesque little town where the walk to the Araute river’s 30-meter impressive waterfall begins.

Arambala Peace Route in Morazán Department

Peace Route It is located in the Department of Morazán, a real natural paradise. On this route, one can live the experience and learn the history of the 80’s because it was the place controlled by the guerrilla forces and was its principal headquarters. This route includes towns with indigenous traditions, live nature, pure air, crystal springs that flow from rivers such El Sapo, with cascades and pools to bathe. It is definitely a charming place.

This town is rich in resources and perfect for natural tourism and enjoy beautiful landscaping. It has fresh weather because of the sub-tropical humid forest. Horseman in Juayua (Mitur)

Perquin/Perkin It is a little town surrounded by coffee and green pine trees and mountain weather. This is the most





Cacaopera This town has a colonial church dating back to 1666 with 5-meter-width walls, nearby there is the belfry with three bronze bells from 1721.

Corinto Hot town located in the Cacahuatique-Coroban range at the Grutas del Espíritu (The Spirit’s Grotto) ,the main example of cave painting of the country is located here.

Sun coast (Mitur)

All beaches in El Salvador have excellent access. Throughout this beach route, from east to west, visitors can find many restaurants serving fresh seafood such as oysters, lobsters, shrimp, fish, squid, octopus, snails and others, which can be accompanied with coconut milk, tangerine juice or any other tasty beverage.

El Sapo river, ideal to go for a swim in its pools

El Salvador offers its visitors 300 kilometers of beautiful beaches, perfect for surfing such as Sunzal and La Paz (Punta Roca). Other beaches that are good for surfing are: Zonte, La Perla, Punta Mango and others. On the coast of El Salvador there is a nice gulf in the eastern border of the country at the Department of La Unión, bordering with Honduras and Nicaragua, called Fonseca Gulf. Meanguera Island is here and it can be accessed from Port of La Unión.

Moreover, accommodation is guaranteed with the ample boutique type hotel offer, besides having services such as beach clubs, kayak and boat rentals; surf and diving centers. There are over 45 beaches from west to east with warm water and the Pacific Ocean´s white foam.

Mountains in Morazán

There are three mangrove woods, in the Barra de Santiago, Jaltepeque and Jiquilisco Bay places where water skiing, swimming, sailing, kayaking, diving, fishing and other water sports can be practiced, as well as going to the sea through their deltas. The Green Lake of Apaneca




300 kms of coast full of beaches

Mangrove swamp at Sun Coast, La Paz (Mitur)

Would you like to enjoy kayaking in the Jiquilisco Bay?




Western Zone

Central Zone El Zonte Beach

La Barra de Santiago Beach It is ideal to surf. Located in the Department of Ahuachapรกn, it has a mangrove wood where kayaking, sailing, ocean water skiing and other ocean activities can be enjoyed.

El Sunzal Beach It is considered by specialized media as one of the best beaches for surfing. It is excellent low depth diving which allows observing the rocky ocean bed.

El Tunco Beach Backpacker and hippy ambiance at this dynamic beach to the side and walking distance from Sunzal for those who want to stay here and surf there; on weekends it is very lively and great for going out at night.

La Paz Beach Finding birds is common along the whole coastal line

Destination for surf lovers due to the quality of waves, Central American level competitions are held here; it is very close to La Libertad.

Metalio Beach Typical black sand and warm water beach, it is the ideal place for photographers who appreciate sun set colors.

Eastern Zone Jiquilisco Bay

Los Cรณbanos Beach It is a beautiful beach of coral reef and white sand. It is the ideal destination and the best place in the country for scuba diving, Outings are from Port of Acajutla and there is international chains hotel offer and golf club in the surroundings.

Mangrove area, salty woods and beaches, refuge of birds like herons, seagulls and others. This place has been classified as a Biosphere Reserve (Ramsar), as well as the Olomega Lagoon to the east.

ATTENTION Contact in advance your scuba diving outing at San Salvador agencies.

Jiquilisco Bay (Mitur)

It is ideal for all types of water sports. From the Marina of the Barillas Club numerous outings to the mangroves. To do: bird and spider monkey watching.




El Espino Beach With more than 10 kilometers of length, it is one of the most extensive beaches in El Salvador.

VOLCANOES ROUTE The spine of El Salvador is a volcanic range that crosses the country from east to west where most of its volcanoes are still active.

Las Flores Beach

ATTENTION It is excellent to practice surf and very quiet due to the fact that is closed by rocks. It is accessed through El Cuco beach. Hotel las Flores and Miraflores are the ideal places to relax.

These volcanoes may also have Nahuat names.

Volcano Complex Cuco Beach Beautiful black sand beach and gentle swell it is well prepared for tourists with infrastructure.

Tamarindo, Playas Negras and Las Tunas Beaches Enormous area that gathers three beaches each one with a different environment. El Tamarindo has mangroves, very little waves and low depth; it is from there that boats depart to visit the east coast and can even take you to the Fonseca Gulf. Playas Negras and Tunas are black sand beaches with rocky formations creating natural pools.

Fonseca Gulf Between the border of El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, the Pacific Ocean forms Fonseca Gulf which was discovered in 1522. In the heart of the Gulf there is a group of volcanic islands which include: Zacate, El Tigre, Gueguensi and Exposicion that belong to Honduras; Rocas Desnudas, Aislas and Los Farallones belong to Nicaragua; Meanguera and Meanguerita (Pirigallo), Conchaguita, Punta Zacate, Martín Pérez and some other small ones that belong to El Salvador.

In this complex Izalco Volcano (1910 meter above sea level); Santa Ana (or Ilamatepec) 2365 meters above sea level; Cerro Verde 2,030 meters above sea level are all found; the old Coatepeque volcano now a lake and San Marcelino Volcano 1200 meters above sea level. Santa Ana is the tallest one, but is climbable faster than Izalco. It takes one and a half hour, at the most to climb Santa Ana and two for Izalco with a most pronounced steep of the latter one. At their tops impressive views of great part of the Salvadoran territory can be seen. Just to see the sulfur water lagoon in the interior of Santa Ana’s crater is worth climbing it. Its last eruption was in 2005, of only ashes. Izalco is one of the youngest volcanoes in the country with its last eruption in 1966. Expeditions to both volcanoes start in Cerro Verde every day at 11:00 a.m. accompanied by Politur and a mandatory local guide.

San Salvador Volcano or Quetzaltepeque The capital of El Salvador is dominated by the silhouette of this 1,893 meters above sea level volcano. It is considered active but dormant; spectacular views of the country can be seen from up top. At its summit there are exotic flower plantations, wild flowers, cypress, pine trees and coffee plantations. It crater is known as the Boquerón and its last eruption was in 1917.

Guazapa Volcano (1,420 above sea level) Also called “cerro Guazapa” (Guazapa Hill), not many know that it is a volcano. To visit it, there are organized horseback rides departing from Suchitoto or Arguilares.




ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND COLONIAL ROUTE Joya de Cerén Declared World Heritage by UNESCO, this unique Mayan place in the world shows the daily life of indigenous Mayans; next to San Andrés’ ruins, about 45 minutes maximum from San Salvador.

San Andrés This site used to be an important ceremonial center and it is here where the first indigo workshop from the colonial period can be found.

Santa Ana Izalco Volcano during an airplane show (Mitur)

Located between the Departments of San Vicente and La Paz, this is a double peak volcano. One has a flat top at 2105 meters above sea level and the other is of conical shape of 2,181 meters above sea level. Between the two peaks there is a depression that used to be the crater. It is totally covered with vegetation and has not had any known eruptions, although it is not considered extinct because of the sulfur thermal water and steam coming from its base.

The second most important city of the country, its main attractive is its historical downtown that is a real architectural jewel.

Lake inside the Santa Ana volcano

This volcano is a total adventure. The best views of Fonseca Gulf, Jocotal Lagoon and parts of Jiquilisco Bay can be seen from its top. Considered active, this volcano, produces clouds of eruptive dust and ashes every now and then that pose no danger to visitors.

Conchagua Volcano It is considered extinct and is found at the foot of the Fonseca Gulf where the lava it threw in prehistoric times formed the current coast. This is the route that will take you through the main archaeological sites of El Salvador that were part of the Mayan world and some remains of the colonial period.




Chalchuapa It is the largest archeological area of the country at one hour from San Salvador.

Tazumal The city of Chalchuapa is an unavoidable destination for archeology lovers complete with two impressive pyramids. At the annex museum to the ruins, there are jade and pottery reproductions that are of general interest.

Casa Blanca Archeological site of the XV century, it also has an indigo dye shop.

Santiago Apóstol Church Its construction dates back to the XVIII century. It houses paintings framed in the colonial period, imagery, pictoric works and silverworks.

Planet Tours Av. La Revolución 3-A, Col. San Benito, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2505 0590 / 2505 0599 www.planettours.com.sv Eco Mayan Tours Paseo General Escalón, Local Nº 28, 3658, Col. Escalón Tel: (+503) 2298 2844 / 2235 5889 www.ecomayantours.com Explore El Salvador Calle El Níspero, Residencial Bosques de Santa Elena II, 26 - H Tel: (+503) 2257 7273 / 7736 6583 Fax: (+503) 2257 7273 www.explorelsalvador.com Avitours DMC El Salvador Centro Comercial El Amate, Local 2 - 5, Av. Masferrer 139, Col. Escalón, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2510 7619 / 2510 7620 Fax: (+503) 2265 8320 www.avitours.com.sv

Tour Operators Salvadorean Tours Centro Comercial Feria Rosa local 118-B, Carretera a Santa Tecla, Km 6, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2243 6113 / 2224 6159 Fax: (+503) 2243 6074 www.salvadoreantours.com El Salvador’s Ecolours Col. Escalón, 99 Av. Nte. y 9 Cl Poniente, Condominio Villa Real, Apto. 1, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2512 9039 / 2274 7580 www.conservi.com.sv

SOL&TOURS El Salvador Av. Las Amapolas, Villas de San Francisco I, Local 9 y 10 Col. San Mateo, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2101 2400 Fax: (+503) 2298 6385 www.solytours.com Discovery Club de Viajes Internacionales Alameda Roosvelt 2838 y 55 Av. Norte, San Salvador Tel: (+503) 2517 6191







ANEP – www.anep.org.sv ASI – www.asi.com.sv Banco Mundial – www.bancomundial.org Banco Central de Reserva – www.bcr.com.sv CIA Word Factbook - https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ Cámara de Comercio e Industria - www.camarasal.com CAMTEX – www.camtex.com.sv CAMAGRO – www.new.camagro.com CASALCO – www.casalco.org.sv Diario Colatino – www.diariocolatino.com EPRIDEX – www.epridex.org El Diario de Hoy – www.elsalvador.com El Faro – www.elfaro.net El Mundo – www.elmundo.com.sv El Salvador Destinos – www.elsalvadordestinos.com Exporta – www.export.gob.sv FUSADES – www.fusades.com.sv Google – www.google.com.sv La Prensa Gráfica – www.laprensagrafica.com Ministerio de Hacienda - www.mh.gob.sv Ministerio de Economía – www.minec.gob.sv Ministerio de Turismo – www.mitur.gob.sv / www.elsalvador.travel ONU – www.nacionesunidas.org.sv Oficina Comercial de España – www.oficinascomerciales.es / www.icex.es PROESA – www.proesa.com.sv PNUD – www.pnud.org.sv World Investment News - www.winne.com Wikipedia - www.wikipedia.org

El Tamarindo Beach in the Orient (Mitur)






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