RMU Senior Portfolio

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Senior Portfolio Name: Ebony Allen Major: Graphic Design Concentration: Illustration

Do not judge a book by its cover

Illustration Photography Magazine Fine Arts Publication

Ebony Allen



My Illustrations convey motion


My photography express color balance


My Magazine delivers inspiration

Fine Arts

My Fine Arts influence creative thoughts

Rocsta Moral By Ebony Allen and Jason Smithart

On the left side of the triangle, which I call the “dark days”, I have the grim reaper feeding the Zodiac Chinese animals from the forbidden tree. Design process level I wanted a prominent color to stand out to represent the darker side of the painting. I chose red to represent the conscienceless, immoral and degenerations of the painting. This represents the darker side of my client’s music.

On the right side of the triangle, which I like the most is call “prosperous future”, it represents music taken over the universe. The non-geometrical painting help the circular shapes become more concentrated and condensate then its’ opposite side. I choose the color green to indicate the values of growth, profit, and technology. This also represents the lighter side of my client’s music. The guitar is releasing massive thunderbolts to create the brightness from the sun, which indicate the living human aspect ambitions, accomplishments, and determinations for success in life.


My publication informs the masses

Commiment 2 Fitness

Motif-E Design Business Card


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