Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 2010.chm

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Davidson's Principles & Practice of Medicine, 21e [Vishal] Cover I. Principles of Medicine 1. Good Medical Practice Medical Practice Medical Ethics Personal & Professional Development Complementary & Alternative Medicine 2. Therapeutics & Good Prescribing What Makes a Good Prescriber? Basic Principles of Pharmacology Relevant to Prescribing The Balance of Benefit & Harm in Drug Therapy Evidence-Based Medicine in Drug Therapy Drug Discovery & Development Practical Prescribing Adverse Drug Reactions Drug Interactions Writing a Drug Prescription Drug Nomenclature Monitoring Drug Therapy 3. Molecular & Genetic Factors in Disease Functional Anatomy & Physiology Genetic Disease & Inheritance Investigation of Genetic Disease Presenting Problems in Genetic Disease Major Categories of Genetic Disease Genetic Counselling Genetics of Common Diseases Research Frontiers in Molecular Medicine 4. Immunological Factors in Disease Functional Anatomy & Physiology of the Immune System Immune Deficiency The Inflammatory Response Autoimmune Disease Allergy Transplantation & Graft Rejection 5. Environmental & Nutritional Factors in Disease Principles & Investigation of Environmental Factors in Disease Environmental Diseases Principles & Investigation of Nutritional Factors in Disease Presenting Problems of Altered Energy Balance Diseases of Vitamins & Minerals 6. Principles of Infectious Disease Infectious Agents Normal Flora

Host-Pathogen Interactions Investigation of Infection Epidemiology of Infection Control & Prevention of Infection Treatment of Infectious Diseases 7. Ageing & Disease Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Demography Functional Anatomy & Physiology Investigations Presenting Problems in Geriatric Medicine Rehabilitation II. Practice of Medicine 8. Critical Illness Clinical Examination of the Critically Ill Patient Physiology of Critical Illness Recognition & Assessment of the Critically Ill Patient Presenting Problems in Critical Illness General Principles of Critical Care Management Management of Major Organ Failure Discharge from Intensive Care Scoring Systems in Intensive Care Outcome of Intensive Care 9. Poisoning Comprehensive Evaluation of the Poisoned Patient Evaluation of the Envenomed Patient General Approach to the Poisoned Patient Poisoning by Specific Pharmaceutical Agents Drugs of Misuse Chemicals & Pesticides Environmental Poisoning & Illness Substances Less Commonly Taken in Overdose Envenoming 10. Medical Psychiatry Classification of Psychiatric Disorders Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorders Aetiology of Psychiatric Disorders Diagnosing Psychiatric Disorders Presenting Problems in Psychiatric Illness Treating Psychiatric Disorders Psychiatric Disorders Psychiatry & the Law 11. Oncology Clinical Examination of the Cancer Patient Functional Anatomy & Pathophysiology

Environmental & Genetic Determinants of Cancer Investigations Presenting Problems in Oncology Emergency Complications of Cancer Metastatic Disease Therapeutics in Oncology Specific Cancers 12. Pain Management & Palliative Care Pain Palliative Care The Dying Phase 13. Infectious Disease Clinical Examination of Patients with Infectious Disease Presenting Problems in Infectious Diseases Viral Infections Prion Diseases Bacterial Infections Protozoal Infections Infections Caused by Helminths Ectoparasites Fungal Infections 14. HIV Infection & Aids Clinical Examination in HIV Infection Epidemiology & Biology of HIV Natural History & Classification of HIV Presenting Problems in HIV Infection Management of HIV 15. Sexually Transmitted Infections Clinical Examination in Men Clinical Examination in Women Approach to Patients with a Suspected STI Presenting Problems in Men Presenting Problems in Women Prevention of STI Sexually Transmitted Bacterial Infections Sexually Transmitted Viral Infections 16. Clinical Biochemistry & Metabolism Biochemical Investigations Integrated Water & Electrolyte Balance Disorders of Sodium Balance Disorders of Water Balance Disorders of Potassium Balance Disorders of Acid-Base Balance Disorders of Divalent Ion Metabolism Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism

Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorders of Complex Lipid Metabolism Disorders of Blood Lipids & Lipoproteins Disorders of Haem Metabolism: The Porphyrias 17. Kidney & Urinary Tract Disease Clinical Examination of the Kidney & Urinary Tract Functional Anatomy & Physiology Investigation of Renal & Urinary Tract Disease Presenting Problems in Renal & Urinary Tract Disease Renal Replacement Therapy Renal Vascular Diseases Glomerular Diseases Tubulo-Interstitial Diseases Diseases of the Collecting System & Ureters Diseases of the Lower Genitourinary Tract Diseases of the Prostate Gland Tumours of the Kidney & Urinary Tract Renal Involvement in Systemic Conditions Drugs & the Kidney 18. Cardiovascular Disease Clinical Examination of the Cardiovascular System Functional Anatomy & Physiology Investigation of Cardiovascular Disease Therapeutic Procedures Presenting Problems in Cardiovascular Disease Disorders of Heart Rate, Rhythm & Conduction Atherosclerosis Coronary Heart Disease Vascular Disease Diseases of the Heart Valves Congenital Heart Disease Diseases of the Myocardium Diseases of the Pericardium 19. Respiratory Disease Clinical Examination of the Respiratory System Functional Anatomy & Physiology Investigation of Respiratory Disease Presenting Problems in Respiratory Disease Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases Infections of the Respiratory System Tumours of the Bronchus & Lung Interstitial & Infiltrative Pulmonary Diseases Pulmonary Vascular Disease Diseases of the Upper Airway Diseases of the Pleura, Diaphragm & Chest Wall

20. Endocrine Disease Clinical Examination in Endocrine Disease An Overview of Endocrinology The Thyroid Gland The Reproductive System The Parathyroid Glands The Adrenal Glands The Endocrine Pancreas & Gastrointestinal Tract The Hypothalamus & the Pituitary Gland Diseases Affecting Multiple Endocrine Glands 21. Diabetes Mellitus Clinical Examination of the Patient with Diabetes Functional Anatomy & Physiology Investigations Presenting Problems in Diabetes Mellitus Management of Diabetes Long-Term Complications of Diabetes 22. Alimentary Tract & Pancreatic Disease Clinical Examination of the Gastrointestinal Tract Functional Anatomy & Physiology Investigation of Gastrointestinal Disease Presenting Problems in Gastrointestinal Disease Diseases of the Mouth & Salivary Glands Diseases of the Oesophagus Diseases of the Stomach & Duodenum Diseases of the Small Intestine Diseases of the Pancreas Inflammatory Bowel Disease Irritable Bowel Syndrome AIDS & the Gastrointestinal Tract Ischaemic Gut Injury Disorders of the Colon & Rectum 23. Liver & Biliary Tract Disease Clinical Examination of the Abdomen for Liver & Biliary Disease Functional Anatomy & Physiology Investigation of Hepatobiliary Disease Presenting Problems in Liver Disease Cirrhosis Portal Hypertension Infections & the Liver Alcoholic Liver Disease Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Drugs, Toxins & the Liver Inherited Liver Diseases Autoimmune Hepatitis

Intrahepatic Biliary Diseases Liver Tumours & Focal Liver Lesions Vascular Liver Diseases Pregnancy & the Liver Liver Transplantation Gallbladder & Extrahepatic Biliary Disease 24. Blood Disease Clinical Examination in Blood Disease Functional Anatomy & Physiology Investigation of Diseases of the Blood Presenting Problems in Blood Disease Blood Products & Transfusion Bone Marrow & Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation Anticoagulant & Antithrombotic Therapy Anaemias Haemoglobinopathies Haematological Malignancies Aplastic Anaemia Myeloproliferative Disorders Bleeding Disorders Thrombotic Disorders 25. Musculoskeletal Disease Clinical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System Functional Anatomy & Physiology Investigation of Musculoskeletal Disease Presenting Problems in Musculoskeletal Disease Principles of Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders Osteoarthritis Inflammatory Joint Disease Fibromyalgia Systemic Connective Tissue Disease Systemic Vasculitis Diseases of Bone Musculoskeletal Presentations of Disease in Other Systems Miscellaneous Conditions 26. Neurological Disease Clinical Examination of the Nervous System Functional Anatomy & Physiology Investigation of Neurological Disease Presenting Problems in Neurological Disease Headache Syndromes Vestibular Disorders Epilepsy Disorders of Sleep Cerebrovascular Disease

Inflammatory Diseases Neurodegenerative Diseases Infections of the Nervous System Intracranial Mass Lesions & Raised Intracranial Pressure Disorders of the Spine & Spinal Cord Diseases of Peripheral Nerves Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction Diseases of Muscle 27. Skin Disease Clinical Examination in Skin Disease Functional Anatomy & Physiology Investigations & Specialised Examination Presenting Problems in Skin Disease Topical Treatment of Skin Disease Dermatological Surgery Eczema Psoriasis & Other Erythematous Scaly Eruptions Lichen Planus & Lichenoid Eruptions Urticaria Acne & Rosacea Common Skin Infections & Infestations Bullous Disorders Skin Tumours Skin Problems in General Medicine Drug Eruptions Leg Ulcers Hair Disorders Nail Disorders 28. Laboratory Reference Ranges Notes on the International System of Units (SI Units) Laboratory Values


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