The Amazon – a case study of deforestation Learning Objective: To identify patterns of deforestation in the Amazon (3) To identify the causes of deforestation (4) To describe the causes of deforestation in the Amazon (5) To explain impacts of deforestation in the Amazon (6) To evaluate the impacts of deforestation on people and the environment in the Amazon (7)
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
The Belo Monte dam site under construction
IN PAIRS 1. Describe the image 2. What impact has this dam development had upon the environment? 3. How would this affect nutrient and water cycles? 4. How does the image make you feel?
Can you think of any ways in which we use the rainforest? /watch?v=oA10-oZi4Xc Iceland advert
The Living W
Image Copyright og/2014/06/ Used with theBy kind Rob Gamesby permission of Phil Clarke-Hill
What is deforestation?
The Living W
1. Define the term deforestation 2. What effects does Deforestation have? 3. How does this impact on the nutrient and water cycle? 4. How might it impact on people?
By Rob Gamesby
Deforestation - Key terms (Causes and effects) Match these key terms up Challenge: Classify as CAUSES or EFFECTS of DEFORESTATION : (colour code them) Key term
The business of cutting down trees and transporting the logs to sawmills.
Selective logging
Removal of topsoil (top layer of soil that is most fertile as it is nutrient rich) faster than it can be replaced, due to natural (water and wind action), animal, and human activity.
Mineral extraction
The chopping down and removal of trees to clear an area of forest.
Commercial farming
A type of agriculture producing food and materials for the benefit only of the farmer and his family.
Subsistence farming
The cutting out of trees that are mature or inferior to encourage the growth of the remaining trees in a forest or wood.
The removal of solid mineral resources from the earth (ores e.g. iron, precious stones e.g. diamonds and solid fuels e.g. coal).
Soil erosion
Farming to sell produce for a profit to retailers or food processing companies.
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
The Battle for the Amazon Case study – complete all sections on the instruction sheet. What do you need to think about to make this a useful case study for you to revise from?
Tasks to be completed: Starting point More complex Challenging
• Make it revision friendly for you – add colour, photos, diagrams • Clear headings • Facts, place names to prove it’s a real place not just anywhere • Use the revision guide but do not rely on this on its own • Use cool geography online and AQA book page 74-81.
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
The Amazon forest - LOCATION Equator
Rivers of the Amazon
The Amazon Rainforest Biome
Chile Argentina
Tropic of Capricorn 23.5°
Map © WWF
© Rob Gamesby
Internet research and cool geography online
1. Describe the location of the Amazon forest, mention the countries it lies within, its latitude and size. 2. Now describe the location of DEFORESTED areas in red
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
The Amazon Rainforest Biome Equator
Rivers of the Amazon
Chile Argentina
Tropic of Capricorn 23.5°
Did you know? There are over 300 dams built, under construction or in the planning stage in the Amazon
What impact would this have on the environment and people who love there?
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Rates and areas of deforestation
Use the graph to explain the rates of deforestation in the Amazon. How much has been lost? What is the general trend? Which year saw the highest loss? Which year did deforestation decline?
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Where has deforestation taken place? Use compass points and country names to explain forest loss.
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Rates of decline • • • •
Explain rates of deforestation - where has deforestation taken place? - how much land has been lost in total? - how do current rates of deforestation compare to historical rates of loss? • Use statistics, graphs and maps
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Kahoot! Starter: Surface- log into Kahoot on tropical rainforests
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Causes of deforestation • Martin Kemp: deforestation
As you watch the video: • Make notes on causes of deforestation in the Amazon • Note down any statistics about the Amazon rainforest
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Causes and Impacts of deforestation in The Brazilian rainforest Brazil occupies a huge lowland basin drained by the Amazon and its tributaries.
It is evident that most of the clearance has taken place to the south of the Amazon. This is the part that it most accessible from Brazil's major cities. Forest uses: • Indigenous people/tribes: harvest fruit and nuts, wood for fuel/timber, cures for illnesses and small scale farming. • Slash and burn: when the soil in one area becomes exhausted, the tribe moves on to farm elsewhere. Once abandoned, the forest is able to regenerate. Also known as shifting cultivation. NB: human use of the rainforest does not always lead to deforestation, but in many cases it leads to forest degradation. This is where the forest ecosystem is changed in a negative way and its supply of resources declines.
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Causes • • • • • •
AQA textbook pages, revision guide, cool geography online and internet research
Subsistence and commercial farming Explain what each of these Logging are and how they cause deforestation of the Road building Amazon rainforest. Remember to include Mineral extraction specific examples, names and figures Energy development Settlement and population growth Extension: which of these contributes to the biggest loss of land in the Amazon?
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Starter • Tropical rainforest layer starter
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Impacts of deforestation • National Geographic 101
• • • •
As you watch the video What are the impacts on the forest? What are the impacts on people? Note down some key figures
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
The facts • Trees and soil in rainforests absorb and store carbon • It is estimated up to 20% of carbon dioxide in the world that is contributing to climate change comes from the rainforests • This is mainly because of burning areas of rainforest to clear them and the loss of carbon absorption from cutting them down
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Impacts of deforestation • Global Local Global Warming
Decline of indigenous tribes
Loss of biodiversity
Soil erosion
River pollution
Local climate change
Climate change vs. Global warming • The altering of the Earth’s climate used to be called global warming however, it is now accepted that not all areas of the world will become warmer • People now refer to this change as climate change
What is the greenhouse effect? • The greenhouse effect is the way the earth traps the suns heat. • Without the greenhouse effect the world would be about 30⁰c colder and humans and animals would not be able to live.
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
The greenhouse effect
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
The enhanced greenhouse effect • The enhanced greenhouse effect means that the earth is getting ___________. This is because the _____________ of __________ _________ around the _____________ is getting thicker. • It is getting thicker because more greenhouse gases have been added to the layer as there is more __________ and ______ being produced by cows and __________. Layer
warmer earth
methane greenhouse gases
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Climate Change The enhanced greenhouse effect is leading to a change in Earth’s climate known as ‘climate change’. Scientists have evidence that shows that the atmosphere is getting warmer. &feature=related
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Rainforests and climate change • It is now estimated that 20% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is as a result of rainforest deforestation. This is because of burning the wood and the loss of trees which absorb the carbon in our atmosphere.
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Impacts • • • • •
Soil erosion Loss of biodiversity Contribution to climate change Economic development Loss of tribal land
Economic impacts
Environmental impacts
The Living W
AQA textbook pages, revision guide, cool geography online and internet research 1. Explain each impact in detail. Is it a local or global impact? 2. Separate into economic and environmental impacts Remember to include specific examples, names and figures Extension: which is the biggest impact in your opinion and why?
By Rob Gamesby
The Battle for the Amazon 1. Make rough notes on the questions as the videos play and use them later on to help complete the case study task
2. 3. 4. 5.
What are the FEATURES of the Amazon rainforest? What are the Causes of deforestation? What is the SEQUENCE or process of deforestation? What problems could the BR163 pose? What problems do IBAMA face?
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Pros and cons of deforestation Advantages Economic development
Read through your notes, textbook, revision guide and research. List all the advantages and disadvantages of deforestation
Disadvantages Forests could be lost forever in 100 years
Remember to include specific examples, names and figures
Separate into local and global advantages and disadvantages
The Living W
Extension: in your opinion, which is the most important advantage and disadvantage and why?
By Rob Gamesby
Opinion line - What do you think? • Deforestation is necessary and should continue
• The benefits of deforestation outweigh the impacts • Without deforestation there would not be enough jobs in countries like Peru • We can avoid deforestation and therefore should stop it completely
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Exam practice Assess whether you think the benefits of deforestation outweigh the negative impacts.
Assess= evaluate the benefits Remember: to separate into social, and negatives of something economic and environmental and come to a conclusion impacts Deforestation= the cutting down and removal of trees Benefits= the advantages of deforestation Structure Paragraph 1: define key terms Negatives= the Paragraph 2: benefits of deforestation disadvantages of Paragraph 3: negatives of deforestation Paragraph 4: conclusion- are there more deforestation negatives of benefits of deforestation and why
The Living W
(link to command word)
By Rob Gamesby
(Level 5) Write a paragraph which explains your point of view.
Challenge yourself to justify your point of view by counterarguing. I believe that deforestation is ________________
For example_______________________________ ________________________________________ Trade Valuable Development Unique ________________________________________ Improve Future This means _______________________________ However Furthermore ________________________________________ Despite In addition ________________________________________ Some people believe that deforestation is ________ I would challenge this point of view because_______
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby
Discursive writing mark scheme • Definition of deforestation • Named some countries/continents where deforestation is occurring • Provided opinion-clearly stated if deforestation is good or bad • Provided at least 3 reasons to back up their argument • Provided at least 2 reasons to acknowledge the other side of the argument • Discussed both sides of the argument – deforestation is both good/bad? • Used specific facts/figures to help detail answers WWW
The Living W
By Rob Gamesby