Thinking skills equip our pupils to be effective learners at school, university and beyond.
Thinking skills equip our pupils to be effective learners at school, university and beyond.
Scholarship and Curiosity
Tolerance and Collaboration
Reflection and Responsibility
Our skills curriculum works with the Learning Skills Trust to integrate our Learning Habits into the curriculum.
Students are required to:
Develop a new skill
Collaborate on a project
Work on a community initiative
Design, conduct and analyse an ambitious research project
This is then accredited by the skills development framework at Bronze, Silver and Gold level.
A modern, personalised, digital dashboard that enables pupils and teachers to track progress and observe patterns in attitudes and success in learning. Performance Learning measures pupils' perceptions and allows us to track the correlation between attitude skills and their performance. Integrated with personalised pastoral care and academic support.
Happy pupils perform better in school and in life
Knowledge Artisans; Our teachers nurture the cognitive habits that enable our pupils to develop the cognitive skills and techniques that they keep in a carefully curated ‘mental toolbox’.