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Course Overview and Content: GCSE English Literature
Future pathways
This is a linear course leading to two examinations:
Paper 1: Shakespeare and 19th Century Fiction: Pupils study a Shakespeare play 'Macbeth' and a 19th century prose text. They are required to examine an extract closely and then consider how it illuminates the whole text (1 hour 30 minutes)
Paper 2: Modern Literature: Pupils study 'An Inspector Calls' and the Power and Conflict cluster from the AQA Anthology ‘Poems Past and Present’ . They will also analyse an unseen poem (2 hour 15 minutes)
During the course, students may have the opportunity to attend live performances of the literature texts, talks by visiting writers or alumni who have pursued a literary direction in their career or to participate in writing workshops. We continue to encourage pupils to compose their independent material for ‘A’ Magazine and make the most of the wealth of resources in the LRC.
English Literature is a highly rewarding and popular A Level choice for students who have followed a GCSE Literature course and who are keen to pursue their interest and knowledge of literature. As an alternative to English Literature, students can choose the A Level English Language and Literature, which explores literature and some non-fiction writing, including digital texts. There is also a coursework module which includes some personal creative writing.
An A Level in English Literature or English Language can be combined with a variety of academic subjects such as History, MFL, Psychology and Religious Studies, or even sciencebased subjects. Beyond university, a qualification in English Language and / or Literature can lead to a wide range of careers such as journalism, publishing, teaching, marketing, broadcasting, business or the legal profession.