PSB at Ashford Prep School

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PSB at Ashford Prep School The Pre-Senior Baccalaureate A knowledge-rich, skills-orientated framework

What is the PSB?​ The PSB (Pre Senior Baccalaureate) is a framework that has at its heart the development of the values, skills, attitudes and behaviours required for children to succeed and flourish in an everchanging world. There is an ever-increasing number of top Prep and Senior Schools who are part of the PSB network, with greater recognition than ever on the importance of a well-rounded education. These schools are all distinct in their approach, but with a shared focus on ensuring that children are thoroughly prepared for the next step of their educational journey by placing significant importance on developing each child as a skilled and positive learner.


Why did we join the PSB?​ Ashford School has an ethos of ‘Inspiring Minds’ at its core. In order to best achieve this with every child in our care, we recognise the importance of an education that has both exceptional depth and breadth. We also firmly believe in not only providing pupils with opportunities to acquire knowledge, but with significant opportunities to develop the necessary skills and values that will enable our children to apply this knowledge in a powerful way. The PSB share this philosophy and all of the schools that are part of the PSB have a commitment to championing an education that is fit for the 21st Century​. Ashford Prep School has had a well-developed approach to assessment for many years. However, formalised assessments have focused almost entirely on the core academic elements of reading, writing and mathematics. These are undoubtedly important, but they do not give the full picture of a child’s academic and personal development.​ The PSB framework enables us to place greater emphasis on the achievements of the whole child, across all areas of school life, in a way that celebrates how they have performed on a daily basis rather than solely within a formalized test environment.​ As such, the culmination of a child’s time at a PSB school is recognised by the PSB Award Diploma.​


How has the PSB impacted on school life at Ashford Prep?​ 'Focus on PSB skills was evident in all lessons, with the specific skill highlighted on the board and on pupils’ iPads. Without exception, lessons were inventive and offered opportunities for skills development. Teachers were confident in their approach, and across the board, we felt that classroom practice was excellent.' -Observations from a PSB audit October 2023

Central to this evolution has been the introduction of a faculty structure with subjects now grouped as follows:​​ ivest c e p s r e Global P raphy, g o e G , y Histor ip and h s n e z i t i Global C reign o F n r e d Mo es. Languag




Creative and Performing ArtsArt, Drama, Dance and Music.​

STE(M)Sciences, Computin g, Design Te chnology , Home Economi cs and O AKS (Outdoor Learning ).​

These faculties have closely reviewed the curriculum offer to ensure that there is effective coverage of opportunities to develop age-appropriate core skills within the teaching of their subjects.​


The adoption of the PSB has brought with it some tweaks to the timetable:​ Form times regularly have a focus on reviewing progress in the core skills. From Year 3 upwards, there has been an additional form period added to the timetable which is focused on providing pupils with the opportunity to review and reflect on their progress on a weekly basis. Global Perspectives subjects are now taught in thematic blocks with a greater focus on a key subject discipline but with opportunities for a more cross-curricular approach. This enables more opportunity to explore a topic in depth. OAKS and Home Economics (previously only from Y3 upwards) have been introduced throughout due to the wider opportunities for developing core skills within these subjects.​ In Year 6, there is also an additional weekly lesson devoted to the Pre Senior Project Qualification (PSPQ). This is a unique opportunity for children at Ashford Prep School to engage with independent learning through exploring and researching something which interests them beyond the traditional curriculum. Throughout the year, pupils create a critical or creative response to their research question. This project is more developed in nature than a typical ‘poster project’, with pupils receiving significant input on research and presentation skills; time and project management; and on responding to constructive feedback. This ensures that when they share their work they are experts in their chosen area.​​


What are the PSB core skills?​

Thinking & Learning




Our Core Skills

At the heart of the PSB are the core skills. The PSB is about challenging perceptions of school and developing a love of learning. This is best achieved by children developing a clear understanding of their skills and their areas for development. By focusing on the core skills, children are best equipped to deal with the challenges and opportunities of senior school life and beyond.​

Reviewing & Improving



Mapping skills to our values The PSB Core Skills are also mapped against our ABC values to ensure that pupils recognise and appreciate how these can go hand in hand with each other.​ Skills Grid for Reception, Years 1 and 2:

Always Be Open To Inspiration

Be Brave


IT IC IR I work hard and I I communicate clearly I listen to advice on how I persevere when learning when speaking, writing or can improve. on my own. using a computer.


CR CC CT I work with others so we all I show respect in group I work well with others. improve. discussions.




Reviewing and Improving

Always Be Appreciative & Be Positive

Always Aim Higher

Thinking and Learning

Be True

LT LR LC I set an example to others I show my group how we I lead and organise others in my learning. can improve. well.


Mapping skills to our values,


Always Be Appreciative & Be Positive

Thinking and Learning

Reviewing and Improving



Be True

ITa I am motivated to complete IRa I respond well to advice on tasks and solve problems by how I can improve.​ ICa I express myself clearly when myself. IRb I see how well I have done speaking.​ ITb I come up with new ideas by comparing my work to mark ICb I express myself clearly when and activities on my own. schemes and model answers.​ handwriting or typing on a ITc I persevere even when the IRc I cope well when things computer. going gets tough. change and ask for help. ​


Always Be Open To Inspiration

CTa I work in a group to solve CRa I improve my ideas by CCa I listen and speak problems.​ discussing them in a group.​ respectfully in group discussions.​ CTb I work in a group even if I CRb I take the views of all group CCb I welcome others into group don’t always agree with what the members into account. discussions. others have decided.


Always Aim Higher


Be Brave

Skills Grid for Years 3 and 4:

LTa I set an example to others in LRa I work out ways to make my LCa I hand out tasks according to my learning.​ group more successful.​ people’s talents.​ LTb I take the lead when LRb I build on others’ strengths LCb I inspire others through my completing a task. to solve problems. actions and words.


Independence Collaboration Leadership

Always Aim Higher


Be Brave

Skills Grid for Years 5 and 6:

Always Be Open To Inspiration

Be True

Always Be Appreciative & Be Positive

Thinking and Learning

Reviewing and Improving


IT1 I ask relevant and open-ended IR1 I appreciate and identify ways questions and build on previous in which I can improve as a learner.​ answers.​ IC1 I express myself clearly and IR2 I respond positively to IT2 I come up with creative ideas to effectively when speaking.​ constructive criticism and advice.​ complete a task or solve a problem.​ IC2 I express myself clearly and IR3 I set my own clear objectives IT3 I make connections between effectively when writing.​ with success criteria and different areas of my learning.​ IC3 I express myself clearly and timescales.​ IT4 I think of things that I want to effectively when using ICT.​ IR4 I use success criteria or scales learn for myself and find out about IC4 I choose the most appropriate to review and assess my own work.​ things independently.​ medium to present my work to suit IR5 I cope well when the situation IT5 I am a self-motivated learner a particular audience or need. changes and I ask for help when I and strive for excellence even when need it. the going gets tough. CT1 I discuss my views with my CC1 I take part in group discussion, peers and think of ways to help my CR1 Through discussion with my listening respectfully and group solve problems.​ peers, I refine my ideas and in responding sensitively.​ CT2 I work productively in a group doing so come to an agreement.​ CC2 I build on the contributions of and remain committed even if I CR2 I work with others to find the others in discussion and help move don’t agree with what others have best way of working to suit the the task forward.​ decided.​ whole team.​ CC3 I help my peers to find CT3 By working with others, I CR3 After discussion, I review common ground and bring others recognise a problem as a challenge progress and plan ways to improve. into the conversation. and work hard to find a solution. LR1 I identify ways in which my LC1 I organise and delegate LT1 I set an example to others team can work more productively.​ effectively, responsibly and with through my approach to thinking LR2 I can review my own and other empathy.​ and learning.​ people’s strengths and weaknesses LC2 I persuade and inspire others LT2 I take the initiative by and lead the group towards a through my actions and words.​ identifying key issues, anticipating solution, making necessary LC3 I clearly inform and instruct, problems and devising a plan. changes. even under pressure.


How is the PSB assessed?​ The PSB is assessed against a number of key areas; core skills, subject specific attainment, contribution to wider school life, and the PSPQ.


Pupils are assessed against a 10-point scale, with pupils attainment in a subject area or skill being deemed as emerging (scores of 1-3), expected (scores of 4-6), exceeding (scores of 7-9) and exceptional (score of 10, only to be used for truly exceptional performances).

All PSB schools use a 10-point scale, which lends itself to Ashford Prep School being able to reliably benchmark pupil performance against some of the best Prep Schools in the country.​

lm, a c a , d e v r e son obs s e l y r e v e n 'I ctful e p s e r d n a l purposefu itions d n o c l a e d i created e r e h p s o m t a pupils' e h T . g n i n r and lea g n i k n i h t r o f nt of e m y o j n e d t an engagemen vity i t c a y r e v e ident in v e s a w g n i learn chool' s e h t f o r e n and cor -Observations from a PSB audit October 2023


All pupils will receive a PSB Award Diploma at the end of Year 6, which will serve as both a celebration of that they have achieved and an important measurement of their performance across Prep School life.​


What about when pupils leave Ashford Senior School is excited to be a founding member of the Skills Development Framework. This is a partnership of leading independent schools including Bradfield, Stowe and Rugby, who have worked closely together to develop a model that allows the benefits of PSB to continue seamlessly into senior education. Under the banner of ‘Ashford Advance’, the SDF offers a rigourous programme that will deliver a high quality skills-based education to underpin our academic curriculum in the years to come, as well as ensuring that students have an opportunity to build on the success

Skills Development at Ashford School This will mean that as pupils progress through Ashford School they will continue to receive an education that both inspires minds but also equips them with the skillset to apply their inspiration with confidence and determination.​


the Prep School?​​

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Ashford Advance is a programme underpinning lower and middle school learning. For lower school, a taught curriculum inculcates core skills, self reliance and cross curricular thinking. This focuses on four areas; the development of a new skill, a group project, a community initiative and a more ambitious research project. Students will also curate a portfolio tracking their progress. The middle school revisit these pillars through the medium of competitions, complex problem solving challenges, and skills-builder days.

By focusing on the core learning habits, students have to develop on the core skills that drive their education and which will best equip them to be successful. We seek to build articulate and confident students who know how to be present, how to collaborate, how to be a leader, how to be more independent, how to think out of the box.


PSB at Ashford Prep School To find out more about PSB please visit

Ashford Prep School - Great Chart, Ashford, Kent TN23 3DJ Tel: +44 (0)1233 620493 A Member School of United Learning

Registered Charity Number: 1016538

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