Ashford School Foundation Brochure

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T H E A S H FO R D S C H O O L FO U N DAT I O N Charity No. 1165474


There have been many landmarks in Ashford School’s history since its founding in 1898. Most recently, in 2015 we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the merger with Friars Prep School and Ashford becoming a co-educational school. In 2016/17 we mark the beginning of the next chapter in the school’s history with the launch of the Ashford School Foundation, a charity dedicated to supporting the school’s ambitions for the further development of its campuses and the creation of an endowment fund for means-tested Assisted Places. “The pupils’ personal development is excellent…. from the youngest age, they express themselves clearly and argue cogently. By the Sixth Form, they show an excellent grasp of concepts and theories. Their creativity is exceptional.” ISI Inspection Report 2014



Ashford has always been a school with momentum, driving forward with purpose and keen to strive for excellence in teaching and learning. Three years ago we set out our bold, confident and ambitious view of the future in our whole school plan. Within this brochure we will give greater details about some of these goals and the role that the Ashford Foundation will play in delivering them. With a track record of careful financial management and a thriving, supportive community the School is in a great position to build on the legacy of previous generations and look to the fulfilment of aims for the future. Equipping the School for the 21st century requires a number of new developments to provide specialist facilities, public spaces and general classrooms on the East Hill site to complement the excellent facilities we have developed over the past five years at Great Chart. Among our priorities will be the renovation of the Flour Mill site to provide new classroom facilities for Creative & Performing Arts including a state-of-the-art 250-seat theatre. We must also take this opportunity to assert our values and reinforce the School’s spirit of inclusivity. The Foundation’s Assisted Places Fund is central to our ambitions as we seek to extend the undisputed academic, co-curricular and pastoral benefits of an Ashford education to children from a variety of backgrounds, irrespective of their families’ financial circumstances. It is for these reasons we have created the Ashford School Foundation. We hope that every member of our school community will want to be involved in the fulfilment of this ambition. Over the next pages, we set out our vision for the future of Ashford and how you can all play a part in it. We are here today through the vision and generosity of our forebears. Now it is our turn.

Mike Buchanan Head



To build on the reputation and strength of the School by remodelling the campus at East Hill and Great Chart to provide extensive high quality facilities that match the current excellent quality of pupils’ experience while also meeting the future needs of the School;

1 To increase the number of means-tested Assisted Places awarded, ensuring that an Ashford education can be extended to all deserving pupils irrespective of means;


To create flexible funding to meet today’s needs and anticipate the challenges of providing an outstanding 21st Century education.


Everyone involved with Ashford School can be proud of its achievements since 1898. We have strong foundations and real momentum on which to build. By turning our focus to the future, we can prepare the School for the challenges of tomorrow. The School has changed dramatically since its early days in Queens Road and Great Chart. However many things remain constant, including our unerring commitment to build upon the legacy of previous generations.

Mrs Edwards and the Modern High School

Mrs Thimann and Queens Road, Ashford


In 1898, Mrs Thimann opened a small school for “ladies” in Queens Road, Ashford.



Mike Buchanan and the merger with Friars Prep School

United Church Schools membership

In 1910, Mrs Edwards bought the school and renamed it “The Modern High School for Girls”. Within a short time the school expanded into another, adjacent house in the High Street and then finally moved to yet again bigger premises on East Hill in 1913.

In 1998, Ashford joined the United Church Schools Trust and, in doing so, the future of the School was secured.

2005 In 2005 Mike Buchanan, was appointed as the first male Head of the school. Ashford School merged with Friars Prep School in Great Chart and became a co-educational school for boys and girls from age 3 months to 18 years.


Miss Nightingale and pupil expansion

The Foundation of Friars Prep School

Mrs Edwards and the war years


Friars was set up in the grounds of a parsonage at Great Chart by Mr and Mrs Lendrum as proprietors, educating many brothers of Ashford girls.


2009 In 2009, the Pre-Prep School moved to Great Chart after the completion of a major new building including 18 new classrooms, new hall, entrance area and dining hall. With the addition of 25 acres of playing fields for all at Great Chart the School is well set for a vibrant future.

In 1955 Miss Nightingale took over and set about updating the facilities to cope with the large number of pupils and growing demand. The Jubilee Building, Brake Hall and classrooms were all added while Somerville, Cranmer and Brooke were all remodelled. By the time she retired in 1971 pupil numbers had risen to over 750.

Ashford School voted The Independent School of the Year

Ashford Prep School moves to Great Chart

In 1928, when Mrs Edwards retired there were over 250 pupils in the school. Miss Brake led the School through the war years and its evacuation to Devon and then presided over a sustained period of development and growth, finally retiring in 1955.


Miss Macaire and changes to the curriculum

Miss Thompson and building extensions


Opening of new Sports Centre

In 1972 Miss Thompson took over as Head and continued the development of the School by building the Octagons, Sports Hall, New Alfred and extending the Junior School and Cranmer. The Refectory was added in 1978.


2013 saw the opening of the new Sports Centre which houses a Sport England hall (4 badminton court size), fitness suite, social room and four changing rooms.

In 1984, Mrs Macaire took over as Head and introduced changes to the curriculum when the National Curriculum was launched. Brabourne was opened as a boarding house.

Expansion of sports facilities



2016 has seen the purchase of 25 acres of land at Great Chart and the creation of new sports facilities to serve the whole School: a second floodlit Astroturf pitch and four rugby, two rounders and three football pitches. There will be three cricket squares and space for a full size athletics track.


For those who recognise the value of an Ashford School education, a donation to the Assisted Places Fund is an opportunity to give others, who might not otherwise be able to afford to pay school fees, the chance to experience our wonderful school.

“Ashford instilled in me the desire to strive to achieve all I can and, thanks to the self-belief fostered by the school environment, I’ve embraced many opportunities at university and look forward to the future, believing that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.” Nick Smelt – Assisted Place Beneficiary (Yeomen, 2015)

INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY – ASHFORD’S VISION AND VALUES Since 1898 thousands of young people have received an education and training for life of the highest quality. At a time when the value of such an education is more prized than ever, and yet is open to fewer pupils than we would all wish, widening access to pupils from all backgrounds is of central importance. Our pupils are encouraged throughout their time at the School to engage actively with the wider community. They are given opportunities to explore the world around them through their studies and co-curricular activities, so that they might gain a better understanding of their own and other cultures, of global differences and shared values. The diversity encouraged by an active bursary programme can only enhance this aspect of the School and create a climate in which respect for all can flourish. Since 1997 and the Government’s withdrawal of the Assisted Places Scheme, Ashford has continued to offer an education to pupils who could not otherwise afford it. It has achieved this through the generosity of its supporters, including friends, former pupils and parents.

OUR GOAL Our major long-term fundraising goal is the provision of additional means-tested Assisted Places to support pupils who would not otherwise be able to afford an Ashford education. Our aim is to build an Assisted Places Fund of £4,000,000 to endow the equivalent of a further full-fees-equivalent place for each year group in the Senior School. While a permanent endowment of this magnitude is our long term aim for the School, we welcome the support of our donors in supplementing our existing bursary provision by giving smaller sums to increase the support our current generation of pupils receive. Gifts to the Foundation’s Assisted Places Fund may qualify for an additional 25% from the Government under the Gift Aid scheme.

“Throughout Robbie’s seven years at Ashford there was not one single day when he did not want to go to school. He was encouraged rather than pushed to achieve his dream of studying at the Royal Veterinary College.”

“I do not know where I would be now had I not had the opportunity to go to Ashford, but I am sure I would not have achieved as highly as I did - nothing was too much trouble for the staff in helping me.”

Paul and Robbie Boxall – Parent and Assisted Place Beneficiary (Franklins, 2014)

Creating a World Class Campus at Ashford School We are proud of the academic and co-curricular offering at Ashford and that we create opportunities to realise, recognise and reward the best in everyone. We’re constantly looking to innovate and develop new and better teaching methods, pushing the boundaries to ask more of ourselves and our pupils. As we change our methods, so our buildings must also evolve. OUR ACTION PLAN There are exciting plans to develop the campus for the future. We have identified particular areas for the School which we would like to develop in order to create a world-class educational environment for our pupils and staff:

A Performing Arts and Design Centre at the Flour Mill

Renovation and expansion of the School Refectories

A pavilion at Great Chart to complete the new sports fields development

Teaching blocks to replace and add further capacity at Great Chart

More specialist teaching facilities at East Hill

New residential accommodation for boarders and staff families

We are presently in the middle of a comprehensive review and feasibility study which will refine our aims and objectives for these new projects and also, critically, help us assess the potential size and nature of the funding streams available to us. Once fully costed and developed we will produce detailed project costs and set construction dates.


Our young people are full of promise and ambition. It is so important that they are given the means to fulfil their potential. They need buildings that reflect their enthusiasm and passion and their teachers’ capacity to bring out the best in them – to give them something they can have for life. Will Peppitt, Chairman of Governors

“The visual and performing arts are central to Ashford’s educational philosophy. We have outstandingly capable staff and students, many of whom go on to make careers in the arts. The opportunity to display their talents in spaces other than the examination hall will transform our levels of ambition and achievement.” Adrian Barnett, Head of Faculty – Creative and Performing Arts

A Performing Arts and Art, Drama, Design and the Performing Arts have long been a great strength at Ashford School and the quality and breadth of opportunity is enviable. The development of Pledges Mill would provide for our future needs in art, design technology & engineering, computing, performance and drama. It will contain a 250 seat, professionally equipped theatre, staff offices, gallery, reception area and exhibition space. Once converted, the Mill building would be the focal point for the School, providing a signature building with state-of-the-art facilities and the space needed for the School to grow. The building would be used for 52-weeks a year providing a significant contribution to the local community in Ashford.

Design Centre


Unrestricted gifts to the Foundation provide the flexibility to allocate funding wherever the need is greatest, ensuring your gift will provide the maximum benefit to the Ashford School community. In addition to specific gifts to capital projects or to the Assisted Places Fund, the Foundation welcomes unrestricted gifts which allow the School to be responsive to a changing educational environment. Recent unrestricted gifts have enabled the School to meet pressing needs, reinforce key funds and take opportunities as they have arisen. An unrestricted gift might support:

• Grants for pupils whose families encounter unexpected hardships • Extra equipment to enhance teaching and learning • Strategic acquisition of land and buildings to enhance the School grounds

“I was very fortunate to be given access to this wonderful school. Ashford is like a welcoming book, the buildings themselves are only the cover: it is the people inside that make it such a wonderful story to follow.� Assisted Place Beneficiary



The Ashford School Foundation will manage all donations and voluntary income received on behalf of the School. The Foundation supports capital and endowment projects for the benefit and further development of the School and the provision of means-tested Assisted Places.

As a supporter of the Ashford School Foundation, you have a right to know how your gift will be used. We will: Keep you updated on the development of the School and the use of your donations for charitable purposes; Treat your information and donations with respect and confidentiality; Ensure that you are properly thanked for your support.

GOVERNANCE The Foundation is governed by the Foundation Board of Trustees. Chaired by The Venerable Rev Stephen Taylor MA MBE, Archdeacon of Maidstone, the Foundation Board monitors all fundraising activity and the disbursal of any unrestricted funds to the areas of greatest need in the School. The Foundation Trustees are drawn from all sectors of the wider School community and are supporters in their own right. As such, they are able to represent the views of those who donate and ensure that donors’ wishes are respected.

Patrons: Mrs James Loudon DL Mr John Hosking CBE BSc. JP DL Mrs Molly de Courcy BSc. Dip Ed. Mr Peregrine Massey MA Mrs Amanda Cottrell OBE JP DL

gift “In 1998 the Headmistress invited the School to consider themselves heirs of a great tradition of benefaction. Then I was too young to help, but I am delighted to be able to help with the appeal now, and do my bit for the next generation.� Ashfordian Donor

A regular gift, whether monthly or annual, can make a significant difference to the School. Our plans for the future are bold and innovative but we will need support from our communities if we are to realise them. We know our alumni, parents and friends are loyal and grateful for the education they and their children receive. We hope you already feel you have many reasons to support Ashford School.

HOW YOU CAN HELP Ashford is a school founded on philanthropy. At every stage of its history the School has been aided by parents and former pupils to take it to the next stage of its development. It is also a school that delivers on its promises, so you can have the confidence that your support will really count.

MAJOR GIFTS AND NAMING OPPORTUNITIES A strong start is vital to the Foundation’s campaign, and a number of early gifts will be needed to ensure success. Donors who choose to give at this level will receive invitations to private dinners, other special events and will have their names added to a specially commissioned Foundation Benefactors Board at the School.

“The teaching and nurturing that I received at Ashford School was fundamental in allowing me to carry on and achieve my dream of working as a designer and illustrator. A new arts and design centre would really support teaching in that area of the curriculum.” Lizzie Lees, Senior Designer Debenhams PLC (Merchants, 2000)

We work closely with every donor to ensure that their philanthropic wishes are met and keep them fully informed about the projects they have chosen to support. The School would also be pleased to discuss a number of naming opportunities available, including rooms and spaces within the Performing Arts and Design Centre at the Flour Mill and the new Pavilion at Great Chart and named Assisted Places. Equally, all requests for anonymity for donors will be respected fully.

REGULAR GIVING We are immensely grateful for the support of previous generations of former pupils, parents, staff and friends and hope that we can count on your assistance as we launch the Foundation and look to the future of the School.

Making a gift does not have to feel like a burden! A direct debit made over a five year period is an attractive option for both donors and the School as it enables the cost of the gift to be spread over a number of year whilst enabling the School to predict future donation income with a high degree of certainty.

THE 1898 SOCIETY Whether you make your donation by a single annual gift or by a regular monthly direct

All members of the

debit payment, those whose annual donation to the Foundation is £1,898 or more will

1898 Society will receive

be invited to become members of the 1898 Society. In recognition of the fact that some

recognition in the annual

younger Ashfordians might be interested in supporting the School, but not at this level,

Donor Report and priority

there are special tiers of membership for alumni under 35 years of age and for recent leavers.

invitations to events.

Recent Leavers (<23 yrs)

Monthly Gift - Net £1.26

Annual Gift - Net £15.18

Value of Gift to Us (Gift Aided) £18.98

Young Ashfordian (<35 yrs)

Monthly Gift - Net £12.65

Annual Gift - Net £151.80

Value of Gift to Us (Gift Aided) £189.80

Full Membership

Monthly Gift - Net £126.50

Annual Gift - Net £1,518

Value of Gift to Us (Gift Aided) £1,898

gift “ I enjoyed my time at Ashford immensely. My father was unfortunate enough to lose his job and the Head agreed to a fee reduction which enabled me to stay on for my A Levels. I have always been extremely grateful to the School for this generosity and am pleased to help this tradition continue by contributing to the Assisted Places fund.� Ashfordian from 1970s



As a registered charity, The Ashford School Foundation

A legacy is one of the simplest and most flexible ways of

can reclaim tax on all donations made by UK taxpayers,

making your gift and may allow you to support the School

thus maximising the value of the gift to the Foundation

in a way in which you may not be able to during your

for the benefit of the School. For every £100 donated,

lifetime. The tax benefits of a legacy gift to the Foundation

the Foundation will receive an additional £25 at no

are considerable – all such bequests can be made free from

extra cost to you.

Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax, so you could reduce

If you pay higher rate income tax, you can also reclaim

the total tax burden levied on your estate to your family.

the difference between the higher rate of 40% or 45%

We believe that those who have chosen to support the

and the basic rate of tax at 20% on the total gross

School with a legacy should be thanked in their lifetime.

value of your donation.

All those who have made provision for the Ashford School Foundation in their wills are invited to become members of the Lillian Brake Society and to attend an annual lunch hosted by the Head.


If you would like further information about leaving a gift

For example, if you donate £100, the total value of your donation to the Foundation is £125, so you can claim back from HMRC:

to the School in your will please contact David Young in the Foundation Office.

GIFTS OF STOCKS AND SHARES Gifts of listed shares and securities by UK Tax payers attract

£25 – if you pay tax at 40% (£125 x 20%)

full relief from Capital Gains Tax and, in addition, allow the

£31.25 – if you pay tax at 45% (£125 x 20%) plus (£125 x 5%)

Foundation – in effect a double tax saving. We would be

donor to claim Income Tax relief on the full value of the gift at the time the shares or securities are transferred to the happy to arrange for you to receive in-depth advice on this type of gift.

MATCHING DONATIONS Many companies now operate gift-matching schemes. When an employee makes a gift to a registered charity the company may match this donation, in full or in part. To find out if your company operates such a scheme, and to obtain a copy of their matching gift form, please contact your Human Resources or Personnel Department. A full list of companies known to have matching schemes is available on the Foundation pages of the School website.



You Give

Ashford Receives

Costs you (20% taxpayer)

Costs you (40% Taxpayer)

Costs you (45% Taxpayer)

2 Year 6th Form Award






7 Year Senior School Award








T H E A S H FO R D S C H O O L FO U N DAT I O N Ashford School, East Hill, Ashford, Kent TN24 8PB +44 (0) 1233 619 525

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