Welcome to Middle School (Yr 9-11)

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At Ashford School, our educational philosophy is based on a very simple assumption: if a pupil is happy and secure, they are more likely to be successful. As a result, our learning is underpinned by four key factors, namely Celebrating Individuality, Optimising Potential, Academic Rigour and Adventurous Learning. We believe that learning should be challenging, motivating and lead to a sense of fulfilment, which is why we strive to provide an inspiring environment that encourages growth and adventure so that our students can develop into all they are capable of being.


Year 9 Group Tutors

Year 10 Group Tutors

Year 11 Group Tutors


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Mr J Curry Assistant Head of Middle School (Y9-11) Mrs H Ndongong Head of Year 9 & Deputy to Assistant Head (Middle School) Miss K Stirling Head of Year 10 Ms I Martin Head of Year 11 Mr A Grech Mr P Bubb Mr N Munteanu Mrs K Johnston Miss H Hyams Mr L Charman Dr E Wilson Mr M Russen Miss A Playford Mr M Worrell Miss S Rea Dr G Hiatt-Gipson Mr A Cook Miss C Thompson

At the heart of academic life are the Ashford School Learning Habits.

These form the centrepiece of our wider ambition to stretch and challenge our students as much as possible across all areas of school life, in a way that is consistent, coherent and cohesive.

The six habits are designed to reflect the qualities that we most value in Ashford School students and will be used to help promote the very best progress and outcomes from the student body.



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School Day & Term Dates 23/24

Autumn 2023

Term Commences Tuesday 5 Septem

Half Term Break Friday 20 Octobe Sunday 5 Novem Term Commences Monday 6 November

Term Finishes Friday 15 December Spring 2024

Term Commences Thursday 4 January

Half Term Break

Friday 9 February to Sunday 18 February

Term Commences Monday 19 February

Term Finishes Friday 22 March

Summer 2024

Term Commences Tuesday 16 April

Half Term Break

Friday 24 May to Sunday 2 June

Term Commences Monday 3 June Term Finishes Friday 5 July


8 - Activity

Period 9 - Extended Activity

08:30 - 08:35 Registration 08:40 - 09:25 Period 1 09:30 - 10:15 Period 2 10:20 - 11:05 Period 3 11:05 - 11:25 Break 11:25 - 12:10 Period
12:15 - 13:00 Period
13:00 - 13:50 Lunch 13:50 - 13:55 Registration 13:55 - 14:10 Extended registration / assembly 14:15 - 15:00 Period
15:05 - 15:50 Period
15:55 - 16:40
16:40 - 17:30

Co-Curricular Programmes

All children are encouraged to be as involved in our co-curricular programme as possible, and therefore students in Years 7-9 take part in at least three activities per week. Further up the school our students tend to take a more flexible approach, and you will even see a few of our Sixth Formers setting up their own clubs and societies.

Year 9 - Expected to attend 4 activities per week. Any activity that extends beyond 17:00 can count as a double activity.

Year 10 - Expected to attend 3 activities per week. Any activity that extends beyond 17:00 can count as a double activity.

Year 11, 12 and 13 – Encouraged to maintain a varied programme of representation (Drama, Music and Sport) as well as taking up the opportunity of participating, supporting or leading a further co-curricular activity.


Boarding at Ashford School

challenge themselves to discover strengths, talents and skills which will further develop their independence, self-confidence, and determination.

Mr A Barton Head of Alfred Mr M Keogh Head of Boarding
Miss M Ross Head of Brabourne

Weekend Activities Programme

Weekend boarders activities are open to day students that would like to attend. Please express your interest via email to cooka@ashfordschool.co.uk at least two weeks prior to the activity you wish to sign up to. This will be at a cost which will vary dependent on the trip selected. There are a limited numbers of spaces for each trip. If you are a member of boarding, please sign up in the house using the sign up sheet provided.

Sunday 3 September Lydd Water sports and Team Building

Sunday 10 September Ashford Inflatables + BBQ

Saturday 16 September Movie night (Prefect Lead)

Sunday 24 September Premier League Match- Brighton vs Bournemouth

Sunday 1 October Go Karting

Sunday 8 October Prefects Choices Activity Weekend

Saturday 14 October Halloween Party

Sunday 12 November Canterbury Day out

Sunday 19 November Clip n Climb

Sunday 26 November Ice Skating

Sunday 3 December Bluewater Christmas Shopping

Sunday 10 December London Winter wonderland

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Homework Timetable Year 9

The homework nights above are the nights set aside for subject homework to be completed. Homework can be set before or on this day and collected in a subsequent lesson. The maximum time for each subject in Year 9 is 30 minutes per homework.

In addition to the allocated day for Modern Foreign Languages, you are expected to spend five minutes every day on each of your two Modern Foreign Languages. (MFL) Keep a close track of each homework and when it is due. Please do not miss the deadlines. The numbers after the subjects refer to sets. If you are not sure which set you are in for any particular subject, ask your subject teacher.

Week A Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Maths MFL B Block English MFL A Block 2 Physics Computing Chemistry Biology 3 Geography History RS 4 Music Food Preparation & Nutrition DT Art Drama MFL- 5 min vocab x2 MFL- 5 min vocab x2 MFL- 5 min vocab x2 MFL- 5 min vocab x2 MFL- 5 min vocab x2
Week B Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Maths MFL B Block English MFL A Block 2 Physics Computing Chemistry Biology 3 Geography History RS 4 Music DT Art Drama MFL- 5 min vocab x2 MFL- 5 min vocab x2 MFL- 5 min vocab x2 MFL- 5 min vocab x2 MFL- 5 min vocab x2 11

Homework Timetable Year 10

The homework nights above are the nights set aside for subject homework to be completed. Homework can be set before or on this day and collected in a subsequent lesson.

The time-range for each subject in Year 10 is between 30 - 60 minutes per homework. Keep a close track of each homework and when it is due. Please do not miss the deadlines.

The numbers after the subjects refer to sets as on your timetable. If you are not sure which set you are in for any particular subject, ask your subject teacher.

Week A Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Maths MFL English Language Maths English Literature 2 Physics Chemistry Biology 3 Block B Subjects Computer Science, DT, Drama, Geography, Global Perspectives, History Block C Subjects Art, DT, Food Preparation & Nutrition, History, RS Block D Subjects Art, Geography, History, Music, Spanish (Dual), GCSE PE MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab Week B Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Maths MFL English Language Maths English Literature 2 Physics Chemistry Biology 3 Block B Subjects Computer Science, DT, Drama, Geography, Global Perspectives, History Block C Subjects Art, DT, Food Preparation & Nutrition, History, RS Block D Subjects Computing, Drama, DT, History, GCSE PE MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab

Homework Timetable Year 11

The homework nights above are the nights set aside for subject homework to be completed. Homework can be set before or on this day and collected in a subsequent lesson.

The time-range for each subject in Year 11 is between 30 - 60 minutes per homework. Keep a close track of each homework and when it is due. Please do not miss the deadlines.

Week A Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 English Language MFL Maths English Literature Maths 2 Biology Physics Chemistry 3 Block D Subjects Computer Studies, Drama, DT, History, GCSE PE Block C Subjects Art, Computer Studies, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Geography, RS, Dual Linguists Block B Subjects Art, DT, Geography, Global Perspectives, History, Music MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab Week B Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 English Language MFL Maths English Literature Maths 2 Biology Physics Chemistry 3 Block D Subjects Computer Studies, Drama, DT, History, GCSE PE Block C Subjects Art, Computer Studies, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Geography, RS, Dual Linguists Block B Subjects Art, DT, Geography, Global Perspectives, History, Music MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab MFL- 5 min vocab

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