Welcome to Upper School (Y12-13)

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At Ashford School, our educational philosophy is based on a very simple assumption: if a pupil is happy and secure, they are more likely to be successful. As a result, our learning is underpinned by four key factors, namely Celebrating Individuality, Optimising Potential, Academic Rigour and Adventurous Learning. We believe that learning should be challenging, motivating and lead to a sense of fulfilment, which is why we strive to provide an inspiring environment that encourages growth and adventure so that our students can develop into all they are capable of being.


We are delighted that you will be continuing your educational journey with us at Ashford School. You will understandably be both enthusiastic and apprehensive of the challenges which lie ahead, as you make life-impacting decisions such as A-Level choices and university courses; the first tentative steps on your career path. Nevertheless, you have a dedicated and experienced team, responsible for supporting and guiding you through this significant time. This document will give you a brief taste of things to come, key dates/milestones, and how you should approach Sixth Form learning, in order to gain the most from your experience.


Mrs H Ndongong

Assistant Head of Upper School (Y12-13)

Mr R Langford Head of Year 12

Mr A Stew Head of Year 13

Dr E Quinton
Mr D Higbee
Mr J Kendall
Mrs S Towill
Mr M Stoddart
Mrs E Hall
Ms S Burrell
Dr S Britton

At the heart of academic life are the Ashford School Learning Habits.

These form the centrepiece of our wider ambition to stretch and challenge our students as much as possible across all areas of school life, in a way that is consistent, coherent and cohesive.

The six habits are designed to reflect the qualities that we most value in Ashford School students and will be used to help promote the very best progress and outcomes from the student body.


All children are encouraged to be as involved in our co-curricular programme as possible, but in Sixth Form we recognise the need for flexibility as students become increasingly focused in achieving academic excellence and prepare for post-KS5 life. Therefore, students in Years 1213 are encouraged to take part in activities, but can opt-out, unless selected for representative sport, music or drama.

Many Sixth Formers choose to set up their own clubs and societies, either to share their passion, or gain experience in the planning, realisation and delivery of a programme of their choosing. Recent examples include Law Society and Jewellery-making.


To make sure everyone has the same opportunity to achieve, you should:

Conduct yourself in a manner befitting the leading student members of the Ashford School community

Arrive on time and organise yourselves in the classroom in a sensible manner. Punctuality and high levels of attendance continue to be fundamental to academic achievement.

Be quiet and attentive when the teacher wants to start the lesson.

Arrive with all textbooks, exercise books and other equipment that is needed.

Remember to record all homework tasks and complete them early – in Sixth Form life you will have an increasing number of external time-pressures.

If there is a legitimate issue preventing you from meeting a deadline, inform your Subject Teacher and Form Tutor, with as much notice as possible.

Utilise your study periods wisely and go beyond teacher-directed learning. The highest attainers statistically spend 50% of their independent study time focused on improving areas they have selfdetermined

Listen carefully to your subject teachers and your peers, and amend/develop your notes accordingly.

Do not swear or use abusive language in class, around the school, in the LRC or the Sixth Form Common Rooms.

The Somerville Library is a place for quiet work. Please ensure a tidy and peaceful working environment

It is your responsibility to keep the Common Room tidy at all times This includes using the bookstores and putting belongings into lockers.

Do not bring food or chewing gum into the lesson, or eat externally purchased food (such as takeaways) whilst walking around the school site.

Respect the school uniform code.

Remember to bring a device to every lesson (as necessary)

Do not leave the school site outside of the designated break/lunchtime, unless given specific permission to do so by Mr Langford/Mr Stew/Mrs Ndongong, or unless afforded the privilege as a member of the Prefect Team.

Mobile phones are only permitted to be used in the Common Rooms. They should not be visible when students are working in the library or moving around the school site.


September - October Half-Term

Induction and getting to know teachers

Subject choices finalised and confirmed

Wednesday 11th September Yr 12 Step into Sixth Form Social Evening

ALIS baseline testing – target setting procedure

October - December Half-Term

11th-14th November: Internal formal examinations

December: Parents’ Evening, via SchoolCloud

January - February Half-Term

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Introduction, scope and assessment

Student leadership applications and interviews

March - May Half-Term

May: End of year assessments

June – July: UCAS preparations: personal statement writing workshop


September - October Half-Term

Internal exams informing UCAS grades 16th – 18th September – Year 13 Examinations This is for all students All departments will have one slot per subject and up to a maximum time of 2 hours 30 minutes.

26th September – Brighter Horizons Day

Mid-October: Early entrance UCAS deadline

October - December Half-Term

November: Application Tests – LNAT, BMAT, UCAT

Internal UCAS Deadline

December: NEA CW deadlines begin – History, English, Geography, DT, Computing, Music and Drama

January - February Half-Term

Mock examinations: no impact on UCAS/predicted grades – formative and summative feedback provided.

School Captains start finalising Leavers’ plans.

March - May Half-Term

March : In-class assessments Formative and summative feedback provided EPQ Deadline for submission and presentation

May: Study Leave begins. Compulsory attendance for Boarders continues. Day students can choose to remain on site to improve focus and specialist booster sessions will be organised by department. Leavers’ Ball.

Summer Tern

August: A Level Results Day

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