All in One ESaVRfetyducation

VR Experience for Construction Si Scaffolding Ac

tionattWalkingrac 3 min HMD Equipment Experiencetime
Walking attracton
01 rightAllⓒyrightpCo2019reservedbyMLINESTUDIO
S MotiAgPoWeigPasszeengerhtwerrequiredeonmethod
This is a VR device designed to feel the vibration, shaking and falling by attaching the actuator to the scaffolding designed to match the movement of the actual construction site.

VR contents to experience the feeling of crash that occurs due to corrosion of scaffolding structures on construction sites, It is designed with copper wire to match actual work to maximize VR effect

The VR device consists of a motion scaffold that can feel up, down, vibration, shock connected to an accident experience, and a safety zone that prevents the experiencer from falling.

Standing simulator OdysseyOculus,Vive, SimulatorStanding 3 minX 8 kinds HMD Equipment Experiencetime 02 Loading work Stricture Aerial work Falls Aerial work Falls Transportation work Overturn Electric mechanism work Electric shock Sealing work Choking Welding work Fire Road work CrashrightAllⓒyrightpCo2019reservedbyMLINESTUDIO
8 Kinds of VR Experience for Plant Sites

VR safety training contents that experience major accidents that occur most frequently in plant sites and check risk factors

1.2m * 1.2m * 1.3m (H) 1 Above1.2kw200personkg12 years old Actuator S MotiAgPoWeigPasszeengerhtwerrequiredeonmethod

5 Kinds of VR Experience for Cinematic onAccidentPlantSites
The VR device consists of a motion scaffold that can feel up, down, vibration, shock connected to an accident experience, and a safety zone that prevents the experiencer from falling.

OdysseyOculus,Vive, SimulatorStanding 3 minX 5 kinds HMD Equipment Experiencetime 03 Standing simulator rightAllⓒyrightpCo2019reservedbyMLINESTUDIO

1.2m * 1.2m * 1.3m (H) 1 Above1.2kw200personkg12 years old Actuator S MotiAgPoWeigPasszeengerhtwerrequiredeonmethod
Cinematic VR safety training that are experienced from the perspective of the injured from the cause of the accident to the moment of occurrence by applying the actual event-based story

S e a li n g w o r k I nsi d eEl e c t r i c wor k Hi gh spee d me t al cu t t in g m ac hin e H e av y mach ne r y wor k Por ta ble c ra n eF ir e w o r k O x y g en c ut te r H e av y Eq uipme n t W or k T o w er c r a n eF ir e w o r k Wel di n g Exc a va t i o n wor kAeri a l w o r k 04 The VR safety training contents to find out as many accident risks as possible on the plant site within set time 3 minX 10 kindsOdysseyOculus,Vive, HMD Experiencetime S e a li n g w o r k O ut si d eE le c t r i ca wor k Di st r ib ut ion bo a r d Providingsafetyworkplacerules and riskSTEPinformation2 Complete afterassessmentworkplaceinasafestateremovingrisksSTEP3select the risks with the laser pointer RiskSTEPsearch,1rightAllⓒyrightpCo2019reservedbyMLINESTUDIO 10 Kinds of VR Experience for Plant Site Risk Assessment

05 3 ~ 5 minQuestOculusVive, HMD Experiencetime All-in-one wireless HMD for mobile training and portabilityrightAllⓒyrightpCo2019reservedbyMLINESTUDIO Fire Fighting and Fire TSaExtinguisherfetyrainingVR

Experience Building & Management System

storageVRChaindeviceshelf guard
HMD & Controllerset
standing simulator that reproduces all accident experiences with one device

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a safety guard to open and close for the experiencer
HMD hanger TV MonitorM-GRIP
A device that adds VR effect by vibration and movement electric3-axis actuator Lock coolerandcharging holder Safety

rightAllⓒyrightpCo2019reservedbyMLINESTUDIO Integrated operation management system for convenience of construction of experience site and operation management
Clients Industrial safety job training training game

Customizable hardware devices such as 4D simulator, wearable, immersive controller that can be connected to VR contents

M-line studio is a visual communication group composed of VR content experts H/W & SYSTEM

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Besides, based on accumulated technology, we provide one-sztop VR safety experience site construction service for contents, device design, interior decoration and system installation.

M-line studio is bringing VR achievements of the research institute to the market based on the video technology accumulated for more than 10 years. The main brand, 'Safe Line' series, is a virtual reality safety experience training content for plant sites that satisfies the needs of various customer groups such as construction, shipbuilding, civil engineering, and manufacturing. It has been recognized for the excellent training effect.