Catalogo 2016 - English - Editorial Claretiana

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Misioneros Inmaculado de María, TheLos Missionary Sons Hijos of thedel Immaculate HeartCorazón of Mary was foundedfundados in 1849 bypor Saint Anthony Mary Claret, andClaret we areyknown as Claretians. san Antonio María conocidos como Claretianos. Our missionary identity is the pier of our whole life and, like Jesus, we aim to light Ser claretianos es nuestro modo de ser hombres, cristianos, religiosos, everyone in the fire of God’s love; assuming the defence for life, justice, peace and the apóstoles, y -algunos- sacerdotes. Somos y nos sentimos hijos amados creation’s integrity. de Dios y de María, con todo su corazón. Como Jesús, buscamos la We are currently present in 68 countries, 487 communities and with over 3000 Claretian gloria de Dios y la salvación de los hombres orando, trabajando y missionaries. As Claretians ‘we are increasingly aware that announcing the Gospel is a task sufriendo. of the whole people of God: people with many faces, various charisms, ways of life and ministries in which all of us are disciple-missionaries (cf. EG 11-21), people who seek the Nuestro camino: es ser discípulos de Jesús asumiendo el modo de vida transformation of the world according to God’s plan.’, XXV Claretian General Chapter. de Jesús y de la virgen María: en pobreza, castidad y obediencia. Saint Anthony Mary Claret used to say: ‘By means of the press so many good books and Nuestraaremisión: encender a todobeelpraised mundo el fuego delwishes amortode pamphlets circulated that God should foren it. Not everyone or is Dios: somos enviados a anunciar la vida, muerte y resurrección de able to hear the Word of God, but everyone can read or listen to the reading of a good Jesús a fin que todos se salven por la fe en él. Nuestra misión se book. Not everyone can go to church to hear God’s Word, but a book can go to a person’s nutre de la Palabra de Dios y de la Eucaristía. house. The preacher can’t always be preaching, but a book is always delivering the same message tirelessly and todo is always willing repeat what it says. It isamor not offended its reader Se dirige sobre a los quetoson excluidos del de los ifdemás picks it up andlas putsconsecuencias it down a thousand It is alwaysdeready accommodate itself to y sufren de times. la injusticia esteto mundo, trabajathemos wishes of its reader’,en (Autobiography310,312) actualmente más de sesenta países. The commitment and adhesion to these thoughts encouraged Claretian Priest Alfonso MiConto estas contundentes aún con pasoobjective del lagro, found -bases in 1956tan - Editorial Claretianay invalederas, Argentina, having as hiselmain tiempo que nace en el año 1956 de laitsmano del sacerdote claretiano to be at theesservice of evangelization through publications. Alfonso Milagro Editorial Claretiana de Argentina. Él comenzó a recorrer el camino de la evangelización a través de la Palabra teniendo como objetivo principal ser y estar al servicio de la evangelización. La Iglesia nos ha trazado el camino a través del Magisterio que, sumado a nuestro carisma, nos llama nuevamente a renovar nuestro servicio en una fuerte tensión misionera.

Our background has been developing along the years ‘with one ear to the Gospel and the other to the people’1. It attempts to reflect a simple and pastoral style which, faithful to the Church’s mission, is inserted in the life of all the people of our time. This year, 2016, is an even more special one because we are delighted to be celebrating our 60th anniversary. What started as a little bookshop in Buenos Aires, to this dates has 7 owned bookshops and personalised services to different bookshops and distributing centres all over Argentina as well as Latin America and the Caribbean. One of our biggest challenges is the unification of all the publishing houses into Claret Publishing Group, through which we have been developing joined projects since 2011. The following publishing houses are part of the group at present: Bangalore, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Chennai, Colombo, Dar es Salaam, Lagos, Madrid, Macao, Manila, Owerri, São Paulo, Warsaw and Yaoundè. Our catalogue has a special emphasis today. We are living the Holy Year, in which Pope Francis is inviting us to learn about Mercy, to deepen it and to make it come alive in actions. Our books join that path in a way that God’s Love will not finish in 2016, but we invite everyone to be merciful just like your Father (Luke 6, 36). Moreover, we are living this year with great joy as a country in Argentina and in the whole of the Church. This year F. José Gabriel Brochero is being canonized. Also known as ‘the Argentinean Curé de Ars’, a way of evangelization and of following Christ that drives towards compassion and to serve others. As heirs of Claret’s charisma and committed to Church’s life, we continue looking for and creating the most suitable, efficient and appropriate means for the proclamation of Jesus freedom in a dialogue with cultures, new ways of living and society’s transformation.

1 Phrased by Mons. Enrique Angelelli (1923-1976)


Religious education in schools

An itinerary of religious education which invites us to live in harmony with the Creator. It is inspired in LAUDATO SI, the encyclical letter which Pope Francis dedicated to the environment and ecolog y. PROJ ECT AND EDITION Editorial Claretiana Author Lorena Piñeiro Graphic coordination and design Sandra Don in Songs Carlos Seoane Project Consultant Liliana Ferreirós

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be educated in the care for life

ILLUSTRATORS First grade Dan iela López Casenave Second grade Alberto Pez Third grade and native peoples Gustavo Dam ian i Logos Brenda Ruseler

BACK COVER | REVIEW This project, inspired in Praise be to you, my Lord, Pope Francis’ ‘green encyclical letter’, addresses religious education in the classroom from a different place. TEKORA is the looking after of the earth with our body, the water with our blood, the air with our breath, the fire with our spirit according to the Guaraní people. In it resounds all the voices of the native peoples, unreachable as the wind, reminding us the duty of honouring life in all its forms and protecting God’s dream for the Earth. TEKORA project transforms the classroom in an exploratory environment where the teacher and students rediscover together the gift of the creation, learn to recognise in a new way the presence of God in everything that exists, and to look after and being responsible for themselves, their brothers and sisters and nature, from a very young age. It focuses on comprehending the world as ‘the sacrament of communion’ and it announces that Jesus, with his Easter, makes everything new.


Religious education in schools

MY FRIEND MIMO A story of nests and tiny nooks

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: My friend Mimo. A story of nests and tiny nooks. Pages: 64 Format: 28 x 22 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-944-7 SKU Code: 9505129447 Key words: Religious education in school. Itinerary. Creation. Ecology. Environment. Life..

A pet-character from Kinder 5 ‘Mimo the bunny’, his family and the forest in which he cohabitates with other friendly animals are the protagonists of many adventures throughout the 24 stories. Accompanying each and every adventure, there are charming, beautiful and colourful posters to be read, enjoyed and worked on by kids. In the back of each poster, there are didactic suggestions, texts and activities to guide kids in the understanding and learning of the following aspects: ‘The value of life and looking after it’, ‘The Creation – God’s gift’, ‘to relate to Jesus, their friend, and to imitate him’, ‘to celebrate and be thankful for Family Church, which they are part of, under the protection of Mary, Jesus’ mum and our Mother.’ A spyglass teaches them to look and discover big and small Nests and to focus with love, compassion and warmth on the Life they hold within.

MY FRIEND MIMO A story of nests and tiny nooks. Teacher’s Guide.

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be educated in the care for life

It will guide kids - through the different didactic suggestions, texts and activities that are included in the stories - in the understanding and learning of the following aspects: ‘The value of life and looking after it’, ‘The Creation – God’s gift’, ‘to relate to Jesus, their friend, and to imitate him’, ‘to celebrate and be thankful for Family Church, which they are part of, under the protection of Mary, Jesus’ mum and our Mother.’ It will teach them to use that ‘Spyglass’ during learning, in this stage of their development.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: My friend Mimo. A story of nests and tiny nooks. Teacher’s Guide. Pages: 48 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-945-4 SKU Code: 9505129454 Key words: Religious education in school. Itinerary. Creation. Ecology. Environment. Life..

Primary education- First Cycle TEKORA PROJECT

Religious education in schools


AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Let’s care for Life 1 Pages: 120 Format: 22,5 x 20,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-998-0 SKU Code: 9505129980 Key words: Religious Education in school. Itinerary. Creation. Ecology. Environment. Life

It promotes the knowledge of God the Father as Creator and life Giver. It describes the Creations as God’s work -a testament of his perfection, originality and infinite love – given to men and women for its custody and preservation. Different aspects are worked on from the stories, poetry, comics and songs, and biblical texts: gratitude, responsibility, diversity, contemplation and care. WATER appears as an essential, limited, non-renewable natural resource which is not available for all citizens of the world, and as a saving element (Baptism sign, birth to God’s family). It is personified in a drop called CLARA who acquires diverse characteristics and roles throughout the chapters.

Let’s care for Life 2

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be educated in the care for life

This book intensifies contemplating the Creation, focusing in the creation of Men and Women. It develops and emphasises the promoting of human ecology, and the bond with God the Father and Creator. It highlights the prominent elements of Jewish culture in which Salvation History is laid (the floods, the promise to Abraham and the birth of Moises) in a transversal dialogue with WATER ELEMENT. A second element from nature is presented -AIR – with a new character – GUST the Dove – which also refers to the wind and the power of the Holy Spirit. AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Let’s care for Life 2 Pages: 120 Format: 22,5 x 20,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-904-1 SKU Code: 9505129041 Key words: Religious Education in school. Itinerary. Creation. Ecology. Environment. Life.

Primary education- First Cycle Religious education in schools


Let’s care for Life 3

Earth is introduced as a place of action, conflict, identity and opportunity. As well as home, the place to come back to, the roots, people’s identity and equality (as per the called Praised be to you, which engages us to make the world Everyone’s Home). The third element-character appears, EARTHY, a piece of earth who, with a very distinct identity, works as the connecting thread among the different triggering narrations and becomes the protagonist of meaningful moments in History. Native peoples and their respect for Mother Earth are, just like in the other elements of the Cycle, referents for valuable and exemplifying actions. AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Let’s care for Life 3 Pages: 120 Format: 22,5 x 20,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-905-8 SKU Code: 9505129058 Key words: Religious Education in school. Itinerary. Creation. Ecology. Environment. Life.

Let’s care for Life 1, 2 Y 3 Teacher’s guide

TEKORA is the first editorial project of Religious Education in School which makes human ecology the fundamental (transversal) concept from kindergarten to secondary school inspired in Laudato si’ (Praise be to you) Pope Francis’ encyclical. Each book form First, Second and Third grade of Primary School develops, along the 18 chapters, the contents required by the catechesis curricular guidelines set by the Argentinian Episcopal Conference and introduces them in a dialogue with human ecology.

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be educated in the care for life

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Let’s care for Life 1, 2 y 3. Teacher’s guide Pages: 144 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-923-2 SKU Code: 9505129232 Key words: Religious Education in school. Itinerary. Creation. Ecology. Environment. Life. Includes CD with Carlos Seoane’s songs.

Primary Education– Second cycle TEKORA PROJECT

Religious education in schools

Let’s care for Life 4

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Let’s care for Life 4

In addition to AIR, WATER AND EARTH, this book introduces the forth personified element -FIRE – COLO. The four friends will be part of the narrative script (short novel) which tells, in an inviting way, the adventures and fortunes in which the elements will experience the suffering they are subjected to but, at the same time, the happiness of a projective learning for boys and girls. The narrative has a legendary (legend) and mythical style. It specifically works on BAPTISM, THE COMMANDMENT OF LOVE (in light of the 10 Commandments), the RECONCILIATION AND THE COMUNNION TABLE WHICH IS LIFE TO THE WORLD (tracing, just like in the first cycle, lines which converge in the immediate Catechesis Preparation of these Sacraments).

Pages: 132 Format: 22,5 x 20,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-969-0 SKU Code: 9505129690 Key words: Religious Education in school. Itinerary. Creation. Ecology. Environment. Life.

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be educated in the care for life

Let’s care for Life 5

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Let’s care for Life 5 Pages: 132 Format: 22,5 x 20,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-970-6 SKU Code: 9505129706 Key words: Religious Education in school. Itinerary. Creation. Ecology. Environment. Life.

The four friends – ELEMENTS – will realise that they can’t do it on their own and will summon human kids to recue Earth and Life on Earth, throughout all new 18 chapters. This is how the FOUR GUARDIAN KIDS are born (guarding water, wind, earth and fire); who will be part of a series of books tailored for older Children’S (10-year-old) and who will guide them into new and more in depth learning. This book highlights the CONFIRMATION for the Mission and the CHURCH as Home-Mother in which context the mission is oriented, planned and fulfilled. The turning point between book Four and Five is that readers start involving in a more direct way as the protagonists are humans.


Additional Material PRAISED BE TO YOU An overview of Pope Francis’ encyclical

An overview of Pope’s Francis’ encyclical. You will find, planted among the pages of this book, a selection of phrases form the encyclical Praised be to you. We present you a book with fine binding, illustration paper and motivating images which help you travel through the central message of Pope Francis. What kind of world do we want for those who will follow us? Why did we come to this life? Why do we sweat our everyday work? Why does earth need us? AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Praise be to you. An overview of Pope Francis’ encyclical. Pages: 96 Format: 21 x 17 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-918-8 SKU Code: 9505129188 Key words: Religious Education in school. Itinerary. Creation. Ecology. Environment. Life.


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be educated in the care for life

This books presents resources on the liturgical year to be worked in the classroom. They approach the meaning – and the signs and symbols – of each period form their biblical bases. These texts present ideas-forces to work with the younger ones (6-year-old) and further develop basic content to accompany the First Cycle.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: The celebration of life Pages: 64 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-924-9 SKU Code: 9505129249 Key words: Religious Education in school. Itinerary. Creation. Ecology. Environment. Life.


Only Jesus can heal you! Why do you hesitate?

P. JOSÉ EUGENIO HOYOS SALCEDO Collection: HEALING IN THE SPIRIT F. José Eugenio Hoyos Salcedo invites us to focus on Jesus -not to narrow-down on the difficulties, in the illness we are suffering or the problems that keep us awake at night- by encouraging us to leave everything in the hands of the only one who has the power to transform these.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS, Title: Only Jesus can heal you! Why do you hesitate? Autor: José Eugen io Hoyos Collection: Healing in the Spirit Pages: 112 Format: 20 x 14 ISBN: 978-950-512-980-5 SKU Code: 9505129805

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celebrate the charismas of the Holy Spirit in the Church

Key words: Healing. Charismatic spirituality. Prayer

BACK COVER | REVIEW Throughout life we may feel weak in several occasions; when facing difficulties, sadness, or eve, illnesses. Thus, an impulse to solve these situations by ourselves arises in us; we try to dominate the reins of the situation, and in our self-sufficiency, we try to get to a better place on our own. On these pages, the author invites us to put the focus on Jesus. He teaches us to come out of our enclosure and to set the sight away from the problems or challenges that trouble us; encouraging us to leave everything in the hand of the only one who has the power to transform these. To lean on this certainty, he narrates numerous testimonials on healings and miracles which will help us feed and strengthen our faith.

JOSÉ EUGENIO HOYOS was born in Guadalajara de Buga (Colombia) and he was ordained priest in the cathedral of such city. He studied theology at Santo Tomas de Bogotá University and later completed a master in Theology in the Catholic Theological Union, Chicado (USA). He has delivered classes on religion, ethics and philosophy at schools in Bogotá (Colombia) and, on top of his work as a priest, he has been the director of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal at Arlington diocese since 1990. He has written and published several books and articles on healing in Latin America, among which Jesus keeps healing, of our publishing house.



Collection: HEALING IN THE SPIRIT This book is a great spiritual help for those who are facing cancer or a terminal illness, for those who are going through depression, financial problems, the loss of a loved one or have a spiritually illness. You will discover in this book, guided by the Holy Spirit, the importance and the power of prayer in sickness and, in a wonderful way, you will realise that healings and miracles are continuing and that Jesus keeps healing.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS, Title: Jesus keeps healing Autor: José Eugen io Hoyos Collection: Healing in the Spirit Pages: 144 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-981-2 SKU Code: 9505129812

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celebrate the charismas of the Holy Spirit in the Church

Key words: Healing. Charismatic spirituality. Prayer

BACK COVER | REVIEW It is Jesus who cures our wounds and reaches out his hand for us to rest in his infinite mercy. But even when it is us who suffer pain and difficulties, we can also be an instrument of that divine healing in front of our neighbours difficulties. This book is aimed for all of those who would like to experience healings on themselves and wish to be a minister of intersession, healing and liberation within the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Not only is there advice to perform the ministry efficiently, but there also are testimonials of people who lived the relief of the suffering. There are also quotations from the Sacred Scriptures specially recommended to accompany those who are suffering an illness.

JOSÉ EUGENIO HOYOS was born in Guadalajara de Buga (Colombia) and he was ordained priest in the cathedral of such city. He studied theology at Santo Tomas de Bogotá University and later completed a master in Theology in the Catholic Theological Union, Chicado (USA). He has delivered classes on religion, ethics and philosophy at schools in Bogotá (Colombia) and, on top of his work as a priest, he has been the director of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal at Arlington diocese since 1990. He has written and published several books and articles on healing in Latin America, among which Only Jesus can heal you, Why do you hesitate?, of our publishing house.

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Healing memories GUSTAVO E. JAMUT, OMV


Collection: HEALING IN THE SPIRIT An itinerary to increase you emotional and psychological health; and to work in the restauration of interpersonal relationships. This book deals with the conversion, the growth and healing; through blessing and the healing of memories. The first part of the work refers to the blessing, and the second part refers to the healing. Each chapter has a development with several testimonies and advice that enlighten and exemplify the proposals, and finishes with a brief section that will help you on your praying. AVAILABLE RIGHTS, Title: Healing memories Autor: Gustavo E. Jamut Collection: Healing in the Spirit Pages: 192 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-964-5 SKU Code: 9505129645

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celebrate the charismas of the Holy Spirit in the Church

Key words: Christian Prayers. Thoughts. Charismatic spirituality. Personal and interpersonal healing. Memories.

BACK COVER | REVIEW Our emotional situation – as well as the way in which we relate with others – is influenced by memories that we keep in our mind. There are some joyful ones, which are a source of health and happiness, and there are others linked to suffered wounds which has never healed, from which trauma and negative feelings arise. They produce blockages and encourage us to take the incorrect path. These pages teach us, in the form of a guide, how to rebuild our harmony, integrating all the stages and different aspects of our lives in a positive way. Each chapter has a development with several testimonies and advice that enlighten us and serve as examples; and finishes with a brief moment of special healing prayer.

GUSTAVO E. JAMUT, born in Buenos Aires (Argentina), is an important exponent of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. He is the founder of the evangelizing community ‘Mensajeros de Paz’ (Messengers of Peace). He has worked for many years as a consultant for the Movement’s groups at the Buenos Aires parish of San. He has written many books, among which The river of intergenerational inheritance. Healing our personal and family history, Effata. Healing relationships and communication, Rosary with Our lady of Fátima and Rosary to overcome the storms in life and regain internal peace, all of our publishing house.

Facing the storm To withstand and trust is the key


SEBASTIÁN ESCUDERO Collection: Healing in the Spirit Through his own personal testimony and some biblical examples, Sebastián Escudero transmits his experience. He discovered that by withstanding and trusting we can overcome the crisis and storms in our lives. We just have to learn how to rest on God’s wisdom and goodness.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Facing the storm. To withstand and trust is the key Author: Sebastián Escudero Collection: Healing in the spirit Pages: 96 Size: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-891-4 SKU Code: 9505128914

BACK COVER | REVIEW There are unannounced storms in our lives. They just come and they settle in the gate of our heart in order to take away our peace, happiness and joy. They come in the shape of illnesses, financial crisis, family crisis, death of a loved one, dark temptations, etc. If we manage to withstand and trust, we will come out transformed by the power of God and we will be able to thank him for allowing the visit of the mastering storm.

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celebrate the charismas of the Holy Spirit in the Church

Key Words: Charismatic spirituality. Testimony. Crisis. Wisdom of God. Healing.

SEBASTIÁN ESCUDERO preacher, musician, missionary, theology teacher and writer, was born in Córdoba (Argentina). Together with his wife, they share the itinerant evangelization calling. Invited to preach and sing in different Christian events, he has been announcing the Word of God to thousands of people in England, United States, Mexico and most of Latin America for over 18 years. He has written: Enfrentando la tormenta (Facing the storm, 9 editions), El amor que nos devuelve la identidad (The love that restores our identity, 5 editions), Líder, llegó tu hora (Leader, your time has come, 5 editions), No me digas que no podrás (Don’t say you can’t, 2 editions), Pan de héroes (Bread for Heroes, 2 editions) and Hemos conocido el amor (We have known love). Additionally, he has recorded several CDs on catholic music.

Bread for Heroes A collection of inspiring messages


SEBASTIÁN ESCUDERO Collection: Healing in the Spirit Through examples of popular stories, films and contemporary songs, personal anecdotes, verses from the bible and other Christian sources, Sebastián Escudero manages to communicate, in a positive way, messages of faith and hope.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Bread for Heroes a collection of inspiring messages Author: Sebastián Escudero Collection: Healing in the spirit Pages: 192 Size: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-890-7

BACK COVER | REVIEW Like Israel People needed manna to survive in the desert, we need our spiritual bread for our day-to-day life. Even though they were thought and written for secondary school students, they are addressed to readers of all ages. These brief comments are a valuable contribution for achieving a praying climate, appropriate for meditating in groups or individually.

SKU Code: 9505128907

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celebrate the charismas of the Holy Spirit in the Church

Key Words: Charismatic spirituality. Short messages. Personal prayer. Hope. Healing.

SEBASTIÁN ESCUDERO preacher, musician, missionary, theology teacher and writer, was born in Córdoba (Argentina). Together with his wife, they share the itinerant evangelization calling. Invited to preach and sing in different Christian events, he has been announcing the Word of God to thousands of people in England, United States, Mexico and most of Latin America for over 18 years. He has written: Enfrentando la tormenta (Facing the storm, 9 editions), El amor que nos devuelve la identidad (The love that restores our identity, 5 editions), Líder, llegó tu hora (Leader, your time has come, 5 editions), No me digas que no podrás (Don’t say you can’t, 2 editions), Pan de héroes (Bread for Heroes, 2 editions) and Hemos conocido el amor (We have known love). Additionally, he has recorded several CDs on catholic music.

Don’t say you can’t SEBASTIÁN ESCUDERO


Collection: HEALING IN THE SPIRIT It is based on two very simple ideas that are often found in personal development books; human thinking and their internal programming is what drives them to succeed or fail in life. Escudero’s addition is that this would be impossible without the help of Jesus Christ. Through examples of biblical characters and famous contemporary people, with a dynamic and uncomplicated style typical in him, he manages to transmit the zealous message of faith.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Don’t say you can’t Autor: Sebastián Escudero Collection: Healing in the Spirit Pages: 192 Format: 20x14 ISBN: 978-950-512-960-7 SKU Code: 9505129607 Key words: Charismatic spirituality. Search. Personal growth. Word of God.

BACK COVER | REVIEW It’s a book on personal development in light of the principles established by the Word of God. If we do not let God change our way of thinking, we will never change our way of living. The Bible can help us, because, in fact, is the best book on personal growth from all times. History, from start to end, provides us with testimonies of men and women who have proven with their lives that whenever we think in an adequate way, whenever we fight for our dreams, no matter where we start, we can succeed in life. Embellished with films, stories and personal anecdotes; this book will try to reach your heart and focus on this truth: Yes you can, yes you have, yes you are. And the most important and original fact – the very author will be a personal witness of this.

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celebrate the charismas of the Holy Spirit in the Church

‘If only one person in the history of humanity, by reading this book, is convinced that he can do all things through Him who strengthens him (Philippians 4:13); then all the time invested in this fourth book, that the Lord has asked me to write, will be worth it’ (Sebastián Escudero).. SEBASTIÁN ESCUDERO preacher, musician, missionary, theology teacher and writer, was born in Córdoba (Argentina). Together with his wife, they share the itinerant evangelization calling. Invited to preach and sing in different Christian events, he has been announcing the Word of God to thousands of people in England, United States, Mexico and most of Latin America for over 18 years. He has written: Enfrentando la tormenta (Facing the storm, 9 editions), El amor que nos devuelve la identidad (The love that restores our identity, 5 editions), Líder, llegó tu hora (Leader, your time has come, 5 editions), No me digas que no podrás (Don’t say you can’t, 2 editions), Pan de héroes (Bread for Heroes, 2 editions) and Hemos conocido el amor (We have known love). Additionally, he has recorded several CDs on catholic music.


Leader, your time has come SEBASTIÁN ESCUDERO Collection: Healing in the Spirit As it was for Joshua in the Bible, after spending 40 years in the desert fighting at the right hand of Moses with the Israelite tribes, one day God will come to tell us that desert time is over… it is time to go through it. And in order to do so, there is the need for leaders who can move the masses.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Leader, your time has come Autor: Sebastián Escudero Collection: Healing in the Spirit Pages: 192 Format: 20x14 ISBN: 978-950-512-961-4 SKU Code: 9505129614

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celebrate the charismas of the Holy Spirit in the Church

Key words: Charismatic spirituality. Leadersh ip: characteristics and challenges. Personal motivation. Word of God. Healing.

BACK COVER | REVIEW This work presents a series of biblical principles needed to exercise leadership correctly. The characteristics, topics and challenges of a true leader are enumerated: a praying life which is essential to have, the vision and planning that must be possessed to lead the flock that the Lord has entrusted in them, the passion to influence people’s life and temptations, the facing of dangers and risks. ‘This book is the harvest of everything I have learnt in life on leadership. Let God talk to you, my dear leader, as He did over 4000 years ago to a young Israelite, to tell you: Leader, your time has come!’ (Sebastián Escudero)

SEBASTIÁN ESCUDERO preacher, musician, missionary, theology teacher and writer, was born in Córdoba (Argentina). Together with his wife, they share the itinerant evangelization calling. Invited to preach and sing in different Christian events, he has been announcing the Word of God to thousands of people in England, United States, Mexico and most of Latin America for over 18 years. He has written: Enfrentando la tormenta (Facing the storm, 9 editions), El amor que nos devuelve la identidad (The love that restores our identity, 5 editions), Líder, llegó tu hora (Leader, your time has come, 5 editions), No me digas que no podrás (Don’t say you can’t, 2 editions), Pan de héroes (Bread for Heroes, 2 editions) and Hemos conocido el amor (We have known love). Additionally, he has recorded several CDs on catholic music.

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celebrate the charismas of the Holy Spirit in the Church


The love that restores our identity SEBASTIÁN ESCUDERO Collection: Healing in the Spirit The passionate love story that Jesus narrated, known as The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15, 11-32), has the father as the main character; a father who goes to the encounter of his two sons, who were lost in the path of life. One was lost by going to a foreign country, the other by staying home. Yet they both went to the same place for the encounter: the arms of their father.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: The love that restores our identity Autor: Sebastián Escudero Collection: Healing in the Spirit Format: 20x14 Key words: Charismatic spirituality. Christian identity. Mercy. Conversion. Word of God. Healing.

BACK COVER | REVIEW Resentment, jealousy, envy, lack of self-esteem, fear, emotional and affective disorders, insecurities, self-pity, fear of god’s punishment, lack of courage disguised as arrogance, complexes, constant feeling of guilt… These are just some of the indicators showing us that we need to urgently go back to the only One who can tell us exactly who we are and how much we are worth. To the arms where we can feel eternally happy and peaceful, like Children’S do. The home where we can restore the dignity the devil has stolen. In the end, the Love that heals every one of our wounds and returns our identity.

SEBASTIÁN ESCUDERO preacher, musician, missionary, theology teacher and writer, was born in Córdoba (Argentina). Together with his wife, they share the itinerant evangelization calling. Invited to preach and sing in different Christian events, he has been announcing the Word of God to thousands of people in England, United States, Mexico and most of Latin America for over 18 years. He has written: Enfrentando la tormenta (Facing the storm, 9 editions), El amor que nos devuelve la identidad (The love that restores our identity, 5 editions), Líder, llegó tu hora (Leader, your time has come, 5 editions), No me digas que no podrás (Don’t say you can’t, 2 editions), Pan de héroes (Bread for Heroes, 2 editions) and Hemos conocido el amor (We have known love). Additionally, he has recorded several CDs on catholic music.



Once upon a time, and still today… Stories to tell, build and believe Marta Boiocchi

Universal values are in the state of seeds in the soul of all human beings. By stimulating those seeds with education, the child will recognise these in themselves and discover that they can and should grow. The stories in the Gospel are an important reference for the formation of temperament. They open the door for Children’S to discover the value that is already in their heart, waiting to be awaken.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Collection: Once upon a time, and still today… Stories to tell, build and believe Autor: Marta Boiocch i Ilustraciones: Ram iro Pazo Pages: 32/48 Format: 17x22 cm Key words: Word of God. Short story. Values. Celebration. It includes an insert with a sheet of stickers.

REVIEW Children love storytelling, stories and narrations. They asked for them to be repeated over and over again. These stories to tell, build and believe try to take advantage of the innocence of the heart to present them with Jesus and God Father. On a biblical level, the book offers new interpretations of the Word of God, so as not to simply repeat the story of the Gospel and to lead to a fundamentalist reading of it, but to offer a simple presentation of God’s message - specially of the New Testament - accordingly with a respectful reading of the texts and contexts which joins life and faith. On a didactic level, they are entertaining stories which children will want to hear over and over again; which will awake their most noble feelings and will open their hearts to the Word of God, like a flower opens to the warmth of the sun.

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experience Jesus love and the Gospel’s values

These books want to encourage action and celebration by proposing the interaction with the characters, stickers, games and activities; as well as to offer the assimilation of the message of each story from a community point of view..

MARTA BOIOCCHI, convinced that the Word of God is powerful to transform people and structures, has focus her efforts in the creation of working-class Bible schools in Latin America. As a lay missionary who lived among the poorest people in Haiti, was the promoter for the translation of the Bible into creole. She is currently giving courses and workshops on the Word of God, catechesis and Bible groups in diverse Latin American communities, aiming to recreate a new Church that is more faithful to the Gospel and more committed to the causes of life.


Who will look after my garden? God’s Collaborators Galatians 6,7 Genesis 1, 1-29

MARTA BOIOCCHI Collection: ONCE UPON A TIME, AND STILL TODAY AVAILABLE RIGHTS, Title:Who will look after my garden? God’s Collaborators. Galatians 6,7 Genesis 1, 1-29 Autor: Marta Boiocch i Collection: Once upon a time, and still today Pages: 24

To be God’s collaborator in the caring for creation is everyone’s mission, some people accept it and some people reject it. Who will look after my garden? tells the story of an elderly man called Ramiro, who asks kids to rescue his garden that has been mistreated by his neighbours – some of them accept it and some of them reject it. At the end of the story, there are questions to reflect on, a celebration to share with who you love, and a poster to complete with stickers that come as a gift.

Format: 22 x 17 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-933-1


SKU Code: 9505129331

Hi, I am Marta Boiocchi! I have been a catechist for many years and I like to write stories for kids to come closer to Jesus and for them to get to know His Word. I have been in many Latin American countries and that is how I met many people who joined me in the reading of the Bible. I hope you will learn a lot from these stories too. :-)

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experience Jesus love and the Gospel’s values

Key words: Ch ildren stories. Looking after nature. Fam ily. Love. Joy. Order.

Hi, I am MARTA BOIOCCHI! I have been a catechist for many years and I like to write stories for kids to come closer to Jesus and for them to get to know His Word. I have been in many Latin American countries and that is how I met many people who joined me in the reading of the Bible. I hope you will learn a lot from these stories too. :-)

Marta Boiocchi

ONTAR, CELEBRAR y JUGAR a partir de una historia o en los chicos sus sentimientos más nobles y abriendo saje de Dios.

MANSO CANELA El burrito con buena estrella que llevó a Jesús a Jerusalén

Durante muchos años fuí catequista y me gusta escribir cuentos para que los niños se acerquen más a Jesús y conozcan su Palabra. Estuve en varios países de América Latina y así conocí muchas personas que me acompañaron en la lectura de la Biblia. Espero que tú también aprendas mucho de estas historias.

-10 Marcos 11, 1

*CONTIENE AUTOADHESIVOS para completar y jugar

Gentle Cinnamon The little donkey with a good star who took Jesus to Jerusalem Mark 11,1-10


AVAILABLE RIGHTS, Title: Gentle Cinnamon . The little donkey with a good star who took Jesus to Jerusalem . Mark 11,1-10 Autor: Marta Boiocch i Collection: Once upon a time, and still today

Together with the most famous donkey of the Claretian Bible, we will help you discover noble feelings and a new way to open your heart to God’s message. Discover the virtues and values of one of the most humble creatures God has given us, who helped Jesus enter Jerusalem triumphantly. At the end of the story, there are questions to reflect on, a celebration to share with who you love, and a poster to complete with stickers that come as a gift.

Pages: 32 Format: 22 x 17 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-934-8 SKU Code: 9505129348

experience Jesus love and the Gospel’s values

Key words: Ch ildren stories. Gospel. Love. Joy. Friendsh ip.

BACK COVER | REVIEW ‘Now when they drew near to Jerusalem, Jesus sent two of his disciples and said to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately as you enter it you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat “’. (Mark 11, 1-2)

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ola, soy

Marta oiocchi!


proximaban a Jerusalén, Jesús envió discípulos, diciéndoles: “Vayan al stá enfrente y, al entrar, un asno atado, que nadie ha avía.” Marcos 11, 1-2

Hi, I am MARTA BOIOCCHI! I have been a catechist for many years and I like to write stories for kids to come closer to Jesus and for them to get to know His Word. I have been in many Latin American countries and that is how I met many people who joined me in the reading of the Bible. I hope you will learn a lot from these stories too. :-)



Little Miracles

The works of Mercy PROJECT: EDITORIAL TEAM TEXTS: W. ALEJANDRO LUNA ILLUSTRATIONS: MA. GABRIELA GARCÍA GUERRA Works of mercy are an opportunity for boys and girls, together with their families or their school or parish colleagues, to get closer to the heart of someone in need, to the next person… to their neighbour.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Collection: Little Miracles. The works of Mercy Project: Editorial team Texts: W. Alejandro Luna Illustrations: Ma. Gabriela García Guerra Pages: 24 Format: 16 x 14 cm Key words: Mercy. Short story. Values. Gestures of love. Activities. Suggestions of work.

REVIEW Ivan is the protagonist of these stories. His name comes from Hebrew and it means ‘God is merciful’. Every time, his friends and himself will encounter a dilemma in front of them, and they will have to think what to do. And they will be able to solve it with a gesture of love: a work of mercy. We wish for every child to find, on each of these stories, the spark to light their hearts, to multiply these little miracles in their lives.

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experience Jesus love and the Gospel’s values

It includes sheets and extra materials to work each story.

WALTER ALEJANDRO LUNA he studied Sacred Science and devoted his life to teaching in secondary schools, in teaching training courses and at Universities; as well as delivering courses and being assistant teacher at the diaconal training. Since 1990, he has been a member of the Catholic Action in Argentina as well as an extraordinary member of the Argentinean Thomist Society. He has also worked in journalism as an editor in parish publications of the Catholic Action; as the director of a magazine; and as the producer and broadcaster of radio shows. MARÍA GABRIELA GARCÍA GUERRA she was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Since 1990 she has been a children catechist and a coach in Catholic Action groups in Argentina. She studied Fine Arts at Escuela de Arte Prilidiano Pueyrredón, National Institute of Art. She became a teacher of painting and has taken part in drama workshops as well as being part of the cast in the group BANUEV (Buenos Aires for a new Evangelization - Buenos Aires para una Nueva Evangelización). She is an art teacher in primary and secondary level, as well as in drawing and painting workshops for children. She works as an illustrator in different areas.


Little Miracles CHILDREN’S BOOKS

The works of Mercy



Give shelter to the pilgrim ISBN: 978-950-512-936-2 SKU Code: 9505129362 Key words: Love. Friendsh ip. Adoption. Generosity. The other.

To feed the hungry ISBN: 978-950-512-937-9 SKU Code: 9505129379 Key words: Love. Friendsh ip. Generosity. Sharing. The other.

‘We all went to my house and had a lovely evening together. When we finished our tea, we gave Julian two small packets of biscuits, in case he was hungry on his way back home.’

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experience Jesus love and the Gospel’s values

‘Cachilo appeared one day. He was very small. He was all alone, and he was shaking – maybe because he was cold or maybe he was scared. Right then, with some of my friends, we started playing with him. We had such a good time!’



Teach him who does not know Key words: Love. Friendsh ip. Forgiveness. Joy. Cooperation. The other.

Forgive those who trespass against us Key words: Love. Friendsh ip. Forgiveness. Joy. Cooperation. The other.

‘I speak and I can see my friend Eliana, who is leaving really far away, through a video. My friend told me that her grandad is sad because he doesn’t know how to use the computer to talk to her through a video.’

‘We went back to the Ms. Teresa’s house. And, even though we were a bit scared to talk to her, we rang the bell and we told her that it was our fault; and we apologised.’

From Expecting to Hoping CATECHESIS

Catechesis starts at pregnancy

REGINA CHELI GERLO DE QUINODOZ TERESITA GETTE DE BERNS Life is a treasure, and no matter what the circumstances are, it is always a wonderful gift. Life is worth being expected for, celebrated, hold, fed, respected, accompanied. This catechesis is ment to be a brotherly and maternal proposal to join those who are living the miracle of expecting a child. AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: From expecting to Hoping. Catechesis starts at pregnancy Autor: Regina Cheli Gerlo de Quinodoz - Teresita Gette de Berns Pages: 96 Format: 26 x 18 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-920-1 SKU Code: 9505129201

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be a witness of his love

Key words: Catechesis. Preparation. Pregnancy. Fam ily. Matern ity and Patern ity. Gestation.

BACK COVER | REVIEW Pregnancy is a time for development, preparation and expectancy; not only for the baby that is on the way, but for those who are intimately in touch with life itself. It is a time of deep growth for those who are living it and of accompaniment for those who surround it. It is a unique occasion to discover God’s face, Father and Creator, who looks after us since the beginning to eternity, Jesus, who walks with you in your journey, and the Holy Spirit who enlightens us with his love at all times. The authors, as a result from their vast experience in catechesis in the diocese of Paraná, propose- in these pages – a brotherly and maternal accompaniment for those who are living the miracle of expecting a child. It is a wonderful resource that goes through each gestational stage, probing what each of these entitle and allowing you to be surprised by God’s presence, which guides you.

REGINA CHELI GERLO DE QUINODOZ was born in Paraná (Entre Ríos, Argentina). She has been a catechist for over 40 years and she is part of diocesan, regional and national teams which discuss special catechesis and catechists’ training matters. TERESITA GETTE DE BERNS was born in Herrera (Entre Ríos, Argentina). She became a school teacher and she worked as one for 36 years. She is an artist as well as parish family catechesis coordinator and legal representative at San José de Crespo school, Entre Ríos.

Our Father loves us Coordinator’s guide + flashcard for boys and girls


MARTA BOIOCCHI Age: BOYS AND GIRLS UP TO 5 YEARS It’s a combination of a guide and flashcards to teach the youngest ones the Father God who Jesus showed us. By getting to know him, we will grow in our faith and we will learn about the great dignity and all the value we have as people in front of his eyes. Each class will make them grow in joy, warmth and friendship with Him; in the family, their friends and school colleagues, and their community.

Awake the desire to believe,providing resources to catechists, parents and teachers

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BACK COVER | REVIEW Children, from a very young age, acquire the sense of what is sacred in a global way, perceptibly. Their growth is tied together to their awakening in faith and they start developing the sense of sacredness, mainly through the attitudes of the adults who surround them: parents, grandparent, relatives, teachers, among others. When children see us praying, turning to God, making the sign of the Holy Cross, participating in a procession or going to mass, among many other gestures and signs, they start learning that God is important to us and transcendent in our lives -not as something magical or superstitious -, as someone how loves us, looks after us, always protects us and someone who is always three for us. AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Our Father loves us Autor: Marta Boiocch i Edad: Boys and Girls up to 5 years Key words: Religious education. God the Father. Ch ildren. Pre-school.

God’s Kingdom is a free gift that God has given in Jesus. We want to be in a welcoming attitude to be able to receive him, accept him, appreciate him and respond to him. How do you receive the Kingdom of God? You receive it with an open and sensitive heart. And how do you respond to the Gift of the Kingdom? You answer it with love and service to your brothers and sisters.

MARTA BOIOCCHI,convinced that the word of God is strong enough to change people and structures, has focused her effort in the creation of popular Biblical schools in Latin America. As a lay missionary, who has lived among the poorest people in Haiti, she was the main promoter of having the Bible translated in creole. She is currently delivering courses and workshops on the Word, catechesis and bible groups in different communities through Latin America, with the intention of creating a new Church that is more faithful to the Gospel and more committed with life’s causes.

The First Announcement KERYGMA

Kerygmatic gatherings to open to the gift of God

CARLOS TAZZIOLI - ALBERTO DAGORRET BEATRIZ CASIELLO Kerygmatic gatherings or ‘God’s agoras’, assemblies, are considered spaces for faith proposal and First Announcement, with a task-requirement for each participant: God’s Word is in your hand to take it to your heart.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: The First Announcement. Kerygmatic gatherings to open to the gift of God Authors: Carlos Tazzioli, Alberto Dagorret and Beatriz Casiello Pages: 128 Format: 26 x 18 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-892-1

Awake the desire to believe,providing resources to catechists, parents and teachers

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SKU Code: 9505128921 Key words: Kerygma. Mission. Encounter. Word. Announcement. Religious education.

BACK COVER | REVIEW The ‘First Announcement’, to be a true ‘First Announcement’, is the grace event that occurs in the encounter: God who goes passionately to the encounter of mankind, talks to their heart and, in that dialogue, they answer His calling by adhering or not’. Once this desire is sparked on us, it helps us to be part of the community and to communicate the God’s News; it forwards us to the mission. Love becomes the drive to help others. But… How? Where to start? In front of the changes the world has gone through and a Church that could not keep up with the circumstances, first we need to undo the path in order to start a new one. F. Carlos Tazzioli, F. Alberto Dagorret and Sr. Beatriz Casiello have formed a team to present us on these pages the fruit of their experience in segragated parishes in Concordia’s diocese (Argentina). On them, they propose to go back to the source by untangling together, under the light of the Holy Spirit, what the efficient and lively Word says to each of us, in the shape of communal encounter.

ALBERTO DAGORRET, is a priest in Concordia’s diocese (Argentina) and studied Theology at University of Vienna (Austria). He has been looking after the pastoral aspect of peripherical urban neighbourhoods which suffer from poverty and segregation. He is co-author of several books on adults’ catechesis. BEATRIZ CASIELLO, religious Daughter of Maria Ausiliatrice, has completed catechetical studies and has become a language teacher. She is the author of 40 books on catechesis and she is a member of Latin American Catechists Society (Sociedad de Catequistas Latinoa¬mericanos – SCALA). She has taught at the seminary in Rosario, at the ISCA (Argentinean Institute of Catechesis) – in the training area-in Buenos Aires; and at the Salesian teacher training school. She is currently founder and director of the House of the Catechist in Rosario. CARLOS A. TAZZIOLI, priest at the diocese of Concordia (Argentina), has a Bachelor degree in Theology with the specialization in Youth Ministry and Catechetical Studies at Salesian Pontifical University in Rome. He has a vast experience in pastoral actives in urban and suburban areas, especially in segregated ones. He is currently a member of Latin American Catechists Society (Sociedad de Catequistas Latinoa¬mericanos – SCALA). He is the author of the book Promover la dignidad: un servicio catequístico desde el pobre. Opciones y propuestas -Promoting dignity: a catechetic service from the poor. Options and Porposals.

José Luis Bruno

José Luis Bruno

rindan una guía útil, con más de cien Cuenta con la ventaja de estar agrupaes, los valores y temas que aparecen una breve apreciación. Es una origistoral para utilizar en todo ámbito tagiar la fe y el amor del evangelio.

rofesor en filosofía y teología, además equesis y pastoral educativa. Enseña trabaja, él mismo, como formador de mente es coordinador de catequesis y la Nuestra Señora de la Merced y la en Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina).

Cine y valores El séptimo arte como recurso para la evangelización

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Cinema and Values. The seventh art as a resource for evangelization. Author: José Luis Bruno Collection: Resources Pages: 128 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-949-2 SKU Code: 9505129492

Awake the desire to believe,providing resources to catechists, parents and teachers

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The seventh art as a resource for evangelization

JOSÉ LUIS BRUNO Collection: RESOURCES Nowadays, there is an explosion of which we barely realised its risks -mass communication media. We are inserted in a new cultural paradigm where discourse is losing its strength giving way to new alternatives. Here is where catechists have new challenges. Films are resources, it is not in itself the whole of the catechesis, but it can impact the message destined to enlighten the criteria and way of living of the catechized.

Cine y valores


para todo cristiano el momento de del evangelio adaptándolos a la reali. Como no se trata de un mero conocisino de algo encarnado en la vida, modelos, etc. Se nos propone aquí un ransmitir algo difícil de poner en palade films cinematográficos.

Cinema and Values

Key Words: Cinema. Resources. Catechesis. Values. Analysis. Debate. Ch ildren. Adolescents. Adults.

BACK COVER | REVIEW Teaching the values of the gospel by adapting them to people’s realities becomes a challenge to all Christians. As it is not a mere intellectual concept but of something incarnated in life, it needs examples, models, etc. So here we have a new resource to communicate something that is difficult to put in words: the broadcasting of cinematographic films. These pages provide us with a useful guide with over a hundred film titles. Its advantage is that they are grouped by ages, values and topics that appear in them, an and there is a brief description. It is an creative pastoral tool to be used in all areas where faith and love for the gospel is being spread.

JOSÉ LUIS BRUNO is a philosophy and theology teacher who has a bachelor in catechesis and educational pastoral. He teaches religious education and works as a catechist trainer. He is currently the catechesis and pastoral coordinator at Nuestra Señora de la Merced and San Ramon schools in Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina).

A festivity to celebrate with the Holy Spirit


Pentecost and the seven gifts Children’s workbook

JUAN CRUZ ALMADA Collection: RESOURCES This is a resource intended for children to be used for Pentecost as well as any catechesis that explains the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It includes seven homilies by Pope Francis, explaining each of the gifts – adapted to children’s language; seven stories that illustrates the extend and the meaning of each gift, and activities to use in classes on the Holy Spirit and to celebrate with children the Pentecost vigil. AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: A festivity to celebrate with the Holy Spirit. Pentecost and the seven gifts – Ch ildren’s workbook Author: Juan Cruz Almada Collection: Resources Pages: 96 Format: 20 x 14 cm

Awake the desire to believe,providing resources to catechists, parents and teachers

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ISBN: 978-950-512-927-0 SKU Code: 950-512-927-0 Key words: Holy Spirit. Pentecost. Gifts. Religious education. Catech istic Resources. Stories. Ch ildren.

BACK COVER | REVIEW Receiving the Holy Spirit is a party, and as such, we want children to be prepare and dress their hearts in the best possible way. It is necessary for them to understand and to fully comprehend what this present means and what each of these seven gifts mean. These pages provide us with different resources to work and deepen the knowledge on the Pentecost festivity, but not only on that date but also all year long. Pope Francis’ catechesis is here presented, followed by seven stories that illustrate the effects of each gift on our daily life and, finally, activities to celebrate this wonderful joy.

JUAN CRUZ ALMADA was born in Rosario, Santa Fe (Argentina). He graduated from The house of Catechesis in Rosario, directed by Sr Beatriz Casiello. He is also studying a bachelor degree in Biotechnology at Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Rosario National University), and he is the author of several articles.

On the side of the poor Priest Brochero’s portrayal The Play




AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: On the side of the por. Priest Brochero’s portrayal - The Play

This short play submerges us in Father Bochero’s world, a great Argentinean Saint, narrating some of the key moments in his pastoral life. With gaucho language and endearing characters; the dialogues nad gestures will get us close to his heart as a pastor, the same heart that drove him to search for everyone, especially those who were further, to help them get close to God; and to work incessantly to develop humanity in his community.

Author: Beatriz Cristina Baudracco Collection: Resources Pages: 64 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-968-3

Awake the desire to believe,providing resources to catechists, parents and teachers

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SKU Code: 9505129683 Key Words: Father Brochero. Theatre. Catech istic Resources. Leisure. Values. Sanctity.

BEATRIZ CRISTINA BAUDRACCO is a psychologist graduated from La Plata Univerity, who worked for many years in the health area in La Pampa (Argentina), where she still resides. Author of many articles, she learned about Father Brochero’s story and she was captivated by it. She wrote and brought to a script a previous play on the Gaucho Priest, as well as other plays with a scientific aspect to them. In 2013 she obtained a scholarship from the Drama National Institute to further develop her skills as a playwright.


The theology on sacramental-liturgic by Dionisio Borobio. Sacramentology guide. An integrated theology


AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: The theology on sacramentalliturgic by Dion isio Borobio. Sacramentology guide. An integrated theology Autor: Pbro. Dr. Sergio Alberto Martín Collection: Kairós Pages: 400 Format: 21 x 15 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-919-5 SKU Code: 9505129195

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Spread his Voice all over

Key words: Sacraments. Liturgy. Min istry. Theology. Guide.

‘The articles are evidently the fruit of many devoted years and of several reasons and motivations: preparing the classes to be delivered, seminars and bienniums on specific topics, magazine articles, collaborating in joined works, conferences in conventions and pastoral workshops for priests as well as lay people. Most of that material has been centred around one ‘articulating axis’, the sacraments that have been studied and analysed from different perspectives, applied to different situations and recipients.’ (Dionisio Borobio).

BACK COVER | REVIEW Dionisio Borobio is one of the sacramentologists in the Spanish language that has contributed the most to the sacramental theology since the Second Vatican Council. F Sergio Martín presents us with the principals of his theology and, from them, he approaches everything that is involved on the ministry of sacraments. His works emphases, within the sacramental theology, the principle by which you cannot separate the ministry from the sacrament. Otherwise, the ministry would be reduced to a mere ritual and ceremony, and the sacrament would be reduced to ideology and abstraction. It is about a topic that has not been dealt with until now. The author (…) has offered, in a unified presentation, what D. Borobio has encountered along his academic life. This is the contribution of the thesis and it is the reason why all later attempts to study sacramental theology by D. Borobio will not be able to dispense with the reading of Sergio Martín’s thesis. Fr. Jorge A. Scampini, O.P. Jurado de la Defensa de la tesis doctoral Universidad Católica Argentina

SERGIO ALBERTO MARTÍN is a diocesan priest in the Archdiocese of Mendoza. There, he has been a trainer in the Seminar and parish priest in several communities, as well as consultant for the Liturgical Archdiocesan Team and Master of ceremonies for twenty years. He is a member of the National Secretariat of Liturgy and of the training and development organisation of the Argentinean Society of Liturgy. He is currently a professor at Our Lady of the Rosary Seminar and at the Pontifical Catholic University (in Mendoza).


Liberated to liberate


MARÍA ANDREA GREEN Collection: PROTAGONISTS OF THE KINGDOM In a narrative style but true to Sacred Scriptures, this collection aims to teach us the lives of the people who left a mark on the Old and New testament, all along the Salvation History. These men and women took part in the Salvation History nad were sons of their time. In order to understand their personal reality, we will place ourselves in the temporal context, transcending the biblical stories. We will contemplate each of them as the human being they were, with their own qualities, weaknesses, aspirations and strengths. AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Moses. Liberated to liberate Author: María Andrea Green Collection: Protagon ists of the Kingdom Format: 20 x 14 cm

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Spread his Voice all over

Key words: Moses. Bible. History. Liberation. Salvation.

BACK COVER | REVIEW ‘Moses was raised there… he was a strong man, brave, passionate with a big heart […] There is that something in mankind that identifies us with blood and to the land that we belong to… and Moses knew (the Bible does not tell us how) that beating inside of him had an answer: he was HEBREW! Maybe the tension that battled between the Egyptian power and the Hebrew people were, little by little, awaking in Moses, a man with a passionate heart, the search for justice… and of his truth… Maybe his heart mother, the Princess, could no longer hide the real story… because her heart as a strong mother, who had rescued him from death, had also shaped in some way the heart of young Moses… He was not intimidated by the Pharaoh’s power either.’

MARÍA ANDREA GREEN consecrated by Order of Virgins, has a Bachelor degree in Theology and has worked for many years in pastoral activities in different countries. She is currently living in Argentina and she dedicates her time to evangelization and leading workshops on spirituality and seminars on catechesis. She is the author of Land in sight! Path for Jesus’ disciples and missionaries, Psalms for the journey and Teach he who does not know published by our publishing house.

Prints of Mercy

Small prayers from the Gospel of Saint Luke


GUSTAVO ALONSO, CMF Collection: BIBLICAL SPIRITUALITY Editorial Claretiana offers this book for you to, together with the hand of the third Evangelist, encounter God in Mercy, that kind Father who anxiously awaits his son. It is not simply another exegesis book with reflections and prayers; it is a contribution to recognise, after living the Jubilee of Mercy, He loves you just like you are.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Prints of Mercy. Small prayers from the Gospel of Saint Luke Author: Gustavo Alonso, cmf Collection: Biblical Spirituality Pages: 128 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-914-0 SKU Code: 9505129140

Saint Luke is known as the ‘narrator of Christ’s gentleness’. On his gospel, differing form the other three, Jesus is constantly praying intimately with the Father, in unison with the Holy Spirit. Divine mercy is present in all his readings. Throughout these pages, we are invited to participate of that very same loving dialogue. By going through the journey of small moments of prayer, we will see God’s loving face. Small for its few words, for the concrete message, for the humbleness of those who present themselves to the Lord, but immense because it will reveal decisive moments, which will bring sense back to life and will fill them with joy.

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key words: Mercy. Reflections. Gospel. Personal Prayer. Sacred Scriptures.


GUSTAVO ALONSO is a missionary Claretian priest born in the province of Córdoba. He has a degree on Theology from Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He was the Provincial Father of his congregation in Argentina-Uruguay (1974-1979) and, later, Superior General (1979 and 1991) with residency in Rome. He is the author of the following books: Act of the apostles. Disciples in a misión and Missionary spirituality and it’s icons of our publishing house.


untes, de tipo exegético-espiritual, es a accesible y clara para todos, la gelios de la misericordia. “Este es el sca seguir a Cristo, tiene que descua”, ha dicho elquepapa Ya stro. Comprender Dios noFrancisco. se guía o que actúa bajo la mirada misericordel Concilio había advertido que la ca esto? Significa que tenemos un siempre nos perdona quiere nuesla severidad, esy la medicina para obliga a los cristianos a un nuevo de su vida, Jesús demuestra una miser los hombres, que supera lo que podaueva manera de pensar e, incluso, a os invita y llama a la conversión del páginas, Por repasaremos solo algunos storal. eso, S.S. Francisco ha uestro Maestro nos enseña por qué debondad la Misericordia, nolossolo para su y no desanimarnos ante ncilio sino directamente al evangelio

ios es el corazón del evangelio. La es hoy una palabra devaluada y Su contenido original sin embargo Se origina en el idioma latín: “miseri braico la palabra se corresponde al ñas en el seno materno. Hoy quizás n “solidaridad”. Sin embargo sentimiento más profundo frente al ad misma de Dios en el Antiguo

honiano, ha desarrollado una amplia pastoral desfavorecidos de nuestra sociedad latinoaen nuestro sello editorial Celebremos la Delio Ruiz scj), Celebremos el Bautismo y ación, Fuego en la zarza, El compromiso de la Biblia, Doctrina Social de la Iglesia, uiere y Evangelizar a los pobres. Una conaños del Concilio Vaticano II.

AEl propósito de estos apuntes, de tipo Corbelli, scj de manera exegético-espiritual, Primo es hacer resonar accesible y clara para todos, la voz de Jesús en los evangelios de la misericordia. “Este es el tiempo de la misericordia”, ha dicho el papa Francisco. Ya Juan antes del Concilio había advertido que la misericordia, antes que la severidad, es la medicina para nuestro tiempo y nos obliga a los cristianos a un nuevo estilo de vida, a una nueva manera de pensar e, incluso, a una nueva práctica pastoral. Por eso,deS.S. Francisco ha El corazón los evangelios proclamado el Jubileo de la Misericordia, no solo para volver al espíritu del Concilio sino directamente al evangelio de Jesús. La misericordia de Dios es el corazón del evangelio. La palabra “misericordia” es hoy una palabra devaluada y ambigua para muchos. Su contenido original sin embargo es sumamente actual. Se origina en el idioma latín: “miseri cor” (= tener corazón para el mísero). En el idioma hebraico la palabra se corresponde al



AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Time of Mercy. The heart of the Gospels Author: Primo Corbelli, scj Collection: Biblical Spirituality Pages: 128

Time of Mercy The heart of the Gospels


BACK COVER | REVIEW He who is really seek to follow Christ, has to discover his true face. They have to understand that God is not guided by justice but acts under the light of mercy. What does this mean? It means that we have a loving Father, who always forgive us and wants for us to be happy. Throughout Jesus life, there are several moment where he shows his mercifulness, a love for mankind, that surpassed what we could expect; that invites us and calls us to talk with the heart. On these pages we will review only a few of those moments where our Teacher will teach us why we should trust his kindness and do not feel disappointed with failure.

Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-938-6 SKU Code: 9505129386

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key Words: Mercy. Bible. Sacred Scriptures. Spiritualty. Meditation.

PRIMO CORBELLI, dehonian missionary priest, has developed a great pastoral among the most segregated areas of our Latin American society. He has published Celebremos la Reconciliación (Together with Delio Ruiz scj), Celebrating Reconciliation, Celebrating Baptism, Celebrating Confirmation, The burning Bramble, The commitment of Faith, Evangelizing with the Bible, Social Doctrine of the Church, God, Someone who loves you, Evangelizing the por. A current task in the 50 years of the Second Vatican Council.

Fragile Fidelity Thoughts on a normal experience


HORACIO LONA Collection: BIBLICAL SPIRITUALITY Nowadays the word fidelity is undervalued, misunderstood or ill-conceived. Each of us are asked to be loyal to our principles, to our beliefs, etc. Reflections on how the characters from the Bible lived this, with their strength and weaknesses.

BACK COVER | REVIEW AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Fragile Fidelity. Thoughts on a normal experience Author: Horacio Lona Collection: Biblical Spirituality Pages: 128 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-930-0 SKU Code: 9505129300

In order to demonstrate this experience clearer and to make us reflect in depth, Horacio Lona present fidelity as different characters experience it in the Sacred Scriptures. He calls it ‘fragile’ as per its delicate nature. It is a moment to mediate in the way in whihc it is reflected both on the strengths and weaknesses of the people of God.

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key Words: Spirituality. Biblical fihures. Sacred Scriptures. Fidelity. Vulnerablility.

There are some realities that are called ‘normal’, maybe because they are lived by everyone or maybe because they are part of our daily life. One of them it fidelity. Each of us, throughout life, experience fidelity – or not – towards oneself and towards others. It is not static; it has to be fed every day. It would seem that it is never enough as there are obstacles that makes it tremble.

HORACIO LONA is a Salesian priest born in Buenos Aires (Argentina). He studied philosophy and theology in Córdoba and carried out a doctoral thesis in Würzburg (Germany). For over 30 years he has been a professor in School of Theology at Benediktbeuern and delivers courses on New Testament exegesis in different cities within Córdoba and Buenos Aires. He has written numerous books such as The cross and the grief, Jesus, according to the announcement the four Gospels, Synoptic Gospels. Introducction. Exegesis. Practice, all of which have been published by our publishing house.

Five minutes with Father Brochero SPIRITUALUTY

FRIENDS AND DEVOTEES OF BROCHERO: PRIEST AND GAUCHO Collection: SPIRITUALUTY “Brochero offered, in a generous way, himself and his skills to everyone, without discriminating; that is why he used this parabola: ‘God’s grace is like rain, it drizzles on everyone’; to express the universality God’s love.” (Positio, Vol. II, page 24)

BACK COVER | REVIEW AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Five m inutes with Father Brochero. Author Friends and Devotees of Brochero: Priest and Gaucho Collection: Spirituality

Oh, Jesus my captain! […] I rather suffer with you than enjoying with the world, to enlist among your bravest soldiers and arm myself with the powerful shield of your grace, to reach victory not only from my enemies, but from myself, and reign with you in glory’ (José Gabriel Brochero, The sermon of the Flag).

Pages: 272 Format: 17 x 11 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-935-5 SKU Code: 9505129355

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key words: Father Brochero. Spirituality. Reflections. Life of Saints. Christian Values. Short Prayers.

JOSÉ GABRIEL DEL ROSARIO BROCHERO, also known as The Gaucho Priest, was born in Villa Santa Rosa (Córdoba, Argentina) in 1840. He was ordained a priest in 1866 and he performed his priestly ministry in Córdoba’s cathedral. Years later, he was chosen as Vicar for San Alberto region –today known as valle de Traslatierra – with the headquarters located in Villa del Tránsito. There, he adopted people’s needs as his own. With his bare hands, he built churches and chapels, he built schools and open roads among the mountains, encouraging people from these towns to help him and work together. In his old age, as the result of living with people who suffered from diseases, he contracted leprosy, causing him to lose his sight and become deaf. He died in 1914, in the same place where he performed, with such passion, his ministry. In September 2013 he was beatified and in January 2016 Pope Francis approved his canonization.


Five minutes of Blessed Oscar Romero EZEQUIEL FERNÁNDEZ Collection: SPIRITUALUTY Five minutes of Blessed Oscar Romero gathers vital material to learn about the essential thinking of the Martyr Bishop of El Salvador. Romero’s phrases have been compiled under different titles and topics that group sayings and reflections from an inserted spirituality in the option for the poor. AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Five minutes of Blessed Oscar Romero Author: Ezequiel Fernández Collection: Spirituality Pages: 192 Size: 17x11 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-999-7 SKU Code: 9505129997

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key Words: Martyrdom. Marginalization. Daily thoughts. Pastors. Holiness.

BACK COVER | REVIEW ‘The martyrdom, the being Church, the preference for the marginalized, the combination action-prayer are topics which Romero considered as pillars in Latin America in the seventies’ context. These words are still interpellations that affect us and they allow us to open a spiritual perspective or deepen it, considering the Other who we don’t usually consider as close to us’ (Ezequiel Fernández). ‘In that beautiful Central American country, bathed by the Pacific Ocean, Our Lord granted his Church a jealous Bishop, who loving God and serving his brothers and sisters, became an image of Christ the Good Shepherd. In times of difficult coexistence, Monsignor Romero knew how to lead, defend and protect his flock, remaining true to the Gospel and in communion with the whole Church. His ministry was distinguished by his especial attention to the most poor and marginalized. And in the time of his death, while celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of love and reconciliation, he received the grace to identify fully with He who gave his life for his sheep’ (Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis to Msgr Escobar Alas, archbishop of San Salvador).

EZEQUIEL FERNÁNDEZ, claretian missionary, fulfils his pastoral work in Cordoba’s community, Argentina. He has recently been ordained deacon; his words become an echo of this experience: ‘The “cloud of witnesses” that resounded through the litanies, is giving me the cue to channel what I aim to become my service amongst the People. Not in vain did I choose Msgr Romero, Alberto Hurtado or Charles de Foucauld for this cloud; I believe that on each name there is a story that inspires my pilgrimage...’

Mary is looking at us The way Mary watches us


VÍCTOR MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ Collection: DALMANUTHA Mary is the path that leads us to who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. As the eyes of the servant looks at the hand of the mistress (Psalm 122,2) were Mary’s eyes on the eyes, hands and feet of his son Jesus Christ. And that is the way they are now, on us, accompanying, healing and liberating. From this woman, mother and wife’s look, the author makes us meditate and contemplate, following the words from the Gospel. AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Mary is looking at us. The way Mary watches us Author: Víctor Manuel Fernández Collection: Dalmanutha Pages: 64 Format: 14 x 9,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-948-5 SKU Code: 9505129485

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key Words: Refelctions. Virgen Mary. Spirituality. Short Prayers. Gospel. Marian Virtues

BACK COVER | REVIEW These eyes belong to the look of who is waiting. Mary ‘looked at the Lord as a believing and hopeful woman. She had the look of who knows how to wait, without anxiety or nerves, with a great strength in faith, which made her stand on her feet among all the obstacles in life’. It is also a scrutinizing look. Mary ‘who had an open heart and always ready for the Lord, had also her eyes open to recognise and discover what the Lord asked from her in each moment of her life’. And, finally, it is a look filled with admiration: Mary ‘was a privilege witness, who followed step by step the human development of Jesus, collecting all his attitudes and words. The Gospel tells us that his father and his mother were amazed. (Luke 2,33)’

VÍCTOR MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ, ordained priest in the diocese of Río Cuarto (Córdoba, Argentina), has a bachelor degree in Theology with a specialization in Bible Studies from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, and has obtained a doctoral degree in Theology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA). He collaborated as an expert in the Fifth Latin American Episcopal Conference in Aparecida (2007) and took part in the drafting of the Final Document. Since 2009, he has been the dean at UCA, and since 2013 he has been the archbishop of Tiburnia. He has over 200 publications raging from books, supporting writings and research articles, all over the world. Among them you can find The Holy Spirits in Five Minutes, Fifteen reasons to become a missionary of our publishing house.

El año santo ex

P. Leonardo di CarLo

adre de la Misericordia

eno de esCuCha , de ContemPLaCión


y de oraCión

María, nuestra madre, y compartamentos de su vida que se relatan io. Ella, nuestro modelo y maestra, a ocasión abrir su corazón a la preosa del Señor, mostrándonos, en su qué consiste la misericordia. Esa que pide Jesús, en lugar de sacrifios permite encontrar a Dios dentro y descubrirlo en cada hermano.

un breve momento del día a meender estas experiencias, saciando enemos de su ternura.


LEONARDO DI CARLO Collection: DALMANUTHA By means of brief reflections, different moments of the life of Virgin Mary are contemplated. These moments are narrated in the Gospel and they show her mercifulness. The same message that Pope Francis communicated to us on the Holy Year is deepen on these pages, but from the kindness and warmth of our Mother.

16/02/2016 01:53:41 p.m.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Mary, mother of mercy Author: Leonardo Di Carlo Collection: Dalmanutha Pages: 96 Format: 14 x 9,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-921-8 SKU Code: 9505129218 Key Words: Spirituality. Short Prayers. Meditation. Virgen Mary. Mercy.

meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Mary, mother of Mercy

BACK COVER | REVIEW Looking at Mary, our Mother, let us share the moments of her life that are narrated in the Gospel. She, our model and teacher, opened her heart to the loving presence of the Lord, at every opportunity; thus, showing us in her person what mercy means That mercy that Jesus asks for instead of sacrifice; the one that allow us to find God within ourselves and to find him in each of our neighbours. Let us dedicate a brief moment in the day to meditate and take this experiences, quenching our thirst for her kindness.

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sericordia.indd 1

traordinario de la Misericordia, convocado por nuestro querido madrepapa de Franla cisco, llega a nuesMisericordia tras vidas como un un Camino sereno de esCuCha , bálsamo de amor. de ContemPLaCión y de oraCión Se abre así frente a nosotros una maravillosa puerta para profundizar el misterio de Dios

P. Leonardo di CarLo

di CarLo

María, madre de la Misericordia


LEONARDO DI CARLO, born in Mendoza (Argentina), is a surgeon by the National University in Córdoba (2005) and diocesan priest in Mendoza, ordained on March 17th March 2012. He has a bachelor in Theology from the Pontifical Catholic University in Argentina (2011) and has finished the masters on Bioethics in the Bioethics Institute at the Medical Science Faculty at Pontifical Catholic University in Argentina (2013). He is currently developing his thesis in ‘Surrogate motherhood’. He is the author of the book A path to heal self-suficiency, published by Editorial Claretiana.

Gather your pieces A space to reach peace and be oneself again



Collection: DALMANUTHA When we realise that there is the need to regain our own values, the home, the relationship with others, the society… How do we fix what has been broken? We must take a moment to return to God and listen to what he says tous.

BACK COVER | REVIEW AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Gather your pieces Author: Alicia Rosa Árn ica de Nardelli Collection: Dalmanutha Pages: 144 Format: 14 x 9,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-962-1 SKU Code: 9505129621

The author is offering here brief reflections, prayers and questions which lead us to implore for grace in order to achieve unity and to regain peace and harmony.

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key Words: Poems. Reflections. Short Prayers. Testimon ials. Spirituality. Self-help.

How do men live the encounter with God? Is it vague, uncertain, temporary, deep, reaching for the spirituality that is barely there today? Feeling God in our soul’s pockets, I want for this book to bring you back to Him, source of love, wisdom, mercy. I want you to get to know yourself, to become a promoter for a better world, starting by discovering in every challenge in life what to choose, which path to take, which values and virtues to rediscover… because everything is about to come.

ALICIA ROSA ÁRNICA DE NARDELLI was born in Goya (Corrientes). She became a school teacher in 1960. She is a member of the Catholic Action and has dedicated great part of her life to literary writing. To date, she has written several books, many of these with poems for which she has obtained several prizes and awards. She is currently working as a broadcaster in the bishopric’s radio in Goya.

Family Prayers with Pope Francis

Rezamos en familia junto al papa Francisco



familia se viven diferentes acontese celebra el amor, se atraviesan ades, hay despedidas, y también cotidianeidad del trabajo diario o la mesa. Tenemos aquí diferentes y bendiciones para acompañar de estos momentos. De este modo, a Dios a que se haga presente en enas y alegrías, y meditamos lo a Francisco tiene para decirnos en nstancias.

Collection: DEVOTIONAL BOOKS Here we can find different prayers to accompany every family moment, both in our daily life and in extraordinary circumstances.


AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Fam ily Prayers with Pope Francis Author: Lorena Andrea Piñeiro

Every family lives different moments: celebrating love, going through sickness, having farewells; and they live the everyday work or calling for dinner. Here there are different prayers and blessings to accompany every of these moments. In his way, we invite God to become present in our misfortunes and happiness, and we meditate what Pope Francis has to share with us in those circumstances.

Collection: Devotional Books Pages: 64 Format: 14 x 9,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-931-7 SKU Code: 9505129317

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key Words: Prayer. Devotional Books. Fam ily. Everyday life. Special Occasions. Francis

LORENA PIÑEIRO. I am a primary teacher and a catechist. I am also married and mother of four beautiful children. I have written several books for children and adults, among them the catechesis book for third grade students from the collection The Boat, published by Editorial Claretian, San Pablo and Gram. Moreover, I have delivered courses on training, talks and workshops for catechists in parishes and schools. She is the author of I’ll tell you a story…Parables of Jesus 1, More stories to grow… Parables of Jesus 2, Talking about stories. Parables of Jesus 3 and Let the party begin! Resources to celebrate the liturgic year

Let us pray together with father Brochero SPIRITUALUTY

Prayers. Testimonials

Collection: DEVOTIONAL BOOKS Here are several prayers to Saint José Gabriel Brochero and a prayer that he wrote for Virgen Mary. There are also brief testimonials of some of our brothers and sisters’ petition prayers, and all together creates a special moment to meditate his exemplary work and life.

BACK COVER | REVIEW AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Let us pray together with father Brochero. Prayers. Testimon ials Author: Friends and devotees of Brochero: Priest and Gaucho Collection: Devotional Books Pages: 32

Brochero was an example of a good shepherd of a tireless evangelizing work, preoccupied by the healing of the souls and by the reality of people. It is time, then, to ask him to continue being our guidance and company of today. Through prayers and testimonials of some of our brothers and sisters, we trust our wishes and needs through his intercession, aware of the love he always left for his sheep.

Format: 14 x 9,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-972-0 SKU Code: 9505129720

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key words: Devotional Books. Prayers. Petitions. Brochero.

JOSÉ GABRIEL DEL ROSARIO BROCHERO, also known as The Gaucho Priest, was born in Villa Santa Rosa (Córdoba, Argentina) in 1840. He was ordained a priest in 1866 and he performed his priestly ministry in Córdoba’s cathedral. Years later, he was chosen as Vicar for San Alberto region –today known as valle de Traslatierra – with the headquarters located in Villa del Tránsito. There, he adopted people’s needs as his own. With his bare hands, he built churches and chapels, he built schools and open roads among the mountains, encouraging people from these towns to help him and work together. In his old age, as the result of living with people who suffered from diseases, he contracted leprosy, causing him to lose his sight and become deaf. He died in 1914, in the same place where he performed, with such passion, his ministry. In September 2013, he was beatified and in January 2016 Pope Francis approved his canonization.

Rosary with Father Brochero SPIRITUALUTY

FRIENDS AND DEVOTEE OF BROCHERO: PRIEST AND GAUCHO Collection: DEVOTIONAL BOOKS A new way to pray the rosary, meditating in the presence and company of this saint priest who dedicated his life to work for the human and spiritual development of his parishioners, reaching specially those who were the most segregated and forgotten.

BACK COVER | REVIEW AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Rosary with Father Brochero Author: Friends and devotees of Brochero: Priest and Gaucho Collection: Rosaries Pages: 48

Through this meditated rosary we embark in Father Brochero’s life to share with him the joys, sorrows and his moments of light and glory. Meditating his words and work help us understand the mystery of God’s mercy, which has no limits, and encourages us to spread the Good News to all mankind, like José Gabriel did, especially to those who do not feel worthy of being loved.

Format: 14 x 9,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-973-7 SKU Code: 9505129737

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key words: Prayers. Rosary. Meditation. Brochero.

JOSÉ GABRIEL DEL ROSARIO BROCHERO, also known as The Gaucho Priest, was born in Villa Santa Rosa (Córdoba, Argentina) in 1840. He was ordained a priest in 1866 and he performed his priestly ministry in Córdoba’s cathedral. Years later, he was chosen as Vicar for San Alberto region –today known as valle de Traslatierra – with the headquarters located in Villa del Tránsito. There, he adopted people’s needs as his own. With his bare hands, he built churches and chapels, he built schools and open roads among the mountains, encouraging people from these towns to help him and work together. In his old age, as the result of living with people who suffered from diseases, he contracted leprosy, causing him to lose his sight and become deaf. He died in 1914, in the same place where he performed, with such passion, his ministry. In September 2013, he was beatified and in January 2016 Pope Francis approved his canonization.


Rosary to overcome the storms in life and regain internal peace GUSTAVO JAMUT Collection: Rosaries Gustavo E. Jamut offers a way of praying the holy rosary with commentaries, focusing in all sorts of storms and turmoil that affect our everyday lives, which eventually come to any person with faith. The rosary is an appropriate prayer for all Christians, and these reflections can be useful to any of them, as difficulties and adversities come to those people with faith. AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Rosary to overcome the storms in life and regain internal peace Author: P. Gustavo E. Jamut, omv Collection: Rosaries Pages: 64 Format: 14 x 9,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-942-3 SKU Code: 9505129423

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key words: Rosary. Healing. Difficulties. Meditation. Prayer. Rest. Gospel.

BACK COVER | REVIEW There are many moments where one may be in the middle of a terrible storm. Just like thousands of years ago the apostles felt abandoned by Jesus in the middle of the lake, we pray to the Lord to wake up because we feel he has forgotten us and has not seen our suffering. This rosary is to recover faith, find relief and trust that voice that is inside of us, saying at all times: Do not be afraid! Every mystery is organised according to the topic, with biblical texts suitable for each topic and with some reflections based on papal speeches, of recent Popes. In the final section, there are also a few useful prayers focusing on stormy times, and that tries to provide us with tools in prayers and in life of faith through petition, gratefulness, and the invoking for the strengthening in faith.

GUSTAVO E. JAMUT, born in Buenos Aires (Argentina), is an important exponent of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. He is the founder of the evangelizing community ‘Mensajeros de Paz’ (Messengers of Peace). He has worked for many years as a consultant for the Movement’s groups at the Buenos Aires parish of San Roque. He has written many books, among which The river of intergenerational inheritance. Healing our personal and family history, Effata. Healing relationships and communication, Healing memories and Rosary with Our lady of Fátima, all of our publishing house.

Rosary with Our lady of Fátima SPIRITUALUTY

GUSTAVO JAMUT Collection: ROSARIES A presentation of some of the excerpts of the narratives of her apparitions, as a guide to pray the rosary, and together with this, some reflections or meditations to complete each of the five mysteries based on the meditations on the occurrences in Fátima.

BACK COVER | REVIEW AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Rosary with Our lady of Fátima Author: P. Gustavo Jamut, omv Collection: Rosaries Pages: 64 Format: 14 x 9,5 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-941-6 SKU Code: 9505129416

In the final section, there are some useful prayers focusing in the apparitions and their messages, on to what the last century’s piety has tried so hard to follow, and that is the reason why John Paul II’s consecration in Fátima, in 2000, is included.

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key Words: Rosary. Fátima. Prayers. Meditations. Virgin Mary.

On this rosary, the father invites us to personal and community prayers, by following the apparitions of Our Lady of Fátima to the three little shepherds, and meditating excerpts from her messages. As we go through these lines, it proposes us to create our own spiritual pilgrimage, letting us be hugged by out Holy Virgin Mary, to hug our neighbours as well, especially those who God has placed on our side.

GUSTAVO E. JAMUT, born in Buenos Aires (Argentina), is an important exponent of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. He is the founder of the evangelizing community ‘Mensajeros de Paz’ (Messengers of Peace). He has worked for many years as a consultant for the Movement’s groups at the Buenos Aires parish of San Roque. He has written many books, among which The river of intergenerational inheritance. Healing our personal and family history, Effata. Healing relationships and communication, Healing memories and Rosary with Our lady of Fátima, all of our publishing house.

‘He has given me his infinite mercy’ SPIRITUALUTY

The transformative love in Saint Therese’s life

SERGIO A. MARTÍN Collection: BURNING HEARTS If I feel weak when I see my imperfections and limitations, Therese teaches me that God also feels weak when he sees them. But his is the weakness of the merciful love which he cannot resist to share and give himself without asking anything in return.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS EXCEPTO FRANCIA Y CANADÁ Title: ‘He has given me h is infin ite mercy’, the transformative love in Saint Therese’s life Author: Sergio A. Martín Collection: Burn ing hearts Pages: 176 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-967-6 SKU Code: 9505129676

BACK COVER | REVIEW There is an intense and moving sweetness in the way Therese of Lisieux understands herself: ‘I consider myself as a weak little bird covered by light feathers. I am not an eagle, I just have the eyes and heart of one, because, in spite of my extreme smallness, I dare to stare at the divine Sun, the Sun of Love, and my heart feels in it all the eagerness of an eagle…’ Here is the key on how this young religious, full of limitations like any of us, allowed herself the enormous audacity of limitless trust. The author gives us an intimate approach the Therese’s heart.

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key Words: Spirituality. Saint Therese. Life. Mercy. Mission. Kindness. Biography of Saints. Human values. Consecrated Life.

SERGIO ALBERTO MARTÍN is a diocesan priest in the Archdiocese of Mendoza. There, he has been a trainer in the Seminar and parish priest in several communities, as well as consultant for the Liturgical Archdiocesan Team and Master of ceremonies for twenty years. He is a member of the National Secretariat of Liturgy and of the training and development organisation of the Argentinean Society of Liturgy. He is currently a professor at Our Lady of the Rosary Seminar and at the Pontifical Catholic University (in Mendoza).

Fifteen motivations to be a missionary SPIRITUALUTY

To walk along Pope Francis

VÍCTOR MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ Collection: BURNING HEARTS ‘In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis asked us to be on ‘a permanent state of mission’ (EG 25), and demanded us to be ‘audacious and creative’ (EG 33). He also told us that in order to defeat the comfort that detains us, is important to ‘stop and rekindle some motivations (EG 263)’ ( Víctor Manuel Fernández).

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Fifteen motivations to be a m issionary. To walk along Pope Francis Author: Víctor Manuel Fernández Collection: Burn ing Hearts Pages: 96 Size: 20x14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-896-9 SKU Code: 9505128969

To be Christians is to be bearers of a treasure that is joyful to transmit. However, many times we feel the cracks in our jars of clay and we feel disheartened. We need encouragement. It is now that we are motivated to assume the missionary commitment and to live it with joy, profoundness and enjoyment. These meditations by Víctor Manuel Fernández have great value as they bring us closer to the heart of Aparecida’s message. In this renewed edition, these are completed by presenting, as well, the fundamental nucleus of Pope Francis’ teaching, so clearly expressed in Evangelii Gaudium.

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key Words: Spirituality. Mission. Discipleship. Evangelization.


VÍCTOR MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ, ordained priest in the dioceses of Río Cuarto (Córdoba, Argentina), has a Bachelor in Theology and Bible Studies from Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome; and a Doctorate in Theology obtained in the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA). He collaborated as an expert in V General Conference of the Episcopate of Latin America in Aparecida (2007) and took part in the writing of the Final Document. He has been the rector of UCA since 2009 and titular archbishop of Tiburnia since 2003. Among books and scientific articles, he has over 200 publications all over the world. It’s worth mentioning Los cinco minutos del Espíritu Santo (Five Minutes of the Holy Spirit), published by Editorial Claretiana.

Blessed María Ludovica de Angelis SPIRITUALUTY

Daughter of Our Lady of Mercy



AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Blessed María Ludovica De Angelis. Daughter of Our Lady of Mercy Author: José Luis Kaufmann Collection: On the road Pages: 192 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-922-5

Sr María Ludovica de Angelis was a humble Italian religious from the congregation of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy. She arrived at Buenos Aires in 1907, and moved to La Plata where she joined the emerging local Children’s Hospital. Encouraged by an intense love of God and to mankind, SHE transformed two simple rooms with space for sixty beds into one of the most important health centres with twenty-five services and accommodating six hundred people. It is the Children’s Hospital in La Plata, which today has her name: Sr Ludovica. Through these pages, we will learn about this story of bravery and dedication to the youngest brother and sisters. The narrative in the hands of the author is accompanied by the testimonials of those who knew and admired her as an example.

SKU Code: 9505129225

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key words: Testimon ials. Exemplary life. Spirituality. History. Religious Congregations. Caring for the ill.

JOSÉ LUIS KAUFMANN, born in Buenos Aires city (Argentina), is a priest located in La Plata. He also has a doctorate in Canon Law by the Pontifical Catholic University in Argentina. For many years, he has been a professor at university as well as at seminars and has published several books. Currently, in La Plata, he is the director of the Historical Archive, legal consultant of the ecclesiastic administration, canon at La Plata’s Ecclesiastical Chapter and external chaplain at the Parish Saint Pontian.

Our Country, Our Church: our time SPIRITUALUTY

The chronical of a shepherd.


AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Our Country, Our Church: our time. The chron ical of a shepherd.

This book is the opening of the heart where Monsignor Casaretto evokes memories filled with emotions and experiences, and he generously shares them with the reader. It is not a history book nor a mere autobiographic narrative. On its paragraphs, the life of the author is weaved together with key moments in Argentina and the Church. Having Monsignor been in the Episcopacy for a long period of time, and the many tasks he has performed, has allowed him to be in the centre of the events that have led the way for this country.

Author: Mons. Jorge Casaretto Collection: On the road Pages: 272. Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-943-0 SKU Code: 9505129430

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key Words: Testimon ials. History. Church. Francis. Society. Argentina. Government

BACK COVER | REVIEW This book presents the same history of our country but seen from the eyes of a man. Jorge Cassaretto shares his memories here, filled with emotions, by means of an autobiography. On his paragraphs, he weaves his life, form the beginning to the present. He narrates key moments in the history of Argentina and the Church, with its highs and lows. As a result, we have a wide perspective of the present time, as a consequence of the past and as a project to the future. ‘A preview of my thesis. In the last few years the Church has experienced its best historic moment in our country. I think that is one of the reason why, and not a minor reason, a Pope has emerged from it.’

ALCIDES JORGE PEDRO CASARETTO was born in Buenos Aires. He was ordained priest at the diocese of San Isidro and, then, pope Paul VI chose him to become the Bishop of Rafaela (Santa Fe). Years later, he went back to San Isidro as coadjutor Bishop and subsequently as the Bishop of that diocese, to which he resigned in 2011 due to old age. The following year he was designated apostolic administrator for the Merlo-Moreno diocese, where he worked until May 2013. He was also the president for Caritas Argentina, worked for the youth, lay and social media communication pastoral. At present, he is a member in the committee for social pastoral care and university pastoral care at the Episcopal Conference in Argentina.

Father Rodolfo Carboni Man of fire.


HNA. GRACIELA LAINO Collection: ON THE ROAD The general superior of Hermanas Auxiliares Parroquiales de Santa María (Parish Auxiliary Sisters of Saint Mary) narrates the life of the founder of the congregation: father Rodolfo Carboni. Starting with his childhood and youth, she brings us the kindness of an extraordinary man, with a strong and passionate character and extremely intelligent. That explains why Mr Orione used to call him ‘man of fire’. These pages are not a mere biography, but an invitation to imitate the way he gave himself, his example of trust and love for the Church and mankind. AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Father Rodolfo Carbon i. Man of fire Author: Sr. Graciela Laino Collection: On the road Format: 20 x 14 cm

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key words: Testimon ial. Priesthood. Congregation. Founder. Spiritual life.

BACK COVER | REVIEW Pbr. Rodolfo Carboni was born in 1896, in Entre Ríos (Argentina) but from a very young age he has lived in Buenos Aires. In his youth, he belonged to the Christian Democrat Movement, in a very anticlerical context as it was Argentina at that time. He later starts the Metropolitan Seminar and was ordained priest in 1925. He is sent to Rome, where he obtained his doctoral degree in Canon Law. When he returns, he performs his sacerdotal ministry in several parishes and he works training lay people, especially youngsters. Due to floods in the neighbourhood where he was the parish priest at that time and his desire to accompany and help people, he decided to create a congregation completely devoted to parish life. That is how Hermanas Auxiliares Parroquiales de Santa María (Parish Auxiliary Sisters of Saint Mary) is born. Finally, he dies on July 26th, 1960 due to an illness. He is known as a priest who knew how to read the signs of his time, listen to the needs of the Church and of the society of that time, and find a creative solution.

GRACIELA ANA LAINO was born in Buenos Aires and has obtained the degree as a Professor in Educational Science. For over thirty years she has been a religious in the congregation ofHermanas Auxiliares Parroquiales de Santa María (Parish Auxiliary Sisters of Saint Mary). She works in her institute mission which is evangelization and mission accompanying the community. She is currently a columnist for the magazine Diálogo.

Father Brochero Shepherd with the smell of sheep


MONS. SANTIAGO OLIVERA Collection: ON THE ROAD Brochero knew how to preach Christ’s message by adopting the language of his people. He was fully committed, especially to the poor and segregated in order to get them closer to God.

BACK COVER | REVIEW AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Father Brochero. Shepherd with the smell of sheep Author: Mons. Santiago Olivera. Collection: On the road Pages: 144 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-814-3 SKU Code: 9505128143

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key Words: Brochero. Biography. Life. Vocation. Priesthood. Christian Values. Holiness. Argentinean History. Testimon ials. Example.

The passion the author transmits through his narrative on Father Brochero, or Gaucho Priest - whichever way we would like to call him – is logical and expected. José Gabriel del Rosario Brochero cannot leave us indifferent. With his remarkable apostolic heart, he would travel for over 200 km, which required three days on the back of a mule, to collect up to five hundred people -sometimes even more- in a caravan, and to preach Spiritual Exercises. He would even travel in the middle of a snow storm. When he returned after nine days of silence, prayer and penitence, his parishioners would change their life styles, by following the gospel and looking for the economic development of the region. He knew how to preach Christ’s message by adopting the language of his people, to make it easier to comprehend to his listeners. He would celebrate the sacraments, always carrying what he needed to celebrate mass on the haunches of his mule. Thus, no sick person was ever denied form them. He would say: ‘The devil will never steal a soul from me’. He committed himself to everyone, especially to the poor and segregated who he constantly searched for to help them get closer to God.

MONSEÑOR SANTIAGO OLIVERA did his ecclesiastical studies at Saint Joseph Institute of Philosophy and Theology, in the diocesan seminar in Morón. He was ordained in the cathedral of Inmaculada Concepción del Buen Viaje (Immaculate Conception of Safe Journeys) on the 18th of September 1984. Pope Benedict XVI named him as the new Bishop in 2008, at 49 years of afe, and he is the third Bishop in Cruz del Eje (Córdoba, Argentina), Brochero’s land.

The faces of Nazarene Together they lived, together they died



AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Together they lived, together they died The comm itment of the five Pallottines. Author: Sergio Lucero Collection: The faces of Nazarene Pages: 144 Format: 17 x 11 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-963-8 SKU Code: 9505129638

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

Key words: Testimon ial. Martyrs. Faith. Love. Comm itment. History. Meditation. Persecution. Christian Life. Priesthood. Trust.

This book teaches the brave testimonial of these five priests who made Christ’s message flesh and blood. Francisco E. Chirichella, Vice Postulator in the Canon Cause, said about the author of the book: ‘He was really enthusiastic about the idea of reflecting and writing about “Alfie’s” life’. And as he points out in his testimonial letter, he did not get to know him personally, because they did not coincide in time, he knew him in the love. It is certainly impressive, for those who were lucky to know Alfie Kelly, the great capacity he has had to get under his skin and reconstruct from there - in the first person, which amazes us and moves us, - the loyalty achieved towards this Servant of God, and at the same time, it takes us to a profound reflection.

BACK COVER | REVIEW In Buenos Aires, 1976, there was a group of priest and seminarians from the Society of the Catholic Apostolate founded by Saint Vincent Pallotti. Moved by the vocation of service, they were always focusing on helping others, specially the poorer. It was a very difficult time in the country then, and their brave evangelizing work made them become the centre of false accusations. Finally, on the night of the 4th of July five of them were shot to death in the parish. Three days before, Alfredo (Alfie) Kelly, The parish priest in Saint Patrick’s Church, wrote on his personal diary a testimonial of his concerns and commitment. From those moving words, Sergio Lucero, re-lives in front of us what was happening in the hearts of our brothers who today are light for all Christians. From the hand of the author- on his works and words – we will see Christ’ message shine, showing what it means to follow Our Lord, even when it means to love to the extreme.

SERGIO LUCERO, theology and philosophy professor, catechist, teacher, radio broadcaster, Fernanda’s wife and father of four children, embraced from a young age the cause of the ‘Five’ and has never left it.



Works of Mercy

Collection: Works of Mercy Pages: 64


Dimensiones: 17 x 11 cm Key words: Mercy. Charity. Solidarity. The other. Respect. Love. Compassion. Spirituallity. Reflection.


Focusing on the needs of our region, there have been selected – in several volumes – authors who know and live the dynamics of the pastoral for those in need, spiritually and materially speaking.

emos entender el significado de esta obra de misericordia mo brindar un poco de pan al que lo necesita. Sin embargo, un concepto muy superficial de lo que en verdad nos está poniendo. En estas breves reflexiones, el Autor nos invita bservarla desde una perspectiva novedosa. ¿Existe una a forma de hambre? ¿Qué significa el alimento en cada sona? Hay algo que está por encima de todo y es el mismo o de donación. Se trata de la alegría de darse a sí mismo a demás, como lo hizo Jesús, y la vocación que todo ser mano tiene al reconocer esta necesidad en sus hermanos.

ides Jorge Pedro Casaretto es obispo emérito de entina. Fue presidente de Cáritas Argentina, trabajó para la oral de la juventud, laicos y comunicación social y, actualte, es miembro de las comisiones de pastoral social y de oral universitaria en la Conferencia Episcopal Argentina.

Claretiana is giving the reader this collection considering the Pope’s request: ‘At times we are called to gaze even more attentively on mercy so that we may become a more effective sign of the Father’s action in our lives. For this reason, I have proclaimed an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy as a special time for the Church, a time when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective’ (Francis, Misericordiae Vultus).

Dar de comer al hambriento Una visión pastoral

FEED HE WHO IS HUNGREY A pastoral perspective Jorge Casaretto

ISBN: 978-950-512-952-2 SKU Code: 9505129522

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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

This work of mercy is usually understood as to give some bread to who need it. However, it is a very superficial concept rather than what it really means. In these brief reflections, the Author invites us to look at it from a new point of view. Is there only one way for hunger? What does food mean for each person? Three is something that is above all, and is the giving act itself. It is the jo of giving oneself to others, as Jesus did, and the vocation that all humans have of recognising the need in others.

ALCIDES JORGE PEDRO CASARETTO is Argentinean emeritus Bishop. He was the president of Caritas Argentina, worked for the youth, lay and social media communication pastoral; and he is currently member of the in the committee for social pastoral care and university pastoral care at the Episcopal Conference in Argentina. He is also author of Our Country, Our Church: our time. The chronical of a shepherd of our publishing house.



Works of Mercy JOSÉ LUIS D´AMICO

José Luis D’Amico

ISBN: 978-950-512-954-6 SKU Code: 9505129546

Solemos imaginar al desnudo como alguien que carece de suficiente ropa y, quizás, reparamos en el frío que siente o el mal estado de lo lleva puesto. Sin embargo, cuando se nos invita a vestir al que lo necesita, somos llamados a ir más allá de lo físico. Se trata de proteger la dignidad de nuestro prójimo, cubrir lo que no debe estar expuesto porque lo denigra, lo humilla o lo presenta como mero instrumento a los ojos de los demás. Con suma delicadeza, el Autor de estas páginas nos explica en qué consiste esta obra de misericordia. Haciendo un recorrido por las Sagradas Escrituras, nos demuestra que uno de los signos del cristiano es ser guardián del hermano.

José Luis D'Amico, es licenciado y profesor en teología. Lleva muchos años enseñando Sagrada Escritura y lleva escritos numerosas obras en las que nos manifiesta la profundidad de lo que Dios nos dice a través de su Palabra.


Vestir al desnudo

We always imagine the bare as someone who lacks sufficient clothing, maybe the coldness he feels or the worn state of what he is wearing. But when we are invited to dress the bare it is not something physical, it is beyond that. It is about protecting the dignity of our neighbours, to cover what should not be exposed. With the outmost care, the Author of these pages explains to us what this work of mercy is about. By covering the Holy Scriptures, he shows us that it is one of the signs of Christians, to be the guardian of the neighbours.

JOSÉ LUIS D’AMICO is a bachelor and professor in theology. He has been teaching the Holy Scriptures for many years and has written numerous books in which he manifests the depth of what God says to us through his Word.


meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

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Marta Boiocchi

ISBN: 978-950-512-979-9 SKU Code: 9505129799

Siempre imaginamos al desnudo como alguien que carece de suficiente ropa, tal vez el frío que siente o el mal estado de lo lleva puesto. Pero cuando se nos invita a vestir al que lo necesita no es algo físico; es ir más allá. Se trata de proteger la dignidad de nuestro prójimo, cubrir lo que no debe estar expuesto porque lo denigra, lo humilla o lo presenta como mero instrumento a los ojos de los demás. Con suma delicadeza, el Autor de estas páginas nos explica en qué consiste esta obra de misericordia. Haciendo un recorrido por las Sagradas Escrituras, nos demuestra que es uno de los signos del cristiano ser el guardián del hermano.

Nuria Calduch Benages, es licenciado y profesor en teología. Lleva muchos años enseñando Sagrada Escritura y lleva escritos numerosas obras en las que nos manifiesta la profundidad de lo que Dios nos dice a través de su Palabra.


Redimir a los cautivos

The development of this work –essential to acquire certain insight regarding the many ways of slavery we are su subjected to in the contemporary world –has its roots in the political, social and religious practices in Israel as per the Old Testament, in the theology of the New Testament and in the practise of Mercy in the Middle Ages, and in the first few centuries of modern world. It is sad to discover the universes of solitude, distress, hopelessness and auto-destruction which multiply and settle as new captivities, not only around our human universes of reference but also, a not too seldom, in them.

MARTA BOIOCCHI is a catechist who has devoted her life to evangelization. As a lay missionary, who has lived among the poorest people in Haiti, she was the main promoter of having the Bible translated in creole. She is currently delivering courses and workshops on the Word, catechesis and bible groups in different communities through Latin America.




Accompany in the search for truth María Andrea Green

Como hizo el apóstol Felipe en los Hechos de los Apóstoles, que se subió al carro del etíope y se dispuso a enseñarle, así también nosotros, cada uno, está llamado a vivir, en esta obra, la misericordia de Dios. Sólo necesitamos estar atentos a nuestro derredor para darnos cuenta de todas las personas con las que, en diferentes cuestiones y en diversas medidas, podemos compartir lo que nos ha sido dado. Entremezclando reflexiones y oraciones, la Autora nos invita a

ISBN: 978-950-512-955-3 SKU Code: 9505129553

mirar al otro, en esta dinámica de encuentro entre el que enseña y el que aprende, desentrañando términos, para asomarnos a lo esencial: descubrir con el otro la verdad que nos hace libres.

María Andrea Green, consagrada por el Orden de las vírgenes, es licenciada en Teología y docente en Filosofía con especialización en Filosofía con niños, además de realizar el Profesorado Universitario y estudios de Geografía Bíblica (en Jerusalén). A lo largo de muchos años se entregó al trabajo pastoral en diferentes países. Actualmente vive en Argentina y se dedica a la evangelización, a la animación de encuentros de espiritualidad y al dictado de cursos en colegios, parroquias y seminarios, de catequesis y Biblia. En el último tiempo, acompañó a numerosos colegios en el planteo de la animación bíblica de la pastoral educativa.


Enseñar al que no sabe Acompañar en la búsqueda de la verdad

Like Philip the apostle did in the Acts of the Apostles, when he sat on the chariot of the Ethiopian and started teaching him, that is how each of us are also called to live this God’s work of mercy. We simply need to look around us to realise that everyone is ignorant or doesn’t have the knowledge in different circumstances and in different ways. They need us to be inspired by what we can bring to them, help people grow, sharing what has been given to us.

MARÍA ANDREA GREEN consecrated by Order of Virgins, has a Bachelor degree in Theology and has worked for many years in pastoral activities in different countries, she is currently living in Argentina and she dedicates her time to evangelization and leading workshops on spirituality and seminars on catechesis.


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meditate faith and make it fruitful in life

ISBN: 978-950-512-976-8 SKU Code: 9505129768

Suffering is a reality of the human being and it something we struggle to accept. Now, how does it connect with mercy? Learning to endure something with patience means that, being moved by compassion, I can forgive the other because he is not the way I wish him to be. It does not mean staying passive in front of a reality nor letting the other act as they desire. We will comprehend all the implicit shades when we embrace such especial form of self-control.

MARTA INÉS FINOCHIETTO, OCV, is an architect and has a bachelor in Psychology. She works in the private and public sector as well as institutionally. She delivers conferences and workshops requested by institutions of diverse dioceses, in the context of initial and permanent training in institutions of consecrated life, for the training of permanent diaconate, and in the training of lay people on theology and catechesis.

Stolen Childhood A fight for life’s dignity


EDITORIAL TEAM – JUPIC TEAM Collection: CRY TO HEAVEN TODAY This book wants to collect the testimonies of the protagonists, a team of professionals and volunteers who, together with Sr. Martha Pelloni, are fighting for a change in the system by deactivating the mechanism of exploitation which so deeply hurts human dignity. In your hands you have a book and an opportunity to depend that crucial question from God to humanity: Where are your brothers and sisters?

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Stolen Ch ildhood. A fight for life’s dign ity Author: Editorial team - JUPIC team Collection: Cry to heaven today Pages: 128 Size: 20x14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-887-7 SKU Code: 9505128877

The N.G.O Stole Childhood (Infancia Robada) was born in the inland of Argentina, where abuse and violence of all sorts are less publicly known than in the bigger cities. From that place, Sr. Martha Pelloni decided to give an effective and organized answer to all the suffering cries of reality: boys, girls, adolescents and women, expropriated of their basic human rights. Together with a group of volunteers and professionals, this organization is proposing to stand from the victim’s place and, from there, accompany them in the process of regaining dignity and liberty.

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live faith in the transforming commitment of reality

Key Words: Social m in istry. Dign ity. Human rights. Exploitation. Comm itment. Fellow man.


MARTHA PELLONI, Argentinian religious from the congregation Missionary Teresian Carmelites, is a teacher of Philosophy and Pedagogy from the National University of Cuyo (Argenitna). She has been a teacher and the rector of different Institutes of the congregation. In 1990, while she was the rector of a school, one of the students was assassinated. This event marked her life. It made her committed with children’s rights and social justice. She created the Santa Teresa Foundation, aimed to help and train the peasantry. In 2008, she established the Stolen Childhood Network (Red Infancia Robada), a nongovernmental organization, made of 21 Argentinian social forums.


un lugar de amor, de contención y de creciando existan momentos de dificultad, de que cada uno se encuentra muy distante del necesario hacer un alto y reconocer cómo se odos sus integrantes. ercicios prácticos y reflexiones, fruto de una oral. Están destinados tanto a una relación de exo entre padre, madre e hijos. La intención eranza en los demás, ahondar en la comprentos y aceptar los propios. De este modo, que a que la familia, en cualquiera de sus formas, orzar sus lazos y vivir con alegría el regalo de

ez, cmf es sacerdote misionero claretiano que desde o acompañante espiritual ha escrito varios libros de donde cada persona divisa sus propias vivencias y las . Es autor de Si yo cambiara, Después es nunca, Pasión por iva la familia! y Familia en territorio adolescente de nuestro

Javier Fernández, cmf

ra vivir hoy un hogar

Javier Fernández, cmf

Growing as a Family Guidelines to live today the joy of being a home

JAVIER FERNÁNDEZ, CMF Madurando como familia

Familias HOY



como familia Orientaciones para vivir hoy la alegría de ser un hogar

It is necessary to know how to question the values that were present in the authority figures that marked out lives, as well as the general guidelines that are being revised today and that, not in seldom cases, have been massively discarded. Many of these references have been reinterpreted, readapted and experienced in ample practice, which inspired and founded the proposal offered by this books’ author.

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: Growing as a Fam ily. Guidelines to live today the joy of being a home.


Author: Javier Fernández

The family is a place for love, support and growth. Even when there are difficult times, of crisis or there seems to be distance between each other. Sometimes it is necessary to stop and check how everyone feels.

Collection: Fam ilies today Pages: 208 Format: 20 x 14 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-947-8 SKU Code: 9505129478

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live faith in the transforming commitment of reality

Key Words: Fam ily. Reflections. Meditation. Self-help. Adolescence. Parents. Growth. Reinforcement. Understanding.

Here you can find practical exercises and reflections, fruit of a pastoral experience. They focus on the relationship between partners as well as the relationship among mother, father and children. The aim is to renew hope in others, to deepen our understanding for others’ weaknesses and to accept our own. In this way, each one should realise that, no matter what shape, the family is invited to reinforce its ties and live with joy the gift of being together.

JAVIER FERNÁNDEZ, CMF is a Claretian missionary priest who from his own experience as a spiritual guide has written several books on personal growth, where each person leads their own experience and understands it from that point of view. He is the author of If Iwould change, After is never, The passion for living, Now I’m happy and Hurray, Family! and Family in adolescent territory of our publishing house.



la mano de Cicely Saunders, comenzó

miento Hospice que se dedica a los cuida-

iste esto? Se trata nada menos que del

ona en los momentos cúlmenes de su

dicional y ayudarlo a aceptar su realidad

ginas se nos introduce en la historia, que hay en los Hospice y nos invita a

desee ser una gota de esperanza frente

Eres importante hasta el final - MOVIMIENTO HOSPICE ARGENTINA


…Los enfermos pueden ser nuestros maestros. Los que sufren y los que mueren pueden ser nuestra universidad. Desde la vida religiosa y desde los cursos que he aprendido, la mejor universidad ha sido escuchar, observar y aprender las lecciones desde los que sufren. Hoy explico la sabiduría que he intentado integrar… P. Arnaldo Pangrazzi

Hospice care



importante hasta el


Cuidado Hospice

AVAILABLE RIGHTS Title: You are important until the end. Hospice care Autor: Argentina’s Hospice Movement Collection: Bridges Pages: 160 Format: 21 x 15 cm ISBN: 978-950-512-824-2 SKU Code: 9505128242

acknowledge and share our wisdom

Key words: Accompan iment. Palliative Care. Life. Medicine. Illness. Death. Relief. Pain. Values. Human dign ity.

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You are important until the end Collection: BRIDGES In a brief document, the Hospice Movement has shown – in its first congress – everything related to palliative care, the work in each house and what the encounter with the patience, who is in their final moments before passing, is like.

BACK COVER | REVIEW A few years ago, from the hand of Cicely Saunders, a group called Hospice Movement started; it works in the palliative care area. What does this mean? It is the accompaniment of people in their last moments of life, giving them unconditional support and help them accept their reality with joy. These pages introduce the history, objectives and way of working employed by the Hospice, and it invites everyone who would like to become a drop of hope towards who feels weak and alone to participate. It is an introduction to the care and accompaniment to the ill who is in the last stages of their life. When we talk of the end of the life of a person, we are approaching it from five different aspects: • The Physical Biography: medicine announces its limits. The physical image produces pain in the patient. Specially in a society where the physical image of a person is highly valued. • The Affection Biography: When life is turning off, people start thinking about the relationships with others. Relationships among spouses, children and parents are meaningful. • The Cognitive Biography: think and consider my life • The Social Biography: the person may be a writer, a businessman, a nurse. They look back to see what they have done in life. Which memories this person will impart on others. • The Spiritual Biography: the values that marked the person’s life, their transcendent opening and the spiritual resources.

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