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Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign Date: 17/03/2014 Until: 31/12/14 Consumers should be aware of their rights under EU law so they can use them every day, when shopping online or on the high street. That's why the European Commission has organised a campaign informing citizens of their rights under EU consumer law and pointing them to the right places where they can get advice and help in case of questions or problems.

The Consumer Rights Awareness Campaign (2014), which runs from 17 March – 31 December 2014, aims to increase the general knowledge among traders and consumers of EU-wide consumer rights, that stem mostly from national transposition of EU directives. Particular focus will be on the Consumer Rights Directive , the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive , the Unfair Contract Terms Directive and the Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive . Discover five key consumer rights on our flyer

(757 kB)!

Stakeholders at the national level, such as consumer authorities, consumer associations, business associations and others are encouraged to participate in the campaign. Please send us a mail if you want to participate and need additional information.

Events have already taken place or are planned in the following countries (additional information will be provided on this page as it becomes available): Greece 17/03/2014

Conference: Getting Consumers Digital (EU Presidency event) Commissioner for Consumer Policy Neven Mimica kicked off the awareness raising campaign. Around 30 organisations will promote this campaign, many of them immediately starting to distribute printed campaign materials to their members and contacts, with more expected to follow as and when suitable events are taking place.

Spain 24/04/2014

Conferences on the transposition of the Consumer Rights Directive in Madrid and Barcelona (Asociación Española de la Economía Digital) Deputy Head of Unit for Consumer and Marketing Law at the European Commission (JUST A.3) Gösta Petri kicked off the campaign in Spain. Nearly 70 organisations have been contacted, and a good share quickly indicated interest in promoting this campaign. More are expected to follow as the campaign gathers recognition and attention shifts from other prominent campaigns that are ending in May.

EU 17/05/2014

Open Doors Day of the EU Institutions in Brussels The European Commission will inform visitors about the campaign and distribute material at the stand of the Directorate General for Health and Consumers.



Conference on the Consumer Rights Directive and the Alternative Dispute Resolution package (Ministry of Economy) European Commission will kick off the campaign in Portugal

Bulgaria 9-11/06/2014

Commissioner for Consumer Policy Neven Mimica will kick off the campaign in Bulgaria

Latvia 18/06/2014

Conference (European Consumer Centre Latvia) The European Commission will kick off the campaign in Latvia

Poland 0911/07/2014

Commissioner for Consumer Policy Neven Mimica will kick off the campaign in Poland

Cyprus 28/05/2014

Conference: Presentationof the Annual Report of the European Consumer Centre Cyprus The European Commission will kick off the campaign in Cyprus

Italy 7-8/07/2014

Conference (EU presidency event) The European Commission will kick off the campaign in Italy

Consumers can find information on their key rights on the dedicated citizen information pages on Your Europe - Citizens . Also traders can find information on some important requirements in the consumer legislation in Your Europe - Business .

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