Brochure Benchmarking

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ECIA, Cluster2020 and European Creative Cluster Lab Creating an assessment framework for Cluster Initiatives in Creative Industries Creative Cluster Benchmarking and Feedback

Introduction To provide evidence to potential cluster participants and policy makers that they are doing a good job is becoming more and more relevant for creative cluster initiatives. Recent interviews with different creative cluster managers in Europe have shown that for Creative Cluster Initiatives it is even harder than for traditional ones to communicate their work to regional stakeholders. They need good tools at hand to measure and show their success. This brochure will show how the European Creative Industries Alliance currently develops a framework to support Creative Cluster Managers in this task.

Background Beginning of 2012 the European Commission’s Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General set up the cross-sectoral initiative “European Creative Industries Alliance” (ECIA). The new initiative combines policy learning with 8 concrete actions that include two focusing cluster development and cooperation – Cluster2020 and the European Creative Cluster Lab. The two cluster actions will develop and test new approaches for better cluster management in Creative Industries in order to professionalise the support offered to SMEs in Creative Industries. For the ECIA, the Berlin Senatsverwaltung for Economy, Technology and Research has conducted a study on key issues and challenges of clusters in creative industries in Europe with a special focus on the development of a framework to measure outcomes and impact of creative cluster initiatives. The study was carried between May and November 2012. In the current stage the concrete actions Cluster2020 and the European Creative Cluster Lab approach creative cluster initiatives in order to validate and further discuss the findings of the study and especially the proposed indicator framework.


Benchmarking as a tool to analyse creative cluster initiatives The study has analysed the key issues and challenges of clusters cultural and creative industries. On this basis a framework to measure outcomes and impact of cluster initiatives in the field of creative and cultural industries (CCI) throughout Europe has been suggested.

The proposed benchmarking methodology is not a new development, but has already been applied with various clusters from different sectors in Europe. For example during the evaluation of the French Poles des Competitivitees in 2011 and 2012, benchmarks of the 71 Poles were included in the overall evaluation approach. It provided valuable insight views for all actors involved in the evaluation, policy makers as well as cluster managers. Benchmarking is a comparative analysis of structures, processes, products and services. It compares a Cluster management organization to others that are active in the same or other areas on a national or international level (comparative portfolio). Cluster management organizations are benchmarked both with their peers from the same technology field and with the complete comparative portfolio. The results obtained by benchmarking can be used to assess the sustainability of the clusters.

Unveiling Learning Potential and assessing the status in Creative Clusters in Europe Even though CCI seem to be rather different from other industries in terms of key features the study shows that both share relevant characteristics. The suggested benchmarking is therefore based on a common and joint framework relevant also for cluster initiatives in other sectors. The indicator set which builds the basis for the benchmarking consists of more than 30 indicators. The applicability of these indicators to assess cluster managements / cluster initiatives however is debatable.

Get involved: Help validate the study In a next step the team of the European Creative Cluster Lab will run in-depth interviews/ discussions with Creative Industries Cluster Initiatives discussing the different indicators and check for each of them whether they are relevant for the measurement of Creative Industries Cluster performance. In addition to that a benchmarking interview based on the methodology proposed in the study will be held with the cluster initiative. This will help to improve the sample for the Study and have a better comparative portfolio. The discussion and interview will take place in your initiative and will approximately take half a day of your time.

How can benchmarking support you as a cluster manager: • •


The objective of benchmarking is to learn from better performing peers or other entities in order to improve own structures, processes, products and services. In contrast to evaluations and economic impact assessments benchmarking is an efficient and effective way to identify the potential of a cluster and to develop strategic recommendations for its further development within a short time frame. Benchmarking provides a cluster manager with an immediate feedback on the status of his or her cluster compared to peer clusters. The results demonstrate and document strengths and indicate potential for improvements. 2

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Benchmarking is a tool that can be easily integrated in the strategic management of the cluster. Initiatives participating in a benchmarking receive the European Cluster Management Excellence Label BRONZE. The label helps initiatives to Initiatives participating receive a Benchmarking Report including recommendations for improvement and a comparison with similar cluster initiatives. (as an example see the following link to a benchmarking report that has been published by the Bavarian Cluster for IT Security:

Contact If you are interested to join a benchmarking or would like to receive more information, please contact: Daniel Stürzebecher European Creative Cluster Lab Head of Team International Cluster Programmes MFG Innovation Agency for ICT and Media Baden-Württemberg D-70174 Stuttgart +49(0)711-90715-368


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