At EC we recognise that our students are making a significant investment in their personal development. Our Vision is to Help Students Succeed in a Global Community and we developed our Educational Philosophy mission to make our students’ learning journey as effective as possible.
It’s been over 10 years since we opened the first dedicated school for those aged 30+. We have seen thousands of students benefit from the programme which delivers courses designed to make the most of the city or to enhance career prospects. With dedicated materials, timetables, classrooms and chill out zones for the 30+ students, EC offers the choice to learn for the individual’s goals.
EC Escapes offers a unique English learning experience, designed especially for mature individuals aged 50+ looking to connect with the world through experiences, language and culture. Our programme is a perfect blend of English classes and the opportunity to experience the local culture, traditions, and history. We include guided tours, visits to landmarks, culinary adventures, leisurely walks, and plenty of social and dining activities in every package.
Our Global Achievers Academy builds global change-makers through a unique programme of international cohort travel. With 4 exciting destinations across 4 inspiring summers, our students are taken on a transformative journey alongside a vibrant and inclusive community of diverse and talented individuals, who a passion for making a positive impact on the world and building a sustainable future.
Embassy Summer is an award-winning, trusted global leader in full immersion junior language programmes with over 40 years of experience in delivering dynamic experiences to students from around the world. In 2024, Embassy Summer will operate over 21 summer schools with our partner colleges, schools, universities and hotel residences in the USA, Canada, England, Malta, Cape Town & Dubai.
Online and live lessons are the perfect way learn English from wherever you are in the world on your journey to English language fluency. With EC Live, you can attend online lessons before or after your in-person course, or whenever you need to refresh your skills or practice speaking English. EC Live courses are flexible with multiple lesson times a day and courses for different goals and schedules.
Designed for university students and business professionals looking to improve their written English, this weekly course shows how AI tools can be used to create prompts, analyse results, and write effective, original texts like emails, reports, social posts and job applications
See page 27
Our popular programme for mature travelers now includes EC Escapes Dublin (13 October - 5 December) and EC Escapes Montreal (23 June - 15 August, in French and English). Immersive language learning and fun cultural and social activities will make for unforgettable experiences.
See page 48
For students 21+ who want to get into the hospitality industry, or just use their English in a fun setting, we offer English PLUS Bartending at EC Montreal. Available weekly in English and French, students can boost their skills—and earn a bartending certificate!
See page 45
We’ve modernised our MyEC app and made it even more user-friendly. This unique study tool lets students access a wealth of learning materials, track their progress, plan social activities, organise meetings, create lesson plans and get teacher feedback.
See page 14
All our schools are accredited by the leading associations in their respective countries and are members of the major international organisations.
EC – ST Leading Star Award Embassy – ST Junior Course for Under 18s!
Star Chain School
EC – 2022
Star Chain School: EC 2011, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2020/21
Star Chain School: Embassy 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2015
Innovation of the Year: EC 2009, 2010
Star Chain School Embassy – 2015
Star Chain School: EC 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2019, 2020, 2022 and 2023
Junior Course for Under 18s: EC 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Best English School of the Year in Malta – 2024
Turkish Association of International Education Agents (UED)
y Japan Best School Awards for EC Live*, Ryugaku Japan (*Previously known as EC Virtual)
y Japan Best School Awards for EC Toronto, Ryugaku Japan
y Best Chain School, UED
y Best Admissions Support, IE Intercambio
y School Top Of Mind
y EC - School Group of the year, ESL
y Best Malta School, UED
y CSR Champion of the Year, UED Best English
y EC Malta - (English) School of the Year award, ESL
y Best Admissions Support, IE Intercambio
y Best Operations Support, Travelmate
y UK’s Customer Experience Silver Star Award (for the Orange Carpet Experience)
y School top of mind, Travelmate
y Experience, ESL School Group of the Year, ESL
y Language School, UED Best Chain School
Find out more about Our Educational Philosophy with David Byrne Curriculum manager at EC
Our Vision is to Help Students Succeed in a Global Community and we developed our 6 Pillars to make our students learning journey as effective as possible.
To help students succeed in a global community
Academically this means we work with our students to improve their communicative competence, ensuring they have the language, the confidence and the skills to interact with other English speakers from all backgrounds and capabilities. We have built our courses, our support and our schools to ensure our students are not just learning English but learning to communicate effectively.
Research-based and data driven
We believe in continuous innovation and have made research a cornerstone of the ongoing process of review and development. This informs all aspects of academic management from our curriculum, to support, to teacher training. We have a very experienced team that is dedicated to developing our academic offering.
The communicative approach – The EC Way
We are committed to putting students at the centre of their learning and engaging them in a visible process to build their learning, cultural awareness and their language skills
By building their learning skills, students attain a lifelong benefit, enabling them to take advantage of all learning opportunities they encounter, both in and out of the classroom, and as a result, progress more quickly
Classes will begin with an overall lesson objective
Throughout the lesson, students will work with their partners to learn grammar, vocabulary and skills
EC employs the Communicative Approach. However, at EC it’s not about doing what works, it’s about doing what works best. We believe our learners benefit from:
y Knowing what they’re learning.
y Knowing why they’re learning it (how it can be used in their lives outside the classroom).
y Knowing what success looks like.
y Choosing their personal levels of success.
y Knowing what they need to do better next time.
y We provide real-life objectives:
– Our objectives are written so that students can see how this lesson will impact their life outside the classroom.
– Here’s an example of a real-life objective: Be able to make a plan with others (e.g. where to eat).
– In this example students are learning to make a plan. As this is something they do regularly, they can see how this will benefit their lives and how to put it into practice instantly.
y We provide clear aims.
y We discuss lesson aims & objectives.
y We enable our learners to choose what success looks like for them.
y We include feedback, reflection and repetition in every lesson.
We ensure our students are getting the most up to date and evidence-based teaching methodology
Towards the end of the lesson, they will practise using this language in context
Receive feedback in the form of error correction or interesting language that emerged in the conversation
Formative, personalised and relevant.
We believe that assessment should primarily be a formative process, a true reflection of a student’s capabilities which informs them on their learning needs and successes.
Our assessments occur: Pre-Arrival | Daily | Weekly | Monthly | At the end of the course
Company-wide standards and training
We ensure consistency by making sure our processes are robust and build good practice across all our centres.
To ensure consistency in learning experience and support:
y All Directors of Studies are inducted and trained in EC policies and procedures.
y All teachers receive the same induction to the Communicative Approach the EC way. They are assigned training modules based on their individual needs.
y All teachers are observed regularly.
y All our schools are committed to the continuous professional development of the acadmic team.
y All schools are audited once a year by a member of the senior management team.
y All schools are accredited by an external accreditation body.
Progress 8 weeks per level at EC
You have a very basic knowledge of vocabulary and simple grammatical structure. You can invite someone somewhere and talk about your past.
You understand most conversations spoken slowly and clearly. You can give someone simple directions on the street.
Student’s progress is visible and guaranteed
We believe in continuous innovation and have made research a cornerstone of the ongoing process of review and development. Before a student arrives, we provide guidance on setting effective learning goals, as research shows goals drive results. Our lesson and assessment structure are both built around feedback. Our Feedback Friday provides space for review of goals and feedback.
Over the last 10 years we have been collecting data on our students’ progress and we use this data to further develop our EC Promise.
We promise you will progress when
You can use the language with some confidence but with noticeable lapses in accuracy and fluency. You can give a short business presentation in English.
You can use the language with confidence. You can read English newspapers, follow TV news and apply for an Englishspeaking job.
You speak fairly easily on everyday matters. You can explain what you need from service providers
With a good command of English, you can read and write accurately with few errors. You can understand most academic texts and lectures.
You can communicate easily on everyday matters but have a limited range of expression. You can have a conversation on the telephone.
You have near-full command of the language. You can use industry terms for your field of study
EC has partnered with National Geographic Learning (NGL) since 2017. We chose to work with NGL not just because of their exceptional materials but because their goal, to bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life, is so closely aligned with our own vision. Like EC, they see the importance of developing intercultural communication inside the classroom to help students succeed in the global community outside the classroom.
EC’s Product Team works closely with NGL, regularly piloting or offering feedback on new materials. They often meet with the editorial teams of their titles to discuss the direction their coursebooks, meaning EC is “not just reacting to materials given but informing what those materials are” (Michael Cummings 2023).
We are incredibly proud that students and staff from EC Brighton and EC Dublin appear in NGL’s Outcomes 3rd Edition, as examples of successful communicators. They appear in activities raising awareness of the wonderful variety of accents around the globe.
EC is “not just reacting to materials given but informing what those materials are.”
Michael Cummings, 2023
National Geographic Learning, Business Development Manager - UK,
Europe, Africa & Central Asia.
To bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life
EC Students appear in National Geographic Learning's latest title, 'Outcomes 3rd edition' . NGL’s goal:
You can start learning straight away take a placement test and pre-arrival survey
As soon as you book one of our English courses, you’ll be granted access to this unique study tool, MyEC
Access to a wealth of online learning materials available exclusively on the platform
See your language level and track your progress
Organise meetings with your teachers and get feedback
Progress Assessments and see your weekly scores
Some of the things you can do on MyEC
Everything you need to prepare for your
Online test on booking
To-do-list upon booking
SETTING YOU UP FOR SUCCESS before you arrive
Everything you need to know to help you make the most of your time at EC.
Everything you need to know to help you make the most of your time at EC.
MAKING YOU FEEL AT HOME as soon as you get here Weekend experience on arrival
As well as a warm welcome, we arrange for you to meet other students, before the lessons begin.
HELPING YOU SUCCEED and fulfil your language dreams Self study for FREE on MyEC
Your learning journey is personalised to your needs. You can see your progress on MyEC
WE’RE HERE to support you Tell us, we listen, We Action
Our school team is committed to supporting you throughout your stay, whatever help you need.
Celebrate your progress, give us your feedback and keep in touch! SEE YOU NEXT TIME because it’s never good-bye Graduation and Farewell
From the moment you book, you can access MyEC from home to start your journey, test your starting level and get prepared.
When you arrive, you will settle into your new home, and meet your teachers, support staff and new classmates.
During your first week, you will have a meeting to make sure that you are well and happy and help you make the most of your stay.
Your classes will follow the EC curriculum, designed for you to achieve real results across all English language skills.
You will take progress assessments to monitor your strengths and weaknesses, to allow you to focus on your learning needs.
Following your assessment, you will receive detailed feedback on your performance and guidance on how to continue.
If for any reason your progress is not on track, your teacher will give you a personalised learning plan to get you there.
You will also receive continual guidance, monitoring and academic support, including personal feedback and tutorials after every progress assessment.
Every week, you will have a variety of free lessons and activities to socialise with people from across the school and fully embrace your free time.
At the end of your course you will take your Exit Test and receive a report confirming your success! Certificates are awarded to all students with 80% or more attendance.
Our methodology and curriculum are the same across our 24 schools and so it’s really up to you which location or platform you choose.
Clear real-world objectives are set at the beginning of a lesson. Throughout the lesson, you will learn the language and skills necessary to achieve this objective. You will be given the opportunity to practise with your classmates, and consider how to apply what you’ve learnt to your real life.
Offered in all EC schools, this is your chance to add to your learning with extra language guidance. Adapted to meet the needs of the students at each school. You may find:
Skills Clinics
Pick up tips and pointers to master different language skills. Clinics are in grammar, pronunciation, writing and reading.
Learn interesting facts and practise listening skills, note-taking and summary writing.
Writing Clinic
Practise your written English and develop a practical understanding of both formal and informal writing styles.
Conversation Sessions
Flex those conversation skills with other students from various classes, levels and nationalities.
Work Clinic
CV and interview clinics will help you develop employability skills you need to apply and interview for jobs in English.
Improvisation Hour
Improve your speaking skills while gaining confidence and having fun through improvisation activities.
Different learning options
y One-to-One Lessons
y Online Lessons (EC Live)
Homework Club
Gather with other students to help each other with homework and practise your English in a group setting.
Exam Skills
Practise and master the skills to help you attain a better score in your English language exams.summary writing.
Conversation Partners
Here for a long stay? Match with a native speaker in the area to meet and chat on a regular basis.
With a combination of lessons and activities, your days are filled with opportunities to practise your English Free language workshops and activities allow you to learn vocabulary and use new language in day-to-day life..
are here to help you succeed in the global community
ACADEMIC YEAR 24 or more weeks page 28
ENGLISH NOW at EC Cambridge page 34
FLEXITRACK at EC Cambridge page 36
Our vision is 'to help our students to succeed in a global community' and our General English programmes reflect that. As well as improving your language ability across all skills, you will also develop key life & learning skills.
In your lessons you will work on collaboration & intercultural skills; learning to communicate with people across the world, and across language ability. By setting goals and learning to assess your progress objectively, we will help you develop key skills for life.
Ideal course if you want to travel the world, excel in the work place or succeed in further education
Choose the number of lessons per week 20, 24, 26 or 30 1 lesson = 45 mins
Course Entry Requirements
Assessment – An Entry Test on arrival – Continuous assessment via classwork and class assignments – 4-weekly progress tests – 4-weekly progress tutorials and progress reports
Exit Test
Mode of Study Face-to-face
Award On completion, a certificate of achievement is issued
Available in: Boston, New York, San Diego, Toronto, London, Brighton, Manchester, Dublin and Cape Town
Turn a foreign city into YOUR city!
Get out there, interact with locals, experience their dialects and explore their history.
One weekly lesson will take you and your classmates outside to experience local sights and activities including Museum Tours and Neighbourhood Visits. Back in the classroom, you will discuss what you experienced.
Get ready to start the career you’ve been dreaming about by building your confidence and professional correspondence skills with Business English.
You will focus on language to participate in meetings, write emails and communicate confidently. Lesson topics will cover negotiating, management and HR, branding and promotional strategies, project management, business ethics, workplace, giving presentations and preparing for interviews.
Create effective, original texts using AI
Take Special Focus lessons to improve your written English with AI—while creating effective communications that are undeniably your own. Anyone can do this course, you only need a smart phone.
Immerse yourself in the English language while studying long term (24+ weeks) in an English speaking country.
Your learning experience starts on your first day. From classroom activities to homework. You’ll receive regular assessments and feedback.
You will also have all the support and resources you need to improve on your weaker areas and help you succeed. Your teachers and your digital learning companion, MyEC, will be with you every step of the way.
Maximise your time and achievements by preparing for and taking an internationally recognised exam, certifying your language level.
Recognised by employers, universities and colleges all over the world
Required by many universities and colleges worldwide
Exam offerings vary by centre and require minimum language level
Exam fees not included
See more of the world
You can choose the location and duration of your course
Recognised by more than 8,000 academic and professional institutions
Used by over 10,000 companies and institutions in 120 countries worldwide
Study in multiple EC destinations, with no disruption to your curriculum. We will transfer your records from school to school so there is no break in your learning, giving you the same great language learning experience with optimum travelling potential.
• An Entry Test on arrival
• Continuous assessment via classwork and class assignments
• 4-weekly progress tests 4-weekly tutorials and progress reports
For study, emigration, work, or simply for self improvement. Recognised by universities, colleges, governments and employers all over the world.
of Study
• An Entry Test on arrival
• Continuous assessment via classwork and class assignments
• 4-weekly progress tests
• 4-weekly tutorials and progress reports
• Exit Test
of achievement – on completion
Using sample papers and continuously practising specific tasks, you will become familiar with the exam.
You will focus on three key areas:
Helpful exam strategies
Effective exam thinking
Studying only the English you need
By the end of your course your exam results will reflect a true, significant improvement across all aspects of your speaking, listening, reading and writing
On the day of the test, you will feel prepared, confident and ready to succeed.
Show you can live or to work independently in an English-speaking environment.
Minimum level: Intermediate
y Upper-Intermediate for 6-week course
y Pre-Advanced for 4-week course
C1 Advanced (CAE)
Show you can make the most of studying, working and living in English-speaking countries.
Minimum level: Pre-Advanced
International English Language Testing System
You can use your IELTS score to enter most universities in the UK, Canada, Malta and some universities in the US. It's one of the tests recognised for immigration purposes.
Minimum level: Intermediate
Test of English as a Foreign Language
Show you can use English at university level. TOEFL is recognised by over 8,000 institutions in over 130 countries, including most North American universities.
Minimum level: Intermediate
Test of English for International Communication
TOEIC test scores are used by over 10,000 companies, government agencies and English language learning programmes in 120 countries.
Minimum level: Intermediate
A bilingual study experience in a city that is beautiful and bohemian.
Recognised by universities, colleges, governments and employers all over the world.
Course Entry Requirements All levels
Start Dates Every Monday
Gastronomy & Bartending classes are available in French and English providing hands-on lessons for all levels.
If you want a truly cosmopolitan educational experience, choose EC Montreal. Immerse yourself in the local culture while learning English and/or French. You can take a mixture of both classes or start with one language and finish with the other. With attention also given to Quebecois expressions, you’ll be part of the fabric of the city in no time.
You can choose to have 20, 24 or 30 lessons per week.
Whether you are a beginner or more advanced, this is the course where you’ll improve your French reading, writing, listening and speaking.
This 24+ week course is your express road to fluency. This option also allows you to choose some Special Focus Classes, which benefit not only your language but also add extra opportunity to make friends with your international classmates.
If you choose our homestay accommodation in Montreal, you can choose to stay with a bilingual, French or English-speaking family
y Pronunciation clinics
y Academic lectures
y CV writing workshops
Designed specifically for students aged 15 to 18 and aims to prepare students for their post-secondary studies in English, French or both.
Students study through the project based weekly themes. They will be introduced to the world of health, business, art, fashion, politics, technology and so much more.
students work on Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing
The Young Achievers programme will include a 4 lesson per week special focus class. The class could be:
1. An exam preparation course
2. An educational outing
3. An academic writing course 4. Any other project-based lessons
to prepare students for their post-secondary studies in English, French or both.
y Introduction to Reading Skills
y Life at University
y Basic Essay Writing Skills
y Advanced Essay Writing Skills
y Listening at University
y Poster Presentations
y Presentation Skills for University
y Reading & Research
choose your option
y Speaking Skills for Social Situations
y Intercultural Communication
y Debating & Arguing
y English for Technology & Innovation
y Storytelling
y English for Social & Environmental Issues
Personalise your course by choosing from a range of Modules
Workplace Modules
y Introduction to Presentation Skills
y Basic Writing Skills
y Presentation Skills for the Workplace
y Advanced Presentation Skills
y Communication in the Workplace
y Leadership & Followership SAMPLE
You can add additional classes of your choice up to a maximum of 4 a week
Maximum students per class
15 General English classes
8 English Now modules
20 Lectures
Further Education
For students who are thinking of taking a further education (university or college) course in future that is taught in English.
The course is ideal for students who need to develop their skills in delivering presentations, essay writing, conducting research, citing sources, and critical thinking.
Global Success
For students who would like to expand their horizons and engage with English speakers as global citizens.
In English Now for Global Success, we train our students on intercultural communication, debating, and successful storytelling.
For students who are looking for work, as well as professionals seeking to improve practical English skills for workplace settings.
The course includes modules like presentation skills, workplace communication, and leadership.
University Placement Service
Get expert counselling including:
y In-depth personal guidance
y Help with the application process
y Assisting with references and ‘Statement of Purpose’
y Assisting with Visa applications
Network with like-minded people while improving your English
Special Focus Class
Learn useful new language and vocabulary for the English-speaking workplace. You can choose 10 English for Work lessons per week
On the first day of arrival we identify the areas you want to strengthen so we can target your learning journey. You also receive a weekly coaching session of 30 minutes
Your dream of studying at an overseas university is possible with EC. We have programmes designed to build your skills, knowledge and English level to enter one of our partner universities or colleges worldwide.
1 2 3 4 5
We will be alongside you in your journey to higher education.
We can help you through the process of applying for a university in the USA and Canada. We will guide you through each step, from choosing the best university for you, to dealing with letters of acceptance and admission requirements, while you improve your English level and gain the confidence and communication skills you need to enter a university or college.
Should you apply to one of our university partners, you won’t have to take the TOEFL or IELTS exam. Instead, you will receive a conditional letter of acceptance to your chosen university, and you will be admitted once you reach their required level of English.
We assist students to choose and apply for courses with a number of higher education establishments in Europe, including Anglia Ruskin Universities, Keele University, Geneva School of Diplomacy, University College Dublin, The Hague Pathway College and Lancaster University in Leipzig.
It’s the first time that I study and at the same time I have fun. I wake up in the morning and I say ...Wow! I want to go to school.. So, if you like what you do, if you like what you study, if you like your teacher, you learn English faster.
Arianna Becheroni.
Combine your
with the best in online education
A pioneering programme designed to combine your language learning journey with the opportunity to access a wide variety of fabulous courses developed and delivered by universities and professional bodies.
Are you interested in career development?
Do you want to develop an area of interest or a hobby?
Thinking about learning to code?
Are you just interested in learning and exploring new topics?
Alongside EC highly effective language learning programme, you will have access to a wide range of courses on FutureLearn's online platform, which allow you to tailor your learning experience to match your interests and goals.
EC x FutureLearn is more than just an English course; it's an opportunity to join a global community of learners, explore new perspectives, and unlock your future.
y Entrepreneurship & Strategy Development Courses
y Marketing Courses
y Leadership Courses
y HR & Career Courses
y IT & Engineering Courses
y Fashion & Creative Arts Courses
y Well-being Courses
Are you thinking about a career change?
52 courses to choose from.
learn more
EC plus Virtual Internship gives you the opportunity to work remotely for one of 12,000 approved host companies in 70+ countries.
You will gain not only professional career experience, but also exposure to an international company and experience working with different cultures.
The National Association of Colleges and Employers (US) released their 2021 Job Outlook report noting, “Employers continue to indicate that internship experience is the deciding factor between two otherwise equally qualified candidates.”
Gain the soft and hard skills
you need to succeed in your future career.
The beauty of virtual internships
is that they are flexible to fit your studies and lifestyle.
Duration of a virtual Internship 4, 8, 12 or 16 weeks
Start dates Every 2 weeks Internship hours per week Between 10-30 hours per week
Online and live lessons are the perfect way learn English from wherever you are in the world on your journey to English language fluency. With EC Live, you can attend online lessons before or after your in-person course, or whenever you need to refresh your skills and keep speaking English. EC Live courses are flexible with multiple lesson times a day and courses for different goals and schedules.
Face-to-face online English classes.
Unlimited self-study with access to materials on MyEC.
Ability to upgrade and add One-to-One lessons.
Our CELTA-qualified teachers and academic teams are dedicated to supporting your learning journey.
Each EC Live course follows a National Geographic syllabus that will guarantee your progress through internationally recognised levels.
EC Live uses a unique online lesson structure with clear objectives, language practise and student collaboration every lesson
Combine your course with another activity in your chosen destination
Make the most of your stay add one of these exciting options
Volunteering is an incredible way to grow as a person, while contributing in meaningful ways to communities and the environment. With EC Cape Town, you can volunteer to work with animals or children and if you follow your passion, you will be able to find a project that suits you and where you will do the most good. Combine volunteering with improving your English in a real-world setting, and make a lasting impact on the community in which you will work.
Choose from a wide list of companies that have partnered with us to provide you with the experience of working in a professional, English-speaking environment. This is the ultimate upgrade to your CV. The unpaid internship programme is available to all students who have at least an Upper Intermediate (or higher) level of English.
No trip to South Africa is complete without experiencing wildlife on safari. This is a truly unforgettable experience. Amongst the many incredible animals, you will encounter lions, elephants, rhinos, buffalo, cheetahs, ostriches, springbok and wildebeest. You will love the beautiful, scenic game drives and sitting around an evening campfire.
y 1-day Safari
y 3-day Garden Route and Safari
y 4-day Kruger Park Big 5 Camping Safari
Broadway Dance Center is New York City’s largest and most diverse multi-disciplinary dance studio Classes include ballet, jazz, hip-hop, theater, tap, belly dancing, yoga, pilates, stretch, and many more. Dance classes take place non-stop from 9:30am until 10:30pm, so students can take classes based around their English course schedule and desire.
The studio has nine translators on staff.
With professional coaches and excellent training techniques, you will be provided with a safe and fun atmosphere to practice this thrilling sport. You will learn to read the water, gauge the wave for take-off, develop your own feel, and intuition.
This course is suitable for students who
y are at any level of English
y want to learn how to surf while improving their English skills
y know how to swim and have no pre-existing medical conditions
Elevate your language skills while mastering the art of mixology. Running on a weekly basis, this Bartending course is available in English / French.
This course is suitable for students
y who are young at heart!
y who want to make the most of their time on full and exciting social programmes
y who have a genuine interest in foreign cultures
y who have a desire to broaden their skill set
Through the different gastronomy sessions you can learn the secrets of world famous cuisine while developing your own culinary skills in an English or French environment. These hands on sessions will give you the skills needed to become a Montreal chef in your own home!
y Culinary lessons
y Pastry making
y Mixology lessons
y Food tours
y Tour of food markets
y Beer tours
y Chocolate making
y Tastings
Our 30+ English schools are designed specifically for more mature students who have greater experience in life and the world of work. Through speaking, listening, reading and writing, you will learn within settings that are specially chosen to be stimulating and relevant to you.
As a student with more experience in life and work, you’ll benefit from being in the company of like-minded people in an EC city you feel passionate about. You can mould our EC 30+ programme to your own tastes, and take in the local offering in the arts, sports, shopping, relaxation, nightlife, action and adventure.
Learn English in the company of other life-experienced, mature students.
General English 20
General English 24
General English 26
General English 30
Business English 20
English for Work (GE 20+4)
English for Work (GE 20+10)
English in the City (GE 20+10)
Writing with AI (GE 20+10)
x FutureLearn
Business Mini Group (20, 30)
Make lifelong connections while exploring an exciting destination
english language experience for mature adults
• Gozo Tour
• Limestone Heritage & workshop
• Wine Tasting
New York
• Broadway Musical
• Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
• Brooklyn Street Art Walking Tour
• United Nations Visit and Tour
Are you a mature explorer, a culture enthusiast or a lifelong learner?
EC Escapes offers a unique English learning experience. Our programme is a perfect blend of English classes and the opportunity to experience the local culture, traditions and history. We include guided tours, visits to landmarks, culinary adventures, leisurely walks, and plenty of social and dining activities in every package.
• Afternoon Tea at the 16th Century Tudor Barn
• Discover Kensington Palace
• Explore the UNESCO site of Stonehenge
Cape Town
• Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens
• Township Tour including Lunch
• Winelands Tour
• Seal Island Boat Tour and Groot Constantia Wine Tasting
• High Tea at the Ritz
• Explore the Fine Arts Museum
• Guided tours
• Evening Tour in Old Montreal Activities could include
• Visits to landmarks
• Culinary adventures
• Leisurely walks
• Social and dining activities
• Experience an Irish Dancing Event
• Savor Craic and Cuisine Dinner
• Discover Christchurch Cathedral
General English* Classes
We’re here to support you every step of the way.
Social Activities
2-week bookings get an extra full day activity
* English / French available in Montreal
Course Materials Return transport is included for each activity
Subject to change
Concierge Service
There is a dedicated concierge at each school.
Learn English while socialising with other adults from all around the globe who share your passion for exploration and learning.
Recommended programme duration is 2 weeks; thereafter, the schedule repeats.
Global Achievers Academy (coming soon)
EC Escapes
8 Classrooms 11
16 Minimum age 120 Capacity The numbers Did you know...
Boston has over 35 universities and colleges
The Boston Common is the oldest public park in the US
It’s illegal to snore at night with your windows open!
(classes in brackets)
Vacation English (20)
General English (24/26/30)
English for Work (GE 20 + 4 English for Work)
English in the City (GE 20 + 4 English in the City)*
*Available only during High Season
Academic Semester/Year (24/26/30)
ENGLISH PLUS (combine your course with)
EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Conversation partners (courses 8+ weeks)
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f Weekend Excursions priority booking with EC partner tour provider (Six Flags, Niagra Falls, New York City)
f IELTS Testing Center
f University admissions service
f Interactive TVs
f Library
f Student lounge
Average class size (max 15)
Based on the average of the last two years
COURSES (classes in brackets)
Vacation English (20)
General English (24/26/30)
English for Work (GE 20 + 4 English for Work)
English in the City (GE 20 + 4 English in the City)*
*Available only during High Season
Academic Semester/Year (24/26/30)
Exam Preparation TOEFL (20/20+10 Special Focus)
*Available between 9 June and 26 September 2025
30+ Vacation English (20)
30+ General English (24/26/30)
30+ English for Work (GE 20 + 4 English for Work)
30+ English in the City (GE 20 + 10 English in the City)*
*Available only during High Season
EC Escapes
ENGLISH PLUS (combine your course with)
Available to all students unless otherwise stated
EC x FutureLearn Virtual Internships
30+ Executive One-to-One Coaching INCLUDED WITH YOUR
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f University Admissions Service
f Interactive TVs
f Self-study area
f Student lounge
f Café / restaurant in the building NATIONALITY & AGE MIX
The numbers
Average class size (max 15)
Based on the average of the last two years
Minimum age
255 Capacity
Did you know...
More than 1,000 pizzas are sold every hour in New York City
Manhattan is home to the world’s largest art museum - the Metropolitan Museum of Art
7 Classrooms 11
(classes in brackets)
Vacation English (20)
General English (24/26/30)
English for Work (GE 20 + 4 English for Work)
Academic Semester/Year (24/26/30)
PLUS (combine your course with)
EC x FutureLearn Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f Weekend Excursions priority booking with EC partner tour provider (Ex. Yosemite, Napa, Santa Cruz)
f IELTS Testing Center
f University Admissions Service
f Interactive TVs
f Library
f Self-study area
f Student lounge
f Coffee shop in the building
Did you know...
The docks at Pier 39 are taken over by sea lions. There can be over 1000 depending on the time of year
The city’s fog is so famous it has a name - Karl the Fog and has its own social media
San Francisco has the largest Chinatown outside of Asia
Average class size (max 15)
16 Minimum age 105 Capacity The numbers
Based on the average of the last two years
COURSES (classes in brackets)
Vacation English (20)
General English (24/26/30
English for Work (GE 20 + 4 English for Work)
English in the City (GE 20 + 4 English in the City)
Academic Semester/Year (24/26/30)
Cambridge Exam Preparation
ENGLISH PLUS (combine your course with)
Surfing lessons
EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f University Admissions Service
f Interactive TVs
f Self-study area
f Student lounge
f Computer lab
8 Classrooms
11 Average class size (max 15)
16 Minimum age 120 Capacity The numbers
Did you know...
San Diego was the site of the first European settlement on the West Coast of the United States.
San Diego is the birthplace of Comic-Con International, the world-famous pop culture convention that started in 1970.
San Diego is known for having the longest continuous coastline of any US city.
13 Classrooms 11
(classes in brackets)
Vacation English (20)
General English (24/26/30)
English for Work (GE 20 + 4 English for Work)
Academic Semester/Year (24/26/30)
PLUS (combine your course with)
EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f EC excursion packages available March and September, Priority booking year round (Universal Studios, Disneyland, Las Vegas)
f University Admissions Service
f Interactive TVs
f Computer Lab
f Self-study area
f Student lounge
f Prayer room
Did you know...
The Hollywood sign originally read “Hollywoodland”
Every day, there are more than 100 movie and T.V. crews filming around the Los Angeles
Los Angles will host the 2028 Summer Olympics and will be the third city to host the games three times
16 Minimum age 195 Capacity The numbers
Average class size (max 15)
22 Classrooms
Did you know...
Montreal’s pizza often comes in square slices. It’s their unique twist on a classic!
The city has an underground network of shops, restaurants, and hotels called the Underground City
85% of the world’s maple syrup comes from Quebec, Montreal’s Province
COURSES (classes in brackets)
Bilingual (24/26/30)
General English / French (20/24/26/30)
Young Achievers
(20 General English / French + 4 Special Focus)
English/French Academic Semester/Year (20/24/26/30)
EC Escapes
ENGLISH PLUS (combine your course with)
English/French One-to-One
EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC (English language students)
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f English/French plus Gastronomy
f University Admissions Service
f Interactive TVs
f Self-study room
f Student lounge
f Kitchen area
f Café/restaurant in building
Average class size (max 15)
15 Minimum age 290 Capacity The numbers
Based on the average of the last two years
COURSES (classes in brackets)
General English (20/24/26/30)
General English (20) Morning only
English for Work (GE 20 + 4 English for Work)
English in the City (GE 20 + 4 English in the City)
Exam Preparation (20) IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC
Academic Semester/Year (20/24/26/30)
30+ General English (20/24/26/30)
30+ English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
ENGLISH PLUS (combine your course with)
30+ Executive One-to-One Coaching EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f University Admissions Service
f Cambridge, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC Test Centre
f Interactive TVs
f Library
f Self-study room
f Student lounge
f Microwave ovens
f Café in the building
The numbers
Average class size (max 15)
Based on the average of the last two years
Minimum age
306 Capacity
Did you know...
Torontonians love to say you can see the CN Tower from almost anywhere in the city
Toronto is green: it has over 1600 parks
Toronto’s beach volleyball court is open year-round, with people even playing in the snow
Sushi lovers, the California Roll was invented in Vancouver
Vancouver is known as the “Hollywood of the North”
Vancouverites love coffee so much that it’s said you can’t walk two blocks without finding a café
(classes in brackets)
General English (20/24/26/30)
English for Work (GE 20 + 4 English for Work)
Writing with AI (GE 20+ 10 Writing with AI)
Cambridge Exam Preparation (30)
Academic Semester/Year (20/24/26/30)
30+ General English (20/24/26/30)
30+ English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
30+ Writing with AI (GE 20+ 10 Writing with AI)
ENGLISH PLUS (combine your course with) One-to-One
30+ Executive One-to-One Coaching EC x FutureLearn Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f University Admissions Service
f Cambridge Test Centre
f Interactive TVs
f Library
f Self-study room
f Student lounge
f Kitchen area
Average class size (max 15)
Minimum age 184 Capacity The numbers
The numbers
Average class size (max 15)
(classes in brackets)
General English (20/30)
General English (20) Morning only
English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
English in the City (GE 20 + 10 English in the City)*
*Available only during High Season
Writing with AI (GE 20+ 10 Writing with AI)
Academic Semester (20/30)
Exam preparation IELTS (20)
Cambridge Exam Preparation (30)
B2 (FCE), C1 (CAE)
30+ General English (20/24/26/30)
30+ Business English (20)
30+ English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
30+ Writing with AI (GE 20+ 10 Writing with AI)
EC Escapes
PLUS (combine your course with)
30+ Executive One-to-One Coaching
EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f Interactive TVs
f Library and self study area
f Student lounge
Did you know...
“Big Ben” refers to the bell inside the Elizabeth Tower, not the tower itself
The city has over 8 million trees, making it the world’s largest urban forest!
London’s ‘black cab’ taxi drivers have to memorise every street in the city!
Minimum age
200 Capacity
35% Other (82 nationalities)
Based on the average of the last two years
(classes in brackets)
General English (20/30)
English Now Standard / Intensive (20/30)
Further Education / Global Success / Workplace
FlexiTrack Standard (GE 12 + 4 One-to-One)
FlexiTrack Intensive (GE 12 + 10 English for Work + 4 One-to-One )
(combine your course with)
EC x FutureLearn Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f e-Portfolio (only with English Now programme)
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f Interactive TVs
f Self-study access
f Student lounge & library
f Student lounge
Average class size (max 15)
The numbers Did you know...
Minimum age
64 Capacity
Cambridge University Library has a copy of every UK-published book –millions in total
Cambridge’s Newton Apple Tree is a descendant of the one that inspired Newton’s gravity theory
121 people with links to Cambridge University have won Nobel Prizes
The numbers
Average class size (max 15)
(classes in brackets)
General English (20/30)
General English (20) Morning only
English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
English in the City (GE 20 + 10 English in the City)*
*Available only during High Season
Academic Semester/Year (20/30)
Exam Preparation IELTS (20)
Cambridge Exam Preparation (30)
B2 (FCE), C1 (CAE)
30+ General English (20/24/26/30)
30+ English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
PLUS (combine your course with)
30+ Executive Coaching One-To-One
EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f Interactive TVs
f Library
f Self-study room
f Student lounge
f Prayer room
Did you know...
The Royal Pavilion is an Indian inspired exterior and a Chineseinspired interior
There are more restaurants per capita in Brighton than anywhere else in England
ABBA won the Eurovision Song Contest with Waterloo in 1974 at the Brighton Dome
Minimum age 249 Capacity
Other (47 nationalities)
Based on the average of the last two years
COURSES (classes in brackets)
General English (20/30)
English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
Academic Semester/Year (20/30)
Exam Preparation IELTS (20)
ENGLISH PLUS (combine your course with)
EC x FutureLearn Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f Interactive TVs
f Library
f Self-study access
f Student lounge
Classrooms 12
Did you know...
The vegetarian movement originated in Manchester
The UK’s red telephone box was designed by Manchester’s Sir Giles Gilbert Scott
The worker bee is a symbol of Manchester, representing the city’s industrious nature
COURSES (classes in brackets)
General English (20/30)
English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
Engish in the City (GE20 + 10 English in the City)
Academic Semester/Year (20/30)
Exam Preparation IELTS (20/30)
ENGLISH PLUS (combine your course with)
EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f Interactive TVs
f Library
f Self-study access
f Student lounge & library
Minimum age 145 Capacity The numbers
Average class size (max 15)
14 Classrooms 10
(classes in brackets)
General English (20/30)
General English (20) Morning only
English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
English in the City (GE 20 + 10 English in the City)
Academic Semester (20/30)
Exam Preparation IELTS (20)
30+ General English (20/24/26/30)
30+ English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
EC Escapes
PLUS (combine your course with)
30+ Executive One-to-One Coaching
EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f University Admissions Service
f Interactive TVs
f Local Library – 5 minutes away
f Student lounge
f Café next door
Did you know...
Dublin was founded by Vikings
Dublin has Europe’s youngest population
You can see wild deer in Dublin’s Phoenix Park
16 Minimum age 195 Capacity The numbers
Average class size (max 15)
46 Classrooms
(classes in brackets)
General English (20/30)
General English (20) Morning only
English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
Writing with AI (GE 20+ 10 Writing with AI)
Mini Group (20/30)*
Business Mini Group (20/30) [25+ years]*
Academic Semester/Year (20/30)
Exam Preparation IELTS/Cambridge (30)
B2 (FCE), C1 (CAE)
30+ General English (20/24/26/30)
30+ General English (20) Morning only
30+ English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
30+ Business Mini Group (20/30) [25+ years]*
30+ Writing with AI (GE 20+ 10 Writing with AI)
EC Escapes
* All Mini Group Start Dates: Every first Monday of each month, maximum booking duration 2 weeks
PLUS (combine your course with)
30+ Executive One-to-One Coaching
EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Arrival airport transfers included on day when EC accommodation starts (when booking course & accommodation)
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
Did you know...
The country is made up of five islands
Malta has temples older than Eg ypt’s pyramids and England’s Stonehenge
For good luck, Maltese fishing boats “Luzzu” have eyes painted on them
16 Minimum age 546 Capacity The numbers
f Cambridge Test Centre
f Interactive TVs
f Computer lab
f 2 Student lounges/library
Average class size (max 15)
Based on the average of the last two years
morning classes available
(classes in brackets)
General English (20/30)
General English (20) Morning only
English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
English in the City (GE 20 + 10 English in the City)
Academic Semester (20/30)
Exam Preparation IELTS (20)
30+ General English (20/24/26/30)
30+ English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
30+ English in the City (GE 20 + 10 English in the City)
EC Escapes
ENGLISH PLUS (combine your course with)
Safari (1, 3 or 4 day)
Volunteer programme
Internship programme
EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Arrival airport transfers included on day when EC accommodation starts
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Free WiFi and use of computers
f Free access to Microsoft Office (for the duration of the course)
f Interactive TVs
f Library and self-study room
Average class size (max 15)
16 Minimum age
360 Capacity The numbers
(classes in brackets)
General English 20 – Morning only
General English 20 – Afternoon only
General English 30
English for Work (GE 20 + 10 English for Work)
Academic Year 20 – Morning only
Academic Year 20 – Afternoon only
Academic Year 30
IELTS Prep 30 (GE20 + 10 IELTS prep)
ENGLISH PLUS (combine your course with)
EC x FutureLearn
Virtual Internships
(MQF Level 5)
Principles Marketing
Leadership and Management
The Business Course
f Access to MyEC from booking
f Online Placement Test
f Orange Carpet Experience
f Extra language workshops and activities
f Social and cultural programme
f Welcome activity
f Internet access
f Free access to Microsoft Office
(for the duration of the course)
f Exclusive EC excursions available
f Interactive TVs
f Library
f Student lounge
Depending on your choice of destination certain requirements for insurance coverage are required by law, even if you choose not to take EC’s insurance option, in most cases you must organise private health insurance in order to get a visa and to study in your chosen destination.
Enrolment is extremely easy and can be done at the same time as booking your course through EC.
You will receive your policy information prior to beginning your course, and all detailed information will be sent to you in case of requirement for visa applications.
For information regarding levels of coverage, please speak to your EC representative.
For further details, plus Terms and Conditions, please visit: www.guard.me