6 minute read

Pleasant and homely experiences

Actively on the trail of the Lady of the Manor

The famous countess Virida Visconti was called the “Lady of the Manor”, since she lived in a small castle by the Church of Saint Lambert in the settlement of Pristava nad Stično. Virida Visconti originates from the noble family of Sforza Visconti from Milan and was the wife of the Austrian Duke Leopold III and mother to Ernest the Iron, the last duke of Carinthia, who was enthroned on the Zollfeld. After the death of her husband in 1386, she moved to Pristava nad Stično. During her stay in our area, she was in close contact with the Stična monastery. In that period of time, the monastery was ruled by friar Albert Lindeški, who wasted the property of the monastery and lived inappropriately. He was also abusive to the monastery serfs. Virida often helped the poor and was called a benefactress. After her death, she left her estate to the monastery. She died around the year of 1414 and was buried in the monastery church in Stična. The tale of the Lady of the Manor is inspired by her life. Its author is Ivan Janežič-Kraljev.

Duration: full-day package. The “Actively on the trail of the Lady of the Manor” package includes:

• A guided tour of the Museum of Christianity in Slovenia and the Stična

Cistercian Abbey; • Calligraphy workshop in the so called “Monastery Scriptorium”, • Breakfast with local delicacies and visit of the local collection at the

Grofija Homestead; • “Virida’s greeting” at the mountain hut “Lavričeva koča” with the presentation of Gradišče nad Štentvidom and the church of Saint Nicholas, contact with animals, • hiking along Virida’s trail (From Gradišče to Pristava), • lunch at the Pr’Okorn Hiking Tourism; • guided tour of the Pristava Tourist Village and visit of the church of Saint

Lambert where Virida Visconti lived, • following the trail of Virida Visconti.

*Transport to the valley, bike rental, volleyball court rental, go-karts for children with surcharge.

*Rental of a local tourist guide.

On the trail of the human fish

We are sure that you have seen the human fish in one of the caves or have at least heard of it. Did you know that the human fish was first studied in the Vir spring* Giovanni Scopoli first discovered the human fish in this spring in the 18th century. It genetically differs from other human fish in the Dolenjska, Belokran0sjka and Notranjska regions. You may also find it at the source of the Krka river and in the siphon lake in the Krka cave. Let's find it together. »On the trail of the human fish« package includes:

• Delicious breakfast at the Grofija Homestead, where the memory of the mysterious birth of the human fish is preserved; • Visit of the Vir spring on foot and presentation of the story about the human fish; • Guided tour of the Krka Cave and source of the Krka river; • Picnic near the source of the Krka river (tasting of local products and lunch); • Searching for the human fish.

Explore the Temenica valley

The Temenica valley lies in the north-eastern part of the municipality of Ivančna Gorica. The valley is named after its main watercourse, the Temenica, which originates under mount Javor. Temenica goes underground twice and flows into the Krka river as the Prečna river. The valley of the Temenica river is one of the longest Slovenian blind valleys. The first wine-growing area (Debeli hrib), where the “cviček” wine is produced, appears above the valley. The Temenica valley is isolated, but a very interesting part of our area. Explore it.

Duration: half-day package. »Explore the Temenica valley« package includes:

• Reception and presentation of the Pr' Špan farm (Kotar Farmstead) and tasting of their products; • Home-cooked lunch at the Fajdiga Tourst Farm; • Presentation of the Prebil Horse Ranch and horse-riding in the riding stable.

*Ride in a carriage drawn by Lipizzan horses (Rogač farm) through the Temenica valley with a local guide and with a surcharge.

*Visit of the local collection of old items at the Fajdiga Tourist Farm with surcharge.

Discover Josip Jurčič’s birth house in Muljava

Writer, journalist and editor of the Slovenian Nation was born and spent his childhood in the village of Muljava. Today, Jurčič's birth house is part of the Jurčič Homestead – an open-air museum telling stories about everyday life in the countryside and the wisdom of coexisting with nature. Muljava with its surrounding area offers more than just visiting the Jurčič Homestead. You are welcome to explore it. The »Discover Josip Jurčič’s birth house in Muljava« package includes:

• A guided tour of the Jurčič Homestead and story-telling time in the form of

Kamishibai theatre with characters from Jurčič’s books; • Visiting the Erjavec Farm, including the presentation of the fruit-drying process and product tasting; • Welcome reception and guided tour of the Štefan Nose Ethnological Collection; • Seasonal rural banquet at the “Gostilna pri Obrščaku” inn.

*Option: 5km walk from Muljava to Krka along the Jurčič path and visit of the source of the Krka river and Krka cave.

*visit of the school museum;

*visit of the baroque altar;

From the beehive on flowers

In Višnja Gora you may observe the Carniolan bees flying from their beehives on flowers. The Carniolan bee is a honey bee and indigenous species and the medieval town of Višnja Gora is an excellent point for observing the hard-working bees due to the Rothscütz beekeeping family and the Carniolan Bee House. Visit us and together we will observe bees in the educational beehive, take pictures at the monument to the Carniolan bee and view the modern interactive exhibition dedicated to this hard worker. Let the honey flow.

Duration: half-day package. The »From the beehive on flowers« package includes:

• Visit of the Carniolan Bee House (view of the exhibition dedicated to the

Carniolan bee, option of organising accompanying workshops), of the monument to the Carniolan bee and educational beehive; • Guided tour along the circular historical trail (local guide included); • Snail tasting and tasting local delicacies at the Višnja Gora public baths; • Legend of the Snail and counting snails in Višnja Gora.

*option of riding with a horse-drawn carriage at the Čaž farm for a surcharge.

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