Ec256366 ouil502 summativeevaluation

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End of Module Student Evaluation BA (Hons) Illustration Module Code: OUIL502 PPP Name: Emily Chaffer Student ID: ec256366

Learning Outcome

Evidenced where? Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Storyboards, Development Sheets etc. (No more than 75 words)

Your grade Using words: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent

5A3: Demonstrate an informed understanding of professional context of their practice within the creative industries and cultural environment. (Knowledge & Understanding Research and Critical Awareness)

I think my understanding of my practice within a professional context is demonstrated in my response to study tasks, life is a pitch brief, creative report and final presentation.


5B2: Identify and analyse the challenges and opportunities offered by future developments within individually appropriate areas of creative practice. (Cognitive Skills Problem Analysis, Problem Solving)

I think I have explored a number of different possibilities for my future practice, and evaluated both the challenges and potential successes of these creative avenues - evidenced on my blog, life is a pitch, creative report and final presentation.


5C2: Develop a body of work in response to a defined brief that effectively demonstrates professional working practices in research, planning and communications. (Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Conceptual Development)

I think I have developed a body of work that demonstrated a effective understanding of professional practice - evidenced by life is a pitch, creative report, final presentation and on my blog.


5D2:Employ a range of appropriate professional communication methods to record and present their own creative practice, concerns and ambitions. (Key Transferable Skills, Organisation, Communication and Evaluation)

I think I have adapted appropriate methods of communicating and presenting my practice to others - demonstrated on my blog and presentations (life is a pitch and final presentation).


Summative Evaluation (See Evaluation Guidance on next page for more information)

Coming into Level 5, in reflection of my PPP presentation last year, it seems that I had a growing confidence and understanding of image-making. Key aspects of my practice had begun to emerge - such as my enjoyment in making conceptual and slightly abstract illustrations. I had little experience or understanding, however, of how to place these illustrations into a professional context; as well where I would like my practice to sit within the creative industries. PPP this year has taught me how to better identify my weaknesses as well as how to capitalise on my strengths as a creative practitioner. Through this analysis I have been able to recognise more appropriate potential avenues for my practice and begin to place myself within the creative industries. I found visiting lecturers such as AOI and Gerry Brakus very beneficial in furthering my understanding of professional practice. It was interesting to hear how best to conduct yourself as a professional practitioner from two different points of view within the creative industries, as well as grasp the realities of working as a freelance illustrator. The creative report is something that I struggled with initially as my lack of responses from creative professionals made me feel slightly disheartened. Through this however I think, ironically, I have grown more confident in contacting people. I can now see the importance of both appropriately selecting those who may benefit your practice but also pushing yourself to be bold, honest and persistent so as to grab people’s attention. It has made me see networking in a new light in that it is not just about contacting people your a fan of but also those who can further your practice and may be potential clients in the future. My conversation with Jessica Wheeler, which then become my final report, also allowed me to reflect on my practice within a wider context. Her success, much of which deriving from her willingness to take risks allowed me to see that often I have a very narrow perception of the creative industries and future avenues for my practice. Although I would like to be a freelance illustrator, Jess evidences that creative skills can often be transferable and therefore I now see that remaining open to new forms of practice could be an advantage in the future. Life is a pitch, similarly to our collaborative project in responsive, allowed me to see the benefits of working in a group as apposed to a lone creative. I enjoyed researching and putting together our own hypothetical creative event. As a project I think this generally made us think more consciously of the necessity of funding as well as professional contacts for help and advice. Being a part of a group that puts on exhibitions, creative events or publications is something that I would like to continue to investigate and be a part of in the near future. I think it helps you to place your work within new context as well as attract an audience that would not otherwise come across your work online or through social media. I found putting together my final presentation a really valuable method of reflecting on my key learning and development across all the modules during level 5. It helped me to highlight my strengths as a creative both practically and professionally, as well as see how I would like to progress into and beyond level 6. One of my main aims for next year is to place my work in a greater number and varied professional contexts - whether this be taking part in exhibitions, selling work at print/art fairs, applying to competitions and for my work to be a part of publications - such as the college zine ‘Nest’. I would also like to start to develop my newfound clarity in my practical work into a more professional representation of my practice online - by building a website and better curating my social media accounts such as on Instagram. I think successes in my professional practice this year, such as being shortlisted for the Penguin Random house award and selling work in The Corner Shop, has shown me that pushing myself outside my comfort zone produces positive results; and therefore this is what I need to continue to do for the rest of the degree.

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