Echoes September 2013

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02 03 26


04 10 40

The Viper


The Grand Tradition


I Met Ecosoc First

Why Do We Even Bother? Lerizze Tan

Martin Consing Micaela Que Arsenio Lukban


I'm Tired


Ecosoc In Chaos


The Viper The Python Alvar Santos

Foodgasm and Angeli Medida

80 88

Miguel Andres

Miguel Andres Luigi Montalbo Beatriz Bayudan

Mixtape for Ecosoc 55B

Culture Wall Vol. II

You Are What You Wear Zo Canaria

Top Ten Ecosoc Party Moments



Olivia Solomon

Joshua Siat



Alvar Santos

Derek Parreñas

Martin Consing



24 70

Sam Gonzales

Lyon Leus




Fleeting Thoughts on Twitter Jude Geron

Zo Canaria Lyon Leus Angeli Medida

Kristina Viray Joshua Siat Neil Ong


Previous Issue


TIMOTHY JACOB Managing Editor









JOAQUIN FERRER Logistics Director










Our mistakes in the August issue Grammatical errors and incompleted captions, corrected in the online edition of the August issue.

Echoes is the official publication of the UP Economics Society (UP Ecosoc), a non-stock, non-profit, student organization based in the University of the Philippines Diliman School of Economics. Since the 2nd semester of the academic year 2012-2013, Echoes is released four times in a sem and nine times in a year, on the months of February, March, April, June, July, August, September, October, and December. It draws its funding from a subsidy from UP Ecosoc, sponsorships, subscription revenue, and other small funraisers. For this semester, 33 subscription copies, 3 tambayan copies, 1 archive copy, and a complimentary copy for each of our sponsors, featured members, and featured alumni are produced. This publication is printed by Yza Copy Systems and Trading, located at Stall 22 at the Shopping Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City. contact us visit for more information

All errors are corrected when posted on If you spot any errors, do not hesitate to tell us by emailing us at 2 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH Echoes.PH

No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.



fail every week. It doesn’t mean you’re an ECOSOCer. Even if you do everything your committee chairman asks you to do, it still doesn’t mean you’re an ECOSOCer. Nor does spending all your free time in [the tambayan] or being able to connect the names with the faces of each member and applicant make you one. It’s about time we straightened out a few things. Being a member isn’t just doing all these, there is something more. Being an ECOSOCer is sharing your ideas, your vision of what ECOSOC should be. It is keeping watch on what is happening and pointing our areas which can be improved and areas which can be explored.” This was written in an editorial from long, long ago, from the 90s. I got this quotation during the summer, when I poured through all (well, almost all) the documents Horace left to me. I even took out previous copies of Echoes that had a lot more than what was needed in the archives, copies which should be littering around in the tambayan, ready as always to inform you of how Echoes was back in previous years. Read that passage on top once again. So much of it, if not all of it, is so familiar to us Ecosocers. There's a certain sweetness in finding commonalities with the past generation. The passage holds certain truths kept intact throughout the years. Weekly commeets and genmeets, task-delegating chairmen (I guess political correctness wasn't a thing yet back then), spending time in 121, and the close familiarity Ecosoc holds within its members, being a home organization. But the final portion of the passage must be updated in the 55th year of our existence. Yes, now we are more critical of what goes on around us and how shots are being made. Now, we constantly keep watch on what is happening in Ecosoc. Now, we share our ideas and our vision. But together with this, we must cultivate a culture of appreciation. The hard work that goes into our organization's work must be praised. Yes, results are what matter really, and not just effort. But we are a home organization and it is high time we should act like a home. And that is what we shall do right now. Appreciate. And appreciate well. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 3


HAPPY ECOSOC MONTH FRIENDS!!! We’re exactly GJ, yung high-res naman next time pls. halfway through September, and already it’s been looking great for everyone! From the first ever GBR, to the first ever Eco-Brick Project, to the first ever 3-day-long NES, blow by blow you have no idea how surprised I am with how things have been turning out. Of course three more events are coming up: the long-awaited Grand Trad, that colorful outdoor party LIV, and the Bonfire… with actual fire! But before I continue, no, I won’t go on saying how excited we should be about everything that’s happening. Rather, I’d like to offer a suggestion worth pondering on. As I’ve clearly established, today we exist in the days of Ecosoc Month, on our 55th anniversary. Yes it’s something we should be very proud of, but at the same time it’s worth considering giving an ‘anniversary gift’ to each other. What sort of gift might this be you may ask? Well I’m a fan of little gestures, and I honestly believe they go a long way. This September let’s show our Ecosoc love to one another in the little things of everyday. That smile of acknowledgment to a fellow Ecosocer we hardly talk to, that struggle to talk about some juicy gossip story about another Ecosocer, that effort to pick up our trash in the tambayan just to make it a bit more pleasant for everybody. It’s simple really, and we don’t have to think too hard. Just always think how you can make a day more pleasant for your co-Ecosocers, do it with great love, and I can guarantee an Ecosoc Month more enjoyable than ever before. Lastly, to the EM team, you guys are amazing. I’m inspired by your commitment and hard work, and I am more than confident to see how mindblowing things will turn out to be this Saturday. Let’s live on the Ecosoc spirit and let’s show the world what it means to be an Ecosocer!

GJ|Ecosoc Month

Mwah Mwah, Hugs Hugs, GJ "Abs" Agregado Hello everyone! This month is the month where perhaps every single moment will be devoted to the celebration of the best ever, the UP Economics Society! To Ecosoc, thank you for everyone who signed up to be volunteers, for both Musikapella and the campus tours! Judging by the pictures, Diliman Prep, who kicked off the campus tours, everyone had so much fun. There will be more to come over the next two weeks! You are all welcome to join and let’s not forget, I hope to see you all in Musikapella itself! The joy of this event is understood only when you’ve been to one, and like I keep saying, the fulfillment is worth all the stress I swear. To the loveliest and craziest team ever, Task Force, well… guys. Sometimes you really want to make me cry. We’ve hit some rough patches lately, and as Musikapella draws nearer, I can safely say that all our limits are being tested. The nightmares have been more pronounced as of late, to be honest! Hanggang saan aabot ang kaya natin? Despite this crunch time stress, I’m indescribably happy for all the time and effort you put into this. I’m sorry if the incidences of extreme vacuousness/bossiness/weirdness have increased significantly! Special mention to the TF interns Alyss, Chili, Daryl, Apa, Kevin, Ila, JJ, Kristine, Yen, and Annika – I love how enthusiastic you guys are and your directors are very happy with all of you! TF I love you all please don’t forget that! WE GOT THIS!

BB|Task Force

To V5, my Monday meetings, constant Wednesday and Friday lunch dates, my Saturday buddies, and wow, my Tuesday and Thursday classmates (haha), my days have been made much more colorful with you in it. Cheesy, but I do love you all to bits. You give me intense positive feelings! Always, BB 4 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


Hello ECOSOC! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MONTH!! As we celebrate this month I would like for all of you take this time as completely as you can. Create memories! Whether it is participating in every single event or just giving more time to tambay, I encourage you to celebrate this month with as many Ecosocer as possible. This month will not come again until another year, and by that time a lot would have graduated and a lot more would have become new members, so celebrate this month as well as you can! Now, Seccom may not have an event but we bring you the Ecosoc Installation! Long and hard did each and every member work at this; we hope that this piece makes you proud to be an Ecosocer as you encounter it in every event! Again HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! To Seccom + Interns [seccom apps, You’re part of “Seeom” na :>] : Nepo, Riel, Ana, Ria, Sam, Vico, Paubau, Antonio, Jessica, Dale, Audrey, Geneby, Alysson, Ina, Yen, Tetet, Angel, Peach, Ronald, Kristian, JP, Jamaimah I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! Job well done! Without you, walang installation! I am speech less because I am REALLY PROUD! >:D<>:D< >:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<> :D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<>:D<


I’ve always loved the fact that we had a whole month to celebrate not just the organization but the members as well. Because really, none of our triumphs would have been possible if it weren’t for the exceptional people who makes up this family. Fortunately for me, I’ve had the privilege of working with some thirty people of that bunch for the past months. I’d first like to thank everyone who supported it, joined its weaty contests and shared our endless supply of foodgasmic pubmats!!! To the team. To ER, YOU MADE THE DREAM COME TRUE! At the start of it all, 30 participants representing all food categories seemed like one tough cookie, but you made it happen despite all the pressure you were put through week after week! You never broke down, you just kept on pushing until you reached that goal. To Pub, sobrang nakakaproud please. You guys proved that having great team chemistry is vital to producing great outputs (and some pretty amazing pub works the org has ever seen). Thank you for never running out of ideas and never failing to materialize them. To Log, all cost analysis jokes aside, I know you guys really worked hard to make the event as big as it could be. Thank you for your dedication from fitting tents to figuring out how to tie the perfect cocktail table ribbon. To Mktg, I really appreciate all the hard work you gave. Marketing is never easy and you get more rejections than you’d ever want in life, but then its real secret is still persevering despite all that and you guys were still calling companies down to the last week! So thanks for that. To Prog, thank you for having everything under control. It’s always great to work with people you know you can leave alone most of the time because they can handle it. To the fabulous duo of Kamille and Angela, you cannot imagine how proud I am of you. The past months have been a roller-coaster ride and we’ve been through our fair share of ups, downs, loops and reverses. Still, I don’t think we would have survived and had so much fun if it was anyone but the two of you. I hope you guys know of how amazing and how much potential for greatness you have. Please go out there and show them off to the world. And of course the volunteers, computation site kings and registration queens, thank you for never complaining and doing your parts so well. Working with you guys and getting to know your strengths, weaknesses, passions and ambitions has been a fantastic pleasure and I can honestly say this is one of the best teams I’ve worked with so far. GREAT JOB EVERYBODY RT IF U CREYD.




Hello, Ecosoc! Thank you for supporting National Economics Summit! As I told you before this is the first year that NES achieved its goal to be NATIONAL convention and this will be a milestone in Ecosoc history. But Externals does not end with NES because on Septermber 25, Wednesday, we will hold an Urban Planning Symposium! Come and witness as the 5 colleges in UP unite and make the biggest planning symposium in the Metro! The past 2 weeks have been roller coaster ride but I could say it ended happily and this is because of the members of Externals! Thank you to my directors who gave their best to accomplish my weakly targets. Flora, you have a great ER power that it extends to Visayas and Mindanao. Ines, I salute how you handled the pressure especially when everything is falling apart. Kath and Ramm, thank you for your continuous effort to raise “moolah” for NES. Cyril, you did a great job with the sponsors. Porn, congratulations with the “bongga” logistics. To my members who selfishly devoted their time for NES to happen, David, Denise, Erica, Camille, Rachelle, Chello, Dana, Gio, Jo, Red, Shanica and Aila (favorite), I owe it to you why Madame Q was not unleashed. Externals is not the only people behind the success of NES but it includes our reliable applicants and interns namely, Sel, Apa, Mio, Annika, Chesca, Daryl, Kristian, Eduard, Ado, Jessica, Ira and Lora. I also extend my gratitude to the volunteers (Baby) Josh, Lyon, Mike, Boz, Monty, Frances, Alysson, Chili. To each and every Ecosocer, please remember that every Ecosoc event is a POWER EVENT whether it is an internal or external event so give your best to support all of it because at the end of the day, we have one common goal and that is to make Ecosoc the best organization that anyone can be part of. Thank you and let’s make the last 3 weeks of Ecosoc 55 memorable! Love, Quek

QUEK|External Affairs

A wonderful mid-september to all Ecosocers. It's Ecosoc Month! Let's enjoy the final ride of this semester. Support each remaining event in Ecosoc Month: Primera, LIV, Musikapella, and Home is a Fire. Little do others know, but Acad might possibly have another event coming up this September 25, an Urban Planning seminar in partnership with SURP orgs. Details are tentative, so stay tuned! To my dear Acad, let's do our best this Grand Trad. Go Eva Fonda! Go Aaron G. We believe in you. Also, please complete all your CDCs, lagot kayo sakin kung di niyo pa yan matapos. Acad bonding soon, probably sa October with all our new mems! To my VCs, more than half a semester has passed and this is the only time I get to thank you guys for this semester. We're almost done. Hopefully one last big project and we're good to go. Thank you Van and Jeremiah. I'm doing this thanking an issue in advance because I wanted my last commnews to be less about mentioning names and more about my general feelings and realizations in Acad over this year. I hope you guys don't mind. That doesn’t change how I feel about you guys naman. V5, each passing day I realize more and more our days as execom are numbered. It has been a wonderful year with you guys through the ups and downs. We stuck with each other; we didn’t quit. That's one thing about love that I understood again with you guys around. I love you people. To end, a haiku for my imaginary lover:

NEIL|Academic Affairs

The stars run across the nights that have seen no end, trying to find you. Neil 6 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


I had a piece of paper. 9 checkboxes. I ticked “External Affairs” as first, because it was a block choice. Then, “Echoes” as second because I used to love writing way back in High School. Then “CDC” as third, well, because... actually, I don’t remember anymore. Long story short, I ended up in CDC. And I will forever be grateful to the universe for letting me end up here. It was a joy, an unexplainable feeling of grace, to know that I am part of something bigger than myself. Thanks to everyone who supported the Eco-Brick Project! It doesn’t stop here, though! It’s still a long way to the library so if you still have Eco-Bricks, give it to me or to any CDC person. Continue to support the remaining CDCs for this semester! To my CDC love (hi Kyla :p), I am, and will forever be, dumbfounded at the things we accomplished. Everything that we’ve done, we’ve done because of your dedication, your effort, and your unfailing love to be of service to others, and most importantly, to Ecosoc. Like what I’ve told you, if I had to do everything again, I would still have all of you, no exceptions. I couldn’t have asked for a better team. As my term comes to a close, I am filled with so much happiness that I got to share this wonderful year with such a wonderful group of people, doing wonderful things. I only have love and respect for you all. To V5, I dare say we are the best. You know it! Special mention to Ate Faye and Mhela, thank you for giving me a great grade in my “thesis” for Hollistic 101. I will always look up to both of you.

XP|Community Development

Well, let me begin by saying that this release is the most stress-free one I've had! To the greatest committee ever, thank you so very much! But I've got more in store for you. Ecosoc, our years don't begin with the rest of the university. Our years begin at October. Our December is September. Our Christmas. Breathe the Econian Spirit. Be proud stars, burning in a lowly-lit night sky, because even if you're burning and it hurts, you are exploding greatly. My term is nearly ending as the Editor-in-Chief of Echoes and of Ecosoc. Election season is now upon us, and by the time of the next release, there will officially be a new EIC and a new Execom. I never planned to run last year. I would have run this year. But, as I said in my convocation speech almost a year back, when no one else would have ran for this position, Echoes is worth fighting for. Even if I was not ready, when no one else would fight for it, I stepped up and fought for it. I sought to give it deeper meaning, like how certain words take significance after a remarkable experience. I sought to have pride instilled in our own publication. I sought to make everyone else fight for Echoes. I'm not simply thanking you, Echoes, I wish to reaffirm your love and your fight. A year after, after the most expensive and out-of-this-box Litnight ever, after a Seniors' Send-Off that hoped to have all graduating members on the cover, after LARP, one of the craziest internal competitions in Ecosoc, after a website that features the rambling thoughts of Ecosocers, after a YouTube channel updated regularly with videos for Ecosoc's entertainment, after all the effort that goes to all the issue releases—the photoshoots, the revamped layout, the editing, and heck, even the sheer number of articles there are, and, of course, after all the issues we've released thus far, including this one, I think we've been fighting the best fight. Truly, all these things were not possible without any of you. We have been winning. We will keep winning! And we must look back at everything we've accomplished, without letting anyone or anything take it away from us. Be proud of Echoes. After all, we still have a TV release, web releases, a spectacular bonfire, and a final issue to conquer, my friends. Individual shout-outs to the greatest committee in the world on the last release! This October: 50 years of Echoes. V5, it's about to end! One more month. Well, I'll finish last. First to begin, last to finish. Let's see this to the end, shall we? Of course we shall.




Hello Ecosoc! IT’S SEPTEMBERRR! It’s that time of the year again that we remember and celebrate all the things we have been through as an organization– achievements and difficulties alike – that make us who we are today. We have so manyyyyy awesome events in store for you, so many things to look forward to! To the already done September events, GBR and NES, CONGRATULATIONS! To Liaison 55B, can you believe it?! We have already successfully accomplished our big projects for this semester: Priv Card, The Apprentice and Baliktambayan <3 I am so blessed to have such a talented team of mems and apps and interns. Thank you for the dedication. I LOVE YOU ALL. LIKE WOAH.


A special mention to my apps: Lora, Therese, Raffy, Gio, Paolo, Eduard, Ado, Ryan, Lean, GRABE YOU GUYS WORKED BEYOND EXPECTATIONS. ALL CAPS YAN ‘CAUSE OF THE INTENSITY OF MY WOAHNESS. I AM SO SO PROUD OF YOU AND I AM SO SO GRATEFUL YOU CHOSE LIAI. I do hope that you learned and enjoyed working with us as much as we enjoyed having you be a part of our little liai family. SOBRANG GALING NIYO. To V5: WE HAVE LESS THAN A MONTH LEFT. MIXED FEELS, GUYS. MIXED FEELS. I don’t know how I would have stayed sane without you. I AM SO AMAZED TO SEE US SURVIVING. TEARS OF SO-MUCH-JOY.

Sup Ecosoc? I’ll keep this short but sweet. Thank you for supporting all our events and making this month of September a truly remarkable one! There are no words to describe how much your support means to the org. Sup V5? We’re nearing the end, let’s try to finish strong. No matter what happens, I know that we always have each other’s backs. Know that you have my support in everything, even after our term. :) Sup Memcom? KONTI NA LANG! Last push guys, we can do this. I know how hard you guys have worked throughout the sem and it makes me happy to think that this committee has performed beyond everyone’s expectations. Good job guys, you can take all the credit for this achievement. Also, I am sure that Memcom will be left in good hands after this semester and will only get better and better as the days go by. Thanks for the wonderful semester guys!


Stand by for my last commnews! The bitter-sweet feeling of writing my last commnews will hopefully make it an awesome one and make up for my terrible commnews throughout my term. :)



HELLO ECOSOC!!!!! How are your sorry asses? Hope you're all holding on and getting by with life! Onting push nalang matatapos na ung sem! Go fight win! We only have less than a month in this sem! Which means that v5 is already leaving you all as an execom :'( Onting time nalang ako mangungulit at manggugulo. Dahil second to the last commnews ko na, i am going to go out and thank everyone for being so helpful and supportive!! Senti time na. HAHA.

RYNA|Special Events would life be without your sorry faces that I've grown to love.

SPEV thank you for being such a god damn amazing team. Thank you for all the help, laughs, tears, and chichis we shared. I hope you continue to love zpev and ecosoc the way I have with you. Thank you so much to my VCs who have been there whenever I'm MIA. To my apps, thank you for being so bibi and fun! I love you all and hope you all pass!!! Kaya yan! V5 thank you for being my support system! Sobrang thankful na we are such a bonded execom! HUHU. What

Thank you ECOSOC for giving me a chance to serve you and love you more! (YES CHEESY) Iyak na ako sa tabi guys CLG na to!!!!!!

Hello Ecosoc! It’s Ecosoc Month! To the amazing Ecosocers who supported the Grand Battle Royale, thank you so much. It was really amazing to see both Ecosocers and non-Ecosocers getting really competitive throughout the event! To Sports, I know the past month was challenging for us. Despite that, there were people who really stepped up, and made sure the event would turn out great. Thanks for working hard and doing your part. Thank you to those who religiously showed up for commeets, GA’s, prodworks, booth shifts, and RTR’s. You guys are awesome! Can’t believe all of our major events are over! Love you, Sports!

RIA|Sports na stress ka pa rin so thank you so much for everything!

To the GBR team, thanks for everything! EM Log B, thank you so much! To My VC’s: Boz, thanks for fixing the whole program, booth shifts, and permits needed! Kahit na palaging lol ung reply, I know

Joseph, you really grew this sem. Ibang klase ung pag step up mo during the GBR preparations. I saw how great of a leader you were, and everyone needs to know that! I am so proud of you! Keep it up! V5, Eevee loves you all <3




by Lisanne Gaborni

AFTER BEING POSTPONED DUE TO HEAVY RAINS AND CLASS SUSPENSIONS, ECOSOC APPLICANTS’ CHALLENGE NIGHT FINALLY PUSHED THROUGH LAST AUGUST 28. ORIGINALLY SET TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 23 IN SE 121, THE TURN OF EVENTS FOR THE WEEK THAT PASSED—BAD WEATHER, CLASS SUSPENSIONS AND ECON’S LACK OF ELECTRICITY—HAD THE APPLICANTS RESORTING TO A CHANGE IN DATE AND VENUE. The Platoon 55 ‘Cadets’ called their event “Espionage: License to Thrill,” and held it in Palma Hall room 400. The program started at 6:45 PM. Sel Yao, Daryl Fabellon and Mio Cariño were the hosts for the night. Members and applicants were all encouraged to participate in 10 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

the games. Dinner was also served. Throughout the program, each of the 11 guardian-ward families showcased their talents. Musical performances, dances, skits and “magic tricks” were presented. Towards the end, the applicants played a tribute video. The program finished at 9:20 PM. Lance

and Orion’s GW family was awarded for having the “Most Thrilling Performance.” A total of 67 applicants and 68 members attended the event. Challenge Night serves as the applicants’ batch project, and intends to display their various talents and abilities to the organization. It accounts for a portion in the application process.




Economics Society (UP Ecosoc) and UP School of Economics Student Council (UP SESC) on August 30 and 31 at the SE Auditorium and GT Toyota Auditorium, respectively. Entitled “Public Hearing: Through the Ins and Outs of Government Policies”, this year’s NYC focused on public economics and its role in policy-making and strategic allocation of the government. The NYC 10 organizers invited professors of the field to share their expertise. Prof. Cayetano Paderanga explained the role of economics in government policies. Prof. Joseph Capuno gave an overall assessment of Philippine government policies and Prof. Teresa Tullao from De La Salle University taught basic economics. An open forum followed, participated in by students who asked questions about the talks. The two-day event culminated with a quiz bee. Delegates from Rizal National Science High School were heralded as the champion. After a decade-long of inspiring progress and fostering ideas from the youth, NYC continues to strive to reach out a larger audience and to further make a significant change among the youth through the knowledge of economics.



September 6 from 4-7pm at the UP Sunken Garden. Organized by the Sports Committee and EM team, Ecosoc brings more than 100 participants together for a competitive game of fighting for your life. The game was originally a Tambay Week event where members had to shoot each other with water guns anywhere and anytime in campus, and the last man standing wins a considerable cash prize. Now it is an event open to all people not just within UP but outside UP as well. In the event, there were 15 registered teams of 7 members each. With starting points at the corners of a rectangular playing area, teams had to run to the center to get their water guns in order to shoot targets made of cloth located on their opponents’ front and back. The first rounds lasted seven minutes each, but later rounds decreased in time limit. Once one team remains, its members then have to go against each other until one man is left standing. The winner of this game was Sean Ang, who received the P10,000 cash prize. Those who got second, third, and fourth place got tumblers from Maybank which is one of the sponsors of the event. Overall, the participants were very competitive, and many enjoyed this great new game. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 11




The Trade Caravan started off with a game of Hip Hip Hooray! The Ecosocers should have the same movements as their assigned kid or else they are out of the game. The next game was the game of Musical Chairs. However, the difference between with this game and the usual one was that the members sat on the chairs and the kids sat on them when the game stopped. The third game involved the members and children playing a race relay involving balloons.The last game played was Pinoy Henyo. To refill the kids' energy, pancit and barbecue were served for lunch. This was followed by a dance presentation of the children and then a guitar performance by Luigi Montalbo. The day ended with the kids being very happy and the members being very fulfilled.


of non-biodegradable materials) to serve as the main building blocks for a library to be built in the mountain province. As a way to end this project, last September 7, the UP Economics Society hosted the Eco-brick Culminating Event in the covered court at Pook Dagohoy. This event was not only attended by the members and applicants of Ecosoc but by other organizations as well such as AIESEC and OBEM. The program started off with an introductory video explaining what Eco-bricks were made for. Next, all the attendees in the event started creating their own Eco-bricks. As they were building, the hosts, Telle Tiberio and Lorenzo Canaria entertained everyone by playing a few mini-games wherein the winners would win gift certificates. Some of these mini-games included“Use the Word Brick in a Song” and “Kung Ikaw na Lang Sana”. Aside from this, the event also gave opportunities to other committees (such as EM and Task Force) within Ecosoc to sell food in order to raise funds for them. To wrap up the event, an awarding was done to give honor to the organizations who helped the most in making this project possible. With this event, the organization hopes to have made a positive impact in our country. 12 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH




Ecosoc’s Finance committee was able to hold a yet another successful Foodgasm event. This event invites foodies from all over the metro to sample various dishes from up and coming food businesses. Foodgasm entitled each visitor to taste and rate each of the 29 offered dishes. The overall best food dish would win 10,000 pesos and a space in Mercato Centrale. Doors opened at 7 PM. Finance Committee Chairperson Angeli Medida explained the mechanics before the food tasting started. The program was hosted by Trish Terrado and Enzo Villamor. Musical performances were played by Jason Purruganan, UPMorg, Miguel Andres, Autosave, and The Croons for the night. After tallying scores, the winners were announced and awarded with trophies and other prizes. The Most Innovative Award went to Coco Royal for their Aloe Vera drink. Schmidt’s Gourmet Hotdog’s “Wagamama” was voted for the People’s Choice Award. Pepito’s Pinoy Sorbet was given the Expert’s Choice Award for their Sampaloc Sorbet. The overall champion to bag the 10,000 pesos cash, a space in Mercato Centrale, and the champion’s trophy is B Wings with their entry, Black Mamba. The event was concluded at 12 MN with Geli Medida giving off her final remarks.




Conceptualized by the Ecosoc Month Team and produced by Secretariat Committee, the wooden structure is close to 6 feet tall and can even fit a person inside. Strutting out of the pyramid are 27 smaller, white pyramids made of illustration board which cover the three sides. On the little pyramids are descriptions of the organization and its events for September. This year’s gallery is a huge change from the gallery last year which consisted of walls full of pictures and descriptions. Now it is an intriguing pyramid which stands as a beautiful object by itself. Even the lack of dates of the events shows that it is not some sort of advertisement but something that simply embodies the spirit of Ecosoc.


NEWS NYC Shaping minds in the National Youth Congress • Photo by Monina Sanchez




NEWS SERVICE PROJECT The UP Economics Society and their partner organizations team up to make Eco-Bricks for a library • Photo by Cara Latinazo




NEWS CHALLENGE NIGHT I can't even. This picture is too cool to be captioned. • Photo by Cara Latinazo




YOSIMITE NATIONAL PARK FIRE The US Fire Department was sent to contain a wildfire supposedly caused by an illegal campfire




Southeast Asian countries will be visited by US President Barack Obama in October. He will visit the Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia.

the rank of the Philippines out of 184 countries studied to have the most number of pre-term births in the world. This study was conducted by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF).






the percent increase in year on year growth in exported volume of the Coconut Oil of the country.

750,000 sheets of legal sized bond paper were needed to print the documents that will be used as evidence for the pork barrel scam.


the amount in US Dollars Verizon is going to pay to buy-out Vodafone.



70,000,000 the amount in US dollars the fire department in California has spent to contain the wildfire that inflamed the Yosemite National Park. A hunter that set-up an illegal camp fire is believed to be the cause of the blaze.


the increase in the amount in Philippine Pesos of the minimum wage per day in the National Capital Region. This raise will bring the minimum wage to P466.


the inflation rate of the Philippines for August 2013. This is the lowest inflation the country has experienced for four years.


Filipino sailors have been rescued from pirates in the Nigerian waters. The sailors who were working on a Greek-owned tanker were hijacked by the pirates last month.


people have been seriously hurt from a huge chain-reaction car crash in Kent, England. The thick fog during the incident is the main cause for the said unfortunate event.



UP Economics Society



members attended the applicants’ Challenge night, Espionage. Each of the 11 GW families showcased their talents during the event.






teams with 7 members each battled each other out last Grand Battle Royale. The winner got to take home 10,000 Php in cash.

the number of years the National Youth Congress (NYC) has been showing High School students how Economics can help the country. This year’s theme was Public Economics.


the number of dishes sampled during Foodgasm. A variety of foods, ranging from hotdog sandwiches to aloe vera drinks, were served during the event.


the number of exciting events Ecosoc will hold for the celebration of its 55th year. The Ecosoc Month will have different events that will showcase its love for Service, Excellence and Tradition.







THE VIPER Showing how it's done.


picture of my sacred gwaps life. I do not know if he wanted to surpass my kalandian skills or he just wanted to be the talk of the town. Anyway, for a while, I let him do the job up until I couldn’t resist his uncanny moves anymore. Let me be clear that I’m not jealous of him and I do not have anything against him except for his big colored hipster spectacles which cover his thick eyebrows. This newbie was dubbed to be “The Python” which I thought to be unseemly. First, he does not have the fangs to bite into the flesh of those hungry women. If he does have, those fangs aren’t as poisonous as mine. Second, he does not know how to do the killer moves. He still wears his diapers and needs his yaya. And lastly, he sucks in giving out advice to young hopefuls out there like Erwin Mate. With that, I was forced to correct (using the Viper’s standards) some of the statements which Alponchi said in his previous articles. I apologize to those who became victims of those erroneous counsels. 26 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


The Python: “If you don’t play sports, then at least, jog in the oval, watch your diet, use the treadmill etc. At least, look healthy.” The Viper: First thing in mind: What the hell, am I ‘that’ handsome that I’m an exception to the rule? Anyway, as I said before, not all girls like Partosa’s abs. Some prefer monay than pandesal. So, don’t really be bothered if you do not have a sporty figure. Quoting Flora Palabrica, “they are just a bonus.” The important thing is that you got ‘The D.’

girls just like you. They should be crazy about you and be hunting for more of your banana. Yes, perhaps they like you but they don’t crave for you. You must let them devour your banana. The Python: “But don’t go too far and end up being douche – be a mother father gentleman.” The Viper: Hi Alponchi. Aren’t you a douche? :)

country. The Python: “Make sure you’re someone who can take a joke and laugh at himself.” The Viper: Why would you even laugh at yourself? Are you crazy?

The Python: “I’d like to stress out the fact that not everyone really is handsome (handsome in the sense of Gio Perezhandsome).” The Python: “What makes an Ecosoc The Viper: What?! So you mean lady beautiful: intelligent, sociable, that we all need to look like Gio Perez The Python: “Don’t ever wear Crocs stylish, answers to the call of service.” to be considered as handsome? That’s outside the house unless you’re a chef or The Viper: I say, what makes an Ecosoc ridiculous! It’s like saying that Gio is the a surgeon.” lady beautiful: lustfully hot. Admit only person who is handsome and not The Viper: So what happened to my it Alponchi, many Ecosocers are hot. Boz Digay. Ugh, you’re so mean. first year in college during when I wear Stop making those compliments, they my brown crocs everyday in school? I wouldn’t work unless you are Mark Bue. I The Python: “Confidence is the key.” think I was a chef then. No, a surgeon. do not know why but he’s the only person The Viper: I say, your ‘D’ is the Ugh! who I know could do that. On a side note, key. I really do not like intelligent (she would The Python: “There are some days just be an insult to your brains), sociable, Alponchi, I strongly believe that you when I feel like Jose Rizal traveling the stylish (magastos ugh), and answers to have the inner kalibugan in you. Don’t be world where I encounter women of all the call of service (gusto ko answers to shy to be judged by other people ‘cause exquisite types and tastes.” the tawag ng aking laman). they have already judged you beforehand. The Viper: Oh. So you’ve tasted all Just spread the love and practice more. those girls you mentioned in your article? The Python: “I’m such a nice and (You can try with Martin Consing). So what’s the taste of Ayi Dave? How friendly guy who wants to share his Peace from my heart, Alponchi! about Flora, Jus, Kristina, and Maan? knowledge of how the world works.” Last few words. Does Flora taste like book paper? And The Viper: Dapat ‘di ka na nag-abala To the girls (including you, specific does Maan taste like an Eco brick? I also pa. Sayang lang time and effort mo app), I know you missed my banana. But want to taste them soon! HAHAHA! do not worry; I’ll make up for it during LIV. You’ll enjoy every second of my The Python: “Likeability in the long The Python: “Girls are only one thing existence. And remember, you should all run, I believe, is what makes someone in your life so don’t make girls your life.” take turns, one (two?) at a time! truly 'attractive'” The Viper: Let me say that girls aren’t The Viper: Likeability in the long run things. So please stop objectifying them. is a funny thing because at the end of the They need to be loved. And girls are The Viper is Ecosoc's resident playboy day, if you wouldn’t be aggressive, you important in our lives because they’re and go-to expert for advice on love. He also wouldn’t be able to catch the big fish. the ones who bear our offspring and help enjoys reading by the beach on his quiet Do not ever stay in the situation wherein in spreading the genes throughout the days. He's also sort-of like Jay-Z. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 27





I was a second-sem applicant when I joined the organization, so I wasn’t able to witness last year’s Grand Tradition. When I passed, I moved to the Membership Committee and in the early days of this semester, I found myself a bit lost and confused during commeets because I wasn’t able to relate to all the technical talk about Grand Trad – apart from the obvious, I didn’t have the slightest idea what it was! What was so grand about it? Why was it tradition? These were questions I never really knew the answers to.


25th anniversary, it has capped off the Society’s tambay week for 25 years as part of the Society’s month-long anniversary. It features straight male members of the organization dressing up and assuming the character of various female icons while representing the Society’s different committees in an annual cross-dressing and talent competition. Headed by the Membership Committee, the Grand Tradition aims to provide an avenue for the creativity of the members and to strengthen the bonds of the members and of the Society as a whole. Seems fun, doesn’t it? That’s what a lot of people said. “Parang fun siya and nice to see people out of their element,” one person said, and it’s true. Here you have a pool of heterosexual members fighting for the crown of Miss Grand Tradition by dressing and acting like women. This provides an outlet for the members and applicants of the Society to unleash their inner comedian and amuse us with their womanly wiles and performances. It’s an uncomfortable but incredibly entertaining ride for the audience and the participants themselves. 28 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

It also brings out a certain passion from the committees to rise above the rest – you can see through the efforts in each of the committees during the shoots and the practices that they’re in Grand Trad. to win it, and the enthusiasm that the committees exhibit during the rehearsals and during Grand Trad itself is something to be proud of. Even the alumni make it a point to attend the Grand Tradition! When an internal event manages to rake in such a huge percentage of the members, you know it’s something to be proud of. Something that’s grand. Also, the Grand Tradition is more than just a competition between the committees of the Society, it’s also a PHOTOS BY THE INTERNET

FEATURES FROM LEFT TO RIGHT Miguel Andres, Jomac Conty, and Darrell Magsambol. Ang ganda niyo.

statement on what makes a man. People define ‘manly’ with a chiseled body and a deep voice, and the Grand Tradition exhibits the versatility of the modern man – for nothing makes a straight guy manlier than confidence in his sexuality. One issue some members have with it, however, is that in the previous years, it is often seen that the applicants are the ones participating instead of the members. Isn’t it the Grand Tradition’s goal to strengthen the bonds of the members and of the Society? Then why are fewer members participating? Even now, only one out of the eight participants for the Grand Tradition is a member. Though it’s good to see the applicants willing to go lengths to interact with the members of the Society and to make a mark during their application process, it would be nice if the members showed that the essence of the Grand Tradition hasn’t been lost – that they’re willing to show to showcase their talents and abilities in order to make the Society seem smaller.

There’s a certain novelty in seeing heterosexual men dress up and act like women, and although it is pretty funny, it’s pretty darn sexist. Some members have also pointed out that they don’t see how Miss Grand Trad embodies ‘tradition.’ Is it tradition merely because we have done it for years? Or is it more than that? The amount of time and effort put into Grand Trad makes it grand, but is any of it really necessary? Is this really the only way to unite the members of the Society and to entertain them? We’re laughing at the expense of others. Is that really something that should embody tradition? This also brings in the issue of time and finances that the Grand Tradition takes up. Instead of allocating them into an annual internal event, why couldn’t they be channelled into

the Society’s other endeavors? Why not use the funds to, say, improve LIV or boost another fundraiser? Another issue is that although it’s not done on purpose (well, maybe it is, after all, it started in the early 80s), it ridicules the LGBT, specifically the transvestites. Most people are unaware of it, but through the Grand Tradition, we are setting up a doublestandard: when straight men do it, it’s hilarious and comedic but when a male-to-female transgender is seen walking across the road she often finds herself in the butt of a lot of jokes and insults. It might not be intentional, but the double-standard exists and we’re letting it slide. To back up the sexuality issue, here’s a question. Why is there no switcheroo version of Grand Trad? Why can’t the straight female members of the Society dress up as men? Would it be as big a hit to the members if that were the case? I think we could all agree that it won’t be. There’s a certain novelty in seeing heterosexual men dress up and act like women, and although it is pretty funny, it’s pretty darn sexist. This sets up another doublestandard: with men once again benefitting and women getting the short end of the stick. The Grand Tradition glorifies being a man in plenty of ways – so many that it sometimes appears that being a man is more elevating than being anything else. Although flawed, the Grand Tradition succeeds at what it aims to do: bring the members and the applicants closer together. Even I’m excited for it. But it’s 2013. This will be the 30th year of the Grand Tradition. Maybe it’s time that this event is brought out of its comfort zone – not just because we want to, but because there a lot of improvements can be done. To me, this is what makes the Grand Tradition really grand – it not only brings everyone closer together, but it also makes everyone think. What is this event really about? What is it really for? These are questions only we, the members can answer. Lyon is a sophomore from block E6. He has an alter ego named "Lyonce". He tried to be straight for a week so he could patricipate in Grand Tradition but he failed to do so. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 29



Author’s note: I think everyone mentioned in this article is perfect so please don’t kill me.


If you didn’t already know, the UP Economics Society is the oldest organization in the School of Economics. With 55 years under its belt, it’s an organization that boasts decades of history and tradition. Of course, its members too have their own stories during their time with the org. But before all the celebration of passing and becoming an official Ecosoc-er, all of us here had to go through one of the oldest traditions of Ecosoc: the app process. As September comes to a close, let’s take a journey down memory lane back to the app process of some of our favorite mems. (Well, members I wasn’t afraid of talking to)



Resident dancer and bibbo kid Ayi Dave had to learn the hard way that she isn’t one You’d expect with all the “connections” of those multi-talented people who can sing and dance. Turns out during her final Bruno’s made, he would know everyone interview, her guardians decided to eavesdrop a bit and lucky for them they caught in Ecosoc. But as it turns out, our resident the grand finale: the singing of the Ecosoc Song. Being the bibbo kid that she is, Ayi “social butterfly” wasn’t always good sang her out to the Ecosoc Song with her guardians listening close by. As for how with connecting names with faces…or it turned out…well, let’s just say Ayi won’t be singing during GW Family reunions positions for that matter. Back when he anytime soon. was an applicant, Bruno had to ask then Academics Committee Chairperson Reuel /ray-well/ Realin which committee he belonged to. (Editor’s Note: I was with Bruno when this happened!) Now, I don’t know about you guys but the first thing I did when I applied I for Ecosoc was to figure out who the Execomm were (this may or may not have involved stalking them on Facebook) mostly out of fear but also because they hold positions.


AYI DAVE Finalist in the Voice: Croatia 30 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

Mark Manguera, known for his boy next door looks and “love for adventures” found himself in the middle of the grandest adventure he could ever imagine as an applicant of Ecosoc. As you


all know, Ecosoc has this Grand Tradition which happens every September that involve men who may or may not turn out to be really hot women. Well, when Mark “signed” up for the task of being a Grand Trad candidate, he may have missed the memo about having to walk in drag along the populous road of Katipunan.


(I haven’t seen pictures but with a face like his, form fitting clothes and make-up are only bound to do wonders)


In the few months I've known the members of Ecosoc, I've met several kinds of people. Quiet ones, Innocent looking ones, Hipsters, Nerds, Geeks and then there's Lyon. When I first met him, he immediately struck me as the type of guy who's up for anything. Turns out I wasn't the only one who noticed this in him. When he was Just like any good applicant, when the an applicant, during Tambay Week, he had to eat Jelly Ace for a game. The task was search for Grand Trad candidates began, simple enough...or so he thought. The Jelly Ace he was supposed to eat fell on the floor Dancing Dude stepped up to the plate. and no, I'm not talking about the slightly cleaner floor of the SE rooms, I'm talking After days and days practicing for their about the dirt ridden, ant infested floor of the back parking. I repeat, BACK PARKING. performance, during the event itself, But seeing as he's Lyon, he picked up the jelly ace and ate it anyways. Dancing Dude had to dry hump a member whose dad was in the audience. And to Talk about health violations. make matters worse, said member’s dad just so happens to be part of the military. THESE ARE ONLY SOME OF THE THINGS THAT ECOSOC’S MEMS HAVE (Talk about a major behavioral violation.) EXPERIENCED TO BECOME A PART OF THE ECOSOC FAMILY. So the question that now lingers in my mind is why?


Why go through all that to maybe be a part of Ecosoc?

If you’d asked me this question at the start of the school year, I would’ve said that it’s Everyone knows that during the Midsem because of the prestige the org has. But as my application process comes to a close Interview, you should have all Execomm and as I heard the stories of these mems, I had to look back at my own app process and VCs memorized. Just like any good and think about all the things that happened. I dressed up as a high school student app, I’m sure Cel Hilario studied for it carrying a plastic weapon shouting at Raffy to shoot and kill people. I spent hours but sometimes, it’s hard to think under listening to the Ecosoc song trying to figure out its “tune.” I spent 35 hours at the pressure. When Cel was asked who Tambayan with a bunch of people I barely even knew. And for what? The possibility the Liaison Vice Chair at that time, she of being a part of Ecosoc? The uncertainty in itself would’ve thrown me off back in answered with confidence “Ayla Matibag”. high school. But things are different now and Ecosoc is different from any of the orgs The right answer? Ayla Reyes and Mark I joined back in high school. So here I am, about a week left of my app process and Matibag. I have never met Mark and have I’m still kicking and fighting to make it to the end. Why? Because I’ve seen first hand only met Ayla briefly but there must be the look in people’s eyes after they’ve completed organizing an event. I’ve heard the some sort of spark with these two that Cel laughter of people resonating in the Tambayan and to an extent, I’ve felt that “high” saw. Sadly, only Cel saw that something of what it feels like to be a member of Ecosoc. Despite all the sleepless nights, the and everyone kinda just laughed. tiresome weekends and stressful days, I chose to move forward hoping to maybe get another hit of that Ecosoc high. And besides, everyone knows that without the bitter, the sweet isn’t as sweet. Mix Que is a member of the Chinese Community that will soon take over Ecosoc. She is a freshman and she used to be a member of her high school's debate team. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 31




Ecosoc’s Acad Chair reflect about themselves and about their super long 3-year stay in Ecosoc (which makes them one of the oldest members in Ecosoc-age) as applicants then and now as members through a self-interview. We’d like to thank Beatriz Bayudan for preparing the questions. What’s the biggest change you've seen with yourself with Ecosoc? Geli: You mean aside from the fact that 60% of my daily conversations are now dominated by Ecosoc-related topics from “So how much do I give to Externals this time” to “Oh, another text from GJ”? I think it’s letting myself become more vulnerable by letting my defences down and taking more risks. Before I joined Ecosoc, I wasn’t big on putting myself out there in that place where failure is a big possibility. I liked playing on the safe side: low risk, low returns. What I realized was that what was worse than failure was fear that could exclude you from experiencing things that could potentially be, well, nothing short of amazing. Neil: Lumandi ako? [laughs] But seriously, I think the biggest change with me was that I've learned to become more responsible and sociable inside Ecosoc. I wouldn't have imagined myself three years ago being this guy who would just go up and talk to people and ask them how they are and be a person who would be really comfortable working with a large committee and enjoy the whole process of teaming up with really great people. And, I was surprised by how much we could achieve just by forming ideas and doing things as a group. Why Ecosoc? Neil: If you had asked me this same question three years ago, I’d would have had a really different answer. Most of us apply for a place to stay and to call home inside Econ. Some of us join because of friends. But now that I think about it,


W3W Parang nag-mature si Louie Wee at bumata si Jing-Jing

I guess it’s more of discovering yourself and where you think you really belong. It does sound cheesy, but it is what it is. The longer I stayed in Ecosoc, the more I realized where I felt most comfortable in and with which people. I’m not just saying I feel I belong in Ecosoc. I’m saying I realized as an Ecosocer where I belong both inside and outside Ecosoc. It’s weird. Somehow Ecosoc creeps into your identity whether you like it or not. Geli: Going into my app process, I had in mind pretty much the same reasons behind applying as with most of the other people had in theirs - a place to tambay, to gain more friends, another line to add to my resume, COUCHES, wanting to feel like I belong. I think that at the beginning, most of us have common if almost shallow but then somewhat sincere answers to the question, “Why Ecosoc?”. I even think my answer to that midsem interview question was bullshit. I can’t even remember what it was. But my point here is that going into Ecosoc, I had no idea what it was capable of in shaping me to the kind of person I am just 4 years later, in providing me with the kind of opportunities it did, in introducing me to the different personalities it had, in including me in its milestones and random tambay hours. I think that as the semesters went by, my answer to that question changed and evolved to the point that now, I can’t even give it the most encompassing answer other than because Ecosoc is simply and absolutely worth it. How many hours do you spend with Ecosocers on the average? Over the years, has this increased/decreased? What's the trend?


Neil: 8 to 10 hours every day. That’s really a lot compared to when I first applied for Ecosoc when I rarely even showed up in events. But I don’t feel bad about it because I knew it was inevitably going to work out that way. Over the years especially when I became Execom, I have been spending more and more time with Ecosocers. We’re a really fun bunch and I guess we’re just so many in the org that we’d never really run out of stories to tell and feelings to share inside the organization. Ang dami ngang nangyayari eh. There’s just so many people to meet and spend [a] really good time with. Geli: When I was a freshman, I tended to cling on to my highschool friends (friend). I met up with them every chance I got and never really bothered to make new friends in college. Which is probably why I barely reached my 50 tambay hours requirement. I was scared to establish new friendships thinking that I wouldn’t connect to anyone as much. But maaaan how wrong I was. What I realized and now absolutely love about Ecosoc is that we have so many interesting people here in the organization, from the Leri to the Vico to the Van. You just have to go out there and get to know them. Neil: Really... Geli? From the Leri to the Vico to the Van? Geli: Wala lang to the Neil eh. How many of your last 20 facebook posts are ecosoc-related? Geli: 16/20. OMG I still have a life beyond Ecosoc. Neil: 20 out of 20. Huh. I couldn’t believe it either. Does this mean I have no life outside Ecosoc? [laughs] ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 33


Geli: Probably. What side of you emerged when you joined Ecosoc? What trait disappeared? Neil: Yung nawala? I guess it was my shy, reserved self that our new members probably never got to see. As for what emerged, I think I became more of a person for others over the course of my stay in the organization. I’ve started thinking less about myself just studying at home and doing my own thing and starting thinking more about the people around me and how to enjoy time just doing things with them. When you become part of an organization that serves a bigger purpose than just building its membership, it’s bound to happen. Geli: Emerged: the money-conscious, risk-taker, control freak who openly talks about her love for dragons and can wear sleeveless shirts even without Klaud-like armpits (although it’s pretty close) Disappeared: the play-it-safe, insecure oh-whatif-they-don’t-like-me-I-care-about-what-everyone-thinks-of-me kid. Wildest/funniest thing you've done as an Ecosocer Geli: …, I need to do more wild things. Neil: Geli, are you serious? Geli: This question is making me rethink college.

could from the very start - in picking out our great directors whom I am all indebted to and the 70-plus members of our organizing team to the event proper and finally, to our postNYC arrangements. I hope I made Ecosoc proud. Geli: Wow, what a question. Although I’ve done some things in Ecosoc that really make my heart all warm and fluffy, I think the fluffiest feeling I experienced was during the first Foodgasm I headed. I think it was mid-way into the event and I was walking from one tent to the other and I was just looking at the crowds of people huddling around the stalls, looking at my members efficiently doing their tasks, looking out beyond the streets and seeing everything going on as usual. It was quite a sight and I hope you’ll get to experience this feeling one day because it is incomparable. [It’s] when you get a moment to just step out of the night’s chaos and gaze at the outcome of months of planning, envisioning, to see the final output right before your eyes and to see it as something existing with the world’s other happenings. But most of all, seeing that the thirtysomething people you’ve had the pleasure to work with and who, really, are the main reasons why the event ever pushed through, have everything under their control. Enough to allow you a few moments of appreciation, gratitude and pride.

What's the first thing you think about when you wake up/last Proudest moment as an Ecosocer thing before you go to sleep (pre-ecosoc and present) Neil: I guess my proudest moments as an Ecosocer would be the whole process of planning to the feeling of accomplishment Geli: Pre-ecosoc: myself. Present: myself in Ecosoc. No, just after Rundown and NYC. I've had really proud moments as a kidding. I guess before, I thought of really trivial things like VC for one semester and as Director for NYC for two years, “Which pair of shorts do I wear tomorrow?” and “Oh no I have but I guess nothing really comes close to the feeling of seeing to get up now before maunahan ako ng room mate ko sa banyo”. and picturing the big idea and making it happen as the head But ever since, they’ve been replaced by really big, life or death or convenor. The Rundown was something really new for all thoughts like, “Shit, kailangan ko na mag-cost analysis” and of us - both in Acad and as a new set of Execommers; there “How much money will we have by the end of the month?” were a lot of problems in the planning process. Little do others (Editor's Note: Naks naman, buddy.) know that the Execom had to pick between two extremely hard Neil: Well, what I think about when I wake up kind of changes choices then: to keep the original date of Rundown and risk every now and then. But I guess in general before, I used to losing most of our confirmed senators as it was the last day for think in terms of "how shall I plan my activities for today in budgeting at both the Congress and the Senate or to move the school?" and now it's more of "what do I do next?" As a freshie date of Rundown by one day which meant rearranging all the I tried to arrange my study "me" time as efficiently as possible logistics to fit the a new date (Note: we also weren’t sure then hence my relatively high grades then, but now I do scheduling if the all confirmed senators would agree to the move; we were on a day-to-day basis. I like what I'm doing now better in the also really scared about the possibility that they won’t agree), sense that I don't expect what happens sometimes during the which ultimately led to us moving to GT Toyota for the event, day, especially in Ecosoc. It gives me a bit more freedom for but I think we came through really well as a team. We stuck myself. This isn't really part of the question, but I'm happy than with the decision (The vote? 6-6, then 7-5) and supported each I care a little less about grades now just to afford myself that other. It was a power event in many ways. I guess in a way it set "fun time." Of course, when there are events I have to handle or the bar high for us inside the Execom and I guess in Ecosoc issues to take care of, they pop up instantly in my head once I for future events up until the end of our term this September, wake up, but it's not all I think about when I wake up. and hopefully beyond. Also, NYC. Being part of this event since I started out as an Acad app three and a half semesters ago, Have you actually started thinking about people as "ecosoc I really put my heart into my final year in NYC. My partner material" when you first meet them? Aris and I, we worked well and tried to make this the best we Neil: Actually, I don't. I think that while Ecosoc has a certain 34 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

NAKAKAIYAK But you guys aren't graduating yet...

culture to it, it's more the members that really influence what Ecosoc [becomes] than the other way around. When I 'judge' people based on being Ecosoc material, it's more of how I perceive their work ethic and by how much I think they can contribute to Ecosoc's growth in its next generation of members. Judging someone based on how they fit Ecosoc now is a bit hypocritical for me because way back in Blueprint, the members then used to judge us for how different we are and how we didn't fit well with what Ecosoc was before. What Ecosoc is changes with its members and we have little right to judge them for who they PHOTOS FROM THE INTERNET

are except for their attitude towards work and responsibility, and I guess what just remains is just that culture of excellence and service we have been part of for 55 years now. Geli: LOL how judgemental but no, not really. I think the problem there lies with what “ecosoc material” even means. Is there a one standard fits all that dictates if a person is or isn’t a good fit for the organization? I don’t think so. Again, what I love about us is the kind of variety we have, the range of different personalities from the conyo to the kuripot to the geeky to the malandi (I’m looking at you, Neil). I guess my only


standards for whether or not a person would be a good Ecosoc fit is if I know he/she would get along well with most of the people and has a solid work ethic. [Neil gives Geli the MHMM look] Note: 1. Over the course of this conversation, the words dominated, dominating, and dominate were used at least 15 times by Geli. Stuff she says: “I like being dominated.” “Ecosoc dominates me.” These lines were omitted in the final revision of this interview to appeal to the younger audience of Echoes. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 35



LOOK AT THAT HAPPY FAMILY Iniwan mo pa rin kami, Lisanne


Organization of Business Economics Majors (OBEM), and, of course, the Economics Society (Ecosoc). As far as most people were concerned, I dug my own grave, and the application process became the nails on my coffin. I had to contend with at least three sets of tambay hours, three sets of required events, three sets of guardians, three committee internships, and, for Sidhi, a newsletter assignment every week, all in addition to my academic and non-org extracurricular work. By the end of this semester, I will have worked on over fifty org-related projects. By Martin Consing 36 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


Why did I apply for so many? I signed up for Sidhi because of two reasons: I’ve always loved working for a school paper, and I am a glutton when it comes to information. I will absorb it greedily, and few institutions introduce you to as much information as the media. This decision would enable me to hit several birds with one giant boulder: as an app in all the orgs, I’m required to attend most Econ events anyway, and so I cover them for Sidhi as well. How I joined ETC was a more elaborate tale: before I started the registration and enrolment process into UP last summer, a sophomore student named John Mark Maclang assisted me through the process. On my first day in UP, he tried to recruit me into his org, a socio-political org whose focus was on intellectual discourse in order to improve society. I refused initially; I didn’t want to deviate too much from my original plan of only joining Ecosoc and UPM. But after a heated debate on the “sin tax,” I was intrigued and ultimately convinced to apply during the org fair. John Mark Maclang would go on to become my guardian in ETC, and a very good friend. How I joined OBEM was much simpler: during the org fair, I passed by their booth, and one of the members, a junior named Alyssa Ann Angeles, called out to me. “Hey you, sign up for OBEM!” she said. I replied, “But I’m not a Business Economics student!” “Okay lang yan!” And that’s how I ended up applying for OBEM. Alyssa Ann Angeles would end up becoming one of my guardians several weeks later, along with Yen Cruz, who’s currently an app for Ecosoc as well, and I hold them both in high regard. I respect all of these orgs. They each offered me a family, a home, and a chance to develop myself as a person. Were it any other time, I’d tell you that they are all equally important to me, but there’s just one thing. I met Ecosoc first. It was Musikapella in 2011. I was

a member of the Southridge Vocal Ensemble, and yes, I was there when we met Simone Carpio and ruined the reputation that our president has worked so hard to repair. The only familiar face was Derek’s, and by that time he was already telling me, “Man, you better sign up for Ecosoc, ah! That’s where the chicks are! I know you love Simone!” I later learned that all the Southridge alumni in UPSE were in Ecosoc (specifically Ecosoc; none have ever been in ETC or OBEM), and that was enough to convince me to join. My next serious encounter with the Economics Society would again be at Musikapella in 2012. By that time, I was growing an interest in photography, and Musikapella’s Kulay ng Musika photo competition would be the first and only photo competition I would join. There, I ran into Derek again, recently elected as the Editor-in-Chief of Echoes. He again tried to recruit me into the org, and I promised that I’d let him know the moment I was confirmed to enroll in UP. That confirmation came last April, and when I told him, his reply was: “YEAHHHH [censored] YEEEAAAHHHHH ECOSOC ALL THE WAY!!!!!!” I then asked him if I could be a photographer there, and he said, “Exactly that’s what I had in mind, assistant photo editor!” And that, I thought, was it. I thought I’d just work for Echoes this semester, but somehow, I didn’t just. I did more. We, the apps, all did more. Most of us have done over one hundred tambay hours by now, easily surpassing the minimum. Most of us have more CDC counts than the minimum. For many of us, being an app in one committee and an intern in another just wasn’t enough, and it became common to find apps who volunteered in at least two other events. I found myself time and time again staying until the very end of events and not just long enough to fulfill my requirements. We didn’t just work—we worked hard. When sleep came, it was the sleep of the dead. And the same goes for the apps before

us. Our stories are just like a hundred others: we joined because that’s where our friends were; we joined because, as GJ put it, “If you join the Economics Society, you’ll know over a third of the people in UPSE.” We joined because it was fulfilling; but most of all, we joined because Ecosoc is just that big. What do I mean by that? Whenever someone learns that I’m an Economics student in UP, they sometimes ask in awe, “So you study under Winnie Monsod?” They sometimes comment, “Oh, you’re from the conyo part of UP.” They also say some other flattering, and not flattering, things. But the question they always ask is, “Are you part of the Economics Society?” It’s very important to take note of that, especially when talking to students from other universities and colleges. They don’t ask if you’re part of ETC or OBEM. They ask if you’re part of Ecosoc. With September already here, a number have already started asking me about LIV and Musikapella. “Where will Musikapella be?” “LIV’s a paint party, right? Where do I get tickets?” “What the hell is GBR?!” I’ve only mentioned three events happening this month. I haven’t even counted the Bonfire, the National Economics Summit, or Grand Trad (Jomac Conty: “You should join, Martin! It’s the grandest tradition of all!”), not to mention the more recent Foodgasm, the National Youth Congress, and the EcoBrick Project. This is not an organization wherein you can twiddle your fingers and say, “I helped.” This org will help you get that big, fat résumé you’ve always wanted, but you need to work for it. What makes the UP Economics Society stand out so much is that there’s more than enough work to go around—and work is an accurate term. Many members, upon hearing that I applied for all the orgs, advised, “One org is enough to keep you busy,” and for Ecosoc, I’m inclined to believe that they’re right. Martin Consing is Derek's protege. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 37



It was that week when classes were suspended that I could barely even picture the amount of things that I had to do. There were no classes for a few days yet it seemed as if my to-do list was not getting any shorter. Hours passed and I was barely productive because I was trying to fight the voices in my head. The voices told me to quit. The voices asked me why I bothered to do those things. I could have been resting. I could’ve been sleeping and dreaming of happy things.

I WANT TO QUIT ECHOES. I really really do. I want to stop spending my Mondays in school or in random locations, directing (pretending to) shoots. I want to stop staying up 'till 3 am or even 5 am the day before the release to finish laying articles out. I don't even want to write this article anymore. In fact, I don't want to write any article. I just want to stop doing these things that I have to do. I want to stop being constantly reminded to do these things. Oh did I say Echoes? I WANT TO QUIT ECOSOC MONTH TOO. I don't want to have to show up in GAs every Wednesday when I could be home by 1. I don't want to go to shoots and get myself wet with paint. I don't want to go to the shopping center and pay for the posters and wait 2 weeks for Marte to pay me back. I don't want to put logos on my posters 10 minutes before they're scheduled for release. I don't want to look at my poster and realize there's a typo then do it all over again. I don't even understand what the point is anymore. Why do I have to do all these things? Why did I sign up for all these things? Why do I say yes to every single task assigned to me? Is it because I have a lot of time? Is it because I want to be recognized? 38 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

Is it because I want to increase the number of lines the UP Economics Society occupies in my resume? I don't even know. But honestly... I don't really want to quit. Actually, quitting is the last thing that I want to do. Sometimes I feel like I'm standing on top of an inclined plane and I'm falling towards the other end where the magic of Ecosoc lies. I feel like gravity just pushes me towards this organization. I feel like even if I don't want to do Ecosoc related work, I have to. But what's weird is I actually want to. I want to do Echoes work. I want to wake up early on Mondays and go to shoots and watch the issues unfold. I want to stay up late and PHOTOS BY MARTIN CONSING

FEATURES work on the layout then see people's faces once they read the articles. I want to share our pubmats and see my newsfeed filled with Ecosoc related things. I want to like posts until Facebook forces me to stop liking these things because maybe I get to the point where I like these things too much. Yes, like. I actually really like Echoes. I really like EM. I really liked NYC. I really like everything I do and even if I am pushed towards the edge, even if my brain feels like it's being wrung for ideas, even if I feel time slowly running away from me. I can't help myself from doing these things.

to become sponges. We accept things, we absorb them. We get filled to the brim. We get drained but we get back to the point when we’re ready to accept things again. Again, it’s because we want to. We might deny it. We might not even know it yet, but deep down in our hearts, we all actually really love what we do.

I know, it’s horrible. It’s horrible that I’d rather do these things than study. It’s horrible that I would much rather spend 3 hours working on some poster than an hour reading Pindyck or Mankiw. It’s horrible that I’d rather stay up ‘till 2 writing my Echoes article than wake up early to go to Math. It’s horrible how I’ve completely lost track of my priorities. The list of horrible things and choices I’ve made would go on for miles. The same question remains: why?

After a lengthy conversation with Sam she texted me. “Maybe it’s because Echoes/EM is closer to what we want to do than Econ is.” Maybe it is. Maybe we’re all just victims of our parent’s choices. Maybe we’re all just trapped in this place where our ideas are unable to flow freely and our organization is the only place that allows them to. Maybe Ecosoc is the only place that actually allows us to be who we are and to find who we want to be. What would quitting do anyway? Quitting would just leave a gigantic dent in my heart while my productivity wouldn’t get any better because thoughts of what could’ve been would never stop running in my head. I’m not going to quit. I stopped wondering whether or not I needed to quit and started asking whether or not I really wanted to. Some part of me was screaming “yes” but that was completely overshadowed by the cheerful voices of everyone who kept going. Then I went on. Lerizze Tan is a very accident prone individual. It's quite suprising that she hasn't broken all her bones yet.

I really don’t know. I really really don’t. But the thing is, I get to a point where I stop caring about why I even do things. I stop trying to find answers to my countless questions. I don’t think we’re ever going to stop asking questions, though. I don’t think we’re ever going to stop trying to find out what our purpose is but we get to a point when we accept things as they come to us. We do tasks as they are given to us and as redundant as it may sound, we’re pretty happy when we do these things. We all get tired. Even the best and toughest get tired. [See Sam’s article on how tired she is.] The best thing we get from all this is the ability

It's a huge cliche to say that we do what we do because we love our organization, because we love each other or simple because we love what we do, but as much as some would hate to admit, we actually really ~love~ Ecosoc.


but we actually really like hanging out with weirdos like Jude (Not with Poncho though)



I'M TIRED. “How do you do it?” “Do what?” I reply. “All of it?”


This semester I am the Co-Chairperson of UP Ecosoc Month, where we organize a month-long celebration for UP Ecosoc, the Features Editor of Echoes, where we literally work on the next issue right after the last one is printed1, the Editor-in-Chief of Haraya, the yearbook of the School of Economics, where we battle against tackiness and studio politics, the Graphics Editor of Sidhi, where the life or death of the publication depends on what we do or not do, Official Cook for my camping group, where I have to prepare full meals for strangers2, and the most difficult of all, attempting to make Cayetano Paderanga love me by October. Let’s not even expound on my personal life and struggles. Let’s just bunch all my issues into one variable; anyway, those things also use up a lot of my time and energy. Those are a lot of things to do. As I’m writing this article I’m worrying about a number of things: the latest LIV poster is due to be released in an hour and I haven’t seen it nor has PauBau replied to me in the last three hours. The biggest event of my Ecosoc life is in two weeks. I have 121 tomorrow and I haven’t caught up with the readings; Paderanga will probably pick on me again. I have to vector the cover and do the illustrations on the inside photos for the cover story of the September issue of Echoes in a span of two days. Haraya voting is going to end soon, which means we have to deal with money and shoots soon. And the deadline for Sidhi graphics is on the eighteenth… of September. All of these can’t be crappy because I’ll have to kill

1Sometimes, planning starts during layout or, like, in the summer because we don’t have real lives. 40 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH 2You can see how that went by searching the hashtag #SamsCampingAdventure on Twitter.


myself, that is, if Derek doesn’t kill me first. That is a lot of things to worry about. Let’s not even talk about how I got here. Suffice to say that I wanted all of these and I knew what I was getting into. But it is peculiar how hard it is to sustain a fire you started when the fuel it needs is everything you have plus your insides. Fuel is expensive and the price is a gallon of sanity or three pints of your soul. If you’re not careful, the fire can consume you and you end up producing something huge but dies almost immediately. Don’t worry. I’m not at the point of no return yet. What’s interesting to me is that I’ve never felt more tired in my life. Every day I feel like sleeping as soon as I get home. Every day I see talking to people more and more as a chore rather than a luxury. Every day I feel like I’m getting closer to shutting down and reverting into a hermit. But the problem isn’t that my body is tired. The problem is that my spirit is. The nightmare isn’t the amount of work. The nightmare is when the things we love doing turn into the things that wear us down. The work is merely tedious and tiresome, but the mentality needed – the amount of endurance – to keep the energy high is exhausting. I am exhausted from having to be enthusiastic all the time when I face the people I handle, especially when sometimes all I want is to handle nothing at all. I’m exhausted from encouraging everyone to work even though I’m tired as hell. I get it. I’m old – I have to be the bigger person every time. I understand this, believe you me, but it is a tiring job to be the bigger person. I am exhausted from having to watch my every move so as not to offend anyone or destroy everything – to burn down all I’ve built. I recently took a freaking camping trip to the middle of nowhere and all I could think about was

what to do next for all of my projects. I’m on my damn toes all the time and my calves are burning. If pain is in the mind, it’s totally getting there. I would rather disappear. I would rather leave. I want the roof to fly off and be sucked into space. I want to I want to I want to I want to. But that’s the thing. I can’t just disappear. I can’t just leave. I can’t just wish for the roof to fly off. I have to gather all my strength to hold on and resist the black holes – to keep my feet on the ground. I have to sacrifice my wants because I see the needs. The truth is that weakness is a luxury people in positions cannot afford – and it takes all of what you have to never show it to the people who look to you for strength. You realize that your fire, your light, simply cannot be isolated from the others’. Sometimes your fire is the incendiary, the fuel to theirs. (Editor’s Note: It could also go both ways—that is, their fires are needed to keep your fire burning.) It is not easy to keep it up, and it is as hard as hell not to crumble into ashes. Anyone who has ever chosen to commit to something finds him/herself wanting not to at some point. That’s not special. That’s normal. But what could set you apart is what you do when you reach that low. It doesn’t actually matter that you get tired. It doesn’t matter that you get stressed. It doesn’t matter that you get angry. What matters is that you keep the fire alive. When your flames are so weak that they have seemed to have faded away, you have to realize that you still have a chance to turn that whisper of a flame into the wildest fire you’ve ever lit. Because in the end, maybe you have been burnt out, but you see that the chain of fires that have been lit, the lights that have been passed on, are alive because of you. Yes, you are exhausted. But you carry on. Sam Gonzales is the—you know what, she said whatever she is in the article already, so I don't think this is needed!





CHAOS Look at Sam's and Lerizze's faces of hidden disgust. And Vito's entertained look.

Every little factor counts, especially in a seemingly organized system such as the U.P. Economics Society. We’ve been winning for so long, in this gamble, but then when we start to lose, the losses become more frequent. Here’s some science behind it.


butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil, and it sets off a tornado in Texas. That is the Butterfly effect that is found in Chaos Theory. Simply, it means that a deterministic non-linear system depends heavily on initial conditions (the variables), no matter how minute they may actually be. An example with Ecosoc: Erwin Mate laughs at 10:12 am in the corridors of the Encarnacion hall, and then one triangle found on the Ecosoc Month gallery gets incorrectly cut. That is one aspect of Chaos Theory. I must admit, I really only know the theory behind it, and not the actual mathematical computations that occur behind the scenes. Even then, my knowledge of Chaos Theory is pretty much basic.¹ 42 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


field in modern mathematics, using computer models to outline systems found in real life. The basic teaching of Chaos Theory can be divided into two parts: (1) All systems, even if very complex (and especially more so, if very complex) have an underlying order or pattern and (2) very simple systems

¹Stemming from Michael Crichton novels, working papers with hardly any math from the Santa Fe Institute, and easy to digest websites

PRIORITIES They spread us out so.


occurs in real-life events²) Here is where an aspect of the theory vital to understanding complex systems should be introduced: in Chaos Theory, every organized system has a threshold wherein the structure can stay called the “edge of chaos”. There are several configurations that a system goes through before the system reaches the edge of chaos. I will outline each one, placing them in a familar background (lifted from the Ian Malcolm character in The Lost World, which are in turn, lifted from the works of James Gleick, author of Chaos Theory: Making a New Science):

“In the conservative region, far from the chaotic edge, individual elements coalesce slowly, showing no clear pattern.”

or events can determine very complex behavior or events, that is, chaos. Aside from that, there are basic tenents in Chaos Theory, aside from the aforementioned Butterfly Effect, and I will outline them briefly: (1) Unpredictability in these systems because of immeasurable initial conditions, (2) discovering the surprising transitions through order and disorder, (3) turbulence, that is, the non-linear nature of systems wherein two objects can start from the same place, but end up in totally dif-

ferent states or spaces, (4) feedback, wherein agents in a system react to a change in the system and their collective reactions solicit another reaction from another agent, forming a cascading set of reactions resulting in chaos, and most important, (5) the world of fractals show that in every shape and pattern a fractal assumes, the same shape or pattern can be in a microlevel within a fractal (This gives us a very important insight into events, that is, the same level of sameness of patterns

The system in question is just beginning here, or beginning anew. Think a recovered post-asset bubble stock market crash, where the agents (stock brokers) are beginning to bid once more, albeit conservatively. In Ecosoc, this may very well be every beginning of each semester, because each semester in Ecosoc, as of late, has been introducing new agents into the system in the form of new members. Also, at the end of every second semester, some agents are removed from the equation when they graduate. Taking the maximalist approach, the entire semester for Ecosoc as a system, each semester offers new agents, especially outside Ecosoc itself. Each semester offers new subjects for Ecosoc members, each with their own time schedule and professor. These are all now variables in the system. Introduce the latest problems or renovations in the School of Economics. Add in the plans of other UP organizations, from UP OBEM to UP JMA to Sigma Rho. Because what you’ll find, when analyzing Ecosoc from the vantage point of Chaos Theory is that every variable counts, within or without Ecosoc, especially including the ones I missed out. And ultimately, we are also variables in other people’s own systems.

²Famed mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot (known for fractal geometry) did a study on cotton prices, and he found that the graph of the cotton prices as through the decades formed the same shape of one focused in on one year, and so on



“And at the end of your life, your whole existence has the same haphazard quality, too. Your whole life has the same shape as a single day.” -Ian Malcolm “Self-organization elaborates in complexity as the system advances toward the chaotic edge.”

In Ecosoc, we are divided into committees, each with their own specific functions stated in the constitution. Aside from this, we have the option of being placed into special committees, including but not limited to Ecosoc Month, Task Force, and Comelec. Each agent within Ecosoc will find themselves organized by their commhead, and if the de jure structure does not work, a de facto structure will take place—leadership roles will or will not be assumed, jobs will or will not be done. Even jobs outside of a member’s respective role may be taken, as in the case of Sam Gonzales helping Yasmin Sehob’s secretariat committee build a centralized publicity system, one that was not taken into action. Include also the other nonEcosoc organizational work a member may have, the current priorities of each agent, and you have a seemingly simple system, simple in a vacuum, suddenly exposed to the intricacies of adaptation and complexity.

“In the intermediate phase, swiftly developing complexity within the system hides the risk of imminent chaos. But the risk is there.”

Eventually, the roles that were left unattended would need to be filled. The help needed to be given in Ecosoc’s other endeavors would need to be given. The grades left to rot during the semester suddenly need to be attended to. The Ecosoc system is currently working for the semester, looking spic and span. Here is where the failure will ultimately be determined and will be difficult to avert later on in the timeline, if a great load will be left to a simple few, if other plans will not impede with Ecosoc’s plans. An example of this is the conflict between the two events with the same nature of last semester, the USC’s Ang Pagsusuri and UP Ecosoc’s The Rundown 2013. From each org’s point of view, the scale upon the other would be forming their respective event was unaccounted for, and would possibly risk failure on one or the other, because of the similar target market and nature of event. Another would be the always second semester vacating of the tambayan, because of lessened traffic from freshman members, who have no subjects at the School of Economics.

properly focus on Ecosoc work. If the job taken in a committee becomes too taxing to properly perform your other assumed responsibilities in Ecosoc. If a member decides to focus on another organization’s work instead of Ecosoc-related duties. And hell, if the members just get sick of management or each other. Once solidarity is breached for the semester, chaos begins to appear. This is the beginning of the end. Remember in the second semester of AY 2010-2011, the new executive committee began to have internal problems regarding how Paolo Tamase managed them (Editor’s Note: The story can be found in the July 2011 issue). These internal problems trickled down into the membership, forming a mediocre semester for Ecosoc.

“At the edge of chaos, unexpected outcomes occur. The risk to survival is severe.”

Here is where two notable ideas surrounding chaos theory and complexity should be introduced. One is the Gambler’s Ruin, an observation founded on statistics, very much debatable. In basic statistics, the odds of winning and losing are even and eventually a gambler comes out at zero. Gambler’s Ruin debates that, and that is, when a gambler is observed, they lose until they begin to win. Their wins become more and more frequent until a streak is reached, upon where they will lose again. Casinos stay in business because in the end, the gambler is always ruined. Complexity tell us that wins and losses do cluster, and it can be found in weather, stock markets, anything. When things are good, they stay good for some time and when things are bad, they stay bad for some time. Now apply that to Ecosoc. An example: Back in the Rager semester, the loss of Rager was preceded by Band in Demand 5’s loss. Rager’s failure led to the Special Project being cancelled, and other bad things. (Editor’s Note: The story can be found in the July 2012 issue) The other idea is called the Malcolm Effect. This is the sharp incline, after some failure and before a supposed win (which makes things seemingly look in control), where things all go to hell. It’s backed up by mathematical models. Think about a bad day you had or a bad streak you had. Yep. I don’t think I need to elaborate further.

“Order collapses in simultaneous regions. Survival is now unlikely for individuals and groups.”

“Approaching the chaotic edge, elements show interMoney is lost. The ESSF is critical. Membership morale is nal conflict. An unstable and potentially lethal region.” low. Resignations occur. Registration with OSA is unachieved. Here is where all the variables get big enough to challenge one another. If the workload of academics gets too heavy to 44 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

Mik Singson graduates (I’m trying to make this lighter than it’s supposed to be). The end.


#NEVERFORGET May nakitang malaswa si Bruno

“Partial restabilization may occur after eliminating destructive elements. Survival partly determined by chance events.”

As with all endings, they are also beginnings. Lessons may or may not be learned. A new system will begin, with or without Ecosoc. And another chance for chaos to present itself will be imminent. But remember the final important aspect of chaos, and that is each day takes on the same shape as a month, which takes on the same shape as a year, which takes on the same shape as a lifetime. No, this is not as deterministic as it sounds, and a failure won’t mean failure will be always present. It means that the way you shape Ecosoc in each day that you live will form the shape it takes on in a month, in a year, and so on.

As James Gleick puts it, chaos theory is "a revolution not of technology, like the laser revolution or the computer revolution, but a revolution of ideas. This revolution began with a set of ideas having to do with disorder in nature: from turbulence in fluids, to the erratic flows of epidemics, to the arrhythmic writhing of a human heart in the moments before death. It has continued with an even broader set of ideas that might be better classified under the rubric of complexity." This way of thought has been applied to almost everything, from evolution, to physics, to even economics. Chaos Theory is a new way of looking at the world, a paradigm, if you will, that can explain more and more about lives compared to the static models of yesteryears. And here it is, applied to a world very much our own. Don’t bother leaving every stone unturned, because

there will always be a variable that will be left unaccounted for. Chaos theory and complexity science may actually be known as the new dismal science, taking economics out of that pedestal. Remember, Ecosoc is a simple system, and as pointed out earlier, each simple system has an underlying mechanism for chaos. Ecosoc is a complex system, and as pointed out earlier, each complex system has an underlying order within. You can take this in two ways. One, the system is unchangeable and the current cycle is bound to happen forever. Or you, a very important variable, can make Ecosoc excellent every day. Derek Parreñas is the Editor-in-Chief of this publication. He loves dinosaurs and took up the book Jurassic Park because of it in First Year High School. That is how he discovered Chaos Theory, something he loves more than dinosaurs. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 45



ECHOES MAGIC What on Earth is happening in this photo


is one’s love and passion for the organization. Loving and being passionate about the UP Economics Society means taking what it does and what it stands for to heart. This includes the three words that every Ecosocer knows: Service, Excellence, and Tradition. In all honesty, loving and being passionate about the organization does not mean that you live by its thrusts. With that being said, what does it really mean to have the Ecosoc spirit? We introduce to you a member that you all may be familiar with. If you don’t know her, you may now question how active you are in the organization. When she walks through the halls of UPSE, she probably says “hi” to everyone she sees—because she definitely seems to know everyone. Or everyone seems to know her. And with good reason. 48 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


Maria Isabelle “Mabel” Cortez was born on the 13th of June, 1995 - the second of three children of Manuel and Veronica Cortez. She is the only one among her siblings studying in the prestigious University of the Philippines, Diliman, and much is expected from her. When she was in high school, she claims to have been that bubbly girl "na kunwari walang paki sa image niya pero meron". One can see that she was active even back then, as she was the Public


Relations Officer of their Student Council in St. Scholastica's College, Westgrove. As the PRO, she was asked to always host events – a task that matches well with her confidence and wit. What we don’t know about her is that she actually feels “super shy” when she is in front of an audience, because she is pressured to be funny. Don’t worry, you already are. Ugh. Even with all her extracurriculars, she was a consistent honor student: managing to be at the top of her class in her sophomore year of high school. Please thank me later, Mabel Stalkers.


viewer’s Note: LOL.) As a member: Romano Alonzo (A message to Romano from Mabel: “Uy yung pag-aaway ko sayo... joke lang yun.”) What is your favorite Ecosoc Event? I love saturday CDC's. Kasi natotouch ako sa kids. May isang kid, nung sinabi niya sa akin na aalis na sila sa Pook Ricarte, nasad ako. Wala lang, naalala ko yung kids na inaalagan ko. Siguro Grand Trad, rin. Wala lang ang fun. May mga talents pala na “Woah, that existed” pala tapos dito din marerealize na pwede palang crush ito.

Her Ecosoc Crushes As an applicant: Gelo Atienza and Aris Dacanay (Inter- Where do you go when you’re hungry? ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 49

SUPER SAIYAN Seriously, what is going on?


Egg. (Interviewer’s note: WTF) Lagi akong nag-uutang sa kanya [Ate Leony]. Nagulat ako na naging close na kami tapos lagi akong kino-compliment sa umaga. What is your most embarrassing Ecosoc moment? Nung app ako. Diba pag may CDC sign-ups, bawal mo burahin pag nag sign-up na? Nung chairperson si Ate Faye, di ko alam yung rule na yun so nilagyan ko siya ng correction tape. Nung genmeet, na-feature ako, sinabi niya “Kung sino man ang gumawa nito…!” It was so embarrassing. What else do you want people to know? Sa EdCo class ko, number one sa akin ang friendships. Grabe, ‘di ko kaya na walang friends. Sila ‘yung nagpupush sa akin na maging ganito. People, my friends – they push me.


This activeness didn’t stop when she graduated from high school. Upon entering the University, she became the assistant blockhead; she was beginning to make her mark. However, she had no intentions of joining UP Ecosoc to focus on her studies. Thanks to her blockmates and peer pressure (Namely: Loice, Brian Cruz, Cesca, and Topy), she applied during her first semester. Who knew peer pressure could be good for you too? As an applicant, Mabel admits that she wasn’t very present during commeets due to her lunch classes—although she attended most if not all events. Upon reaching the Final Interview, Mabel surprisingly shed tears. Her interviewers, Myk Narciso and Enzo Clemente, pretended that she needed to memorize the Econian Spirit article by Kenneth Reyes (Echoes 2010 September Special Issue on Socio-Civic). Because she only knew the article’s key points, she cried! If I knew that shedding a few tears could get you through this organization, I wouldn’t have bothered studying for the Final Interview!


I am kidding, of course.


Mabel is currently one of the Vice Chairpersons of the Membership Committee, an Ecosoc Month Sales officer, and the guardian (along with Loice) of another active member named Boz Digay. Not only is she serving the organization the best way she knows how, but

Mabel loves what she’s doing because she works with people. “Nadedepress ako pag alone ako,” she says. As a VC, she handles the apps along with Jomac. She applied for Vice Chairperson because she was greatly affected by how people perceived the Membership Committee last year and now she is on a continuous pursuit of excellence to improve what she can and to create change; even by doing little things, so

WOW She's just tying her shoelaces and then some weird aura comes out


LENS FLARE 52 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH We love lens flares

FEATURES MHMMM Now she's Batman that members can still recognize that they are a committee that anybody can approach. Being in the organization (and being in college) also led to her personal development. She has gained a better understanding of the value of time management. In the past, she avoided schoolwork and watched her dorm mates study – while she just focused on Ecosoc. (Note: If you see the hundreds of shares of Ecosoc pubmats, about ¾ come from Mabel. Kidding! But she does share A LOT... and on her friends’ personal timelines. Do you know how tedious that is?!) Because of the lessons she learned from her hurdles, she is now balancing both org work and academics quite well. But one has to wonder where all that love and dedication came from. This is where we see her spirit. For one, she appreciates the socio-civic side of the organization. It’s definitely fulfilling to see Ecosoc giving back to communities: to see it helping with somebody’s education, building a library, and taking care of children. On the other hand, Mabel also sees her family in the organization. Because she is a dormer, she cannot go home to her [biological] family everyday. Instead, she finds brothers and sisters in the members of Ecosoc.


It is fire that keeps the spirit alive. “Do you think there’s still that Ecosoc Fire?” I asked Mabel. Yes, she believes. She states that you can’t say if members now are passionate or not because they are different from the people before. It changes every year, but she still continues to see dedicated people. The dedicated ones who keep us afloat, the ones who push the not-so-active members towards Ecosoc. “I believe that a lot of the dedicated people are in Memcom,” Mabel says. “We are passionate because of our love for Ecosoc. Dito rin sila naghahanap ng family. They keep coming because of the bond that Ecosoc created.” “Pwede pang i-push yung pagstrengthen ng spirit.” Mabel believes

that the general membership, what MemComm is taking care of, is important. “We keep the members interested in Ecosoc so that they’ll keep coming back,” she says, “we have these events and sana ma-attract sila to participate because we, they, are carrying the Ecosoc name.” Mabel’s passion for Ecosoc is rooted

in her passion for the members—and these members are the ones who create the UP Economics Society. She never expected that she would be like this in Ecosoc - someone who shares pubmats like there’s no tomorrow, someone who is extra enthusiastic and attends most of its events, someone who believes in what it does and what it stands for, ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 53

PLATOON 55 EcosocECHOES pride, don't hide!



someone so proud to be a member. She someone who exudes the Ecosoc spirit. Having the Ecosoc Spirit does not necessarily mean that you live your life completely acting towards the thrusts of the organization. However, to continue living in the pursuit of Service, Excellence, and Tradition; now that’s the spirit. The UP Economics Society is defined by what it does for others. It creates leaders and pioneers with an eye for excellence. It inspires service, involvement, and social awareness. And it's been keeping this tradition alive since 1958. Correction: our spirit has been keeping this tradition alive since 1958. Now, where is that Ecosoc Spirit? It’s in you, it’s in me, it’s in all of us. All you have to do is let it take flight. Justine Nuque is a Fiesta Member and the current Echoes TV Director. She enjoys Usher and the Voice. Also please note which page this article ends on. 55



ECOSOC’S TWO TRUTHS; ONE LIE BY DON ALFONSO How well do you really know your fellow Ecosoc members? Are they merely your co-workers / minions you see just when you’re preparing for Ecosoc events? Or are they really your friends with whom you share your deepest and darkest secrets and the most fun and unforgettable experiences? Well then, let’s put how much you know about your co-members to the test. This game is called “Two Truths; One Lie.” 21 Ecosoc members provided me with two truths and one lie about themselves and you must figure out which is the lie. Afterwards, check the bottom for the scorecard and your rating.

A. NIKKI BONDAD (1) I freaking love One Direction. (2) I love to slap people. (3) I have a crush on an Acad app.

B. MONINA SANCHEZ (1) I want to take up law after Econ. (2) I want to take up an engineering course in college badly. (3) My favourite color is green.


(1) I never had a girlfriend. (2) I love sushi. (3) I never went through a "mainstream" music phase.

D. ARIS DACANAY (1) I can make my tongue clover shaped. (2) My dad used to be a priest before meeting my mom. (3) I used to have a celebrity crush on Jojo.

E. TELLE TIBERIO (1) I've never been kissed.... by a real guy. (2) I couldn't sleep after watching LOTR. (3) My first ever movie house date with my parents was to see Titanic. I have been watching that movie ever since.

F. MARK BUENAVENTURA (1) I have a girlfriend. (2) My favorite color is blue. (3) I’m less than 17.

G. HAZEL LIM (1) I lost 2 blackberry phones in one summer. (2) I love house music. (3) I got lost in China. 56 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

FEATURES H. JOMAC CONTY (1) I had swam in a fountain. (2) I had my first kiss when I was 17. (3) I have three dogs.

I. DARRELL MAGSAMBOL (1) I was once an SK chairperson. (2) I had one girlfriend. (3) I am adept in karate.

J. ROMANO ALONZO (1) I was named after an Italian cheese. (2) I've had no softdrinks for almost 8 years now (except for 2 instances --- King's cup hehe) (3) I love caramel Belgian waffle.

K. SAM GONZALES (1) I am a bisexual. (2) I get spontaneous bruises. (3) I’ve only had one uno in my college life.

L. TIMMY JACOB (1) I got an uno in Fil 40. (2) I can solve a Rubik’s cube. (3) I am a bisexual.

M. MABEL CORTEZ (1) I've never tasted champorado before. (2) I had a girlfriend. (3) My favorite 1D member is Louis Tomlinson.

N. AYI DAVE (1) When I was 12 until I was around 16, I was super super addicted to jazz. (2) During 3rd year, I was rushed to the ER because I had problems with my heart and not the love kind. (3) I used to think I liked girls, but realized that I liked boys more so I stuck to liking boys.

O. DEREK PARREÑAS (1) I have a WWII M1 Garand at home. (2) I had satanist classmates/friends in grade seven. (3) I enjoy jazz music.

P. AK MAPOLON (1) I change my favorite color every so often. It was red, yellow and blue in past years. It's currently pink now. (2) I'm allergic to alcohol. The scar I have on my arm acts as my "warning sign" If it's "bright" red, it means I'm hit. (3) I can play the drums. I used to go over my best friend's house to practice. I still have my drum sticks.

Q. JOSH MADARANG (1) I have been an Ecosoc applicant more than once. (2) I have an affinity for left-handed people. (3) I enjoy eating shellfish. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 57

ECHOES R. CARA LATINAZO (1) I haven’t cut my hair yet since my freshie year. (2) I love detective murder mystery stuff. (3) I have never kissed anyone.

S. JESSICA BISCOCHO (1) I have 3 kittens. (2) I cried when I read The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. (3) I can eat bacon everyday.

T. SAM CINCO (1) I’ve seen my parents have sex. (2) My first kiss was inside an elevator. (3) I once snuck into a movie.

U. RYAN PORNILLOS (1) I like licking myself, like a cat. (2) I regularly take gluthathione capsules. (3) I am a legit fan of AQUA.

ANSWERS (THE LIES): a.1 b.3 c.3 d.2 e.2 f.1 g.3 h.2 i.3 j.1 k.1 l.3 m.3 n.1 o.1 p.3 q.3 r.1 s.3 t.2 u.2

1-5 You obviously need to hang out in the Tambayan more or at least get to know your fellow members. Or, maybe these are really outrageous facts you’ve never heard about these people before. You should be scared; they’re hiding things from you!

6-10 You may know a lot of your fellow members but you’re not asking enough “dangerous” questions. Come on, next time you see your fellow mem, at least ask them what color of underwear they purchase.

11-15 It’s alright if you don’t know everything about your fellow members or know every single one of them (yep, Ecosoc is big) but at least you can be confident in saying you know them well enough.

16-21 POINTS It’s either a) You’ve creepily stalked other mems’ Facebooks or Twitters too much. b) You know your fellow mems very well to know facts about them (or well enough to guess the most probable lie). Good job (if it’s b). 58 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH




CANDID? "Oh, I'll just pose like a mowdel and you can take a pic of me!" Upon arriving at the entrance of this year’s Foodgasm, I breathe a sigh of relief that the whole event wasn’t encased in a tent anymore, recalling memories of oven-like temperatures in past Foodgasms. Despite now being in the open area of Mercato, the event felt even more expansive and bigger; whilst observing the ticket booth, more and more people seem to be entering despite the event having gone on for a few hours already. After making a complete run around the 29 participants, I actually felt very, very full. A balance has been struck between what I would like to refer to as “real” food and desserts. I managed to even spot some minor celebrities, including a rather random picture with humorist RJ Ledesma. Along with several performances, the event, I could easily tell, was a success, and was a nice prelude to the large-scale feeling that is to come in September.


now faced the task of how to make a wholly better event than the first. Here we are a year later, with the latest Foodgasm presumably a smashing success, looking down at the remaining days of September. We’ve watched Foodgasm grow from a fresh, new and mildly successful event to one of the most anticipated and familiar events Ecosoc has to offer. Alongside this, we’ve witnessed Geli establish herself as the everywoman of Foodgasm, capping off a remarkably successful and profitable run as Fin chair. 60 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

In just one calendar year, the Finance committee has already put out 3 iterations of Foodgasm. What was once deemed venturing into uncertain territory a year ago during Jess Bodo’s tenure has now become a familiar, consistent profit-making event for Ecosoc under Geli Medida’s handling. Every outing seemed to be trying to top the last, and this semester’s was no exception. Last August’s Foodgasm was the most expansive, most profitable, and the most successful of the three so far.


Brian Cruz, one of the longer veterans in Finance who was there when Foodgasm first started, noted the positive progression from the first to the most recent. The first Foodgasm lacked the publicity, ideas and familiarity that came with a regular Ecosoc event. Coupled with a small working PHOTOS BY CARA LATINAZO

FEATURES Another Finance member, Miguel Ramos, who worked on Logistics for the last two Foodgasms, shared the same sentiments with regards to Geli’s vision for it. She wanted it to be bigger, better, more profitable and successful than the last. He also mentions an instance wherein initial plans where to get only 25 participants, but was eventually pushed to 30 to give the event a wider reach. This was to be obviously Geli’s last crack at heading Foodgasm, so she naturally wanted to make her last as special as she could. He also adds that she brought the same level of work ethic and confidence that made last semester’s a success to this one.


team, Finance back then really had no clear idea how the event would go. When Geli finally took the reins of Finance, there was clear intention for a bigger, better and more successful event. Building on the first Foodgasm’s relative success, Geli managed to organize a bigger team, and thus, resulting in more food business participants and a better relationship with Mercato management. Publicity for it at this point in time was growing, and it was only a matter of time before another one came along. Brian mentions her high expectations for those in her team, but naturally, earns Finance’s admiration and respect by her passion and work ethic to craft the best event possible. “She works well with everybody”, he says.

The planning process for Triple the Flavor was a very long and arduous one. Conceptualization of pubmats started as early as a couple of months before, continuing to innovate in its posters which was received with much aplomb. The most notable thing for this semester was the aggressive publicity. RTR’s were conducted all over campus, nearly every jeepney stop had a Foodgasm poster, apps were going out and about the Acad Oval carrying large posters with them, online contests attracted droves of interested individuals, in short, you could really feel the weight behind Foodgasm. To some of this semester’s roster of Finance applicants, many of them only exposed to the kind of work involved in Foodgasm for the first time, had only positive things to say for Geli. “She made the whole event possible”, was the consensus. Other things mentioned were her skills as a motivator. The apps didn’t feel any distance from their commhead, as she was present in nearly every part of the Foodgasm planning process, from the frequent meetings and GA’s leading up to the event down to the making of the very well-received publicity materials and posters. Most importantly, the applicants really felt involved in all the workings behind Foodgasm, as they all felt like they were integral (pardon the pun) ingredients that made Foodgasm: Triple the Flavor another success. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 61



Foodgasm: Triple the Flavor could not have been a better swan song; a final satisfactory piece to Geli’s run as Finance’s top brass. Not only has it become a successful, standalone event, but it’s also now become a marketable, formulaic and sustainable Ecosoc event for years to come. In short, it has become a brand, in the same way that NYC, Musikapella (and most likely LIV) have become growing brands of their own. It has even, dare I say, become almost at-par with Mercato in terms of bringing in droves of hungry food enthusiasts. Along with Foodgasm’s rise and evolution though, we also see the ending pages to a Finance chairpersonship well spent. 55A and 55B for Finance was stuffed with plenty of events, both large-

scale and small-scale, but it was really Foodgasm that Geli made synonymous with Fin. If there was something she wanted to be remembered by when she leaves the halls of Econ, that would be probably it. Elegiac sounding maybe, but Foodgasm has become successful enough to become an Ecosoc staple long after the end of her term. Jess Bodo laid the foundations for Foodgasm, Geli helped build a castle on top of it. Josh Siat is Echoes's go-to writer. We're not really sure why he always writes for us. We don't pay him to write for us. Seriously.

SMILE The porcelain owl is just so cute. 62 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH





ick beats. Bright lights. Momoling peeps and sweaty armpits. Yes, Ecosocers like to party.. A LOT! And for every party, some of these hopeless partygoers leave unforgettable memories of their college party experiences to us introverts in the Society (Editor's Note: Weh, Andres, introvert ka!?). And yes, because of these memories, we will always Remember

September. It is unavoidable that Ecosoc isn’t only known for its socio-civic activities, quality events and its well-rounded members, but is also defined by its outrageous and crazy social nights. Every semester, the organization produces 2 major events which cater the needs of the members for “socialization” (if you know what I mean). In every anniversary

party and vice night, at least one or two juicy moments catch the attention of local Ecosocers – some are said to be true, and some are just … juicy. But who are we to judge our members? Well, for all tsismosas and echoceros out there, this article is for you! I present to you, Ecosoc’s top 10 most memorable Ecosoc party (and vice night) moments!


WHEN: Vice Night (2010) – The Playboy Mansion. STARRING: Hari Orosco, Jr Yambao and Miguel Andres

THE STORY: This freshman trio starred in their very first vice night. After treasure hunt, the members headed to the house

of a certain alumni named Cid Campos in Loyola Grand Villas. To their surprise, 3 young lads, all interns of the Special Events committee, welcomed the members with welcome shots, and welcome shorts. Yes, the trio were wearing nothing but boxers and unbuttoned polos (yes they were really hot thank you for asking). Who wouldn’t want to see them in those outfits right?



WHEN: Anniversary Party (2012) – LIV STARRING: Pito Morales aka Leonidas

Pito went to LIV and thought he was in his house. He was wearing his usual pambahay – shorts, slippers and a white sando. Since Pito had abs like King Leonidas’ and arms as big as Robocop’s, his friends told him to take his shirt off. Ashamed of his own body, Pito fought for his life as Jason Tayawa tried to take his sando off. Jason succeeded, handed it to Alan Orquinaza and threw the sando on top of the club lights. Poor Pito bathed in paint the whole night, wearing nothing but shorts and slippers. Up to this day, Jason regrets not getting to take Pito’s shorts off as well.


The story:

When: Vice Night (2013) – The Boot Camp Starring: Donya Mabel Cortez

Here’s a snapshot of what happened. I made a little dialogue that goes like this... Mabel: *insert halatang lasheng voice* “Pau, kuha mo akong tubig, bilis.” Pau Aquino: “Mabel okay ka lang ba? Sige kuha kita wait lang.” Pau rushes to the dispenser and gets water. Pau: “Eto na, bilis kailangan mo ng tubig marami ka nang nainom.” Mabel: “Huh? Sino nagsabing nauuhaw ako? Ibuhos mo sakin yan. BILIS! Nahihilo ako.” HAHAHA classic Mabel. The lady has her needs. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 63




WHEN: Anniversary Party (2011) – Renegade STARRING: Mr. Ben “I swing both ways” Bismark

The story: Ben, for those who don’t know him, is and has always been gay. How gay? Well, from a scale of 1-Ben, he’s probably a Ben. But during this particular anniversary party (Editor’s note: and many others, for that matter), the Ecosocers who saw him were caught by surprise. Even I was astonished with what I witnessed. When he started drinking alcohol, Ben turned strawberry red, and he started to change the direction of his usual swag... he started flirting with girls, and for all we know, he might have MOMOL-ed some girls that night. I guess he just pretends to be gay for some reason we don’t know, and deep inside, he craves for girls like any other normal guy. Imagine Lyon flirting with Ecosoc girls instead of hot guys. Oh Ben, what a gay.. oh I meant guy.



WHEN: Anniversary Party (2010) – Cypher: Unravel Paradise STARRING: Justine Bernabe aka Jaya

THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIRE!! Figuratively. The night was still young. Jaya was burning with passion as she grooved the night away on the dance floor – well, it was obvious she had too much liquid courage in her system. What followed afterwards was a sight we’ll never forget – Jaya passed out, smiling, and no one could wake her up! An alumni named Chesca dela Cruz, her guardian, started slapping her as bubbles started to lather in her mouth! Whoa der. She’s still alive today don’t worry guys.



WHEN: Anniversary Party (2010) – Cypher: Unravel Paradise STARRING: Ms. Jessica Biscocho aka. Jing-Jing

When we were freshmen, Jing-Jing had always been the cute little girl who had these cheeks that everyone loved to pinch. Well, during the party, those same cheeks doubled in size and turned tomato red – let’s just say that she enjoyed the rest of the night, and danced her heart out inside a cage at the center of the venue. According to my sources, she can’t remember a thing she did the next morning. Oh Jing-Jing, you’re just full of surprises.



WHEN: Anniversary Party (2012) – Rager: Sound of the Underground STARRING: Jed Daval-Santos and Yasmin

Jed and Yasmin were inseparable that fateful night. Beats echoed in the room and while everyone was enjoying the unlimited drinks provided by Party Shaker, Lance Lim and Cel Crisanto were distributing tequila shots to everyone who attended. Jed, in his late teens, acted as a true gentleman, drank his shot and drank the shots given to Yasmin as well. This went on the whole night, and by 11pm, the couple was lost in the dark and no one could find them. Little did we know that in the men’s CR, there lay the body of an unconscious gentleman bathed in what we call unearthly deposits. Good thing Yasmin was a gentlewoman as well, as she took care of the hopeless boy the rest of the evening. Real love right there, folks!



WHEN: Anniversary Party (2012) – Rager: Sound of the Underground STARRING: Ms. Marian Trespeses aka. “Ohh Shiny”

Marian, for our readers’ knowledge, was one of Ecosoc’s most silent members. And by silent, we mean to say that, in a day, she probably speaks 20 words max – no joke. Anyway, Marian, in her usual silent self, started turning tipsy during the night, and headed back to the storage area to rest and sober up before going home. The party ended at around 1am, and everyone was helping out in egress. But wait, here comes Marian! She went out of the storage room, saw this huge panel box with tons of wires, and started pulling them out! Whoa der, it was CRAZY! And while she was doing this, the LED lights started falling down like the London Bridge... I was shocked, and quite possibly, part of the party’s loss was because of that.


FEATURES FORTUNE-TELLER This picture foresaw events.


WHEN: Anniversary Party (2012) – LIV STARRING: Flora Palabrica aka “The one that got away”

THE STORY: Flora Palabrica, as said in a previous Echoes article, was a little miss perky girl who everyone could compare

to a stereotype college genius who loved to study. But boy, did she show what she’s got in partying! Flora did not only work hard, she partied hard too! But the fun stopped when she decided to go to the porta-CR near the venue. The execom told Darrell Magsambol and I to look after her since she was all wiggly and stuff, so we did. Flora was leaning her head on the door of the CR, and Darrell was assisting her so that she wouldn’t fall. For a brief moment, I sat down the sidewalk and called Darrell for a small talk, when all of a sudden, Flora came falling down the ground, and her head hit the pavement! OH MY GOODNESS! The ambulance came after 10 minutes, and everyone was just so worried. Guys, don’t make the same mistake we did and don’t let her get away. Make sure that when she falls, you’re ready to catch her. #HUGOT



WHEN: Anniversary Party (2012) – LIV STARRING: Nikki Bondad aka “The Girl who LIVed”

Who isn’t aware of our local Magna Cum Laude’s LIV experience? Well to make the story short, Nikki had fun during LIV. In fact, she had so much fun that she turned into a Renegade and entered Rage mode! She was an uncontrollable beast, and no man could stand in her presence without feeling any fear. One of her friends named XP Damian, approached Nikki and got his face kicked after his encounter with the creature of the night. Others still, tried approaching her and got a slap in the face. One of her friends even got strangled, and many others got punched. Who could pacify such being? Well, it was about time for a knight in shining armor to come rescue her. Cocoy called for me and said that I should take Nikki and carry her to the back of someone’s car so that she could rest. But when Nikki saw me, she yelled “HOY ANDREEEEEEEEES!!!!!” I witnessed a yelling yak and saved myself from it, turned around and walked away. “Di ko kilala yan,” I said to myself.

THAT’S IT GUYS! FEEL FREE TO CREATE YOUR OWN TOP 10 LIST! FOR THOSE WHO NOTICED, yes, this list is a bit conservative, and I did not include stories which are not for me to tell. For the young ones, make sure to treasure all the Ecosoc moments you can, because for all you know, these can radically change your perspective in life. I think we should all go to LIV on September 21, and make new memories together. Who knows? Maybe you’ll make it to the list next time. Miguel Andres is a former Special Events committee chairperson and currently a member of the Membership Committee. He enjoys being wild and observing wild things.




This month, Girlie’s Girl Club and Madam Arting collaborates to predict Ecosoc’s next top couples!! Agree or disagree with our predictions? Too bad!


GGC: It is only proper that the top app crushes find love in Ecosoc. MA: I’m not surprised Gio got a girl of Annika’s caliber. Martete genes doing their job! Predicted length of relationship: Forever <3


GGC: Botan has a flock of girls drooling at his feet. It’s only proper that the Queen of Finance gets her Botanical King. MA: Tall, dark, and handsome is apparently what Geli “Moneymaker” Medida can buy with Ecosoc’s money. Predicted length of relationship: Until Geli runs out of money to spend 66 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH



GGC: A little birdie told us that Matt has had his eyes on Hazel since first year. We can’t wait to see how this story unfolds. MA: These two talkative lovebirds will soon experience silence… when their lips come as one. Predicted length of relationship: Forever <3


GGC: Are they together or what? MA: Kamille discovers her own local African safari when she experiences the beast within Matthew. Predicted length of relationship: Until Kamille goes back to South Africa again and experiences a legit safari.


GGC: Word on the street is that Jus is Derek’s only girl friend which means…. #diyannagsisimulayan (Editor’s Note: I think this means she’s been definitely been friendzoned…?) MA: Despite butting heads countless times this past sem, soon these guys will be butting… hearts <3 Predicted length of relationship: Until Derek finds his real Anna Banana ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 67



GGC: Our vanilla couple and what’s even better is that they ship each other already. We are excited. MA: There’s always something with Alabangers which attracts men with good taste! Predicted length of relationship: Until Nico starts confusing Grand Trad with real life


GGC: These two cannot see that love is just in front of them MA: Coach Spo may be able to coach the best player in the NBA right now, but Jean is no Lebron! Predicted length of relationship: Until the Miami Heat won’t win the championship (read: next season)


GGC: The Force is slowly bringing them together day by day. MA: As I type, these two are enjoying each other’s company in their CWTS class. That is all. Predicted length of relationship: Until the release of the next Star Wars film 68 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH



GGC: CDC is not only building eco-bricks, it’s also building relationships <3 MA: Janine De Vera fancies chiggers and she is not ashamed of it. Small eyes, yellow skin, black tongue. A work of nature. Predicted length of relationship: Until Tong gets upstaged by Jomac the Big Mac


GGC: The Viper gets his Vipress. Ecosoc is a wonderful place. MA: The Viper’s venom is lethal to all known humans; Ms Viray is yet another victim. Predicted length of relationship: Until Monty announces his retirement yet again


GGC: We don’t know why the hell this is here but Pam likes this so go ask her instead MA: Money is not the only common denominator for these two; the beating of their hearts are also in-sync. Predicted length of relationship: Until Marte crashes Pam’s car (read: never) PHOTOS FROM THE INTERNET


ECOSOC FLIPTOP The Black Community of Ecosoc assemble in the electricity-less halls of Econ to test their wits. Or not. These people are selfproclaimed blacks.






by Bruno Santos

AS THE FIRST SEMESTER COMES TO A CLOSE, IT CUES THE END OF THE TERMS OF OUR BELOVED 55B EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS AND THE END OF A SEMESTER FULL OF SURPRISES, INNOVATION, AND PROMISE FROM PRESENT MEMBERS OF THIS ORGANIZATION. 55B was a challenging phase not just to the execom, but to all the members as well. Most of us were proud of how the 54th term of our organization ended but we were also scared. We were skeptical on how we would surpass everything that has happened and yet still be able to fix the persisting problems previous terms have left with us. But from the shortcomings and misses of last semester, I say we have succeeded when we said, “we will do better.” We were able to overcome our self-doubt and all of our hard work paid off. We said we will do better, and indeed we did. In honor of everything that has happened, I have compiled 9 tracks that for me, sums up UP Ecosoc 55B and the whole experience of it.

CLOSER TO THE EDGE by 30 Seconds To Mars


by Radiohead

I would like to start this 55B mixtape by “What the hell am I doing here? I don’t belong starting with the end. Yes, this iconic here..” song from LIV, marked a new beginning This is what most of us felt when we for everyone. LIV was a revolutionary witnessed the seemingly endless failparty, and brought our organization back ures of 55B. We doubted ourselves and to life. It was just the thing everyone questioned our place in the organization. needed to find their love again for our We didn’t want to be noticed, and asked Ecosoc. whether or not we’re part of the movement our org has been pushing after all this time. 72 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


by Morning Parade We keep promises. We try to fulfill them, even if it would take us a great deal just to achieve them. 55B tried their best to keep their promises to the members of the organization. Even if it took them a while, they were able to make the organization more member-centered and tried to involve everyone as much as they can. They tried not to let everyone down.


NEED YOUR LOVE by The Temper Trap This song is a no-brainer for me. It asks for love, which is what made us join and work for the org in the first place. We needed to find what made us tick and love UP Ecosoc, and most of us succeeded.

AFTER HOURS by We Are Scientists


by Juan Pablo Dream

JUST FOR TONIGHT by One Night Only

This summer feel of a song for me feels This song captures the journey UP Ecosoc like when all of us have finally adjusted has accomplished. We took chances, and and found each of our niches. Like what we wanted to make a difference even for the song said, we are going to a nice place, one last, “even just for tonight”, tell the and we’re going to meet our friends there. world that we made it. We tell the world that we wanted what we have done and that indeed, we have made it.


RUNAWAYS by The Killers

“We’re all right here where we’re supposed to be.” “I live those days, live those dreams, like they’re “Let’s take a chance baby we can’t lose..” all mine. I hold them close inside.”

We end this semester with a bang. And right now, we’re in our highest point wherein whatever happens, happens. We have one final gesture for everyone to end everything.


Life favors those who take risks. The title says it all. We live by what we have achieved, for ourselves and for “We can’t wait ‘til tomorrow..” everyone. We have lived the dreams and The future is promising for our us and for aspirations of our organization, and it UP Ecosoc. ‘Nuff said. culminates to one night for all of us. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 73


by Olivia CULTURE WALL VOL II: ESCAPE FROM THE DARKNESS OF LIFE Solomon THINGS HAVE TAKEN AN UNEXPECTED TURN IN THE ENLIGHTENED HALLWAYS OF ECON. The once enlightened (literally) hallways have now been consumed by a greedy darkness that was apparently caused by some circuit breaker mishap which has now made our cozy hallways untambay-able at night (and in the late afternoon). But of course, our adaptable and very cultured Ecosocers have found ways to find enlightenment amidst the darkness.

MEDITATION IN THE ZEN GARDEN There’s a rainbow always after the rain and for us Econ peepz, having no electricity for the remainder of the semester meant that the Powers That Be have gifted us with a beautiful zen garden so we can contemplate on shifting to an electricity-powered college or not. Apa the App was spotted having a long moment in deep thought in the zen garden one afternoon. He was still as a Ding’s bato and the only sound that escaped him sounded like, “Ako si Darna. Ako ang magwawagi.” (Editor's Note: He is the Avatar!!!) 74 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


CANDLE-LIT MERIENDA BY THE TAMBAYAN Since the tambayan has become untambay-able most of the time, Bruno has taken it upon himself to find light love amidst the darkness. In Exhibit A, we find Bruno trying to offer some chips made from Clover leaves to Chesca the App. In Exhibit B, things get a little steamier when Bruno spots Nita Negrita’s alter-ego, Eric. And by the look in Bruno’s eyes, there is hope for light love in Ecosoc.



RATED R FOR RATCHET: A FAILED HEIST AND POETRY BATTLE This trio of swaggin’ Ecosocers whom we will hide under their hood names as Swagga Mama, Porn-Z, and Dr. Dri were spotted lurking near the back-parking and eyeing the unattended cars for some loot - probably, Josen’s nice ride or the hoodies inside Marte’s car. But unbeknownst to them, a new and powerful gang is guarding the back-parking, The Driverz League, whose gang leader, Kuya Mark (Timmy’s driver) and his henchmen, Manong Edgar (Jude’s driver) and Mang Frank (Ria’s driver), keep a close eye on their turf. Because of their failed heist and the rage building up inside their souls, they proceeded to find serenity in the zen garden but their attention was diverted by the well-manicured landscape of the Atrium. They found the fountain particularly swaggin’ and wanted to bring it home which led to a dispute between Swagga Mama and Porn-Z which was settled in a very emotional poetry battle (which we can also call rap). Dr. Dri was kind enough to referee the whole thing and brought home some rocks as a reward for himself. (Disclaimer: we are not sure if he brought home Ding’s bato). 76 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH





by Kristina Viray



TOPS The default top during LIV would be a There are several ways to make that white shirt. There is nothing wrong with shirt fit you better. For the neck, you can it per se, but it is predictable. If you do make the hole bigger; in fact, you can decide on wearing one, please make turn a t-shirt into an off-shoulder top by sure it fits you well. Pay attention to the adjusting the hole’s size. For the sleeves, neck, sleeves and length. I say invest on shorten them or cut them off completely. a quality white shirt. You can check out Your shirt can instantly transform into a The Perfect White Shirt for a classic cut muscle tee or tank top. If you’re worried or Zara for a contemporary take on the about enlarging the armhole too much, shirt. you can always opt to wear a bandeau If you think buying a white shirt for LIV underneath it. Don’t be afraid to chop is ridiculous, you can always customize a off some cloth at the bottom to create a white shirt you have at home. You don’t more flattering silhouette. Remember to have to settle for an ill-fitting one. All you experiment with different lengths before need is a pair of scissors and patience. cutting. 78 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

Do you have more time to spare? Try cutting out designs to make your shirt more interesting. The common ones are skull, cross, heart and skeleton. Take it up a notch by doing braids or fringes. You can even come up with your own designs. Of course, other options such as tank tops and mid-rib tops are perfectly acceptable. There are so many tops to choose from. If you still want to wear that white shirt you found at the back of your closet, go ahead. No one’s stopping you.



BOTTOMS Your bottoms can be the key to crazy town. Anything can go with that white top. Denim shorts will probably be all over the place. There are so many washes and styles available including black, gray, white or even metallic. The most popular denim shorts at the moment are denim cutoffs but of course you can have them folded, studded, shredded, high-waisted,

printed, etc. There are other types of shorts so you can play around with textures, colors and styles. Save yourself the hassle from lugging around wet pants, think twice before you put on that pair. Instead, try making cutoffs from jeans you barely use. There are so many available guides online so

it is possible for your shorts to look like they came from your favorite store. Refrain from wearing a skirt. It doesn’t matter if it’s a bandage skirt. The likelihood that you will flash someone during the night is very high. Leggings also seem like a bad idea. Shorts aren’t bad at all. Fit is still the key.

SHOES Paint, water, alcohol and possibly mud are your enemies during LIV, so wear something that can withstand them unless you want hours to be wasted on cleaning your footwear. Doc Martens are probably your best bet. If you don’t want

your babies to be ruined or if they’re too much for you, Vans, Superga, Crocs (refer to the July issue), oxfords and jelly shoes might do. No guarantees, though. Do not get me started on Plueys rain boots. They might be cute but please save

them for other occasions. They will offer protection while making you look stupid. Please don’t bother with flats and heels, too. You want to be able to walk with shoes, yes?

ACCESSORIES Common sense tells you that you shouldn’t wear anything too flashy or expensive. Your accessories will not be spared from the paint war. I suggest you leave your bags behind, especially leather and suede ones. Look for bags

made of plastic or synthetic patent. The good thing is that those usually come in bright colors. Having a bag does not guarantee the safety of your belongings. Use a resealable plastic bag to make sure that your things stay dry. For your other

accessories, it’s best to stick to ones made of plastic or cheap materials. Accessories aren’t necessary, honestly. Save the bling for another day.







by Zo Canaria


We don’t really know the answer. But for your benefit, we tried to check if the cliché turns out to be true. For a week, we followed three familiar faces, asked them to dress up, and told them they were going to be seen on Echoes. What they do not know, is that they served as our guinea pigs (1/2 joke) in this project. We asked them 5 standard questions that aims to answer the question: is a person’s style, in anyway, correlated to his/her personality? QUESTION #1: How do you see yourself? Ayi: I feel like I have a strong personality… It’s like when I’m introduced into a new environment, new people, I put up a wall, like a defense mechanism. I don’t put myself kaagad. That’s why sometimes I think that’s why people think I’m mataray… I like to try new things; I’m adventurous at things like that. I’m very OC, my notes are color-coordinated, all my stuff should be blue, like when I rewrite my notes and something’s off, I rip it off. And I’m very clingy! I think I’m a needy person… I usually don’t vent to people. Before I tell someone, I try to analyze and put my input first. I don’t want other people to influence what I think… Geli: I may look girly on the outside because I actually really love clothes and eyeliner and secretly think pink is fabulous but then I'm resigned to the fact that I love epic-fantasy video games, epic fantasy novels, epic-fantasy movies and epic-fantasy TV shows. I love musical theatre and am secretly also a Robsten fan. When it comes to work sometimes I have a problem letting other people take control of something. Especially if I’m really passionate about it. I want to be super hands-on. That’s the problem ‘cause sometimes you need to take a step back. I think I am adventurous in life. But sometimes hindi pa ‘ko comfortable to be adventurous on my own. I also think I’m bold. Pero ‘di naman Sam Gonzales bold. Romano: I see myself as this very competitive person yet still willing to lend a hand to the people around me. I believe I'm a very friendly person and I like 80 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

socializing in general. I'm a very goaloriented person and always concerned about the future. I'm a very OC person and I really pay attention to details. I want everything organized maybe not immediately but there should be time allotted for contingencies…I work handson with my projects and see to it that I get to delegate the work as well. My goals in every project are: people (team members) learn from the [sic] working experience and of course, get things done. QUESTION #2: How do you think other people see you? Ayi: I think people get intimidated by me. ‘Cause I look mataray. Geli: Someone na friendly… joke?! Friendly na person na girly-girly but hindi talaga kasi boyish ako. Sometimes, mas comfortable ako around guys like sina XP,Tong. Romano: Very competitive, super seryoso, mataray, mayabang. QUESTION #3: Do you really consider yourself as someone who puts some effort in dressing up? Ayi: It’s not like I think about it the night before. I don’t know, when I wake up I’d take a bath then I’d face the wardrobe then I’d get it there. Geli: Haaaa? Hmmmm, yeah. I like dressing up. I like putting clothes together. Oh my God. Sometimes sa gabi, ang weird ko kasi sa gabi ako nagdederess-up. Pag tulog na sila lahat maglolock ako sa room, tapos magtatry out ako ng clothes tapos dun ako gagawa ng outfit. Romano: At times… especially if there are events.

QUESTION #4: If you were to steal someone’s wardrobe (preferably an Ecosocer), whose wardrobe will it be? How do you see this person? Ayi: Probably, in Ecosoc, I’d take Georgina’s. ‘Cause she could probably wear a trash bag and it would suit her. I like how everything on her wardrobe suits her… Parang reserved siya, but I feel like once you get to know her that’s when - *swallows the rest of the sentence* Geli: Awwww ayoko. Walang maganda… Ayy! Camille Juco! Well actually hindi ko pwede i-steal yung kay Camille Juco kasi pang may-Camille Juco body lang yun. Siguro si… uy wait baka sabihin nila sobrang creepy ko na iniistalk stalk ko sila… pero pwede si Cel Crisanto… kasi parang ang dami niyang damit. Aaaaww and weird nito, pero Camille Juco talaga. If I had Camille Juco body, Camille Juco wardrobe na rin… I am a big fan of Olivia Palermo. Kasi parang she’s chic all the time! Any kind of chic - Urban chic, boho chic, parang she can go to any style but at the end it’s still chic. She’s so effortless. Parang It-girl, going-out of the town, New-York-with-a-cup-ofcoffee-in-my-hand siya. Romano: …Dan Trepanier… QUESTION #5: Describe your best/favorite underwear. Ayi: The base is blue, then it’s cheetah print. Kasi it’s ano… what brand is that? The famous one! I’ll get back to you on what brand is that. Basta it’s comfortable. It’s not lace, it’s cotton. It doesn’t cover your whole butt. It’s just V on both sides. I have a blue bra also. And then it’s outline is white. I think it really supports


my… boobs. Geli: Ang papanget nila lahat! Wait, gusto ko talaga ng nice underwear pero nahihiya ako magbuy. Yung mga underwear ko… oh my God… yung friend ko binigyan ako ng underwear may ruffles-ruffles pero never ko sinuot kasi like hello ruffles sa panty? Yung favorite ko is yung black or the blue one na sobrang soft as in plain lang siya may onting lace lang sa dulo super dainty it’s just black na super silky-cottony, tapos may parang aqua-teal na ganon. Sinusuot ko siya pag special events, like Foodgasm. Romano: I want my underwear soft and comfy, garter's not super tight and as long as everything's covered. *libog laugh*


After the not so careful analysis and study of the situation, we have come to a very surprising conclusion, your clothes actually reflect you – well, actually, not you – but how you see yourself. HOW WE ANALYZED THEM SH*T: The first two questions serves as our insight on how the subjects think of themselves, internally and externally. Then, the question on whose wardrobe they want to covet (including the owner’s personality) tries to answer what matters more to them - how they see themselves or how other people see them. The underwear question is somehow a confirmation.


Ayi sees herself as someone who doesn’t really open herself immediately. She thinks she is reserved and OC but adventurous at the same time, and it shows! Ayi’s choices of clothing tend to lean on what is trendy, what most teenagers would actually wear. But each outfit that she comes up with always has this additional flavorful bang to speak some statement. On the other hand, Ayi sees Georgina as very reserved - which is quite parallel with how she sees herself - but at the same time fun when you get to know her. If you try to (effort-fully) correlate them, Ayi likes Georgina because she kind of sees herself in her. Ayi’s choice of her best underwear just clearly demonstrates how she’s adventurous, but she doesn’t want it obvious.




Geli’s love for skirts cannot deny this title. Only those who want to be sleek and fabulous during work would love skirts. At the same time, skirts can simultaneously show femininity and grit in one outfit (Parang yung girly-girly + dragons combination niya for herself). Just like Ayi, Geli’s life peg (she said it herself) reflects her and most especially her lifestyle. Pa coffee coffe in her hand pang nalalaman si Geli, puyat at pagod lang naman ang meaning nun. Her choice of underwear – plain with a touch of lace, comes in black or blue-teal-aqua-ish – shows how she wants her clothes stylish but ready-to-go; and her life stressful yet fab. 82 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH



Romano’s fashion aesthetic seems to be simple – sleek and clean. It is well illustrated with how his outfits come in definite patterns: a nice pair of shoes and shorts or pants that fit really well which if you notice, goes hand-in-hand with how he wants his life to go – a life open to opportunities. Helping other people, going to Dubai, or mocking Spev members and his friends, name it all, and Romano’s clothes are ready for them. Wala masabi sa peg niya kasi wala rin siyang sinabi. But we looked this Dan Trepanier up and his style and personality seem to go the same way as Romano’s. His underwear choice says it all. He wants it soft and comfy (and it should cover everything daw, edi sana ginawa mo nang jacket kung kaya icover lahat) all because he just wants everything to be simple, neat, and clean. So he can do whatever, whenever. Conclusion: The way we think other people see us (though most of the time it is true) makes a relatively small effect on how we express ourselves. What greatly influences our self expression is the way we perceive ourselves (or just how we want to, for that matter). And so we believe, roughly around 95% (sobrang imbento) of what we wear do reflect us. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 83



I don’t know if I’ve been vocal enough about this but I really, really, really, hate the font of the Ecosoc logo. Look at that shit! It’s ugly as the dogs that win in the ugliest dogs contests. In a more related note, I’m totally back with some new Things I Didn’t Need To Know. That, and I made new Ecosoc friends while making this article. This is totally something you needed to know. 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

When Geli feels sad she pushes herself to a corner of a room to emulate the feeling of being hugged. That’s just… sad. When Neil was a kid, he was playing with a balloon stick by shoving it up his nose. It of course proceeded to bleed. He presumably triggered something in his brain while doing this which produced the Neil we know today. JYA likes to walk around naked in this dorm room when his roommates aren't around. Tong sleeps naked! That’s… cool? In the million people march, Ars wanted to yell and streak! LOL People used to pay Bruno to lick his own shoe. That weirdo. Nikki K sucked her thumb until she was 12! Yummy. Jude's two big toes are asymmetrical. Just used a Penelope Cruz Sim and named it after herself. Lerizze has a Facebook group with her sister…alone… "Though hindi halata, marami akong skin allergies." Porn Ayi likes to play with the stuff in her belly button. Yummy.

13. Gel drinks the soy sauce left from the siomai… Triple the flavor yummy. 14. Nepo's then girlfriend's parents caught them making out in her condo. 15. Astin Padlan is a member of UP Ecosoc! Wow. 16. Mike's yaya used to put colored nail polish on him his teacher reported this is father and he got mad. (Pa’no na Grand Trad?!) 17. Cara (Latinazo) hasn't used a nail cutter in years because… she peels her toenails. 18. Vito has been planning a world orgy… like… for real. 19. Aris tends to fart more when he lies beside someone in the sheets… Peculiar. 20. Sam (Cinco) is a little over 80 moles on her body and some of them are on awkward places. Of course they are. 21. When Timmy was a little kid, he dropped his toothbrush in the toilet. He washed it and then used it again. His little brother saw it and then threw up. Yumyumyum! 22. Adri is fresh from armpit-trimming. He was so proud. 23. WINNER: Marte’s maid onced used Lactacyd to… clean him. He claims that it stung for around two hours.





Compiled by Derek Parreñas & Olivia Solomon



JG had pooped out a worm in high school. A tape worm that was the wingspan of one person.

2 3 4 5

Banana Boat thinks Miguel Salvacion is pretty hot.


Mexican Halloween on it legitimately hates her vagina sometimes, especially when she just finished her period. As in, she would look down while taking a bath and say “I really hate you.”


Derekfangirl still Wendy once took off covers her ears, eyes,… her top at a public and head when she watches tennis court and ran around scary movies. its perimeter in broad Rob used to hug girls a daylight. This was at a boy's lot just to get a feel of school. their boobs. aabbcc have a group Webcam_Off was on of friends who have Omegle once. A man been planning to go to school offered to masturbate in without a bra. And "some of front of her. She accepted us have already done it." the offer. Gertrude used to hit TT's cousin admitted his mother. As in he to her that he loved would beat her up when he her when she was fifteen. would get frustrated. She Beanie has seen her would come out with bruises friend's brother in his on her back. briefs before. Things have Virus’s family name is been awkward between fake them since then.

6 7

10 11



Violet tried to make one of her guy friends stop smoking. They would have late night calls just to keep him from smoking and they developed feelings for each other after some time. He gave her his lighter and took away her virginity in the process.


Lily Collins once caused her friend to break up with her boyfriend and they were not even aware.


Trailer is legitimate sex offender, who made out with a girl four years younger. Even if it was consensual, it’s still a crime.


The only time the Beast can get a high score on the games on his phone is when he's doing a solid on the porcelain throne. Turtle has tried to rape someone when he was thirteen years old.





THE CAREER OF A DISNEY STAR IS ONE OF HOLLYWOOD’S GREATEST CLICHÉS – EVERY SQUEAKY-CLEAN DISNEY DARLING EVENTUALLY WANT BREAK OUT OF THE WHOLESOME IMAGE ATTACHED TO THE NETWORK. The path from candy-coated Disney stardom to full-blown maturity is a hard one but a few have succeeded in the past: Justin Timberlake has proved that he can bring sexy back. Christina Aguilera has shown us that she can be “dirrty”. Most other Disney stars, however have found themselves front-and-center of tabloids everywhere because of their attempts. Let’s check up on our favorite Disney stars from the past years and see how mature they’ve become.


Disney role: Snarky teenage magician Alex Russo in Wizards of Waverly Place

How mature has she gotten? Just enough. Selena launched herself into a more mature image by joining Harmony Korine’s raunchfest Spring Breakers with fellow Disney alum Vanessa Hudgens where she played Faith, a reserved Catholic girl whose limits are tested. Though she doesn’t do more than smoke in the film, the role – followed by her upcoming role in the action film Getaway with Ethan Hawke proved that she has successfully broken out of the Disney image without as much as a leaked nude photo. Her music has also crossed over to more mature territory, with her single ‘Come & Get It’ talking about how a man has an ‘open invitation’ to ‘come and get it’.


Disney role: Musically inclined teen Mitchie Torres in Camp Rock and Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam


How mature has she gotten? Mature but not in the wild way. Although the mezzosoprano singer was sent to a treatment facility after suffering from bulimia, self-injury and ‘self-medication’ with alcohol and drugs, she has quickly picked herself up and dusted herself off. She is now a judge for The X-Factor US, a contributing editor for Seventeen magazine, and is set to make an acting comeback in Fox’s Glee.


Disney role: Louis Stevens in Even Stevens

How mature has he gotten? Mature. From his humble beginnings in the Disney network, things have started taking off for Shia upon starring in thriller Disturbia which was a commercial success. With the success, however, came the discovery of his sharp tongue which he used to criticize Steven Spielberg after Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. He has also been arrested for a couple of DUIs, unlawful smoking and drunken brawls. And, you know. He chose to star in those god-awful Transformer movies. That must account for something. 86 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH




Disney role: Genius Gabriella Montez in the High School Musical trilogy

How mature has she gotten? Mature – bordering on NC-17 levels. Soon after her breakout role in High School Musical, nude photos of her surfaced – this almost killed her career. Disney, however, saved her and let her continue portraying Gabriella Montez. After her Disney stint, Vanessa Hudgens starred in more mature roles such as the emotionally unstable Blondie in Sucker Punch and as wild teenager Candy in Spring Breakers. Her most mature role to date, however, is prostitute Cindy Paulson in The Frozen Ground – she even strips to her underwear and works a pole! Though the role might seem trashy, it’s a step in the right direction for Vanessa Hudgens – it shows that she’s willing to do whatever it takes for a good role.


Disney role: Lizzie McGuire in the eponymous TV show.

How mature has she gotten? Well, she’s so yesterday. She’s a mom now… that must be what her dreams were made of.


Disney Role: Hannah Montana… in Hannah Montana.

How mature has she gotten? Disturbingly mature, and not in a good way. The We Can’t Stop singer managed to traumatize people young and old in her incredibly inappropriate performance at the MTV Video Music Awards where she twerked, stripped, and grinded along to Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines. Her fall from Disney princess to wild child didn’t start there, however. Shots of her in her underwear leaked in 2008. It was a controversial shoot not because she was topless in the photos, but because she was only 15 at the time! From then on, she has been living the thug life – a whirlwind of underage drinking, pole dancing, and bong-smoking. The The Climb siren’s reputation has plummeted, and it’s unsure how she’ll manage to find her way back into the public’s hearts. (Editor's Note: The picture is so disturbing) Even though there is a lot of discussion on the mature behavior of these former Disney stars and how they influence their tween fans, let’s not forget that celebrities are just human beings. They’re just like us. Though they may have this moral responsibility to act as role models to the public, we should keep in mind that teenagers grow up to be adults. Disney stars break out of the stigma. Although they may do it in ways that might make us question their sanity, it’s worth remembering that everyone makes mistakes. And that, in my opinion, is what makes all of these Disney stars fully mature in their own right. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 87



It is as if the words pick arbitrary moments to enter your mind and spark some sort of inspiration. But they also seem to come right when you're in the middle of doing something, sometimes something important. You focus on what you were originally doing and totally forget whatever it was that caught your (short) attention (span). They seem to connect together perfectly. Each word seems to have made their by Jude Geron own little matches with each other, summing up into a beautiful orgy THE WORDS. THEY CAN COME TO YOU IN ALL SORTS OF SITUATIONS. of words. You are full of excitement, You might be on the road, heading to school. You might already be at school, and without hesitation, you go to the in class, with your mind not on the (probably monotonously-sounding) best place to convey those words: lecture going on, but on the vectors you have to make for Ecosoc Month (am Twitter. I speaking about myself?). Or you might be back home, still with remnants You don't blink, heading over to of school in the form of the probset on your desk, which you will answer tomorrow, thinking, “I'll copy Joseph Malcontento's answers.” Or you might the website and typing the tweet in, for all your followers to see. You even be taking a dump. may have skipped the typing-theURL-into-your-browser (which is probably Chrome) part altogether, because you had the tab already open, or you have it as an app in your phone, like the efficient beast you are. Instead, you just went on ahead with clicking the tweet button. And in your head, depending on what you sent, you may be thinking to yourself that you are one devilishly sly guy. No one can guess exactly what you are talking about, or maybe who you are talking about. You might have also tweeted a nice lyric from a song Bruno shared to you that no one could recognize without googling it. Or, you may be very proud of yourself for tweeting something profound, earning yourself a favorite, or better yet, a retweet, finding out that you are not alone feeling what you feel. All these newfound feelgood feels from the time you thought 88 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


of it crescendo into euphoria. Momentary euphoria. You are a clever individual. Momentary euphoria. The sequence of events I hypothetically described would've probably lasted only a few minutes at the most. After that, it'll probably all be over, with a flood of new tweets of a number of people experiencing the same thing all at once. You will move on to the next thought, and so will they. Your thought may really have been a profound one. People probably retweeted it because they appreciated it. I may have come across it, and gave it praise (in my head) because of the choice of words, or the nice new song I was introduced to, or the very thought itself was downright interesting. I might bring it up the next time I see you, and exchange a few words and laughs or other expressions over it, but any discussion of it will thus be over. And to me, that is a total shame. Unless we were already close to begin with, I wouldn't have gotten to truly know you any better. Whatever words

opinions of people towards us should not matter, but when we create doubt through vagueness, there is a lot of misunderstanding that can come about. On a personal level, say I am the Tweet-er (try saying that). If I leave my thoughts at that single tweet, I probably would not be able to process it, and processing it can lead to better ideas, or other realizations. In reality, I have let a lot of those thoughts come and go. The only effect these raw thoughts may have on me is collectively, and I reckon it isn't a good effect. And I may just have cast some sort of doubt in someone who has not gotten to speak with my non-cyber self. They may then be getting the wrong idea of me. By extension, you and I may have been misinterpreting a lot of people. Also, our attention spans may be short due in part to the speed.

How do we slow down, then? I personally recommend relaying thoughts to a personal blog instead of Twitter or similar sites. The pace will be slower when writing pieces of length. But the beauty of it is that you are not constrained by any limits, only by your own and how far your "With more and more tweets we relay, we create images of thinking can go, when the words ourselves left to the interpretations of the people we don't come. All you need is to use a skill regularly talk to." you have developed throughout your existence: writing. Instead of stopping at the words that we shared would have only scratched the surface of come, you take them further. You may learn something deeper, underlying meanings. We aim at sharing these new, or be reminded of something you've already known thoughts as fast as we can, before we forget to, but do and have to remember. Along the way, your feelings end up forgetting. Or at the very least, we may not be might change, or your views, all because you chose not able to keep anything with true substance. Where is the to stop, but to take it a little further. You take command efficiency in that? of the words. And you are able to do everything you could do with Twitter on a blog, and more. You can even It is perfectly possible, and okay, to be “deep” in link the services together (technology~!). less than 140 characters, and we do manage to. But that


“deepness” is only as deep as our own interpretations go. That's because a lot of the time, we don't share the details of our thoughts, only enough of it to be succinct. In the context of getting to know people in the organization, it is only a small step in getting to know individuals by talking to them further about it. And that assumes there is an active effort to do so. But I'd think that with more and more tweets we relay, we create images of ourselves left to the interpretations of the people we don't regularly talk to. We may tell ourselves that the

With the length (which does not have to be as long as this article), you not only find yourself thinking through things more, but also give more content for people to work with and understand, and less to come up with for themselves. There isn't anything more you need to know about using a blog and writing there. Trust me when I say that the words will guide you when they are there. And if you do consider doing it, tell me, as I would love to check it out, and would love to get to know you better through your writing rather than your tweeting. ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 89



@erwinmate Ready na ako pasabugin ang math bldg. jk 1/3 joke @elmoswoosh my parents accepted my proposal to call me elmo from now on #simplejoys @famamfa Dont trust people who dont wanna learn google docs @mikesaulo Nakatingin si Piglet kay Winnie the Pooh... Pooh : Bakit ka nakatingin? Piglet : .... Taena ikaw dapat si Piglet eh HAHAHAHHA ok @MarteteKoMaliit Sobrang na-aaffect ako kapag nakakain yung plants ko sa PvZ2 huhuhu @erwinmate Lakas maka emo ni ate dito sa jollibee. With matching kain pa ng spaghetti. HAHAHAHA @bitchyrich04 Wait before i sleep, Miley push mo yan. Yummy ka pa rin for me


@famamfa Paubau attire today aka grey shirt + maroon shorts + Nike + doucheyness #SamsCampingAdventure @stilldelirious u know when you realize u made a typo and it's the worst thing ever because it's been too long already to correct yourself so u cry @OreoMcfLERI uy dami nanamang sinasabi ni bruno @mark_bue Why did I realize this only know? Bambi is a movie on how animals reproduce.. All shizz happen during winter, and then spring, Boom babies! @famamfa every time i read 'wewerts' no matter who says it, i hear marte say it...... @MigReyRam To be one of the organizers of Foodgasm was definitely a great experience. But its time to move on #autoshow HAHAHA @Monina_Sanchez 'Yung akala mo app crush mo na, kaso nag Grand Trad

@mikesaulo Ang taba ko sa video hahaha. Epekto ni Maring sakin @_theonlyMonty nakamove-on na ba si jude kay telle kaya nya finavorite yung pic namin? #NO #issuemaker haha @MarteteKoMaliit Buti pa ESF ilang beses sinasagot kahit paulit-ulit yung pagkakamali. ikaw kelan mo ko sasagutin? @tanyaalyana nakakapikon bakit ang cute mo‌ di ko gets @lyonceknowles I would watch a sitcom about the lunchladies at the lounge + Ate Leony @bozdigay guys, alapaap is about weed. it ain't no love song. @lyonceknowles sana balakang ka nalang ni Shakira para di ka sinungaling (i love the word balakang can i just say)


@MarteteKoMaliit Jgh from adhoc‌.. Just kidding, just woke up to take a piss!! @onionuevo when @famamfa favorites a tweet, does that automatically mean that it will appear in the tweetable tweets? #yespls @_Derelicte @lyonceknowles Me while watching a teleserye: Ma, bat ganun nung bata ako di ako malandi Mom: Kaya ngayon ka lumalandi e :(((((((((((((((

@nikkibondzz a lot of people will probably hate me for saying this but....di ko talaga gets yung one direction HEHEHEHE @klishling Mommy: "Ayan na, ayan na ililift na yung mataba!!" mommy pls @ChickenBaquilod @alfonso_roces Hi Python! Can I be inside your pit? ;) @ringMABEL yung reporter ng AdU mukhang lalaki... crossdressing...GRAND TRAD! #mapilit

@_Derelicte @brumaybe_pluto #SanaNextTime wag mo masyadong iflood yung twitter ko


@elmoswoosh so ilang counts ung CDC bukas? #weh

@lyonceknowles bitch daw si durano kanina/????

@shanicasollegue DQ wag ka nang magpapakita sa Econ next week pls lang namumulubi + tumataba na ko dahil sayo

@_CArLCULUS may "nominal" love rin ba @bitchyrich04 Im gay. #nothacked #truth

@_Derelicte @MarteteKoMaliit Marte, feel ko, madami na akong nagawang tweetable tweets. IPASOK MO AKO DAHIL AALIS NA AKO SA TWITTER SOON @ayidave bakit ba blurry lahat ng pictures mo :(( nakakainis @ayidave guys ang sakit ng tiyan ko sa kakatawa :(( "AGUA NEGRITA" and Nita Negrita WHY OH WHY @adrielARG Yung comment ni Boz... namatay na talaga ako. @oliviyup @zaynmalik bili ka ng #LIV tickets sa akin pls fun 'to <3 @nikkibondzz Yet again, you waste another day hoping against hope that somehow he'll soon realize that you are meant to be. WEHHHH

@ADRIggatedemand I'm gay ECHOES | SEPTEMBER 2013 • 91





Wow, September already? It’s definitely been a bore. For you at least. I know all of you are just dying to know more about what

I do in my spare time. Let’s just say it involves lots and lots of partying at a rich dude’s house. Oh wait, that’s MY house. Teehee Alright pals and gals, it’s now time for this month’s juicy news! Not that there’s any. But that’s why I’m here. The Jussip G team creates the Juice. SIGHTINGS •

Cat Inazo was seen working out around the Academic Oval in a noisy black dress that closely resembles a trash bag.

A perky blonde stopped V2-D2 from buying an orange angora sweater. Whoever said that orange is the new pink must be seriously disturbed.

Someone wants to MOMOL with the Python. Joke

Someone wants to MOMOL with the Viper. Not a joke.

Tongue and Loki – our favorite practically-married couple, seems to have broken up. Unfortunately, L was caught going on escapades with little JJ. Ignorant L. If you want to MOMOL, try to be a bit more subtle. Now you got dumped and twitterunfollowed by T, and she’s still more famous than you. YOUR EMAILS

Q: Hey JG, My friend is so evil. I thought she had my back, but she ended up stabbing it. What can I do for revenge? –Backstabbed A: Dear Backstabbed Send me gossip about her and I’ll post it on my blog. If you do it within the next five minutes, I’ll add in some extra juice to the story. Just kidding, I’m not that evil. Just steal her diary, make around 250 copies, then give everyone something fun to read. We are desperate for entertainment. –JG Q: Hey Jussip G, OMG you’re creating lies about people!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! –JGhat3r A: Dear JGhat3r OMG I don’t care. XOXO –JG Congratulations to everyone mentioned on my blog this month. You were nothing… until I talked about you. Rumors, sightings, love, and hate – send them all to Remember, there is no gossip without secrets. And who am I? That’s a secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me. XOXO, Jussip G 92 • SEPTEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH



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