Echoes December-January 2021

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12 Metamorphosis by Ramon Tena

14 17 Confessions of a Shopeeholic by Gia Jovellanos

19 The 1-Day Inspiration Journey by Bernice Henson

Jam's Quarantine Hits by Jam Candolada


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Experiences of an Extrovert during Quarantine by Gabbie Planas

23 6 Things I Took for Granted Before Quarantine by Meira de Luna

31 College and PostCollege Life with Jano by Jano Delena




Echoes is the official publication of the UP Economics Society (UP Ecosoc), a non-stock, non-profit student organization based in the University of the Philippines Diliman School of Economics. Echoes is released two to four times a semester and six times a year on the months of March, April, August, September, October, and November. It draws its funding from a subsidy from UP Ecosoc, and small fundraisers. Due to the online semester, the issue is made available online to be read freely by the members of the organization. CONTACT US TWEET US @echoesph FOR MORE INFO, VISIT:

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Ramon Tena Kristiana Fabria Erin Buenaventura Frabert Reyes Hans Wong Ken Edward Oamil Rafael Rey De Leon Chabeli Bayhon Julio Miguel Gatchalian Timothy Lambert


Cayenne Cao Harvey Sañga


Roni Cabrito Bea Caurez Jewel Fabula Nina Reyes Martin Mejico

CONTRIBUTORS Gabrielle Planas Gia Jovellanos Abec Carlos Bernice Henson Jamil Candolada

Lawrence Llantos Meira de Luna Jano Delena Josh Quimbo

EDITOR'S LETTER Hi Ecosoc, this is former and last Echoes Editor-inChief (last kasi Echoes VP na tawag ngayon), Ramon Tena. I’m very sorry that this zine came so late. The many events of our previous semester had forced me to consider first and foremost the physical and mental wellbeing of our members, and such we were also forced to halt the work that we were doing. A consequence of the many interruptions is that we were not able to sustain the effort to continue some of our initiatives. Despite this, the Echoes team, especially the team heads and the officers, powered on. As such, as leader to my team heads and officers, and as a fellow Ecosocer to all of you, I humbly ask for your forgiveness in this matter.


Among our many initiatives. I think I can truly say that this zine is a product of our times. The many important and world-altering events that happened in the previous year is reflected in this zine. From the economic decisions to the content that is encapsulated within its pages, this piece of work reflects the many changes and sacrifices that had to be made in order to make this body of work. As you will see in the article that I wrote, this zine also reflects a metamorphosis. Echoes and this magazine has changed and transformed over this lockdown and pandemic, and these changes were necessary for the survival and eventual growth of this committee. One of the things were extremely proud of is the relaunch of the Echoes website and we hope for its continuous usage by the members. Lastly, I hope all of you are okay. I hope all of you are taking time to rest and acknowledge the many small victories in your each and every day. Please don’t stress yourself out too much and know when to admit that you need help or rest. In my view, there is no shame in admitting our limits and our weaknesses. In fact, I think that this honesty can make us stronger because isn’t that the greatest act of bravery is admitting that we are imperfect beings and prone to many mistakes? However, we must not also be hindered by our imperfections. They may make us unique, but they are still imperfections at the end of the day. We must continue to push forward and make our imperfections into perfections that glimmer and showcase who we really are. Although, I would remind you also of the importance of one’s own pace. We need not compare our growth to others because comparing something that wasn’t meant to be compared in simple futile. Focus of your own and use others as inspiration and motivation, not competition. Lastly, remember always our fight as Iskolar ng Bayan. I think this part need not be said because it is my hope that all of you are aware of what’s happening, and you know the importance of this fight. With love and hope, Ramon.


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However, I am thankful that our current Echoes Vice-President, Roni Cabrito, is now continuing the initiatives we have started together, when she was still my Team Head. I’m extremely proud of her and I wish her the best of luck in all of her endeavors. In her, I see the future of Echoes and Ecosoc. Her hard work and determination is what we exactly need in this ever-changing and tumultuous times to push us forward in breaking new boundaries and exploring new possibilities. I hope all of you who are reading this letter may give your full support to her as all of you have done for me in the past.



Hey Acad, Hope everyone is doing well! I know the online sem has taken a toll on everyone. I understand how difficult it must be to help someone else navigate this sem when you’re struggling yourself. I share the same sentiments. It’s been really challenging to shift to a fully digital platform, especially academically. We had no choice—it’s our mandate to address academic concerns, so we had to provide these kinds of services remotely, no matter how difficult. We had to deliver. Indeed we faced a lot of hurdles along the way but in the end we pulled through. More than anything, I’m glad I get to share this journey of exploring and rediscovering with you. I’m beyond lucky to share the same vision as you. Acad now plays a more integral role in the organization because of you. When times get tough, well this is a bit cliché, but remember your why—why you study in UP, why you keep on reaffing for Ecosoc, and why you’re here. For me, it has always been the people. I’m here because of my love for my friends, my family, and for this org. Your why motivates you to keep on fighting, thriving. When I think of metamorphosis, I remember the Ateneo fair. Haha just kidding! Of course the first word that comes to mind is change. And oh god I’ve gone through a lot of changes in my college life. From being a closeted bisexual in HS, I now openly cross-dress to express a bit more of my lesbianism. From knowing nothing about drag to being a drag king myself. But perhaps the greatest change of all is me being open about my mental health and anxieties. When I was in HS, I wanted people to see me as a strong figure with no fear. I was a student-leader, and people expected no less. But deep inside I had these little monsters consuming my mind, negatively affecting my academic performance, relationship with friends, among others. But in college, I showed a more vulnerable side and I think that’s more courageous than hiding all of those feelings. I owe that to you. :) Embrace change. After all, it’s the only constant thing in this world. Best, Vina

JIGGY CUENCO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT It hasn’t been an easy semester for any of us and there is still much uncertainty on what is ahead. The best we can do is to be there for each other. In times when we feel like everything is going wrong, we need to take a step back and breathe. These are not normal times. We are all doing what we can to make the best of what we have. To my CDC committee and the rest of Ecosoc, I am proud of you. You’ve come this far despite all the challenges you have faced. I know it’s been difficult but don’t stop now. Remember you have a family here in Ecosoc. You don’t need to go through whatever you are facing alone. You have people here who will listen to you when you need to talk and be with you when you need company. We can’t be with each other physically right now but we’re one phone call away. The most unforgettable change I’ve gone through is shifting to Econ. This is where I got to meet my closest friends in college. These people have been with me through my ups and downs and they are still with me now during this pandemic. I have them to thank for helping me get through this whatever problems I have. Econ has given me opportunities to take on responsibilities I’ve never thought I would take nor did not want to take. This place challenged me to be better everyday. It helped me grow as a person. It wasn’t always easy but it was always worth it.




After 6 semesters with Externals and 10 months as its VP, I have witnessed the growth that each of its members went through and of the committee as a whole. I realized how the thousands of times I reinvented myself are reflections of how my members have grown through the years. I accept greater commitments, know how to dedicate myself to even the little initiatives, and enjoy surprising people with the things I do. This growth resonates with every person in Exte as they continue to take me by surprise in every release, every event, every initiative, and every email sent. No matter how diverse the members are in so many aspects, we always find a middle ground to be there beyond work and call each other family. Being a part of Exte may seem like belonging to a “kulto” but I will always be so proud of belonging to this one. I wouldn’t have it any other way. To get to work with these passion-driven people was an overwhelming & fulfilling experience, and I could only hope for everyone else to know what it feels like to work with them.


Whoever said “money doesn’t bring happiness,” hasn’t experienced being in fin yet. Making money with you all made me super happy <3 and I just want to say good job to

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everyone! It’s been a tough semester with all the challenges that we’ve faced this year. You’ve all done great in your respective tasks. I’ve seen you all work so hard in your teams and I’m so grateful that I was able to work with you all in my last semester as your Fin VP. Thank you for joining the finance committee this semester. Fin wouldn’t be successful without you all You all are amazing people, let’s make money again together in the future <3 I never have in HS and I never thought I would because it doesn’t suit me to be a leader. Having all that pressure to succeed in the given tasks was scary. I don’t do anything I’m not confident in because I’m deathly scared of failure. But in ecosoc, everyone works so hard that I wanted to do the same. UPFront 2017 will always be memorable for me because that would be the most unforgettable change of my life so far. With everyone’s support, I realized that hey it’s not so scary, after all. Failure will always be a possibility in all aspects of life, but no one can do anything without overcoming fear of failure. Ecosoc really helped me to grow out of my shell to overcome my fears, I can never thank the org enough for that.


MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Hi hi hiii! These past few months haven’t been anything close to building up the “best four years of our lives,” huh? Time and time again we hear that times are different, and okay true they are. Then people will tell you that you can do it and you can push through it, but what if you’re really drained all the way through, right? Cautious optimism. If there’s anything I want you to take away from this blabber, it’s that. The prompt was to give words of encouragement but I acknowledge that it gets repetitive hearing the same “YOU CAN DO IT” “kayang kaya!!!” and it loses its push, because we usually know that we can. It might be that we need more of the recognition that we are trying. Cautious optimism is remaining hopeful, but also realizing that these aren’t the best situations to be placed in. I am so so grateful that you have chosen to spend the semester with us and I’m sure your teams are even more thankful to have you. You hear this from us pretty often; now, please take this time to thank yourself. Thank you for what we’ve gone through, and thank you for whatever else lies ahead. Meeh the good omens wash over you, <3 Abec



JABBY AURELIO SECRETARIAT COMMITTEE Hi, Seccom! It’s been a very busy semester for our committee so far, from taking in new initiatives such as EM Creatives and the online sigsheet, to fulfilling our duties and commitments as university students. There are a lot of uncertainties that came along with pushing through 62B. One thing’s for certain though; Ecosoc appreciates what Seccom has accomplished so far, and that’s mostly thanks to you guys. Take care of yourselves, you’ll thank yourself for it later. The most unforgettable change I’ve gone through my life so far? Definitely college life. Coming into UP, I didn’t know what to expect. I had gone through a rough first half of the year back then. I wasn’t so sure if I was even prepared to be in college at the time considering my mental state. But life wasn’t going to wait for me, so I went through with it. I told myself to let go of my worries at the moment and just go with it, and this led me to try out new things that I’ve never thought I’d do. I ended up apping for Ecosoc, and that was the start of my Ecosoc life. 2017 has been the pivotal year for me, and I’m glad that Ecosoc made all the difference.

JULIAN SONGSONG NYC 17 CONVENER Dear NYC, Over the past months, we have all been hard at work in our respective departments. We've secured numerous partnerships and endorsements. We've ideated and created wonderful publicity materials coupled with striking captions. We've exceeded our target number of participating schools. We've devised engaging initiatives and innovative stations to recreate the standard NYC experience online. We've explored and studied the different functionalities of Zoom and OBS.

JOHANNA ALMAIDA NYC 17 CONVENER We're now down to our last leg of preparations for the first ever online National Youth Congress. The spotlight is on us to live up to the image that our past alumni have built for 16 straight years. We understand the immense pressure that each one of you is carrying as the event crawls nearer and nearer. However, as early as now, we would like to give each and every one of you a virtual pat on the shoulder because you all deserve it. We'll make sure that the blood, sweat, and time that you've so willingly poured out for this event won't go to waste. We'll make sure that NYC serves it mandate to empower the youth and instill in them a greater sense of responsibility. Once again, thank you for fostering ideas and inspiring progress with us.




NES was the org’s first event during the pandemic that would set the bar for others to come because of the remote setup we needed to adjust to. But, this wasn’t the NES I was looking forward to leading when I first thought of it. I think nobody really thought that we would end up in this situation. Holding the physical meetings, staying at the hotel, meeting with the delegates, and all the other stuff we miss about NES. All those were taken away with the setup, but we had to push forward. The very limited sign-ups for the organizing body and BOD positions troubled me even more. Doubt was starting to set in as I thought the success of the event was in danger. Nonetheless, NES 2020 proved to be one of the best teams I’ve worked with. S/o to the BOD - Eirene, Bea, Shaira, Raph, and Airah - who made the experience fun and bearable with all the milestones and sabog moments. Although most of you are new members, I would gladly vouch for you. Despite your initial doubts when Airah and I were talking you into the positions, you proved that you were the right people for the job. I wouldn’t have survived as convener without your company. Together with the rest of the OB, NES is and will continue to be a success with you guys. This goes with the whole Ecosoc as well. This org may well be the best thing that has happened in my college life so far that pushed me even more to take on opportunities presented to me. Never did I see my shy and timid self before as a leader, but I thank the org for trusting me and making me realize my worth, especially towards other people. I hope that current and future members realize this as well and make the most out of your stay in the org.


MARTIN MEJICO EM 62 CHAIRPERSON To my “Committee” (but not really) Ramon, Jabby, Jiggy, Vina, Abec, Gab – my “committee” (but not really), I give my deepest gratitude to you all. To Ramon and Jabby, thank you for manifesting your art prowess into the beauty that is the publicity stunts of Ecosoc Month. Oh, thank God for your creative brains, and thank you for putting up with my comments. Every color, every hue, every caption was worth the wait because YOU made it worth it. To Jiggy, thank you for the very relevant Service Project. From the start, the plan was flawless but the execution was even smoother. SP was the least stressful EM event for me (besides NES lol) and it’s all thanks to you and your wonderful team. Truly, our scholars will forever be thankful for YOUR compassionate efforts. To Vina and Abec, thank you for rising up to the many challenges of Grand Tradition. As it also became the final event of EM 62, you still managed to live up to the hype. While it is true that nothing can replace the up close version of GT, YOUR valiant efforts still managed to give our many, many audience stories that they will tell generations to come. To Gab, thank you for being the kind, gentle, big brother to me. You made our work extremely convenient and no words can capture (jk I just have a word count) how much I appreciate you so let me just thank you again – THANK YOU SO MUCH, GAB RIVERA! To all of you, you have now closed the chapter of EM 62 in your lives but go forth, continue to grow, and be the amazing people that you all are. Ramon, Jabby, Jiggy, Vina, Abec, Gab – my “committee” (but not really), thank you for allowing ME to help YOU make September worth remembering.



GAB RIVERA SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE In the midst of the chaos and debauchery in Plansem 61B, I found myself having a momentary instance of shivering silence in the freezing pool: it was an election semester, and the doubt and fear of leading Ecosoc flooded over me faster than I could down Lia’s 10 second Empi shot. The next thing I knew I was underwater, trying to hide my tears from everyone there. Now nearing the end of my term, I’ve come to the conclusion that it is in the fear of change, a disturbance in the normalcy of my life, that had scared me the most. And for most of my life, it’s held me back from truly becoming myself. But when you are passionate and love-filled enough to see things through, it makes it easier to accept change. We’re all changing – transforming, in fact. For me, it might have been finally being brave enough to lead. For you, it could be finally adjusting (or not even) to this online set-up. Or it could be in finally being able to learn what you love. Or it could be in accepting the things we cannot change. We’re all changing – and that’s alright. For as long as we are changing for all the right reasons, there’s no need to be afraid.


ECHOES | D/J 2021


ORPHOSIS M E T A MRAMON TENA me ta mor pho sis - (n.) a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.

One of nature’s greatest displays is the phenomenon of metamorphosis. We usually observe this transformative phenomena in the growth cycle of butterflies. From a measly caterpillar, they eventually accede to their final form and take flight. This process is both timed and calculated. It is dictated by biology and in harmony with nature’s ecological timeline. In one way, we as individuals and as an organization, have undergone and are undergoing a metamorphosis, however, one fundamental difference is that our metamorphosis was handed down to us in a whirlwind, in that, our metamorphosis was thrust unto us by the existing conditions, bringing our future and imaginary contingencies into the all-too real present. While we don’t literally retreat to our own chrysalis and wait for weeks to turn into butterflies, metaphorically, this is what we have experienced or experiencing. We have been forced to retreat into our homes, both as an enforcement from official mandate and as a directive to reinforce the doctrine of ‘collective good.’ Slowly but surely, we have grown too accustomed to our domiciles, and what was once our safe and nurturing environment has turned into a stifling and stuffy prison. In these homely prisons, some of us had to grapple again with old demons, going by the name of ‘anxiety’ and ‘depression.’ Some of us had their once exponential and steady personal growth revert back to stagnation and decline. Some of us became so weary that not even the ever-comforting embrace of slumber could provide calm and solitude to our minds. Yet, we bode our time and eventually, the chrysalis grew to mean much more than a prison.


Collectively, we acknowledged the weariness that this period has brought and ultimately, we were forced to alter our viewpoint. Eventually, we grew to appreciate our small victories and achievements. Some of us found time to hone their skills and reach for possibilities that were once just mere impossibilities. Some of us found their acumen in entrepreneurship and even better, some of us married that acumen with tremendous generosity and goodwill by creating initiatives that expanded their horizons and served the people in a simultaneous and harmonic fashion. Some of us are continuing to fight our demons, powering through the everyday despite the enormous energy and willpower it consumed. The world has changed and whether we like it or not and in one way or another, we have changed as well. However, we are still in our own personal chrysalises. We must continue to bide our time but biding our time does mean giving away our time as mere fodder to this ravenous time-consuming pandemic. We continue to transform from within our own chrysalises in the timeline and manner we choose to do so. For eventually, this pandemic will end and hopefully, our metamorphosis would have been completed. Then, we will emerge from our own metaphorical chrysalises as butterflies. Majestic, graceful, and better from what we were before.

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"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here." — excerpt from Desiderata, Max Ehrmann




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GABRIELLE PLANAS Disclaimer: this is NOT a gvs article……………. To be honest, I don’t even know why I’m writing this article HAHA. I never really identified myself to be an extrovert lmao. Although I do admit that I value the relationships I have with people, and I try my best to be as friendly and bubbly as I can be. Okay maybe that’s why Echoes asked me to do this HAHAHA. Anyway, I think that college (mostly Ecosoc) is what really got me out of my shell. So…... it really sucked to have my college life cut short, just as I was getting so comfortable with everyone. Obviously, the hardest part about lockdown would be thinking about experiences we were all so excited for. There were so many events I was looking forward to…….like…...Scav 2020 (literally the way Unbound sulked because we were ALL so excited fml!!!!!!!). Or the fact that in 20 years from now, I’ll look back on my college days and think of how I spent a portion of it on Zoom…………. alone. Now it obviously sucks to think about all the canceled plans, but I think what makes being in quarantine even more difficult is when I get these waves of flashbacks and nostalgia. It’s a pretty crappy feeling to suddenly think about memories and moments with Ecosoc, not knowing it could have been the last (not gonna expound because I’m tearing up rn). It’s extremely heartbreaking to think that things might never be the same again (at least for a while). Like….legit….every time I think about it…...I cry. It’s nice that there are ways to virtually connect with one another; but for someone who thrives off of the physical presence of others, online platforms just aren’t enough. But of course, we have to make do. To a certain extent, there is only so much that we can do to sort of replicate what life was pre-covid. So how have I been coping? Honestly, just like everyone else, I’ve been doing zoom calls with friends, enumans, I’m also discord proficient now and yeah whatever HAHAH. I’ve also noticed that I spend a lot more time messaging friends HAHA just to feel things I guess ! Shoutout to all the friends I’ve been annoying throughout quarantine because I literally can’t shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA thanks for sticking around. And to all the friends that still check up on me :< <333. Side note: check up on your friends ! engage in conversations ! we need them now more than ever :/ In all seriousness though, I think I’m just keeping all the memories close to my heart. I also think that there’s a really really really really tiny flicker of hope that’s keeping me going. I don’t want to make this article long because it’s honestly making me really sad HAHAHA so I’m gonna stop………….let me end with a Taylor Swift lyric. ”hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you”[not a plug ok it just seems appropriate] (((((stream New Year’s Day from Reputation))))) While we may never know when this will all end, I’m just glad that I have an org I can call home. That amidst this uncertain and daunting time, I have Ecosoc, and the friendships I’ve found in Ecosoc, to hold on to. Love you all xoxo. P.S. I included so many pics bc I was really going through my emotions lmfao. TAKE ME BACK TO LIFE !!!!





GIA JOVELLANOS Ever since I got a taste of the convenience of online shopping (and admittedly, the freedom of paying online using my debit card), my life has never been the same. Being a budget-conscious person, I often visit my Google Sheets Money Tracker. I found that most, if not all, of my expenses are linked to Shopee. Now, while that does count as a negative for my bank account, it’s made a positive effect on my life, and has helped tremendously in keeping me sane, especially in these trying times. Like most people, I’ve been missing the little things of life-before-quarantine: eating out with friends, trying on clothes at malls, late-night Grab rides home from dates, falling asleep in a Katipunan jeep, and more. While I’ve been baking cookies, getting back into painting, and drowning myself in org work to cope, online shopping has been my safe-haven this quarantine; it’s given me a sense of normalcy, being a way to spend my money on (relatively unnecessary) things that make me happy. It’s also always great to have something to look forward to, and it’s quite exciting to wonder if the products that arrive at my doorstep would be at least half as nice as I pictured them in my head.

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(Thank you, Shopee, for making these cookies possible! HAHA) Anyway, as I write this at 3:30AM on the 1st of October 2020, I have a set of lip glosses ready for pick-up by a courier from an online seller’s house (hehe, I had a discount code). A few days ago, I purchased a moody reversible octopus stuffed toy, and even got one for my special someone as well (there was a promo, HAHA). Last week, I bought art materials (great quality considering that it was super cheap!), and before that, on separate occasions, I purchased a laptop table (very useful!)... And cookie cutters (a set! AN ACTUAL CHEAP SET!)… And earphones (great quality for so much less than PHP100!)… And curtain lights (legit really pretty!)… And the list goes on, and on, and on…


Bottomline is, there’s no denying it; I am a Shopeeholic. But, unlike most people that have only recently discovered the joys of online shopping, I’ve been shopping online since around 2015. Because of this, I’d like to consider myself not only a Shopeeholic, but a Shopeeholic veteran. As a veteran, I’ve had my fair share of great finds and little mishaps, and I’d like to think that I am well-aware of the dos and don’ts of shopping online. (Currently living my 2012 Tumblr girl dreams thanks to these lights!)


From a veteran to a future Shopeeholic, here are some (hopefully useful) tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years:

DO CHECK REVIEWS. And I don’t mean just the product, check the seller’s reviews as well. Make sure to check their response rate and overall store rating!

DO ADD TO CART. If you can, stock up on items and/or buy many items from the same shop. It maximizes the shipping fee, and it’s much more exciting to unbox items in one go!

DON’T SETTLE FOR DESCRIPTIONS. Do your research! Ask yourself: Is it safe? Is it legitimate? In a world with many options, we must be smart about the choices we make--take it upon yourself to compare prices, ensure quality, and READ. THE. REVIEWS.

DO BE CLEVER. If you’re checking-out from multiple shops at once, try different combinations of shops and vouchers! Sometimes, it’s cheaper to pay for shipping and get a discount instead, but other times, it’s the other way around. Sometimes, it’s better to check-out at once, and other times, it isn’t.

DO STICK TO YOUR BUDGET. It’s easy to get carried away, so set a budget for yourself and be responsible with your cash! It’s especially helpful to view a shop’s products by price (I prefer going from highest to lowest) to find the best quality product for your price range.

DON’T CHECK OUT IMMEDIATELY. Let items sit in your cart, and proceed to check-out only when you’re absolutely sure you need/want them (this has saved me from multiple unnecessary purchases… I highly recommend it!)

DO USE CODES. Discount codes and vouchers are super helpful--and easy to get-- so don’t save them for later, use them now! Also, aside from the easilyaccessible vouchers, a lesser known way to get discounts is by following the shop you’re buying from (if the shop allows it, of course). Also, if you can, have a ShopeePay account; there are lots of perks that come along with it: quicker check-outs, free shipping, big discounts, coin cashback, and more!

This list is composed of only a small bit of my knowledge, but if you need an online shopping buddy, hit me up anytime! I’ll support your walletemptying behavior (that is, after questioning you if you really need it), and even send you links to cheap but high-quality products. (Years of training has made me quite great at finding bargains!) Anyway, to conclude our short time together, let me impart my last words upon you: Yes, I confess to being a Shopeeholic, and no, I don’t need forgiveness for my sins. Online shopping is not only convenient and easilyaccessible, but it also sparks joy. So, future Shopeeholic, don’t be afraid to treat yourself. Go ahead, add to cart!

(So cute! BRB, might buy more...)



Inspiration is the key to getting things done (and I honestly believe it doesn’t apply just to making art) and is always the first step. In my case, the first step in making, usually, pubmats (or art prompts during my free time); it is also the hardest step to overcome. Inspiration can hit like lightningout of nowhere, all at once, and quickly. But more often than not, it’s like waiting for paint to dry. There are different ways to get inspiration and in this photo series I present an artistic interpretation of my different mental states as time goes by.


I sometimes wonder how other people think artists get inspiration. Do they imagine them on their desk, paper and pen ready to take mental notes, artist’s instrument in hand, with lo-fi hip-hop radio playing in the background? Or do they think they sit down and it just hits them like a train and inspiration just doesn’t stop? I suppose it’s fair to say they’re not entirely wrong, but that’s simply not how it is most of the time. At the very least, not for me.




Baking has been my escape, when it’s my turn in the kitchen to bake, it’s as if a big “DO NOT DISTURB” sign pops up, and I’m in the zone. It becomes a mindless process once you get the hang of it, and it’s really so fulfilling to make something of your own to share and indulge with family. Bonus points if they give you praise for it <3

I really started just baking to satisfy my cravings while stuck at home. Because the usual stores I’d run to were still closed, I started making food for my family and friends. They soon sent in their own requests for me to try, eventually helping me form a menu. I began sharing these treats to more people outside of family in hopes of doing the same for them. First of course would be r&d -- I search various tried and tested recipes, test them myself in the oven, put together what worked, and then add a few twists of my own. Once I get a consistent recipe (with an equally consistent presentation), I’m all set. Prior to baking day, I cross check the orders and stocks of ingredients and packaging to make sure that it’s smooth sailing on-the-day. Some recipes, like certain cookies, require overnight chilling, so I do those first, too. Afterwards, I set up the workstation with all the ingredients I’ll be needing, so that I won’t be rushing in the morning. After (hopefully) 8 hours of sleep, I get started with pure energy. Sanitation, dough and/or batter prepping, sticking them in the oven, doing a little dance *not in photos :p*, taking them out and onto their packaging, adding the labels, and then sending them off with love. <3 It’s honestly the best feeling in the world. Say, for instance, you take lots of orders for the day because you felt you had enough time for it, which leaves you tired afterwards. But at the end of the day, when your customers send you their feedback, all that tiredness goes away somehow. It’s really all worth it in the end, even if there’s just one--it’s more than enough.


Quaran-tunes HOME



Created by Jam Candolada• 24 songs, 1 hr 27 min

Jam's Quarantine Hits PLAY





Boredom. Quarantine and Lockdown, has brought us to the brink where we couldn’t just feel anything anymore. We can’t see any of our friends, we can’t travel, we can’t eat out. We can’t just generally move ourselves to do something that satisfies us. But you know what can? - Song. This quarantine, the most handsome duo of Ecosoc - Jam and Law - dove deep in our boredom abyss in search of songs that moved us during the past months. And so, it is our honour, to take you away from the unfortunate reality of the normal world and vibe into our revelation of our most favorite Quaran-tunes - a list of songs/albums which kept us sane during the pandemic and hopefully will make you too!

Hard on Yourself • by Charlie Puth & blackbear Sing Myself to Sleep • by Suriel Hess Houdini • by Foster the People Map of Soul 7 • by BTS

Yes, I became a BTS stan (proudly a JHope bias) during quarantine, and no, I regret nothing. COVID has suffocated the life out of me, but luckily, my unlikely discovery of KPop became my lifeline. Dynamite was my first BTS song that got me hooked to the group, and for that, I apologize to all the ARMY out there that I haven't met them sooner. The song vibrates from 80s pop, filled with the funk and soul expected from any pop musician back then, especially influences from the legendary likes as Michael Jackson and disco legends like the Bee Gees. The beats hit hard when accompanied by the smooth vocalization and control from the boys, which makes this song a major bop in the shower!

Hard on Yourself • by Charlie Puth & blackbear

Paper Throne • by Phum Viphurit Lose • by NIKI Don't Be Sad • by Scotty Sire Apricot Princess • by Rex Orange County Death of a Bachelor • by Panic! At the Disco

Charlie’s songs have stepped up a notch since his rise back in 2015 with h. From friendly and innocent melodies such as one call away and Marvin Gaye, he has reverted into a persona as a mixture of pop and RNB, a major shift but something transparent shown in his later albums of his career. Hard on Yourself is the latest track that exemplifies his change over the course of the years. With the signature smooth and soulful vocals signature of the Puth special, his voice added nice textures to the overall trap-like instrumental. And surprisingly, this feature with blackbear blends the both of them really well, wherein rap verses complement the complex melodies, especially in the chorus. If you’re looking for something groovy and crunky at the same time, give this song a shot!

ECHOES | D/J 2021

Dynamite • by BTS Dynamite • by BTS


"COVID has suffocated the life out of me, but luckily, my unlikely discovery of KPop became my lifeline"

Sing Myself to Sleep • by Suriel Hess If you’re asking yourself who’s Suriel Hess, don’t worry not everybody knows who he is - yet. An Oregon native, Suriel first posted his original songs on youtube with the dream of becoming big in the industry. Despite being far from the goal, his clamor of 420k subscribers is a sign that he's slowly climbing to stardom. Sing Myself to Sleep tackles more of a sentimental tone, narrating a person trying to cut romantic ties of a formal lover through the soft music of sleep. What makes this song have a strong impact is the choir-like accompaniment during the chorus that just enlightens the song into a more angelic hymn. A heartbreak can be healed, and being stuck at home with this song might be just what you need to ease the pain, even if it’s a little.

Yes, I know Pumped up Kicks is an overplayed song especially in karaoke, but Foster the People is more than that! When you want to get mad at yourself but just don’t have the energy to do so, Houdini is just for you. FTP keeps the melodramatic melodies and upbeat rhythm, while maintaining the deep messages about society and identity as embodied in the song. Quarantine and the lockdowns have been tough, but tough songs like this one is what makes us tougher in these uncertain times.

Houdini • by Foster the People

Map of Soul 7 • by BTS I’m going to make this album my final entry (because I can). You just can’t hate BTS with this album. I swear, this playlist has been stuck in my mind since I got into the fandom because every single track is just earporn. Diversified in its own right, Map of the Soul 7 is the latest installment of the most popular Korean Boy band, consisting of a wide array of songs that can just lure any avid music-head in even through different tastes in genre. BTS truly has no specific niche, as all their songs can cater to almost any audience as they range from modern pop, to aggressive rap. Some popular ones that garnered so much fame include Boy with Luv, Make it Right, and ON.

Quaran-tunes HOME PLAYLIST

Lawrence's Top Picks


Created by Lawrence Llantos • 24 songs, 1 hr 26 min




Hard on Yourself • by Charlie Puth & blackbear Sing Myself to Sleep • by Suriel Hess Houdini • by Foster the People Map of Soul 7 • by BTS

Wow! Those are some nice selections you’ve got there, Jam. Hi guys, I’m Lawrence! This quarantine has been so long that my music taste has been all over the place, from mellow senti nights to headbanging and partying by myself inside my room. And honestly, I’m too lazy to put them on separate playlists by genre. What I do is I place all the songs that I like on a single playlist, then I play them in shuffle mode so there’s an element of surprise on what song’s gonna get played next. Making my own version of a quote from the movie, Forrest Gump, “My playlist in shuffle mode is like a box full of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” With that being said, here are some songs and albums that are helping me get through this pandemic <3

Paper Throne • by Phum Viphurit Listening to it for the very first time, you may think it’s a Ben&Ben song because it does sound like one, but there’s more to it. It has papers, crowns, and thrones. If you’d like to just relax, you might as well try playing his songs as an accompaniment to increase the chill atmosphere by 106.9% (tests were made).

Paper Throne • by Phum Viphurit Lose • by NIKI Don't Be Sad • by Scotty Sire Apricot Princess • by Rex Orange County Death of a Bachelor • by Panic! At the Disco


Lose • by NIKI I wasn’t really listening to NIKI before, until I saw how people are reacting to this song on different social media platforms. I was intrigued. And after giving it a try, all I really know is when I’m lonely, I hate that I’m lonely. That’s why I let you in. Kidding aside, this song led me to all her previous stuff. I also got to sing with her as well (via Tiktok ifykwim) ;)

ECHOES | D/J 2021

Dynamite • by BTS



Don't Be Sad • by Scotty Sire When the quarantine started, I’ve just been binge watching David Dobrik’s content on Youtube, and his outro songs were really catchy. Then, I read that some of it was made by Scott, which then led me to his channel. Personally, I think this one’s his best work. It’s about people whose advice for depression is don’t be sad. They suck, but not this song. Give this a listen, I promise you won’t regret it.

Apricot Princess • by Rex Orange County My first album recommendation, and also my favorite from him. I don’t know what to tell you about this, but I loved every song in here. My personal faves are Happiness, Apricot Princess, and Television / So Far So Good. Too bad his concert here got postponed, but at least I was able to watch him through his IG live shows a few months ago.

Death of a Bachelor • by Panic! At the Disco This is the part of me where I headbang and party in my room. I can’t emphasize this enough but P!ATD deserves a lot more recognition. Brendon Urie’s vocals are out of this world, especially in the title track of this album. This one’s also a personal favorite, but all of their albums have their own gems inside.

“My playlist in shuffle mode is like a box full of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.”




200 days into quarantine and counting is way longer than 104 days of summer vacation. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we'll be counting down my picks for the top six things I took for granted before quarantine (Spoiler: the last one isn't really a "thing").It would be much easier for me to say that I took everything for granted, and I did, but we don't have time to unpack all of that.


Sue me.

I hated going out most of the time. I always found myself so exhausted by the late afternoon that I'd want nothing but to go home and go straight to bed. Whenever I did want to go out, however, I always enjoyed those semi-rare moments. While I wasn't the type to let loose in an inuman, I always looked forward to the smoking and the chikahan. I also loved watching people have fun, whether they were getting sh*t-faced, belting out songs, playing cards (and the occasional mahjong), or just passed out. I loved watching all the laughing, crying, screaming, and vomiting. Can you imagine that the last place I went to was Gabbie's house for Game Night? That was literally the last weekend of normality before sh*t hit the fan. I'm glad I went, even just for a little while.

The worst obsessive years were in middle school. If I could travel back in time and bully myself, I would. As I grew up, I would watch it less and less, until I had almost completely stopped watching it in college. I still liked anime, but I had more important things to do, and less time. But. With all the time in the world in a lockdown, I binged all the anime I could find. I rewatched old favorites (Hunter x Hunter), indulged in new and trending shows (Haikyu!!), and explored weirder selections (Dorohedoro). I even took time to binge watch all Ghibli movies with my sister, who loves Miyazaki's work. I saw a Tumblr post that said that a lot of people were now returning to old hobbies that they dropped when they were younger, and that the reason they dropped these hobbies in the first place wasn't because they lost interest, but because they just lost time to do them. In a way, this pandemic reminded me that my interests shouldn't be sacrificed for the sake of productivity, be it academic or work. As much as I'd bully myself for loving anime, it has been one of the only things that has been keeping me sane so far.

THAT ONE FRENCH 11 CLASSMATE THAT I FAILED TO LANDI This guy happened to be my former French 10 classmate, so naturally it looked like an obvious sign to make a move. Alas, this operation was cruelly cut short. French 11 was my last free elective in my curriculum. He's from another degree program. It doesn't help that he's a batch younger than me. I took too long to actually do something. Now I'm never going to see him again. What a waste. In retrospect, if it turned out that he was already taken, then at least I dodged a bullet. But. For what it's worth, we got to be in a group activity together once. Damn you, COVID-19. (Nina and Ramon, if you're reading this, you could probably guess who it was).


Make no mistake, Tyrone's days were over long before COVID-19 happened. But. If I could just magically make this pandemic disappear, I would happily open the doors again, at least one more time. I mean it. A house can be repaired. Furniture can be replaced. Hangovers can be cured. Moments are priceless.

QUALITY TIME WITH MY DAD Since my mom's a UP employee, I see her way too much. My sister goes to a nearby high school, so seeing her wasn't an issue either. On the other hand, I would only see my dad when he comes home from work late at night. I understood that his work demands a lot of his time, and I was used to it. Now, I see him 24/7. But. It's a weird thing to cherish. Of course this is an absolutely terrible time for the workforce. Nobody wants to have projects cut short, or worse, to completely lose their source of income. These are difficult times. Of course I want his business to withstand this pandemic and flourish. At the same time, I can't help but be happy that I get to spend more time with him. I can't help but be happy that he has to take better care of himself and not overwork himself. He still goes to the office. This time, he never misses a meal with us.

ECHOES | D/J 2021


MENTAL HEALTH Oh boy. This is a given. Before quarantine, I never got the chance to actually check on my mental state. Life was keeping me busy and tired anyway. If anything was wrong up there, I would do well to ignore it until it went away. (Do not do this. Get help if you can.) There's no escaping your mind when you're quarantined. I should have taken better care of my mental health. I should have been kinder to myself. This is a given. But. It's different when you watch your loved ones' mental state deteriorate during quarantine. It's worse. Much worse. You feel powerless because you don't know how to support them. What works for you may not work for them. What works for them may not even work anymore, after 200 days and counting. There's not much to say. The best I can do is just be there for them, but I want to do more. I wish I could do more.

THE SCENERY Cheesy, but it's true. It's not just about wanting to leave the house without a mask and a face shield, or savoring the outside world without the fear of getting sick. It's also about watching life as it passes us by. Blink and you'll miss it. Everything was so normal all the time that we never realized anything could happen. The universe can easily find a way to f*ck us over. The chaos is so unbearable that everyday we look forward to things going back to normal. But. The reality is that things will not go back to the way they were before. Nothing will ever be the same ever again. And it shouldn't. Things need to get better. We took everything for granted, but we can't go back.




College life became one of the memorable years of my life as it helped me develop and know myself even more. I met new friends, went to parties and experienced all-nighters. Going back to my years in college, I have studied in two UP campuses, Manila and Diliman. Before transferring to Diliman, I was taking B.S. Computer Science in UP Manila. However, after a year of taking it, I decided to finish my studies in UP Diliman with a degree in B.S. Economics. College life made me experience new things. When I was still in Manila, I commuted to school for one and a half hours every day. There were times wherein I failed tests and aced classes. Also, I had the chance to go beyond my boundaries and grab leadership roles with the help of friends and orgmates.

ECHOES | D/J 2021

Finishing college at this pandemic made me disappointed as physical graduations are postponed and our batch also experienced an online university graduation which made it less eventful for me as I wanted to experience it physically. In addition to that, the pandemic has also made my current situation challenging as jobs are harder in these times. Before finishing college, I had plans and expectations on how my post-college life would go. I planned on taking a master’s degree in Business Administration in UP Diliman by 2022. I also dreamed of immediately getting a job in the field of research or finance. However, because of the pandemic, I realized that getting a job during these times would be challenging as some businesses close down and job opportunities are limited. Luckily, even with these challenges, I found and applied in interesting job opportunities related to my degree such as Financial Analyst in Shell and Economic Development Specialist in NEDA. While waiting for new job offers and updates on my application process in other companies, I dedicated my time to develop myself and learn new skills. One of the values I learned in college is to grab opportunities such as the time when I took leadership positions in UP Ecosoc. During the pandemic, I attended online courses through Coursera in order to refine my knowledge in Accounting and to develop my skills in Excel. In addition to that, I also took the time to learn more about Economics by reading on Development Economics, which is an Economics elective that I did not take during my last semester in college. Lastly, I also attended several webinars that tackle the effects of COVID 19 on the economy and read about the Philippine Development Plan for 2017-2022. Without a doubt, life will always be full of challenges and unexpected things. Even though my post-college life is not going my way because of the pandemic, I am still hopeful that the day will come wherein I will get my desired job. Additionally, I am hopeful that a physical graduation will take place after the pandemic. To end this article, I would like to dedicate this time to congratulate all of you for doing your best in academics even if the current situation makes it harder. Do your best always, grab future opportunities, and good luck with the rest of the semester!



The funniest thing about graduating during a pandemic is never ever getting the closure you expect to get once you finish college. I might not be speaking on behalf of everyone I know, but everything just feels like it was yesterday. I think every college student can attest the value of graduating, and attached with that is the closure from the ceremonies itself. Unfortunately, we didn’t go through any of those formalities and we were just released like it was nothing. Well, I can’t blame naman the admin because everyone was just as lost as we were. But anyways, moving forward, the adjustment isn’t just for us fresh graduates. Although people might put a premium because we’re “fresh grads” who are now “adults” who will work. But to tell you the truth, everybody is affected by this pandemic and everyone has to find a way to adjust. Undergrads and even our profs and those working are lost. Look at the government, they’re even f**king up, what more can you expect from the others. Nevertheless, the pandemic has taught us how to be more resilient and how to adapt to the current situation. Being a fresh graduate allows you flexibility because first and foremost, you are literally at a crossroad. Do you work? Do you pursue further studies? Do I set up my own business? Do I take a break for a year? You literally have the choice to do whatever you want, but of course Econ teaches us that your choice is subject to various constraints and whatnot. But the truth is, you really have the freedom to choose whatever you want to do and you shouldn’t be scared of making the “wrong” decision. You’re a fresh grad, and literally it allows you to find your comfort zone and it allows you time to figure out what you actually want to do. Don’t settle for what your parents want (of course sometimes it’s inevitable). But at the end of the day, you choose your path. Now if you ask me if the pandemic has an effect on decision making? The answer is a resounding yes. But just like any constraint, it shouldn’t hinder you from pursuing what you want to do. The pandemic is just part of the shit you need to consider, but it’s something you can work around. In fact, we can see orgs and even different companies adjusting, but they don’t give up because the pandemic is there. In the end, you just have to keep pushing. Remember your capacity and the restrictions to those, and balance everything out. At the end of the day, what matters is you have a reason and you know and understand your reason.



Godofredo's Picks MOVIES



A successful banker is wrongfully imprisoned in Shawshank prison for life for the murder of his wife and her lover. What will it take for him to survive in this cold, dark, and seemingly hopeless place?

Two unlikely bestfriends go all around the world to go to the place where they’ve always wanted to go and to do the things they’ve always wanted to do before they die. Will they find meaning before their final breathe?




Two Jesuit priests try to catch a serial killer who kills young boys in Payatas, Philippines. This also has a movie equivalent that is well worth watching.

So the Vegetarian is a novel about how a South Korean woman all of a sudden has this recurring nightmare of animals being slaughtered. This leads her to convert her lifestyle and become a vegetarian. The book explores how different people in her family react to her vegetarian lifestyle, while also giving a glimpse into how a woman is perceived in Korean Culture.

A baby gets raised by several different ghosts in a graveyard after his family was murdered by a strange man.

ECHOES | D/J 2021

SEVEN Two detectives with clashing ideologies come together to catch a serial killer who kills people based on their deadly sin. Will they catch him before he completes all 7 deadly sins?




Godofredo's Picks SERIES




A hotheaded woman whose husband recently died of a hit-and-run makes an unlikely friend who is more than meets the eye. This comedy drama explores themes of grief, guilt, and family.

A Highschool chemistry teacher is diagnosed with cancer and decides to team up with an old student to sell meth. This is one of those rare shows where every episode is better than the previous one. Breaking bad will definitely go down in history as one of the best shows ever made and it would be a bigger crime to not watch this than to sell drugs.

One of the only shows that could ever rival Breaking Bad is a show set in its own universe 6 years before the events of the hit series. Better Call Saul is a spin off show which follows Jimmy McGill and how he came to be the sleazebag - crooked lawyer, that we’ve come to know and love as Saul Goodman.






Miss mo na ba ang sushi? Tawagin mo na ang MAMA MO para bumili ng Sushi sa Mama Mo Sushi!

Are you missing the food along Katipszx? This little - kind of - hidden haven went online when the lockdown locked down. Although they can’t deliver to ou their iconic scenery and Vibez, They can still bring to you their classic menu which makes Tetsuo the place to go.

Another Katipunan classic, Pops Beyond Better Burgers goes to online delivery. Not only that but you can even opt to drive in their branch at Petron Katipunan. Pops' main attraction, as with their diner aesthetic, is their thick and delicious burgers. Aside from those they also have various rice meals, milkshakes, fries, and other specials.


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ECHOES | D/J 2021

ECHOES | D/J 2021

ECHOES | D/J 2021

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