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National Fried Chicken Day (July 6) – you’ll want a crisp, white wine with your chicken like Sauvignon Blanc or Chablis. Something bubbly would be tasty too, such as Brut Champagne.

National Mac and Cheese Day (July 14) – if you like those cheesy noodles with beef or pork mixed in, avoid a wine with high tannins and pair it with a fruity Pinot Noir. If you like your mac and cheese plain, go with a Riesling.

National Caviar Day (July 18) – the classic pairing is caviar with ice-cold vodka, but since this is a wine column, try this delicacy with a chilled white wine like Riesling or a light Pinot Noir.

Mango Day (July 22) – pop open a sparkling white Grand Cru Champagne or a sweet white Muscat.

National Avocado Day (July 31) – go with a white wine, such as a Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand or a Pinot Grigio.

There are some ideas to get you started. You can always make up your own special day and see which of your favorite wines will make it memorable.

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