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Kristi Van Ahn-Kjeseth

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Brandy Quam Age:

Brandy Quam Age:

Summarize your career path. I always knew I wanted to go into the financial side of the career world. I started my college years at Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota for Finance. After two years, I realized the big industry business wasn’t for me. I realized I wanted to make more of an individualized impact, not a corporate job. I switched to North Dakota State University to get my degree in Finance with a minor in Ag Business. My senior year of college I started working at Van Ahn and Company, Inc. It has been great to be able to utilize my strengths including public speaking while still building important individual relationships.

Age: 36 Chief Operating Officer Van Ahn and Company, Inc.

Community and volunteer efforts. I am forever thankful for my upbringing being strong in faith and education and that is where my passions are today. I am part of the Calvary Lutheran Preschool Advisory Board and help with Calvary’s youth programing for church. Our family’s goal is to give where it can help youth find their best opportunities and impact them for life. I was recently treasurer of the Miltona Girl Scouts as well.

Leadership philosophy. At Van Ahn and Company, we believe in a non-hierarchical leadership style. Every individual’s opinion matters. When we lift up everyone, I feel it makes the strongest team.

Family and interests.

My husband and I have been married for 11 years and are blessed with three girls ages 4, 7, and 10. When I’m not chasing kids around, I enjoy golfing, being on the lake, and reading. I read 39 books in 2022 and my goal is to read more non-fiction in 2023. I’m slowly learning to love winter more, but summer and fall will forever be my favorite seasons to enjoy.

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