2 minute read
Andy’s Choice
from Chicz - Nov/Dec 2022
by Echo Press
Potatoes are in season!
By Andy Mellgren
There are many ways in which to enjoy potatoes. Some of the most popular ways are fried, mashed, salad and my favorite – liquid, you know, vodka!
The vodka market continues to be the most popular category of liquor in the United States.
Today, most vodka is distilled from corn, wheat and other cereal grains, such as rye or rice. Vodka can be dis tilled from nearly anything such as potatoes, beets, grapes and grass.
The process involves the main ingredient (potato, rye, corn) being distilled to 97% ethanol and then cut with water.
There are rules. To be vodka there must be NO character, NO aroma, NO taste and NO color. Huh? Yes, quite the opposite for basically every other liquor category. Essentially vodka is alcoholic water. It should be clear, crisp and clean. Some might argue (including me) that the source of water or the main ingredient matters in how smooth and crisp the vodka finishes or “tastes.”
Vodka is perfect for creating cocktails as it matches and pairs with a wide variety of flavored mixes, sodas, fruits and fruit juices.
Here is a simple and refreshing cocktail. We’ll call this the Club Potato or Potato Highball. 1 oz. potato vodka, an ice cube or two, about 4 oz. club soda and a squeeze of lemon or lime.
Personally, I find that potato vodka has a smoother and cleaner finish than others made from grains. Just my opinion. Do your own homework, get together with some friends and try a potato vodka, make some cocktails and decide for yourselves.
Here are some fabulous recommendations: Gruven from Poland Chopin from Poland Luksusowa from Poland Blue Ice from Idaho And of course Minnesota’s own Little Round, still produced right up the road in Wadena!

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