Vikingland Band Festival - 2019

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P ARADE M ARCHING C HAMPIONSHIP Sunday, June 22, 2018|1:30 pm | Alexandria, MN | Field exhibition and awards ceremony at Alexandria Area H.S., 4300 Pioneer Road, at 4:30 pm | VikinglandBandFestival | #vbf2018 VIKINGLAND BAND FESTIVAL Welcome to the 35th Annual
ONLINE SHOPPING Poweredby SHOP.CUB .COM Proud supporter of the Vikingland Band Festival 2612 SB roadwaySt | Alexandria ,MN5630 8 | 320-762-1158 Great Prices! Steinbring Motorcoach An Award Winning Dealer Knowledgeable Sales People Award Winning Service Department New Friends! Toll Free 1.877.880.8090 | 320.834.6333 | View inventory at: STEINBRING MOTORCOACH CLOSEOUT PRICING 5 YEAR WARRANTY INCLUDED Celebrating over 102 years! 1917-2019 2018 CS Adventurous R18-008 SALE PRICE $134,513 2019 Carado Axion Studio C19-002 SALE PRICE $68,761 2018 Roadtrek Zion R18-002 SALE PRICE $88,432 2019 Roadtrek SS Agilge R19-003 SALE PRICE $113,613 SAVE $22,621 SAVE $36,484 SAVE $33,940 SAVE $16,577 Maywetootour ownhorn? Medicare hasawarded itshighestrating— fivestars—toonly8 of the142hospitals inMinnesota. AlomereHealth has earnedthistremendous distinction forthethird consecutiveyear! Thisis affirmationthatweare committedtoproviding world-classcareright hereinthe community we callhome. AlomereH ealth Alexa ndriaClinic OsakisClinic HeartlandOrthopedi c Specialists HereforLife 2 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication

PARADE ORDER CLASS UNIT PAGE A Honor Guard B Grand Marshals 1 HOST Alexandria .................................................................................................. 8 2 A Winona Cotter......................................................................................... 9 3 AAA Bemidji ....................................................................................................... 10 4 AA Milaca ......................................................................................................... 10 5 AAAA Mankato 77 Lancers ......................................................................... 12 6 AAA Sauk Rapids-Rice ............................................................................... 14 7 AAA Solar Sound 14 8 HONOR Alexandria Alumni 15 9 A Albany 15 10 AA Sar tell ......................................................................................................... 16 11 A Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg ................................................... 16 12 AAAA St . Michael-Albertville ...................................................................... 17 13 AA Dassel-Cokato ...................................................................................... 18 14 A LILA ............................................................................................................. 19 15 AAAA 728 Cadets ............................................................................................. 20 16 AA Hutchinson.............................................................................................. 21 17 AAA Henry Sibley.......................................................................................... 22 18 AA Fergus Falls ........................................................................................... 22 19 AA Richfield ................................................................................................... 23 20 AAA Waconia ....................................................................................................24 21 AAAA Champlin Park ..................................................................................... 23

Welcome to the 35th Annual Vikingland Band Festival parade marching championship!

Founded in 1985, the festival is a highlight of the summer season and is regarded as the state championship for summer parade bands. Throughout the years, the event has drawn 93 different bands from seven states, three Canadian provinces and Norway. This year, Lakes International Language Academy from Forest Lake, Minn., is making its first appearance and becomes the 94th band to participate.

This year’s lineup features 20 of the finest high school bands from across Minnesota plus the Alexandria Alumni Band in exhi-

bition. That’s a total of 1,700 performers in 21 marching bands! Eight different bands have claimed the Grand Champion title in the Festival’s 34-year history.

To celebrate 35 years of success, the Vikingland Band Festival is proud to honor eight long-serving former committee members as grand marshals of this year’s parade.

Event information, history, results, photos and more can be found online at

The Vikingland Band Festival is always the last Sunday in June. Mark your calendars now for June 28, 2020, when the festival will once again feature a special guest band … from NORWAY!

W W W. ALE X TEC H .EDU/ TOUR A lexa nd ria Technica l & Commu nit y College Visit our Campus www.a le xtec h. ed u•i nf o@alex te ch .e du •3 20 -762-0 221• 88 8-23 4-12 22 16 01 Je ff erson St re et •A le xa nd ri a, MN 56 30 8•AM embe rofM in ne so ta St at e• Th is doc um en tisa va il ab le in alt ern at iv ef or ma ts by ca ll in g8 88-234-12 22 ex t. 4673 or 32 0-762-4673. •AnE qual Oppo rt un it yE mpl oy er/E ducator Visitour Alexandria l& Communit yCollege WW ALEX H.EDU/TOUR
WELCOME TO THE 2019 VIKINGLAND BAND FESTIVAL This is the official publication of Alexandria’s 2019 Vikingland Band Festival. Advertising inquiries should be directed to: Echo Press, 225 7th Ave. E., Alexandria MN 56308; 320-763-3133 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 3

Eight grand marshalls chosen for band festival

All are former Vikingland committee members

For the first time ever, there are not one, not two, but eight grand marshals for this year’s Vikingland Band Festival parade. The festival announced this week that is expanding its list of grand marshals, bestowing the honor on people who have all worked on its committee.

The 35th annual band festival will be held Sunday, June 30, with a parade starting at 1:30 p.m. in Alexandria.

The eight retired committee members have been chosen to represent the 158 people who have served on festival committees since the inaugural year in 1985.

The 2019 grand marshals, along with the number of years they served on the committee, are:

Melody Thoennes, 18 years, was in band as a student and first volunteered for the Vikingland Band Festival in 1996 with her family later helping too. Next year, she and husband Bill will accompany grandson Preston and the New York Mills marching band to the 2020 Philadelphia’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Michael Bouressa, 12 years, moved to Alexandria in 1987 and attended his first VBF parade that summer. While no longer a committee member, he continues to help with the parade and drum corps. He and his wife Terri live in Alexandria and he works at 3M.

Kathy Tauber, 11 years, said she started loving marching band when her children were in junior high. She served on the Booster Committee before becoming its president. As part of the VBF committee, she has directed buses and kept band members hydrated.

Al Quam, 10 years, moved to Alexandria in 1976 with his wife Sharon. They raised four children who all played in the band. A retired dentist, Al has served the

community and his profession in many ways.

Debbi Rydberg, 10 years, started volunteering for the festival in 1999 by selling T-shirts along the parade route. Since then, she and her entire family have volunteered or worked on almost every aspect of the event. Her children also marched with the Jefferson High School Marching Band.

Monique Sebring, 10 years, of St. Peter, volunteers for VBF and the Drum Corps show because she is happy to see youth music valued and promoted. She enjoys hearing the bands rehearse one last time before lining up.

“The brass riffs and drumline cadences are exciting and band members enthusiasm is contagious!” she said. “Also, it’s a hoot to drive golf carts on the parade streets of Alexandria.”

Louise and Steve Cook, 9 years, moved to Alexandria in 2003. Their youngest son, Philip, joined marching band, and Louise and Steven in with VBF. They say their best memory is watching the Alexandria Marching Band come down the street leading the parade, “tears welling up in your eyes knowing how hard these young people have worked to perfect their performance. “

“All of these great people have passion, whether it’s for youth, for community, or for producing a great event,” said current committee chairman Greg DeGier. “These people came back year after year. Their devotion has helped keep the event strong for an incredible 35 years.”

Several other people have served on the Vikingland Band Festival for many years, and are still active in the event. They include Ken Martinson, who co-founded the festival and has been involved ever since, including 15 years on the committee.

Other longtime committee members who are still active in planning meetings include: Rhonda Blaser, 22 years; DeGier, 19 years; and Kim and Dave Nelson, 9 years.

It also takes hundreds of volunteers to run a festival of this size, organizers pointed out in a press release.

In addition to the parade, the Minnesota Drum Corps Premiere & Vikingland Band Festival Preview is slated for 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 29.

Information on reserved parade bleacher seating can be found at

Michael Bouressa Louise Cook
4 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication
S teve Cook Al Quam Debbi Rydberg Monique Sebring K athy Tauber Melody Thoennes

Thank you!

As we celebrate the 35th Annual Vikingland Band Festival, we pause at this milestone to thank and recognize the dedicated individuals who have made it a success year after year.

We combed through the archive of festival programs to compile a roster of every person who has been recorded as serving on the Festival Committee since the event’s debut. This list includes 158 people. In addition to these official committee members who met throughout the years to plan the event, there are hundreds of additional people who volunteered to help with duties on the day of the event. When considering these additional volunteers, there would be more than 500 or perhaps close to 1,000 people who have played a role in bringing this event to life and keeping it strong.


Ryan Aga

Rob Ahlfors

Cliff Alveshere

Diane Alveshere

Dawn Anderson

John Anderson

Terry Anderson

Vern Anderson

Lisa Bailey

Louise Bakkum

Rhonda Blaser

Todd Blaser

Colleen Boesen

Gary Boesen

Steve Bolton

Michael Bouressa

Mark Bruzik

Marv Bruzik

Mac Bryant

Ross Bryant

Kara Buckner

Duane Carlson

Delbert Clark

Jim Clayton

Louise Cook

Steve Cook

Sue Davidson

Michele Davis

Greg DeGier

Kyle Diekman

Don Domine

Brad Dumm

Sue Dumm

Cy Duray

Ginny Eastley

Joe Egge

Jim Eidsvold

Jan Esala

Jon Estenson

Tiffany Esterberg

Julie Feuling

Carolyn Fjeld

Dick Fjeld

Chris Ford

Elroy Frank

Jim Fredricks

GG Freitag

Bill Frost

Dolly Frost

Heather Galvin

Jon Ginther

Bill Goering

Connie Gonzalez

Jim Gratias

Sandy Grove

Steve Guttormson

Bill Haskins

Sue Haskins Lundeen

Tom Haugen

Heather Hauptli

Ann Hermes

Matt Hill

Dwayne Hohn

Brad Hoven

Debbie Hoven

Jerry Jensen

Bridget Jergenson

Donn Johnson

LuWanna Johnson

Mary Johnson

Tom Johnson

Mark Juettner

Joni Karger

Carol Karrow

Rod Karrow

Denise Klein

Dave Knapek

Kent Kolstad

Ed Kuba

Helen Kuba

Allyn Kuhnau

Bumper Lee

Dustin Magnan

Caitlin Mahoney

Judy Mahoney

Kevin Mahoney

Macaille Mahoney

Keith Martinson

Ken Martinson

Marv Martinson

Kari McCoy

Coni McKay

Tom McKay

Ervin McWilliams

Melinda Megel

Jeff Meland

Jennifer Mounsdon

Stephanie Myogeto

Agnes Nelson

Dave Nelson

Kim Nelson

Joe Nemo

Jim Neppl

Brad Ness

Ed Nyland

Pat Osterberg

Greg Parsons

Carol Paterson

Susan Paulson

Deb Pedersen

Mary Perrier

Barb Peterson

Jackie Petrie

Trevor Petrie

Pete Pfeffer

Bruce Pohlig

Kathleen Pohlig

Sara Pung

Al Quam

Jerry Ray

Bob Risnes

Jeanette Risnes

Jolene Rook

Judi Rost

Len Rost

Connie Runge

Debbi Rydberg

Rob Rydberg

Jerry Schoeneck

Jim Schoenrock

Roger Scholten

Valerie Scholten

Dwain Schuette

Monique Sebring-Avant

Dale Serum

Fred Shoemaker

Casey Skalbeck

Rod Skramstad

Ed Smith

Dave Sorbel

Daryl Staley

Darla Storm

Steve Storm

Kathy Tauber

Liz Taylor

Harvey Tewes

Courtney Thoennes

Melody Thoennes

Jack Trumm

Deb VanGuilder

Rick Wagner

Michelle Wencl

Gene Widstrom

Tim Wieben

Louise Wiedeman

Barb Wilson

Matt Winarski

Derek Ziemer

Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 5


Welcome friends, families, participants and spectators to the 35th Annual Vikingland Band Festival! The Alexandria Lakes Area is honored to host this fantastic event in our beautiful Downtown district and have you all here to experience summer in the lakes area! We invite you to explore everything our area has to offer, from our spectacular lakes, great overnight accommodations, excellent restaurants, local shops, attractions and more…you are certain to make fun memories! We hope you find many reasons to come back for a visit again.

On behalf of the Alexandria Lakes Area, welcome! We hope you enjoy your time in our community and good luck to all the bands!

Executive Director, Explore Alexandria Tourism

Welcome to Alexandria, marchers and marching band fans!

We are proud to be home to one of the Midwest’s premier marching band parades, and are happy you could join us as we celebrate the 35th annual festival.

While we know you are here for the bands, we hope that you will take time to enjoy all of the other wonderful things our area has to offer you. From fine dining establishments and unique shopping opportunities to quality museums and plentiful entertainment opportunities, we’ve got a lot to share with you.

If you can’t fit it all into this trip, we welcome you to come back anytime. Summer, fall, winter or spring, we’ve got plenty of things to keep you busy, including pristine lakes for fun and fishing, quality golf courses, a plethora of history and arts opportunities, and, of course, our claims to fame, Big Ole and the Kensington Runestone.

We can make you comfortable at a local resort, bed and breakfast, hotel/motel, campground, private rental or unique retreat lodge - whatever fits your family best.

We’re happy you’re here, and we hope to see you again soon!

6 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication
James Feist
Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 7

Director: Casey Skalback

Assistant Director: Derek Ziemer

Drumline: Scott Fasset

Color guard: Kassie Gibbons

Assistant Colorguard: Sue Snorek

Honor Guard: Kaylee Krueger

Repertoire: “A Little Party (Never Killed Nobody)”

Number of Band Members: 60

Band Accomplishments:

The Alexandria Marching Band has been a competitive marching unit since the early 1980s. The band marches extensively in Minnesota during June and July, and takes a major trip every other year. This year, the band will travel to California and perform in the Huntington Parade and Palisades Parade. In 2015, the band traveled to Norway and performed at the Stabekk Centennial Festival. Past national performances of the band include the 1985 Cotton Bowl Parade, the 1990 and 1998 Tournament of Roses Parade, the 1998 and 2003 Disney Torchlight Parade, the 1994 and 2000 Fiesta Bowl Parade, the 1992 National Independence Day Parade, the 1992 Closing Ceremonies of the U.S. Olympic Festival, the 2003 and 2006 Florida Citrus Bowl Parade, the 2009 Greeley Stampede Parade, and the 2009 Estes Park Rooftop Rodeo Parade.

001739253r1 Performance, Packaged 4750 County Road 13 NE · Alexandria, MN · 56308 Proud to be a hometown employer, strengthening our commmunity through support of children’s education! 001739590r1 Cenex Convenience Store Auto & Tire Service 1705 Broadway, Alexandria, MN • 320-763-6557 One Stop Shop We are your for all your needs! • Quality Cenex Fuels • Propane Filling Station • Hunting & Fishing Licenses • Bait & Tackle • Broasted Chicken & Sandwiches • Pop, Coffee, Snacks & More • Auto & Tire Full Service Shop 8 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication ALEXANDRIA MARCHING BAND


Director: Andy Meurer

Assistant Director: Ian Schultz

Drumline: Erick Sells

Colorguard: Jessica Haut

Repertoire: Circle of Stones: A Celtic

Fantasy by Barry Hurt

Number of Band Members: 63

Band Accomplishments:

The Cotter High School Marching Band 2018 Awards included 1st Place Class A in Lake Crystal and 1st Place Class A in Waconia also winning Best Colorguard and Percussion. The band toured and performed in Traverse City, Michigan on July 4, 2017.

Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 9

Director: Derek Wickum

Colorguard: Chrissy Freundschuh

Drumline: Eric Sundeen

Repertoire: Shadows and Light

Number of Band Members: 100

Band Accomplishments:

The Bemidji High School Marching band earned 2nd Place AA at Benson, 3rd Place AA at Lake City and 3rd Place AA Roseville season 2017.

bring their Summer 2019 Production entitled “Nevermore.” This show combines the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe and themes of J.S. Bach to tell the diabolical story of “The Raven” through music and motion. Our main character teeters on the edge of sanity while being tormented by his lost love Lenore. All the while, the raven is taunting him and the “Night” (represented by the colorguard) surrounds and threatens to consume him.

The Marching Wolves are a co-curricular extension of the Milaca High School Band program. The Milaca Band program has nearly 500 members in grades 5-12. The high school band program features two concert bands, two jazz ensembles, pep band, numerous solo/ensemble activities and the Marching Wolves.

10 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication
Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 11



Repertoire: The Race

Number of Band Members: 98

Band Accomplishments:

The Mankato Area 77 Lancers from Mankato, Minnesota is a competitive parade marching band made up of students in Grades 8-12 from throughout southern Minnesota. The group consists of approximately 100 members performing in brass, woodwind, percussion and colorguard sections. In their 40-year history, the Lancers have established themselves as one of the premier marching ensembles in the Midwest.


12 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication


2018 Bill and Anne Riggs

2017 Keith Redfield

2016 Brent and Sally Smith

2015 Owen and Audrey Miller

2014 Marv Martinson

2013 Randy and Mary Morken

2012 Jim Eidsvold

2011 Margaret “Peggy” Atwood

2010 Jerry and Margaret Van Kempen

2009 Ken Nelson

2008 Ken Martinson

2007 Dennis Anhalt and Patty Wicken

2006 Dean Dainsberg

2005 Jill Blashack and Joani Nielson

2004 Don Shelby

2003 Tom Lehman

2002 Ross Bryant

200 Eldred Quarnstrom



Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 13
Iverson 1999 Tom Haugen 1998 Joel Wood
John Anderson
Virginia and Wally Bloom 1995 Erc Aga 1994 Ken
Jim Clayton, John Anderson 1993 Les Dehlin 1992 Sid Carlson 1991 Ruth Tangen-Barsness 1990 Blossom Sorby Anderson 1989 Murrae N. Freng
1988 Vincent R. DiNino
1987 Paul Attridge
1986 George McKay
1985 L .E. “Bud” Christenson



Directors: Scott Campbell, Richard Owen

Marching and Drill Instructor: Justin Frerich

Marching Instructor: Andy Campbell

Guard Instructors: Brianna Reihm, Sam Paulson

Drumline Instructors: Randy Hansen, Andrew Wennekamp

Repertoire: Various themes from Alice in Wonderland by Danny Elfman, and Her Name is Alice by Shinedown.

Number of band members: 82

Band Accomplishments:

The Sauk Rapids-Rice Marching Storm earned two International Lions Parade top honors; awards from Traverse City, Michigan; Edmonton, Canada; Greeley, Colorado; Huntington Beach, California; Boston, Massachusetts; Randolph, Massachusetts; Michigan City, Indiana; Grand Championships at Foley Fun Days, Class Champions at Vikingland Band Festival and assorted awards in Central Minnesota parades for the past 27 years.



Director: Valerie Clear

Drumline: George Zahn

Color Guard: Merith Starren

Repertoire: Patriotic Sequence and America, the Beautiful

Number of band members: 32

Band Accomplishments:

Solar Sound’s many travels have included: 2008 Bristol, Rhode Island; 2009 Estes Park, Colorado; 2010 Los Angeles, California; 2011 Traverse City, Michigan; 2012 Philadelphia-Washington, D.C.; 2013 Branson, Missouri; 2014 Bristol, Rhode Island; 2017 Aurora, Illinois; 2018 Baraboo, Wisconsin.

14 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication


Directors: Greg DeGier, Todd Blaser, Derek Ziemer, Ken Martinson, Sue Snorek Repertoire: College Boy

The Alexandria Alumni Band has appeared five times in the past. The first time was in 1994 as part of the Vikingland Band Festival’s 10th anniversary. The band returned in 2001 by popular demand from alumni members who were itching to do it again. The band now gathers every five years, and marched in 2004, 2009 and 2014. It has become a great tradition. In 2004, band members came from 13 states and represented 28 graduating classes from 1961-2004! In 2019 the Alexandria Alumni Band makes its sixth appearance in honor of the 35th annual Vikingland Band Festival.



Director: John Kleppe

Colorguard: Shannon Rushmeyer

Drumline: Mary Gondringer

Repertoire: Second Line

Number of band members: 70

Band Accomplishments:

Last season, this Albany band had two second-place finishes and one third-place finish. They are excited to share their new uniforms and a new battery this season.

Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 15



Director: Dave Lumley

Assistant Director: Rachel Miller

Colorguard: Holli Sauerer

Drumline: Andrew Guthmiller

Repertoire: Apollo 11: Moon Landing

Number of band members: 33

Band Accomplishments:

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft launched from Kennedy Space Center. The journey took four days and on July 20, the Eagle landed on the lunar surface and Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped onto the lunar surface for the first time. Sartell High School Marching Band presents “Mission To the Moon.”



Director: Pam Diem

Colorguard: Kristin Stivers

Assistants: Katie Wilts, Britta Diem

Student Helpers: Caleb Heidelberger, Brianna Kauffmann

Band Accomplishments:

The KMS Marching Saints perform throughout the state of Minnesota each summer and have traveled to Colorado; Washington, D.C.; Michigan; and Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Chicago, Illinois; Bristol, Rhode Island; New York, New York; and Boston, Massachusetts areas in recent years. In 1999 and 2013, they were honored to represent Minnesota in Washington, D.C. for the National Independence Day parade. In December 2016, the KMS Marching Saints traveled to Honolulu, Hawaii where they were honored to represent Minnesota at the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. They were members of the international mass band that performed for the commemoration of this historic anniversary.

This summer, the Marching Saints will travel east to march for the second time in the Bristol 4th of July parade. They will also travel and tour Boston and New York City while out east.

The Marching Saints show this year is titled “Rhapsody.” It blends Gershwin’s famous “Rhapsody in Blue” with the Queens classic, “Bohemian Rhapsody,” for an interesting and modern twist we hope everyone enjoys.

The KMS Marching Saints have a history of excellence and place in the top three consistently as well as receive many caption awards. The Marching Saints are also honored to have taken first in the Class A Championships in Alexandria the past 10 years.

16 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication
Repertoire: “Rhapsody” -- “Rhapsody in Blue” by Gershwin and “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen Number of band members: 85


Repertoire: Firebird Suite

Number of band members: 98

Band Accomplishments:

The STMA Marching Knights performed at the 2017 St. Louis 4th of July parade and placed 4th out of 12 bands from around the country in a nationally televised event. In 2018, the band finished its season with a superior level performance at the Vikingland Band Festival.

Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 17
Staff: Nick Flattum, Mark Jordheim, Sabrina Dunn, Josh Van Vooren, Sara Kulzer, Alaina Fel


Staff: Brian Veith, Andrew Dussl, Bryan Borg Repertoire: Launch! with music from Frank Sullivan’s “Junkestra”

Number of band members: 89


Band Accomplishments:

The Dassel-Cokato Marching Chargers have been competing in the Minnesota parade circuit since Dassel and Cokato combined high schools in 1972. The band is part of a comprehensive music program that includes two concert bands, marching band, jazz bands, pit orchestra for musicals, and winter drumline. They have appeared in parades across the United States including: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Florida, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Missouri, Colorado, Nevada, and the Dakotas. In the Minnesota circuit, the National Cherry Festival, and the Parade Of Nations Lions Parade the band has received numerous caption awards for Best Colorguard, Drumline, Drum Major, Winds, and top finishes in competition. The DC Marching Band includes 8th-12th grade students from the DC community. Many of these students change instruments for the marching season to help balance the band. We are also proud to say that we have several students marching with the River City Rhythm Drum Corps for the third year in a row. DC students in the band live by the mantra of pride, excellence, and commitment and they are excited to present this year’s show to audiences across the state of Minnesota.


Festival Coordinator/Housing – Rhonda Blaser

Committee Chairman/Awards Ceremony – Greg DeGier

Secretary/Tent Coordinator – Jackie Petrie

Treasurer/Ticket Sales – Dawn Anderson

Drum Corps Operations – Ken Martinson

Tabloid/DVD Sales – Kim Nelson

Parade Operations – Todd Blaser

Street Operations – Dave Nelson

Judging Operations – Jeff Meland

High School Operations – Jennie Mounsdon

Banner Operations – Connie Runge

Technical Director – Kent Kolstad 320.763.9022 913 Broadway Alexandria 320.524.2525 105 Central • PO Box 567 • Brandon 320.351.2436 512 Main St S Suite #2 • Sauk Centre Billmarks Lakes Area Insurance 001739612r1 320-759-0885 | 4409 Hwy 29 S, Alexandria | 18 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication


Director: Nick Zahler


Assistant Director: Kiersten Sloneker

Drumline: Dana Flickinger

Repertoire: “A La Lune” from “La Nouba” by Benoit Jutras

Number of band members: 40

Band Accomplishments:

Lakes International Language Academy, or LILA, in Forest Lake, placed third at the Minnesota State Fair in 2019 and performed at the 100th Annual American Legion National Convention in 2019. Its marching band has seen a 150 percent growth in its second season.

Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 19

Staff: Joe Jaeger, Shannon Curtis, Dani Augustine, Joey Wattsnhofer, Jake Esterberg, Gus Wiitala, Chris

O’Connel, Carter Schunk, Aundria

Speidel, Teran Keith, Jordan Lauseng, Brooklyn Hennek

Repertoire: Pines of Rome, Fade to Black, Udacrep Akubrad

Number of band members: 86

Band Accomplishments:

Four-time Vikingland Grand Champions, five-time Vikingland

Class Champions, four-time Vikingland Best Percussion, four-time

Vikingland Best Winds, six-time Vikingland Best Colorguard

Minnesota House of Representatives District 8B Mary Franson Paid for by Team Franson, 2740 Le Homme Dieu Hts NE, Alexandria, MN 56308 001739262r1 Welcome to the Lakes Area Good luck to all participants! NOW OPEN Traditional Mexican Cuisine Monday- Saturday 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday. 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Off I-94, 607 Twin Boulevard Alexandria, Minnesota 320-219-6155 20 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 2019 VIKINGLAND BAND FESTIVAL JUDGES Tri-State Judges Association John Greene, head judge, Music General Effect Tamara Schmidt, Guard Brent Turner, Visual General Effect Matt Ferry, Percussion Jon Mattheis, Music Execution Mike Reed, Marching Execution 728 CADETS MARCHING BAND CLASS

Director: Kevin Kleindl

Assistant Director: Cindy Maiers

Battery Instructor: Shane Matter

Color Guard Instructor: Alyssa Engel

Drum Majors: Emma Trettin and Connor Sturges

Repertoire: Dante’s Inferno

Number of band members: 63

Band Accomplishments:

The Hutchinson Marching Tigers were proud to participate in the Bristol 4th of July parade held in Bristol, Rhode Island as part of its trip to the East Coast last summer. This parade has been in existence for 233 years.

Congratulations 518 Hawthorne St., Alexandria • 320-763-6518 • Melody Thoennes, 18 years
Bouressa, 12 years
Tauber, 11 years Al Quam, 10 years
Rydberg, 10 years
Sebring, 10 years Louis and Steve Cook, 9 years AUTO • HOME • LIFE • HEALTH • BUSINESS Thank you for your years of dedicated service to the Vikingland Band Festival to this year’s Grand Marshals 853 MN-29 Alexandria • 4910 MN-29 Alexandria We are proud of our Band Members Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 21 HUTCHINSON MARCHING TIGERS CLASS AA


Band Director: Amy Powers

Hornline Instructors: Owen Tucker, Steve Truran

Visual: Kehan Knapp, Dennis Maher

Percussion Instructors: Jett Roeser, John Flanagan, Jordan Boudreaux, Megan Perera, Jenna Smith

Percussion Music Writer: Nick Edwards

Color Guard Instructors: Mike Andrle, Jeff Olson, Sarah Anderson, Sydney Truran

Drum Majors: Matt Lao, Devin McIntyre

Repertoire: “Happy Camper”

Number of band members: 82

Band Accomplishments:

In 2018, the Henry Sibley Marching Band was chosen to represent Minnesota in the National Independence Day Parade in Washington, D.C. In order to create an equal opportunity for all marching band students to participate in this parade, the Henry Sibley Band Boosters raised more than $108,000 to send the entire marching band to Washington D.C. at no cost to the students. The Henry Sibley band students and boosters extend their gratitude to the hundreds of donors who contributed to GETSMB2DC. In 2018, the Henry Sibley Marching Band was the AA Class Champion at the Lake Crystal, Owatonna, and Waconia band festivals. The Henry Sibley Marching Band was also named the 2018 Grand Champion in both the Rogers and Roseville parades and they are the 2018 Vikingland Band Festival Grand Champion.


Director: Scott Kummrow

Assistant Director: Josh McGowan

Drumline: Kaele Peterson

Color Guard: Denise Wiese

Repertoire: American Marches

Number of members: 75

Band Accomplishments:

Past honors for the Fergus Falls High School Marching Band have included four appearances in the International Lions parade, with first place finishes in Seattle in 2011 and Boston in 2006 and representatives of Minnesota in the 2009 and 2013 Presidential inaugural parades. In 2017, the band performed in the Independence Day parade in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

22 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication



Director: Elizabeth Winslow

Assistant Directors: Pete Dysart and Chris Porter

Drumline Instructor: Ryan Larson

Colorguard Instructors: Amanda Flom and Tori Nordine

Music Arrangers: Ryan Larson and Elizabeth Winslow

Drill Designer: Greg Guffey

Vocal Coach: Samuel Grace

Repertoire: “Of Honor and Valor Eternal” - Ayatey Shabazz and the United State Air Force Hymn

Number of band members: 41

Band Accomplishments:

The Richfield High School Marching Spartans are in their 64th year of performing excellence. Richfield, Minnesota’s first suburb, is a diverse community on the south border of Minneapolis. Richfield High School offers multiple concert bands, jazz band, and pep band.

Our 2019 show, Soar Above, is performed as a tribute to the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II and in memory of Lt. Col. Robert Winslow. The Tuskegee Airmen (332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the United States Army Air Forces) were America’s first African-American fighter pilots who overcame racism and prejudice at home while valiantly fighting for their country abroad. Our music selections include Ayatey Shabazz’s “Of Honor and Valour Eternal” and the United State Air Force Hymn.

Alexandria Public Schools has been honored with a 2019 Best Communities for Music Education designation from The NAMM Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education.

Our district was one of ten school districts in Minnesota to receive the honor. This award is given across the country and signifies schools that offer the best for its students to learn, study, practice, and perform music. Our district is fortunate to have a rich tradition of extraordinary music excellence because of dedicated, inspiring music educators in every school.

Learn more about our schools by visiting or calling 320-762-2141.

Proudly serving the communities of Alexandria, Carlos, Forada, Garfield, Miltona, Nelson, and surrounding area townships.

Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 23
The Marching Spartans will perform in eleven parades this summer including Owatonna, Waconia, Alexandria, and the 4th of July parades in Edina and Richfield. We would like to wish all the bands the best of luck this marching season and thank our Richfield Music Boosters for their ongoing support!
Best Wishes from Schmitt Music to all Vikingland Marching Band Participants Schmitt Music is a proud sponsor of the Vikingland Marching Band Championship. We would like to congratulate all of the marching bands on their performance today. Right Advice. Right Brands. Real Value. To find your nearest Schmitt Music store go to or call 1-877-SCHMITT Vikingland Marching Band Ad 2016_drumline ad 6/3/16 4:43 PM Page 1 001592894r1 A Proud Community Partner and Proud Sponsor of The Vikingland Band Festival With locations in Carlos, Miltona, Sauk Centre, Glenwood, Osakis, Elbow Lake and Barrett. One stop for freshly made deli items, bakery items and gas Locally owned and operated 24 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication WACONIA HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND CLASS AAA
Repertoire: “A New Day” Number of band members: 175 Band Accomplishments: Entertaining audiences all over the Midwest, as well as Traverse City, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; San Diego and Los Angeles, California; St. Louis, Missouri; Denver, Colorado; Seattle, Washington; New York, New York; Boston and Bristol, Rhode Island; and so many more places!
Staff: John Pohland, Phil Snyder, Allison Wilmes, Joe Asleson, Sue Snorek, Carl Mathwig


Directors: Steve Johnson, Amanda Mastrian

Drumline: David Bradley, Terran Laurent

Color Guard: Tony Marquardt, Brandon Crosno, Ashley Crosno, Katie Kalvig and Sierra Pattin

Music/Visual: Karl Kubiak, Carly Mastrian, Jordyn Newman and Wyatt Smith

Repertoire: Westside Story

Number of band members: 72

Band Accomplishments:

The Champlin Park Marching Rebels consists of dedicated musicians who pride themselves in being highly active in the many summer and fall marching venues. Over the last 27 years the band has performed and competed across the country in parades as well as field competitions. In 2016, the Marching Rebels made an appearance at the Liberty Bowl in Memphis, Tennessee, winning Grand Champion in both the parade and field competitions. In 2015, the Marching Rebels were the Class A Champions at the Youth in Music State Marching Band Championships.

Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 25



Class A................. Kerkhoven–Murdock-Sunburg

Class AA Dassel-Cokato

Class AAA ..................................................... Henry Sibley

Class AAAA ...............................Mankato 77 Lancers

Grand Champion .................................... Henry Sibley


Class A................. Kerkhoven–Murdock-Sunburg

Class AA .................................................... Dassel-Cokato

Class AAA ............................................................... Waconia

Class AAAA ..................................................... 728 Cadets

Grand Champion ........................................ 728 Cadets


Class A ................ Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg

Class AA ....................................................................... Milaca

Class AAA ............................................................... Waconia

Class AAAA ..................................................... 728 Cadets

Grand Champion .............................................. Waconia


Class A.................. Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg

Class AA ........................................................... Hutchinson

Class AAA ............................................................... Waconia

Class AAAA 728 Cadets

Grand Champion ........................................ 728 Cadets


Class A.................. Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg

Class AA Henry Sibley

Class AAA ............................................................... Waconia

Class AAAA .................................................... 728 Cadets

Grand Champion ........................................ 728 Cadets


Class A.................. Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg

Class AA ........................................................ Henry Sibley

Class AAA ............................................................... Waconia

Class AAA ........................................................ 728 Cadets

Grand Champion ........................................ 728 Cadets


Class A.................. Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg

Class AA ................................................... Winona-Cotter

Class AAA ........................................................Park Center

Class AAAA ..................................... Mankato Lancers

Grand Champion .......................................Park Center


Class A.................. Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg

Class AA ............................................ Sauk Rapids-Rice

Class AAA ........................................................Park Center

Class AAAA 728 Cadets

Grand Champion .......................................Park Center


Class A.................. Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg

Class AA Sauk Rapids-Rice

Class AAA ............................................................... Waconia

Class AAAA ................................... Mankato Lancers

Grand Champion ........................ Mankato Lancers


Class A.................. Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg

Class AA .................................................... Winona Cotter

Class AAA ......................................... Sauk Rapids-Rice

Class AAAA ........................................................... Waconia

Grand Champion .............................................. Waconia


Class A ..................................................... Winona-Cotter

Class AA .................................................................. Waconia

Class AAA ......................................... Sauk Rapids-Rice

Class AAAA ...................................................Park Center

Grand Champion .......................................Park Center


Class A....................................................... Winona-Cotter

Class AA .................................................................. Waconia

Class AAA ......................................... Sauk Rapids-Rice

Class AAAA Park Center

Grand Champion .......................................Park Center


Class A....................................................... Winona-Cotter

Class AA Waconia

Class AAA ................................................................... Buffalo

Class AAAA ....................................................Park Center

Grand Champion .............................................. Waconia


Class A....................................................... Winona-Cotter

Class AA .................................................................. Waconia

Class AAA ......................................... Sauk Rapids-Rice

Class AAAA ...................................................Park Center

Grand Champion .............................................. Waconia


Class A


Class AA .................................................................. Waconia

Class AAA ......................................... Sauk Rapids-Rice

Class AAAA ..................................... Mankato Lancers

Grand Champion .............................................. Waconia


Class A......................................................... Bertha Hewitt

Class AA .................................................................. Waconia

Class AAA ........................................................Park Center

Grand Champion .......................................Park Center


Class A........................................................................... Milaca

Class AA Litchfield

Class AAA ......................................... Sauk Rapids-Rice

Class AAAA ........................................................... Mankato

Grand Champion .............................................. Mankato


Class A........................................................................... Milaca

Class AA .................................................................Litchfield

Class AAA .................................................... Henry-Sibley

Class AAAA ...................................................Park Center

Grand Champion Park Center


Class A............................................................... Paynesville

Class AA .................................................................Litchfield

Class AAA .................................................... Henry-Sibley

Class AAAA ........................................................... Mankato

Grand Champion .............................................. Mankato


Class A....................................................... Winona-Cotter

Class AA ........................................................... Paynesville

Class AAA ..............................................................Litchfield

Class AAAA Park Center

Grand Champion .......................................Park Center

26 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication


Class A......................................................... Bertha-Hewitt

Class AA ong Prairie-Grey Eagle

Class AAA ..............................................................Litchfield

Class AAAA ...................................................Park Center

Grand Champion .............................................Litchfield


Class A


Class AA ............................. Long Prairie-Grey Eagle

Class AAA ..............................................................Litchfield

Class AAAA ....................................................Park Center

Grand Champion .......................................Park Center


Class A......................................................... Bertha-Hewitt

Class AA ..........................................................Long Prairie

Class AAA ............................................................Litchfield

Class AAAA ............................................................ Irondale

Grand Champion Irondale


Class A......................................................... Bertha-Hewitt

Class AA ..........................................................Long Prairie

Class AAA ..............................................................Litchfield

Class AAAA Irondale

Grand Champion ............................................... Irondale


Class A....................................................... Winona-Cotter

Class AA Long Prairie

Class AAA ..............................................................Litchfield

Class AAAA ............................................................ Irondale

Grand Champion ............................................... Irondale


Class A Winona-Cotter

Class AA .........................................................Long Prairie

Class AAA ............................................................ Litchfield

Class AAAA ........................................................... Irondale

Grand Champion ............................................... Irondale


Class A ..................................................... Winona-Cotter

Class AA ....................................................................... Sartell

Class AAA ..............................................................Litchfield

Class AAAA ........................................................... Irondale

Grand Champion Irondale


Class A......................................................... Bertha-Hewitt

Class AA .................................................................. Waconia

Class AAA ..............................................................Litchfield

Class AAAA Irondale

Grand Champion ............................................... Irondale


Class A......................................................... Bertha-Hewitt

Class AA Long Prairie

Class AAA ..............................................................Litchfield

Class AAAA ................................................. Henry Sibley

Grand Champion .............................................Litchfield


Class A


Class AA ..........................................................Long Prairie

Class AAA ..............................................................Litchfield

Grand Champion .............................................Litchfield


Class A


Class AA ..........................................................Long Prairie

Class AAA ..............................................................Litchfield

Grand Champion .............................................Litchfield


Class A ....................................................................... Becker

Class AA ....................................................... Long Prairie

Class AAA ..............................................................Litchfield

Grand Champion .............................................Litchfield


Class A.......................................................................... Becker

Class AA Litchfield

Class AAA ................................................... Henry Sibley

Grand Champion .................................... Henry Sibley


Class A..............................................................Long Prairie

Class AA .............................................................. Litchfield

Class AAA .............................................................Princeton

Grand Champion ......................................Long Prairie

THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING LAKES AREA ALEXANDRIA SUPERCENTER ALEXANDRIA • 4611 HWY. 29 • OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication 27
Open 24 hours a day & 7 days a week! 320-763-3446 • | Corner of 3rd & Nokomis, Alexandria • Largest Natural/Organic food department in the area • Expanded Deli featuring more salads, meats & cheeses and several imported cheeses • Olive bar, the largest in the area • Increased variety in produce department • Expanded meat department featuring Creekstone Farms Black Angus Beef • Full FTD floral department open 7 days a week. Certified expert designer on hand March on in to Elden’s Fresh Foods 28 Vikingland Band Festival June 2019 • An Echo Press Publication

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