Hidden Delights
THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 editor@echo.net.au adcopy@echo.net.au http://www.echo.net.au VOLUME 20 #05 TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2005 22,300 copies every week $1 at newsagents only
400 greet whales at Cape Byron Around 400 people and around 20 whales turned up for the opening of whale watching season at Byron Bay on the weekend. While Trish and Wally Franklin were giving their whale presentation they were upstaged by a couple of large humpback passing within a hundred metres of Cape Byron. Member for Richmond Justine Elliot spoke of her and Australia’s deep feelings for the whales and said she would hand deliver hundreds of letters and drawings to PM John Howard and to the Japanese ambassador in Canberra. Reporting to The Echo from Ulsan in South Korea, Australians For Animals campaigner Sue Arnold was not optimistic about the outcomes of the International
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Lanterns set Lismore on fire
Whaling Commission (IWC). She urged local residents to phone John Howard’s office (8226 8400) and call on Australia to take Japan to the International Court of Justice. ‘I have lobbied many countries who see this as the only alternative, it needs several countries to take this action,’ said Ms Arnold. ‘The Japanese could start killing humpbacks this summer. ‘I asked the Australian Minister for the Environment [Ian Campbell] at an impromptu press conference if Australia would take Japan to court and he ducked the question. Another journo asked if Australia would impose sanctions against Japan and he said no, Aus- Water lilies, dragons, bats and dragonflies were among the beautiful and creative lanterns in the Lismore Lantern Parade tralia would seek to resolve the on Saturday night. The fire filled finale included lanterns in every colour of the rainbow, including the yellow Whirling Dercontinued on page 2
vishes representing the connection of the earth to the sun, pictured above. Jeff ‘Lights on but no one home’ Dawson.
Andrew Denton to open sculpture show In the last three years he’s given Enough Rope to the glamorous and the tarnished, the mighty and the fallen. Princess Mary of Denmark, Steven Spielberg, Jack Thompson, Russell Crowe, Rene Rivkin, Alan Bond and Bob Geldof to name but a few. Cape Byron Trust and organisers of artsCape: the Nature of Sculpture have announced Andrew Denton will be opening this major exhibition of sculptures at Cape Byron this Sunday. ‘Andrew’s decision to open the show as well as become a patron of artsCape is no accident. He loves Byron Bay, having been an enthusiastic visitor to the East Coast Blues and Roots Festival for the past five years, as well as having holidayed here with his family on many occasions,’ said a spokesperson. ‘His support for this event also comes from an appreciation of what outdoor sculptural exhibitions can offer a community; Sculpture by the Sea at Bondi being a case in point. Having enjoyed Bondi’s sculptural walk, Andrew is now
looking forward to seeing what Byron Bay can offer. Will it delight? Will it amuse? Will it shock? ‘The answer is that just like Andrew Denton, it will probably do a bit of everything. As radio legend, Doug Mulray once said of Andrew: “He is a very strange man; a cross between John Travolta and a gherkin.”’ Andrew Denton, pictured below with artsCape organiser Merran
Morrison, will open artsCape at 11am on Sunday next to the lighthouse cottages, followed by the presentation of prizes for the winning sculptures. ArtsCape will be open for two weeks until July 11 and is free to the public. To avoid traffic congestion, organisers are asking people to walk or be dropped off on Sunday. A shuttle bus will leave the Beach Café bus stop at 10am.