THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 VOLUME 20 #07 TUESDAY, JULY 5, 2005 22,300 copies every week $1 at newsagents only
Natural disaster area status declared for Byron Shire Much of Byron Shire came to a standstill on Thursday as the area returned to its former life as a wetland. Creeks rose, lakes appeared from nowhere and low lying areas became waterways as over a foot of rain fell in 24 hours. Residents in the shire’s north took to their boats as roads and cars disappeared under several feet of water forcing the evacuation of nearly 100 people from the Ocean Shores, New Brighton and South Golden Beach area and 15 from Mullumbimby. Volunteers from the various emergency services manned phones, vehicles and boats to rescue people in the worst affected areas and provide information for people in distress. ‘We took 94 people up to the Ocean Shores Country Club for something to eat
and 15 to the Mullum RSL where they were registered by the police and then billeted in motels or in homes for the night,’ said Noel McIveney from the Mullum SES. Flood waters were so high in some areas that the SES called in the Rural Fire Service and Fire Brigade engines to reach evacuees and parts of New Brighton could only be accessed with the local surf club’s inflatable boat. Among the many volunteers were Cathryn and Bruce Will from the Adventist Development and Relief Agency who carried a blind resident of Mullumbimby’s New City Road through the flood waters to emergency accommodation and found a place to stay for an expectant mother whose baby is due on Monday. At the storm’s peak on Thursday morning, power
had been cut to much of Byron Shire’s north, parts of Ewingsdale, Federal, Binna Burra, Tyagarah and Mullumbimby; the Pacific Highway was blocked by flood waters in several places; Mullumbimby was virtually cut off and Byron Bay was closed to through traffic; Coolangatta Airport was closed and Virgin had cancelled flights into Ballina; many business were closed as staff were cut off by floodwaters and Telstra was inundated with over 500 calls about telephone faults. New Brighton resident Eve Jeffery’s Pacific Street house was isolated by rising flood waters on Thursday. ‘We noticed the river levels were starting to be out of the ordinary about 5pm on Wednesday afternoon and by 7am Thursday morning we thought we could be in trouble. By about 11am the
Left Bank Road in Mullumbimby defeated this motorist last week as days of heavy rainfall flooded much of the Shire’s north. Photo Michael Rose. More flood photos on page 16.
flood water was three foot above the concrete slab under the [raised] house.’ With nowhere to move cars to Eve and her neighbour watched as water flowed into their vehicles, at the peak reaching the bottom of the steering wheel. ‘My rubbish bin floated away and I found it two doors down in a neighbours backyard, unfortunately all the rubbish had gone. The washing machine, which was under the house, was floating around in the laundry and I had to lock the door to stop it washing away.’ Simon Haslam couldn’t resist the flooded streets of South Golden Beach and took to his canoe on Thursday afternoon. Leaving his Philip Street home he made a watery tour around the area passing many similarly inspired residents in tinnies and kayaks. ‘It was like paddling through the Amazon rainforest because the water stretched on through the trees back into lots of different channels.The golf course was particularly spectacular forming a lake from Balemo Drive to the New Brighton Store,’ Mr Haslam said. Rainfall records were broken in Mullumbimby and Byron Bay for the 24 hours up to 9am on Thursday. 287mm fell on Mullumbimby and 192mm on Byron Bay, the wettest June day on record. Some areas reported over 600mm of rain for the three day wet. With 382mm Tweed Heads was drenched with its wettest day for any month on record. At one stage the Brunscontinued on page 2
Hot bidding at FEHVA auction
FEHVA volunteer David Arrowsmith, above, scans the crowd at Saturday’s art auction for possible bidders, watched over by Camilla Connolly’s The Prodigal Son. The painting was awarded second place in the People’s Choice competition. FEHVA organiser, Dee Tipping paid tribute to the clan of volunteers who helped make FEHVA a success and thanked patrons for their generosity in making the auction a fundraising success. Photo Jeff ‘Pick Me’ Dawson
Reconciliation at NAIDOC The Arakwal people are inviting the community to take part in the reconciliation process by joining the NAIDOC celebrations this Wednesday. An Aboriginal Awareness Day will be held around the peace pole adjacent to the Byron Bay Surf Club on Wednesday, July 6. Aboriginal dancers will be performing throughout the day and a series of informal workshops will include face painting, aboriginal art, wool weaving, didgeridoo playing and fun kids activities. NAIDOC day organiser and Arakwal spokesperson Delta Kay said, ‘The day will begin with a march down
Jonson Street and up to the Peace Pole adjacent to Byron Bay Surf Club. Bring your families and wear the colours of the Aboriginal flag. We will be marching in solidarity with our community and Arakwal Elders to celebrate Aboriginal culture. ‘We are asking people to meet at 10am at Railway Park so that we are ready to march by 10.30 am. It is important that everyone is ready to go by 10.30am as police will be blocking traffic in Jonson Street for the the march,’ said Ms Kay. ‘When we get to the peace pole park adjacent to the Byron Bay Surf club it will continued on page 4