Byron Shire passionate about Relay for Life Men in drag, people dressed as vegetables, children in pyjamas and tiaras filled the Bangalow Showground with a colourful and typically Byron response to last weekend’s Relay for Life. Organised to raise awareness and funds for cancer, over 1,000 people in 54 teams took to the track last Saturday in the Sunsmart Relay for Life to show support for cancer survivors and their carers. Walkers, runners, survivors of cancer and their carers kept an all night relay from 3pm Saturday until 9am Sunday,
supported by visiting masseuses, masses of donated food and gallons of hot chocolate. As darkness fell makeshift lanterns lit the track, many bearing messages of remembrance for those who have lost the battle. Close to $65,000 was raised according to Cancer Council NSW Regional Manager Carolyn Forbes who described the participation as ‘electric. People were determined to have a good time and raise awareness of the issues. The people made the event. Byron Shire residents took to it like
A major force behind the Relay for Life is lung cancer sufferer Kaye Hall, who despite wheelchair, oxygen and steroid doses attended Saturday’s event. ‘Kaye’s dedication to this has been amazing. To work with her through this has been a special experience,’ said Carolyn Forbes, from the Cancer Council. Photo Jeff Dawson
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THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 VOLUME 20 #45 TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 2006 22,300 copies every week $1 at newsagents only
ducks to water, the spirit of the relay was unprecedented.’ In an ‘it could only happen in Bangalow episode’ the band of tireless all night workers ran out of milk at 4.45am. Realising they had no milk left for the free breakfast, Jan Hulbert called up some local farmers and organised the milking of five or six cows on various properties around the town before the calves got to them. Dr Andrew Penman, CEO of the Cancer Council NSW, said he was astounded at the energy, vitality and colour of the event with so many families, young people and teenagers obviously feeling the emotion and enjoying themselves. President of the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce, Michael Malloy, said, ‘It was one of the most successful community events ever held in Bangalow. We’ve held some beauties, the feeling and emotion was tangible.’ A huge effort went in behind the scenes to feed the walkers. Bangalow Lions, Craig and the girls from the Heaven on a Stick Satay Van, TAFE catering students and Jan Hulbert with her Bangalow Best Cooks kept food and drinks going throughout the day and night. Just about all the food was donated from retailers and butchers and the CWA laid on the afternoon tea for the survivors and carers. The highlight was the the full troop of the Samba Ballistas Carnival Drummers who took the crowd by storm. The Bangalow Byron Shire Relay for Life will be held next March and organisers are hoping it will run as an annual or biannual event.
Kindness key to acceptance
‘After twenty two years of living in Australia, I am officially the first Tibetan ocker!’ So says Sonam Rigzin, translator for the Gyuto monks who are living in Australia, exiled from their homeland. And while Sonam says that he still yearns for Tibet, he is the first to admit that he loves living in Australia, and feels very Australian. ‘I feel a very strong pull to my homeland,’ said Sonam. ‘However, I don’t feel any emotional exclusion here; I feel very much a part of Australian society. I am a great
In anticiption of their Easter performance at Ewingsdale Hall, the Gyuto monks were seen practising their unique harmonic chanting last week in Byron Shire. Photo Jeff ‘Monkey Business’ Dawson
admirer of Australian values, their work ethics and their strong sense of social justice; the way they support the underdog. Kindness is the key to humanity and is what builds a better community. The Gyuto monks are immensely grateful to the Australian people.’ One Australian person to whom they will be eternally grateful is Maureen Fallon, who has been instrumental
in bringing the monks to this country, settling them down and organising cultural sessions around the country so as many people as possible get the opportunity to experience their centuries old traditions, including the unique harmonic chanting for which they are world famous. The schedule for the last 12 years has been so hectic continued on page 2
Westheimer defends draft LEP Independent councillor Peter Westheimer recently supported the Greens in Council to stop the shelving of the draft Local Environment Plan (DLEP) for Byron Bay and Suffolk Park. Cr Westheimer, who is also the current Byron Shire Council Deputy Mayor, issued a media release on Monday explaining his position on the controversial planning document which he admits will need some work. ‘I supported an exhibition extension to give the community more time to talk and put in submissions, but was not prepared to support those who wanted to drop
the LEP draft altogether or put us through the pain of a public hearing prior to council making the needed changes.’ ‘In my view this would have been throwing the baby out with the bathwater and abandoning a process into which a lot of energy, vision and constructive thought have been put,’ he added. ‘If the changes are deemed to be substantial the document will have to be re-exhibited, if not, the changes will be incorporated into the final draft.’ Cr Westheimer said he was concerned about ‘the fact that staff chose not to release confidential legal advice on
the DLEP to us until two weeks ago. Is this because they wanted to keep it away from us, didn’t trust us or felt that the changes needed weren’t substantial? Time will tell on this one.’ The Echo asked Byron Shire Council General Manager Pamela Westing why the legal advice was not released to Councillors when it was received last year, however Ms Westing declined to comment, citing confidentiality. During heated debate on the DLEP at last Tuesday’s council meeting, Mayor Jan Barham referred to the document currently on exhibition continued on page 2