Byron Shire Echo – Issue 20.54 – 06/06/2006

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THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 VOLUME 20 #54 TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2006 22,300 copies every week $1 at newsagents only

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Upgrade of current highway gets community vote Lesley Patterson Upgrading the Pacific Highway along its existing alignment was overwhelmingly the favoured solution in public submissions to the RTA on the Ewingsdale to Tintenbar section. An astonishing 19,182 submissions were received by the RTA on the route options exhibited. Just under 750 people filled in the RTA’s official feedback form, around 400 other submissions were received, but the majority (18,012) were from the group called United Voices, according to the RTA’s report on the Route Options Submissions. Four routes had been shortlisted by the RTA all of which utilise a tunnel under St Helena Hill. Routes A and B run to the east and along the existing highway; route C branches off from route B to run further to the

east, and the most easterly option route D descends the coastal escarpment to run along the coastal flats through Newrybar Swamp. The United Voices submission chose not to endorse any of the four route options, but stated that the highway should be upgraded within the existing corridor. It also asked for interstate freight to be returned to the New England Highway and investigation start on an alternative inland freight route. Among the 750 respondents using the official RTA feedback form a combination of route option A and B received the most support, followed by option A which most closely follows the existing highway. The coastal route, option D, was the third most popular, followed by a combination of C and D and lastly option C. Only one petition was

Durrumbul’s bear day out

Elise Duffey, Jackson Benson and Kane Dale didn’t go down to the woods to join the teddy bears’ picnic, but found it at the Durrumbul Big Day Out on Saturday. It was exhausting work and the former Durrumbul Preschool students enjoyed a cuddly nap with their bear-st friends. Photo Jeff ‘There’s a bear in there’ Dawson

received during the exhibition period; the 320 signatories asked for the highway to be upgraded within the existing highway corridor. Submissions were also received from Byron and Ballina Shire Councils, the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC), Rous Water and several other agencies. Options A and B appeared to pose the least number of issues said the submission from DEC. Option A will have the least noise impact according to DEC. ‘Whilst options B, C and D impact on fewer receivers than option A, they impact on receivers who currently experience low background and low local traffic noise levels,’ reads the submission. It goes on to say that options A and B are also likely to have the least potential to adversely affect biodiversity. ‘One SEPP 14 wetland occurs within the path of option D north of Midgen Flat Road, DEC recommends that the proposed routes avoid SEPP 14 wetlands wherever possible,’ the submissions reads. Also of concern to DEC is the impact on ‘sensitive receiving waters such as SEPP 14 wetlands and floodplains. The extent of floodplain crossed by options C and D will require significant engineering works during construction to ensure the stability of the carriageway and associated bridges and culverts’. Conversely Rous Water expressed concern about all options except D and a combination of C and D. In its submission Rous Water raised


B E A U T I F U L ?

Echo escapes teenage years at last

The Echo celebrated its 20th birthday on Saturday night with The Jasons awards at the Bangalow A&I Hall. Guest speaker Richard Neville spoke eloquently on freedom of the press (and the multinationals’ hold on mainstream media) while comedian Jonathan Atherton explored the hilarious vagaries of language. The Echo gave out eight Jasons to community members. Bangalow identity the late Kaye Hall was awarded the Gold Jason for community service, and the award was accepted by Kaye’s sister Helen Bebbington in a moving speech. The Volunteer Jason went to Dee Tipping for her community work including reducing plastic bag use and raising continued on page 2 funds for The Buttery. Gwen

Acknowledged eccentric Jim Nutter, above left, won the Eccentric Jason. Top right, control freaks Mandy Nolan and Pavitar largely put the night together; the drunk and disorderly; Joanne Langton, Jan Barham (yes, this is really our mayor), and Richard Jones; bottom right, Djuul Price, Echo paymistress and fill-in photographer Louise Beaumont, and Echo production supremo Ziggi Browning. Photos Eve Jeffery and Louise Beaumont

Gould took the Protecting the Underdog Jason for work with the free breakfast at the Byron Bay community centre. The Young Jason went to hardcore musician Luke Kilpatrick for providing youth events to the local community. Luke’s father accepted the award as Luke and his band Parkway Drive were about to perform in Paris. Jill Eddington won the Artsy Jason for her dedicated work with the Northern Rivers Writers Centre and the Byron Bay Writers Festival. The

Green Jason went to artist Howie Cooke for his environmental activism in relation to protecting whales and cleaning up cigarette butts.The Eccentric Jason went to Jim Nutter for, well, eccentricity. A couple of Jasons expressed our in-house appreciation. Receptionist Felicity Gaze received the Jason’s Favourite Bitch award while MC for the night Mandy Nolan was awarded the Bending Over Backwards For Love Jason for giving her time to so many community events.

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