Byron Shire Echo – Issue 22.33 – 29/01/2008

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THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 Available early Tuesday at: VOLUME 22 #33 TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2008 22,500 copies every week



Make Oz Day ‘all-inclusive’ Story & photo Lou Beaumont With a good dose of characteristic cynicism and a touch of humour for balance, author John Bailey, former Greens candidate for Ballina and Australia Day speaker, told the audience at the ofďŹ cial ceremony in Mullumbimby that there were a couple of problems with Australia Day. ‘The ďŹ rst problem with Australia Day,’ said Bailey, ‘is that our indigenous population will always feel excluded. To many, it will always be Invasion Day. ‘The second problem is that the day is representative of the settlement of a convict colony in one part of Australia, and thus, too focused on Sydney and exclusive of the rest of the country. ‘My suggestion would be that we become a republic, select a day in the middle of the year and make that Australia Day – an all inclusive day.’

Snags and tatts on the Bruns breakfast menu Celebrations for Australia Day at Brunswick Heads went ahead despite the heavens sending down more rain. Hundreds or early morning revellers descended on Banner Park for some faux ink and a sizzled sausage at the traditional event at the housie shed, where the Combined Services Clubs cooked up a storm for those ready to brave the weather and the early hour. The Brunswick Surf Life Saving Club was on hand with several nippers who spent the morning inking everyone within arm’s reach with a fake tattoo of the

Local Citizen of the Year Kevin Ker-David with Mayor Jan Barham.

Mr Bailey’s suggestion appeared to be a popular one as it was met with enthusiastic cheers from the crowd. This year’s Australia Day Ambassador was Nathan Brown, former rugby league player and now coach of

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the NRL’s St George Illawarra Dragons. He was on hand to co-present Australia Day awards alongside Mayor Jan Barham. Brown said, ‘To me, being Australian is just about being happy. If you can be happy in life I think you must be

Australian ag. Favourite fashions for the day included elegant dark blue with a dramatic stars and jacks theme very popular with most of the crowd and a complimentary supply of ags was provided for those whose wardrobe didn’t extend to patriotism. Punters were treated to entertainment from Coral Grogan and Tracy Devine in the housie shed with much Australiana sung about and everyone joining in for a good old singalong, the jam packed event creating enough volume to block out the sound of falling rain.

doing alright.’ Kevin Ker-David, a modest long-serving volunteer, received the Byron Shire’s citizen of the year award. With a lifetime of volunteer and fundraising work under his belt he is well deserving continued on page 2

Tales of survival and celebration Story & photo Jann Gilbert Survival Day in Apex Park attracted an enthusiastic and multicultural crowd to celebrate the tenacity and courage of Aboriginal people in their ongoing ďŹ ght for reconciliation, and equal rights and opportunities. In the spirit of celebration and friendshipYvonne Stewart, Chair of the Cape Byron Trust, welcomed the Arakwal Elders and everyone’s mob, and reminded the gathering that the original name of the land on which they stood was Cavanbah; or in English, ‘meeting place’. ‘We’re reviving that meeting place,’ said Yvonne to a rousing cheer from the crowd. ‘It’s grow-

loved to come to Survival Mac and Gus Dennis tatt up for Australia Day. Photo Tree Faerie Day in Byron because it was actually celebrated here. ‘We don’t do that in Ballina but, hopefully, one day,’ said Auntie Bertha. ‘I Two RENEW NSW Volun- Tweed valleys, win the Envialso want to say that I don’t tary Waste Groups, Net- ronment Education overall like the word Indigenous. Waste and the North East category award.The Forum’s I’m Aboriginal, the original Waste Forum, recently North Coast Eco-Friendly gained recognition of their Youth Project promotes the people of this land.’ On the other side of outstanding waste manage- adoption of environmental town Suffolk Park Firies ment achievements and were practices within Youth Cenhosted Oz Day celebra- presented with Local Gov- tres. The project helps and tions in Gaggin Park with ernment Excellence in Envi- supports youth service profood, live music, face ronment Awards for viders in the region to become an Eco-Friendly painting, and games for 2006-2007. The Eco-Friendly Youth Youth Centre through the 6 young and old. St George Dragons coach and Oz Project saw the North East Step Approach. From this 6 Yvonne Stewart addresses the gathering. Day Ambassador, Nathan Waste Forum, which repre- Step Approach the centres Brown, also dropped by to sents the North East region will implement and integrate Chairperson of the Arak- join in the fun and get of NSW including Byron environmental practices into ing and getting stronger. We’re not going away. wal Elders Auntie Bertha among the host of excited Bay, Ballina, and the their centres, programs and Clarence, Richmond and activities. also told the crowd that she kids (and adults!). We’re here to stay!’

NEWF scores govt award

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