Byron Shire Echo – Issue 22.49 – 20/05/2008

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THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 Available early Tuesday at: VOLUME 22 #49 TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2008 22,700 copies every week

This Sunday at Red Devil Park see page 24 for details


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Woolies reps cop flak at Mullum

Barham to run again

Story & photo Eve Jeffery

Michael McDonald Current mayor Jan Barham intends to run for the post again at the September 13 local council election. The local branch of The Greens selected her unopposed as their candidate last week. Asked why she decided to stand again, Cr Barham cited a list of unfinished projects – planning issues, LEP, DCP, Coastline Management Plan, climate change impacts, library, community facilities – and ‘a commitment to deliver the vision of a sustainable future for Byron Shire’. As to the major challenges facing the 2008-12 council, Cr Barham chose ‘state government intervention into development issues and

The Woolworths executives were relaxed but resolute outside the council chambers before last Wednesday’s public meeting at Mullumbimby. Southern Queensland and Northern NSW regional manager Gary Boyer and the national general manager for supermarket operations Marty Hamnett spoke to The Echo before entering the chambers to discuss Wooloworths’ amended DA for the proposed supermarket in Station Street. ‘We are looking forward to giving our side of the story at tonight’s meeting,’ said Mr Boyer. ‘We have had an open invitation for anyone who would like to talk to us. A number took up the offer. A number didn’t. ‘The invitation remains open and tonight is our chance to get the true facts across regarding the issues that the local community has with the development.’ ‘We have spoken to a number of people along Station Street,’ said Mr Hamnett. ‘The greater majority have obviously expressed concerns, but not overwhelming concerns. There has been only one party that we have spoken to who has been absolutely opposed to it.’

No adverse impact Mr Hamnett claimed the new development would not adversely affect the town. ‘We believe that the local trade zone is large enough, both now and growing into the future, to support a full line supermarket. The myth that Woolies destroys business in town is wrong. It will actually help keep people in town by stopping the leakage to surrounding towns.’ ‘The two can coexist very well,’ added Mr Boyer. ‘We will create jobs and career opportunities for young people and that cannot be understated. ‘The key issues for us are that we can bring additional range at capital city pricing, that is, better pricing into the town. Our research shows significant leakage, so there

Five local children took the opportunity to have their say at last Wednesday’s meeting at the council chambers.

is the convenience factor and then there is the jobs aspect. Even in the early stages there will be approximately 100 jobs available. Mr Hamnett said many changes had already been made to the building plans. ‘The actual design of the box has been amended after discussions with Council. It will be very different from the average store. We have softened the aesthetics and though there are limitations to design flexibility, the plan is unique to the current design of the Woolworths fleet of stores. The facade of the building will be much more suited to the environment that Mullumbimby is already in.

‘Need an outcome’ ‘There are limitations to our flexibility. We have already made some changes in line with Council suggestions. While we will listen, the facts are we also need to have an outcome that is commercially viable for the business.’ The atmosphere was vastly dif-

ferent inside the council chambers where over 200 protesters waited for their chance to finally speak to the Woolworths representatives. After the meeting was opened by Mayor Jan Barham, the Director of Planning and Development Services, Ray Darney, spoke firstly about the development from a planning point of view. Mr Darney said that the key issues that he was looking to include in his report to Council were the sewage from the development, the traffic flow at the northern end of the plan, the heritage requirements for design and the pedestrian connectivity and access to the main town centre. The Woolworths team then produced a 20 minute powerpoint presentation outlining their plans for the development. In summary they believed they are making significant inroads into recycling and efficient use of energy, their supermarket will support the current and growing population, create

jobs including the continuous employment of Mallams staff and will bring choice, value and convenience to Mullumbimby. Deborah Lilly, Gary Scott and Mark Cochrane from the Mullumbimby Community Action Network as well as independent local Athol Essery were among those who presented their case opposing the plan. Deborah Lilly spoke about the negative effect the development will have on the community. ‘We feel that you are like the march of the cane toad,’ she said. ‘We join with other communities around the country and will carry the torch of Maleny. ‘Where are the green initiatives? There are no windows to let in light, no solar panels, no rainwater tanks and no composting, add to that the massive air conditioners on the roof and it appears to me

cost and responsibility shifting, as well as financial limitations. Also the impacts of climate change on local communities that will require a continued strong Council on this issue.’ And what would she do differently in her next term of office, if reelected? ‘I would focus more on community education regarding the capacity and limitations of Council, improve the interface between council and community. And for myself, seek greater balance for personal sustainability to withstand the demands of the role.’ Considering that Deputy Mayor Ross Tucker is likely to be the other major contender for the job, I asked him if he would be running. Cr Tucker said, ‘I am likely to be

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‘March of the cane toad’

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