Byron Shire Echo – Issue 23.34 – 03/02/2009

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Volume 23 #34 Tuesday, February 3, 2009 Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 21,000 copies every week

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Broken back brings Tanja strong support

a day were arriving at the Branson house, and with Tanja now out of hospital but still incapacitated the meals and help are still coming. The Bransons’ WWOOFers have expanded their workload to help Ian on the farm, and countless friends and Shearwater parents have taken the boys off Ian’s hands for playdates, freeing up his time for hospital visits and life’s errands. The Parkers take every weekend away from their own responsibilities on the Gold Coast to drive down and be close to their friends and do everything they can to help, and one lady is even helping out with the housework. She does the

Power provider Country Energy is now calling for public submissions on its $70 million plan to upgrade the electricity network between Lismore and Mullumbimby. Included in the proposal are improvements to existing zone substations – with an upgrade planned at Mullumbimby – and construction of new substations near Brunswick Heads and at Skinners Shoot. Regional general manager, Brian Glawson, said a number of options had been investigated, including duplicating existing high voltage powerlines in existing corridors, modifying existing powerlines to operate at a higher voltage, and constructing new powerlines in new corridors. ‘We’ve decided that modifying the existing network will minimise any environmental impact and have the least effect on landowners,’ Mr Glawson said. ‘We’ve received valuable feedback from the community, which has helped shape our preferred option. For example, at Mullumbimby there was strong opposition to our plan to remove the old hydro power station, so we went back to the drawing board and found a way to retain it, while still achieving our end goal.’ The project’s Environmental Assessment report has now been submitted to the NSW Department of Planning for approval. Once approval has been granted, the work will be staged over several years. During February, Country Energy will hold information sessions at a number of north coast locations. Locally, sessions will be held at Byron Bay Golf Club on February 11, 11am7pm; Ewingsdale Hall on February 16, 1.30pm-5.30pm; and at Mullumbimby CWA Rooms on February 17, 1pm-6pm. Information on the project is also available at then follow the links to the Far North Coast; or by telephoning 1800 651 704.

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Tanja Branson (centre, in spinal corset) with her husband Ian (to her right) is surrounded by love and support from her family, friends and community members that rallied around her after she fractured her back two weeks ago. Story & photo Lou Beaumont

When Tanja Branson of Left Bank Road, Mullumbimby, fell from her horse, fracturing three vertebrae, the prognosis was bleak. Tanja was told she may never walk again, but with a strong will, a healthy body and inexhaustible help from the community Tanja is back on her feet, albeit with a moulded plastic girdle to disable spinal movement. Tanja and Ian Branson and their three young boys only moved to the area from the Gold Coast hinterland last year, so they were greatly surprised and humbled when their neighbourhood rallied around them

as news of her accident spread. ‘Thank you just doesn’t seem enough’, said Tanja, ‘I am feeling so grateful to be out of hospital and so blessed to be in this area. ‘The accident was so much more than just falling off a horse. When we first moved here I injured my hand, then just last November I broke my ankle. I was being told to slow down but I kept going. This has forced me to stop and now I am learning about all the incredible, caring people around me. ‘It took a broken back to realise how special this area is and for us to accept and be grateful for all that is around us. People may think one

meal from them doesn’t make a difference, but it does, “from little things big things grow”.’ The Bransons and their good friend Leonie Parker of the Gold Coast told The Echo of the support the family has received since the accident. With Tanja in hospital, Ian’s hands were tied up looking after their boys, their property, their horses, their vegetable garden (which is also their livelihood) and the housework, and all of this in between visits to see his wife. When news of the Branson’s predicament reached fellow Shearwater Steiner School parent Jill Coakley she called other parents and organised a meal roster. Sometimes three or four meals

Have say on powerline upgrade

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