Valentines Day
THE BYRON SHIRE Volume 23 #35 Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 21,000 copies every week
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Anudhi Wentworth the environmental warrior dies
Yachties set sail for kids Story & photo Eve Jeffery
The Brunswick Heads Cruising Yacht Association, more commonly known as the ‘Brunz Yachties’, took some dinghies out for a sail on Sunday as a warmup to their upcoming regatta for Radio Controlled Yachts and knockout regatta for sailors in Sabot dinghies, to be held on Sunday March 1 between the Brunswick bridges. The event will be staged from the Terrace Park next to the Soundshell and will also feature action from the Brunswick Valley Rescue Squad before the yachties present the squad
with a donation of $3,000 from the club. The yachties are hoping to attract the attention of the shire’s children to encourage them to enjoy the water and become competent in sailing boats. ‘The club is approached regularly by parents wanting us to provide sailing opportunities for local kids,’ says club yachty James Blacket. ‘Consequently we have purchased from Southport Yacht Club their training fleet of Sabot dinghies and we are in a position to provide qualified coaches. The Sabot is suited to the Brunswick River and can be sailed by
children or adults.’ The regatta is a not for profit event featuring a knockout competition with an 80 kilo weight limit before handicap, with four boats and 32 skippers, competing in eight races, two semi finals, and a final. There will be prizes on the day and proceeds from the regatta will go to towards the purchase of more boats and a storage rack. Entertainment by MC Bill Bloggs, music by The Percolators and onsite catering will keep the landlubbers happy while kids of all ages take to the water. For more information about the regatta phone James on 0421 630 600.
Anudhi Wentworth in her garden in 1998. Photo Jeff Dawson.
Environmental warrior and former Byron Shire councillor Anudhi Wentworth died at Pinehaven nursing home on Sunday, aged 79. A founding member of conservation group BEACON, Anudhi fought strongly for the environment and lobbied for environmental protection in Council’s planning laws. Anudhi was also a founding member of the Byron Bay Community Association and has a chair named in her honour in the community centre’s theatre. She was also involved in the push to get a new library for Byron Bay. A Byron councillor from 1980 to 1995, Anudhi was a thorn in the side
of pro-development councillors. She was hardly impressed with senior Council staff, and often urged them to ‘look in the bottom drawer’ for planning studies and advice they might have forgotten. Anudhi’s failing sight required the assistance of a reader to help with her Council papers. Moves by conservative councillors to abolish her reading allowance, and thus effectively bar her from working as a councillor, met with community outrage. Some community members protested by turning up at a council meeting wearing dark glasses and carrying white canes. The move to withdraw
Junior yachty Akira Peters test drives one of the new Sabot dinghies on the Brunswick River.
Council to display holiday letting controls
The Byron Shire proposed holiday letting planning controls will be on public exhibition from Friday February 13 and the community is encouraged to make submissions. Council’s Director of Planning, Development and Environment Servcontinued on page 2 ices, Ray Darney, said the proposed
holiday letting model was in direct response to public concerns surrounding the impact of unregulated holiday letting and was formulated in consultation with the community and stakeholders. ‘Holiday letting has created some negative impacts, including a loss
of permanent rental housing stock which therefore makes it difficult for residents to find local housing.’ Mr darney said in a press release ‘Complaints about holiday letting have been received with residents concerned about noise, anti-social continued on page 2